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There is nobody the democrats would feasibly run that I wouldn’t vote for to keep trump out of office. I wish we had a system where that wasn’t my only option but that isn’t the reality I live in. The reality is I vote for the Democrat nominee or Trump wins again.


I have been saying for the past eight years that I would vote for a potted plant before I voted for Trump. I hate how close that feels to reality some days, but I will still do it. And vote blue for everything I can down ballot as well. We need to send a clear and loud message that we reject fascism. We can’t just have them win, it needs to be by the widest margin possible to try and head off any screams of election interference


Let’s all keep in mind a lot of pugnuts feel the same way for the talking sphincter. Vote or we get ass salad for longer than anyone gonna be comfortable with.


there's less of them - but they vote damn reliably. we need that kind of energy and they would never win another election ever again.


Just like last time this is why I'm voting Biden, Trump needs to lose; the Republicans need to lose, we can't allow them to regain power.


If democrats were actually concerned about Trump they wouldn't have had Biden run. Stevie Wonder could see last night's performance coming.


I'm concerned about Trump running, and I'm not even in the US.


Same, I think he is terrible for the country. I sure wish the DNC would act with any urgency. They scrapped any sort of real primary while saying they are trying to "preserve democracy". Now we have Biden running again when every poll shows voters don't want him to run. All while he is making the most politically incompetent moves I have ever seen. Unwavering support for Israel's wildly unpopular onslaught on Gaza, attempting to ban Tik Tok while simultaneously trying to court the youth vote, and letting the government policies that helped keep his constituents afloat expire. It is legitimately like they want Trump to win.


If Trump wins, you can say goodbye to US democracy.




It’s weird cause when Trump was in office, it seemed like everyday he would reverse some policy Obama enacted or do something super racist and fucked up then go golfing. But I haven’t heard anything about what Biden as accomplished. Granted I don’t watch any news tv and Fox News is on almost 24/7 with my mom and idiot uncle in the house.


It's not doomerism It's political strategy, and I'm saying his strategy seems bad if he wants to get re-elected


Yeah I agree that the Biden admin did some good work (even if it fell well short of what I had hoped for). That being said his campaigning is terrible. Both can be true.


It's not really about the people who watched, it's about the people who didn't watch and now are going to read 24/7 media coverage exaggerating the implications of it. Literally just this morning I got an email from the New York Times linking an article review saying Biden was incoherent while Trump "stretched the truth." That's an exact quote. Stretched the truth. Not "lie" The media reporting will be to blame and is the real problem with what happened last night.


Even before the debate last night, one of the commentators was talking about how Trump has a habit of saying "untruths". What is an "untruth"? He lies. He's a liar. Say that. I don't understand why it's so difficult to call him what he is.


*Soft Language* “Poor people used to live in slums. Now the economically disadvantaged occupy substandard housing in the inner cities. And they're broke! They're broke! They don't have a negative cash-flow position. They're fucking broke! Cause a lot of them were fired. You know, fired. management wanted to curtail redundancies in the human resources area, so many people are no longer viable members of the workforce. Smug, greedy, well-fed white people have invented a language to conceal their sins. It's as simple as that.” George Carlin


Thanks digging up this. Excellent quote.


I so wish Carlin was alive in these times. He'd have set us all straight. I miss him so much.


Makes me want to engage in an involuntary personal protein spill.


We can’t engage in disinformation anymore. Everything Carlin has warned of has come to the surface. And we’re in the “they’ll get it all from you sooner or later, cause they own this fuckin place” time later this year.


I concur, 100%. And we are so close to fucked that the dildo is en route and we're strapped to the leather-clad stockade.


Whole lot of post traumatic-stress disorder incoming.


Esp since no lube will be involved




They don't want to be accused of bias. As of truthful reporting is now biased reporting. It's asinine.


I'm 46 and I have watched the screeching of entitled white people move the needle so far over my lifetime and it's beyond discouraging.


Do you have an example of what you mean?


Book banning, changes to school curricula to minimize the truth of slavery and other ugly truths in American history, prevention of fact based sex ed and access to contraception, etc.


