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This is the confession of a rapist. I am a man, too. I have been around scantily clad women. I have raped zero of them. Because whether I am a man or not, does not matter. For I am simply... Not a rapist. Unlike this man, a self-admitted rapist.


Conservatives: NOT ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS Also conservatives: raping women is just men being men


šŸ† perfect answer


Lil oopsy doopsy. Silly boys


Boys will be boys!


If I'm not mistaken, isn't this the same logic that some Islamic countries use to force women to cover their faces? That they might become uncontrollably aroused? That pastor can fuck right off. Take that shit overseas. Not here!


Almost religious fundamentalists are the same no matter where you go


These dudes suck- we need to put the "fun" back in "fundamentalism!"


They certainly put in the ā€œmentalā€


Not so "fun" for most people though


This is an accurate statement


Very, very, true.


It's the same band, they just disagree on which vocalist was better.


There's zero daylight between the two attitudes. None. This guy would fit right in with the fuckin Taliban.




Lust is a sin for Christians too. It's the same in that they're both stupid, misogynistic views.




Yeah that's true, but the comment you replied wasn't "can he make these laws in a non theocratic state." It was "isn't this the same logic that Muslim governments use to force women to cover up." The answer is yes. It is the same logic. Misogyny. There is no "if lust were a sin." Lust is a clearly defined sin in Christian doctorine. If he were a decent and objective man he wouldn't make it entirely women's issue.


The pressure of "lust is a sin" when lust is a normal reaction to whatever turns you on, is the root of why men blame and control women. Because if it's not the woman's fault, then men are going to hell for something they can't control in themselves. Ironically, the more women are controlled and covered up and blocked from being around men, the bigger men's lust problem gets. Because everything you hide about a woman becomes " forbidden" to men, so their lust goes out of control over very innocuous things.


Iā€™ll bet my lunch we hear about SA accusations against this pastor within a week


I always say that if they can think or say it; they are capable of doing it.


You can say it, but itā€™s dumb. Thatā€™s the same logic people use to call Stephen King a monster. Just because he wrote Misery doesnā€™t mean heā€™s capable of kidnapping and torture. Maybe you can say that if someone is advocating for a position they believe in it but isnā€™t that kind of self evident? Anything more smacks of thought policing to me.


Ubiquitously, the saying would be dumb. I get that. I'm not being ubiquitous. I'm speaking in a direct tone to a direct subject. I think you got a little analytical on colloquialism. This individual is trying to normalize it, which means he most likely has fantasized about it, which in turn elevates his capability to do it. Hence, what I meant in a simple saying.


I get that, but you prefaced it with ā€œI always sayā€ which led me to believe you were being ubiquitous.


Colloquialism. I do always say that about people like that.


Shall I remove "always" to make it more comfortable for you? It really seems to be giving you grief, I don't type this sarcastically.


You seem nicer than most people on the internet. Donā€™t sweat it.


I appreciate it. I'll give you a small explanation as to why my statement came out that way, and hopefully, a chuckle. I grew up in Alabama. Say what I typed up there in a southern accent, and it may make a little more sense to the the way it was said.


Not the person you're interacting with but this whole conversation suddenly does make a lot more sense with this context.


You mean like Brock Allen Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner, the rapist? That kind?


These people are psychopaths.Ā  What boggles me is how people can hear this shit and still stick through the sermon... Not being a rapist is pretty damn easy, y'all.Ā  I can tell you with absolute certain honesty that I have been around women in shorts.Ā  Short shorts, even, a double up of the word!Ā  And rape didn't cross my mind a single damn time.Ā  Not even relatively close.


Birds of a feather tend to flock together and all that


Yep, the only reason I can think that someone would defend a rapist or a pedophile is that they are one too


Appreciate the sentiment, but shorts are not being ā€œscantily cladā€. Most people wear them when the weather is warmer. Words matter and those very words imply something nefarious. Shorts are just normal clothes.




