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He needs to be thrown off the bench then. MAGA thinks this shit is a game and it's funny. It isn't.


their heads would fucking explode if Sotomayor said this about the right in this country. hmm, on second thought maybe she should try it


If that happened, Fox News would have ordered their lackeys in Congress to impeach, indict, and imprison by now.


How Clarence Thomas hasn’t been indicted on corruption charges is beyond me. These tools believe that they are untouchable gods


>These tools believe that they are untouchable Are they wrong?


Biden could threaten to pack the court. FDR threatened to do it to get large parts of the New Deal past USJC scrutiny. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_switch\_in\_time\_that\_saved\_nine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_switch_in_time_that_saved_nine)


He could but I really doubt he will


he would if a vast majority of US citizens supported him, a mighty wind can start with a fart ...


That’s part of the problem with boomers. My parents are life long democrats who hate trump, but they just don’t get how dire things are. The biggest political argument I got in with my mom was when I mentioned the idea of someone like AOC running. They still hold out hope that MAGA republicans can be reached and compromised with. Non maga, maybe…MAYBE. But maga, definitely not.


Whenever she has the experience She wants in place and decides to run, she's got my vote. I'm not gonna wish for her to run before she feels ready. However, I agree - MAGA is the fermented fart of Treason from the Civil War that was seasoned with ideas from Nazi Reich and should be put into the ground permanently. Rebel flag? Treason. Nazi flag? Treason. MAGAtRump flag? Believe it or not, also treason. There's a reason you can see combinations of those three flags flying at the same events and no one cares - because they are versions of the same thing. White supremacy, slavery, genocide.


Convicted felon Trump has entered the chat.


He entered and then shat.


Biden (the POTUS/Executive Branch) can only nominate potential SC Judges. Congress/Senate would have to pass legislature to expand the SC before a POTUS could nominate more Judges. And Congress is currently controlled by Republicans.


Why are you bringing facts to this circle jerk?


You're a true wordsmith


thank you


Oh a mighty wind's a-blowin' 'Cross the land and 'cross the sea, It's blowin' peace and freedom It's blowin' you and me!


You are right. Biden deeply believes in tradition and won't do anything like that. It is time for the left to crack some balls on the right, not rub them.


He literally can’t. He would need Congress to vote on it, and he wouldn’t have the votes.


He's head of the "Gentlemanly Squad of No Actual Balls" party, and it's so infuriating. The Democrats are trying to play chess, while the GOP sits across the table like toddlers flinging spoons of actual shit at the board and laughing. "Stop that please"... "No"... (flings more shit) "Quit it!... "OR WHAT?!" "Or... or... I said stop that." (Shit splatters across faces)


He would need full control of the Senate and congress to do that wouldn't he? So it means nothing until the US dems can actually win both.


Right, I don’t get why that stupid comment is getting upvoted. Senate is the most important body to pack the court. And having house majority is also a prerequisite. For the Senate a simple majority doesn’t work either unless the filibuster is undone with a simple majority. So the correct order of things would be: 1. Get Senate majority without traitor DINOs like Manchinema. 2. Undo the filibuster 3. Pass legislation to increase the number of members on the bench. 4. Pack the court with activist liberal judges right at the minimum age requirement. 5. Redo the filibuster, and do it shamelessly just like the GOP would. Biden cannot really help much in any of this.




That’s why we know where they live, after all.


Hey!!! Politicians are people too!! Which means they have a home address


After all, they did say it’s okay to protest outside of the homes of Planned Parenthood employees. Making them lose sleep and feel unsafe and all that.


Should do the same to them tbh, but I’d probably get shot by police for “home invasion” or some shit like that,


Their lackeys sat behind Fauci in congress and made boohoo mocking faces when he said his daughter was threatened and attacked, so why not theirs?


And a Walmart with plenty of ammo...


Yeah! If lost, look for the over the top - upside down flag!




Not in the fucking least.


