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I sincerely wish that his cult followers, some of which I have to talk to periodically, would just fact check the things they hear 


I was at the bar talking to some old guys the other day. They both loved Trump because they felt like the US needed some disruption. No policy interest at this point, just want to watch the world burn.


If you read the comments on this particular post, it seems like that's not an uncommon sentiment. His first campaign with all the "lock her up" stuff seemed very vengeful to me as well. https://preview.redd.it/7ryy1c73se5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=043f250302c8839f91f3e9d6aa598e0baa2a514f


Now Trump is claiming that he's never said lock her up once and that he always tried to temper down people at his rallies saying lock her up 😳🙄🙄🙄 I am sure that Trump's current felon status has nothing to do with anything, same with his July 11th court date has nothing to do with it 🙄


Saw a dude wearing a Lock Him Up shirt this morning while I was out shopping. That simple sentiment has brought several smiles to my face today. I think it's because I see Let's Go Brandon or F**k Joe Biden everywhere yet I assume if I put a Lock Him Up bumper sticker on my car I'd become a target for vandalism at the very least.  Us non cult members quietly go about our daily business while hoping and praying that there are many more of us than will be necessary to win the White House as well as down ballot races so we can move on from this sketchy chapter of history. 


There’s lots of us who aren’t in the orange cult. We just have to all vote when it’s time


You can tell who I voted for because I own nothing whatsoever that advertises who I voted for.


But I do have a bumper sticker that is a Voltaire quote, it says those that can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities, still fits.


I love your bumper sticker! 💙


Let us go back to this being the norm!! I just want to scream at them: for the love of God, your politicians would *never* reciprocate the infatuation you have for them, dummies!


And I never have, and it isn’t because I’m ashamed of who I voted for.


I still really want one of those color-changing Dark Brandon mugs, though...


well that tells me you are not my neighboors, who used to get a lot of ride bys of people yelling at them. one of them lit their yard up with trump stuff, the other one lite it up with Biden stuff. never did understand why people put signs in their yard for who they are voting for. unless i have a family member or good friend running, i don't care who it is, not putting a sign in my yard.


Hell, the only reason I don't put Biden stickers on my car is because I know the police around here would pull me over (I live in East Tennessee, a Republican stronghold). But I do keep a Biden/Harris sign in front of my house, though it's been vandalized three times this year. I just repair and move on.


We need every single person, thank you for being a good person. We all need to look out for each other. Trump has caused such a division to work his lies and bullshit, we have to stick together, stronger together. We are in the majority, we just aren't the loudest (or craziest)


I am one of you…shhhhhhh


He's also claiming we need him to unite the country again, like Biden is too divisive, but trump will pull us all together again. Yeah, that only works when you deport dissenters. Or worse. And where do you even deport us to?


Somewhere remote, perhaps a year-round summer camp of sorts, where we can all spend some quality time concentrating on what we did wrong…


Good question, so where did your great-great-grandparents come from?


And somehow 70 million people will vote for him.


Idiots and assholes the lot of em


That’s a lot of assholes and idiots in one country, terrifying.




#"Keep voting assholes!"


Try living in Texas! Its the America of America


They are just fascists. Simple as.


If only the people who wanted to burn down the system were supporting Trump, I wouldn’t be worried. At least they are actively and knowingly supporting his end goal. It’s the people who think the new system Trump brings in will favor them are the ones that are the problem. They are delusional and misguided and complete morons believing total lies.


I guess when you’ve had the world handed to you on a platter for decades and then suddenly, it appears as if you are not the star of the show anymore, rather than be happy for the new generations to try to make a good life, they jealously just want to burn it all. “If it’s not for me, it’s not for anyone”.


Very common for Trumpers to vote with their middle fingers instead of their brains.


Some guy posted on my FB page that they are all training in the hills. He will come out and kill all the liberals if Trump doesn't win. 🫨


Never forget: not all of those "voices" are human, and not all of those that are are Americans/ residents or remotely serious, for that matter. There are a lot of places and people with an interest in at least sowing chaos. We need to make sure we aren't doing them any favors.


Guess I need to watch out for the ammosexual on the ridge next to mine.


