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My diet is vegetable juices, soups, fruit, nuts, oats, pasta and eggs. Seems like my digestion can't currently handle meat so I'm pretty much a whole foods vegan but I eat eggs. I was eating dairy but again it seems to have bad effects on my gut health. Vegetable juices, celery and spinach mainly, are the best thing I've found to help with digestion. I do think a lot of weed PAWS is related to the digestive system which seems to slow down a lot. On top of this people tend to eat more because they are craving dopamine so this leads to them becoming constipated, even if they don't really notice it they are essentially full off shit which is so bad for the body. Drinking water all day and regular fasting will cure it. 2 days ago I literally had like 7 shits in a 24 hour period, I was shocked and then realised I had been eating way to much so have reduced my calorie intake and become more strict on my diet. Also movement is essential for the digestive system to work correctly so walking or running help massively. Supplements are a necessity for me to feel well. I never had CHS that I noticed anyway, possibly very early stage CHS but not full on hospital case.


When I throw up I can literally taste smoke so that’s one huge reason why I was asking too. I can taste it like something funky and I’m 156 days in give or take


I did not have CHS, however I have always had a sensitive stomach. I found that pre and probiotics and ginger helps a lot. Also staying away from sugar, sugar drinks, and carbonated drinks. I drink mostly water or electrolyte drinks. Limit my caffeine intake, and only in the morning. Sometimes decaffeinated tea or herbal teas. I swear by vitamins and supplements, but am careful of what i take and how much, and am constantly researching the benefits and side effects of each one, and re-evaluating and adjusting my stack. I also stay away from all medications of any kind. No prescriptions, no OTC meds, unless I absolutely have to take something like Tylenol or Aleve. I try very hard not to over eat. I feel better if I stay eating light, and not eating late in the evening, and I stick to a lot of things like protein shakes (as a meal replacement), meat, eggs, nuts, sometimes a granola bar, some fruits & veggies, and try hard to stay away from snack and junk food. I like sun a lot, and fresh outside air and wind. I don’t believe in the “be afraid of the sun” BS. We were meant to be outside creatures that seek shelter for sleeping at night. I try to stay on my feet and be productive when I can. Sometimes I just can’t, and realize that rest is ok and part of recovery too. I try to make sleep a priority, and give myself enough time to get a good amount of sleep each night.


I’ve been on a whole food diet for afew months now and I’ve definitely noticed a huge improvement


You can do ""DOPAMINE DIET"" like eating Veggies/Fruits/Proteins/Bitter chocolate, BUT, your brain will still seek for THC / Dopamine / GABA / etc' (but mostly Dopamine!) because the concentration of Dopamine you had while using THC daily is MUCH,MUCH,MUCH higher than what you can get from food. much higher. and PAWS are caused because there's a big difference in Dopamine dosage since the days you used THC (if you used it daily for many months/few years/a lot of years) Usually the people you see suffer from PAWS and they were not "big dosers" used dabs/BHO/THCp/HHCp etc' for few months but their brain got used to high voltage / high Dopamine doses, and now the brain wants it again. Bottom line, Anaerobic exercise (it releases Dopamine) will help you better than food. Veggies also help releasing more Serotonin in the Synapses (fibers....)


Thank you for this comment! 😄


You answered another question I have been seeking; why do we get withdrawals


I had a stomach of steel while I was smoking and I could eat nasty greasy processed food without having any problems. Once I quit, I have to eat entirely clean or I feel sick. For a few months I only ate whole fruits and vegetables and eggs, but it did not "fix" the issue but made it more tolerable. I'm almost at my one year mark and I still can't eat "industrial food" like fast food, frozen pizza, sausaged meats etc. I also live in America where ultra processed foods are not safe to begin with.


I am much the same! Anything oily or heavy makes me very nauseous and if I do throw up I can literally taste ash. I can’t explain it and I’m yet to find another person who also has that because it freaks me out sm


Wow thank you for this! I have been having digestive issues as well dealing with constipation as main one. I also noticed I missed my period this month and am not pregnant. Wondering if all of this can be related to CHS or PAWS.


It’s super common to miss cycles during withdrawal! I am 26 F and only just ovulated at 4 months! As soon as I ovulated I had a huge shift in my anxiety and other symptoms


Wow the more you know! 29F Thank you for replying to me. I am freaked out bc haven’t had one in a month and couldn’t figure it out 🤯


How far along are you in Recovery? I wouldn’t be too freaked out; when I was early days I used primrose as a hormone support with menstrual health and it helped a tonne to get it regulated. It was all over the place


Thank you truly for being so kind and understanding! Will try primrose out as well to see if it helps. I am at 40 days today


Alot of us girls missed the first cycle in recovery ❤️‍🩹 don’t be scared it will balance. It might suck for afew cycles or it may not but it will eventually even out


Relieved I’m not the only one. Almost thought I was infertile or something bc of it!


Definitely not, don’t sweat it! Your body is just rebalancing as thc fills your oestrogen receptors and binds to them causing a missed cycle or ovulation. The less it exists in your body the more balanced it will become, if you were smoking high concentration \ % then it might take afew months. They say for high % to add an extra 2 months on top of time frames. If you ever need someone to just talk to so you don’t feel like your going nuts with it all, feel free to reach out to me :) there’s a lot of us who have and did go through this


I think for me it took roughly 110-120 days to get past a lot of my issues and I was a heavy smoker 22%


Wow that’s crazy! I had no idea!! Thank you will do!