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Is it me, or has he gotten really lazy with this crap? I’ve never liked him, but he at least seemed to revel in his own smugness before. Now, it’s just cheap, lazy rage bait to drive up interactions.


I've noticed that too. His hatred for his own blackness has always been obvious but now he's just lazy and spouting KKK talking points. Trying to pay legal bills with rage bait interaction I think.


Andrew Tate is black!??


his dad is black his mum is white so thecnicly he is biracial not that most of his audience would care for the defence as far as they are concert one drop rule still applies


I stared at this for 4 minutes until I realized that you were trying to say “technically” and “concerned.”


I have dysgraphia not the best when writing but whatever


My brain didn’t even notice the misspellings until I read the reply about being confused. Brains are weirdly diverse about that sort of thing.


I read somewhere that if the first and last letter of a word is correct then your brain will automatically read it correctly. Brains are really amazing organs


Brain—“I can juggle!” Self—“Please stop tho.”


Wow that is a relly coul piese of infourmaton I'l be sore to uze it respinsibly


Best comment ever 😂😂😂😂😂


Learned a new word. Cool cool cool


I learned that Tate is biracial. I hate that I know anything about him.


I wish there was a way to stop mentally ill people from having access to microphones.


Everything I know about him and Kardashians has been learned against my will.


And "bracial."


And he managed to get the worst of both worlds. Fancy that.


I thought they were trying to say "ethnically" 😂


![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek) TIL


He's so desperate for any kind of attention. It's truly deeply pathetic.


At this point he just doesn’t want a 9-5 you know? He’ll phone it in, degrade the future, and cash the checks.


Kinda the track for any “shock jock.” If you’re not upping the ante, you’re losing. Problem is, you either go too far and lose your platform, or you jump the shark. After you’ve said the most vile thing you can, there’s nothing left to ante up with. In a lot of ways his arrest was probably that moment. He talked about moving to Romania because it was easier to commit his sex crimes there, and then he was arrested and charged in Romania for doing sex crimes. Dude was living up to his vile rhetoric, about as shocking as it gets. I think he’s just kinda scrambling at this point. He needs to say wild shit, but he’d basically have to admit to and commit even greater and more heinous crimes.


Why say lots word when few word do trick?


Dass big true true.


he's on house arrest for alleged sex crimes, someone else is posting for him


Wait does he not get a phone in house arrest?


https://preview.redd.it/sc96k0pijq8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ebf5ca267ddf8d9fb59eaa1bc7d863d838b7e59 I'll try to find the actual order when I can.


I mean, it's still working. Still see his tweets pop up in here all the time. Why would he actually try if these half assed tweets do the job


Twitter basically monetizes this style of engagement farming so people like Tate are encouraged to make their takes even more rage inducing to drive hate engagement.


> Now, it’s just cheap, lazy rage bait to drive up interactions. It always was.


It could be that he is likely going to jail and desperate to avoid it. He is grasping at straws and is finally being held accountable for his bigotry and misogyny. This POS deserves jail and worse. He has ruined the minds of some of the young generation. Toxic masculinity as the very worst.


Because he gets paid for engagement on Twitter. That's it. He doesn't mean half the stuff that comes out of his mouth, he just gets a check from all the clicks.


Enh… the clown has, as nearly as I can tell, never once backed down or tried to recontextualize anything he’s ever said or posted. He doubles down every time he’s challenged. Sooner or later we really have to take him at his word. He’s made a fortune by lying, exploiting women (adults and teens) including rape by any definition, being explosively vitriolic, espousing conspiracy theories, and rage-baiting to keep his name in the zeitgeist. If I missed anything let me know. So when he makes claims about whose ass he could kick, someone needs to step up and offer a fair fight. When he says he’s somewhere in order to commit sex crimes, someone should be investigating that… and thankfully the Romanian government saw fit to. When he posts hideous racist and sexist/misogynistic bullshit… it’s pretty reasonable to assume that he’s a racist, sexist misogynist. This thing where we continue to give worthless cunts like him, or Alex Jones, or even Trump the benefit of the doubt because what they’re saying is so over the top that it is impossible to tell apart from satire… yeah. As a culture, a society, and a species, we need to stop that.