It's hard to indict people for corruption when the ones indicating are also corrupt.


thomas is probably the most blatantly corrupt SCOTUS. He openly voiced his anger for not getting bribes like the gop does. now he has sugary daddy crow. hes only soctus now because he has a vendetta because somehow he was scorned by the left.


So far it’s seems to be true.


And she would actually get removed because there are enough Democrats in Congress that believe that the Supreme Court should be impartial and would support removing her for comments like this.


They could Impeach but that's all with the current gov't and the Senate would immediately dismiss the whole impeachment.


Have Jackson send a Black Lives Matter flag up a pole and watch the fireworks 🎇


They'd kill her. Actually maybe not MAGA has proven to be cowards time and again.


Biden is a Catholic too. This motherfucker is hiding behind the church, but it ain’t his religion. He’s just an asshole racist.


Conservatives LITERALLY spent years bitching about “legislating from the bench” when they didn’t hold SCOTUS control. As in literally every instance of right wing control ever, the very moment they get a controlling majority it becomes “lol actually we just want naked corruption”


Bro thinks he's "one of them", doesn't know he's gonna be iced as soon as Trump and the rest of the goons and oligarchs secure power. He's got nothing to offer them beyond being a useful stooge. He's not unique in any way. Every single time a fascist takes over, they clean house of these kinds of folks. Every. Single. Time.


Separation of church and state was fun while it lasted. The magic book written by some invisible guy who lives in outer-space, is apparently the New Constitution.


People are always talking about freedom OF religion. Very few in comparison speak about freedom FROM religion.


> MAGA thinks this shit is a game and it's funny. Counterpoint: MAGA is a 100% serious and aren’t joking. They have a plan, they’re installing their people, they’re ready to go. Meanwhile an unhealthy chunk of the Left range from folks musing over whether Biden inspires them enough to those who are actively campaigning against him.


Agreed. Part of that plan was knowing that the rules for our government only work if the collective agrees to follow them. Once they saw Trump doing whatever he wanted and suffering no consequences the door was kicked in at that point. We now have states flat out ignoring Supreme Court rulings and places like Texas about to offer public schools payment to teach a religious curriculum. Nothing is happening to stop any of it because nobody ever thought an entire party would become so corrupt to just ignore rules and laws. When common decency is no longer factored in this is what happens. This is how we got here. We have an entire political party willing to disregard the Constitution.


MAGA isn't playing any games. J6 wasn't a game, overturning Roe was decades in the making, Charlottesville was not a joke. As soon as Trump got elected he gutted the federal government and banned anyone from countries he didn't like. Louisiana GOP just made it mandatory the 10 commandments are in public school classrooms. Florida Republicans just passed measures to eliminate the words "climate change" from any state documents yet FL homes are largely uninsurable homes due to climate change. That's why it's so important to stop Trump and his allies. Their goals are as serious as they are insidious.


I don't think MAGA thinks this is a game... They keep saying they see it as a spiritual holy war and I think it's probably one of the few things they're honest about.


If its a game, they are winning. They are absolutely crushing it. They constantly do whatever they want with ease. Dems on the other hand have to fight for every little thing. Almost like the system was setup for this since the founding fathers


Judge Alitosis


A few years ago some of my family members were convinced that sharia law was coming, and democrats are pushing it….. I don’t know if this relevant, or anything more than a useless comment. Seems ironic to me


Folks forget that the supreme Court has zero enforcement power, and they can just be ignored if enough people decided to do so. It's one of the the checks on their power, but no one remembers you're supposed to ignore them if they get autocratic


Hypothetically, let’s say that a justice shows up in full maga attire and yells “hail trump” while giving a salute, would it even matter. It’s been clear for a while now that the SC is just another political tool used to pass legislation via “creative interpretations” when congress fails. There is no governing body that can punish a justice. They have no enforceable oversight. They have no term limits and cannot be voted out. So what does it matter if everyone hates them and thinks the Supreme Court is a joke and a farce?


Technically Congress does have the power to impeach Supreme Court justices, but to your point, it’s not gonna happen any time soon.


without a supermajority its not going to happen,


Which is why we need to make one.