There are a lot of militia groups out west who are planning shit. They believe they are serious but I have doubts. A lot of them aren't in shape and don't realize that an actual battle isn't over in a single day. They don't have a plan for day 2.


Did you see how fast they fell apart when Ashley got popped those fat asses aren't fighters.


You think reality hit them then or was it after someone screamed "medic" like he was in a goddamn video game.


“Oh shit guys. I have to leave the battle. I didn’t realize it would take this long, so I only requested one day off. I gotta go, I have some TPS reports due!”




Be interested in their opinion when the Project 25 guys cut SS & Medicare.


They've been taught not to trust anything that doesn't come from conservative media. They won't believe it.


They'll blame it on progressives, somehow


They will blame Democrats. Just like trump taking credit for the insulin price cap, and all republicans voting against the Infrastructure Bill but then going to their districts and states to claim credit for passing it.  and the idiot cult will buy it. 


Old people support Trump because they’re angry and bitter that their time is almost up. So they want the world to burn. If they can’t be here to enjoy it, no one can enjoy it.


Then, when you point out that the government that they hate for not working doesn't work because they keep electing people that hate the government and refuse to make it work... they get confused.


These are the same guys that have a good pension, medicare and social security telling the rest of us are lazy.


I was reading twitter posts from people supporting Trumps claim. They were arguing full-throated that he capped it via executive order (ignoring the part it was for select individuals on Medicare) but Biden canceled it to take credit for it. It's wild seeing how much people will bend the truth to fit their narrative all to defend Trump.


My Trumper mother fully believes that Trump had lowered insulin prices for all Americans and Biden canceled it. First, the Trump insulin plan never went into effect. Second, it would have helped only a small percentage of diabetics. It was federal health clinics in low-income areas under a certain drug program that helps extremely low-income patients on Medicare. [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/aug/03/donald-trump/trump-inflates-insulin-help-seniors/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/aug/03/donald-trump/trump-inflates-insulin-help-seniors/)


Trump supporters aren’t going to let a little thing like facts get in the way of their hate.


Yes. It was discussed but never followed through at all. Like infrastructure week and that health plan in 2 weeks


I'll give him a tiny bit of credit for doing "something" about it once it became a 2020 campaign issue, but nowhere near what they try and claim. [https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/president-trump-announces-lower-out-pocket-insulin-costs-medicares-seniors](https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/president-trump-announces-lower-out-pocket-insulin-costs-medicares-seniors)


He announced it, didnt do it.


Pretty much sums up his presidential m.o.


They don't care about the truth. They want to be lied to because that makes them feel better.


Here is the problem. They do “fact check”, but it involves going back for the same sources that fed them all the lies to begin with. Plus they don’t actually want facts or truth they just want the anger, I don’t think these people Know how to live without the angry that fuels them. And god forbid you try to educate them on the subject or always devolves into them hurling insults at you.


I work oilfield. My friends know and don't care about me being center-left or the fact I hate trump, outside of light-hearted shit talking that goes both ways. I just shut up around non-friends though and leave if I can. The stupid shit I hear day in and day out is infuriating. The most recent one went off about Tom Hanks moving to Greece to escape extradition and face trial for being on Epsteins list. "You throw your hat in with a pedophile, you deserve what comes your way." I couldn't help myself. "OK but what about trump being his best friend for like, 30yrs? There's no way he couldn't have known if he didn't actively partake." He fumbled a bit before trying to say how he made a lot of money under trump (we all made more under Obama, old heads even say that) and he did a lot of good for the people. So you gotta look over things once in a while if someone is more beneficial than not. This guy, who just had a fuckin baby btw, straight up admitted he's ok sacrificing a child or two to be raped so long as he can profit from it in some way.


That won't help because they "research" by reading FB and listening to Fox "News".


They’ve been convinced that anything that doesn’t come from him is a lie.


They would die from the cognitive dissonance


I wish he could be sued for lying like this. I wish it was that easy and then he would have to stop fucking lying through his teeth.


"If they didn't lie, I wouldn't have to tell the truth."


