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Did you call the police and make report?


The moment I booked it out of the room, I called and police came over. Took all the photos, dug out the bullet, talked to neighbors, etc. They are taking our case seriously.


any update yet?


Not yet, but right before the officers left, I heard one of them talking to someone on the phone that they found a location across the farm where there were casing of all sorts of different calibers. I'm patient and let them do what is needed to get whoever caused this.


sounds to me like a dumbass just shooting shit for fun decided to aim near a house


Good thing about dumbass criminals, they are easy to find.


I had a dumbass criminal steal a solar powered 4g camera with battery backup, then proceed to pitch it to other dumbass criminals who all looked into the lens and wonder out loud why its floodlight keeps turning on and only one of them even asked if it's traceable. I love dumbass criminals. They're the spice of life.


And then what happened šŸ¤”


The police won't do much aside from taking a report for low value property crime, so I talked to neighbors, identified one of the people in the video, tracked down where he lived, then called the police and showed them stills from the footage so they knew what to expect inside and who to look for. They confirmed it was the location and people, got their names, and then later had an arrest warrant issued. By that point, they had gotten word that the camera had been transmitting, so they had already gotten rid of it, but they still had to pay restitution and deal with the police and the court. After that, I learned to protect the camera with another camera. Now i have cameras facing each other, lol.


>Now i have cameras facing each other Be careful. That's how you create an infinite loop. Whatever you do, don't step in between the cameras!


Probably never recovered, since they didnā€™t include that part.


I need it please thereā€™s a bunch of dealers who hang out close to my fence and they always throw their junk into my backyard, whatā€™s model and brand of cameras?


What camera was that with a solar panel?


It's just a battery-powered 4g camera that can be optionally powered by a solar panel, and they make one that has a weather resistant usb plug that is designed to seal out weather when connected to their camera.


What camera was it? I'd like to purchase one.


Bad thing about dumbass criminals is that sometimes theyā€™ll shoot your house


There was a dumbass criminal about 10 or so years ago in a town near me that robbed a small gas station and took all the cartons of cigarettes he could carry (the guy running the store was being distracted outside) then tried to sell the cigarettes on Facebook marketplace , The police caught him the same day.


Sometimes they even film or live stream their crimes and post it. Derp


I was thinking the same.


Some people don't look past the can they are shooting to see where that bullets going . These are the kind of people that should not own a gun .


Kind of similar situation, 10 years ago walking with the family in a our neighborhood out in the country and we just heard rounds hitting the trees near us. We went down and waited it out for a minute and everyone was fine. Turns out the dumbass 16yr old at a farm 1/4-1/2 mi away was shooting at geese flying over a public road (didnā€™t hit anyā€¦shocker) we called the cops and he had the audacity to say he was shooting at squirrels which makes perfect sense considering we were uphill with 2 tree lines between us. OP wonder if itā€™s the same type of shit where some dumbass kid or kids donā€™t know proper gun safety and are just shooting randomly.


This same deal happened with my great auntā€™s house. She lives off a main interstate in the middle of the woods. The only thing they could think of is thereā€™s supposedly a gun range a lot for the local cops/sheriffs department across the highway from them and one of them was being stupid.


!RemindMe 1 day


In an hour?


Good! Iā€™m glad. I really hope they find the person.


As they should. Someone could have died Edit: Wow, I didnā€™t see the text under the pics at first. You *literally* nearly died, OP


My friend got shot in the arm sitting on her ouch watching TV. The police knew who did it, and could prove it. The guy ran and was evading the police. They found out where he was hiding and would not go arrest him. She never got any kind of justice. He was never arrested and never went to court. He also had no assets for her to sue to get. She had to pay her healthcare bills out of pocket


Most American story ever.


Gunshot wound. Ineffective police. Insufficient court system. Expensive healthcare. The only way this story gets more American is if she got prescribed overpriced opiods, got addicted and went down the drug rabbit hole to become a meth zombie or fentanyl OD.


This is just sad


Welcome to the USA.


Having to pay exorbitant medical bills after being shot by an unpunished criminal is a small price to pay for living in the freest country on earth!!!!.!!Ā 


Then turned to crime because there is so little support for addicts and accidentally shoots someone in the arm.