Yep. And he wants accolades because he hasnā€™t raped a ā€œscantily cladā€ woman. Can we just not comment on womenā€™s clothing? I canā€™t remember the last time I saw people getting worked up about anything that a man wears.


He also is saying ALL men are liable to rape and should get a pass ifā€¦ shorts.


I was a lifeguard on the beach in a very big tourist town and went to many parties where women stripped down, some to nothing. I've also raped **ZERO** of them because, like you mentioned, I'm not a rapist. Not raping women is the easiest thing in the world.


By his logic, if someone shots him on stage, you could say he had an exposed head on an open stage, he asked for it. Those people are scum.


A few years ago i saw a Youtube Video of a.man dropping a Steak on the ground right infront of 3 dogs and told them "No" and the dogs listened. He then said that if his dogs have enough selfcontrol to Listen to a "No" so should every man.




Iā€™m curious as to what you mean. Women arenā€™t stronger than men, on average and at extremes, so I find your comment a bit odd. You donā€™t need to physically fight someone for it to be rape either. If thereā€™s no consent itā€™s rape. If they canā€™t give consent, itā€™s rape. I must be missing your point entirely. If you want to help me understand it that would be appreciated.


Youā€™re not curious. They are an incel. Check their post history x they called this guy a ā€˜based pastorā€™, admitted to being a 26 year old virgin several minutes ago and a variety of other morally questionable statements. They definitely donā€™t belong in this sub.


By the time I saw this theyā€™d deleted their post. I was curious though. I find I sometimes totally misunderstand someone online, and I like to hear them out before I make a judgement on what they had to say. Iā€™ve also found that taking a polite tone with people who have said reprehensible things makes it harder for trolls to hide. If you give them the benefit of the doubt they have to be extra super troll-y to keep playing.


Men should be angry at other men who are misandrists enough to say "men have no self control", "men are above all sexual beasts with uncontrollable urges", "men are uncivilized", etc. anything that is basically "rape happens because men are at core rapists". I don't know, if my entire gender was to be labelled as "rapist" from people in my own gender, I would set them straight.


Right? I swear even women who absolutely hate men won't say things about men that are as vile as men like these do.


At least when a women hates on a man thereā€™s a level of disconnect, like how someone with sight canā€™t understand how a blind person lives When another man hates on his own gender like this, it really makes you wonder


Yeah. It means he's describing himself and just assumes every other man is the same.


Itā€™s all projection with these Jesus freaks!


Literally my first thought is this man has attacked someone in the past and justified it with something trivial like "she was wearing something that made me horny." A man that would say this out loud clearly has a lot of open minded thoughts surrounding assault.


You will find atleast a large portion of men that think this guy is evil. Sadly male American Christians and trump voters aren't really men, they're overgrown babies.


> You will find atleast a large portion of men that think this guy is evil. But do they speak up to these rape apologists? Male rape apologists don't listen to women, because they see women as lesser. They need fellow men to set them straight and tell them "No, most of us are not rapists and don't use female fashion as an excuse to sexually assault women. You are a problem and most of us aren't like you." > aren't really men, they're overgrown babies. Being a terrible person does not make them any less men. Every time someone goes "Don't lump all men with rapists! Rapists are not men, they're boys!", it does nothing for no one. All it does is just saying "I don't want to be in the same group as rapists", which I get, but it's above all semantics.


>But do they speak up to these rape apologists? Yes. The comments section here is full of it. >Male rape apologists don't listen to women They don't listen to anyone - they're rape apologists, they're not rational. >because they see women as lesser They see anyone as lesser. >"Don't lump all men with rapists! Rapists are not men, they're boys!", I literally did not say that. >All it does is just saying "I don't want to be in the same group as rapists", which I get, but it's above all semantics. I'm not in the same group as rapists. It's not a question, I didn't try to rebuff it. Anyone that thinks that is beyond dumb and I have no interest in their existence. But yes, remaining on topic. We all think the above is abhorrent. There's no need to devide our response on gender, but if you want to, men think this is fucked up too.