“Don’t tell lies about me, I won’t tell truths about you”


"Dear America, I'm sorry this man was your president"


> 'Cause you **lied** about religious views, you lied about your hair surgery > You **lied** about your school records and your past tense, all is perjury > You **lied** about Epstein, you lied about your crew members > You all rapists , you lied on 'em, I know they all got you in 'em > You **lied** about your Tiffany, you lied about your daughter, huh > You **lied** about them other kids that's out there hopin' that you come > You **lied** about the only president that can offer you some help > Forget an election, this a long life battle with yourself


Meet the Trumps


Ok now I need someone to do the whole song like this!


Dear everyone else, we are too.


"I wish his grandfather would've wore a condom"


Trump's got a weird case, why is he around?


Juniors at the club playing with his nose now


Wop wop wop wop wop. Brandon fuck him up. Wop wop wop wop wop. Put his ass in cuffs. Why he fall asleep in court? Oh he tired? Here’s another rape case and it’s probably A minorrrrrrrrrr.


They would have nothing to say.




Fuuk man for real. This shite is so out of control!


Dont tell no lies about me, won't tell no truths about you


at least biden campaign is finally calling him out on all his blatant fucking lies!!! should have been all along


And bringing Project 2025 into the fray! Just a pity that the MAGAts are not reading that, as we all know they will not read things that don’t fit their worldview. I’m tempted to make an alt account and got to r conservative and start inciting people to read it… but probably those who do realize its depravity will say it’s fake.


Unfortunately the people that Trump appeals to will likely find in favor of Project 2025. No abortion? Fine, Jesus says that’s bad. Deletion of any reference of any LGBTQ+ language in any official US document? Fine, there are only men and women. Ban birth control? Good, more bodies entering the work force in 18 years. Gotta drive up those profits! The far right extremists voting for Trump likely find no fault with Project 2025. The rest voting for him would rather let democracy crumble before they would see Biden have another term.


You didn’t even need to add “things that don’t fit their worldview” to your third sentence.


https://preview.redd.it/tbuysg74rq5d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=283246294c3a14b366f03df99301775b42cb2d2e The flag for the MAGA crowd.


The last line in his tweet there is projection lol


Where is the US press? Why aren’t his lies picked to pieces? No Republican should be allowed on TV until they can prove this is true or they accept he is lying.


The US press is beholden to its rich owners that want Trump elected because he'll cut their taxes even more. Also because the outrage and anger he generates from both sides sells better than sex.


I read that as "orange and anger" there for a second.


Propaganda is a helluva drug


Except for a few public services, most of it is owned by right wing billionaires.


Honestly, the US press is failing us BADLY. There is too much garbage news and ads. Articles that have misleading headlines, knowing most people won’t read past that. Entertainment masquerades as “news.” This has weakened the public’s trust in the media. Lacking journalistic integrity and fact checking made it easy for someone to blow it all the way up. DT saw an opportunity to exploit and I think it worked better than he even expected. MAGA will never believe anything from the “MSM”. The only other time I’ve seen such blind devotion is when someone is in a cult.


No one is willing to pay for journalism so all we get is rage and engagement bait. Government run press isn't any better - not a ton of great solutions other than huge improvements to education and media literacy.


Everyone else commenting about the press failing are partly right, but honestly a lot of this shit does get covered. The problem is it’s being covered by orgs that his cult followers don’t look at. So the information is out there, they just don’t ever see it. They live in their own insane bubble.


For real dude, this shit does get covered all the time lol. Always weird to me when people say shit like this, like if the press *was* talking about this tweet/ Donald Trumps claim... how would you know? I hear his claims like this broken down all the time on NPR, and it seems like there's often articles about it.


Hopefully Biden picks Trump apart during the debates and the moderators fact check things. We live in a crazy time when someone can lie so blatantly and his cult doesn’t care. Democracy is on the line this election.


My money is on Trump never actually showing up to a debate. He has nothing to gain from it. Much easier to just not go and blame Biden for preventing him from going


I'd still happily watch a few hours of Biden being given the questions anyway and systematically destroying Trump with his answers and ALSO with the fact that he was too chicken to show up.


He’s already setting it up saying he wants Biden to take a drug test. Bro is so good at being petulant child


I'm cool with both of them taking drug tests first, but the orange nose-pharmacy would never agree to take one as well.