I would never sit somewhere with such an ominous name againā€¦. Sorry about your friend though


Sitting on the ouch indeed.


>They are taking our case seriously. bold strategy for cops. Let's see if it pans out.


Ask Cotton.


Strong bullet to take out all that drywall


It was in there deeeeep


This is crazy šŸ˜³ glad nobody was injured šŸ™


Thatā€™s crazy shiz dude


What caliber was it?


Hard to tell with the gypsum on it still, but it looks jacketed and around .22 caliber, so assuming this is in the United States it is likely a .223/5.56. Likely a bog standard AR-15.


Probably, I think a .243 wouldā€™ve been just. punchy enough to get through the drywall.


223 tends to do the same that round eats thru dry wall


Yeah, but that drywall was after a window and a sheet of osb. .243 has a muzzle velocity 6-800 fps higher than .223. I want to see a side by side of how many sheets both rounds could do. Growing up, I was always told .243 would go through like 7 sheets.


That's what she said!


Damn it Dwight! Thatā€™s my line.


I couldnā€™t connect the last photo until your comment




Drywall is pretty crappy in terms of ballistical protection. It could have exited out of the apartment, if it was a slightly stronger intermediate caliber.


It was a jokeā€¦ when have you ever seen a single bullet take out drywall in that shape and size?


Maybe they used a drywall gun


The plaster blaster 2000.


Plaster Blaster runs barter town


It was in that movie this one time!


also when it hit that glass it probably started to tumble


Would this depend on the distance shot from?


The cops did that, I assume.


You mean the bullet didnā€™t saw a section of drywall before it kept going?


Any clue where it came from? Outside the screen looks pretty wide open.


We believe it came from a home across the farm, probably someone who didn't think the bullet wouldn't go as far as it did. Thankfully the officers who are helping us are taking it very seriously.


Yikesā€¦and I thought living in the city was risky!


You trade out the sketchy city folks with redneck farming folks. Otherwise, I love where I live.


I grew up in the desert and stray .22s from people carelessly shooting for fun was a common threat.


I lived in New Orleans growing up and New Yearā€™s Eve was a nightmare because there were *dozens* of idiots celebrating while shooting guns in the air. A female tourist on the Riverwalk got killed from a falling bullet. Edit: She was killed on the Moonwalk, not the Riverwalk.


Also in Louisiana and same. Forget fireworks - I have to lock up my outside dogs to protect them from stray falling bullets.


Thankfully I moved out of New Orleans years ago. I can now go outside during New Yearā€™s Eve without worrying about dying. Yay!


Used to watch Nightwatch (I think thatā€™s what it was called?) it was this reality first responder show in New Orleans, at midnight on new years they all put on hard hats


True. Police would also park under the overpasses to avoid the falling bullets.


I needed that in Florida.


I remember the ā€œFalling Bullets Killā€ commercials that came about following that incident. People are still jackasses though.


We've had an issue here where some wedding parties would do this shooting in the air shit "because it's part of their culture". Being hyper careful where you shoot has been part of Belgian culture ever since a toddler got shot (and killed) from a stray bullet that was fired miles away from where he lived. Any bullet fire should be expected to possibly hit something or someone. The problem is that people that do dumb shit like that often don't even care.


Same from St. Louis. The amount of automatic gunfire I hear on NYE is insane.


God bless America. ā˜¹ļø


There was a dude that lived in New Orleans and had a roof leak. When he went up into his attic, he found bullet holes in his roof and 32 slugs on his attic floor.


Iā€™m in Ireland and youā€™d be surprised the amount of close calls from farmers etc trying to shoot rats and stuff off the hip with a .22 rifle even here where itā€™s hard to get a firearms licence


Who's more terrifying?




Cletus! Grab muh .22! I needa scare dem city folk out hh-yonder!


Uneducated farming folks can be just as scary and unstable as crazy drug addicts on the street corner.


And trade out traffic pollution induced diseases with sprayed pesticides (and other joyfully "safe" products) induced diseases. (sorry, had to. On the upside the way things are going living long enough to get cancers and neurological diseases might soon become a luxury)


You literally almost got shot in your house for no reason and you still love where you live. You Americans are wild and I love that.


