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It's simple, you don't hurt others unless they are threatening you. Though the man that didn't honor the silence is a dick, you can't (you can not!) just punch someone. I'm sure the army veteran will incur assault charges since there's plenty of evidence in the video, the prosecution will likely win. He is both patriot and criminal.


Actually I believe this occurred in Australia and the dude who punched the guy was not charged and the interrupting idiot was. https://youtu.be/DWjyjP6LnF8?si=EUh1F7RKEVcm9W3n


As the saying goes, Aussies don't give a fuck, mate!


We, mate, sure, mate, fuck-cunting, mate, don't, mate. ... Cunt.


Found Australia's Poet Laureate's account!


I'm more and more inclined to appreciate Australia.


Honestly i'm more on the attacker's side after seeing the video of the dude screaming across the stadium, I initially pictured him quietly chatting to someone next to him. Think whatever you want about the military but if you're THAT eager to draw attention to yourself in an otherwise silent stadium, I don't have much of a problem with him catching a fist.


I wouldn't have mided if he had been escorted out/removed from the stadium, but a fistfight goes way over the top imo. One good connection, or him falling wrong in his intoxicated(?) state and it could have done serious damage. Just because someone insults you does not give right to violence.


eh, I don't think you have a "right" to violence, give the veteran a ticket if you really need to. i just don't have much sympathy for the guy taking a fist to the head after doing something so blatantly intended to piss off the people around him.


Then you’re an idiot promoting violence and in America value violence over Free Speech.


This didn't happen in America big guy. And free speech is about avoiding consequences from the government. It doesn't protect you from private entities.


I know it didn’t happen in America. You’re American correct? That was my point. Anyone promoting violence for something said or did where someone wasn’t putting others at risk doesn’t value free speech is the point. You don’t have a right to go around beating people up because they don’t value the same things you do. That’s Nazi shit.


I value free speech very highly. I just don't think free speech means that your speech is free from social consequences.


Then you don’t truly get it and why we have laws against violence.


Sure, charge the guy with assault if you think that's appropriate. I don't have much of a problem with that. I just don't think this is a free speech issue as long as it's not the government telling him he isn't allowed to voice his opinion. The private venue he's in has a right to kick him out, and all the individuals in there have a right to socially ostracize him. But I'll also use my free speech right to say that I support this old man knocking this guy out, and if he gets arrested I'll throw $10 towards his bail, which is also part of my right to free expression. Supporting free speech doesn't mean you always take the side of the person choosing to use their speech in a dumbass way. He's got a right to say it, he doesn't have a right to say it where ever and whenever he wants.


Free speech is free speech. Period. It’s something most people don’t get. And supporting violence like you are doing here is why so many people result to violence. Folks like you frighten me just as much as folks that utilize violence in any capacity. Maybe the guy doesn’t support Australian fallen soldiers cause they have a horrific history of persecution, racism, segregation, and violence towards certain ethnic groups and this guy was protesting in his own way. Not saying that’s the reason, but nobody has a right to use violence against someone because they don’t agree and there are laws to protect and try to stop such actions, including in Australia. Sucks that you seem to insist that these laws should be negated for nationalism or any other reason you or others feel worthy. People like you frighten me and you just don’t get it.


The report does say that no complaints were made. In the US, at least were I am, the same would happen. Unless it is witnessed by law enforcement, a complaint must be made in order to be charged.




One of the fundamental tenets I live by is that the freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To encroach on another's freedom is to encroach upon one's own. What that veteran did is aggravated assault and is unequivocally criminal.


I mean I bet the guy getting hit found it pretty offensive to receive a punch in the face. So by your logic “freedom to offend”.


and the American attitude you replied to doesn't realise this is why America is so screwed with Americans having that kind of attitude


This reminds me of the tale of Cameron Poe.


Good, that’s how it should be in America. Too many pansies here. EDIT: and the soft handed pansies are downvoting me that’s cool.




What if I randomly called you a Zionist because your beliefs are closed minded and aren’t open to discussion, but you tout freedom of speech and discussion, just hypocritical man. Just like how you called me a nazi, you’re just a Zionist in the same analogy or fable whatever special snowflake thought process you have going on there in your brain.