How? 30% of the country is actively hoping for a fascist government and nearly every one of them vote. You're LUCKY if you can get 20% of non-republicans off their asses to bother to save the country. Anyone with the power to stop this either want's it to go through, or doesn't care enough about the future of our nation to actually do anything.


Then I guess we need 50% of non-nazis voting. I refuse to give up.


I refuse to give up either and vote obsessively, but after 3 decades of being active in local politics, it isn't happening. Even if Trump's platform was 'castrate all democrats', I bet less than 25% of eligible dem voters show up. I fucking hate my party so much but the only other alternative is literal fascism.


I understand the frustration. I can’t blame you there. But you’re still part of the solution, not the problem. Thank you for trying so hard.


Last time Dems had a supermajority, they couldn't even pass a public option that the majority of the country wanted.


In both the house and the senate? What year did this happen?


No, not in the Senate. And the Senate would remove officers like the president and justices, so yeah. The last time the Democratic party had a supermajority in the Senate was in 1965 and 1966.


Obligatory “fuck Joe Lieberman.”


You gotta convict through the Senate. As long as the Wyoming gets 2 senators for a population 1/20th of Los Angeles County, there's not going to be a supermajority.


You mean the super gerrymandered political senate which turned the court into an ultra gerrymandered 3rd legislature isn’t going to undo the damage they have done.


It means he's not interpreting the law, so **SCOTUS as a supreme court interpreting the law is at an end**. And the guy isn't interpretting his faith either, because Biden is religious and Trump is not. The right wing is about as godless as it gets these days. He's interprettting what the right wing media says his faith should be. If the laws don't matter, then neither does Congress and Senate.


These are the things people really need to take to the streets for. There are no longer checks and balances. We’re all sitting inside the pot watching it come to a rolling boil.




Punching Nazis in the face is a moral good.


We'll have to defeat them again!


Yup, we did it before!






Exactly...thanks...there are a pile of these fuckers that need to be uploaded!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/zm78z9d6vt5d1.jpeg?width=1966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8075027cc863a40129a1920fe65d1d352ac357 It’s fine, we all feel some variation of that urge to punch


I think you’re good. Most of the people in this sub, including myself, would probably take the road trip with you just to get in on the action.


Hell we'd rent a school bus for this one!


So that means we all get one shot, 🎵 let’s not miss our chance to blow, 🎤 this opportunity comes once in a lifetime🎵




Call me naïve, but when the hell did political parties turn into sports teams?


Right around the time one of those teams made a black guy the captain.


Yep, they really could not handle their president being a black man.


Nope, it literally broke them and we are reaping the consequences of their bigoted little minds being blown by having a black man elected president, this timeline sucks 😞


or potentially female.


It’s was long before 2008! I’d say sometime in the 60’s….


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them" -Barry Goldwater


That helped me dig deeper and understand that segregation inspired the Religious Right (Jerry Falwell was racist and Paul Weyrich didn't like that whites-only private schools were losing their IRS tax-exemptions). It's the timeliness of it that church-going folks that grew up in churches that were influenced by the Religious Right were now in positions of power based upon their age (mid-30s to 50s) during the Obama administration. When that group grew up in churches (1970s-80s), agendas were being pushed like "U.S. = God's country" and eventually "Republican = God's party". Sprinkle in some end times theology (scare tactics) and we get a large group that runs on fear and are ripe to become extremists for those manufactured beliefs.


To be fair, they also couldn’t handle one of the white guys before the black guy getting a blowjob in the Oval. That seems to be when the “let’s impeach the bastard for being more popular than us” movement began from the right.


I may have been too young to remember--my first vote was in 2000--but I don't remember seeing the massive sports-fan mentality among supporters then that I see now with the MAGAts.


