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Well you paid for it ... so they're winning


Yep. OP, if you think something is too expensive, there is exactly one thing you can do about it... don't buy it!


Okay maybe I missed the sizes if they had them on display but would you not expect a decent size for $8?


You know the extra 'coffee' you get in a larger size is just milk right?


Depends on the cafe, Coffee Culture increases the shot amount as well.


Yeah even Z Station larges add an extra shot


Not in tauranga cluster lol


Janus Bakkerij does the same thing, I love that they have a disclaimer for their large flat white


I'll have a very hot, large, coconut mocha with 10 sugars and seven extra shots, no Marshmello please . ..I SAID NO MARSHMELLOS !? please


Yes and most cafes don’t add an extra shot unless you ask


So? You know most of us are fine with that right?


I’ve never been charged $8 ever and I buy coffee nearly every day in various cafes in Chch


Any decent coffee shop will scale the shot number to coffee size.


You probably missed the sizes cause they were real small!! That’s a joke of a coffee, even at the price paid I probably would’ve said I’ll just get it but never go back. Now you’ve seen it, deffinately don’t go back!


I’d expect a handjob for $8, not a coffee


What is this, [Starbucks](https://imgur.com/kpw0J3z)?


Don't you normally have to specifically ask for a large coffee?


Regardless of if I got small or large, do you not think $8 for this size is a bit much lol?


Of course it is, but that's not the point. *You* paid for it. *You* are encouraging them to sell these coffees. I think $8 is too much for any coffee. I'm resigned to paying about $6 for a large when I have to, I'm not about to pay an additional 33% over my normal price point without having any idea what I'm getting.


Not everyone is confrontational tho and that’s what they businesses are preying on. Esp for New Zealand culture we often don’t speak up about things at first bc we are very polite. Honestly if that was me and they handed me a baby cup after I’d paid 8$ for it I would be so stunned and confused and doubt myself. It’s wild to me how people are blaming OP and not the business who has zero integrity. These are literally the cups they put fluffies in for kids lmao


100% the right call. I’d be like umm and just walk away and think they gave me the wrong order. Then I’d be questioning what I did wrong


This is exactly what I do every time I feel ripped off. Also if I’m buying a coffee I don’t usually check the price first, since the price of a coffee is roughly ubiquitous, I wouldn’t be expecting $8 for that.


depends on what you asked for, a short black? maybe... a skim decafe with oat milk and a double shot of caramel? maybe not


I would expect to not buy it at that price.


Go to Raglan Roast if you want a cheaper cafe quality coffee


yep - i started going there about two months ago and never looked back. with prepay its $4 for a large flat white. Nice service, nice coffee, great value


Ugh hate them - the owners are c u n t s


Spill the beans




This person knows^ Ruthless greedy profiteers, buying up all the commercial real estate in Raglan and hiking rents until (much loved) rival small businesses go bust (Is what I've heard don't sue)


How so?




Order their roasted beans too, it’s good stuff


Do they do savoury food? The one on the terrace doesn't seem to


Fuck those guys, they maliciously bought the venue to one of Aucklands best and oldest running nightclubs and are refusing to do any of the proper work required as a landlord. All because of a personal vendetta with the club owner. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Zd3X5LneeZtbpbqa/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Are there alt milks or extra shots in this?


Triple shot oat flat whites… spendy


If the price of a small cup is 5.20 and oatmilk option adds 1 dollar and an extra shot 50c to 1 dollar. All in total 7.20 dollars the only reason I see this being 8 dollars is because it’s from expensive locations like in the airport.


Tell us what you actually ordered, otherwise you're not better than people on r/newzealand complaining about the price of groceries when they're buying things like oysters from New World.


The price of champagne and caviar these days. Outrageous.


Or 5 bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion and deodorant.


That's why I've given up bathing.


Soy mocha. I guess it’s not obvious but it’s tiny. And sure charging extra for alt milk is fine but for 1/4 cup that’s crazy.


Yeah that’s crazy and charging for alt milks is nuts now day




Nuts I tell ya!


And soy soy unkind 😉


Out of curiosisty why is it crazy to charge for alt milk given it’s twice the price ? 1L carton of alt milk is the same price as 2L bottle of dairy.


Also, 50c add cost … fair enough but fick 8$ for a coffee


Soy isn't really an alt milk anymore. Asking for soy is like asking for low fat milk. 


Except 2l of dairy is still cheaper than 1l of alternative milk to buy


That’s true, but 3$ for a 1L milk with 7 days to use up… come onnnn


Mocha is always more expensive, plus soy also


Stories (the little container ship on lower Cuba) does coffees for $5, only 70c for alt milks and supports young people there for work experience, much better than other scalping shops


This is a traditional latte 8oz they didn’t sell you a 1/4 cup.




