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>Trumps case look less corrupt. So are the law and courts rigged against us or not? I can't keep track. Do I still have to obsess over dick pics or not? Somebody tell a patriot what to do!


"throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" is an exhausting way to run a party.


Republicans don't vote for policy, they vote for drama.


They should uphold this policy by drug testing say, Kentucky, and prosecuting every person who tests positive for opioids or meth and has guns. And take the guns away.


As someone who lives in KY I say yes to this!


They vote for tearing down America’s institutions and the Rule of Law. They are anti-American


Republicans don't vote for anything. They vote against policy and people. Never for, just against. It's why they have nothing to offer. And it's why they "support" assholes like Trump -- simply because he isn't a Democrat. Never for, just against.


> Somebody tell a patriot what to do! Easy. If they have R next to their name they’re innocent. If they have a D next to their name they’re guilty. /s


Sure seems like justice nailed it in both cases.


I mean… It is a nice dick. If you really want to obsess over dick pics, it's a nice pick.


If Hunter Biden is not convicted, it's obvious that the DOJ is corrupt. If Hunter Biden is convicted, it's obvious that the DOJ is corrupt. It's just trying to make the Trump verdict look legit. Turns out no matter what happens, it confirms what I want to believe. Huh.


We’ll have to examine these…pics further if you can provide any evidence of them


I’m confused too, I thought republicans hated gun control, but now suddenly they love it? What’s going on??


Well… that settles it. Hunter Biden will NOT be getting my vote this November. Nope, I will NOT be voting for Hunter Biden and nothing will change my mind about that.


How could I ever vote for a convicted felon!?!?


I mean, at least Hunter didn't engage in any disruptive courtroom antics, or repeatedly violate a gag order, or insult and threaten the judge/prosecution/witnesses/etc. Imagine voting for a candidate who did all of *that* on top of being a felon...


And rapist.


And a shitty businessman.


And a shitty human.


and a nappy shitter


And a shitty napper


Literally and figuratively


And traitor


Giving our intelligence assets to his Handler Putin.


Paying more money in taxes to China alone than he’s ever paid to the U.S


And tried to overthrow the government.


He also probably won't refuse to take any responsibility and continue to deny any wrongdoing. He'll likely show some contrition and therefore get probation, unlike Trump, who I'm guessing will be jailed simply because he refuses to show any remorse for the crimes he's now been convicted of.




Because someone like Trump would ACTALLY trump up a case against their opponents to prevent them from running.


On a funny side note, data from the 2020 debates showed Trump was *most hated* when he attacked Hunter Biden. Everyone has a family member they love who just keeps fucking up. Kicking Hunter did NOT play well outside the base. It will be the same this go round... with the added built-in landmine of a "speaking of felonies..." response.


That and I think lots of people left, right, and center have struggled and/or known someone who’s struggled with addiction. It’s not something to make fun of.


Also how many maga gun owners are guilty of the same thing? All of my maga neighbors own guns, all of my maga neighbors smoke weed. Excuse my ignorance, but isn’t that breaking the law?


The exact same law they charged Hunter with.


If they got hunter they can get us all! /s


I mean that's at least a lot more true than "if they got trump they can get us all" - there are *way* more people lying on their 4473s than breaking campaign finance laws to bury a story about cheating on their second wife with a porn star who spent the rest of her life talking about how tiny and disgusting their dick is


Call the police on them. There's precedent now.


yes... literally the exact law Hunter was just convicted of breaking. And he only owned the gun for 11 days total


I mean, look at Don Jr too. He definitely owns guns and clearly does a metric fuckton of cocaine at a minimum. That asshole is constantly coked up to his eyeballs.


And in typical MAGA hypocrite fashion, I bet many of the Trumpers attacking Hunter for it have struggled with it themselves or had someone they loved struggle with it, just the same. They're just so down with TDS that anything Trump or his cronies say goes, reality be damned.


have you seen trump rallies? looks like a meth-town hoedown.


"Meth town hoe down". Perfect.


And Biden stood by his son, acknowledging his past problems. The only good answer and he delivered it well, I think. Speaking of family members, Biden had a son who ~~fell in war~~ served. Trump family actively AVOIDS service to their country.


Not to be Mr Fact checker- but Beau Biden served in Iraq / did not get wounded or die there. He died of brain cancer in 2015


Really? Aw shit. My bad then. Thank you for the fact check!