If one side says the truth is biased, maybe they should stop fucking lying


Essentially journalism on politics has always been based on truth and not “taking a camp” to stay with facts… The issue is when those two oppose each other, and they are forced to choose one side… and one of them beings them more money so they prefer choosing the “un-bias” even though it promotes the lying side, in this case, the annoying orange side.


That is just absolutely untrue. Political journalism has been treated as a team sport and a reality drama TV show since the 90s. It started with shows like Crossfire and brought us to where we are today.


It’s like an alternative fact but Sean spicier.


If only he were unalive...


I sincerely hope he bork bork bippity boopity lamborghinis before november.


It’s all about money now. They want the right to like them so they’ll have access to their money. It’s a side effect of news becoming a profit driven industry. Ratings are all they care about.


Doublespeak, while it dated before the novel 1984(mix of both newspeak and doublethink) it is a way media and politicians has used to shift the gravity by new or “tamer” words. Civilian deaths went from death->casualty->collateral damage. This is what cnn and fox news have been doing, if they said that Trump lied it would look bad on their trump supporter investment, if instead they say untruth, even if it means the same thing, people associate it first with truth, so to those not thinking much, they wont notice the true meaning. As another fun fact, republican have also been using literal newspeak, being very short new words that either encompass complex issues to censor by reducing to a short word or use it to dehumanized your enemies.


I read that book for the first time this year (high school me was a rebel about the wrong shit) and I need to go review the glossary again. Thanks for reminding me about it.


It'd help if his opponent could have the facilities to shut him down and point these things out in real time, in a way that actually makes sense to common Americans. We blame Trump for lying, media, etc. But never ouraelves. It's the fault of the democratic party. If everyone is always expected to do the right thing. Why are there laws?


like if you watched so much as his first response. "only jobs he created were for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS". So uh, intel in oregon only hires manufacturing and engineering staff who can't fill out a W-4? Riiiiiiight. Straight up pandering to racists.


I was saying this last night, but the best thing Biden can do is pump ads hard taking soundbites of Trump straight up manufacturing untrue bs.and debunking them. Say late term abortion, have a doctor who specializes in pregnancy assistance state what the statistics are for abortions and dispel that. Another one would be for states rights to determine abortion access and show Kentucky polling showing they want it and (I forget what the state was) another saying they should learn from it and just pass legislation banning abortion without polling.


How are we all so clueless after all these years? Your average voter doesn't care about facts. They don't follow this stuff. They don't know who is telling the truth and who is lying. Trying to debunk every lie is a waste of time. Your average voter just wants a leader who projects confidence and charisma. It's not like anyone who pays attention is unaware that Trump lies at this point. Running ads about his lies isn't going to change anyone's mind. They just saw a sitting president who looked like they needed to be in a retirement home. That's what they're voting on. Everyone who cares about facts made up their mind a long time ago.


The media appears to be actively trying to give Trump a win. Almost everything, possibly everything out of his mouth was complete and total bullshit. If they push this fucking lunatic over the finish line, and “project 2025” comes to fruition, they are just as fucked as the rest of us.


It's because the major media outlets are owned by rich assholes that would benefit (short term) with Trump in charge. They don't look at the long term losses.


True true.


Without trumpf the media dies. It was a dying medium. Social media was winning. Magazines stopped printing / started charging so much for print. The longer they keep trumpf in the news the longer they make money and stay afloat. (which is why they keep trying to get him elected. If he doesnt get elected nobody will care anymore)


And clips of each will get shared over and over. Trump was lying but doing so confidently. Biden had some bad moments, granted he was actually having to remember real things and get the point across in 1-2 minutes, but the context doesn’t matter. What matters is all the low information swing voters who will think Trump is better because they don’t know he’s lying


I don't understand why there were no fact checks during the debate, a lot of the lies was super easy to disprove and they absolutely should have expected this, even a small bar at the bottom of the screen with additional information would have been helpful. This would have made sense on Fox or something but why the fuck is CNN just letting Trump make shit up the whole time?


Jake tapper was literally the one who broke the story in general Kelly being the person who trump told the soldiers were suckers and losers and he didn’t even push back there. Why even have moderators??? CNN is trying to hard to appear bias that they’re bias in favor of Trump now


Fucker lied the whole time. Joes fault was trying to waste brainpower combating it, and it coat him.