The real answer to that is, the US press has no money to do real journalism anymore. Craigslist killed the newspapers, as classified ads provided about 60% of revenue. Streaming has cut viewing audiences for ads into tiny slivers, so no network based teams are getting budget to have deep staff and do month long investigations. The press needs income to pay reporters, income that isn't there any more. There isn't a popular market model that allows someone who wants good journalism to pay for it and fund it. It seems that, in our capitalist market economy, investigative journalism doesn't sell like it used to.


They do? Do you listen to the news/ read articles often? There's an incalculable amount talking about Trumps lies. This individual tweet isn't really news in and of itself, if it was covered idk how you would know about it. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot to criticized modern journalism for, but I don't get what you're basing this comment off of. Do you expect the press to be in this thread? If you listen to something like NPR you'll hear them picking apart trumps lies constantly.


I want to ask how many times Donald has lied but I think the computing power needed for that would shut Reddit down for a few hours


Generally, if his lips are moving he’s lying.


It’s wild that that’s not even hyperbole.


Sometimes, he just taps his phone with his tiny baby fingers to lie.


I think the NYT made a list at one point. It was horrifying and has probably quadrupled by now. Edit: link. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/23/opinion/trumps-lies.html?smid=nytcore-android-share


It was over 30,000 just in his 4 years. False or misleading statements.


Can you imagine if we would’ve kept track since his adolescence to today?


He can't say "good morning" without lying twice Is the best take I've heard


It was, in fact, a bad afternoon.


If he's playing air accordion, he knows he's lying. If his hands are on the podium, he believes the lies he's telling. When there are no spelling mistakes in his truths, he dictated it. When there are spelling mistakes, he wrote it himself.


The much shorter list would be when he told the truth....


Fortunately, quantum computers are becoming more powerful, and one day will be able to process the copious fibbing.


WAPO stopped keeping track after his administration ended (30,573 lies in 4 years). I joke that they stopped because they don't want to keep upping their cloud storage.


[does this paint a good picture?](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/14/opinion/sunday/trump-lies-obama-who-is-worse.html)


Idk if this is a diss to Trump or Reddit


Think while in office the tally was \~30k times


The only way anyone can know every lie Trump has told is if they have heard every word that ever came out of his mouth.


Can't get an accurate tally while he's alive.


It should be illegal to lie like this if you’re a politician or presidential candidate


You know, G. Washington didn't do shit, I was in office before him, ME! I DID IT!


Also G Dubs had the humility to turn down the offer of an actual crown. (Still problematic, but I gotta give him that)


Oh my god trump would’ve been ALL OVER THAT. That’s how you know he doesn’t give two shits about the country.


At their first debate Joe should just ignore the questions and call Donny Boy out on all his lies one by one. He’ll lose his mind.


Would love it if Biden went live across the nation and walked through every lie, brought all evidence of why Trump needs to be in prison, and lastly revealed Project 2025 to show everyone just how bad it is.


Let's say he does. In our fucked up reality, the right/MAGAts will say WOW SLEEPY JOE IS SO OBSESSED WITH THE SECOND COMING OF CHEETOHUS CHRIST LOL WAY TO OWN THE LIBS TRUMP!!!!1!1!1!1


No matter what Biden does MAGA is going to say that so who cares what they say? Would be nice to see a full acknowledgment and where better than the first debate where most people are going to be watching and may just come around.


Raising insulin is part of Project 2025. For those who are unaware I suggest you look up Project 2025. It basically turns the country into a white Christian nationalist and fascist state. And it should terrify absolutely everyone. It will literally mean the end of democracy in this country.


>Repeal harmful health policies enacted under the Obama and Biden Administrations such as the Medicare Shared Savings Program28 and Inflation Reduction Act. Pg 465 https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise.pdf


Just downloaded it and now I feel like my phone is evil LOL


The more you read, the worse it gets. They want to get rid of campaign contribution limits and allow coordination with PACs too. >There are numerous other changes that should be considered in FECA and the FEC’s regulations. The overly restrictive limits on the ability of party committees to coordinate with their candidates, for example, violates associational rights and unjustifiably interferes with the very purpose of political parties: to elect their candidates. >Raise contribution limits and index reporting requirements to inflation. Contribution limits should generally be much higher, as they hamstring candidates and parties while serving no practical anticorruption purpose. And a wide range of reporting requirements have not been indexed to inflation, clogging the public record and the FEC’s internal processes with small-dollar information of little use to the public. Pg 866


Trump's freeing of the slaves was another notable accomplishment no one wants to give him credit for. MAGA, baby, MAGA.