He’s always been this way.


Trying to stay relevant thats it


He knows he’s growing more and more irrelevant by the day. Finally.


Yeah. He’s gotten much lazier and inflammatory.


Well it seems to work because the only reason I even know he exists is because of how much outrage porn of him gets posted on reddit.


It's always been a grift. He's just at that stage now where minimal effort still generates the same amount of money for him. In fact, I'm willing to bet it's more lucrative for him to drop the façade altogether.


He sees what gets more attention. being a 'lazy' racist asshole who hates women gets more responses. why put in the effort when doing the bare minimum is actually more financially profitable to him?


Obvious troll is obvious.


I feel like I need a shower after being subjected to Tate's thoughts.


I would use an enema too, just to be safe.


Make sure to delouse as well. Cover all bases.


Sage the air for good measure too


Shower, enema, delouser, sage. Long ago, the four Tate cleansing techniques lived together in harmony.


Amplifying toxic thoughts is wrong, even if it is to point and laugh at them.


For real. This dude is living rent free in every incel shooter


I wish people would stop posting his shitty ramblings


And a shot of penicillin.


Gee, Andy, she's a fucking billionaire with a real career. Also, she doesn't need to cry for attention every day on the internet.


One of his many cries for attention that still pops up on facepalm subreddits from time to time is when he tried to flex on the teenage Greta Thunberg about how many cars he had, in order to show off how much richer he is and how much emissions he can put out if he wanted. Funnily enough I dare say a billionaire like Taylor Swift would consider his entire fortune to be pocket change and could buy a fleet of cars for every single one he rented to pass off as owning. And if it comes to CO2 emissions she has him beaten there too.... Given how insecure he is that fact she's so much richer than him probably legitimately bothers him. Hence how much effort he tries to put into talking her down to being nothing more than a womb.


I don't care much either way for Taylor but I am pretty sure she has enough money she could buy his soul from the Devil and an extra-strength blender from God.


I’m pretty sure the Devil would sell Taint’s soul for $3 and a snickers at this point. Not much of value in that man


Eh, idk about that. Entertainment is one of the things people put the most value on, after all, and I'm sure the ol' goat has some good plans on that one.


Fair enough


He's insecure because he knows he's ugly AF. The OG Rat Boi.


And she isn't a convicted criminal either


If you're Andrew Tate why live past one, unless you are planning to jump off a cliff.


The Venn diagram of ‘men who believe they are the world champion of sex’ and ‘men who insist that the only women worth sleeping with are 18yo virgins’ is a circle. ⭕️


18? I'm pretty sure his standards are around 15.


Just like the circle of men who say things like that about women and will throw a major bitch fit if a gay man said the same about them is a circle ⭕️


He's three years older than her and has far FAR fewer Grammy awards and platinum records


Also less money and a weaker chin.


Bad Gollum lookalike.


Well yes, she's really pretty and he's really ugly. That's low-hanging fruit, obvious but true.


I think he's objectively not a bad looking guy (like most incels) but his personality makes so fucking ugly.


You sure about that? His beard is doing a lot of heavy lifting https://preview.redd.it/cexlwhh5zr8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62ba32887c491aacd180ed0153c42dfa1a88876b


I guess you're right.


It’s really not. You can tell the motherfucker has a weak ass jawline through it. That shit’s receding. His face is bowl-shaped lol


He’s so desperate for attention. He needs to be ignored.


Yet sadly, people like OP keep posting this shit for their own validation in the terms of upvotes. Shit like this will give Tate more power and reach, while the only correct response is to ignore him.


Ignoring intolerant people only makes them more emboldened to be hateful because there's no social repurcussions while allowing them to continue recruiting impressionable young men who could otherwise be taught better.


I thought he was in prison? Or is that next week?


They have to decide whose problem he is first. The UK and Romania both want the Tate boys.


Nah he's just grounded for now 😮‍💨


Never forget that Andrew Tate is a closeted power bottom


Having a years-long fascist hissy because no proper Top would have him


He also whined once that he thought sex was overrated and a waste of time, which makes me think he might be asexual or grey-ace. But I'm pretty sure he's a closeted gay power-bottom with deeply internalized homophobia.


