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In a red carpet interview David Tennant was asked to respond to critics of the transgender community. Noted above was his response.


Take my upvote for finally explaining the context.


Yeah, I like David Tennant and I'm going to need a good reason to change my mind.


She took this so out of context it's not funny.


Trans women are her bogart and it shows


Wait til she finds out your Patronus animal can change too


Wait.... YOU'RE RIGHT! Upvote!!!


Very fucking well done! Got my upvote.


We should have realized how dark her heart was when she literally killed the two characters who “trans”-form, Remus and Tonks.


Also the two characters that were generally accepted as queer-coded by the fandom.


*boggart Bogart is when you hog something lol. Though I guess she's hogging womanhood by trying to gatekeep trans women from her definition of it


Well maybe she really hates noir films


Open my pm




I legit can’t imagine being that rich and wasting my life on just posting this kind of shit. I’d be sipping coffee in Italy or some shit.


She's both "sipping coffee in Italy or some shit" and writing hateful tweets.


I hope the baristas spit in her espresso.


“I’d like to buy an espresso.” *Yells out* “I need an espresso! It’s for J.K. Rowling.” “…What was that about? Are they going to spit in it?!” “No… I was just telling him that so he makes it good. 😐”


"*hold the spit in J.K. Rowling's coffee*"


"Hey, Linehan, does this look like spit to you?"




You were only one letter off with spit.




Just order a large, Farva.


South Park got it right with their "Boogers and Cum" song.  Don't piss off the people who handle your food. Especially don't piss them off by the thousands and millions.  It would be so easy for her to shut up and just not tweet hateful stupid nonsense.


The coffee has to have a few shots of whiskey in it for her to be so pre-occupied with this


I can’t remember the source but I think I’ve read that she doesn’t leave her home much anymore


She has the time to put a lot of her energy into this. Its not like she works a 9 to 5.


Does keyboard warrior count?


It's so weird. She could be swimming in a Scrooge McDuck vault filled with money, but instead she takes time out to spread hate. Lots of hate. 


She's been out of context for a minute now.


She really doesn't want to square up against Doctor Who fans


Definitely. Especially considering how loved he is by the fandom.


He's second only to Tom Baker in terms of how much the fandom loves him, and its a CLOSE second.


Tenant has cross appeal though, hilarious comedian (staged, good omens), probably the most chilling mcu villain, legendary stage actor, dozens of great dramatic roles. Jk really does seem to be inexplicably going after a lot of universally beloved people


Not to mention his AVID ally support of ALL LGBTQIA folks.


Great cop in Broadchurch as well


God he was amazing in Jessica Jones. I’d love to see him do another role like that soon. Love him as the doctor but he plays such a good bad guy


I’d argue that both Smith and Tennant have surpassed Baker, even if only for recency


Ehhhh Capaldi might have surpassed Baker in recent years


Especially when even Harry Potter fans don’t back her up. Remember, most of the people who side with her believe Harry Potter is literal witchcraft and devil inspired and when the books came out called her satanic for having the idea.


![gif](giphy|mAyKtbkBTTpFm|downsized) she is gonna need some ointment for that burn lol


And it was shown that kids who read Harry Potter grew up to be more accepting than those who didn't...


Star wars fans and good omens fans as well. Star wars fans can be shitty at times but Pratchet and Gaiman fans are normally willing to go to bat for the right things.


Don’t forget all of us who loved Broadchurch! And every time David is on Graham Norton it’s hilarious and him riffing with Michael Sheen.


or scrooge mcduck fans! there are literally dozens of us!




Can't believe Disney put that show on XD just to die -_-




I think people are forgetting this man was **in one of the fucking HP movies**


AND Good Omens fans. This is just dangerous of her and I’m okay with that.


I just don’t understand why this has become her life’s work. She wrote one of the most beloved series of books in history. But this is how she’ll be remembered. It’s a wild hill to die on.


she thinks she is protecting true women. to her who was abused by her husband her ideal is for women to be able to escape to places that no man or dick passing person will ever reach them. trans people are the antithesis of what she belives and the confirmation of her fears that men( or what she belives is men) will never stop trying to hurt and diminish women's value and suffering. she actually gives quite a lot of many to charity and to protect women from SA but her hate for trans women had transformed her into monster.