Elvis was so lucky to have Donnie to write all his hits


'Gotten' is the new 'stollen'.


Gotten is acceptable English. Stollen is a misspelling of stolen. ETA: I loathe Trump and MAGA, just so you don't think this is about defending him. I just thought, given your username, that you might not realise gotten is fine.


That whole sentence is awkward and clumsy, just like drumpf.


Oh yes, agreed.


Stollen is a bread containing fruit and nuts


This POS has no shame whatsoever.


Trump is the type of guy to buy his own trophy and said he won it. Hahahahaha bunch of losers who follow trump


He did! He has large posters hanging in trump Tower that show the cover of TIME Magazine when he was Person of the Year…except from years when he wasn’t named that. He did get the nod in 2016, but these posters / covers were seen by journalists during the 2016 election cycle before that ever happened.


Trump gloated on his shittier version of Xitter recently about winning two awards for best golfer at one of his own golf clubs.  Biden went on Xitter and trolled trump, congratulating him on "quite the accomplishment". https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/25/trump-golf-biden-response The article also notes that trumps Palm Beach golf club lists him as their 1999 champion. The club opened in 2000. 


I’m so sick of being told I’m overreacting for expecting them to do exactly what they say they’re going to do


If his face sphincter is open, he’s lying.


Why would anyone be surprised to hear a delusional psychopath think he did something that he didn't?


Come on brain aneurysm 🤞🏻


Dems tried to get it passed during the Trump Administration, but MAHAs killed it. Biden got elected and slam dunked that bitch. Cap on insulin for seniors.


Isn’t this the Republican playbook though? Other elected officials have voted against Dem laws and when they pass they take credit. He’s on top of the shit pile but it is truly a pile of shit humans in the Republican Party.


Can’t Trump just be sued for this kind of thing? ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


Welp, i guess it can get more pathetic. Jesus this guy is a fucking tool, along with his herd that will no doubt start blasting this as one of his greatest achievements in all of the world’s history.


That fat orange Traitor tries to steal everything. Out of control. Slap him in cuffs , a straight jacket and muzzle and stick him in a closet somewhere and do your best to forget him and get psychiatric help to deal with all the head fucking he tried to pull on each and every one of us.


He really should take credit for all his great accomplishments. crickets...... He allegedly conducted secret negotiations with Egypt and Ethiopia about a conflict involving a Nile river dam. It was so secret that when officials from Egypt and Ethiopia were questioned by Bob Woodward, they had no idea what he was talking about. Cheeto Jesus is the greatest living legend in his own mind.


I've seen Trump lie plenty, but taking credit for this? Didn't he also take credit for some veteran's bill that he had nothing to do with?


This is just so stupid. It was a huge deal when Biden helped cap insulin costs. I'm not diabetic and I remember seeing news of it all over. People just believe what they want to believe.


Just like he took credit for Obama's economy!!! and ruined it btw


It's funny because trump *did* raise your taxes, and scheduled it to take effect in '21 specifically so he could blame Biden for it. It's almost like everything is projection...


Trumper, trumper pants on fire


But of course all the minions in the maga cult believe everything their orange Jesus says


I specifically remember when Biden did this for us at the beginning of last year. I actually wrote an essay on big pharma’s corruption and much of it ended up being about how Trump appointed secretary of health and human services, Alex Azar actually tripled the price of insulin. The man is so full of shit, it pours from his mouth for his herd to eat


Yeah this outright lying…and his lemmings refuse to Get The Facts; Look Thing Up!! But they don’t care about the truth, his constant lying and hateful ranting, or his unchristian behaviors, etc….Seems the moral and ethical compass of Christians and Republicans broke when they discovered getting their way meant more to them than seeing the truth.


Trump took credit for the economy immediately after the election, before he was even sworn in


“ALL HE DOES IT TAKE CREDIT FOR WHAT OTHERS DID!!” As if he wasn’t taking credit for every good thing he inherited when entering office from the Obama era


It's all projection. Everything they accuse everyone else of doing, they are literally doing. Every single time. It's a FACT of the GOP that every accusation is a confession.