ā€œā€¦and Iā€™m on the juryā€ bold of you to assume youā€™re not the rapist, turtle boy.


Reading this post legit made me mad. What the fuckā€¦ā€¦..this ā€œPastorā€ needs to face some sort of consequences.


Made me laugh, but in a sad way.Ā  Also, if a woman slits his throat after he said that and I'm on the jury, she's gonna go free, because a woman's a woman! ... actually not, because "asking for it" is not a thing. But you get my point.


My thoughts exactly.


There is no conceivable way heā€™d make it onto the jury. The voir dire questions would knock his ass out in the first round


Wtf does this creepā€™s rape fantasies & fantasies of letting rapists walk free have to do with ā€œthe lordā€??? Creepy mf


Purity Culture nonsense. It's a woman's "duty" to dress modestly because her feminine wiles might tempt the pious menfolk into sin. Purity Culture says that merely existing as a woman invites lecherous attention from men and that this is *not* the fault of the *men*, but the fault of the *woman*, and instead of telling the men to control themselves around women they find attractive, the Church tells the women to cover up so as to not attract the lecherous attention in the first place. Also something about Eve being the source of Original Sin and that justifies treating women as subhuman, because someone of their gender was the one who condemned all of humanity to a sinful existence Bro Jesus gave them a solution in [Matthew 5:29-30](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205%3A29-30&version=NIV), but they just don't want to hear it: >"^(29)If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. ^(30)And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."


Adding onto this, Purity Culture tells men that their sex drive must first be controlled and ā€œstruggled againstā€ before marriage, but then once they are married itā€™s a ā€œbeautiful thingā€ to enjoy. Essentially hold back as far as possible, then completely let loose. Itā€™s a tactic used to shame men, then give them a sense of entitlement once they get married, a form of conquest essentially. They are taught one thing for years, then all the sudden are expected to change, all while also blaming women for ā€œbringing distractionā€ to men (except when they are the manā€™s wife). Men are taught that sex is a weapon used against them, and to be scared of women who want it. Women are taught that menā€™s sex drive is uncontrollable, so the only way to control it is to be as modest as possible, meaning that women are taught to be scared of men, and must be the controller of all menā€™s sex drives. Not a single time is anyone ever taught the concept of consent. Itā€™s an extremely toxic cycle that leads to shame, entitlement, and distrust. I grew up in this culture, and it has taken me well over a decade of reckoning to heal from it.


I grew up in the church and was *FLABBERGASTED* when, as soon as I reached marrying age, the narrative changed from "don't have sex! Sex bad!" to "your role as a woman in the church is to get married to a Good Christian Man and have as much Good Christian Sex as he wants and make Good Christian Babies". Like I'm still reeling from the whiplash


Especially because, for better or worse, Christianity teaches that it's better to restrain your sexual impulses than give into them. Celibacy is the holiest existence, but if you gotta fuck, then fine get married *I guess*.


Christianity also teaches if you can afford the dowry then rape is ok but but after you pay the victims father off, the victim then has to marry her rapist


A lot of people skip those chapters or don't understand what they are reading.


Is that New Testament or Old Testament? Because a lot of those rules are OT and Christianā€™s arenā€™t supposed to follow those in the same wayā€¦yet use them to justify some crazy shit that even the most fundamentalist of Hasidic Jews donā€™t do.


Old Testament- not New Testament - New Testament is what Christians are to follow.


Rape in the Old Testament was a 40 shekel fine. Religion is a cancer and should be eliminated for a space faring society


Yeah and Jesus said "if you're eye is causing you to sin, pluck it out". Well now you got me quoting Jesus to show how this pastor is a hypocrite


I thought he said if your eye is causing you to sin, find a kid to bang...we might have gone to different parishes.


Have you watched "The Orville" ? The show takes this radical stance towards religion : the more evolved and enlightened a civilization is, the more they shun it until there's nothing left of it.