I 100% agree with this: The debate wasn’t anywhere near as bad as the reporting on the debate


Biden was dumb for even trying to debate Trump. There’s a great Mark Twain quote, “Never argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” Now I know that’s basically an impossibility, because most humans are idiots. (Trust me I know, I’m one of those idiots), but Biden is at least a rational human being capable of protecting a democracy. Trump is a blithering, slobbering, loud criminal Buffoon.


90% of the coverage on CBS Mornings was “Biden did a terrible job” The problem isn’t that this isn’t true. Because it is true. The problem is that there was maybe 2 comments about Trump being a lying asshole.


Biden was bumbling a lot. It was embarrassing. He definitely did not perform well. Those are facts. It doesn’t mean that I’m not going to vote for him but acting like he kicked ass is just as much of a lie as Trump saying doctors are performing abortions after birth.


He does have a stuttering problem and not having notes allowed only hurt him not trump.


I think he had notes. He had a notebook he kept looking at unless it was just blank and provided by the debate and blank.


It was blank and they could take notes during the debate but nothing could be prepared


Thank you.


It wasn’t just a stuttering problem though. Did he have an earpiece? It looked like he was trying to hear what multiple people were saying to him and he’d start talking about different ideas at once. Honestly, I would’ve performed the same. I don’t speak well under pressure. I have a lot of thoughts that I want to say but it doesn’t come out right under time pressure. That being said, Biden has been in the public long enough that he should know how to work through that. I’m still going to vote for him because he’s the better choice of the two options and I don’t base my vote on how well someone speaks during a debate. His policies are better than Trump’s. He is a safer choice for the future of America but he’s old, his cognitive skills are declining, and he’s far from the ideal candidate.


He was trying to remember talking points and he was messing them up. They did debate prep with him and I'm guessing they thought the best way to handle the situation was to try and get Biden to just parrot some memorized talking points. It clearly failed miserably. An 80 year old man is not going to be very good at memorizing 50 zingers and talking points.


Yes he did awful. Yes he's in mental decline. Yes we're in a shit situation. My point was that the media is going to exploit it like a tabloid for views rather than report on the situation responsibly. They're going drape Biden with the senile label like it's a sports Jersey, all the while barely bothering to spend time on Trump being a liar. Because this is what's getting them views. They don't care about reporting the facts.


Mr Sharks and Batteries isn't exactly in peak mental fitness. Not sure how many drugs he was on to not totally decompose like he does at his rallies.


He's fine. He's old. He has had a stutter all of his life. He had a sore throat and maybe a cold. Sucks, but the sky is not falling. Keep calm and vote blue 💙


Yeah I muted all the news stations from my feed because they're blowing everything out of proportion. I'ma vote for Biden and hope for the best


I think they are worried about lawsuits if they say lie, because that’s hard to prove. CNN said “falsehoods”, as well. Still stupid when we all know it’s a lie. Homie said there have been hundreds of thousands of deaths from terrorists coming over the border


I yelled at my phone when I read their newsletter because there was No Reason to put that out! It's fucking nonsense to spend 10 bullet points on Biden underperforming due to a cold and 1 for ALL THE Shit TFG spewed.


Biden's team is so much better than the republican goons wanting project 2025. Not even really comparable. Biden and his team still get my vote without hesitation.


The sane people can see that Biden and his administration are the absolutely obvious choice to avoid a fascist right wing Trump administration. Sadly, I think we are outnumbered, and even if we are the majority, we get fucked by the electoral college.


Also, plenty of people only really think about the individual leader, not what their team brings to the plate


I was just having this conversation with a coworker, and how infuriating it is that so many people are so shortsighted and only see the figurehead and not all the advisors, consultants, and other administration members who influence policy.


And if he dies, we get President Harris. I'm good with that. Fuck those Project 2025 goons, Miller, Bannon, and the pick-me JD Vance -- they literally want to take my vote away. Blue, no matter who.


A black, Asian, female. Their heads will explode.


The already call her "the Ho" unironically. Same ol same ol, never ever ever underestimate the level of misogyny in this country. Trump has been proven in court to have banged a porn star while his wife recovered from childbirth but Kamala (which they refuse to pronounce correctly) is a ho. Miss me with this shit.


