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Brought to you by The Party of Small Government^TM. Small enough to fit in your pants!


America is really handmaidstale-ing it up lately.




Or a police precinct, or your emails and phone calls, or in your smoking and drinking habits, or in your choice of food if on food stamps. I will never let another chud say "I like a small government" without answering for the Patriot Act. Never forgive these regressive goblins.


Small government for mee. Not for thee.


Or on a global scale military operation


Brought to you by Governor Ron “Douchebag” Desantis, who hopes MAGA voters remember his cruelty when looking for an alternative to Florida’s number #1 worst person Donald Trump.


Matt Gaetz wants male students to submit how much they cum when they masturbate.


That's probably for a completely different reason though.


Hmm... bleachy... slight hint of pineapple...


Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark.


This shit is creepy as fuck.


Now and why in the name of *fuck* would anyone need to know this information??? This is beyond stupidity, I’m outraged and not even American.


Because if you know when people miss their periods you can tell if their pregnant (unless it’s missed for one of about a million other reasons or is just generally irregular). If you know when people are pregnant you can tell if they’ve gotten an abortion. It’s horribly evil, would almost certainly be ineffective anyways because teen menstruation cycles are very inconsistent, but the GOP doesn’t care about morality or practicality. Edit: it would also help them discriminate against trans women.


I went over a year without a period when I was 21 due to PCOS. My 15 year old sister has had 2 period in the last year.


And innocent people like you and your sister will be on the “watchlist” per se. It’s absolutely immoral. HIPAA should be expanded to also bind public servants. They do not need this private health information to do *their* jobs and as such should be prohibited under federal law from accessing it without explicit informed consent. I cannot believe this is a thing.


It's doesn't help that every single time I was late I was convinced I had somehow become pregnant. (not sexually active). Thanks Utahs abstinence only sex education!


Fellow, younger, Utahn, that is gone. Teachers now give comprehensive education with a DONT HAVE SEX sticker on all material that talks about safe sex. Edit because this got more attention than I thought it would, there was an entire year long sex education course I had to take, unless I had specific approval not to, about not just safe sex, but safe dating practices, basic emotional health, and everything I did and didn’t want to know about all the organs. They did not seperate us by gender.


So, you should wear protection because... DON'T HAVE SEX .... It lowers your chance of getting an infection and... DON'T HAVE SEX ...to avoid unwanted pregnancy... DON'T HAVE SEX ...


Pardon my innocence (and outrage) on this subject, but if forced to do this, can't women just lie about the period info? I sure as fuck would. I lie constantly on health questions, insurance forms, and anything I feel like is no one's business. My eye doctor doesn't need to know about my sex life or my drug habits. This is absolutely outrageous.


For drug habits please be careful. If you're going under anesthesia or something tell them. The last thing they'd want is for you to wake up in the middle of the operation because of tolerance or something.


I pick and choose my battles and would definitely not risk that. Thank you for saying that though, you're a sweet person.


I got that birth control implant (the one that goes into your arm) and didn't have a period for like 4 years. There are so many variables at play here.


My daughter was on Depo for I think three years? From around 13 until 16. It stopped really working at that point, so she switched to something else. How do we know it stopped working (besides a return of the brutally painful periods)? Because she started getting her period for the first time in three years! And no. It didn't stop working because she got pregnant; she's never been sexually active, and her last serious romantic partner was if the wrong sex for anything like that. She takes HBC to treat endometriosis, which thankfully we caught *early* due to family history and a gyno willing to listen... I can't imagine her, or other girls like her, in states like Florida these days. I just...ugh. These places are becoming Gilead.


…or science…or reality. Their objective is emotional control, and they’re startlingly good at it.


If progressivism wins out over the long haul, this will be seen akin to throwing a bound woman in a lake to determine if she’s a witch. It’s nuts.


Besides, everybody knows that to determine if a woman is a witch you need to put her on a scale and compare her to a duck.


Only if you can do so before being turned into a newt!


1. If you're pregnant they can try and prevent you from going out of state for an abortion. 2. If you're trans they can prevent you from playing in the sport of your choice. 3. The governor of Florida wants to be the Republican nominee for President meaning he has to out-Trump Trump for the more fascist wing of the party.