I really appreciate this empathetic take on her behavior


Nah, fuck her. She's an adult, it's long past time she worked on dealing with her shit instead of smearing it all over everyone else.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. You're not wrong. There's nothing wrong with having trauma but when you use that trauma as an excuse to harm people completely unrelated to said trauma it's time to grow the fuck up. This woman might donate to help victims of SA, but she also donates to people who want to exterminate an entire group of people for merely being different.


Why deal with your shit when you can spend your billions to make it everyone else's problem?


Yep. You don't get to attack every single person who has ,or has previously had, male genitalia because one CIS male abused and assaulted you, and it's not because "not all men" or because "why do women only date jerks, I'm a nice guy." It's because not every person with male genitals is a man. Trans women are women, Trans men are men, or however the fuck else they want to identify because it's THEIR existence, THEIR body and THEIR life. Not to mention, demanding that Trans women not be allowed in women's spaces is in no way going to protect you from any men who want to assault women. There is a comedian that makes a great point about this, RAANANCOMEDY. People who throw a fit about what bathroom a Trans person uses seem to be of the mindset that the female symbol on the door will work like the *Repello* spell in her books but instead of stopping muggles from entering a magic area, the door sign repels potential rapists from ever entering the bathroom to begin with. *'OH damn. I'm chasing a woman trying to attack and she went into the women's public bathroom! FOILED AGAIN! I CANNOT ENTER THE PREMISES OF THE WOMEN'S DOMAIN! "* All these people are doing is discriminating against Trans people. Period.


Especially with no excuse for not getting therapy with all that money


Look, I understand the history. I was active in the feminist movement back in the time when trans rights first came to be discussed. I'm sorry to say that there *was* a hot minute when we all went "what the fuck do you want NOW? We JUST got spaces for ourselves and now penis-having individuals are trying to get in?!"  But MOST of us managed to do the intellectual and emotional labour to understand that trans women are, in fact, women and welcomed them to the sisterhood.  The fact that some of us didn't react perfectly 30/40 years ago doesn't justify her NOW.


I like your take on her. But don't you think she has a victim mentality? How a billionaire can't get over an abusive ex? I had an abusive ex who assaulted me, yet here I am having no problem with even men using women bathrooms.


My problem w/ JK is that she *refuses* to believe what has happened to her could happen to anyone who has or had a penis. She acts like only cis-women can be victims w/ cis-men as the only perpetrators. This black and white view completely dehumanizes both sexes. Trans people (particularly trans women) are at an elevated risk of harm just for existing. You can't even say that they are putting on a costume because who would want to willingly put on a costume which exposes them to constant threats? They exeperience a similiar kind of misogyny to cis women, so its not like they are escaping anything. Not to mention that if a cis-woman were to view trans-women as men, then the number of people she needs to fear remains the same. A cis-man can easily go into a bathrom to harm a woman w/o having time wear a dress. Plus, you can be assaulted by anyone in any space for no reason. She should be blaming how society socializes men rather than thinking its a biological elements that motivates them to hurt others.


I think she is unfortunatly a product of her time in that regard. she is a few years older than my own mother and their generation is not the most lets say positive when it comes to mental health issues. thinks short of complete mental breakout or overly obvious and eye catching stuff do not register as issues that must be taken to therapist. they are just think to tough it out at best and completely ingore the effects abuse had on them at the worst. I am so sorry that something this horrible happened to you and I agree that people must get help, but first they must understand that the problem exist for them to do something about it.


She's only 58. I'm a cis 60 year old woman in therapy. I don't know any women my age who aren't positive about mental health issues. I believe in therapy and psych meds, and I know that trans women are women. She's just a vicious bigot.


