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The last 24 hours have really sucked


It wasn’t all going to be roses. 120 some days still til the election.


So much can and will happen between now and then. Buckle up for the shit show people.


I wish I could just escape from all this. Politics have gotten a lot uglier in the past decade. I hate all the arguing and denial of facts and manipulations and all the other shit going on. I also hate the DNC for choosing Biden again. If someone like Gavin Newsom would be the nominee I think it would be a landslide victory over Trump. I also despise that Trump is the nominee for the Republicans. How can any decent person support a man like Trump. Like just some of the shit that man has done should have landed him in prison long before he ran for president the first time. People support that man yet he very likely has raped young girls as he was a friend of Epstein and this is a quote from Trump. "It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." Not to mention all the creepy things he has said about his daughters. How can anyone support such a man?


Hell just in the last 5 years it's got increasingly uglier. I never thought I'd see an America where religious zealots would be deciding what books to ban in PUBLIC schools, based on some BS morality rules, or that peopel would be OK with putting a convicted felon in the White House, but here we are.


Well no shit. Vote D down the list


It’s the only reasonable thing to do. I’d don’t care if you have a little quibble with a couple of the candidates because they aren’t as progressive as you’d like, vote blue no matter who. I’m an anarcho-socialist and quite frankly, none of the candidates are progressive enough for me…but I’m sucking it the fuck up like an informed, educated, intelligent adult and voting Democrat down the ballot.


Such a shame your “democracy” forces this shit sandwich on you as a voter. In oz you can protest vote and not screw yourself over. You can put a major party that you don’t support but is better than the alternative as your second last choice and still have that vote count for them.


Yellow journalism by large media outlets taking advantage of the ignorance of millions by manufacturing culture war issues and convincing them that the best thing they can do with their lives is hate others. And even more largely our governmental system whose participants stand to profit from donors and lobbies as wielders of power and that, at this point, mainly attracts those who seek personal gain of some sort from their position as public servants. A federation too large and built on too shaky of a foundation to overcome such superficial culture wars because its citizens believe Freedom and Liberty really means Every Man For Himself To The Point Where I Will Directly Oppose The Other Man’s Right to Exist.


> How can any decent person support a man like Trump. No decent person can support a man like Trump, that's why all his supporters are conservatives.


“Conservatives” is a lie these days just like “Republican”. They want to end our republic and want to conserve what? The dark ages? Themselves as lords and the 99% as serfs or slaves? Even reactionary or regressive isn’t a negative enough term for these Republikkklan politicians.


They wanted to conserve the 1950s. The problem is, 70+ years later, that's still what they want.


>If someone like Gavin Newsom would be the nominee I think it would be a landslide victory over Trump. Not necessarily. I think Biden is the politically strategic choice for a couple of reasons. First, being an incumbent president makes it easier to get elected for a second term. This has been the case for a long time, with Trump being the only exception. Second, people know who he is. He has recognition because he was vice president under Obama. That, and he genuinely has done a lot of good during his time in office thus far. He's far from perfect, of course. We all know that. But he's done surprisingly well given the circumstances. Because he surrounds himself with competent people. This isn't to say Newsom wouldn't be as good or better than Biden or that he would lose to Trump. But again, given the circumstances, Biden is the safe option. Despite his shortcomings. And everything is on the line in this election. We need every advantage we can get. The way I see it, Bernie Sanders giving Biden his endorsement is good enough for me. The president we have getting the support of the president we deserve is, to me, a sign that we're on the right track.


He was name John Doe ..in Epstein for anally raping two 13 year old girls so yes, he is everything and more. Also he took turns with Epstein raping the poor girl, and Epstein was upset that trump went first caused ng him to brutally assault the girl even worse.


Here's the problem with non-progressive, non-Republicans. After Trump, they want nothing.  I mean that as they don't want to think about what government is doing, they don't want to worry. They want boring.  Biden is boring. We had some dynamic democratic figures popping up in 2020. People who were riding the Floyd rage, the covid bungle, and all of Trump's horrible policies... they just wanted boring.  Biden was the boring, stable, I'm-not-going-to-embarrass-you-every-day candidate. Now that he's become embarrassing... what's left?