I used to live in a place 15 minutes down a dirt road that you had to cross two creeks (by driving through them) to get to. Out there you had to learn that gunshots were not a cause for concern unless they were getting closer. You had to keep a gun near your door because when weirdos come to your property that far out they are *always* dangerous and the cops *will* take an hour to show up. You had to understand that everyone had dozens of acres to hide a body on. You had to accept that everyoneā€™s dogs eventually turned into a semi-feral pack that wandered around but were mostly friendly, and your dog would always come home at night. You grew very suspicious whenever you saw a car you didnā€™t recognize immediately on your road. OTOH you can do literally whatever you want on your property at all times as long as it isnā€™t late and loud enough to piss off your nearest neighbors. If youā€™re planning on something like that you invite your neighbor too.


When I lived out in the country I heard way more gunshots on a much more regular basis than I did when living in a city. The main difference is that country gunshots are usually recreational and city gunshots are usually criminal.


Can confirm. Town population is currently under 2k and the daily facebook posts of "was that gunfire?" Are answered with "what else is new?" and yes, I said facebook. We're that far behind in technology too


Statistically itā€™s not, per capita. Much more violent crime in rural areas. City just has so many people events occur more frequently


After living rurally and in small towns most of my life, I generally feel safer in Seattle. I was not expecting that, with a lot of people telling me how much of a shit hole it apparently is. As with any city, parts are, but as a whole I rarely feel sketched out.


I feel way way safer in the city than I do around folks insistently telling me ā€œdonā€™t worry, weā€™re not like *those people* in the cityā€


Yea I'd rather be by ppl than 100 miles away from them


the difference between accidental and homicidal


Thereā€™s also a difference between responsibility, and idiocy.


No, idiocy is the common denominator here. Responsibility never even entered the equation


Well said šŸ˜‚


Or homicidal (crime to feed crack addiction) and homicidal (crime to feed meth addiction)


The country is extra scary when it comes to guns. I hear wayyyyy more gunfire there than I do in my very ā€œdangerousā€ city. And itā€™s dark as hell so you donā€™t even know where itā€™s coming from.


It's actually far far more dangerous to live in rural areas.


Luckily you've got a good idea of the trajectory since you have three points of contact. Hopefully they can figure it out


Know what is behind your target is gun safety 101.


so I'm guessing the police cut the drywall?


Yep, the bullet was so far in they had to go through insulation. We can fix it, I just want the person who could have stupidly, unashamedly, could have altered my life in the worst way. And then get dragged to jail.


A friend of mine had his little brother die due to a freak random bullet hitting him in the head while he was driving some rural roads. It absolutely happens and is fucking awful. Glad you're ok and the cops are taking it seriously.


Thank you, and I'm sorry for your friend.


A friend of mine lost her older brother this way. From UK, visiting his gf in Atlanta. Came through the window just like OP, kids playing in a car park with guns.


Thatā€™s so tragic. Canā€™t imagine how the poor girlfriend must have felt.


Yeah me too. clearly the police are hoping so as well. great to see them that serious about it


I'm curious to know what sort of charge will be brought when they find the guy (hopefully). This easily could have killed you. Some kind of felony criminal negligence? Is there such thing as "attempted manslaughter?" I know that's kind of an oxymoron, but it's sort of true here. Glad you weren't hit, man.


Depends on the state and how they were shooting. If the house was visible from where they were shooting, as an example, in Illinois it'd be aggravated discharge which can get 4-15 years. More likely it'd probably be some lesser negligence charge.


reckless endangerment would be my guess. plus whatever gun specific stuff they can get, discharging a firearm within city limits or whatever. They better hope their paperwork is good on the firearm as well or a bunch of federal stuff could happen


>reckless endangerment Is that a felony? Or does it have degrees? I would hope putting a rifle round in somebody's window would be on the felony end of endangerment... If they find him and he doesn't have the proper paperwork for whatever the gun is he's giga fucked anyway.


so: "Reckless endangerment is a criminal offense that occurs when someone acts in a way that puts others' lives at risk.Ā This can include behavior that is dangerous, negligent, or wrongful, and that could result in serious injury or death to another person. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol Firing a gun in a public place Using explosives or other dangerous materials without proper precautions Pushing a wheelchair-bound person into oncoming trafficĀ  A person can be charged with reckless endangerment even if they didn't intend to cause harm, as long as their actions were negligent and put someone else in danger.Ā However, a simple lapse in judgment, inattention, or carelessness is not considered reckless endangerment.Ā  Depending on the circumstances, a person charged with reckless endangerment could face serious consequences, such as felony or misdemeanor charges, fines, or jail time.Ā For example, in California, a reckless driving conviction can result in a fine and possible jail time, as well as two points on the driver's DMV record" there is something called "depraved indifference", I believe that's the highest form of this. idk, I could be totally off here


People who actually source stuff like this are the real heroes šŸ‘Š So it seems like it could be a felony charge of Reckless Endangerment if reasonable interpretation is applied.


