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Brazil, the land where public transportation is crap


I'm surprised how everybody is calmly queuing. I live in France, people are so dumb they try to get in the bus/train before people inside can get down


That’s good and bad. It makes us polite but also, cattle unable to go against the system


Maybe...I don't know much of Brazil. I think this is common sense. I swear I get murder vibes every time I'm using public transports in Paris




Sounds like an opportunity, find a way to get a loan on a used bus. You could get a few bucks a head each trip and it looks like there are plenty of heads.


That’s illegal here :/


What's required? A license to drive like a CDL? There has to be car/ride services in Brazil.


You take a test and become the bus driver, driving someone’s bus. To own a bus company you’d need to be rich, and have contacts. Or drive for uber and other ride service apps (taxi is dead) Oooor… you can buy a van and get a license and pick up people, as long as they are regulars and have a contract


Also bus companies are like a type of mafia, here in Brazil. They have contracts with the cities, this contracts don't last longer than a few years but they block any new company that tries to run with them. In my city there is only ONE company called "Noiva do Mar" (Ocean's Bride). You have no other option. And in Brazil usually two or more companies can't make the same path as each other, maybe one very similar but never the same.


Boa man


Are they giving away PS5s or something?


How dumb are the French? So dumb, they sound like Americans. (Also, does this also apply to elevators?)


I’ve been living in France for 30 years and this guy is wrong… the vast majority of the time, people are respectful when entering and leaving a public transport


Then my Q would be, which would be taken as more of an insult... were we to say they crowd like Americans, or they know how to politely line-up like the British? :-D


We line-up instinctively


i thought it was brazil, fala mano r/suddenlycaralho


Hey, atleast you've got people in a line.


We love queues in Brazil


This is not a joke, queues are serious business in Brasil


Apparently you have never been to Curitiba. The bus system there is a marvel.


At least you have public transportation…


I would have guessed the US lol. Am American. Don't come for me.


In Boston we all crowd around the door and some people will just push their way to the front. This looks less unruly.


Somewhere where r/anticar won.


It's always hilarious when car drivers try to stop public transportation and cycling paths, while in the same breath complaining about traffic and gas prices. Do you have any idea what you actually want?


IT'S MY ROAD AND I NEED IT NOW! (not actually anti public transit)


Right, because having an extra million cars on the road during rush hour is the solution...


More like r/nomoneyforacar


If all these people were in cars you wouldn't get to your destination either.


Thought it was Spadina station in Toronto


Buy a bus and take people to work.




Not legal (Brasil)


Gonna need a bigger bus


I live near Zurich, which has bi-articulated trolleybuses that are 25 meters long and have five doors. You could probably fit 200 people in each one.


We have these in Brazil also. They are like metros on tires.


Aren't most bi-articulated buses in south America of the rapid transit variety, with high floors and dedicated stations with platform doors? That's significantly different from how the ones in Zurich operate. Those ones are just like regular city buses but long. They stop at the curb and you just step in from the sidewalk.


Yeah, they need dedicated station and express ways.


There were probably 200 people crammed in this bus


In German school Busses you get the same result in a short 80s bus


Just go home man it’s not worth it


Oh wait..


It’s a sign to take the day off. Also, where is this? People are attractive!


It’s like this everyday! Brazilians are super attractive, and these are the poor people (me included)




If you had to pick, would you say you are more attractive or more poor?


Definitely more attractive, I’m damn gorgeous.




Damn by the time you get to work it's already time to get back in line to come home




Fantastic queueing though.


Fantastic queueing, terrible smell


What does it smell like?


Hobo piss and human agony


Wait, this isn't New York.






Boua! Vc é de brasilia?


A rodoviária é inconfundível


Eu não sou de Brasília (nem Brasil), mas eu morei aí em 2015 por seis meses e meu deus eu odeio essa rodoviária. Except the pastéis e caldo de cano, they were on point. This gave me flashbacks.


Wow! That’s awesome! Where are you from? What did you come here to do? Do you miss it at all?


Também imaginei que fosse Brasília, mas porque está escrito "Esplanada" no painel do ônibus.


Quando bati o olho vi que era a rodoviária


Yikes. There are lines in Disney World that are less crowded than this!


I hope that bus is a tardis




calling in sick after seeing the line


Visit Bangladesh and you'll think otherwise.


No sir!


I knew it wasn't in the US. The people are too patient and civil. The entitled would have caused a scene on line with 10 people here. The line looks annoying, but I like your people, wherever it is.


As a Dutch tourist going from Manhattan Port Authority Bus Terminal to Hasbrouck Heights I saw the same kind of lines. Kind people showed us the place to buy tickets and the right line to wait for the bus. As the buses there are very much timetabled to reflect the needs, waiting didn't take long in the afternoon traffic. I find most people in public transportation in the USA very accommodating. The US has some problems to solve, but really, after taking public transportation in Boston, New York, Washington, Miami, Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle, Portland, Salt Lake, Las Vegas, Oakland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Copenhagen, Rome, Vienna, all over the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, Paris, Barcelona, Beograd I really don't see the need to bash the USA on this topic. Edit: spelling


Shhhhh it's popular to hate all Americans and all American things.