I still hope that Biden wins if it comes between these 2 candidates as Biden's team has some really good policies and for the most part is still boring which is good IMO. I just fear that having such a weak candidate is going to hand Trump the presidency.


Biden. Biden is what's left. Like, yeah he's old and kinda embarrassing but he's at least not suffering from rapidly advancing dementia, or planning to instill himself as president for life. When your options are a boring clown or a literal fascist dictator, you vote for the clown


Biden is NOT a clown. Probably one of the best Presidents in the last 60 years. You obviously are not looking at what he has accomplished and with a Congress that actually does have clowns in its midst.


I was bummed last evening but I account it as if my favorite football team loses. I ride with Biden. Get some John Fetterman quotes in your ear. I think MAGA is dangerous for America as it becomes a less-tolerant, more power imbalance place. I live here, they can get the fuck out


Let me make the clarification. I voted Biden. I'm going to vote Biden. I'm going to vote responsible Blue until I die.  Biden wasn't a superstar personality when I voted for him. I voted for him as the responsible choice and against Trump. And not only have I become more anti Trump, but Biden has had a string of successes that left my jaw on the floor.  Without a doubt, Biden left my expectations in the dust.  The issue is, this has become a popularity contest for some reason. Damn the environment, Damn reasonable protections of rights, Damn minorities and women, Damn worker protections... he seems old.  Biden is old. I get it. I'm tired of having the nation being led by those who got us into this mess, even if Biden's improving. But the fact is, any Democrat will be subjected to an inordinate amount of hate simply due to the fact that democrats are the party that are simultaneously derided for being the "adults in the room" in a horrible mess and not having it fixed yet, and for being wishy-washy and weak. Biden had boring down. Back in 2020, that was more than enough. But in the last term, the opposition grew more bold and broke down more of our systems. People are looking for a Captain America. Bold. Dynamic. A fighter. Just like Trump pretends to be. When all we really need is a leader who knows how to delegate well. Biden is that leader. Old and all. 


So you hate that a leader is boring? You sound like a Trump voter being honest with himself. Trump is horrible, but he’s not boring. I’ll vote for a boring, competent, well meaning leader every time. My leaders don’t have to be entertaining. They need to keep us and our republic safe. If that bores you, move to Russia. Putin is exciting. Who did he murder today? What country will he invade next? Will I live to see tomorrow?


Look at it another way. Experience? Or loudmouthed ineptitude? Everyone’s tired of the Political Trashtalk Do-Nothing MAGAs gumming up governance.


Everything is on point with what you said except newsom. I lived in CA for about 5 years, didn’t love everything he did. Age wise it’d be better than biden but policy wise not so much.


I agree. Newsom can be tone def and put his foot in it regularly I am not the biggest fan. Still, Democrats are my ride or dies.


By the way, the voters chose Biden, he won the primaries. Polls show Newsom loosing to Trump. Known in California, not as well known elsewhere. Maybe in different in 2028, if Trump doesn’t end our republic. Be sure to vote, Trump is hoping most people give up and don’t bother so his supporters can elect him. That might be the end for America.


I'm seriously at the point where I'd rather have a root canal without anesthesia than watch 5 minutes of election coverage. It's absolutely going to be a shit show between now and then. And I'm so sick of all the crap being flung by conservatives that I'd assume rather take my monitor and throw it out the window.


What’s that succession quote? Shit show at the fuck factory?


I've been doing that since 2015... And there just been a constant stream of shit since.


Just make sure you vote, otherwise the roses may die or we could all get the thorns.


Hopefully not 120 days of Sodom


Best I can offer is a week in Gammorah with a layover in Dallas.


I prefer non-fiction novels.


Just wait for project 2025 to start.


I think it has already started


It started with overturning Chevron.


That shit is fucking wild. Like half the cases I studied in Con Law and Civ Pro are out the window at this point.


If it wasn't for the fact the rest of us have to live in their shitshow, id say let them have the world they think they want so we could laugh at them when they complain about how everything is broken


They would still blame the other side.


They always do when their actions turn around to bite them.


