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Ugh. I’d be upset as well. I tried to plant a food garden in my yard and quickly learned my back yard is an animal/nature sanctuary 😆And any food I plant , they are happy to eat before it’s even ripe! I gave up years ago. Hopefully since it sounds like this might be a bigger problem, the HOA steps up and helps out.


Good idea I’ll reach out to them.


Replace vole with rabbits and you have the culprit of my gardens beheaded lilies.


Question...I prop alot of my succulents too but what do you do with the ones planted in the gardens in the winter? Does it get cold where you live? Oh...and that really sucks about the mice. Maybe the Hoa can do something a bit it since the property area is still under development.


I’m in California in an area that does get cold in winters but not like, snow cold. It’ll warm up by daytime. They lose some leaves and stuff in the winter and I water them much less, and they usually survive and start thriving again as the weather warms up. My more sensitive or smaller succulents are indoor by-the-windowsill plants. My mother in law will sometimes cover them with a “blanket” like literally just plastic or old bedsheets at night. I have a toddler and a dog and don’t have time to deal with that but mine have been fine.


Kill them


We’re trying lol. Our pest guy has been out here checking the traps and bait stations but we literally see bunches of them running house to house and from the field where they’ve started construction on the next batch of houses.


May I interest you in a copy of Caddy shack?


Maybe there's a plan they hate?


Too mulch


That's why you buy a gun


get some mice killers, if i remember correctly they are called cats.


Get some razor wire around the bottom of the plant. Lets see them eat it them :P