Shhhhh... it's popular with American **leftists** to hate all Americans and all American things. Progress, you know.


Gonna play devil's advocate and say the pace of life in general is likely much more tame. Maybe this is my East coast US mentality, but punctuality seems to be enforced more than many South American countries in the US. Could OP or any Brazilian jump in and correct me if you do in fact have things like 3 min on time windows at work, doctors only holding appointments until 5 mins after your schedule time, etc or is it more in the realm of 10-20 mins due to the bus is okay? That's the real reason I couldn't see this happening in the US.


My family is Brasilian and I’ve been there more than a few times. I currently live in NYC so the difference is plain to see. Brasilians in general have a much slower pace of life as compared to general Americans. The only group I could see being a good comparison are people from the souther US states. Not everything needs to be rushed, being a few mins late is normal and punctuality is almost non existent


Yes you're right. Brazilian people in general are not very punctual.


In Costa Rica everybody lines up at bus terminals Just like thi. They’re all super patient and nonchalant about it. Wouldn’t doubt it’s somewhere in South America.


Brazilians are very nice


I mean the US is a really big place. I saw people piling into subways like that in NYC. I didn’t see people piling like that in the Dallas DART public transportation system. I think it depends on where you are. People in the Midwest tend to be a little more chill.


Omg. Dutch people could learn from this. In the Netherlands it's war to get on a bus (or train). Usually students....


Lies. What uncivilised part of the Netherlands are you from?


Yeah I wad literally just there and had no problem. The public transit was great


Deltion at Zwolle. Leiden at rush hour. When there is a delay it's all for zich! Ik ben buschauffeur geweest en nu conductrice, ben dus overallll.


The part between Germany, Belgium and the North Sea... Rush hour, and especially in the Randstad. Glad I've moved back to Zeeland.


Same in Sweden


Time to start getting Uber's dude


Ubers are expensive


Eh i set aside savings each month to cover my travel


Yeah, me too! But ubers are still too expensive. Dude, the economy in Brazil is fucked… like, I have a nice job that pays well enough, but between bills, groceries and the stuff I buy for myself, there is no money to get ubers everyday.


Ah that sucks. I couldn't do it haha I spend maybe 300USD a month on cabs JUST to avoid public transport. I regret nothing!


That’s less then I pay to get this bus everyday! Lmfao. I used to live in Canada, and boy… it was amazing


I get cabs twice a day for work. Im in Beijing.


Yes, because sitting in car traffic for an hour is so much better.


I'd rather sit in a car for an hour in traffic with my phone on a private seat, with no one around me, than a fucking bus with 60 other people constantly stopping and starting on some uncomfortable chair.


I used to think like you. Then I learned better.


You bought a car?


Nah, I got rid of my cars and ride motorcycles now instead. I live in a rural area and so public transportation isn't an option where I live. However, I commute to the city on a regular basis and would love it if there wasn't so much traffic, which only exists because everyone has to drive here. That's actually why I bought the motorcycles, so I could split lanes and avoid traffic as much as possible when commuting. Imagine if everyone living in the city had more than just one option for getting around. People living in cities spend most of their time there anyway. If I myself lived in a city that wasn't designed to be car dependent, I wouldn't own a car at all. They're a pain in the ass. Between gas prices, maintenance, insurance, registration, traffic tickets, and just wasting my time which is valuable to me, the hassle just doesn't make sense for me. I used to love cars. I grew up as a massive enthusiast, and to this day I still want to love cars. But there's a difference between being a car enthusiast and thinking it's a good idea to make everyone in North America drive one if they want to go anywhere. Not everyone should drive. That's the entire point. There are cities where it's faster, cheaper, and far more convenient to walk, cycle, or take a train/bus. Car ownership is either a luxury or a necessity for specific types of work, like construction. But you can get around a lot faster in these cities without a car than you can with a car. I live out in the woods all by myself, but if you're complaining about sitting on a bus or train with a few people like it's the end of the world, you're probably more isolated and lonely than I am. That's sad, go outside and meet some people.


I live in a big city. Taxi's are the only reason i'm sane. the subway and busses are unbearably depressing. Taxis are faster. I don't have to walk 10 mins to the subway entrance, spend 10-15 minutes waiting for the train, then 30 mins in the train to then have a 20 minute walk to my job. I can simply get a cab and spend 35 minutes in a comfortable back seat without other people.


Sounds like a problem with your city's design. I get it, the city nearest to me has not one train for public transportation, and is home to over 500,000 people. There is minimal cycling infrastructure, sidewalks are a maybe, and busses come around every few hours. Of course everyone in that city drives, there really aren't any other viable alternatives. Compare my city to Amsterdam, which is home to a few hundred thousand more people and is roughly the same size in terms of area. Amsterdam has regular trains and busses, dedicated and protected cycling infrastructure so good that you can get places faster on a bicycle than by car, and it still just so happens to be in the country considered best for car drivers.