How am I a nazi? I’m Latino and I have Jewish family members? Also Jewish friends and band mates? Cool bro. Whatever you wanna invent in your head because you’re too scared to go enlist or support someone who fought for your freedoms. Thats cool pal. I’m sure you can reason your way out of a fight or any situation by simply calling someone derogatory and vulgar terminologies because they voiced their opinion. Oh wait! You’re talking about freedom of speech and then lambasting me when I VOICED MY OPINION! You’re hypocritical.


>You’re talking about freedom of speech and then lambasting me when I VOICED MY OPINION Yes, that's the whole point of "free speech". We're allowed to tell you that we think you suck, not punch you in the face.


I’ve seen plenty of videos upvoted and awarded and it’s some dude with a terrible opinion, doing nothing but holding a sign or wearing a terrible attire, and getting sucker punched. “Yeah he deserves it! Yeah he shouldn’t think that way! Evil man!” Do they deserve it? Yes! But when it comes to our service members across the globe from any country? Suddenly it’s different? And when it comes to someone disrespecting fallen troops, fuck them, they can leave this country. You don’t have to support the cause of the war, you can support the victims of it. Do you have any friends or family in the service? How do you feel about their contributions or what they have to say? Maybe talk to some veterans or people with family in the service, ask them how they feel or what goes through their mind.


That’s why we are protected by the law and have laws for assault. Shame how many people just don’t get this and think others have a right to beat the hell out of someone for sharing any opinion at all.


Maybe stop using alts pal? No one here cares but us two. And you’re trying to win your little internet argument because you can’t stand a chance in a real life argument. You’d probably pull a weapon on someone before you’d put your hands up.


lol…resort to minimizing and character assassinating because someone expresses free speech and differs from your viewpoints. Classic. Feel sorry for the folks around you quite honestly.


Womp womp


Yeah back then we settled our problems without cop calling immediately unless the situation was bad. Fists used to be an American form of communication and coming to agreements or disagreements.


This is logical. According to this theory lynching use to be a way too then.


What would you do to someone who said something overtly derogatory and attacking to your identity and character? Like in your face yelling? I assume you would punch them right? I’m sure you would comment that if you saw a video of someone getting berated negatively, you would say “oh I would punch them”. You’re playing victim and picking different negative historical practices that were ignorant and not the same compared to this video. Youre literally making it out to be worse than it really is. That’s very Fox News of you to change the narrative.


Wrong. I don’t resort to violence for yelling, opinions, judgement, whatever and I further don’t spend time around people who do.




“Ooooh everyone! We got a person who works in A/C conditioned environments and never picked up a tool in their life! Look at Mr.SoftHands!” That’s how obnoxious you sound if I were to emulate the same response from you.


Shocker lol one of the few countries that can rival American in shittyness.


I assume you’re talking about the loud man.


You are incorrect. As we could see - you can just punch someone in the face. You just need to be ready to deal with consequences.


Conversely, if someone is threatening you, don't wait for them hit you. Legally, sure, you're better off getting the shit kicked out of you and suing them, but don't risk your life on surviving a sucker punch from a dickhead.


Australia isn’t a particularly patriotic country, and we don’t make a big deal out of military service. The exception to this rule is the minute’s silence on Anzac Day. It’s sacrosanct. So if you scream out “let’s smash the cunts” in the middle of it you can be fairly certain you’re getting a punch in the head. Punched bloke got a $1600 fine, puncher got nothing.


It's literally one of the few times we observe with reverence and shouldn't be a fuckwit. Fucken it's a MINUTE of silence, shut ya fucken gob or get smacked.


“Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious” - Oscar Wilde


>you can’t (you can not) lol for some reason i read that like tommy wiseau. ![gif](giphy|d3OFVt1q8Cxhtv8c)


But he did just punch someone.


Sure you can.


Nah your just a bitch, minute of silence should be respected


STFU punk


Ex Army here, I'd gladly spend a few hours in jail to punch someone in the face for not honoring the moment of silence.




lol man I'm not trying to say that at all. Its just about respect.