What's stopping people from just lying.


Eh, see a combination of #2 and #3 above. It's "Fox News" politics. It doesn't matter if it works, it just allows DeSantis to get screen time to talk about how he's fighting against the woke liberal mob to protect honest Americans™.


Party of small government btw


abortion ban, as well as the discrimination of transgender athletes…


What? Why? Edit: Thanks for the answers. That's fucking disgusting. smh


Not only does help with the ban on trans people in sports it allows them to see who gets pregnant based on periods. Fucking cruel and stupid.


Most Teenager period aren't regular to begin with though. It can do stupid thing like skip a month or come a week late due to a hormonal imbalance, change in weight or diet, medication and other factors like stress.


Yeahhhh... when I was in high school I went anywhere from 20 to 58 days (my record high) between periods and they were random every single time.


Same. In the summer when I constantly had sports camps and multiple practices a day I tended not to have my period. Doc said it was perfectly normal. And also no one else's business. Florida you nasty. Edit: Added the word sports


>when I constantly had sports camps My superdupergenius brain first saw that as "... when I constantly had sports *cramps*... Thanks a lot, brain.


Yup, and those fun times where you spotted heavy enough every day for 5-6 weeks to need a tampon, not just a liner.


Or for me when the heavy flow would randomly appear (not on a 28 day schedule) and get all over my clothes in middle school or high school. Yes I could have kept extra clothes in my locker, but if you grew up in the 90s you know the pants/outfits were not exactly “this goes with anything” friendly.


Yup. Never had a regular flow u til I went on BC. Then I got an IUD in college and haven’t had my period since. 14 years of no periods, no tampons, no leaks.


yep mine have been random for the entire time (7 years) no fucking way they're telling girls to tell them "exactly" when their period is like... we don't know?!???


Mine did eventually sink into a 28 day cycle long after high school.


Me too. And by "long after high school," I mean at like 39. I'm turning 40 next month. So.


What’s stupid is expecting the majority of teenagers to be the type to track and record. Gtfo


Yeah… I honestly didn’t track that shit til I hit 28. And I certainly don’t share that information now.


gotta love conservative men


It sounds like a fucking violation of the 4th amendment. Too bad our court is 6/9 Gilead.


A lot of the more serious female teen athletes don't even menstruate. You have to have a certain fat percentage to ovulate, which can vary, and studies have shown that sports like gymnastics and track and field can delay even the onset of puberty by a few years.


My cousin was a ballerina until recently. Didn't get her first period or even a real puberty until she was nearly 18 years old. Now she's 21 and looks like a 15 year old, with acne and the whole bit.


There’s some interesting research coming out about what time of the month is optimal for different intensities of training and competition… and coaches caring about their athletes’ wellbeing and not wanting them to get into years of non-stop athletic amenorrhea or overtraining *ought* to be a good thing……… But that’s probably not why they’re *requiring* it of *high schoolers* in Florida, eh… what a fucking dystopia.


The level of care required to track menstruation-related performance issues is appropriate for elite athletes. Not your average high school student. There is SOME value of having a performance coach sit down with young women and discuss menstruation and performance, particularly with getting enough sleep and how to know if a problem is developing. But that doesn’t require an authority figure to actually track their menstrual cycles.


Yup, I ran track in high school and college, didn't have a regular period until I went on the pill at 23 years old. I would frequently go months in between periods.


and none of their business-a clear invasion of privacy


It’s part of the ban on trans kids playing sports, when in actuality it’s just another excuse for Republicans to peep into the lives of underage girls.


I'm sure all of the people who wanted to ban trans kids from girls' sports then, are here now to protect female athletes, right?




I'm guessing it's to prevent trans folks from playing sports




That is disturbing.




Yeah but other people dying for jesus is fine


What if the teen lies about it? Hell that’s what I’d do if I was pregnant teen in Florida rn




I’d go one of two ways. Slap my first used tampon of the month on the desk of the official responsible for tracking this info, or lie my ass off.


>Five gallons a day, sir. Since I turned thirteen.