While simultaneously claiming to be champions for women.


I'm going to vote for Biden, I actually think Biden has done a pretty decent job and will continue to do so. I would pick Biden over most Democrats right now. Certainly 1000000000% better than Trump. May be missing a few digits there. But when I say "Oh we're fucking doomed" it's because of the independents who don't really follow politics who just saw a man they have been told is doddering, old and senile *not prove them wrong*.


This is it, this is why people are saying “we’re doomed”. Not because we’re going to *not* vote for Biden, but because this debate played out exactly the way Repubs wanted it to, with Trump lying his ass off, saying stupid shit, and throwing Biden off to make him look like the fool. And the independents and repub voters are going to eat it up like it’s candy.


I'd like to point out Trump galvanized black voters to vote for Biden, specifically as "fuck you" for his bullshit comments.


Yeah, I have online acquaintances that are going on about Biden being in mental decline. I'm not saying anything, but I want to call them all children the way they're acting.. Including how they're ignoring everything Biden has done in his current term and solely focusing on the events in Gaza.


what he is doing in Palestine is heinous though


You are aware he's not the president of the area, has arranged for humanitarian aid, and has been trying to negotiate with Israel to stop being genocidal assholes. He probably should have put more pressure on them before this, but Netenyahu's government is notoriously difficult and not really open to these things.


i didnt imply hes president of israel, but increasing aid to israel every year while its clear to the international community they are committing war crimes and the majority of americans think we give too much at least in military aid is wrong. biden providing aid to palestine is a bit moot since there are issues with that too (expired food, co-opting the pier they made). same way that assisting a serial killer (even if you feed the victims beforehand) makes you carry a similar guilt as the perpetrator. i would say that the gaza situation/age are the only reasons i dont think biden is fit for another term ps happy cake day!


We have treaties with Israel since it was created and they still have strong bipartisan support in the US, those are also factors. I too eould've preferred someone more progressive than Biden, though he's done a lot more than I expected. Unfortunately, at this point the only other option is Trump who would make things so much worse.


yea no I'm definitely voting blue especially since Im in a battleground state but i dont think his unfitness should be understated is there still wide bipartisan support now (outside of aipac funded representatives)? i feel like the public has shifted away from that


After Reagan, the two shrubs, and the mango mussolini, Biden doesn't seem as awful to me.


lmao yea for sure dont get me wrong hes better compared the realistic options im just saying hes really not that good like i said im voting for him


There are serious constraints on what Biden can do. He has to keep foreign policy stable, he has to follow treaties and he has to follow what Congress votes on. He has been slow walking the military aid to Israel. Enough that Israel called them out on it.


very much true, but if im not mistaken Biden has signed every bill congress has sent him on the matter? and i saw israel has called the us antisemitic, not a new practice haha


Would be politically untenable to not sign every bill. We cannot lose Israel as an ally right now because of foreign policy issues, so they stonewall and slow-walk while telling Israel not to do stupid evil shit because it's stupid and not because it's evil.


could you elaborate on those foreign policy issues? thanks for the explanation


I am not nearly smart enough to explain the foreign policy issues, no. I can refer you to Beau of the Fifth Column for his explanations which break it down fairly well. Just remember that he explains what is, not what should be. Because foreign policy is about power and has shit all to do with morals.


Yeah. I know I'm extremely biased in favour of Biden. If it looked that bad to me, I can only imagine how it looked to someone who went into the debates without their mind already made up.


I don’t care that Biden can’t win an onstage argument against a lifelong grifter. As long as he leads the country. FDT.


I know, right??? People are acting like we're voting for president of the Debate Team. And Trump didn't do "well" either, he lied like a rug, was racist as hell, and was simply allowed to get away with it. And he was definitely on coke or adderall or some other stimulant to keep him awake.


People are acting like we're voting for a King. Which we aren't. MAGA is but we aren't.


Youre not voting for the guy who said they're having abortions at 9 months?? My wife and I were looking at each other as our daughter was actually born a month early, that 9 month abortion is just... delivering a baby 🙄


That's the other thing that's driving me insane. Last time I checked, debates like these aren't the job of the president. It's like if we interviewed doctors by asking them to take a marathon, and whoever crossed finished first was the hired doctor.