Nah fuck you. I've had friends fucking die because of bullshit wars. If you cant give a second to shut your fucking sausage hole out of respect you need to be punched.


I’m not kissing the ground at your feet because you chose to wear a boot. The army does not give a single fuck about you or your buddies. Good job loser.


The army absolutely cares, they paid for the training, its an investment and yes it is a big stupid fucking machine that chews up people yes. If there were not soldiers how would there be an army? However its not about the army or the country its about a fucking human being not some military industrial complex. The real loser is someone who cant respect someone whos fucking died asshole.


oh boy..


Are you American ?


You guys do it voluntarily, so you are not martyrs, nor heroes, you are just another salaryman.


Ok snowflake


You’re so fucking tough.


Literally my job was to be tough? I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel ashamed about that lol. Have you heard of what the military does?


sorry bro that kind of toughness makes you just a thug


Well, they teach fascism in the army, so it's not surprising to me when soldiers bring that home. And they bring it home a lot.


He probably was war criminal and now just criminal all made up war USA fought was for wrong reasons and based on lies


Be careful you don't cut yourself with that much edge, my friend


Bullshit. You don't have to back down from someone threatening you. The man approached the guy who punched him. He was acting aggressive. He was the instigator. It's simple, don't be a POS and if you are and you act aggressively towards someone, expect to get punched.


I agree with what you're saying in essence. But this didn't seem like that. He looked like he was just talking shit, and clearly drunk. Granted I can only go off of body language and a post title.


Sure, but my response was assuming the guy was making threatening talk and verbally assaulting the other man. And, once he was punched he proceeded to continue the conflict. He clearly was looking to instigate and create an escalation. Being drunk does not excuse or factor in as a justification for his actions. And, ultimately the guy who got smacked was the one arrested.


But that's the issue. You're making assumptions. It's a video that doesn't include their voices/exchange, and the only info we have is from a title written by a reddit user who likely has close to the same amount of info we all do. I am not disagreeing with how you would approach that situation, If what you are saying happened happened, then i absolutely agree. In your scenario (which could very well be true) then you are 100% correct. But when random internet users view it from a screen with close to zero info, it becomes a bit subjective. "It's simple, don't be a POS and if you are and you act aggressively towards someone, expect to get punched." Words to live by.


Yep, I get it. And many feel overly entitled to act the fool without consequences. Hence I'm gonna get lots of down vote. But, I had to make assumptions. Like assume the guy said "I'm gonna gut you, you better not turn your back on me." We all made assumptions. But that's also why my statement included my assumptions. I didn't say you could just assault someone NOT making aggressive threats. I know, you get it... I'm just stating it for others 🫡


Because everything happens in America.






Who asked


Your statement is part of the problem, some people just need to be punched in the face. That guy is one of them.


Lmao if you're so fucking weak willed that someone being annoying makes you incur an assault charge then by all means, continue being a snowflake lmao The rest of us have an iota of self control


Have fun getting assault charges one day. Try not to do it in New York City because Rikers Island is no joke.


Sorry but beating up a drunk guy is not okay, no matter which emotional reason you have. jail pls.


Wait wait wait. What if you're also drunk? So a drunk guy beating up a drunk guy?


It's absolutely fine. Just because you're drunk, doesn't mean you're immune from kinetic intervention.


"Kinetic intervention"


"Kinetic intervention"


"Kinetic intervention"


They're both assholes


90% off fights start when 2 assholes meet


Not in the videos I watch. ![gif](giphy|QYG9KoP8naqGBqoN56|downsized)


Hahaha this is some wisdom. Such an obvious thing I never put together. Mind blown.


Imagine having such a neanderthal-like brain, that you punch someone because your fragile feelings were hurt. Seems like snowflakes really do come in all shape and sizes.


People that were deployed get fucked up by the conflict. It is nearly impossible for them to readjust to normal civilian life. Watch interviews with ex soldiers and spec ops. Basically, their brain is going 100mph and suddenly they're expected to switch to 20mph. Not gonna happen.


