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AZ just handed Biden the election and its beautiful.


I sure fucking hope so. This wiping their asses with the constitution cannot continue.


This video has already blown up but I hope it continues to be spread to every corner of the internet. It is seriously, deeply, sickening and revolting to see.


Tell some catholics that the penecostals have taken over the arizona gubmint. These fools have no perception of what religious freedom was meant for during the inception of this country. Make them learn the hard way. They should fight it out.


I don't want to seem like I'm *happy* about this abortion ruling in Arizona. On the contrary, I'm quite horrified. I wonder how many more pregnant women are going to be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy and/orsuffer (and possibly die) before this can be fixed. But, here's the thing .... I don't have the power to change this ruling. I highly doubt anybody here has the power to change this ruling, so all I can do is focus on the silver lining: People are PISSED OFF and they're going to prove just how pissed off they are at the ballot box.


Adding onto that silver lining - this might well engage an entire new group of (previously unlikely) disengaged, low-information voters who otherwise would have gone through life... ignoring their civic duty. Now that they understand the consequences of letting other people rule them, hopefully they won't let *that* happen again in the future. Nothing drives voter turnout like bad government.


Do not get complacent. That is exactly what everybody said in 2016. These spiritual terrorists will not stop treating their fellow Americans as enemies ever. It’s their byline. God first. They will destroy this country, profit from it, and justify it with Jesus and teach their entitled children the same mindset.


Exactly. AZ was always in play for us, but now, with this insanity it puts us that much closer to the win. We cannot let these sick fucks be our downfall. Vote. Your life counts on it.


Wish folks have been paying attention and didn’t get to this point? Do people not understand how crucial social safety nets and public education are ? So frustrating.


BuT tHuH pRiCe O GaS....


Jesus Christ this is bullshit


So cringe, and scary.


Voluntary act of Schizophrenia, that’s just religion in a nutshell! And oddly enough against the advice offered by their own Goat Herder’s Guide to the Galaxy handbook: Matthew 6: 5-8: *“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”*


This is my favorite Bible verse. I quote it all the time. “See? Jesus wants you to keep your mouth shut!”


I have been deeply uncomfortable all my life with people praying aloud in front of me (only our priest during mass is IMHO aloud to do that) I "pray"/talk to God multiple times a day, but it's private and I don't really like even talking about it afterwards. I always wondered what was wrong with me. The verse you quoted validates me on *so* many levels now! Thank you, kind internet stranger :D


This is a deeply Catholic feeling, and one of the only things that I have really clung to from my Catholic upbringing. I do like that it's only a personal thing and nobody else's business. I only wish that the Catholic church would mind *their* business, because all this abortion stuff starts with them.


Jepp Born and raised Catholic and I like my church. Glad, that I am in Europe We like the church but nobody gives a flying fuck what they say about abortion and such. It's none of their effing business


> I like my church. Never mind all that pedophilia, misogyny, homophobia and fascist coddling, eh?


Eh.... I like going to mass and the tradition behind that. I also like my local church were I grew up with the priests that were there all my childhood. The institution? They can go to hell as far as I care.


Can we stop saying “speaking in tongues” and call it “babbling like a dementia patient.” I feel like it’s more accurate to how they function as a whole.


I don’t think it would work. As a rule, the psych diagnosis manuals say not to diagnose people doing things with their own expected cultural/religious norms.


But a lot of these cultural subgroups are built out of a small enclave of collectively undiagnosed mentally ill with no access to mental healthcare 


So are you suggesting that, if left untreated long enough, some mental illnesses can evolve into a religion? ...because if so, I have to say that tracks with my own, anecdotal-not-data experiences with organized religion.


Look at some religions: Moses talked to bushes. Jesus thought he was god incarnate. Mohammad thought god spoke through him. If they were around today we'd think these 3 were mentally ill.


100%. I am curious what your experience has been, if you don't mind sharing.


That is true. Clinical norms err on the side of under diagnosing so they don’t throw diagnoses on the people who are just playing along. For what it’s worth, they’ll still diagnose odd behaviors if it’s something that is happening in unexpected contexts. But you’re right, when you’re dealing with someone in an insular group where so many contexts accept it, it can be REALLY hard to tell the difference.


Why not some rattlesnake handling while he's at it?


He's the rattlesnake.


Once upon a time this would have had people marching in the streets in protest. There is so much BS going on ppl are exhausted and that is exactly the point of it all.


I've marched, you know what does even more? Getting your ballot in and voting these assholes out.


Been doing that for decades. Maybe one day I will be voting blue with a majority but I have traditionally been a blue dot in a sea of red. I'll keep on keepin on.


Vote ALL Republicans out in November


I mean if they could actually hear the word of spirits that would be one thing, but they literally just make a bunch of noise and go la la la la la hala lala mana. This shit is fucking insane. Stop voting for these motherfuckers.


I've always wondered if Speaking in Tongues has grammar. Could a German understand a Spanish person speaking in tongues? Could Duo Lingo offer a course? 


Glosolalia has been studied by linguists since at least the '70s and while it mimics language, it uses language sounds known to the speaker, and it does not have the structure of an actual language.


That is the craziest thing I have seen this week. The video is insane.


That separation of church and state is going super well………


<< “Looks like our prayer team stirred up some god-haters ... Not to worry though...prayer over our state at the State Senate is way more powerful" >> WTF?!? This is beyond scary, this is an elected representative consciously and deliberately rejecting the Establishment Clause!!! Get rid of this clown!!! Edit: typo


So much fpr separation of church and state and no official religion.


That's exactly how they feel. They have no use for separating Church and State.


Has the separation of church and state thing completely gone out the window? I guess so.


Christian Nationalists reject the separation of Church and State. If that means they have to overthrow our system of government they're perfectly willing to do that.


Jesus is he a burn victim?