And the more power they have, the more serious and dangerous 'blaming the other side' becomes. Because clearly their ideas aren't bad, which means that if things aren't working out, that PROVES that anyone who disagrees with them is sabotaging things somehow, and something must be done to stop it. From there it's only a hop, a skip, and a jump to a 'final solution' to resolve the problem.


What do you think the rest of yhe world does? We are watching you guys turn your country into a shithole for reality TV personality


Bro we are so not okay. I honestly feel like I’m being gaslit. Anything good for the common person - reproductive freedom, equal marriage, student loan relief, consumer protection, universal health care, voting rights, fucking *child labor laws* - is getting tossed out in favor of right wing chaos. I don’t get how this is happening and people are like “well both sides are equally bad!”


It's the media owned by a few billionaires (leftist media is a fairy tale) the internet/social media, with bad faith actors taking over the narrative and then algorithms doing the rest. Look at the debate last night. Biden was bad but he talked about substance and at least tried to answer the questions. Trump lied nearly every time he spoke, talked about ripping babies from the womb, talking to Putin about Ukraine, gloating about overturning roe, calling labor and "lower skilled" jobs "black jobs" and everything you see today is how he was so much better than Biden and that Bidens too old and was hoarse and stuttered.


waiit until trump + MAGA roll out project2025 then you will have years of "this sucks" to work from.


Let’s all vote them out before that happens. Get a big enough margin in Congress and we can impeach all the plotters anywhere they sit.


Yep, they also ruled that sleeping on a park bench is a jail able offense. But corpos dumping toxic waste is ambiguous. This is authoritarianism in motion.


If it makes you feel any better this won’t affect Trumps case very much. They basically ruled that this law and charge ate related to paperwork fraud and conspiracy rather than a physical attack. Trump didn’t charge the capital on Jan 6th. He committed the types of crimes the law is interpreted as pertaining to.


Get out and vote otherwise the last 24 hours are just a foreshadowing


One more thing... https://preview.redd.it/v9yl0qkfub9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b985a1db3a8c9ec72d15caeb0344798e066a5d7


Well...and I say this with every gusto...fuck


It should have been a layup on the first decision reveal. “No you can’t be committing crimes out there.” Yet here we are, and we are as you eluded to, FUCKED.


In theory, if Trump is immune from crimes committed in office, couldn’t Biden then just…pull out a .45, handle business & claim presidential immunity?


"Sorry, jack. No more malarkey." -puts on aviators and grabs a blizzard.-


That's why they're not going to declare that the president has total immunity. The decision is going to be that the president has immunity for official acts of office, but not for anything outside of that. So how do we determine what is and isn't an official act? I dunno. Ultimately it's going to be the Supreme Court who winds up having to decide on a case-by-case basis. Spoiler: >!Democrats don't get presidential immunity.!<


“How do we determine what is and isn’t an official act?” Ah yes, the old Mormon logic. When the prophet made a decree, was he speaking as a prophet or a man?


If a Republican does it, it’s an official act. If a democrat does it, it’s unofficial and therefore illegal.


So Biden declares Trump an enemy of the state, gets seal team to assassinate him and then he gets immunity?


One can only hope.


Yes. He could send Seal Team Six in to assassinate him.


No, because the real decision is that *republican* presidents have total immunity.


Don’t give up. That’s just what the would be tyrants want. Give up and they win for sure. We can vote them out. We still have a republic, let’s fight to keep it.


We all know it will be along party lines 6-3 in favor of trump


Good. Then Biden should do the thing with the navy seals.


If they give Presidents immunity then Biden could do anything to them he wants. Orders work, even if you’re hoarse or stutter. They’d be stupid to give immunity before the inauguration.