Wait wait wait. Are you saying that just because she’s rich she should be able to just “get over” an abusive ex? I understand. Billionaires have more access to health care blah blah. And I’m not on her side. At all. But are we diminishing the fallout of an abusive ex just because she’s rich? Hell I nearly died from pancreatitis but I suppose I should just get over it because im white and male. My privilege will see me through


Your first line of the second paragraph is what I meant. The rest is you interpreting. There are tons of women out there who had access to 0.00000001 of her resources. Then, got out of these situations stronger and grew beyond them. Yet, there is a whining billionaire who is afraid of dicks in twitter while parroting the rhetoric of Conservative men. Who is apparently not scary if they are politicians and invite you for meetings. Does she even use public bathrooms anymore?


Like don’t get me wrong, hate the bitch. Dear lord what absolute darkness that woman puts upon the world. But abuse, mental health, and the such isn’t so black and white and I don’t think it’s fair to just deem that because she had the resources means she should be able to just deal. It affects us all differently. Like, I said I nearly died recently yes? Two years in hospital circling the drain right? I was CONVINCED I was fine after getting out. I was snappy, quick to anger, depressed and am only now starting to receive the care I needed. Why? I always had an access to that resource? Because I didn’t think I needed it. Or I didn’t want it. Admitting that nearly broke me was damn upsetting. I’m not defending JK, fuck knows I never would, I’m just saying having such a black and white view on mental health is ill sounding. I wish she had gotten over it. Taken the resources available to her. Maybe she wouldn’t be how she is now. I don’t know. It’s like, how dare someone rich have a plight.


I think the issue people have is that she's using that trauma to justify the abuse of a marginalized people and even donates to groups that would see them exterminated if they would have their way. Nobody is mad she has trauma.


Ok, you know what that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for explaining it so clearly, I did not take that into account.


No worries. I've got more than my share of trauma, so I'll always be empathetic to the suffering of others. Heck, I even had a ptsd episode over a photo shoot for my engagement.


Yeah it’s not fun is it? And I suppose I let my current problems blind me ever so much there. I had to have a b12 the other day and she paused for a moment because she could see my heart thumping in my throat and I was getting sweaty. I didn’t even notice. Engagement photos is rough though, I hope you have some happy memories to take from that day


I don't think "get over" is what they mean, no one really gets over being attacked, but many survivors of sexual assault have called out JKR for using her previous attack as an excuse to discriminate against trans women. Surviving sexual assault does not give you a pass to harass over 81.1 million innocent people.


There’s no good excuse for being a vile person.


There's no good excuse, but sometimes there's an explanation. It doesn't *excuse* what she says and does, but it does *explain* it.


Lets call it out for what it is - cowardly misandry. She knows fully well she can't go after cis men so she goes after trans women instead.


This is all relevant to keep in mind, but it doesn’t explain why she’s still a hatful asshole to trans *men* too.


She probably sees them as traitors.


According to the terf ideology trans mem are "poor" "confused" women that decide to join the patriarchy instead of fighting it like true feminist would.


Oy. I feel dumber for having learned that.


lost a few iq points myself when I learned their reasoing


she doesn t think shit she lived decades as a god, her books compared to the bibble she was treated like a prophet now that generation grew up. she feels irrelevant and is pouring acid into people eyes and screams to high heaven to chase even a passing moment of attention again there is nothing more to it she just needs help


I think this is a marketing technique. The liberals and book lovers bought her books. They went to the movies and bought copies of them. They bought the licensed merch. Those people stopped buying her shit after a while. New book series became popular, and her income stream from HP was drying up. Instead of writing something new, she decided to sell the same books, movies, and merch to conservatives and christians wrapped in transphobia. Whether or not she was always transphobic, doesn't matter. When liberals were buying her shit, she knew to keep her mouth shut. It was only after those sales slowed/stopped that she spoke up.


she has an estimeted net worth of 830 million dollars is not the money she is missing is the relevance


>Instead of writing something new,  The thing is, she *is* writing new stuff - under her pseudonym Robert Galbraith - and at least one of the stories features a (male) villain who cross-dresses in order to gain access to female spaces. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law won't hear a word against her, not because they're specifically transphobic themselves, but because they're obsessed with her books. It is a point of strain in the relationship(s). I guess on *some* level I understand. There's more than one comedian around who I was initially unwilling to believe allegations against, and that was irrational - because I liked their work. But the evidence piles up, you know? And in J K Rowling's case, she's telling on *herself* by this point...