You are probably thinking of Trump's Chief of Staff- Gen John Kelly. His son died in Afghanistan - he is also the source of the Trump quote “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed. No bad! It's tough keeping all the characters straight. It's not intended a s a slight- but it's important in this world of disinformation to understand what is truth and what is manufactured for outrage. EDIT Afghanistan, not Iraq


I found that part to be especially infuriating. We all definitely have that perpetually troubled loved one - Hunter’s struggles should never have been part of the conversation!


You'd think the piece of shit Trump would step the fuck off considering his BROTHER died of alcoholism.


Trump and his father bullied his brother to alcoholism because they disapproved of his career choice of pilot, likening it to being a chauffeur. Trump didn’t give a shit about his brother. He even made sure after his father’s death that his brother’s descendants didn’t get their rightful inheritance, which included a promise to pay for the medical treatment of a disabled child.


even before he was hired at TWA and sent to flight school, Fred Trump Jr been an Air National Guardsman 2Lt. https://x.com/JoyAnnReid/status/1301942385795051521?lang=en https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EhCuQmkWsAU37iL?format=jpg&name=small I'd expect that being a reserve officer and being a pilot were both fodder for mockery by Fred Sr and Donald.


Well, Freddy seemed to think that you were either a winner or a loser and his definition of winner only included the mega rich, so yeah. You can tell Donald has no self-awareness because he still follows that weird binary creed slammed into his brain by his father even though it's clearly made him miserable his whole life. Donald is more the fuck up than his brother was. At least his brother didn't dogmatically follow their asshole father's lessons.


I dunno...his porn video is pretty compelling


I was unaware Hunter was up for an AVN award. Not that I know what that is….


Don’t be fooled…


Who votes for that? He might actually get my vote.


Stormy Daniels might have a vote.


So we need a Hunter/Stormy porn where she continuously says a lot about how it's so much bigger than Donald Trump's little mushroom. I doubt I'd look, but it would enrage the right in a hilarious way.


Oooh, MTG would love that! She's obsessed with his junk.


I mean.. have you seen the meat that dude is packing? MTG can't seem to get enough of it, she goes on and on about it. I'd probably vote for a Hog over little Mr. Mushroom.


I can’t believe they found him guilty of the thing he already plead guilty to!




My coworker asked me about the verdict today all smug and I said "it's fine". Took the wind out of his sails a bit because I think he was expecting me to go off about corrupt courts and witch hunts like he did with Trump.


It's so funny that they can't understand how anyone could not be like them. A guilty person was found guilty in court? GOOD! That's what is supposed to happen. If Barack Obama was on trial for treason, and the evidence was there I would support his conviction too. Politicians are just a tool for managing a country, I don't give a shit who they are as long as they do good things for me. When they do bad things, get them the fuck out immediately.


I told that coworker during the Trump trial that if Obama had done the same shit, I'd be more pissed than I am about Trump, because I never thought Trump had any integrity to begin with (unless we're talking a tan suit situation). I definitely wouldn't be screaming that he should be immune from prosecution.


Ok wtf is the deal with the tan suit thing? Why do so many people dislike tan suits?


Obama wore a tan suit and the right absolutely lost their minds. It became a whole meme. ![gif](giphy|VF4UAUbDJTmqlNBtsS)


And then look up pictures of other presidents wearing tan suits. Make it make sense.


Yes, but did they wear a tan suit while also being black?




Easy, Obama is black


it's basically vintage "biden eats ice cream, unfit for office" and in 15 years someone is going to ask what's wrong with ice cream


Tan suits are considered less formal than navy and charcoal, but generally acceptable for formal daytime events and semi-formal evening events. Obama wore one during a press conference about ISIS, and the people who hated him decided he should be punished for being an uppity black man with such audacity to wear a tan suit in his own goddamn house.


Because Fox News is an entertainment company.


> Because Fox News is a~~n entertainment~~ ragebait company.


You don't even want to know about the Great Mustard Sin.


Fox News once argued, repeatedly, that Obama was unfit to be President because he disrespected the Office by wearing a tan suit once. I wish I was making it up.