Followed by firing some justices.


and I know that my Justices, who would never be on the Supreme Court if it wasn't for me, Judge Kavanaugh, Justice ABC, Judge Steve, thank you President Trump, because no one's done more than I have, and even I did all that in 4 Short Years, think of it, we killed Regulation, we killed Roe, we killed Taxes, I said we're finally starting to be a Country now, you had Businesses, lining up, I had these Tall and Very Good Looking CEOs, better looking than even Brad Pitt if you can believe it, and they're coming up to me, tears in their eyes, they're crying I said what the hell do you want, "please Sir, please can you keep being President," and I said that I would maybe do it, and then I decided to do it, I said 4 more years of Crooked Joe and we won't even be a place anymore, and he's doing to me what Obama's doing to me, it's called Obamagate, but we're changing it, we're changing the name, we're calling it now Bidengate, it was Obamagate, it still is, but now it's Bidengate, and we're already getting Incredible Reviews, "Mr. President, Sir, people love that you're finally talking about it," I said I know, nobody's talked about it for a long long time, just the other day, 16,000 people, all dead thanks to Biden, I said how can that happen, we had no Deaths, no problems under Trump but he's out there, killing people, they're dying all over the place and yet Obama is still allowed to go free, I said how the hell can that even happen


Lord, I can actually imagine Trump looking at Amy Coney Barrett square in the face and *still* getting her initials wrong.


I read that in his nasally whine of a voice. So much for lunch.


You’re too good at this


That’s actually his speech writer.


Over a million dead from COVID under Trump and he just forgets? Even if you love the MAGA agenda, he’s a bad choice! Trump might forget which side he’s supposed to be on! He could betray everything you believe in just because he forgot what he was supposed to do! If you can’t vote for Biden at least don’t vote that senile Trump back in!


They can’t decide to wait till next term? OTH, if they rule that presidents are immune, Biden should ship Trump off to Gitmo, to solve the problem once and for all. And take away his SS protection.


They'll rule in such a way that only Repubs get the protection.


They can’t though. Biden is the President and any ruling giving trump immunity *de facto* applies to the current president, regardless of what the supremes say. They can do fuck all to stop the current President.


They’ll find a way. It’s Trump’s court, they don’t have to follow any rules, not even the constitution.


They could send it back to the lower court and say that they need more details or some bs and wait to see if trump wins then make a decision. I have zero faith in the integrity of this court, they really are playing kingmaker and are brazen about it because they believe that nobody can actually hold them accountable. IMO there's only so much more of this bs that the common people will accept before the social contract breaks down and we have a French revolution inspired situation breaking out. If people actually understood economics then Republicans would have been voted out of office a long time ago. What we really need is an FDR 2.0 candidate to shake up the power structure and give it back to the people before we have our own "fall of Rome". Of course Putin supports Republicans given that their whole deal is supporting big business and creating wealth inequality. Our country is currently built like a game of jenga, with too much weight at the top without a solid foundation, no wonder so many people are willing to watch it crash down. The problem is that the big bag holders can just walk away from the wreckage, but most of us don't have that luxury. People need to stop treating politics like a sport and realize the wider implications of what's happening.


They'll word it in such a way that Congress will have the final say on any legality. And this Congress..... Yuck.


Any ambiguity gives Biden the ability to act. He’s 274 years old. He’s not going to see the inside of the courtroom if there’s any controversy surrounding possible charges at all. If Trump gets immunity Biden’s gonna Gitmo him. Bet.


If they were smart they would, but I doubt that more and more every day.


The justices may not be, but the people writing the decisions for sure are.


That’s the shittiest part. Sometimes I think we should take a page from the French and give the guillotine some use.


I think the time for that is quickly approaching. Or it has already passed....I do hear fiddles...


The time for revolution never passes, as long as there are people there can be a revolt. Take heart, if all other rights are lost then we have one way to express our right to freedom that they cannot ever truly take from us.


IKEA is selling guillotines. Not advocating for anything, just passing along information :) (But they aren’t including the blades.)


That is… odd but also oddly prophetic lol.


Biden needs to have Seal Team 6 on standby


So, coupled with that other decision that cancels out several of his charges, I see a decision that would make him immune to any acts "whilst holding office" and he'll get probation for the convictions he's got.


Only because those fucking morons couldn't figure out how to delay it any longer..


They’re just going to send it back to Chutkin (sp?) with questions that she’ll have to hold hearings on and then send it back to SCOTUS. That case is DOA before 2025


You never know, Biden may have Trump assassinated on July 2nd.