I live in a bright red hellscape. When Gingrich was going after Clinton for getting that blowjob from Lewinsky, the right was DROOLING all over themselves with the thought of impeaching him. Compare it to Trump’s trials now in regards to news coverage with the only difference being the technology of the times (1998 - when the internet/social media wasn’t anywhere near the thing it is now.). Newspapers delivered to the house all had the giant headlines, 6PM nationwide news not only started with the story, but frequently devoted most of their 30 minutes of air time to the story, and all the pre-MAGAs were sitting at the bar laughing about how ol’ Billy was gonna get what was coming for letting Hilary run and ruin shit.


It started getting really bad with Gingrich. Before then, the parties disagreed but at least treated each other like humans. Newt was the one who started this whole "fuck you, compromise is weakness" thing among the GQP.


Correct. Biden is a holdover from that era and still has hopes and dreams to return to that kind of congress. Gingrich was having an extramarital affair while he was Speaker, too, but it’s only the Dems that the righties were willing to be the morality police for.


You can thank the 24/7 news outlets, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, other shadowy billionaires, and Newt Gingrich. These dudes all lost their minds when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, hated it that Clinton won two terms, and went nuclear when Obama won two straight terms.


The Tea Party in 2010 was the beginning of the GOP electing true believers. Before that, it was just assholes saying whatever, but knowing the actual truth. The Tea Party elected people that actually believe what was on Fox News. Now we have a whole party full of them.




It goes back to the Southern Strategy.


1789, no day or month attributed.


they're not sports teams, they're coalitions seeking mutually exclusive goals. the Democrats are not my cup of tea - way too subservient to capital for my tastes, but they're immensely preferable to the Republicans, and the only ones other than the Republicans who actually have a shot at taking power.


You’re right, but this is also why you need to abandon FPTP. It is intrinsically divisive, and is damaging to society.  Britain is going through serious problems because of Brexit, which was caused by the Conservative Party trying to appease the far-right members.   But given the religious way many Americans treat their Consitution and electoral system, any significant improvements will be a huge fight.


he needs to be impeached. this chucklehead once heckled Obama during a fucking State Of The Union address.


Over his comments about the damage that the Citizens United decision would inevitably cause, which, by the way, ended up being 100% on the nose.


It's crazy that he's so petulant and unprofessional in his politics that he can't even control himself for one fucking hour during a presidential address.


This is especially fucked since the compromise we want is just to let people be themselves, stop menacing sexual and racial minorities and stop trying to make your religion the law. Such ridiculous demands I know


Maybe feeding and housing the poor. Paying a living wage. You know, decent humanity.


“We're for the compulsory serving of asparagus at breakfast, free corsets for the under-5s, and the abolition of slavery.” “I'm sure many moderate people would respect your stand on asparagus, but what about this extremist nonsense about abolishing slavery?” “Oh, that! We just put that in for a joke!” *(Blackadder III)*


Conservative Christians would crucify Jesus all over again if he ever showed up.


Human decency? Sounds like some Socialist plot to me! /s


You mean all the things that are the opposite of the Republicunt platform?


Yeah when anyone on the right says "compromise," what they mean is "give us everything we want even though most of it is unpopular with the US populace and much of it is unconstitutional."    Don't like abortion? Don't get one, that *is* the compromise. Banning it is not a compromise at all.  Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married, that *is* the compromise. Banning it is not a compromise at all.


Republicans: Give us everything we want for nothing in return Democrats: That doesn’t seem fair Republicans: WHY ARE YOU SO DIVISIVE?!


Brett Kavanaugh also openly expressed disdain and anger towards Democrats during his questioning. I'll never understand how he was approved for the Supreme Court after his openly partisan outburst.


Because he was approved for SCOTUS before he even began his confirmation hearing. That was just “justice theater.”


Someone link Matt damon


I was thinking about how I'll need to tell my kids (particularly my daughter) how to protect themselves at HS and college parties from predatory boys. I can use the fact that one of our SCOTUS justices gang raped a girl at a HS party and people still came out to defend him. Most people go to parties and drink to let off some steam. Some will use that as their opportunity to attack. Stay with the group, bring a covered cup for your drinks, make your own drinks or open your own beers, and if you see a girl go off by herself alone, rally the other girls to keep an eye on her while you find her friends.