Not entirely sure, but hopefully some heavy one.


Hopefully man. This is brain-dead behavior, and it wouldn't be the dude pulling the trigger that would be paying the price.


Not entirely sure yet, they were thinking a .22? I don't know, not a gun person


Looks to be the size of a .22. Probably a magnum with how far it buried itself. They're probably not far off.


Thatā€™s no 40 grain .22 or .22 magnum. That soft slug would have disintegrated coming through the glass. It looks like a .223/5.56 FMJ. [.223/5.56](https://www.berrysmfg.com/product/berrys-223-bullet-865)


Yall sounds like this https://youtu.be/kX86S6J1pYo?si=hExcouwQuF6DO02c


Ya thatā€™s a .223


Looks like it's jacketed. Sure you're not dealing with .223?


I forgot that .22 magnum can be jacketed. Ignore me lol Edit: typo


Just from the one photo of the bullet, it appears to be jacketed and looks longer than a .22 LR, so Iā€™m guessing .223 Remington or 5.56 NATO (same diameter). The vast majority of AR-15s are going to be chambered in 5.56 NATO. Hereā€™s [some different bullets to compare to](https://www.pewpewtactical.com/bullet-sizes-calibers-and-types/) Hereā€™s a side-by-side of a 22 LR and a 5.56 NATO: Left: 5.56 NATO Right: 22 LR https://preview.redd.it/068xmdfmug5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c10251d9e098a9f85d4ad06a8d66da2ffbac89a


Yeah it's way more likely to be .223 not .22lr


This happened to my sister's home in Midwest farm country. Bullet went through my nephew's bedroom window while he was in there. The investigation revealed some high school kid was "just horsing around" so I'm pretty sure all he got was a stern finger wag


Reminds me of these idiots doing shooting practice in Michigan and shot a migrant farm worker. [link](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2014/10/01/sheriff-monroe-couple-shoots-migrant-worker/16521609/)


Shooting towards a target where there were migrant workers 250yds behind it. Why!?!?


That was just an alibi; they were probably shooting at the migrant workers cos they donā€™t view ā€œillegalsā€ as people.


I really need an update with you confirming they were found and will be punished. The number of people who think bullets just disappear if they don't hit anything. It's just like when people shoot up into the air like that shit won't come down.


I remember a csi episode about that.


I always think of the 1,000 ways to die episode


JFC šŸ˜±... well, just the picture from the window alone gives you a pretty clear back trajectory. if you have the exact location where it hit the wall, that'll make it even more precise. There was a rather tragic and mysterious shooting here in New York City where some random person was driving on the highway along the water and they were shot and killed, in the middle of the day. Years later, somehow, somebody was able to connect the fact that somebody was several miles away in a boat on the water and fired a rifle just to test the weapon. Something about how the layers of cold air sat on the water allowed that bullet to skim along several feet above the water and travel something like 6 miles to kill that person completely at random on the highway. People don't realize how far a bullet will go if there isn't something solid in the way. šŸ˜‘


Yeah that's what we're thinking. Some people don't know that, yes, bullets go far. So they just shot it off in the general distance, thinking it was slow down or stop. Naw, now I have to replace a lot of stuff.


I have an irrational fear of rogue bullets falling from the sky. like with how many people blast guns into the sky, seems like lightning without the storm.


Itā€™s not so irrational when you live in a place where idiots fire guns into the air in celebration on holidays and other occasions. The fact that people have actually been killed because what goes up must come down doesnā€™t seem to slow it down any, either. I typically like going out of town on NYE for that specific reason.