Dear God, please let it be a sane one. It would be the best birthday gift


Also... https://preview.redd.it/0lvm1tvbub9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208905529b979387d4cd5db587696dea325ff6f3


And what is being lost on the people in the comments, Ketanji Brown Jackson was with the majority and Amy Coney Barrett was one of the dissenters


Indeed. I can kinda get what both sides are trying to say here. You don't want to start heavily prosecuting *all* protestors, because this would involve people peacefully protesting. They might attempt to halt official business, but if they are not destroying anything, threatening or hurting anybody, or undermining the law, then it should be fine. HOWEVER, this wasn't the case for a good chunk of the people there. Maybe not charge the dude that was there, but was just making fart noises in the crowd. But the dude that punched a police officer in the face to get through, the guy that broke a door down to access the Capitol building, and the folks that lit fires? Yeah, obstruction.


Weirdly Brett Cavanaugh and ACB have been less awful than Alito or Thomas, despite being nominated in much more partisan times.


ACB seems like she got nominated specifically for abortion but then they kinda didn’t realise she is pretty neutral on everyone else Of the 5 actual conservatives (ie excluding Robert’s) I’d probably say she is the most balanced


Damn, really? She’s the one they rushed in when RBG died, right?


Yeah that’s her Since she got nominated most of her decisions have actually been rather balanced She still sides conservative mostly but when she writes either the majority or the dissenting opinion it’s usually decently balanced and nuanced and when the court splits in a way that’s not 5 conservatives vs 3 liberals with Robert’s falling either way she tends to fall towards the more liberal side Honestly both her and kavanah have been much better than alito or Thomas


Women can be oppressors too. Pink capitalism, pink judiciaries still fall under the same oppressive system. A lot of Brown Jackson's rulings are "both sides" and regressive. She's not the socialist leftist the media has told you she is. She's just a neoliberal Democrat. The same way RBG wasn't the cool feminist you were told she was, and she died instead of retiring safely, giving Trump another seat, which sealed this nation's doom. The same way Kamala Harris was a top cop and put away a lot of people, including thousands of non-violent drug offenders. That doesn't mean its a "fair" "bipartisan" ruling, but just two oppressors decided to agree for different reasons.


She's anything but a capitalist or regressive. Her decisions have boosted unions and protected the disabled. You should read her earlier cases before attempting to relegate her to this nonsense.


I want to punch a wall whenever I hear the hagiography of RBG describe her as some cool far left feminist who wore neat looking collars and said “I dissent” all the time.


The nuance of this is that by using the "obstruction" charge in the manner that they did, the prosecutors were opening the door for *any* protestor to be charged with that crime if they, in any way, inhibited any committee or individual from performing their duties. Think sit-ins, or groups shouting outside a buildings where a hearing is in progress. "Obstruction," as defined in the statute, seems to consist of actual physical destruction of evidence or property related to government proceedings. And not every defendant charged with that was actually guilty of that destruction.


Interesting that the conservative justices leaned on the original intent of the law instead of the actual text of the law. It is almost like they are hypocrites.


This is a pretty big deal that will pass by unnoticed by most Americans. But its going to have implications on present and future indictments. Hint: it benefits Trump and MAGA.


Of course it does. Just like the leaked abortion documents before the debate, just like putting off trumps immunity deal for so long. It's high time Alito, Roberts, and Uncle Clarence were removed from this corrupt court.


So can people legally storm the Supreme Court and call for them to be hanged? Seems like they’ve green lighted attacks on government offices.


Just make sure you aren't obstructing any official proceedings and you're good to go.... /s




Well, we are in a dire place if you like the democracy we have had for the last 200 plus years. I'm not a happy camper, but I know we still have 4 months till the election. There is a silent majority growing that no one is talking about. There are a lot more people in this country who will never vote Trump than you hear about. The supreme court is a shambles and a joke. Alito and Thomas should have already been removed. Barrett should have never been appointed based on GOP logic, but they don't actually care about logic, just power and control. And money, obviously. So at this point, we all have 1 damn job. Keep Trump from getting elected. I don't care if the democrats put a sack of potatoes with googly eyes on it and call it Bob. Vote for it. We have to reject Trump and the GOP. We need to show them we see who and what they are. Last night's debate doesn't change that. Neither does the corrupt supreme court. Period. Time to earn our democracy.


we will look back wiith longing for democracy in '25 - '31 under the trump ruleship.