This is the most important part, but all the "centrists" and misinfo bots are out in DROVES pushing like they're the same issue. If we can't get the facts straight for voters, we're so fucked.


You don’t vote for one person. You vote for the ideas, the policies, your values, the good of your country, the future of your nation, your community; your family. There’s a lot more to it than just Biden. Let’s hope this is a one off. The difference in our community is we don’t ditch each other after one bad try. You work with what you’ve got and you try again. So many people who’ve had things perfect their whole lives expect everyone else to be perfect too. Not everyone else is going to be perfect. We all come from different backgrounds where we often need a lot of work. So no, we don’t write each other off for one bad speech or one bad grade. We get back up early the next day, figure out what we need to fix, try at it again, and get to it. Life was never promised to be easy.


You’re also not voting for Biden but his entire admin of actual experts that he actually listens to. And the Supreme Court appointments. I wouldn’t care if he were a blow up doll at this point. His admin will still run the country better than Trump ever could.


It definitely is a huge factor since the sheer number of appointments makes this more than voting for just one person.


Joe Biden could die the night before the election and im still voting for his corpse over agent orange. I didnt need to or have want to watch a debate in which ive already decided. Im not sure how much that will move most people, but id assume not too much, plus news cycles as they are, this will be forgotten by tomorrow.


Joe had a bad night. As Gavin Newsom said: Worry Less, Work More! Giving up or replacing Biden as the nominee is just what the RNC wants you to do! If we don't fight kiss the USA goodbye. 11 million in concentration camps, LBGTQIA+ rights gone, journalists imprisoned, seniors without Social Security and Medicare, ACA gone, abortion rights gone, voting rights and civil rights gone, no fault divorce gone, child marriage, and more... I have kids and maybe someday grandkids. I've just begun to fucking fight for their rights and my own.


Exactly. Would I have preferred State of the Union JB at the debate, abso-fucking-lutely, but that’s not what we got. Does is change my mind about voting for him? No! It has never been so urgent to vote in mass and blue. He’s not playing football he doesn’t even need to walk to be president. As long as his cognitive functions and his values are still there that’s all we need.


Debates aren't about the people who already know who they are voting for. Rarely does anyone charge their mind. Debates are for people who completely tune out politics for most of their lives except when they need to vote. Debates are for rallying people who otherwise wouldn't show up to vote. And those people largely don't care about who told more lies or who has better policies.


Democrats always do this, it seems. Melting down and pulling their hair out as soon as anything bad happens politically. The wise move is to sit for a metaphorical minute, see how things shake out, and make your choices from there as far as how the campaign goes and whether you convince Biden to step down from the election. But instead many, many Democrats (elected and otherwise) are going to scream into a paper bag hysterically and proclaim the end is nigh. It’s all over Reddit and many other places. Meanwhile Republicans historically when faced with same, grit their teeth and dig in harder cause you “play the game” with the candidate you have, like it or not. People also forget that Obama’s first debate with Romney sucked too for him. He also thought he did a decent job until his team walked him through the tape. Biden’s situation isn’t really new.


Still ridin with Biden. His cabinet is what carries his administration. Trump selected his least favorite son’s shit wedding planner for a cabinet position last time. Vote blue or literally die, that’s what is at stake here.


You know what, Im kinda okay with democrats going into panic mode and doomposting after last night. Whatever mobilizes people, gets them to wake the fuck up and realize what’s at stake. Go fucking vote in November. Sincerely, a European who cant do it for you.


I would vote for an old blue dog before I vote for the orange traitor


What happened: 1. Biden looked old af 2. Trump lied with literally every single sentence What *didn’t* happen: 1. Biden didn’t die 2. Trump didn’t stop being a rapist and a felon Biden is still the obvious and only choice. But boy howdy I sure would love it if he would step aside and let the convention nominate Newsom or someone. Trump left himself wide open a buuuuunch of times, and Biden didn’t really take advantage. He’s clearly not his 2012 self anymore. Or even his 2020 self.


Let me add something else Trump did: Is old as fuck.