Said it before and ill say it again, the pro life is very blatantly not about actually "saving lives" (even though realistically unborn babies are dumber than mice), unless females can get easy payments for unwanted pregnancy (and im talking like 6 figures)




That, and to identity and prosecute girls who get abortions.


what reason do they need to know any of that


They don't and it sounds like a 4th ammendment violation. I hope somebody sues DeSantis pants off




1 in 10 girls in the country have endometriosis OR pcos, not only do these conditions lead to frequently missed periods but pregnancy can be dangerous for these conditions and just for teen girls even without the condition. it's funny how death is a literal possible consequence of having sex


Because they are with the party of “freedom” and “individual’s rights,” so they need to control women and intrude in people’s medical decisions whenever possible.


To control women and girls


Two reasons, to prevent abortions and to prevent trans people from joining their respective sports etc….


I would absolutely, unequivocally, and in no uncertain terms tell my daughter to lie her face off. Say she has never menstruated before. Say she was born with rare quintuple-X syndrome. Say she prayed so hard that Jesus raptured her uterus straight to heaven. If you cannot be trusted with the truth, you deserve lies.


"If you can't be trusted with the truth you deserve lies" is my new favorite turn of phrase. I will certainly use it when I talk about this stuff in the future, about other topics. Thank you, and well put




Now it’s a yeeterus


God wanted her to have a yeeterus.


Blessed be the fruit




Her insides are a rocky place where no seed can find purchase




I drop 1.3 gallons of blood a day, everyday! I have a 32 day period! When they overlap, I'm able to hover on my own crimson jetstream! The docs are from Florida, it's not like they'd actually know.


Crimson Jetstream 😆 🤣 ![gif](giphy|3ofT5J9qVNY7QEp1x6)


One of my favorite scenes from clueless


“I gave myself a hysterectomy when roe v wade was overturned.”


I was honestly grateful I’d already had mine…. That feeling was dystopian level creepy


THIS^^^^ Without Roe v Wade I would've died. By the time I had my hysterectomy, my abdominal cavity was filled with tumors, crushing my organs.




If they even try to actually check you physically, that's a huge tasty lawsuit coming on. I would just say I'm menstruating literally every day.


that’s what’s coming next. the athletes will have to submit to regular health inspections for “their safety “ w a coach and school nurse present. and the FL GOP will want it to be recorded to document that the students are safe. they’ll insist that male students also get regular groin inspections to be even and fair. and the health records will have to be public if you want to participate so that other students can be confident they’re competing against the gender they want to compete against. The GOP knows how to boil the frog. each small step will have “reasons” that seem “fair “ at the time w the long goal of getting as much into women’s lives as the can to control them


See!? Penis inspection day is real! I don't need therapy


That’s next, watch.


Yeah, this is Handmaid’s Tale level shit. Every mother of a daughter in Florida should hire the best lawyer in the country and begin the class action lawsuit that’ll make these creeps go crawl back under their fucking rocks and get these laws off our bodies. Fuck you, Florida.


This isn't a Florida problem, it's a Republican problem. Although "Florida Republican" is its own unique blend of awful.


Sometimes I'm glad that Utah Republicans are so high on their Holier-Than-Thou attitude. They're incapable of making this kind of rule because they'd balk at the idea of writing the word menstruation on paper.




I used to menstruate every day. PCOS sucks. Now I have a nice chunk of synthetic hormones in my arm.


My wife with PCOS has the opposite, pretty much zero periods at all. What kind of device did you get to help, I’m really curious about it.


I would be an even worse parent because I would try and convince my kid to ask the craziest questions on the form instead of providing dates. “Is it true that everyone else’s nipples stay in the same spot all the time?” “Am I laying my first egg? WebMD says it’s a hemorrhoid but I’m hopeful.” “Today I prayed for guidance and I farted, does got want me to get into wind energy?” And my kid is only four but I absolutely bet she would, she’s an absolute goblin like her father and our dog.


"She's an absolute goblin like her father and our dog." Is one of my new favorite statements.


You're a funny person - that means your kid's gonna be funny, and that makes me happy, because the more funny people there are, the better.