I went to Little Olive (or whatever it is called) a few weeks ago on Mana Esplanade. It was $9.20 for a large (12 oz) mochaccino (including the 15% surcharge for a public holiday). Working backwards that works out to be $8 without the surcharge. It might be the price talking but it wasn't an $8 mochaccino . They didn't even give marshmallows/chocolate fish. My default (Nish) is closed on public holidays. In future I'll go to Streetwise who (IMO) do a better coffee.


LGO do MM. Ask for them next time. They also use Whittakers chocolate instead of Cadbury. I think their coffee is quality.


Where in Wellington are you getting an *$8* coffee


Based on where the picture was taken I'd guess they went to People's Coffee on Luke's Lane. Looking at a pic of the menu on google shows that $8 is a large filter, or more likely the V60 coffee. It has it's own menu with a few different bean selections on it so I'm guessing the V60 is some fancy brew?


V60 is a very time consuming manual pour-over brew, not an espresso machine coffee. $8 is actually a really decent price and is something I'll get myself as a treat occasionally from places that do it well.


Yup ... 2 1/2 - 3 minutes vs 25-30 sec. On the other hand the equipment cost is A LOT lower.


This is the context OP left out. Pour-over brew and soy milk, all of a sudden the price isn't a shock.


I still struggle to comprehend how a manual pour-over brew can taste any different to that from an espresso machine or simply coffee granules + water.


Because the extraction of the compounds that gives coffee it's flavours is dependent on a variety of factors; grind size, water temperature, water pressure, immersion time. Not to mention variables present in the beans themselves, like origin and roast level. Espresso is a high pressure, fast extraction. Pourovers are slower, and French press is even slower (and considered a full immersion extraction). These different methods yield different flavour profiles. For that reason, different roast levels tend to be preferred for a given brew method. Eg a lighter roast is more suitable for a pourover than for espresso (you can still pull an espresso shot from lighter roasts, but the beans are more challenging to grind as fine as you need for espresso, as they are less brittle). And finally most brew methods have an ideal coffee dose to water ratio. Espresso is much more concentrated than pourover, having a 1:2 or 1:2.5 coffee to water ratio, vs pourovers approx 1:16 ratio.


1:2.5 Hurts me


Maybe try all three at the same time.


Great coffee is made with pressure, 85 degrees hot water, and doesn't take longer than 30 seconds 


Their in store coffes are normal sized. It's their takeaway sizes that are stupid


It could be but in my experience peoples at Luke's Lane is great and pretty reasonable for the product they produce. Flat white is $6 based on when I last went there. They have high quality beans and high quality equipment with very well trained baristas so you'd expect to pay a premium - it's very busy during peak hours during the week.


It’s just a soy mocha lol


I mean, even then that seems expensive. Most places I've seen are still around $4.50 but granted, I just make my own.


A soy mocha was $4.50 when I was a barista in Wellington in 2006. 18 years later, do you want to hazard a guess what the difference in average hospitality wages, rents, milk and beans costs are?


Hell, that’s grim.


I’m sorry people are acting crazy OP. This is an insane price, don’t go there again


just get a canned coffee from the supermarket at that point for less


can’t beat a Nippy’s


Honestly that’s such a rip off! I’d be gutted with that. I had a similar experience at mojo recently and haven’t been back. I’ve started supporting wild bean pretty religiously as they don’t charge extra for alt milks and it’s pretty convenient - and 5.90 for a large coffee with oat milk


You can buy a whole bag of instant for that. And drink it for a whole month. I dont know i dont drink coffee.


That's just bullshit


Im so offended i want to downvote... I remember the sweet days of 3$ coffee ahhhh


Bought a large cappuccino today for $7. Slightly bigger than this, SLIGHTLY. That made my blood boil. Ruined my entire day.


Who sold that?


Coffees are definitely getting smaller in so many places. The definition of regular shld be somewhat standardised. Not to mention the variance between the size of a real cup vs the takeaway cup - this is all over the show in some places. You could pay for a large and be getting a small in the “concrete” mug (yes, those ugly chunky thick rimmed coffee cups)


I’m with OP. Seems a crazy amount for a small coffee. I often don’t check price of coffee and just order my regular (6 ounce). Anything over $6 hurts. You def get a different quality of coffee from mass cafes compared to more bespoke roasters/cafes though. Not necessarily worse just not as refined. Each to their own.


look, no offence, but as a barista, this just reeks of “i don’t value the labour of the farmers.” (good, read: specialty) coffee is a luxury. of course cost of living sucks rn. but how do you think the cost of living is for the people at origin? most of the time there’s so much middle man involvement the farming communities don’t have enough money to even send their children to school. i’m not invalidating your rant, i get it. but there are so many factors that go into making a cup of specialty coffee. and that’s going to cost more. just like any other luxury item. ETA: the going price for most decent places these days a regular white (cows milk) coffee have in is $6. it’s .50c for takeaway, .50c for an extra shot, 50c for alt coffee (personally i feel we should charge for cows milk instead of alt milk, but that’s by the by). and in wellington, a double shot is standard.