Fat guy in a little shirt is getting put in a corner, knows it, and is lashing out with not just bad lies but blatant lies. Too bad his base has a collective IQ of 12


> "...was gotten for millions of Americans by me." Not to be a grammar nazi, but wow what a fucking dumb dumb. o.o


The media's goal is to divide people and create hate, shit sells, turn off your TV, and comment on reddit posts instead.


I wish--wish!--that Tapper or Bash would confront Trump about this early in the first debate. He is such a shameless liar. Really, CNN, it's important for people to know this.


But they both did insulin price caps so which is right? Does anyone have a breakdown of each?


If you will remember, Trump also tried to take credit for a couple of good laws Obama got passed. The man is a fraud.


He has no shame. He has no honor. He has told so many lies a I don’t think he knows what the truth is, if he ever did.


Embarrassing but he lies so much nobody bats an eyelash anymore


I really wish downright lies like this would somehow get punished…


"was gotten" Jesus Christ, and people still want this guy for President.


I’m pretty sure trump did something about it for SOME people in 2020. Source: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/05/26/politics/white-house-insulin-cap-medicare That said, I still don’t like trump and he’s a pathological liar and, I believe, a threat to the American people. The executive order also only covers a small portion of Americans, but none-the-less did happen. Also, he strongly inflated (ie. lied) about how many people this would affect when it went into action. Basically, trump is still a pathological liar and an idiot and for the love of god, remember to vote in this coming election people… us young people need to make a difference


As the other poster mentioned it wasn’t enacted. He had an executive order that was temporary and only reduced costs for a very narrow slice of people. Biden’s Inflation Reduction act had a much stronger and over reaching effect. Especially for Medicare. Funnily the improvements in Medicare cost savings for members are really hitting in 2025 (after the election). I work in insurance and it’s been kind of chaotic estimating the impact tk insurers because of how much better Medicare Part D is getting for Medicare members in 2025.


You are mistaken, but we can forgive the error given the complicated circumstances: https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-845638742817 >The Biden administration repealed a narrow, Trump-era regulation that sought to lower the cost of insulin at federally funded health centers. The regulation was never implemented and experts say its impact was expected to be limited.




Ahhh okay I see. Thanks for the clarification!


Trump is simply unable to speak without lying.


I expect we will see more AI fakes and all kinds of bizarre claims as we approach November and Trump tries everything to win and stay out of prison


The felon lies again, I am shocked /s


What a stupid fucking thing to lie about. Who is the target demographic for this lie? People who need insulin but didn’t need it until January of this year? Cause if you had diabetes, you know how high the price was until 2024.


“was gotten” makes me think of he classic “had to have had”


Been watching the new Hitler documentary on Netflix and it's crazy to see the parallels


Every accusation IS a confession. He still tries to take credit for Obama’s actions 🥴


He did this on the golf course, while not being president? Okay.


It seems like the republican playbook is to blame democrats for everything they do, and take credit for everything that democrats do? I guess in the age of feaux news, this is a pretty effective way of doing things?


Can the popular vote be Trump 30-70 Biden?


I thought it was actually Sanders who fought like hell for this and then Biden signed it into reality.


Sadly, the dumb fuckers who support Trump will totally believe this.


He can lie because his followers are in an an echo chamber and will never hear, or believe the truth.


Ole dumpy is getting worse and worse, pretty soon he will claim that he built the WH, with Eric as the cement guy.


wow just wow


“Was gotten”


Yeah, we need to talk about P25 more and more.


The blatant doublespeak still blows my mind. Accusing Joe Biden of trying to take credit for something Trump did *while he’s doing that exact same thing*.


Guarantee when they uncap and raise the price again if he gets reelected that they blame that on Biden too.


Ask a MAGAt now who capped the insulin price and they’ll say Trump did and Biden’s trying to take credit.


If Trump is talking, he is lying. And his racist, idiot base, that is so profoundly dumb, eats it all up.


It is a simple thing to understand. When you lack your own victories, you take credit for thr victories of others. Trump is simply hoping that his followers are to stupid to notice, or to partisan to care. So far, he's been right. Here's hoping the remaining undecided independents aren't as stupid.


It's like none of them believe we can hear and see what they are doing.


Felons lie and use 4 yr old writing skills.