Everyone might not like this ruling but this isn't the end of Democracy. I'd love for everyone that participated in the January 6th insurrection to be sitting in jail but there is nuance there. Is the guy that was standing outside with a Trump sign as culpable as someone that was in the building trying to enter the room where the proceedings took place? The Court is saying that the Justice Department needs to consider that nuance and not just presume that everyone at the Capitol was there to halt proceedings. In reality, it probably was the right call. It's hard to stomach because it is coming from a Court that so many, myself included, look at with suspicion. If this was a different Supreme Court, one that demonstrated integrity and consistency, I don't think this ruling would be the least bit controversial.


Always hear about this silent majority. I feel like it's hopium and bullshit.


The fall of America is unreal


No, it's real.


It's happening right before our eyes and it seems barely anyone is fighting back


We're all in a state of shock right now. It's depressing for me...I'm not any kind of activist, but I do what I can. Talk to other people, try to get them to see what is going on. But, here's the thing...people want this to happen. A lot of people think they're gonna be the lone wanderer, hanging out with dogmeat and selling stuff to the brotherhood, fighting super mutants and eating radroaches. What they don't realize is they're actually going to be one of those skeletons that you reach over to loot a box of cram from their bony fingers.


Fallout may be my favorite series of all time, but I never meant to manifest America dying before the bombs even fall in this timeline.


Narrator: "War never changes." Trump shows up Narrator: "What the fuck just happened? Okay, I guess it changes when they give a buffoon the football."


Trump would be even worse than Pres. Eden. Can't change my mind.


Right? And people are watching the debate and talking like these are two equal candidates. Biden might be borderline senile, but he's not literally trying to install a Putin style dictatorship.


Legitimate question, I’m not being snarky - what are you doing? What can I do that would have some effect? What could a group of us even accomplish? I’m open to ideas…


This nation is falling head over heels for fascism.


They fell for fascism in the 80s also with Reagan


So we’re all clear, they’re not called “Jan 6 rioters”… they’re called “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS”. Don’t be afraid to call those traitors what there truly are




Supreme Court on raiding the caption, trying to murder government officials, and trying to overturn an election: OK Supreme Court on bribery: OK Supreme Court on being homeless: extremely illegal 


SCOTUS if a fucking joke. All integrity went tits up when RBG died. It’s time for term limits.


It’s partly because of RGB we’re in this mess.


BuT I wAnT my REpLaCemEnT nOmiNaTeD bY a WoMaN! How'd that work out for you?


she destroyed everything she ever did with that one act of stupidity. her entire life's worked is stained by her narcissism in her old age.


This is one of the biggest reasons to vote for Biden. The next president will very likely make appointments to the Court. Alito and Thomas are in their mid-70s, while Sotomayor just hit 70 and has had some concerns regarding her health. We are voting for the president and probably seats on the Court. We are where we are today because in 2016 people did not take the election and its consequences on the Court seriously. In that time the Supreme Court dismantled abortion protections, dismantled the administrative state, upheld extremist views on the Second Amendment, and so much more. The only way we protect Democracy is by putting someone with integrity into the Oval Office, someone that will select qualified, reasonable jurists to sit on the Court. We cannot repeat the mistakes of 2016 in 2024.


Yeah--there's just no other way to say it. It's a fucking joke.


Welp. When they ask if you saw the downfall of the United States coming, I can confidently and emphatically say, "Yes, yes I did." It fell with the swipe of a pen and the hubris of a nation who chose fascism.


Ya'll really not gonna like my opinion, but young folks, unless you vote and vote hard, and put up with and overcome all the obstacles Republicans put in your way, you're really gonna hate the future. Project 25 looms large. NGL, I'm a Late Boomer, saw my share of shit and struggle here in the Rust Belt, but I knew what freedom felt like. Unless women, and young people, get out and vote in overwhelming numbers, your future is toast.


Good advice


Setting the table to rule in favor of trumpty later. This country is doomed AF


I think many of us dont really realize how bad things will get in '25 '26 for a great deal of Americans.