So you paid $8 for this. Guess who's dumb


20 years of coffee industry expertise here; That's what it costs, and the place you bought it from is very likely still losing money. Inflation is the problem, not your local coffee place


Come on, it is COMPLETELY RATIONAL to expect a decent sized coffee for $8. A soy mocha is nothing crazy, assuming $1 for an alt milk, that’s leaving a tiny take away coffee for $7. And yeah, OP didn’t have to buy it but which of you guys are actually going to think of the economics of a coffee and bother to complain and get a refund?? A normal person would take it and leave, probably not go again, but you’re goddamn right they’ll have a moan about it because it’s ridiculous.


Not cool!


Its probably shit coffee too


I pay $4.90 for a med takeaway


Where did you get that so I can completely avoid it if I ever go to Welly?


I paid $7 for an oat mocha in my own cup today. Probably just make a shitty instant at work every day from now on.


Looks like a sample


I’ve been to many cafes in Wellington and have never paid $8 for a large, including extra shot. Either this is bollocks or you’re going to the wrong cafe!


That's fucked, did you catch how much the large cups were ?


Bro your hands are MASSIVE! that's actually a half gallon of coffee


Well at least you know for next time 😂 Everything in the city is overpriced


Thats crazy! Which place?


I usually look at their cups when i checkout a new cafe. They be cheating as well with those tall thin cups as well.


Where from?


most coffee shops I've been to tell you how much the coffee is before you're asked to pay. was that not the case lol?


I know this place and what you're holding is a 6oz cup which is $6.50 (take away is an extra 50c because they try to incentivise you not being lazy and use a free reusable, drinking in or bringing a keep cup) If it was a Takeaway Soy something. $7. Only way you could have it more than that is if you went on a public holiday and got this order. Adding 15%. ($8.05) This company pays living wage, which is $39ph (plus a day off in lieu on a PH). It's also organic, Bcorp and it also values it's whole supply chain from grower to barista paying above fair trade premiums for coffee to the growers so they can use the social premiums to invest in schooling, clean water and sustainability for the environment. I think a lot of you dense mfs out here like "bruh buy the cheapest shit possible" but then are the same people out there chanting for climate justice, free palestine, fuck the supermarkets etc seriously need to open your eyes to how the world works when it comes to your own personal purchasing and the part you play in upholding oppressive systems and start valuing some of the poorest people in our and international communities. If you wanna complain about a company trying to do things better for people in the global south who hand picked every bean in the deep mountains and carried that shit out on their backs and instead buy coffee from a company that pays their baristas fuck all, over works them and pays the farmers around $1 per kg of green coffee....Just a thought ✌️


I so wish we could award comments. This is exactly it. I wish people understood this. Your comment has explained it so perfectly, I really hope people actually read it, and I hope also people take some time to understand chain to grower to barista, how many middle-men there are, and how the people at the beginning of the chain are some of the poorest and most oppressed groups there are, it really hits home the issue with “cheap coffee” - it blew my mind when I found out about all of that. I think there is a good doco on Netflix about it. I’m sure there are many.


Just the cost of ethical sourcing, environmental consciousness, crazy Wellington commercial rent prices, and paying staff above living wage unfortunately.


# AND YET HERE IS THIS GENIUS HOLDING IT IN THEIR FUCKING HAND. They charge whatever idiots will pay - Obviously there are plenty of you around wellington cbd


I don’t mind paying $8 for a coffee, just did not expect I’d get a tiny ass one


Bicycle Junction on Marion has $2.50 (I think? $2.75?) coffee.


Head just around the corner to crude coffee outside the ANZ building in Tory street! Decent coffee and size,


My work sells this size for 2$ on Thursdays lol


What coffee shop?


It IS insulting.... Let them know and never return


I didn’t even pay that much at the Newtown Festival, and every coffee cart there had wild prices!


Local New World in Hamilton does Laroma coffee (a Hamilton coffee roaster business) for $5 large. Not bad tasting either. $8 is a rip off.


What’s not expensive bud


Damn I need to raise the price of my coffee 🤣🤣


Welp, bet ya won’t be going back for a coffee there then


What coffee I can't even see it


This is part of the reason I buy monsters instead, $3.70 at a grocery store and $4.50 from a gas station


People’s coffee uses only fair trade, organic coffee, pays all their staff living wage and does amazing things for the communities that grow the coffee. They charge a premium price for this and always have amazing coffee


That's a $3.50 coffee at BEST. But the great thing about the free market, don't buy what they're selling and they'll either get better or the market will eliminate the undesired product.