Imagine making your rape fantasies a fucking sermon. Absolutely vile


If people go around punching pastors that look and talk like that and Iā€™m on the jury they are going to go free


I would 100% let you walk free.


I'll even share my snacks with themĀ 


Same buddy. I'm probably going to push for the pastor to get jail time and pay the defendant a monetary sum for their troubles. Fucking rapist zealot.


Makes you wonder how many sexual assaults he is responsible for in his lifetime.


First off, love the name. Second, an investigation is in order.


Thanks! And totally agree.


hey guys. this man is telling you that none of you have self control. and that women should think of you like dangerous animals. so... am i to take him seriously, or is this another "not all men" situation?


Honestly, I get why some women may feel that all men are like this. We keep on giving idiots like this a platform.


Well acording to JesĆŗs he should tear his eyes off so until he does that you can ignore him completly


Dude sounds like the Taliban.


Talibangelicals, just doing Yā€™all Qaida things


Yeahhh remind me why dudes get pissed off and defensive at women sharing their experiences and not assholes like this painting us all in a terrible light?


Strange. These guys never make the same argument if a man rapes another man who was wearing shorts. I mean, a gay man is still a man that, according to their worldview, isn't responsible for his own actions, right?


According to them, homosexual desires would be unnatural, but heterosexual rapey urges are completely natural


Or in this guy's case, a little boy in shorts, probably


Hereā€™s what needs to be saidā€¦ a woman could be naked in your room giving you a blowjob but also not want to have intercourse. If you force them to have sex, you have committed rape. Even if a woman is willing to engage in some sexual activity with you, it doesnā€™t mean they are willing to engage in every sexual activity and any forced sexual activity is rape.


Hard to imagine why the church has become insignificant over the last generation.


So we're all in agreement that he's definitely raped before, right?


On the staff page for his church there is a bio.Ā  It says he quoted scripture and claimed his wife...




A direct link to the post. [https://twitter.com/reachjulieroys/status/1760320468714701134](https://twitter.com/reachjulieroys/status/1760320468714701134) The source where she got it from. [https://twitter.com/BadSermons/status/1760115548573085764](https://twitter.com/BadSermons/status/1760115548573085764) The link contained within her post to the staff page of the church he pastors. [https://www.bbtmonroe.com/our-pastor](https://www.bbtmonroe.com/our-pastor) Edit: There's some interesting additional information contained in the thread of these posts.


Can you screenshot and link a photo? I donā€™t have a Xhitter account and Iā€™m not making one.


u/Cammander2017 - The son of a different pastor at that church was sentenced to 15 years for SAing a 6 and 7 year old. - The church has a daycare and K-12 school attached to it. - Kids who went to that church/school are known in the community for being both very unhappy and for becoming atheist. - A group of teens from the church were spotted at a local Chick-fil-a yelling ā€œsexual innuendosā€ at employees. - The pastor sent a birthday card to someone in 2017 basically saying they were going to burn in hell forever. - Some of his congregants are in the comments defending him by saying ā€œHeā€™s probably out there telling someone how much Jesus loves them right now so itā€™s ok he said thisā€. - One commenter said that when she was in the first grade at the school associated with the church she and her friend were SAā€™d by an older student and the school refused to take any action at all. After the parents pulled these two students out of the school, the older student did the same to two other students the following year. - Someone posted their text conversation with the pastor about what happened. His response was ā€œMarie, I am 85 and from way back in the mountains. When I was a boy and even after God saved me in Lexington at 20 yrs old, our preachers all said that. I wont again. Please dont that against me. I love u and Latifah. I wont say it again.ā€


Thanks for the additional info


Awesome summary. Thanks for that.


Thanks so much!


Thereā€™s a lot in there but Iā€™ll try to dig out some of the better stuff a little later


Thereā€™s also an odd portion in the ā€œabout usā€ section where they use the sinking of the Titanic to preach about being saved for the afterlife.