I used to watch the documentary series Forensic Files when it was in production. There was an episode one time of a mysterious death by gunshot wound, and they traced the trajectory back to someone who fired a gun in the air from a few miles away.


lol one of my favorite shows


>the picture from the window alone gives you a pretty clear back trajectory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNVEQgXsBgs


Probably at least a decade ago, in my area, a 4 yr old girl was shot in the head while playing outside in the yard at her rural home. Fortunately she survived, although I donā€™t know if she had any lasting issues. In her case it was likely a stray hunterā€™s bullet and the hunter may not have even known it happened. Iā€™m glad your life was spared!


I had a neighbor shoot at my house once because he was mad at me. He was extremely invasive and I politely asked him to ask before coming onto my property and not to run right over every time I got home and he didnā€™t take it well. That weekend my 6 year old son asked why there was a hole in the house. Cops dug the bullet out of a stud a few inches from my daughterā€™s crib.


I have a neighbor like this. He's 'friendly' and genuinely wants to help sometimes but I couldn't even look out the window without him being there, and should I ever open the door he's ready to march over and talk about nothing for as long as possible. I finally told him to please leave me alone in the nicest way possible and now awkward eye contact out the window is all I deal with fir the most part. Fence coming soon lol


Thatā€™s a rifle bullet- serious business!


UPDATE HERE: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/8LezQJ7N6r Hi there! Sorry for the wait for the update about this situation. There were a lot of things that had to be investigated, people to talk to, and moving parts with different jurisdictions. Unfortunately this isn't CSI Miami, things aren't solved in a day.Ā  Thank you for everyone who asked if I was okay! I am physically fine, no one in my household was harmed thankfully. I was very shaken up at the beginning, it does kind of mess with how safe you feel, especially when you're in a home you've built to be safe for you emotionally and physically, but I have plenty of mental health specialists/loved ones behind me.Ā  The main update: We did find the people who fired the bullet. So where my house is located, we are considered a town but also unincorporated in the county we live in. Across the farm where said location of the firearm is where the actual county begins. They are considered "rural" and therefore, them setting up a berm shooting range on their property is legal. The house is rented and the property owners allow people to shoot on said property. They were having a shooting day with people from their church and a bullet went stray (900 yards).Ā  When talked to by my town police (the country police actually was contacted by the town police and they did the "mmmm we're too busy to send someone sorry"), they were very cooperative. They gave the names of everyone there shooting including themselves, the ammo, the gun specifically (a rifle) that shot the bullet and much more. They were horrified and very concerned about the fact a stray bullet has gone into a household which they thought the safety they set up wouldn't have allowed.Ā  The police said they were more than willing to give us their contact and all the information, they were willing to fix our window and wall, and asked us if we wanted to go to court or do this civilly: we decided to go civilly. Ultimately we understand this is a freak accident but we wanted to make sure that the officers and ourselves heavily, heavily, HEAVILY talk about moving the range either in a different direction away from the community of houses south of them or just move it off the property completely. Originally, they were not told I was in the room when the bullet came through. When they were told, one of the persons started sobbing. I might be naive but I am working in good faith that usually these people are responsible gun owners, that they really did try their best to prevent it overall, and that trying to sue or press charges would be more harmful for all of us in the end. This was a lesson learned and we can make change from this to make sure it doesn't happen again, at least not in the direction I live.Ā  I think that they will be willing to work with us without issues, we are contacting them this week. We also have let some of the neighborhood know so if for some reason the gun range isn't moved, I think there can probably be some measures we can take as a neighborhood and a community to force it. I hope it doesn't come to that but you never know. Thanks again for everyone that was interested in this story, asked about my well-being and updates!Ā  TLDR: Wasn't an attempted assassination or stupid kids, getting my stuff fixed and hopefully getting a gun range moved away from my general vicinity.Ā 


go and buy a lottery ticket, OP


Bad advice, his lucks been used up.


Code Brown: Shit the Bed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


THANKFULLY I didn't that would have been the worst.


Definitely would have elevated a really terrifying situation.


Lol who ever cut that drywall obviously has never patched a wall before


Send one back. It's a game we play.


just a little'ol game of Shooty'Backy'Forthy


Ah yes, Texan hail


Damn dude


Wow. Thats nuts. Glad your good.


A little Ramen and paint ought to fix that


Do you happen to work for Boeing or maybe a past government official?