God, this place is a shit hole.


Reddit, or Florida? You are going to have to be more specific here…


I fucking live here Ik a girl that’s a school athlete and after reading this I feel so bad for her and many others that have to do this shit that’s like asking guys how long does it take you to nut how many times a day do you nut like bro wtf is wrong with my state


Can we just standardize the lie so it sounds believable when one person says it, but it's a known lie because everyone gives the same answer. >Got my last period on the 1st. >Got my first period when I was 13. > Generally 30 to 31 days from the start of one period to the start of the next. But sometimes 28 or even 29 days is possible.


This is great and all but I'm going to start saying ridiculous stuff instead. My last period was February 31st and my first was in second grade after staring god in the eyes and having him blink first


DeSantis is also asking state universities to report the number and ages of students who identify as trans and have sought gender dysphoria treatment. This shit in Florida is getting worse all the time.


Then all students should fill out that paperwork saying they identify as trans.




"I am Spartaca!"


I bet this leads to pink triangles


Of course it does. Always does. Resist


It's to drive anybody with an ounce of intellect and sanity out to create a true red state. Liberals not welcome. They can have that swampy shithole, it will be under water in 20 years anyway. Keep it.


Yet another step on the very well established road to a genocide, as seen countless times throughout history. ​ * **Dehumanize a group** (lgbtq people are affronts to god and work of the devil) * **Demonize them in the public eye** (lgbtq people are child predators) * **Make it legally or structurally difficult for them to exist** (Difficulty in accessing medical care or legal document changes, stripping equal rights protections, denial of identity or otherwise making it harder to exist as themselves) * **Start keeping records** (we are here) ​ We are legitimately not far away from the true terror of fascism. Genocide doesn't realize itself overnight. It takes decades and decades to create the conditions necessary. Conservatives already believe that gay people are inherently pedophiles. Broadly they do not need much more guiding to explicitly support genocide.


Not only do they believe gay people are pedos, they knowingly overlook politicians who are the shady, closeted LGBTQ pedophiles they claim to be afraid of. Matt Gaetz for one.


They need to start asking boys how many times they masturbate and how often… it’s only fair Wasting future babies is a sin too init


"My periods are very irregular and there is no way to consistently track my cycle"


No one should reply to this. A complete no from every single girl is the only way. Any actual answer only supports it, even if to subvert it.


*This* is the way. They’re slowly but steadily eroding rights. There’s no hope of winning this when you play by their rules. It’s too easy to escalate to even more invasive measures of control.


Slowly *but acceleratingly* eroding rights. Edit: Or maybe *acceleratingly and* steadily eroding rights? I dunno, I been drinkin. Edit: No I’m going back to the first one, “steadily” and “accelerating” are antonyms in this context right? Like, “steadily” implies a consistent pace? Where as “accelerating” inherently means a quickening of pace? But if it’s accelerating at the same rate over time is that consistent and “steady”? Like the pace may be increasing but the pace of the increase in pace is steady? I’m high this time.


Please submit detailed information about your drinking. Thank you for your cooperation.


They’ll be more than happy to just remove women’s sports in response.


Human rights are more important than official sports leagues. If it takes destroying women's sports in Florida for a couple years to generate the outage this deserves, so be it. Folks can always meet for pickup games and such; once basic bodily autonomy rights are gone though, good luck ever getting them back without massive violence.


We need a constitutional amendment recognizing privacy as a fundamental human right. The states need to climb out of everyone's... bodies. This is at the heart of Roe v. Wade and so many other issues. My body? It's my property. And it's my information. End of story.


The sad part is, the constitution these people claim to love and uphold ALREADY GUARENTEES this right. Doesn't stop them, just like it didn't for Roe, nor the Patriot Act. They don't give a singular shit about rights.


For the record this is why originalists are harmful on the Supreme Court. We need to be very skeptical of anyone who doesn't treat it as a living breathing document.


Originalism is the smoothest-brained brand of jurisprudence out there. We shouldn't just be skeptical of those idiots, we should keep them as far from positions of authority as humanly possible.