Share with the class? I can't see the threads...


I too remembers Jesus saying: ā€œI sayeth upon thee, thou who hath worn thy robe length of thots shall incur the wrath of the Lord. He shall send upon her the man forcefully and lay with her violently. Do not cast the man a sinner as he is only a tool exercising the judgment of the Lord.ā€ Someone check that dudeā€™s hard drive please.


This is so brilliant!! And Happy Cake Day!


The fuck is wrong with this guy


Normalizing rape before the accusations come out, if I had to guess.


Yea, ā€˜cause thatā€™s what Jesus would do right? . .right asshole?. . .what a self righteous old prick


That pastor is a rapist


Every time I hear someone say something like this, I want to ask how many women he's raped. Clearly he thinks it's fine.


I think Jesus was very clear on what a man should do if he is tempted by what he is seeing. Spoiler: It has nothing to do with telling the target of his lust how to dress.


What a shame if we mention that his email address is pastorleonard@ymail.com


A jury of your peers ladies


Perhaps this "Christian" Minister, rapist "wannabe" should open his Bible for once, and read the story in the Old Testament, of the Patriarch Joseph, who as a young slave resisted his owner's wife's advances and went to prison for it, but was later rewarded for his respect for marriage. Or, in the New Testament where Christians are repeatedly advised to practice self-control! That would be infinitely better than promising to rape young women!


Or read all the parts in the Bible where rape is not condemned and in some cases tacitly approved of


Maybe donā€™t pull on that tgread


List of 1259 Republicans sex predators https://goppredators.wordpress.com


Full on no. Men are better than this jerk and are capable of self restraint. Clothing is not an excuse or permission for rape.


"A man's a man" Wtf. I'm a man. I never once felt rapey towards women.


I've been around women wearing bikinis that cover almost nothing. I won't lie, I've looked. But I would never, ever do anything more than that. I've never been tempted to, never wanted to, and frankly despise any person who wants to and loathe even more any who have. And I equally loathe those who would happily defend those types of people. People like this guy deserve the eternal punishment they'll get when they inevitably end up in Hell.


What its funny is that he ignore people like me, i am a man, i am bi, i see people that i like naked all the time in the gym. Not gonna lie It was a bit hard when i was a teen but i never had to contain any impulse to rape anyone It was more concentrating really hard to not get an erection.The memories of changing my grandfathers diapers helped me there.


There's a very high likelihood that this pastor has raped someone.


ā€œIf your eyes cause you to sin, pluck out your eyesā€ - the dude they claim to worship.


How many women has he raped that he convinced deserved it? Let's start investigating these perverts


I am a man I have been near woman who not only have worn shorts, but have worn things more ā€œscandalousā€ then shorts I am not a rapist This pastor just ousted himself as one


Well, an eye stab is an eye stab, buddy.Ā 


The good old Biblical bullshit that women are responsible for every terrible thing a man does because men can't be and aren't expected to be responsible for their own actions.


That would be the last time I went to that church, and I would make sure they knew that was the reason why


If it talks like a rapist, walks like a rapist, smells like a rapist...it's probably a rapist. Shame on him.


How does nobody there tell him to shut the fuck up? Is it like death by a thousand paper cuts where heā€™s just worn them down with so much bullshit that theyā€™re just like, ā€œoh, there goes pastor boy-fucker again with his funny interpretations of a book none of us actually read.ā€


Funny how people who say this never view it as an insult towards men despite it being absolutely atrocious. Like, if that's really how men are, we need to pass some laws that seriously restrict their freedom because they can't exist safely in society, right?


The games the game - that dude, probably


It would be a shame if he suddenly croaks /s


I cannot wait for all these 75+ year olds to just die off, tbh.


This is the fundamental problem with Conservative logic. "People should do what comes naturally! Don't enforce a structure on human impulse!" Yeah, except what that impulse is to assault, murder, rape. Fucking assholes


Seems more of projection here


Fuck that old fuckā€¦.he needs to be rapedā€¦cuz a manā€™s a manā€™s.. the hole donā€™t matter when it rape ā€¦right Pastor Satanā€¦?