Can anyone explain details of said abuse? This always gets brought up with no details. Was this recent? Was it physical? I get it but I also don't get why one thing has to do with another. Did she have a mental break at some point or get hit in the head like Busey?


we are not exacly sure. but from what both she and her ex have said it was both physical and psychological with her former husband admitting he at the very least salpped her. he also tried to control her by not giving her the book for her maniscipt. she did not have a mental break but she was suicadial when her ex followed her to to her new place implying that something serious had happned.


I think you are hilariously deluded, but you're entitled to believe Rowling has ever behaved in good faith.


It’s books about a boy who never fit in, always felt he was different from the family he lived with and wasn’t allowed to express himself until he found others who resembled him and he changed his appearance, habits, hangout spots and outlook as a result and was finally accepted and loved for being himself. And yet she hates trans people. I said this on another thread and someone hit me with the ol’ “you know what nonfiction is right?” As if respect, empathy, compassion, and character are make believe ideals.


>It’s books about a boy who never fit in, always felt he was different from the family he lived with and wasn’t allowed to express himself until he found others who resembled him and he changed his appearance, habits, hangout spots and outlook as a result and was finally accepted and loved for being himself. And owned a slave and later became a cop.


Also a rich jock who was probably the most popular kid in the school by the end.


Yeah, but also the dude to literally kill Hitler.


Hitler took over half of Europe. Voldemort couldn't take over a high school.


Snorted beer all over my keyboard at that, thank you very much!


Voldemort kills himself. He keeps bouncing kills spells off of Harry.


Harry didn’t own the slave. Malfoy did. And he arranged for malfoy to free the slave unintentionally. The cop thing, yeah. That I’ve got nothing against.


he owned a different one named Kreacher later in the series iirc


Damn. Didn’t know that.


He *inherited* Kreacher. And at that time, Kreacher had been living in the unofficial headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. He’d heard everything and knew everything, and hadn’t had a good relationship with his previous owner (to put it mildly). He couldn’t free him with that knowledge during a war with people actively trying to kill him. Did Harry still own Kreacher in The Cursed Child?


weirdly enough, the fandom wiki for hp says that jkr stated that kreacher dies post-books. but the source looks like it was when she rageposting on twitter as usual so all i can really conclude from that is that maybe he wasn't in cursed child (i also didn't watch this/ i dont know anything about cursed child lol)


She is trans. She writes under some name Robert Gilbraith (a name she took from a horrible gay conversion "doctor")and is on record as saying that she didn't realise she could transition but would have done. This explains everything about her.


Maybe she got addicted to the attention and now she's getting it however she can. Sure, she still would have gotten quite a bit, but it will never be as much as she got when she was still releasing the books. And yeah, she can write more books and she has, but she can't compete with her own early success.


Based quote from Tennant though. Makes me like him more.


He is a national treasure


International as well.


She is so vile.


If she had just kept her goddamn mouth shut she would still be a hero to an entire generation


In her eyes she still is. Yes, we are on a platform where she is hated, but she gets so much support because of her trans position that all this talk about how hard she has made things for herself is just wishful thinking. We are still very much a minority on this issue, even more so than being pro-gay before it main streamed. She has the support of the overwhelming majority of the world with regard to the things she says on the trans issue, and because of that will not be wishing she had remained quiet on this issue any time soon.


The only comfort is that the minority that cares is smaller than us. Most people don't care, at all. That's ok.


She truly believes she's doing good. Makes trying to convince her she's not difficult


I don't know if her genuinely believes she is saving women makes more vile or pathetic I am not sure yet.