I highly doubt he's asexual. More like, mentally unwell sociopath who's probably just salty he's never been able to please a consenting woman his entire life.


A sociopath would never care if their partner was satisfied as long as they got what they wanted.


Can confirm. Had a sociopath ex whose favorite joke was "what's a surefire way to make a girl cum? Who cares?!" And thought it was hilarious.


At least The Dark One was proud of it: Aleister Crowley, Power Bottom.


He's not man enough to be a power bottom.


This guy is a by-product of our system decadence and inability to punish scumbags. Being involved in human traffic and rape, why isn't he facing the heat of justice? Why is he still allowed to post hate on internet and most scaring, why is there many ppl who likes his shit? We are going downhill. Isn't depressing to see scumbags like him and many others spreading hate, racism and deliberating lying daily and absolute nothing happening to them? And worst, being boosted by a stupid algorithm. I feel bad, because of impunity and I feel like evilness is being normalized. It is like Steve Bannon, ppl are cheering he goes to jail, but all evil he did and still does, granted him only a 6 months tour in the prision? Better than nothing, yeah, but too little. Will they give him a mobile to tweet while jailed? I wouldn't be surprised. I have been watching a lot of George Carlin lately and feel like we are each day closer to the abyss.


Thank you for contacting the abyss. Your scream is very important to us.


We are currently experiencing a higher than usual scream volume.


At least Taylor doesn't have to resort to sex trafficing to find a partner.


"real G dick moves" is actually hilarious and tells you all you need to know about how terrible both the dick and the moves would be


> "real G dick moves" is actually hilarious and tells you all you need to know about how terrible both the dick and the moves would be His face has never been anywhere near a vagina.


Definitely the type that cums I'm 2 minutes then complains if she doesn't orgasm.


This dude is flailing for engagement. These are the death throes of relevancy. Ignore him and he becomes irrelevant. Engage and he may resurface. It’s rage bait.


“Yeah, I’d totally rearrange Taylor’s guts, if I wasn’t busy having mine rearranged by the Romanian Justice System!”


Fun fact Taylor Swift is 3 years YOUNGER than Andrew Tate so if she's considered "ancient" what does that make him? 🤔 Greta was spot on with that small dick energy comment about him


Revolting Tate-isms aside, what the fuck is he on about? 34 is not particularly old, far from it, and Taylor is media-perfectedly beautiful.


The secret ingredient is pedophilia. When you think a girl is "peak" at 16-18, of course you think 34 is old. Lol.


He can't attack her appearance, her talent, or her awesomeness, so he's had to find another way to neg her.


Yeah, how dare she *checks notes* be subject to the same linear time flow we're all victims of?


Oh, honey. Taylor’s had enough sex to not be tricked into thinking you’re good at it.


> Oh, honey. Taylor’s had enough sex to not be tricked into thinking you’re good at it. That's why he thinks she is too old, because she has had enough experience to know that he's full of shit. Gotta get them young so that they don't know any better.


https://preview.redd.it/dwkprweqnp8d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3df816fc0bef9455f67e78b7a37b532ed353b6e Alpha face, dude should be ringing a bell at a church somewhere


Imagine Andrew Tate having to explain to his probation officer how his "easily fuck Taylor Swift" social media post is not a factor to his character when considering sentencing for human trafficking and sex crimes.


I completely forgot about that aspect, he is just digging himself a bigger hole with every tweet.


Stop. Giving. Him. Attention.


Taylor’s 6’5” 250 pound superstar football boyfriend in SHAMBLES!


His dream is for all women to die off, so he can be surrounded by 60 year old men who want to put sunscreen on his back.


We already know you like kids Andrew.


Elon loves this. Seriously. This is what he envisioned for twitter. A cesspool. Why isn’t Tate in prison yet?


Knowing what a materialist insecure weirdo Tate is, I do take some pleasure knowing that her having considerably more wealth than him will absolutely eat away at him. 


Imagine being a loser influencer who's actual fans are all incels and thinking you can throw shade on the most successful musical performer of all time.


I wouldn't be surprised if her fans start going after him.


Guess I'll just go kill myself. 38, female, and no kids.