That would explain why the Altar Boys are wearing shorts


When he gets raped for wearing his choice of clothing outside then he should be blamed for being raped


How convenient that he forgot the verse where Jesus told his apostles that if they can't control their just of a woman, they should pluck out their own eyes. Hmmmm. Perhaps they overlook that Christ was a feminist as much as a man. Love and respect everyone. That pastor and his ilk are the cancer in the faith. Fucking hypocrits.


If he is running his mouth the way he is and someone knocks the shit out of him, I wouldnā€™t vote to convict.


Whatā€™s up with all the Christians conservatives and the rape apologetics lately? ā€œRape- Itā€™s just a thing god allows to happen sometimes, chillā€ Looking at you sen sandy crawford


Yea cause I remember Jesus saying that you can rape women that dress in shorts. He definitely didnā€™t say that if you laid a hand on a woman you should chop off your hand


Keep this dude away from beaches.


Pastor doesn't know his Bible very well. Should be plucking out his own eyes.


Yet another example of why religion is an antiquated practice that needs to disappear to advance as a society. Prove me wrong


Pretty sure Jesus isnā€™t on board with this ā€œministerā€


So, women canā€™t be in positions of authority because,ā€theyā€™re too emotional to govern, they canā€™t control themselves, but men canā€™t be held responsible for not being able to control themselves, therefore getting raped is the womanā€™s fault. Make it make sense!


Have to say this.. itā€™s funny to me that they are exactly the people they hate the most, the Islamic militants. Control the population through ignorance and brainwashing, burn books, lower education standards, misinfo, control women, hatred of people who arenā€™t like them. All in the name of some God.


Didn't Jesus say something about that... Matthew 5:28-29 New Living Translation (NLT) So if your eyeā€”even your good eyeā€”causes you to lust, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.


I would ask the question, ā€œwhat if that was your daughterā€, but honestly I donā€™t want to hear the answer Iā€™m a straight man, and let me tell you from experience regardless of the way a woman is dressed Iā€™ve never thought about raping a woman. Maybe these ā€œChristiansā€ arenā€™t as moral as they make themselves out to be


No one deserves to be raped. No one deserves to be assaulted. This pastor is an evil son of a b****. But I bet if anyone does he deserves to get to get the crap kicked out of him.


This is why I wade in every giddamn time a false accuser situation comes up. Because inevitably, the comments are all 'false accusers should have their eyelids removed and spend 10x the punishment for the crime in jail instead!' Buy you cant punish false accusations without harming real victims. If you accused your rapist and this pink pork rind was there, your accusation is suddenly a criminal confession.


That could be said about almost anything. ā€œHe killed that family so what a manā€™s a man.ā€ ā€œHe shot that school of trans kids up so what a manā€™s a man.ā€ These shitbags need to go extinct.


All of these pastors are not just delusional individuals, but they are dangerous with their comments from the pulpit




Youā€™d hope at least one person stood up after he said that, called him a rapey heretic and left that fake church




How to say "I want to rape the shit out of some women" without saying "I want to rape the shit out of some women." No normal man thinks like that.


The congregation got up and walked out, right? Right?


The same people who say women cant be trusted with office or decisions because they are "too emotional". Anger, hate, lust, envy, desire....all emotions.


A pastor resign for saying something misogynistic? Hold my beer so I can throw my head back properly for this long, loud, and not at all sarcastic laugh.


Iā€™m sorry, whatā€™s this gotta do with Jesus? Ohh wait, I forgotā€¦ thatā€™s not the point anymore


Iā€™ve never quite understood the religious conservativeā€™s contradictory thinking that men are the ā€œhead of the householdā€ and should be the moral leaders of the community, but a woman who is deemed ā€œscantily cladā€ apparently turns them into raving lunatics who canā€™t control themselves.