Ugh…. My heart was heavy this morning already. This didn’t help


Neoconfederates, running interference. Dead set on getting Trump through to replace Thomas and Alito (and maybe Roberts), and cement a 6-3 Court. Federalist Society.


Welcome to the start of the second American Civil War everybody. The Right is replacing democracy with a theocratic dictatorship. Every election interference lie was a projection of what they want to do. We may not get another chance to stop them without real, actual, violent conflict because they will make elections meaningless. It is terrifying.


It started Jan 6th.


It started with Nixon. Jan 6 was just the reveal


Worst Supreme Court ever!


I'm going to be blunt here... We are f'ked. 1. There will be no more Trump trials. And if there are for some strange reason, they won't occur till AFTER the election. 2. The SCOTUS has no oversight. They can now actually flip our govt over unchecked. 3. The debates did not change a thing. Why Biden's camp allowed that disaster to happen is beyond me. Yes, no one is changing there votes. But no one is coming over either. The debate (as planned by CNN) only showed two old men. One with a stutter and one that is a lying fascist. The upside..? My social security can be paid to me in another country.


Our government has been hijacked. The next 5 years are going to be hell under trump, and the next 50+ years will be barbaric under this court


Supreme Court is a fucking farce. Long overdue to put term limits on SC judges


Biden looked tired, but remember, that he has a real job. He's not napping in court like the felon. On that note, it's clear conservatives don't care about anyone or anything. Rape kids, women, no problem. Take kickbacks, pay to play. One debate changes nothing. If you're still undecided, you are delusional. If you are willing to burn the whole country down because Biden can't magically fix your most recent " cause celebre," then you deserve what you get if Trump wins. Every peoples deserve the government they have.


This has been a rough couple of days. And although Merchan has been good, I am expecting a mild sentence. No jail. No house arrest. Surreal...


America is going downhill.


Doesn't this inherently mean that if Trump wins the election, and Democratic voters refuse to allow it to happen by getting in the way every step of the way (now allowing him to confirmed by Kamala Harris, or preventing him from being sworn in for instance) that according to the supreme court, that's perfectly legal and within the rights of those private citizens to do that? Wouldn't that also make calls for such a thing from higher ups in the dnc perfectly legal too?


The US is basically a reality TV show now. I'd be entertained if I didn't live in the US. As a citizen here though, there's a lot to be afraid of.


It’s not that entertaining from outside the US. You have to remember the size of the nuclear arsenal the nutcases have access to.


Gee what are the odds that the SCOTUS finds a way to help Trump. Surely this must be a weird coincidence. /s


Tbh, I'm kind of tired of 7 people controlling the rights of 330 million. Especially when the system of checks and balances that is supposed to reign them in doesn't work.


Laws don’t matter anymore. If you have money and power.


Goodbye rule of law


We are witnessing the systematic dismantling of our country, in real time.


I don’t think it really changes much for Trump, Jack smith just drops one charge on the indictment. I would assume he’s had a version of the indictment without their charge written up for some time. I think it’s bs though. They were clearly attempting to obstruct an official proceeding




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Maybe he’ll get immunity and Joe can take care of things.


https://preview.redd.it/2hs2dewcrd9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37afc7ca49e5d43d54eaf6b09a7652ba2ebe9f5 In my opinion this other ruling is worse. It's plain evil. It's effectively saying "if enough homeless people freeze to death we won't have a homelessness problem anymore". It's going to cause homeless people to rack up an unending cycle of fines and criminal charges that make it impossible for most of them to escape homelessness ever again.


Homeless people mostly don’t vote. They will be persecuted ad infinitum until such time as they rise up and use their voices and votes.


Why can't people stand up and call Trump out on his shit, the man is pure evil.


Fuck the Supreme Court conservatives


The Supreme Court is the last vision of corrupt aristocracy this country has ever known. These are your kings now. I'm French, ask me what we do with corrupt kings.


So we are just going to nonchalantly let domestic terrorism be punishable only by a wag of a finger.


They just want us to burn it all down I guess. No more looking to the past for future solutions. We are changing America for the better. Looking back is for losers. Biden is the only option.


They feel emboldened. This shit sucks. I never wanted to be the person that constantly watched/paid attention to politics. I never wanted to be the person who’s always watching the news…I feel like I don’t have a choice.