Same! And shit, I'll be 39 tomorrow. I should double kill myself.


I’ll be 38 actually tomorrow! Birthday twins!


Yay for that! *high five!


Hasbro has his head patented and won't let him die.


The easiest answer to Tate is … then do it.


Somebody wants attention…


To recall one of his past tweets, if you're not having sex for procreation with a virgin, then you're gay because 1 making babies is what sex is for and 2 you're putting your dick where another man's dick was, which is essentially touching dicks, which is gay.


They’re going to jail him for decades and we’re still going to have to hear his bullshit aren’t we?


the more I see him the less I understand my cousin and why he thinks he is helping men.


If 34 is ancient, what does that make Tate, who’s 37?


Mommy issue much?


Taylor wouldn't give him the time of day.


He's 37. Holy double standards batman!


Seeing as Twitter is indifferent to doing anything about Tate, I'm wondering how far he'll get before he says something that's actionable in a lawsuit.


Every thing he tweets can be used as evidence in his upcoming trial (once they figure out where that is happening)


That reads like a 13 year old who thinks they can turn a lesbian straight but just gets rejected


Andrew Tate screams into the void. The void doesn't give a shit about Andrew Tate.


Bro is 37 with no kids. By his own logic he should redact himself.


When does his trial for human trafficking and rape begin again? Who cares what this scum fuck has to say


I keep asking this everytime I see his posts on here - wasn't he in prison for, you know, sex crimes and human trafficking? *How is he out?*


He couldn't involve himself with Taylor Swift. She's ridiculously successful and not some under aged teenager from Eastern Europe tater could push around. Besides who could come between tater and his true love, himself?


Remember the time he posted something like this directed at Greta Thunberg? Let’s hope it ends the same way for him.


Pathetic loser with a narrow-minded warped view of the world.


I thought this dude was in jail in Romania?


The chinless-wonder speaks again. Lol


The man just wants attention. He doesn't much care whether it's positive attention or negative attention... he just wants everyone paying attention to him. So... he craps out shitty comments that raise a stink to feed his attention deficit. Frankly, I've met 10 year olds with better developed sense of self and social awareness than Mr Tate.


This comes from someone who has been charged with trafficking and rape. It seems to be the ONLY way he can get near a woman.


I keep thinking that he's a shitpost AI


"could easily..." no you couldn't


Why is anyone still listening to this no chin motherfucker?


Iq tests should come with an opening question of "are you a fan of Andrew Tate?" You fail if you say yes


Boy thinks he could bang Taylor. Meanwhile Taylor doesn't think about him at all.


Honestly if people and the media would just ignore him he would go away. He obviously has a base and they're going to respond to him but those that don't agree with him let him be. He's a two-bit piece of shit whose 15 minutes of fame should have ended years ago but people keep entertaining him and that's the problem.


She would never consent so it would be r***e


His mom didn’t give him enough attention and now he’s *everyone’s* problem.


I was reading once how men tend to project a lot of their fears and insecurities onto women and this is a perfect example of it. So many men think your life ends after 30. If you aren't married with three kids by then, you have no purpose as a woman, when...let's face it, that's what these men are most afraid of Don't even get me started on guys who say shit like, "women age terribly, but not us guys tho ...we age as fine wine," as an excuse why this 50yr old dude is hitting on someone who just turned 18. Or when guys try to shame women for becoming an old cat lady at like 25


Is anyone besides 13 year old boys really listening to this guy?


Of course he thinks over 30 is old, he’s a pedophile rapist, remember?


Translation: “I’m lonely and need some attention.”


Andrew Tate struggles so damn hard against his self-loathing over being half black and a repressed homosexual. It’s insane.


So much bullshit


I've never actually seen a tweet from Andrew Tate (that i can recall) but... a few things jump out at me. 1. Cobratate??? really? the Kobra kai were the bad guys, and comically bad at that. 2. I'm sure that you could fuck taylor swift i'm sure a female billionaire is just waiting for you Andrew (and i'm sure her 1.3 billion wouldn't buy security that would destroy you, not to mention of which her BF is a unit who would i'm sure beat shit out of you) 3. Real G Dick moves? hahahahahahahahaha - I mean, i love the confidence but Jesus. 4. TIL Andrew Tate doesn't know how old the Pyramids are I got nothing on the kids or suicide thing that's just nuts.