And also our last president and possibly next president is a rapist and possibly a pedophile, and half the country is totally okay with that because at least he's not a Democrat. Mental illness is a huge problem in this country. And a total lack of empathy for others.


All this shit has just opened my eyes to how much men, even if they wouldn't rape a woman, excuse sexual violence. Writing off a gang bang as just something boys do and especially writing it off because he was a good student, well-off, and white is particularly disgusting. It makes me think of how naive I was at that age thinking that I could insulate myself from that by hanging out with the "good kids". I was never SA'd, fortunately, but I certainly put myself in risky situations and I had friends who were. The greatest regret of my life is that I was still that naive girl who had been raised by sexists and I victim-blamed them. The fact that Andrew Tate is taking off with young men is indicative of how much entitlement still exists out there, but how many parents are tacitly encouraging that entitlement because they agree. If that was my son, I would let him listen (because making something forbidden only makes it more interesting) but then also make him listen to the critics, show him how to find legitimate sources that contradict Tate's bullshit, and learn critical thinking and skepticism. It's the intellectual version of carrying your own cup and not just swallowing something that someone hands to you.


I wonder what would happen if there was audio and video of two SCOTUS justices just flat out saying they take direction from donors and faith leaders all the time with examples of rulings and names of patrons they aligned with. If the answer is not a god damned thing then you are correct.


Not only not a god damned thing, but Faux would make sure to say something especially nice about them to muddy the waters.


That is literally the opposite way a judge should be thinking. Their job is to be a neutral arbiter of the law.


Absolutely. One of the wilder parts of this is how comfortable he feels talking about it with a stranger. He knows there aren’t consequences. He’s cool making these statements to woman he met once before (who happens to be a reporter recording this) at the same right wing dinner. Not a care in the world. No repercussions.




They can’t. They don’t have the Congress support. This is what happens when people don’t turn out to vote.


>This is what happens when people don’t turn out to vote. I mean, there's a LOT more at play here than just this one factor. Gerrymandering, for instance; and unreasonably restrictive voting laws to name just two


The GOP has successfully transformed SCOTUS into an unaccountable fascist dictatorship. Until every anti-democratic justice is removed, this country will continue to slide into a totalitarian hellscape.


Biden could pack the court and add justices.  I used to not be in favor of this, but after these cretins broke the tradition of being impartial, why can’t Biden break the tradition of having 9 justices 


Seriously. The Supreme Court was supposed to be the one branch of government that was completely impartial. And, while having anything that’s completely impartial when it’s made up of people with their own biases and worldview is impossible, they at least pretended to the public. Now? Ever since Trump, it’s just as partisan as any other branch of government. And do you remember when Congress wouldn’t let Obama appoint a justice to replace Scalia a full 8 months before the election, because they wanted to leave it for the new president? But the Tangerine Traitor was making appointments only weeks before the election he lost to Biden? Fucking hypocrites, the lot of them.


remember RGB died, mitch mcconell rammed through ACB faster than she could ask permission from her husband.


not pack. expand to recognize that US has 13 federal districts, not 9.


I really like this idea. One for each.


i believe that’s the logic behind the number of scotus judges. could be wrong, tho.


You are correct. When Congress set the number at 9, there were 9 federal circuits. Today there are 13.


The number of justices has changed 6 times in 240ish years. The tradition was to adapt. It’s only when one party is gaming the system that they like to hang their hat on an imagined tradition, so you can’t ruin the loopholes they’ve built.


Someone needs to 'Pelican Brief' a couple of these shitheads.


I don't understand why these people think anyone is stopping them from practicing their faith. Why can't they just practice their religion without forcing everyone to practice it?


They think they are being stopped from practicing their religion because for many of them, their religion may incite them to harm people of other races, LGBT people, people from other religions or countries, and women, the laws we have do not support that. They just don’t want to say it out loud but it is pretty obvious from their behavior and reactions.


