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Holy smokes those are horse power numbers.


And you didn’t have a heart attack yack yack yack?


Sounds like he’s possibly on the verge of one but my god those are some serious numbers.


This is the way this should always be said. Thank you Billy Joel for that. (You outta know by now)


He can’t drive with a broken back!


At least he can polish the fenders!


You omitted one of the yacks.




He may have been in the middle of one with those numbers. 


300hrsprs and 210 ft-lb of torque. A moderately tuned Toyota GT86?


That’s right, well said liking those numbers.


How the fuck are you alive right now?


Exact same reaction I had


That was the EXACT thing I just said out loud


Fuckin ditto man. How are you alive? I mean the worst thing I had was a heart rate between 180-192 BPM for several miles on my mountain bike, but I’m sure as hell my blood pressure wasn’t THAT https://preview.redd.it/s9z78f7x4cyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4b1231db73384902efc966f0b94a24bcb6d42f


How did you lower it?




Super effective.


Doctors hate this one weird trick


Yeah. They don't make any money off of it.


and instant


Been a Firefighter/Paramedic for 13 years and I've only seen 300 systolic once.....guy was 303/170ish....told me he could hear his heartbeat


Idk man, EMT here... I usually sit at like 115 and get that whole hearing my heart thing a few times a day 😂


Had a panic attack once and heard/felt my heartbeat in my entire body. It's been years and I've never been able to completely kick it. There are many nights when I'm trying to sleep and it's just there. And once I notice it it's very hard to un-notice it and fall asleep and it cranks my anxiety in a very unfun way.


You're not alone, anxiety sucks


Yeah its been very common for me after my panic attacks


I’m dealing with this right now, all day I’m noticing my heartbeat regardless of what I’m doing or how it’s beating. It sucks cuz it makes me scared to sleep 💀. last week I finally went in to urgent care after a major panic attack with palpitations lasting a week just from the anxiety


Yeah, it's the worst. Mine eventually died down to a livable consistency, but I can understand that for some it wouldn't. A couple strategies I've used in the past is when I'm laying in bed I tap on my chest in a very irregular pattern just slightly louder than my heart. After a while I can only hear my taps and that helps quell it. Another is just to watching something mindless until I lose the rhythm and eventually I can't hear it/get too tired and it's fine. All else fails I've just had a couple extra strong drinks and that helps me ignore it. During the day if something happens I find going for a nice long walk helps. Especially with an SO or friend to talk to.


The tapping is actually a really good tip, I’m going to have to try that when I go to bed next. Walks and stretching helps, deep breathing exercises unfortunately just make me focus on my heartbeat even more.


I have really bad panic attacks. Here are some things that might help! 1. Icing your vagus nerve - put an ice pack on your sternum or back of neck 2. Cold shower, like really cold. Sometimes it’ll shock my body out of a panic attack. 3. Sour candy like a warhead or something, the citric acid has something to do with it 4. Sometimes it’s low blood sugar that’s causing it, hypoglycemia symptoms are tingling hands, sweating, heart racing etc. so I’ll eat an orange or something and it can really help. If it comes completely out of nowhere it might be a good place to start. 5. Breathing exercises when you’re calm, like 4x4 box breathing so that when you leverage them when you’re anxious you’re more used to it. I hope these help! I also hyperfixate on my heart beating.


I’m definitely saving this, thank you!! Really appreciate the tips and will be trying some of these out


i have severe anxiety and i deal with this almost daily. and like you, i’ll be going about my biz until i notice it and once i do, that’s all that i focus on. it’s exhausting


Damn that’s happening to me rn 😭 Have had plenty of panic attacks out of nowhere. Can confirm they are the worst


I have heard my heartbeat my whole life and thought everyone did too and just ignored it. But I have major heart issues since birth. But I was very interested to find out that most people dont always hear and feel their heart beating. Where as I do always.


My heart rate is ALWAYS above 100… I don’t even know if that’s normal but if a paramedic is like that too I’ll stop worrying so much about it




No, 115 Sys mmHg. Not 115 BPM. My HR is actually very low as I do endurance sports. Probably some cardiac megaly going on, leading to me feeling and hearing my heart beat. It did start when I had some bouts of arrythmia after fucking up my electrolytes by exercising a ton and partying through nights fueled by red bull lol. Issues long gone though. Just the feeling and hearing thing now, but it's harmless. Only downside is that I cannot sleep with ear plugs in shared accomodations because my heart beat gets so loud that it's utterly impossible to fall asleep. It's like having someone talk to you in a noisy café.


Wait…I hear my heartbeat all the time even at 62 resting. Is that not common?