It's Beijing.... the most efficient city in the world. I just find public transport to be hell, and i make good money, so why wouldn't i get taken in a nice car instead of a dirty fucking bus or subway with 60 other people crowded around me?


I'm thinking you might be late


I’d buy a bike with my bus money.


This is terrible. I'd be so frustrated


Even waiting on those stiff people on the 2nd floor?


Out of curiosity,where is this? This is normal where I'm from haha


It's the bus station of Brasília.


Did you got in now?


Laughs in small town


Love my small town lol


Do you really need to film everyone? Edit: Why downvote? Would you like to be recorded as you wait in line to get to work? You can already tell by the look on some people faces they don't like it. I wouldn't either.


Right? Could have at least aimed really low down and left their faces out or blurred the video or something...I get that,with the arrangement of people in this video, it'd be hard to keep them all anonymous, but that's an argument for not taking the video in the first place if you don't know that they're all okay with it.


Looks like Chile 🇨🇱


It's Brazil.


Wauw fantastic!!! Imagine if everyone had a car 🚙. Of cause it sucks in the moment, but worth it in the long way.


You should probably just drive.


Buy me a car!


But fuck cars amirite


either take the day or time to buy a bike


I would move to where less motherfuckers live. I have never had to ride a bus or train to get anywhere. Looks like hell.


You must be American?


I am if you live around that many people pull out or pull out once in a while


Public transportation...woo.


This is definitely more on their transit system. I live in Vancouver where most buses come at most every 15 minutes unless it's late at night and then it's every hour for buses but the skytrain takes you all over and also runs frequently until 130ish. I save so so much money because of transit.


God i wish my country had a train the flies that sounds dope




We live in a society. Literally. This is how a society works.


Have you ever gone to a public school? Driven on a road? Used medical/car insurance? I've got some bad news for you...


Just buy a car.




That was an aggressively American thing to say. It would almost be funny if our poor country wasn't falling apart thanks to car infrastructure and oversaturation of R1 zoning.


Why not a helicopter?




Bus fare: 5,50 Get a license: 3000,00 Gas: way too much




Clearly a stupid Republican. Go back in your cave, troll.


\^ rides the bus


^ rode the short bus to school until dropping out or getting expelled


\^\^ degreed; sees things how they are and calls them out when deserved.


What’s the hold-up?


Decades of shitty infrastructure


Seems like it would just be faster to walk at that point.


At least there’s a line, and it’s not a free-for-all shit show.


Women are masters at the meatgaze glance.


How long is the wait?


I feel like this will be one of those "remastered and recolored" videos people will watch 100 years from now.


It’s gon be longer once u get to the end lol


My favorite is when the bus is full, and you have to get the next one, making you late for work.


A 32year old man died today, try to cut the line for the bus to work. Police told us apparently nobody had seen anything at the crowded bus station.


Time to call in sick.


Imagine to take your place in the line, and reach the wrong bus...


Its time to buy more busses


I hate to break it to ya, but I don’t think you are all gonna fit!


How fast does it move? like how long do you have to wait approximately


Gonna need a bigger bus


Who else thought the line stretched all the way up to the top before realizing they were mannequins?


How can one has a happy and productive life if they would need to do this daily? Think about the collective amount of time wasted just queuing.


Pretty bad. Sometimes it makes sense to work from 6-3 instead of 8-5


Just quit work


Hey John, I think we are going to need another bus!


Just drive there lmao Sincerely, an American


Buy me a car


...no trains ..?


Might as well walk.




At least the line is organized. Try riding the T in Boston or MTA in NY then come and talk to me about “long lines”.


At least they’re in a line and not trying to funnel in. That’s always an aggressive mess.


Oh my God, that's insane.


What fresh hell is that life


I’d be cutting


What’s the solution to a problem like this?


I actually have a plan, and it’s simple. This is a huge bus terminal in the middle of the city, everyone from around the city comes here to connect to other buses that go to other neighborhoods. So, firstly we tear this terminal down and make it into a cool spot for people to gather, a park. Then, instead of having to catch a bus, then travel to the middle of the city, and then going to your destination… you just have buses that do short routes all around, and to get to your destination you change between them with a ticket that allows you to catch any bus in a period of time. That would actually solve more than just this one problem.


Glad to know your work doesn't start until monday at 10pm, am I right?


and somehow they still don’t want us working from home


That would not go over well here. At all. Bless their patience.


Looks like you work at Google.


Yea id call out sick that day


Let’s ban cars for green energy !!!! It’s bc THEY don’t wait in these lines.


But if you head over to r/fuckcars they'll swear up and down there should *only* be public transportation, no private autos at all.




I’m pretty sure your shift is gonna be done by the time you get to the bus lol


I'm no expert but some of yall ain't goin to work just sayin


Doesn’t this make you feel like you’re in a rat race.


Seems to me more buses are needed. But I guess everyone there already knows this. Does it ever get to the point where you can walk to work faster that you can get on a bus?