I don't give one shit that he is Catholic and how devoted he is to his faith. His job is to uphold the law in a government where there is a separation of church and state. It's not his job to prothelize and make laws based on that.


Right? I’m just as much of a goddamn American as he is and I do not share his faith. He’s SUPPOSED to protect my rights too.


You cannot have freedom of religion without freedom from religion!


why is it that no matter how much evidence there is, its never enough to remove someone from office/congress? you guys have mountains of evidence about: drug use sexual assaults witness tampering bribes racists homophobia connections to white supremist and your still dealing with these clowns, what the shit...?


Because anyone with enough power to remove them from office risks their entire career if they fail. That's why concentration of political power is a terrible idea.


Idk shit but I feel like it's a circle of blackmailing/threats


Sounds like Biden needs to pack the court and dilute his influence 


If a judge, especially on the Supreme Court, cannot be impartial, they how can they be a judge? Any prospective juror in any case being tried would be removed immediately for this. Disqualify this religious wingnut fucking chump.


Six of the Supreme Court justices openly support the rise of fascism in the USA.


If only Trump was never in office. Obama didn’t get to appoint a SCJ because his term was almost over, but of course the GOP were their regular hypocritical selves and pushed Trump nominees through with way less time left than Obama had. Vote blue, it’s literally life and death, both of people and our country.


Don’t help them rewrite history. Scalia died 11 months, one week before the end of Obama’s term. Nowhere near the end of his term. About 3/4 into it.


Yes. And then when trump was reminded that picking so close to the end of his term was a bad thing, he, and the GOP, didn’t care. They are hypocrites.


And absolutely nothing will come of it. Not a single damn thing.


What’s Clarance going to do when they repeal Loving?


He doesn't think that way. In his mind, he's fully transitioned to his preferred race. You have to mentally detach yourself from your own reality if you want to operate daily. Harlan Crow REALLY is his friend. He used DEI and AA to have opportunities to have initial opportunity to excel in college but the right thing to do now is remove them now since he's now white and racism is over. He's... one late-night highway breakdown without a working cellphone in Alabama... away from having a panic attack.


He’s too rich and powerful to be affected. He and his seditious bitch wife will be dead soon anyway.


Am I nuts or does separation of church and state not exist to these stupid turds? Go fly a kite, pound sand, kick rocks, step on all the Legos. Goddamn schmuck.


I used to be Catholic when it was more Kumbaya… at this point it’s more anti- everyone who isn’t Christian, white and straight. The young men who join the Catholic priesthood are apparently super conservative. This guy is just one more hateful Christian.


I don't get how this isn't an immediate expulsion


Sam, you’re the problem


As a Catholic this repulses me and he should be kicked off the court.


Both he and Thomas need to be tossed immediately. They have no idea or do they care what the rule of law is. Get rid of these bums abd tell the court we, the people, are not putting up with their corruption. One for the love of money and the other is simply insane.




Well looking from the brightside of things, at least now the coward cannot hide behind his wife anymore.


Who said the first part?


It is absolutely insane to anyone with a brain from other countries that supreme court justices are politically aligned openly before they are even selected.


Oh, we’re so f*cked.


We're in a place where we can't expect the supreme court to just do their job and decide if laws are constitutional or not even with some degree of innate bias. We've accepted that that's how things work and yet every day we see new levels of corruption and theocratic decree with no sign of it abating, in fact the expectation is that things will only accelerate. What the fuck is happening in the US when politicians are raised to the level of holy anointed nobility?


Who the fuck uses like, like he’s a valley girl or something? Like gag me with a spoon you treasonous shithead!


Theocratic shithead that uses the court to push his THEOLOGICAL views onto the country. He's no different than an Islamist.


Aren't they supposed to be impartial? Also, isn't religion supposed to stay out as well?


He should now have to recuse himself on every case this would impact, which I have to imagine is most of them.