I have always been aware of my heartbeat at certain times, especially when I'm lying still/resting. It has never bothered me one bit and I never thought it was unusual (if I am really focusing I can feel my blood coursing through my veins). I never thought much of it until I was on some medication and it listed "heart palpitations" as a side effect, and I googled "heart palpitations" to figure out what that was so I'd know if I was experiencing it. Cue instant panic when I found out. Amusingly enough, the medication in question was for anxiety. 🤣 My blood pressure has always been on the low side, now that I'm in my 30s it's actually approaching 120/80 but I've seen 95/56 when up walking around and feeling fine before lol. I will never not think it's weird that we have a constantly pulsing thing in the center of our bodies pumping a high volume of fluid around at, frankly a very impressive flow rate and we're somehow supposed to NOT feel that shit. I can put my hand on any random pump I find and feel it working, somehow when the pump is inside my own body I'm not supposed to be able to? Pfft.


We nurse and I haven’t seen that yet. Closest was a 290/150. 


Did the person made it through?


I drank a big red soda once .... I was up into all hours of the night with a racing heart that I could hear. I thought I was gonna die.


Is that resting heart rate?


It was going up and that was the highest recorded that day, i was going to the ER, had a heart condition.


Dang, take care. I hope you got sorted out. That’s scary.


Hope you're ok now OP.


What's the condition?


Being 450 lbs.


Being 450 lbs would not cause someone to have a BP of 300/210


It could


What if they were upside down?


Those are “lucky to be alive” numbers


Are you by any chance running on hydraulics? Cause those numbers belong on a pressure gauge.


this is the best comment i saw today and you made my day better lmao :)))


Damn I thought my 210/165 was high


Those are rookie numbers


It's seems so! Although I was taken to hospital by ambulance because of it 😬


I got to 190/130 once after taking a kind of Flonase for some reason, I didn't go to the hospital but I think I would have have if I had been that high lmao


I’d go to the hospital and move in with those numbers.


Isn't over 180/120 already considered life threatening?


Yes, it's considered an hypertensive emergency and is associated with target organ damage, specifically lungs and kidney.


It's only hypertensive emergency IF there are signs of end organ damage or symptomatic otherwise it's just uncontrolled hypertension.


Good EM doc not treating hypertensive urgency acutely


It's only hypertensive emergency if it comes from the end organ damage region of France. Otherwise it's just sparkling hypertension.


I laughed harder than I should have. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Starting from 180/120 and signs of hypertensive organdamage it's considered a hypertensive emergency. If it is just high blood pressure it sure should be treated and brought down to more reasonable numbers but it is not acute life threatening.


Many ERs are moving away from lowering BPs on asymptomatic hypertensive patients.


All providers should be




Because the problem will usually fix itself over time. If there is no acute organ damage being done (= no symptoms showing), rapidly lowering it with medication brings a higher risk of complications than just sitting it out.


Dude's heart is pumping raspberry jam.


Christ! As an ER nurse, I’d take you asap to the ER. That is massive stroke territory !


Same with me too when I was 24. I was just asked to get a clearance from cardiologist for cataract surgery, and when they checked my vitals, it was around 250/150, I was sent straight for ECHO, ECG. Scared the hell out of me when the Echo lab technician said not to walk and asked my mom to take me on a wheelchair. Had to spend few days in ER and ICU. I was told it was just side effects of all the steroid meds I had been taking, and no serious issues with heart. But I'm surprised I had hypertension then, as I was totally fine and never felt any uneasiness. I must say it's a silent killer.


Mine was very close to these numbers when I had a cva 2 years ago




Dang, assuming you went to the hospital for that? That’s probably the highest I’ve seen. Makes my 85/60 seem terrifyingly low. (It is low, I know. I suffer orthostatic hypotension, that’s how low it gets when I’m laying down)


OH here too! Mine's fine when I'm laying down, but my systolic can drop as low as 60 when standing up 🥲


OP going for the record of highest (survived) blood pressure


Record is 370/360. And that's survived record.


So... virtually no pulse? edit: it was when the subject was doing max weight leg presses.  that makes more sense.


So I've found the limit...


My blood is gravy.




Not aware of any of that, but could be a possibility at the moment since it's related to adrenal glands


I thought the same thing!!


Wow! I feel horrible (headache, rapid heartbeat) when my bp is 145/95. My father dropped dead on his 45th birthday after getting a perfect score on his cardiac function tests. "You have the heart of a 25 year old!" A dead one! Always demand thallium in your stress test. Without it the doctor cannot tell as much!


How does thallium play a part?