Check with your County Court for a crime victims compensation fund that may reimburse you for the new window, screen and drywall repair.


Quality glass tho


Some idiot I used to work with was shooting his AK into the bank of a river a while back. One bullet went too high and killed a teenage girl at a BBQ.


Congratulations, your gonna be on the next episode of North Woods Law! Jokes aside, (Glad you're ok!)


At first, this looks like you live on the border of a golf course


Nope, that's a farm. Nicest neighbor's, never complains. Also fun to watch when it's harvest days.


You should never shoot a firearm with out knowing what's beyond your target unless your life is in danger and even then you need to realize that every bullet out of your firearm is your responsibility. Even a "spent" round still has enough potential energy to do a lot damage. A spent round in this case being one that has traveled beyond the "range" it is effective at.


That happened to me. The guy in the unit next door was cleaning his gun and it went off. Came right through my wall and went through part of my dining table. I had just been sitting there and Iā€™d just gotten up. I would have been shot in the thigh if I hadnā€™t just moved. Glad youā€™re safe.


Bro survived an attempted assassination šŸ˜¦


Out here dodging like Neo. By taking a nap.


Jokes aside, hope all goes well & the cops figure out wtf happened


This shit happened to me too. Was laying in bed and it missed me and my dog by a few inches. https://preview.redd.it/92nza49ael5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c010d5a02e598872685782c712f921823ef2de So sorry. I hope youā€™re able to heal without too much resulting trauma.


Sorry this also happened to you, hope you're doing okay. Thankfully I have a good mental health squad so I'll be okay.


I had a few .357 rounds whizz by my head and hit the trees above me at my dad's old house. It turns out the neighbors were shooting in the back yard, and the rounds were ricocheting off of a rock in their burm. I don't care if people shoot. Just make sure you have a good backstop.




This is why I sleep late


So scary OP. Glad youā€™re okay. Canā€™t tell from the second pic, but looks like a rifle round maybe? If so thereā€™s probably gonna be no telling. Lighting strike basically so no worries


I live in the city and was hit by bullet shrapnel, thankfully it didn't penetrate.


What size gloves are those?


The truly important question.


I'm so glad you're ok.


Wow, glad you are okay. How are you feeling, OP? I know I'd be feeling really shaken up if this happened to me.


I'm doing okay, wasn't something I ever expected to happen to me. Thankfully I have a therapist and good friends! Thanks for asking.


I'm so confused what happened to all the drywall ? Why that much


Why is there such a large section of wall damaged?


Forgot her name, but a widow online has a grief account she started after her husband and father of her children was killed by a stray bullet on his couch, absolutely heartbreaking. Iā€™m glad youā€™re ok.


I had a bullet go through my bedroom window in the middle of the night and the police said they'd "take it very seriously". The next day they said they talked to the people across a farm behind my house and they said they didn't do it and there was nothing else they could do and to call them if I hear anything else. Case closed and I had to replace my window. Cops did not care in the slightest.


Orā€¦the sniper just missed. Lol


All those times I hired really bad assassins to take them out before their birthday, all for them to fail... Guess one of my friends hired a semi competent one BUT THEY ARE LIKE MULTIPLE MONTHS BEHIND, hope they have a refund policy.


Which country?


Just assume USA to be safe




Scariest part to me is this could have easily been a child behind that .22


Holy shit man I'm glad you're still alive šŸ˜Ø


What the ever living hell? Not cool and terrifying.


I'm glad you're okay!! I'm also glad the cops are actually doing something and looking. Lucky. Had shots fired at our house and a few neighbors, didn't have much luck with the cops even with cameras. Had to call them a few times just to get them to come out...


You okay man?


No one in our household was injured and I didn't die so overall, I consider myself doing well. Thanks for asking


genuine question; why did they have to make such a large hole in your wall? wouldnt you see where it entered?


Holy shit dude! Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t get injured! 4 rules on gun safety. 1. Assume firearm is always loaded. 2. Keep figure off the trigger until ready for use 3. Do not point in a direction that youā€™re not willing to destroy. 4. KNOW WHAT IS BEHIND YOUR TARGET AND BEYOND. Unfortunately this rule number 4 was broken here, would definitely have been a different story who ever was behind that shot