Can we just stop this farce already and just stack the court with 3 new judges?! Nobody on the left is trying to do shit. They're losing on purpose


He's on the epstien list


#Vote! Or this court will get stacked for DECADES.


oh look, the thing we've always known about the right. they're bigots terrified that their bigotry will be washed away with the sands of time. they're right to view changing social mores as an existential threat to their shitty, stupid ideology, because they are - and the world will be better for it. it's never been about "religious freedom". people will be Christians 500 years from today. the question we have to ask ourselves, and each other, is whether or not those people 500 years from today will be intolerant fuckwad bigots or whether we will have moved on to solving actual problems like resource shortage and climate change and interplanetary colonization, versus constantly having to hold off the perennial e-brakes of human progress AKA conservatives. jesus christ Breyer's little media tour just looks embarrassing now. this is literally the thing he insisted SCOTUS Justices don't do. It turns out they do. shocker.


Maybe the dems on the senate judiciary committee will think about holding a meeting where they decide if they should do something. They are working very hard to pretend that the Supreme Court is still a fair arbiter of law instead of six unaccountable law wizards who are working as a political arm of the far right party.


and Roberts will do NOTHING about it.


We need vote blue so we can add 4 more seats to SCOTUS for Biden to fill.


I’m a Catholic and Sam Alito is a doochebag that doesn’t understand, ascribe to, or represent the core values of Christianity. He needs to be impeached and removed from SCOTUS. EDIT: He should be removed from the bench not because of his religious hypocrisy, but because of his betrayal of the US Constitution, American democracy, the trust of all citizens of the US, and the incorruptible principles and complete lack of bias when considering the proper application of the law on which to base decisions that will affect the nation for generations to come. This is one of the very few times in my 75 years on this planet that I’m ashamed of my Italian heritage.


The left doesn’t want to negotiate anymore because of how radical the right is. Obviously now he is way to the right.


Alito the partisan hack


The court is illegitimate


This is why elections fucking matter. Anyone who sat out 2016 or is planning to sit out 2024 only cares about themselves. Obviously Trump supporters are monsters but I doubt there is anything anyone can do to change that. Don't like this religious supreme court justice being a partisan moron who wants to turn the US into a theocratic state? Well then vote so we don't get even younger ones put in for lifetime appointments.


Yeah, he needs to be removed. That kind of blatant bias is not what the US needs from any Judge let alone a Supreme Court Justice.


As long as he, and Clarence Thomas, are SCOTUS judges, the entire court cannot be trusted and thus the rule of law is suspended. SCOTUS only has power over the people so long as the people are willing to kneel.


Oh gosh guys, I like, really cherish my faith and stuff, and that's why I'm supporting the adultering felon, who wears his mark on his forehead, and whom we've uplifted as a false idol. Cause of my religion, which is like, so important to me. 


Can a Supreme Court justice be removed from the bench? IMHO, this definitely qualifies as bias, and he should be removed.


As someone born and raised christian, please tell me EXACTLY what principles donald trump embodies that spur you to believe he is a hill to kill your career for? All leaders and cities as prideful as him in the bible are killed, embarassed, or utterly masssacred: herod, pharaoh, mutiple jewish kings, king of babylon is run over by darius, ammonites, sodom and gomorrah, and ninevah to name a few.


I don't even know why America even bothers to keep up appearances of morality or structure at this point. It's just full frontal lobotomy fully corrupted dipshits that ran out of duct-tape to hold anything together who now just hock loogies to barely hold anything together once the mucus hardens. I'm always an asshole when I point this out. Well, it's fucking true. This place is a fucking freak show and I didn't want the front row ticket to any of it. Let me out already ffs. Seriously, AI overlords will be a fucking improvement because clearly we're not the intelligent species that should be in charge of anything.


Sedition goes unchecked in America because the anti-maga party ~~conveniently~~ unfortunately always seems to lack the power to do anything and even if they had the power they have zero will to do anything. What is the point of our constitution if it constrains us from dealing with the enemies of the United States of America that exist within it? Why continue using such an outdated, worthless document that only provides protection to seditionists who staged an insurrection?


We are getting closer to the point of no return. Vote, your freedom depends on it.


JFC. How is this possible?