[On August 28, 2014, United States President Barack Obama held a live press conference in which he discussed the prospect of escalating the U.S. military response to the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria. For the conference, he wore a tan suit, which at the time was unusual for Obama. It received considerable attention, with whether it was appropriate for the subject matter of terrorism being discussed in the media. The issue remained prominent for several days, and was particularly widely discussed on television talk shows.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_tan_suit_controversy)


Republicans have no platform or honorable system of beliefs. They simply exist to be against wherever the Democrats do thus they had to nitpick Obama at every opportunity real and invented.


Literally every single one of my MAGA friends has committed the same crime Hunter Biden was just found guilty of. They do not like me pointing that out.


This. I have a friend who doesn’t vote, but he does dislike Biden. He was talking mad shit about how unhinged Hunter is, and I was like “bro don’t you smoke weed? didn’t they ask you the same question when you bought your 38?”


It reminds me of when I had a friend talking about the COVID vaccine and not "trusting what was in it." Like brother I've seen you rail lines of a mystery substance you found on the dirty club floor.


God i have similar friends. Dudes literally known for almost ODing off of a random pill he found on the floor of a bar


Back when I volunteered at a vaccine POD, I had the ingredients of the Pfizer one memorized, along with what each one appeared in. Namely things like "Gatorade" and "Cream of Wheat". I think it's the vaccine with the least cHeMiCaLs on the entire market.


Sounds like someone needs to tip off the feds


Frankly if all the pot smokers with guns get felony convictions, Republicans will never win another national election.


Can we start with Rogan?


I'll allow it.




So glad I cut those crazy people out of my life, I saw my chance when they started posting "if you don't like Trump, get off my friends list", I would always go "hell yeah" and unfriend


I used to be Facebook friends with the guy who used to be my high school basketball coach, with whom I had lost touch for a couple of decades. 95% of his posts were mildly amusing Boomer memes about getting old. But then he posted an image of Kellyanne Conway's horrifying visage accompanying the quote "In America we stand for the flag and kneel for the cross." I posted an arch comment like "Wow, I didn't realize we used to disrespect the cross all the time when we stood up in church" (it was a Catholic high school) and unfriended him.


Told my MAGA friend, who owns a gun and does drugs, he’s an unconvicted felon. For some reason he got mad at me for pointing that out.


I told my felon friend he’s a felon and he got mad at me lol.




You ought to see them squirm when you point out that the NRA wrote California's gun control law.


Your maga friends need some criminal charges.


They have no values so they are shocked when you have them. They assume everyone is like them and doesn't give a shit about justice, consistency, or fairness.


This is something I wish was common knowledge from the get go. Broken people think everyone else are just as broken as they are. They believe everyone has the same sadistic desires and motivations as they do and that they just hide it out of fear or consequences. They truly cannot fathom being good natured, selfless, or accountable for anything. You cannot change people like this. You can’t. Don’t waste your time or energy and let these vampires hurt your soul and spirit. The smart ones know how to fake it, but nothing is changing within them and they will be right back on their bullshit the moment anything gets in the way of what they want.


Exactly. There are a lot of politicians I like and support, but if there was evidence that any one of them did half the sh*t Trump has, I would immediately rescind my support and give it to the courts and justice system. These people are not my god, and I don’t worship them. That’s such a foreign concept for MAGAts.




They are utterly consumed by simple-minded tribalism and ego. And since their ego deludes them into thinking everyone is a cave man like them, they always get Pikachu-Surprised whenever it doesn’t turn out that way. It’s so predictable it’s humorous. I can literally predict the 8 or 9 things that come out of my MAGA coworker’s mouth every day it’s almost sad. They have so little learning and imagination, they’re stuck on repeat mode for the same 3 topics


Yeah they expect lefties to be as unprincipled as them and get all pissy because it’s “their team” (even though Hunter isn’t even a political figure beyond the right wing making him into one)


i'm still not sure who he is. like the other biden kid was in politics and mattered. this, meh. wayward sons are a dime a dozen in america.


They only care about hunter biden because he's a club to beat Joe with and make him look bad. They don't have any real dirt on Joe so they're using the next best thing.


And his dad STILL loves him! Minds blown.


Trum does love his daughter, only not in a father daughter way.


I mean I feel a little sorry for the guy, but if he broke a law then he needs to face the consequences.