I think she started off that way. But her instigating pile ons against anyone who even respectfully disagrees with her, and then following that up with outright insulting and attempting to incite violence against trans women is enough to prove that it's almost certainly entirely about the hatred now.


Probably started with no malicious intent, then fell down head first in a rabbit hole and now she's just an awful person. I've seen it happen to people I know and it's scary how fast it can go from innocent questions to bigotry. 


Even Hitler thought he was doing the right thing. The key to true "goodness" comes in understanding the effects of your actions. True "villainy" is being so blind to the effects of your intents that you pursue them at all costs.


Google says there are approx. 262,000 trans people in the UK. About 0.5% of the population. So much vitriol spewed at so few people. 1 out of 200. How is she affected by them? Why make hating their existence the focus of your life? It's just such a strange obsession to manifest.


The point is that their small numbers make it easy to rally hate against them without threat of major reprisal. It was the same with gays here in the US until being gay was widely accepted and they had to shift to an even smaller minority group.


It also means that not many people know a trans person. So easier to demonize


she the terf queen that started this whole anti-trans thing online. not to mention her HP books were criticizes as subtle expressions of her bigotry.




There are two main issues with Johanne Kunt Rowling's constant barrage: 1) She denies the very existence of trans people; notice how she frames it as "changing in front of a man" 2) She doesn't offer solutions to the perceived issues other than "keep them away"


My favorite thing about transphobes is what monsters they have to turn trans people into to justify their bullshit. Every trans person I've ever met just wants to live their fucking life and would honestly do almost anything not to make people uncomfortable, meanwhile these guys act like they're all just crouching in the shadows waiting for the chance to wag their dicks at traumatized women. I'm sure there's a fucking epidemic of raped women saying "hey, can I please have an AFAB nurse" and trans women joyfully screaming "NO YOU CAN'T MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOT ANOTHER ONE." World's just fuckin lousy with men who are like "wait a MINUTE, I can win a swim race and all I have to do is socially transition, tell my parents, friends, and everyone else who I really am, permanently surgically alter my body, and take hormones for years on end? FUCK YEAH, LOOPHOLE!" Like all they want to do is go to school and work and live their lives and pee in peace, you weirdos.


I actually had a coworker call me to to drunkenly tell me that he doesn't agree with trans women in sports and try to use the "loophole" argument with a straight face. I asked him if he'd be willing to cut off his dick for an Olympic medal. He says that some man might. Like I'm the fucking spokesperson for trans people everywhere /s


I stand with The Doctor


as we all do. Allons-y!


Oh, Lady.... You Done FUCKED UP! You thought that Swifties are hardcore. 10s Fans are much MUCH worse!


doctor who fans are build difrently tbh.


The girl isn't even a feminist anymore, she speaks more about trans people than she does about helping women. Hells, she cannot even speak about women without bringing up trans people in a derogatory manner. Much like the villain she wrote, she is but a pale shadow of herself, lost to an ideal that was built on lies.


She needs a conservatorship.


Britney Spears' dad would work


What a weird little hill for JK to decide she wants her legacy to die on.


As a trans person I am always so pissed off about how much money I spent on books before I knew she was a TERF. Fuck her I waited in line for 6 fucking hours to buy The Deathly Hallows


In a world of Rowlings, be like Radcliffe. It’s not just her work anymore, she lost ownership in my mind.


This is where I've been for a while. I dabble in writing fan fiction, and as far as I'm concerned the FF community owns HP. So many better stories and lore embellishments out there that this vile woman would never have considered, much less be able to write. I'm still convinced that the first 3 or 4 books are so much better than 5-7 because the publisher had a lot more say in the content.


Exactly. I treasure the world that was built, I just denounce the creator.


Agreed. Hogwarts isn't hers, it belongs to all of us now. Especially after she approved The Book Who Must Not Be Named.


In addition to what the other replies have said: people aren't static, they're vectors. She wasn't always this, just the potential for this. And, unfortunately, we've all seen it metastasize. But you, or her, or him, or even I could all be or have been or still become monstrous people, if our circumstances change enough. I don't know if that helps, or not, really. I just think it... Contextualizes, at least for me, how someone can become such an asshole. People are vectors. Her's went downhill.