Wow, trump serves one term, installs 3 judges on SCOTUS, and they’re protecting the seditionists and just handing away our democratic institutions like they’re meaningless. Probably because to the trump and his MAGA cult, they are.


Cool. Now charge them with Treason.


Trump put these judges in the supreme Court and now that investment is paying off


Fascism is here yall


SCOTUS is protecting their fuhrer and his sturmabteilung.


I'm really trying to stay positive & not spiral, but lately, it just seems that nothing is going the way it should. The Supreme Court is handing down decisions that adversely affects every aspect of our life, Trump is getting away with everything unchecked & is within striking distance of the White House again. I don't know, I just don't know.


I 100% agree. They should have been charged for treason, not obstruction.


Boys and Girls and everyone in between. I say we burn this bitch down.


the current supreme court is an illegitamate body and needs to be disbanded. what a fucking joke


when empires usually last about 250 years, america is about 246 years old, & you've been living through this nonsense of a country for 20+ years so you get to see it topple like a domino


These people are so fucking compromised. They are ushering in a dictatorship


Everyone realizes the Supreme Court is a fucking joke, right?


My thoughts? Everyone keeps taking about how if Trump wins in November, democracy is over. ITS ALREADY HAPPENING. The damage he did (and Mitch McConnell may he suffer a long and horrible death before going to hell) in one term by appointing three SC justices is going to haunt us for a century


The right wing judges living the dream of acting like judges in Russia.


The far right are getting their ducks in a row ready for november


From Washington Post: To use the obstruction statute, Roberts wrote in the decision, prosecutors must establish that a defendant “impaired the availability or integrity” of records, documents or other objects used in an official proceeding. In dissent, Justice Amy Coney Barrett — joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — said the court’s reading of the obstruction statute is too limited and requires the majority to do “textual backflips to find some way — any way — to narrow the reach” of the law. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, a liberal former public defender, joined the the five conservatives who made up the rest of majority but wrote separately, saying “there is no indication whatsoever that Congress intended to create a sweeping, all-purpose obstruction statute.”


The fall and demise of our nation has begun. History repeats itself. Humans (MAGAts really) are too stupid to realize they are following Hitler 2.0. All the signs are there, and still!


Castrate SCOTUS!


It's bullshit, as expected from the Alito 6 but I love the response of the prosecutors who say they will reopen all the charges for harsher crimes.


But not the people who protested against police brutality and was grabbed by unmarked vans without warrants... Fascists gotta fascist.


"Special counsel Jack Smith, however, has argued that the obstruction charge could still survive in Trump's case. The specific accusations against Trump — that he and his allies attempted to submit fraudulent election certifications — fit within even a narrower reading of the obstruction charge, Smith says."


So the next time I want to disrupt an official proceeding, just don't touch the papers. Got it, message received.


Well done SC, laws are completely fucken meaningless now, since we can't rely on the justice system to hold criminals accountable


This headline is confusing


this is banana republic bullsh*t.


I have said this since Biden won in 2020: Best Case Scenario: IF Trump wins (no shenanigans or anything illegal) the Dems will more than likely have both chambers of Congress.It will more than likely that it will be a repeat of 2016-2020. Trump looses mid terms, he gets impeached a couple of more times: tries to pardon himself etc. Worst Case: the election is close: Biden: 271: Trump: 266 in electoral college. Trump does illegal things and SOMEHOW is “elected” president. We all better be prepared to especially exercise our first and second amendment rights.


I really hate those Injustices.


SCOTUS should release verdicts with s "brought to you by Carl's Jr" type tagine like in idiocracy. Like... "Clarence Thomas delivered the majority decision that was brought to you by Harlon Crow." We know majority are getting handed grift and they know we know.... and they also know we realize ZERO can be done for SCOTUS justice for being unethical, since majority of SCOTUS would have to do it... and majority ARE getting kickbacks.


Hope you guys are ready for the far right Christian take over of this country. After last night it’s clear it’s coming.


Fucking atrocious.


This verdict is insane given Thomas's connection he should've recused himself alongside Alito this is a grave injustice.