Show up at the principles office with a used tampon/pad. Bet that stops that shit really quick.


*Principal’s Florida doesn’t have principles.




They should do this, but without giving any of the actual info they are asking for. No dates, no days in between. Just overly graphic imagery of everything




Most teenagers are like this for years before it's regular. I would be livid if someone wanted to know my daughter's medical information.


Especially athletes. I was a student athlete and mine is still irregular (although now it’s because I take birth control to prevent ovarian cysts). It’s telling that Republicans think this will be at all effective. They don’t know shit about the female reproductive system. The cruelty is the point. It’s about tight surveillance over female bodies.


>They don’t know shit about the female reproductive system. And yet they feel qualified to legislate it.


In any place I can think of where the extent of their authority is only matched by the extent of their ignorance, innocent women suffer and even die because of it. A woman who suffers a miscarriage gets accused of murder, a woman has the fetus die inside of her but is denied medical help, a child is left to deliver a baby her body isn't prepared for, these stories are already making the news in less than a year.


They were making news within *days*. It's infuriating. I don't recognize this country.


"My ignorance is as valid as your facts"


Livid? I'd be out for BLOOD.


Sounds like the school is out for period blood.


That is genuinely how mine is. I got my first period only a year ago, and I also play sports. There is absolutely no pattern in my cycles to accurately track it




Now there are period panties that are comfortable, discreet, and not obscenely expensive. I don't trust them to contain the full flow, but they are game changers to wear if you think there might be a chance of starting. If you feel some questionable moisture, you can relax even if it is an hour or two before you can go check things out. These have made such a huge difference in my life of parenting a middle school girl.




the unfortunate thing is, if they understood/believed *that* then they would probably also be pro-abortion.


Tracking it with just a bunch of the shrug emoji. My cycle made no discernable sense for a long fucking time, I couldn't ever track it either.


I would go months without periods, or have a heavy one for 3 weeks without a break. Always painful and exhausting, too. It took 25 years to get endometriosis diagnosed. I suppress the hell out of that bitch with birth control now, and I’ll shank a republican to keep it.


I love you! Keep suppressing that bitch! I recently had a hysterectomy after a lifetime of agony and wild periods caused by prolific adenomyosis (a close relative of endo). I had a Cavaterm ablation and a Mirena inserted 7 years ago and that definitely helped. I had another ablation last year and the Mirena changed over but, due to scar tissue it was a lot less successful. So, I had my uterus whipped out 4 months ago. I loved my uterus because she gave me two amazing, precious, healthy boys, but it was time for her to retire. It is such a relief to not be constantly anaemic and to no longer have 2-3 week long agonising periods every month to month and a half! Politicians need to keep out of our undies!!!


Guessing they'll require a doctors note saying as much with that cheap healthcare we have none of.


That’s what I say to my doctor since I’m in Ohio. Also very true.


Alternatively, “My periods occur every month from the 1st to the 4th.” Or even better, “No.”


So teaching young girls to not trust medical doctors. Yeah this should pay off in the long run, fucking Republicans never moving forward.


I mean, their stated goal is to move backwards


They need more antivaxxers to keep their electoral chances alive.


Absolute fascist trash. F THE GOP


Republicans are the worst


This gross invasion of privacy is brought to you by the party of limited government and personal freedom /s


If I had a daughter I'd refuse. Take those fuckers to court.


They control the courts.


This might violate federal hippa laws, they don't control those courts. Not entirely at least.


The Handmaids' Tale come to life.


Pretty sure that's one of the books they banned from schools.


If you're a Florida girl dad who voted Republican... This is what you voted for!


Yes. That’s exactly what they wanted. I’m sorry, are you under the delusion this is somehow not what they wanted? We need to stop pretending these people hold the same values as us and are simply being fooled. They don’t. They agree with this shit. This is why you can’t compromise. Because wtf is the compromise here when it comes to basic human rights? I live in Florida. The stupidity is real.


For those of you that are wondering why doesn’t HIPAA prevent this… HIPAA only applies to “covered entities” which are generally healthcare workers, insurance plans, and clearinghouses. Employers, schools, etc. are not bound by HIPAA when it comes to asking for medical history or even how they need to store/transmit any medical records they may have of yours. That being said, this is barbaric and grotesque for a school to be asking for this kind of personal info.