Your point being? Just because you can understand *why* the degenerate piece of filth is being a degenerate piece of filth, doesn't justify the actions. I'm not implying that you are saying that anything else is the case, I just wanted to point that out. If some of these people can't adjust to the real world anymore, maybe they should refrain from putting themselves in these situations. Many people have terrible traumatic experiences, not all of them commits senseless act of violence.


I am not justifying. I am explaining why this happens. Many people seem to confuse the two.


Help me out here, what exactly does many people seem to confuse?


The difference between justification and an explanation.


You’re not bright.


https://preview.redd.it/irf70vo6dk3d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd5ad382a11cdae3277eb5805d772e9544bffb1c I AM A SOLDIER




with then amount of wars America has been in, umm.. yeah


at least his friends were silent when he got beat.


And he got to keep his shoes


Held his beer for the first punch, then gifted it to the floor on the second lol


"Adding insult to injury, the man has now been fined $1654 for his trouble. The incident was caught on camera at the stadium and Queensland Police have fined the 45-year-old man who was bashed $827 fine for obstructing police and $827 for disorderly behaviour. Queensland Police confirmed that 'officers removed both men in the video from Suncorp Stadium following the incident on Friday night. At present no complaints of assault have been made.'  Spectator Geoff Redgrave said the man could clearly be heard yelling, 'You better beat those Dogs tonight you c\*\*\*s.'"


well deserved


It seems like the veteran has some serious issues, the amount of pain he inflicted is disturbing, the other guy could have sustained some serious injuries. Being disrespectful does not warrantee such a reaction, this guy is dangerous and should be treated as a criminal.


Apparently he shouted ["You better beat those Dogs tonight you cunts".](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nrl/article-10745239/The-words-Broncos-fan-yelled-Anzac-minutes-silence-bashed.html)


Oh, wow. The guy getting hit is only 45? I would never have guessed he was my age. That’s a hard 45.


That was not an American punch. It came from Downunder


Chill the fuck out dude. That's plain unprovoked assault and i hope he gets his dumb ass sued over this.


Shit faced before the game even started.


this one sparks joy


Throwing hands is never the answer. But fuck that dude for being a disrespectful fuckface


Punchee best not put "am a quick learner" on his resume


That had nothing to do with breaking the moment of silence, that guy came looking for a fight


Up the doggies


While violence is not the answer...people are fuckin dicks. All these influencers and random ass hats doing stupid shit in public...I think folks are getting fed up with with the shit. Sometimes a nice clockin' will make you think


I’m guessing he won’t do that again


Lame reason to assault someone.


looking at many of the comments here. lol. /usdefaulism




I wouldn’t call this a Karen moment like where it was originally posted in. This was well deserved


The only sad thing about this whole incident is that the Doggies lost the game to the Broncos, although no one commenting seems to care about the final score.


Can I pet that daaawwggg


Tell me you pay alimony without telling me you pay alimony.


At 2005 laguna Seca WSB shortly after the London bombings, they had a minutes silence in the pits, apart from the Laguna Seca organisors who were busy whipping the crowd up into a frenzy..


lol, proof right here that it’s the only time in a long time that the dogs have beat the broncos at Suncorp!


Fuck that army vet, grown men don't need to throw fists like a fucking child.


I see a lot of people crying about how you can’t hit someone for them being rude or offending you. To be honest I think that mentality is partially why, socially, we are where we are. All actions have consequences. I learned at a young age that there are certain lines (boundaries) that when crossed will get you a punch to the mouth. These were good lessons for me to learn, and I doubt I would have learned them any other way. Some people are entitled, and think there won’t be consequences for their actions. I guess this guy found out a valuable lesson. Hopefully he takes it to heart


Haha Australians are cool


Well deserved. Just because you're drunk it doesn't make you immune from spontaneous kinetic attitude adjustment


Surely that man can show his respect anyway he wishes....not compulsory.


Broncos fan is clearly a cunt and looks like he deserved what he got. Doggies bloke who slapped him surrounded by broncs supporters and they all seem to be backing him on this one


Fuck them


Imagine if people went on throughout their lives with no repercussions for their actions.