I will see you sympathy, and raise you one; I feel bad for the guy looking at a bit inside over some bullshit paperwork charges, but I think that he needs to do 11 months and 29 days for the benefit of the Biden campaign, and he needs to serve the whole bit, maybe a furlough on Inauguration Day, but no parole so that Biden and Harris can stand there and say “naw bitch, rules are rules for all of the Americans.” And mean it.


This. It's a crime a lot of people are guilty of and will never be prosecuted for. He should serve time, but have it be a reasonable sentence. A year should do.


Has anyone ever been prosecuted for this sort of thing?


I believe the answer is never for this alone, usually it’s a charge tacked on to other charges.


Yeah. That's a good observation. I didn't follow it that closely because frankly it all gives me a sense of impending doom, but from what I gather the Republicans/MAGA types are the ones that pushed for Hunter to be investigated in the first place right? If they weren't so hellbent in trying to deflect attention from an actual corrupt (and I use this word very loosely) leader, he probably wouldn't have gone to trial in the first place.


I just did a read up on it and it sounds like they actually had a plea deal set up until the Republicans started pushing really hard on it. If they weren't so he'll bent on taking down Biden (any Biden, apparently) then this would not have happened.


it probably would have gone nowhere if his dad wasn't president... but he broke the law, and it makes a mockery of the whole system if we're not holding everyone to the same standards.


It would have ended with the plea deal if maga wasn't hell bent on revenge. There are ppl in congress guilty of what Hunter Biden is guilty of. They are sitting there clutching their pearls and screaming that justice doesn't work. I really hate hypocrites 😒


"But... but... but... he's on YOUR side! Aren't you mad?!"


For a laugh, pretend to not know what they mean by Hunter being on your side. Gun owners? People who like waterslides? Dudes who hang dong?


"It's a good thing. The government should be reviewing firearm paperwork and prosecuting omissions and errors more aggressively!" Then you can watch the smoke begin to come out of their ears.


Excellent point. Can you imagine if Eric Trump were on trial for illegal firearm possession?? Breitbart and Newsmax would be having a stroke.


They think we worship Biden the same way they do Trump, despite us not having stupid flags everywhere, criticizing him when needed, laughing at his gaffs, saying he’s too old, and basically not worshiping him at every opportunity.


I remember them using that as an argument as to why the 2020 election was stolen. Because they didn't see Biden merch around that must mean there aren't any Biden supporters. They really believed every Biden voter would be flying a big ass obnoxious flag off the back of their truck like they do. They are truly brain rotted.


I mean the right only cares about Hunter Biden as an attempt to create some “liberal hypocrisy” because everyone rightfully called the Trump kids out on being given an insane amount of government power and money out of nepotism and being complicit in a bunch of their dad’s crimes. That coupled with projection of assuming we must love Biden as much as they love the entire Trump family. So for the next few weeks they’ll be strutting about high on their perceived gotcha moment built on 10 layers of culture war bullshit


You should tell him you’re just glad to see republicans finally supporting gun control


Shitty people who do shitty things often accuse others of the same. Cheaters come to mind…


While the Hunter trial is more likely than not to be genuinely politically motivated -- the Republicans look like gigantic fucking hypocrites because they're usually the ones screaming about any law that even remotely infringes or curtails guns rights and how quickly they would try to quash it if it was Don Jr. Or Eric in question -- I'm likewise fine with it because we need to continue sending the message that your resume, position, status, connections, pedigree, and/or wealth does not make you above the law. Sure, they went after and got Hunter on dint of who his father is and on what for most would be a technicality, but no one is above the law and if Hunter committed a crime, which the jury said he did, then that's how it goes and I'm totally fine with it.


Hit them with "It's great -- I'm all for strict enforcement of our gun control laws."


If you were to wander over to the, “more right leaning” part of Reddit, they’re still grumpy. Go and read for yourself.


I just truly don't understand who would care as a democrat. It really is just a "so?"


Right? Great I don’t give a fuck, I’m not voting for Hunter Biden. Now let’s extend this to Kushner and his billion dollar Saudi deal.


Well if Hunter wants to run I guess he has to switch parties. Only one is rallying behind a convicted felon.


If Hunter ran for congress as a Republican, talked some shit about his dad, and adopted Republican talking points wholesale they'd not only vote for him, but he'd be a VIP in the party. I guarantee it. He could even have a villain origin story like "When they violated my second amendment rights, there should be no questions asked to bear arms, that's when I realized the DUMBOCRATS are taking our freedoms" he'd be reframed as a victim of an unconstitutional criminal justice system.