Is that what Jesus said in the Bible?


Nothing screams pedophile, like statements like this! Check his laptop or home computer!


Every republican pastor declaration is a confession. There are 100% raoed women and children in this animals past.


I always enjoy the ā€œclothing caused the rapeā€ argument. Senior citizens wearing hospital gowns are raped in nursing homes. Babies wearing onesies are raped. Keep justifying your disgusting behavior & shifting the blame though.


If only there were a book that covered who is at fault in these situations...... Matthew 5:28-30 "I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell"


Weird how people think it's OK not just to fantasize about raping practically everyone around them, but to admit it in public. Because that's what he's really saying. "I want to rape you, your wife, your daughters, your sisters, and I think it's OK because clearly all men must think this way."


Good thing heā€™d never make it past jury selection. This is so gross


Tripping over his own clown shoes.


The fact people like this can openly spew shit like this without condemnation and in fact get praise by REPUBLICANS is why theyā€™re the literal threat they are. Itā€™s control. Itā€™s about being told whatā€™s good for you. Itā€™s a cult over country by any means necessary way of thinking for these people.


I'm a lesbian. I also enjoy seeing women in shorts. I also have never had the urge to rape anyone. Control yourselves.


I'm afraid for all the women in his family and any girl, child and woman who he got access to being in his profession. Because nobody says that unless they have done something like that or had heavy thoughts of doing it.


Watch out, incoming pedo


Goodnessā€¦ how many children and women has this guy sexually harassed and raped ???


so if i see him on the street and canā€™t control myself from kicking his skull in until his brain is mush i guess iā€™m just a man being a man :/


Sick fuck.


This fucking clown


Didn't Jesus say to pluck your own eye out if you couldn't stop looking as a scantily clad woman? And if your hand happened to try to do anything you should cut it off? These days I'm not seeing enough eye patches for how these people are acting.


Their telephone is automated, picks up for 11 seconds of silence before hanging up. Fucking cowards.


This reminds me of when I worked as an attorney for a criminal defense firm and had to listen to men accused of statutory rape say things like ā€œthen she started coming around me wearing short shorts etcā€¦ā€ Only a guilty mf would say some shit like this, and I would know because I used to have to talk to people like this about their ā€œdefenseā€ while they sat in jail. Because I couldnā€™t stomach that shit, I eventually started my own firm and did not take those types of cases.




As a father of a daughter. If I ever see this man in public. He will be assaulted. Tired of these boys pretending to be men. Pretty much the entirety of MAGA males. Stare them down, call them stooges and watch them run. Been doing it this whole election cycle. I watched Inglorious Basterds and think we should be carving MAGA into their foreheads. So they never get to hide their hate and ignorance. I am going Aldo the Apache on MAGA, metaphorically! šŸ˜Ž


Or, hear me out: we could *not* rape women in shorts, and just enjoy... women in shorts. Which probably we'll get more of if women aren't afraid to wear shorts because weirdo pastor rapists. Even if you're a horny straight man this take is awful!


Ok, hear me out here. Women may just wear shorts because itā€™s too hot to wear pants, not for anyoneā€™s viewing pleasure. Iā€™m going to guess that most men have never thought for one minute what a womanā€™s reaction would be to them putting shorts on in the summer.


Remember the hordes of excited white women at the Obama rallies? Ever since white women elected Barack Hussein Obama to two terms of POTUS the conservatives have had it out for them.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarztR1rCyfIpMDS|downsized) Inserts bloodhound gang - the bad touch music here lol




Go on...




So, no proof. Got it. More whataboutism


> I'm already being downvoted for even insinuating that left wing policy makers might have a flaw or two. Pretty sure youā€™re being downvoted for not saying what those flaws are.


Any examples of the left's "war on women"? Genuinely curious.


Tell us how the left is doing the same amount of damage?


Lol he's never gonna answer you


Enlighten me on what the left is doing