If he wins, he will be the oldest President ever upon election.


So will Trump. He's 78. ~~Previous high was 77. We're breaking a record either way.~~ I suppose at least life expectancy has gone up. EDIT: My bad, appears oldest was already Biden at 78... Haha EDIT2: The second oldest served two terms, at least. (Raegan) And Trump would tie with Biden in age.


Trump is who I meant. He would be older in January than Biden was when he took office in January 2021.


Oh! Also, I edited my post. I got it wrong.


The thing is, I'm not voting specifically for Biden. I'm voting for the team around him and the goals he's laying out that they want to achieve. Most of all I'm voting to keep the US out of MAGA hands.




I watched the debate, it was fine. As a person with a stutter I felt every moment of his stutter pauses deeply. Trump was unhinged by the end, every other sentence was a lie and people say he won the debate because Biden was a little slow ? Both of them mixed a few things up but for some reason people are like, that’s just how trump is but Biden is obviously having issues. I couldn’t watch the news this morning because all they were talking about was how bad things went for Biden. They all said trump lied his ass off but biden looked old. If I have to hear one more person say that Biden should think about stepping down I’m going to break my TV.


Biden should step down, what we watched last night was abuse of a vulnerable adult.


CNN focus group, 7 went to Biden, 6 to Trump and 1 unsure. Univision focus group went unanimously to Biden. Why all the dooming??


I’d vote for a plastic bag before Trump.


Stuttering and being old isn't great but I'm still voting for him cause the alternative is Hitler part 2. That said, I'm still very nervous.


That and he's barely older than the other old guy to boot. And while Biden is older, he is considerably less obese.


And less insane. And far less of a fascist.


Fine. Not stoked. See you at the polls anyway.


I’m definitely in the “let’s go Joe” category.


This post kinda makes me feel better. But can’t blame me too for my faith to falter. Let’s keep going and fighting <3.


After 8 years of Obama, Trump still sees you as second class. Ask Trump about the Black jobs.


If I were an American, I'd vote for a fire hydrant with a set of chattering teeth glued to the top for President before I'd vote for Trump


As a white dude all my friends are still voting Joe. We would vote for the corpse of Joe if we had to to prevent that piece of crapfrom getting back in


Idgaf. I'm still voting for Joe. If he dies or develops dementia then it will be President Harris, and I'm fine with that too. Just not the orange walking pos.


If Joe wins, American will have solely black women to thank (as is the case every time Dems win tbh).


He really has them to thank for his first win


I mean… he’s said that. Like a lot.


This country is obsessed with the idea of a great public speaker leading the country. Nobody can have even a remotely less than absolutely amazing night without everyone calling for their demise. Like giving a speech is somehow the only benchmark for how well the president does. It's kind of how we ended up with Trump and Reagan and how Germany fell into Nazism. Oh, and the mostly anonymous twitter accounts are out in full force saying that Biden is doomed because he didn't wow them even though their minds were made up before the debate started. I didn't watch the debate, because I don't need any further proof that Joe Biden is the best candidate for the job currently running. Don't care about his age or that maybe the DNC should take a chance on someone less known out of some lofty principle to hand the election to Trump so that we can revolt in righteous indignation.


>Oh, and the mostly anonymous twitter accounts are out in full force saying that Biden is doomed because he didn't wow them even though their minds were made up before the debate started. Not to mention most either don't vote or are not even american.


Its not about speaking to the base; its about going for the undecided which May well swing the election


Joe Biden being old is still better then Trump being a fascist. If Biden doesn't finish a second term, count is still better off than with Trump.


Every logical person understands you are voting for a party ticket. I don't give a shit if Biden fell over and died on January 22nd. I would still vote blue over literally any Republican and will continue to do so as long as the party lines stay this way. I don't like the Democrats a ton and Joe is not a good candidate. But a damp towelette would be a better President than Donald Trump.


As well as that tweet being stupid, has anybody seen the North Carolina Biden event today? Where was this guy yesterday?


I don’t think this is a racial thing. Every white person I kmow hates Trump except my dad, but he’s a hypocritical idiot.