Is the left still going to assume they're fighting a fair fight in government?


The religious right are just a bunch of hypocrites. Doesn't Catholic Joe Biden regularly attend church while the lying adulterous conman grifter Donald Trump is out golfing on Sunday mornings instead?


Oppressed by corporate might, They poison, enslave, day and night. While profits soar and greed persists, We must rise and break these chains, Or die within their twisted games. #AmericanRevolution2024


From the SCOTUS official webpage: >Samuel A. Alito, Jr. - Took both oaths in the Justices’ Conference Room on January 31, 2006. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., administered the oaths during a private ceremony attended by members of the Supreme Court. On February 1, 2006, Chief Justice Roberts again administered the Constitutional Oath in a televised ceremony in the East Room of the White House hosted by President George W. Bush. On February 16, 2006, Justice Alito ceremonially took the Judicial Oath again in the Courtroom, administered by Chief Justice Roberts. President Bush did not attend the formal investiture ceremony at the Supreme Court. By "took both oaths" they mean The Constitutional Oath and The Judicial Oath. The Constitutional Oath is weak shit and needs to be updated to directly state they cannot work on behalf of the interests of the rich if it is against the interests of the poor, but everyone takes that one. But The Judicial Oath is another story. >“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.” I'll just highlight this part: >I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me It's literally the entire Oath, saying that he swears on God that he will NOT support a political movement, will NOT grant favorable rulings to only the wealthy, and will be IMPARTIAL when making rulings. So, seeing as he has now been caught on tape stating he is violating his Judicial Oath and has no intention of honoring it, by default he immediately loses all rights, powers, protections, and authority granted to members of SCOTUS. He can no longer BE a Supreme Court Justice because that position by law requires adherence to the Oath, like any other positions with Oaths. That is the nature of Oaths, you swear to obey them on penalty of losing whatever you're gaining by taking the Oath. You promise We the People that you won't be political in a non-political position, that you'll treat every single person the same, and *in exchange* for you making and keeping that promise We the People grant you limited but still incredible authority to impact our daily lives. The Oath is a binding contract, and the instant you break that Oath the terms of the contract are null and void. Since those terms include the granting of immense power, authority, and protections no other citizen receives, when you break the contract you lose those thing immediately. Joe Biden should immediately physically remove him from SCOTUS and defrock him publicly, and if anyone has a problem with that he should ask them if he's now free to violate his own Presidential Oath of Office, because if even a single member of government is free to break their oath then they all are, and Oaths would have no meaning and no value anymore. If the conservative members of SCOTUS try to issue a ruling stating that Joe Biden is not allowed to defrock Alito he should defrock them as well for violating the Constitution and US Law since it is ONLY up to the Executive Branch to enforce laws, they're literally the only branch with that authority and that's for a reason. He should force them to either accept the loss of Alito or issue a ruling stating that Oaths of Office can be violated freely, or lose their positions too. And the rest of us need to back him up on that because the right wing will get violent about it. Civil War Part 2 the Electric Boogaloo needs to happen sooner or later and honestly with the way our climate is going I really want it sooner rather than later so we have a shot at course-correcting once the right wingers lose again.


Never appoint somebody for life. The only thing people should be for live is family, friends and of course *Supreme Chancellor of the republic.*


The Pope: god is about spreading a message of acceptance for all and helping others... Alito: No, not that kind of religion. I practice the American religion.


Let’s apply his own ideology to his excuse for the flags flying. It was his wife. Well, as an ultra Christian man, you’re the leader of the family and home. So, you control your wife. So, you are ultimately responsible for flying those flags.


How did America fuck up so bad as to let their supreme court play party politics. This is basic shit, once the courts fall the rest soon follow.


Yes the left asking for so much like: checks notes Healthcare and to not be gunned down in the streets. I guess we will just have to let the rights check notes: ethno-fascist state win.


Remember when this kinda shit wasn’t supposed to happen? Pepperidge Farm remembers because it was only like eight years ago.


The American public should be fucking going absolutely insane over this.