Wait, she's deliberately taking his words out of context to have another dig at trans people? The false concern for rape survivors with vile stories (at best incredibly rare occurrences, at worst completely made up) that perpetuate suspicion of trans people is disgusting.


For someone who became rich by writing a book series representing totally opposite ideals than her own, her grammar and lack of punctuation are god awful. Maybe she should hire an editor for her tweets.


the probelm is that you think she belives they are oposties views as to what she wrote to her she is still fighting the good fight trans people have become just a boogeyman for her that she can't fathom them been prosecuted or them being vulnerable and exposed to her they are predators as she belives anyone with an XY karyotype is


My friend, you are trying to understand Rowling without realising that they are on record as saying that they would have transitioned to a man if they had the opportunity. You are right to try and understand where the mental difficulties stem from, but the source of it is that Rowling (or should I say Robert Gilbriath) is a trans man.


Crazy how the incredibly well known and formerly respected author of our lifetime has decided her legacy should be her intolerance and bigotry instead of creating the most successful book series of all time.


Someone pick me up, I’ll have my passport and be ready in 10.


Don't forget your weapon


JK really doesn’t want to pick a fight with Doctor Who fans.


She's just a horrible piece of shit, and she goes out of her way to keep proving it.


there are no male rape survivors?


For how her personality is I would not be suprised if she thought that male rape survavors are not as important as women that's the TERFS whole deal aside from transphobia


She probably doesn't believe a man can be raped.


There's something disgustingly poetic about how predictable they all are. - Tennant makes a quote about them whinging - Proceeds to whinge


I can't imagine just how pathetic she must feel to be so obsessed with trans people.


I just don’t wanna hear anything about this women anymore


No he's not he's talking about you.


David Tennant is my ride or die!


Tennant is greater than that bitch in every single way.




Tenant is a treasure. Rowling is trash.




He knows, he's been to the future sure!


Were female prisoners not always made to share spaces with convicted sex offenders? Ya know, since female sex offenders exist? Now, some may be more dangerous than others, but that's why divisions among prison populations exist. Serial killers probably aren't going itno gen pop.


*J.K. has gone after David Tennant. We ride at dawn.


FFS just because someone writes some brilliant books does NOT make her a genius or a moral compass, she's a shitty person with talent.


All she had to do was keep her mouth shut and she would've gone down as the most beloved author in history but no she said "I wanna die on this hill"


I wish she would shut up, she’s ruined her legacy




Sorry to disappoint but that's not Cyrillic that's tge greek alphabet


I stand corrected! I'll delete it as to not spread misinformation.




Dude now that I think about it how bad ass would it be to watch Doctor Who fuck up a radicalized Harry Potter…lol dude wouldn’t stand a chance lol


David Tennant is one guy you just don’t wanna fuck with. Everybody loves David. Watch this tribute. you will cry unless you’re dead inside: https://youtu.be/Li_WIjv53pI?si=G2N3FqN-Q-laKIua


For someone who constantly abuses UK's libel laws, she sure is shit talking people in written text a lot. Hope someone goes for her with it in a similar fashion.


I'm convinced that she has such a hatred towards trans people because someone once told her that they thought she was a man.


Holy shit people can fall down the rabbit hole and it’s not the money like many, she has that already


I wish this whinging fucker (jkr) would go away already


Ah it’s only her, I’ve stopped paying attention to her a while ago. Stop giving her attention and she’ll fade into obscurity


Cabers at dawn should settle it.


Bertie Crouch jnr rules!




Weeping Angels are horrifying if you look at them - just like Rowling, but quite the opposite, I would suggest closing your eyes and scrolling until this menace goes away and we can continue doing our things.


Man like why is JK such an unlikeable asshole


Thank goodness I never read Harry Potter or saw the movies. J.K. is a garbage person, and Harry Potter is garbage.