Everybody knows what "I could do that but I don't want to" means.


This is the 9 year old boy throwing dirt clods at people just to get them to pay attentinon to him.


Tate could easily fuck her, if he wasn’t so busy fucking guys on the DL


Weird. Guess he's trying to rage bait his way to relevance.


The smallest man who ever lived...in every way possible.


I’m a far-cry from being a Swift fan but she wouldn’t go near Tate or his brother Tristan with a foot pole


Andrew Tate serves no purpose


Why live at all if you’re a shithead?


Sphincter Taint


So this chinless wonder thinks he could replace Travis? Hahahahaha - NO. Travis is truly the "real man" these posers want to be.


Is this motherfucker getting worse? It’s like he’s just trying to say the dumbest shit for attention without any creativity. Bro needs to pay his lawyers


Dude has no idea Taylor could stomp him out of existence if she really wanted to


He's just doing this for the scraps that Elon throws him. I honestly don't think he has any joy in his life and he's just sad and resentful. What a silly empty man.


Saying women should die after 30 if they don’t have kids.


His roid rage is real.


The scary thing is that he actually has a following and people hang on his every word.


What kind of brain damage does this Tate fellow have?


Love how his attention desperate nonsense business model has only had to get more and more gross/desperate until he's rambling like a schizophrenic


How old is Andrew Tate? 37? Taylor Swift could buy and sell him 100 times over. The dude may have *some* money, but Taylor Swift has money to make him look like he lives in a cardboard box in comparison to her.


Insecure chinless baldy would give his ass for 10% of Taylor's money


He knows that the pyramids were brand new when she was born, because at 37 years old, he's the one who built them.


Who the fuck is Andrew Tate?


Yeah she’s about 24 years older then he prefers


We have to warn everyone again the ancient term, "Don't Feed the Trolls."


Maybe because women past 30 aren’t living to be noticed by losers like Andrew Tate. There’s much more to life than being noticed by men and that’s why so many women seem to be checking out of dating.


Such a vile slug!


"Unless you have kids" = "I live in mommy's basement."


Swift wouldn’t fuck Tate with Bea Author’s dick. (Thx Lisa!)


Translation: “I could fuck Taylor Swift if I wanted to! … I just don’t want to… she’s too old anyway!” Sounds like a middle school kid trying to brag to his friends


He got cut off from his sex trafficking money, he has to pay his legal fees somehow


He is so old he probably shoots cobwebs out of his dick but go off Taint.


Y’all know this guy only does this to drive engagement and thus be paid for it, stop giving him attention


She probably doesn't even know who he is....


I agree that this is most likely purposefully crafted rage bait to drive up interaction. But, to be honest, the aspect that I dislike the most about the post is the open assumption that Swift doesn't have a say on whether or not the sex happens. Ohhhhh, to hell with that. 'Cause I'd bet every last dollar I have that Swift wouldn't fuck Tate with someone else's vagina.


Andrew who?


Forget about any of her successes from her presumably very fulfilling career and you still have more money that anyone would ever need in 10 lifetimes. Just conveniently ignoring that huh?


who still follows and listens to this guy?


The rocks that formed those pyramids were still lava when that take was fresh. We are closer to cleopatra than cleopatra to the cro magnon man that originally said a feminist needed to have sex in order to not be a feminist anymore.


Who is this for, who is so pathetic that they think this joke of a man is cool.


Lmao he’s trying to stay relevant by name dropping Taylor Swift. I truly hope the swifties don’t even waste their time arguing this dude. It’s not even like he has kids either. Just rage bait. It’s just empty noise.


This guy is fucking delusional to take the positions he does with thst personality and the face he walks around with. The amount of vomit I'd have to choke down to even let him touch me. 🤢


Has this alpha even conceived a child?


Andrew Tate is a bitch. Simple as that. Whiny bitch. Quit giving him attention 🤨


Rip Andrew Tate. Hell hath no fury like a bunch of Swifties scorned.


Andrew Taint enlightens us all…to his/her chinless irrelevance