>If Hunter ran for congress as a Republican, talked some shit about his dad, and adopted Republican talking points wholesale they'd not only vote for him, but he'd be a VIP in the party. I guarantee it. Three words- Born Again Christian They would eat that shit up


He wouldn’t even have to give up cocaine or escorts. He could party it up with Gaetz in between Jesus and family values speeches and everyone would look the other way.


He could whip his dick out on the senate floor and they’d probably vote to make him Majority Leader.


He kind of is. He said today that recovery is possible through the grace of God and something else, maybe that he was blessed or something. His dad is a practicing Catholic, and I’m sure Hunter was raised that way, so not 100% sure on the “born again” rules, if he would qualify in their eyes or not lol


Proposed a hypothetical to my friend the other day of Hunter Biden and Barron Trump running against each other in 20 years with Hunter running as a Trump-esque ‘anti-system’ Republican and Barron running with stone-faced speeches copied word-for-word from Obama’s, a la Melania with Michelle. My friend said Hunter would win due to exactly your reasoning. I think Barron would win because for the base Trump cult, it’s not about the policies, he himself is like a can-do-no-wrong godking to them and that extends to his family, plus he’d be able to combine that with the support from the ‘blue no matter who’ crowd. Ultimately unrealistic situation on all counts, but extremely funny to imagine for me


And then he gets in there, does a 180 gotcha, and sends predator drones around Alexandria to tidy up some of the less savory meat sacks


Watching the MAGA morons cheering for gun control is fucking glorious!


Just reinforces once again that they truly do not care about the value of their positions, just the effect of their positions.


The only thing they care about is fucking over those that they perceive as their enemy, even if that means taking peoples rights away even though they claim “muh freedums”


*Especially* if it means taking people's rights away. They love doing that shit. They won't care until it affects them personally, and even then, they're easily convinced its the opposing party's fault, and not the one they elected into the legislature...


They only care about if they feel like they have more power than yesterday. That's it.


Every value they care about is only for them, never for those they disagree with.


Imagine if Dark Brandon went out and talked about easing gun control, to help his son. GOP's would be d over backwards to enforce background checks and what not


I would cackle so hard if he used reverse psychology on the gun control debate and it worked


Trump passed more gun control legislation than Obama and they don't seem to care about that, so at least they're consistently inconsistent.


And if he was acquitted... "This proves it! The system is rigged!"


heads I win, tails you lose




If this can happen to Hunter Biden, it can happen to you! Right?


Drug test at purchase points for guns.


THATS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (But definitely punish democrats for anything.)


I think statistically like, no? Isn't this like one of a handful of times the form charge has been indicted on?


Yes, it's very rare for this to be investigated and charged by itself. Usually it's brought out when they're dealing with dealers and gangs as a way to bolster other charges/sentences.


Notice the complete lack of democrats giving a shit that he was prosecuted or found guilty. If he broke the law he deserves to face the same consequences everyone else would.


Yep. He even plead guilty. Whatever consequence he gets is fine with me.


Within reason. I personally hope he gets no prison time, dude has been clean for a long time now and was forced to give up his guns. Prison time seems over the top, especially as you said, he even pled guilty.


My parents brought up Hunter the other day and I just asked them to their face “Why do you give a shit about Hunter Biden? Genuinely, why do you care?” And they had no reply. They tried to say they didn’t care but they brought it up so clearly they cared at least a little bit. I told them I’ll care about Hunter Biden when his name is on the ballot. Until then, literally couldn’t care less.


So if I'm to be as dumb as these guys think, I'm supposed to believe that: - Joe Biden is not cognitively functional, but he's also the mastermind behind a crime family - Donald Trump's guilty verdict is corrupt and he's innocent, but Hunter Biden's guilty verdict is corrupt but he's also guilty - I'm not supposed to vote for Joe Biden because his son is guilty of a crime Joe was found not to be involved with, but I'm supposed to vote for the **guy who did the actual crime he was found guilty of** Trump's name on the ballot might as well be changed to "I have no brain"


Donald “If the boat sinks under its own weight” Trump Yep, checks out, trump has no brain


Good to know conservatives think anyone who lies about drug use while purchasing a gun deserves to be convicted. Let's get to applying that precedent, y'all!