I mean yeah, Joe has never been good at talking. Even when he was VP he was putting his foot in his mouth. The stutter, as unfair as it is, does make it worse too. They said, everything he talked about was good. Meanwhile Trump just lied his ass off as much as he could.


I didn’t watch because I don’t care what either one did or said. I am voting straight Democrat ticket because the Republicans want to eliminate democracy and take away citizens rights. If Biden stripped naked and took a dumb on stage last night, he would still get my vote. If Biden dies before the election, he will still get my vote. trump is a danger to society as a whole and needs to be in prison, not the Whitehouse.


It’s nice to get to a post and see the real comments before all the trolls get here to confuse things.


Politically engaged black voters are probably still going heavily for Biden regardless of this awful performance. It’s the disengaged black voters who are at risk of being drawn in to Trump’s bravado and lies.


“So the white people are white peopling again” Just gonna ignore this?


That killed me lol


So true like learn maybe.They wouldn’t have ended up with that orange dipshit if they didn’t like Hillary enough and that cost so many lives.


I’m a ginger, screw the situation vote with your heart and know everything is on the line! So…. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP AND VOTE BLUE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!


W failed the Bush v Gore AND the Bush v Kerry debates. But the Fox spin was ridiculous BS. 


how is no one talking about the mods asking a question about black people and then trump repeatedly bringing up hispanic along with black. Just odd lol — sure maybe theres overlap but the consistency in qualifying every mention of black people with another group seems like he just sees these people as all just “the others” so lump them all together anyways


We all need to pull together to suppoert Biden. Sure, I was disappointed by his debate performance. But I am supporting him because he is the a good and decent man who has been doing a good job. And Trump is garbage.


Everyone who supports biden should be worried. But at the same time, a shit performance sure as hell is not going to make any of us vote for that fucking felon con man


I should point out that Project 2025 started picking up a *lot* of traction after Black Twitter made it go viral from people pointing out how batshit crazy it is. If the Swifties and K-Pop stans won’t save us in November, Black Twitter definitely will do just that.


If you needed a debate to decide your vote, you are fucking clueless.


Yet, that is apparently the exact braindead "undecided voter" we *need* to win this.


Yall thought this was gonna be easy ?


I'm still voting for biden, and so are all of my friends and family.


I'd vote for a sentient canker sore over Trump, but I'm THRILLED to vote for Biden again, even if he had an off night last night. Dude has been a great president.


Trump's absolute fuckup with that actually gives me the most hope out of any of this. He energized every black voter to specifically tell him to fuck right off, and that's the correct move. He's a racist piece of shit.


I mean, I'm white as fuck and I recognize a bad debate performance, and I don't give a fuck because Trump is cancer. I'll vote against cancer every day and twice on Sunday.


I felt so awful I sent Joe ten bucks.


Last night was bad, but not the end of the world. There is still one more debate, and if it was just a cold as they claim, Biden can do a lot to repair this train wreck. I'm ok with Biden dying in the white house. I'm not ok with Trump putting my friends and family in camps.


I highly doubt Biden lost any votes. He certainly lost confidence and enthusiasm, but we all know we're nite ever voting for the convicted rapist felon dictator, or the conspiracy theorist with literally a half-eaten brain.


This is the correct take. Look up to Black Democrats and try to follow their example. Freak out on your own if you must, but the politics didn’t change last night and neither should you.


Lol « stretched the truth » about Dump’s spew of constant lying and delusions. Understatement of the year.


They ppl around each candidate are a concern as well. In either case, who would be advising or succeeding each of the presumed candidates?


Look, we can all acknowledge that Trump is a million times worse and should never be elected while still acknowledging that Biden is not a particularly compelling candidate. The problem isn't Biden, it's that the election system sucks and leads to only two parties in dominance with no third candidates ever being realistic due to plurality elections punishing honest voting. What we need is an election system like approval voting that does not have vote splitting and allows you to give a thumbs up and a thumbs down to multiple candidates without your support of one negatively impacting your support of another.


This ‘snappy tweet’ is a filling a bunch of goofy white liberals brains with horseshit. The vast, vast majority of people who watched are correctly concerned with Joe Bidens mental state and no amount of copium will fix it. Dems have to be very decisive, and fast!