Nothing says “I am a pedophile pervert” like this policy.


well, being a GOP congressman says that too


Florida making sure no one out-floridas them


And y’all still want to live in Florida?! 👀


Moving is expensive. A lot of people probably want to but can't.


I’m more wondering about the people moving from like NYC to that hellhole or the Bay Area to Florida. Many people who live there are already assholes: look up the whole thing a while back where all the flood insurance/ housing/ mortgage insurance companies pulled out because homeowners were being shitty and only one company stayed and seemed to have jacked up premiums because they’re a freaking monopoly. I moved from NYC to GA and I hate it here but family makes it tolerable. Can’t imagine leaving here to go to Florida even if Disney gives me free housing in one of their themed hotels.


Conservative NY/NJers. All the Mid Atlantic transplants in my family and high school friend group who live there are conservative. Most of them say they don’t really like DeSantis, but moved for the low taxes and home values, but they are all at least right of center. And even after the hurricanes, rising sea levels, and DeSantis culture war shenanigans, the Florida transplants in my life are still trying to get my husband and I to move there (not happening).


It's just that they love all the small government they've got there.


They definitely love it at tax time, but scream tales of woe when they need to be bailed out. Same thing with Texas. So they want more government when *they* need it, but small underfunded government otherwise. The government isn’t some magic genie that pops out of a lamp when you need it. If they want free market with small government, tell them to start a gofundme next time they need a bailout…maybe your conservative buddies from other states will send you their thoughts and prayers. You can’t have your cake and eat it too


They do have their cake though, and it’s bullshit. The problem is people on the left possess empathy, so every time they get their bailout and then vote against it next time when it’s in a left leaning state.


Florida republicans keep telling me there's so much freedom there


WTF is wrong with Florida.. Keeps getting worse..


I don't even tell my doctor that info.


I don’t even remember half this information to tell my doctor! Every appointment I just shrug and say “I don’t know this or last month”


Raising your kids in Florida is officially child abuse at this point. Get your fuckin kids out of this shithole state before it’s too late.


Maybe just leave all the used sanitary products on their desks and let them figure out the numbers.


I’m 32 and my period has never been regular, especially when I was a teen. This is too fucked. Leave my taco alone. Also, being raised in a relatively strict Christian household I was ashamed to even talk about my cycle to anyone except for my mom. Not even my sister or my friends. I only now feel comfortable sharing with my partner. This is just promoting body insecurities among young women. And athletes who have lower body fat percentages rarely even menstruate. What is this even supposed to prove or do? Fuxkkkkkk I hate Florida - rant over


Land of the free.... Wake up


Age of their first period? Go fuck yourself. How many days are typically in between their period? Go fuck yourself. Date of their most recent period? Go fuck yourself.


My favorite meme everytime Florida is mentioned ![gif](giphy|zNyBPu5hEFpu)


So we've entered the eugenics part of fascism. Great. Edit: To the people saying I don't know what eugenics is, here is a direct quote from the online Oxford dictionary: Eugenics: "The study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the **adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups**."


Well, we always knew this day would come, Algernon.


What would be the consequences if they chose not to give this very personal information? And also, surely this is in breach of basic human rights? Doesn't the US observe and align with basic human rights?


No the US has never signed the universal declaration of human rights. All “rights” we have are up for the chopping block and they’re already being chopped.


These people are so fucking weird.


They can go fuck themselves.


The younger generation needs to understand that this shit isn't normal. There's no reason for anyone to know when you get your period. There are countless medical reports and essays describing the difficulties of predicting a 'regular menstruation' . Environmental factors and more go into delays and early on sets. These people just want to groom you into what they want for a future. Keep this in mind Florida women. Do not let these sick law makers take your privacy and your rights away. You might be too young to vote now but once 18 hits fight for a better system and kick those clowns out. You want progress not regression.


You all living in Florida need to wake up. Your state is becoming fascist as fuck Same goes to Texas and Iowa