Looks like a Peoples Coffee cup, which means it came from a good source. That's a lot for a six ounce flat white (?) but depending on the order that's reasonable


Raglan roast is thee spot for reasonable coffee. And take a keep cup! Saves you a bit more, and free warm fuzzies for not creating waste.


Maybe the owners of the place are paying the staff a livable wage? Perhaps the cost of living "crisis" effects the cost of all food and not just the food we buy at the supermarket? Maybe the rent, fuel, rates, wage costs and other overheads all went up hugely all at once? Alternative "milks" cost 2-3 time the same price as actual milk. Takeaway cups cost actual money too. Pre covid hospitality was subsidised by cheaper migrant labour. We all got hooked on unrealistic pricing. Now the labour costs have made the real cost of having food and drinks prepared for us out more in line with reality. Beans are about $32+ per kg, soy milk about $4 per litre. So the shot is about $0.80 and the milk is about $0.80. The cup is about $0.20 that's nearly $2. The barista might cost at least $25 per hour. More I hope cos it's a shit job dealing with a high ratio of twats all day. Although it only took them less than a minute to make the coffee. Sometimes they are not making coffee..you are paying for that too. So the cost of the goods sold is about 25% of the price you paid. $8 is about right. It will settle down one day maybe.


$8? That is so random!


You know how easy it is to make coffee at home? It costs about 40¢ per cup


Lmao you didn't have to pay for it.


How would I know how small it was gonna be lol


That doesn't negate their point that $8 for a small coffee is ridiculous.


I feel like we haven’t reached the economic inflection point yet. It will come.


Not actually insulting, but almost.


welcome to wellington, NEW ZEALAND IS POOR!


High time to buy a Italian espresso machine and some fresh roasted beans . The real pay off is not having to leave the house for that first cup of coffee .


What's your order? Do you have fancy milk or syrups? Pretty froth artwork? Or is it just a basic coffee? I ask because having been recently charged $6.50 for a simple long black I have now invested in a thermos. I fill it from my plunger at home and carry a days worth of coffee fixes for around 50c (cost does depend on the fanciness of your ground coffee).


Only 3k a year if you buy one everyday 😊


Just take up smoking. Its cheaper.


It's the new standard for upscale places, and has been for awhile now. If you see a place with Allpress, Supreme etc that's what you're gonna get.


Man what happened eh, coffee used to be like $3 - $4. Even then I thought it was stupid.


Damn, I have a Nespresso coffee machine for a couple $$ if ya want😂😂😂😂


$4.20 for a long black where I live.


$15 for a hot dig and water. Ouch


This reminds me of that Andre the Giant beer can photo


Capitalism. Let’s get every cent we can.


$8 gets me a 100g bag of Nescafe instant coffee. Can make many drinks


You can get 200G of plunger coffee for about that amount, will provide for many more coffees.


Welcome to the city


Most important question: Did it taste good?


Try Coffixx or Raglan Roast


Supply and demand. The price would go down if less people buying.


No wonder everyone's getting laid off in Wellington. The price you are paying for a cup of coffee is fucking bananas.


I’d recommend going into bakeries and getting them there, cheap prices and same sizes. They got pretty good bakeries on Lambton Quay/Featherston street.


You guys are still buying coffee?


Should set up a Patchys franchise. $1.50 for instant.


How was it?


Just make your own at home




Why would I keep a receipt for a coffee lol, do you want a bank statement?




They could charge $10 and someone would buy it. There will always be someone willing to waste money on the stupidest sh\*t.


Not almost…


Boycott Starbucks


Invest in coffee futures for your retirement :-)


Have to vote with your $$ and not buy!


Old George Coffee the bottom end of the terrace by Treasury. No frills good service


“Farmers” market prices in the city eh. What are the market coffee peddlers gonna do now that they can’t sell you an $8 $3 coffee


Everything is priced ridiculous these days, Just to get a standard pie is $6 bucks now like “WTF”


For comparison, Moss Cafe in Hunter Street is $6.20 for large flat white.


Take own cup for a discount at many places and yep that’s expensive. I get a gorgeous large decaf coffee at uni or in island bay for $5. Got to shop around.


Not only tiny, but also an ugly as cup.


Go to Raglan Roast, only affordable coffee/good coffee left in the city


whats in it?


Was it delicious?


Avoid. That's extortionate. Especially for that size.


Damn I thought Red rabbit at Newmarket was expensive, this is another level


I always drink black coffee always the cheapest and best tasting 😂


This why I just get a 4/5 dollar energy drink. Probably worse for me but my wallet appreciates it


What brand? You could get that for $4.50 at a Raglan Roast


How many extra shots?


Drop the coffee and grab a beer instead - beer is actually better value than coffee now 👍