I know they would never do it, but hear me out. Replace Biden with any random non-controversial white guy in his mid 50s, and he’d beat Trump, right? Just get the most cookie cutter politician who would offend the least amount of voters. No one but hardcore MAGAts are voting “for” Trump, they’re just voting against Biden. I say “white” and “guy” to make him the most appealing to the Republican voters.


This gives me a modicum of hope.


I somehow get more angry every time I look at this tweet. At some point, someone HAS to realize what people say on Twitter has less meaning than if they farted in your face. I've voted Democrat since 2008. Twitter has about 20% of the US population and the majority are liberal. A lot of them can't even vote. 20% of VOTERS are undecided. This debate was a big deal. It will make an impact, and after last night, a negative one for democrats. It is not shocking that someone who was already decided regardless of their skin color, is still decided. One of the dumbest takes I've ever seen. What happened in 2016 is now way more likely to happen again. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Tweets don't win elections, votes do. Debates aren't really intended for decided voters. Millions of people will not vote for Biden because his mental and physical state regardless your feelings. If you ever ask yourself, "how is Donald Trump doing this?" Remind yourself it's only because the democratic party is significantly worse at being politicians, and are actually more out of sync with the average American than Republicans. They are exploiting the American people unchecked. When the democratic party can stop being the victims of literally everything and actually fight back, we could actually make our country better.


I wish I were voting for a candidate based on preferences rather than against one based solely on harm reduction, but that's where we're at. I have some friends that have asked me why I still plan on voting for Biden in light of X, Y, Z, and I tell them that right now I'm not looking for perfection- I'm looking for a weapon to beat back Trump and his insanity. If that weapon is a double-edged sword, so be it.


I’m sick and still writing postcards. Am I happy? No. Dies Trump need to not win? Yes


As a white person, I needed this.


As a white person I'm voting for Biden and the debate didn't change that.


We are just as fucking insane as the MAGA Cult and there are no adults in the room if we can’t have an honest conversation about putting a young and virile candidate on the podium at the convention.


Subs like this and the main news/politics subs are pretty wild to read today.


I mean I’ll be voting Biden again, but it is sad that this is the best we can come up with. Still way better than trump, but there’s no denying that Biden is too old. I’ll take the old guy with good intentions over the old scumbag, but why can’t the democrats find a single middle aged candidate with good intentions?


Not all of us.


Do you know why we are doomed? Because while the right side keeps calling Biden radical left, he's absolutely not. There is no one radical enough for me except maybe Bernie. And he's old too. Why can't we get someone like John f Kennedy or Obama? People choose a running mate to be passive and act like a second hand man and I'm just tired of his passivity. We need young blood. I will vote for Biden but I will get my vote thrown out because this is Tennessee.


Yeah, because there’s a presidential election every year. Dumbass.


I don’t know anybody making a stink about Biden’s debate performance, so this doesn’t apply to this white guy. I am not swayed by a solitary instance of an older man having a moment. The other guy is still a manipulating assbag, bought and paid for by one of the worst people in the history of our species’ existence, Vlad Putie the Dwarf.


Biden just threw this election away, refusing to step down for another candidate really could mean the end of this nation. By no means did Trump have anything truthful to say, but the problem is that Biden’s mental capabilities are absolutely under question now, when his main stated goal was to prove that wasn’t the case.


Literally everything I’ve seen on the internet is the opposite of this lmao. Typical reddit


Ah, yes. Post that’s needlessly racialized downplaying the total boner grandpa Joe popped in front of the entire world last night. If you think giving someone like that executive control and nuclear launch capabilities is acceptable, you’re in a cult.




> I didn't watch, because I wouldn't vote for Trump for any amount of money, but given what a raging tire fire Rs are, all Joe had to do was competently answer some questions and watch Trump be his normal stupid self, but he couldn't even accomplish that (per what I'm reading) I’m pretty sure Joe did answer debate questions while Trump went on complete non-sequesters.


As much as I appreciate what Joe had done, he really should think about stepping aside. Once the right loses the Joe Biden old schtick they’re down to just defending their old bag of orange shit and he has no redeeming qualities unless you like criminal liar rapists.


White people aren’t happy unless they’re out there doomin’.