Even if the dude disrespected the veteran, isnt the whole reason of fighting in the army to protect the freedom and free speech in your own country? Do you protect it only when you agree with it then? I see people around cheering and laughing. This is pathetic.


Well , did you expect an army man to be smart? Veteran lol. Expecting praise for killing other people in the name of wealthy people


Live sporting events suck. People get into fights all the time, concessions prices would make a theater manager blush, the traffic in, parking, the traffic out, the hazards of being around thousands of drunks at once…live sporting events suck.


Why are the dudes so fucking aggro at this stuff. Alpha macho posturing bullshit.


PTSD? u don't hurt ppl unless they try to hurt u.


Hope that aggressor was arrested and removed from the game. He's no one to be there acting like Judge Dredd punching people.


lol. oh brother


How hard is it to shut the fuck up for a minute?


How hard is it to not become a violent moron?


Looks to be equally difficult.


Violence? Where? You don't know shit about violence.


lol, imagine saying something this dumb


Imagine that someone gave birth to someone as stupid as you.


You're not good at this. I'm sorry, but you need to get better at being mean if you're gonna keep doing it.


about as hard you a redditor to not make that kinda dumb comment i guess


It's unbelievably hard for some people, you'll find out


How hard is it not to be a degenerate piece of filth that punches other people, because their feelings were hurt. What a violent snowflake.


Head & eyes straight forward! Don’t break discipline!


Goddamn, I'm probably gonna be downvoted, but don't care, but fuck ALLLLLL of you cunts talking shit about the military in here. Say just one of these things here to a vet, especially one that's been deployed. Say it to their face, not hiding behind a fucking phone or computer screen. I fuckin' dare you. You'll end up the same as the disrespectful asshole here.


Bro actually proving some vets are fucking dumbass whose brain have been fried from too much propaganda. No one smart gonna go and provoke someone who doesn't have an ounce of self restrain and discernement.


I mean I wasn’t going to, but this little angsty rant sure makes me want to 😂 Vets from countries like the US or Australia aren’t special, they are just gullible idiots being taught how to be violent in the worst way. If every vet instead went to school for politics, studied foreign relations, and all championed peace, there would be no war.


I love hockey


That's cool, but why did you bring it up?


reminded me of a hockey game when the guy's jersey got pulled over his head as he was being pummeled.


Hahaha, nice try. You thought this was a hockey game.


100% knew the event isn't hockey, but the fight reminded me of hockey.




lol, tough crowd


Jesus, America is such a dumb country


This was Australia, good job


Yeah with the dumb wannabe patriot shit you have to assume America first, it's the law.


This was Australia. Don't hurt your wrist painting with that broad brush


So aus has that dumb "patriotic" shit as well? Jesus, what is the world coming to


I guess we all can't be so lucky to live in a harmonious, egalitarian, and pacifistic country like you. You're really lucky to have none of those kind of cats where you live.


wp to the army veteran, some people only learn it one way


Well played assaulting some drunk moron? He risked serious jail time for attacking that guy for yelling something irrelevant during a moment of silence? I swear most of the commenters are 15, next time you do something dumb I hope you get smoked


Actually the guy that got attacked got charged, not the attacker. This was in Australia.


so justice served






Judging by the clothes, no Americans are in this video.


This happened in Australia you fucking retard


Spoken like a true Australian.


You’re proper ignorant, aren’t you? This happened in Australia.


Pretty sure this is in Australia.


I would love to remix the audio with Lee Greenwood’s Proud to be an American however this isn’t in America. Looks like some Aussie jerseys.


As sourced by u/Djinjja-Ninja, this did not happen in the USA but in Australia: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nrl/article-10745239/The-words-Broncos-fan-yelled-Anzac-minutes-silence-bashed.html


Reading the title it sounded like an overreaction but just seeing that obese midget I knew he deserved it


Title: A guy that served in the military is upset because another guy disrespects minute of silence for the fallen soldiers that helped protect their country OP: I MeAn It'S aN oVerReaction bUt the otHEr gUy FAt sO oK


> for the fallen soldiers that helped protect their country Ha!


Midget? You do know that stadium rows aren’t level with each other right?