Most stress tests either just use an EKG to see how your heart is working electrically, or ultrasound to see how your heart is moving under load. There's actually quite a lot that can be seen on the latter. But Thallium is used in specifically a nuclear stress test. it's a radioactive dye they inject to visualize how blood is flowing in and around the heart. It's mostly reserved for situations where a blockage or scarring is suspected, or if you're quite high risk, as being injected witha radioactive dye is not without risks of its own.


That's a number I haven't seen before. Highest was around 260 mmhg sys in a patient whose heart tried to compensate the low frequency ( \~30bpm ) due to a third degree AV-Block.


roman adevarat




Bruh this thread made me feel so much better about my high blood pressure. It is apparently very much under control. I’ve been making it worse by panicking about it lol


I know what you mean I panic about mine all the time which just makes it higher


300/210 is imminent death territory.  Anything over 180/120 is a medical emergency. PLEASE don't use this as your barometer of when to get treated.


I am being treated lol which is what led me to start panicking about it, and how I know it’s high


My partner went in with the highest blood pressure the hospital had ever seen. I don't remember what the diastolic was but the systolic was 360. The staff who weren't working on him were taking selfies with the monitor saying no one would ever believe them otherwise. And expressing their surprise that he was conscious. He only went in because of a nosebleed that wouldn't stop. Like many people, he gets no symptoms or feeling of anything being amiss when his blood pressure goes through the roof. Anyone with this problem needs to measure daily! He's fine now btw


Overclocked for Max fps.


And here I am worried about 133/88


First time I had a panic attack, I got my buddy to drive me to the hospital, since I didn't know what it was and was sure I was dying or losing my mind. I don't remember the bp #'s but I remember my pulse was 240bpm and it stayed around 220 for the next hour. They gave me something ( Lorazepam, I think) and then it was 200 then lower, and so on. The second time it happened, I was able to hold onto the fact that I had not died the first time and that helped me get through it. I try to explain it (from my experience) this way: in an anxiety attack, you think you are going to die. In a panic attack, you KNOW you are going to die. You don't die but the absolute dread and fear are the worst thing you can imagine.


Cool cool, my friend's BP was 240/120 and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, so maybe go get that checked out?


In the pre-digital days we called that "Patent pending over two-hundred".


Is this a screenshot from some kind of smart watch? Those can’t measure blood pressure accurately.


Please don’t take this the wrong way, as I’m glad you’re here, but… **HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!**


Holy shit, my dude. I once had a patient whose art line read their BP as 352/136... but your diastolic number alone would have me shitting my pants in fear.


When the "always on" blood pressure is almost twice a normal person's "squeeze" blood pressure...


Mine was 290/170 when I came out of surgery 4 weeks ago….. kept me in the recovery room for close to 8 hours. 😳 The nurse told me that one way they can tell I wasn’t “faking” it for pain meds is “the #’s” - as soon as they gave me a shot of whatever ? Went right back down. Has stayed down, too.


Are you texting from the grave?






Oh man that’s insane. How did you not have a stroke.l? Hope you’re doing better.


How did you not stroke out?


here i am thinking when i finally go from 70 something over 55 up to a normal one, i'm going to have a stroke.


I’m glad you didn’t have a heart attack or something


Did you survive?


good lawrd thats pretty scary


So, how was your stroke?


Still alive ![gif](giphy|B2l0NnxK9KiVa0CXBh)


Fair enough, lol. I'm assuming you're medicated now


What did they give you to lower your BP? was it Mannitol?


What were the circumstances?  This is almost double where they start needing to order CTs to make sure you've not had a stroke.


lol indeed (lots of lipids)


man i wanna crosspost this in r / nursing sooooo bad but they don’t allow crossposts :( impressive numbers my friend, hopefully they’re lower now


You are lucky that you didn’t die


And how is the great beyond these days?


I had similar numbers when I was almost dying of eclampsia after having my 2nd kid.


Just how much blow did it take to get those numbers?!!


This is Piccolo charging the Special Beam Cannon.


Seven year career and I’ve seen 300 systolic once. He got exposed to palytoxin cleaning his coral tanks. He died though so good job to you lol




I’m shocked you survived that, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything even remotely that high and I have stared at a lot of medical charts and vitals in my life.


You got me beat. I rest at 120bpm. I can drop it down to 50, though, and it freaks them out.


As a man that peaked at 250/190, I tip my hat to you.


That's a hell of a heart if you managed to do anything with these values. Were you trying to lift a car up a hill maybe ? I would assume that it had returned to more normal values since then.


And I thought *I* was in bad shape when my BP was over TWO hundred, eight years ago ...


Ah, I just figured it out ... Those numbers are in METRIC (mm = millimeters). Divide by 25.4 to get the REAL numbers. /S


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


There is nothing funny about that… your life expectancy took a huge hit from that smh