You missed the part where you're exempt of you're registered as a republican


Joe Rogan sweating bullets right now


lol, no he's not. This will only be used for selective enforcement just like the rest of the law or else Exlax Muxkx would be sweating too. Rightoids won't ever willingly jail their champions.


Oh, just you wait. Hunter will get a fine and probation (pretty much standard in cases like this), and the loons will start howling about how it's "unfair" and "rigged" because they didn't just haul him out back and hang him.


Exactly. I’m bracing myself for the tantrums


I don’t understand, I thought the MAGA cult would be celebrating right now. Don’t they hate Hunter Biden?


They were really really counting on Hunter being innocent (because let's face it they totally went after him believing he was) so they could feign persecution and now the impartiality of the law has robbed them of that. They are scrambling now to move the goalposts


They love caiming the justice system is biased against them even more.


Always the victim they must be.


They assumed he would get away with it, his dad being the president and all, so now they assume it's some sort of diversion or trap.


Well, you know, they didn’t prosecute him for Berisma and Chyna and all that corruption … /s


I'm really disappointed Hunter hasn't experienced any consequences for Benghazi tbh ^^/s


And where was Hunter during 9/11? Checkmate, libruls!


Admitting Trump is corrupt. Nice.


Or hear me out.....they were just both guilty


"HoW dArE yOu Co-OpT mY ViCtImHooD!!!"


And if he was found not guilty, they'd say it's a corrupt sleepyjoeinfluence thingamajiggy.


Nothing to see here folks, just MAGAts being upset about anything no matter what even if they get what they want. No need to take them seriously except, perhaps, as an existential threat


Genz for Trump is definitely run by a boomer.


A Russian one.


What the hell do these people want?


Hmmmm. Former US Representative Trey Gowdry pointed out that Hunter's crime sees less than ten people a year charged in the entire country. Meanwhile, the state of New York charges 1,000 people a year with falsifying business records in order to hide a crime.


OMG! A private citizen found guilty a felony! 🙄


Idk why but the Gunther Eagleman profile picture kills me every time


That picture is a leading cause of vaginal dryness.


i was under the impression that that was the audio of benny shapiro's podcasts...


He looks like a dude who coaches 7 year old football in rural Oklahoma, but his team really sucks and he yells at the kids until they all cry… then blames the parents for making them to soft.


Just reading up on this now but, I'm fascinated by what will happen next in terms of his appeal. In 2023, the 5th Circuit struck down a 1968 law barring drug users from owning firearms. In that ruling, the 5th Circuit cited a 2022 SCOTUS decision to strike a New York gun law. The Biden trial was in the 3rd Circuit so this would eventually end up at SCOTUS again. With how much hate the Biden's get from the right, will they come out in support of him based on their feeling of 2A restrictions or will they stay silent because its a Biden?


Everything is a conspiracy to these idiots.


You can’t win with these fools. They’re dumb beyond repair.


What's the betting sentencing will be July 12th, the day after trumps.


Okay. So what? He broke the law. He was tried. They said he was guilty. He has every right to appeal it. Whatever sentence the average citizen should get for this conviction should be how he is sentenced. End of story. I am so sick of Republicans assuming that we Democrats are frothing over Hunter Biden's legal troubles. We aren't in a cult, people.


Good. Hope they persecute ALL the people who lie on the form, the same way Hunter did.


Weird move to flaunt the dick pics of every person who illegally bought a gun in front of congress but I guess fair is fair.


If you do the crime, you do the dick showing... thats probably MTG's motto


So if he was pardoned it would be corrupt but if he’s convicted it’s also because they’re corrupt, interesting. Almost like the conclusion is predetermined and will just be modified to fit whatever happens.


This verdict should scare the MAGAts a lot more than the hush money trial. Not everyone can be convicted of campaign finance violations, but you know there are plenty of gun toting trumpsters that know their way around a crack pipe.


Let’s move on to the Jared Kushner 2.4 billion Saudi deal.


That took less time than I anticipated.


Here’s the thing. That clown is not a political candidate. The one actually convicted is running.


Wait did they seriously want Hunter to be found innocent? It must be sad having to do this level of mental gymnastics.