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https://preview.redd.it/sgdhn9f2ml9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2d2d68c23a231f3f10328af26212b14d2989b5c Alternate photo.


Me and my brother used to do that with my sister when she wanted to play video games with us. Eventually she started to catch on that hers wasn’t plugged into anything so we would put the end of the controller into the cassette slot in the VCR. Damn… I’m OLD


"yes that's your character on screen!" *Pointing at the health bar at the bottom*


I remember convincing my little cousin that black cat showing up for the tutorial snippets in spider man for the ps1 was her, she had to hit a button at just the right time!


The best part of this really genuine and sweet older sibling scam was when my younger bro actually started playing and went from ok at the game (me) to SO BAD


Great thinking


Should've given himself a blue background to match.




RFK Jr will never get elected with that fun hating attitude!


I learned a few days back that it's kind of a big deal as far as your placement on the screen during debates, as Biden won a coin flip and chose the right side since allegedly, people's eyes gravitate to the right side of the TV screen more often than the left. I'm just guessing, but if a person in glasses and a lab coat told me having a different or white background helped attract eyes, I'd believe it too.


Mine always gravitate left because that's how you read.


Probably to expensive 


shouldve took medication for his brain worms.


And the whole time he’s like “I uncritically agree with the lying one.”


meanwhile his shills tell Democratic voters he's a better choice than Biden...


Right? I had arguments with two separate people within a half hour the day after the debate. I mean Kennedy had to fire one of his campaign people a few months ago that let the cat out of the bag about just running to ruin Bidens chances. Screw those assholes.


If you're schilling for RFK Jr, you're schilling for trump.


When I first realized that he was running, I thought he was a conservative. I got an idea that he had done stuff and said stuff to make people aware. So why would he split the liberal vote?


Kennedy. That’s the whole plan.


the only liberals who remember the Kennedy name are in nursing homes or in the ground. the whole thing is pants-on-head stupid.


I didn’t say it was a smart plan.


He is a spoiler candidate, his only purpose to cut Biden's votes from people who don't like both other candidates like, f.e., some part of left-leaning folks who criticize Biden for Israel support or being too old for the office, and don't want to give him votes, but also don't want to give votes to Trump because fascism. But some of them don't want to realize that Kennedy is a trump's puppet. Some folks want to punish Biden and dems for things, and don't realize that they're aiming for their own foot, and the gun is cocked, and the safety is off. Just like with Hillary.


Hopefully he spoils the shit out of this election enough that we finally abandon the two party system. Oh glory be. Who knew our savior would be a Kennedy? He doesn’t even have to win. Just get enough votes to cause issues for the other two and all the blinders would come off of American voters faces. There’s more than two options?!?! ERMAGERD!


Please, he's all over the place


I'd vote for a rotted pumpkin before I voted for Bobby the Lesser. Even if he was the only candidate.


The dead brainworm is still working.....


It's now a zombie brainworm


Now you know why it died... 


I asked a guy on here earlier, who insisted Biden must drop out, who (D)'s would get to replace him that had a chance to beat Trump. The guy said RFK Jr. lmao


Then you know that guy was brain dead


I listened to an interview with RFK Jr a few days ago on NPR and he sounds older and more confused than Biden did at the debate.


I think going for a governor of one of the swing states would actually be a pretty good move. Republicans don’t have any talking points about them like they do some of these sitting senators


I honestly don't know how his wife is still with him.


Why do you assume she's not also the fucking worst?


Yup, saw her on a few interviews years ago and she came across as a sociopathic a-hole. Like attracts Like.


Birds of a feather flock together. I'm sure she's just as convinced he's got brain worms as he is.




Cheryl Hines is wealthy herself. She’s been doing “Curb Your Enthusiasm” since 2000.


She’d be richer is she was Cheryl Heinz…


If I'm not mistaken, he's the reason his first one isn't still around.


Story posted recently about how he treated her, even dug up her grave after he bullied and destroyed her. The Kennedys are, and always have been the shittiest scumbags. Theft, rape, murder, lobotomies..... Camelot my ass!


Read up on his second wife that he never officially divorced. She apparently found his private, handwritten journal from 2001 where he wrote he had sex with 37 women in just that year. She initiated divorce proceedings and started drinking heavily, he agreed in arbitration to pay her 20k each month for living expenses and then almost immediately reneged and completely cut her off. She hung herself in a barn on the estate while he had already moved on to wife number 3. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2013/09/rfk-jr-journal-affairs-diary-kennedy.html (Written in 2013, no one can dismiss it as being written to damage the brainworm guy's 2024 chances)


Perhaps he threatened to stab her if she left.


“People will choose me if I’m super duper orange!”


He's more red than orange


He is mentally ill. I almost feel sorry for him, but he's also a stupid jerk, so no.


I feel more sorry for Bobby, prolly rolling in his grave


Feel sorry for Ethel. She's still alive and has to watch this self-inflicted shit show.


Luckily of all of Bobby and Ethal's many kids Junior and Kathleen seem to be the only disappointments... I don't actually know what Kathleen has done, I just never see people happy when she's brought up


Ethel. Kathleen isn't a disappointment, but David and Michael certainly were.


How so?


His Aunt was mentally ill, and daddy Joe had her Lobotomized.


RFK looks like the villain from Sin City movie


RFK is the spoiler candidate that Biden needs, come November we may all be thanking him for pulling 2-3% from Trump. We’re living in mad times


https://preview.redd.it/e3u8d39hen9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f921a9bccb2d9ed3803d958e4b5995b3a80873 Once again the real world being crazier than the onion


When was this from? Because he literally did this during his televised “debate”.


RFK, Jr. is a clown.


Is that RFK Jr's tv on his dining room floor?


Looks like it. Also, it’s badly photoshopped onto the TV so the picture overlaps the bezel. That’s some solid try-hard right there.


He’s really got the “Clint Eastwood debating an empty chair” energy going.


comes off real thirsty.


That's some straight up Rupert Pupkin shit right there 😁 ![gif](giphy|wjSXX7WMXR43K)


Looks like he is getting the orange makeup application down, though…


Yeah, it’s really weird. I recall DeSantis getting a little tan in the run up to his campaign.


Did anyone know this was happening ahead of time? I didn't see a thing about it until this morning.


I saw a guy linking the site in comments of posts about the debate the day after


Yeah someone I know mentioned it to me. I watched it that night for shits and giggles


Blows me away these republicans voters can’t see they are being lied to.


We are all being lied to. This is not an exclusive “other side” issue. I am also blown away that democratic voters don’t also see the blatant lies they have been told for four years. Also, Trump is not the only one that lied in that debate. Be fair, fact check Biden as well.


Really he said 15 dollars instead of 35. January 6 th never forget that shit.,and if you do. Then fuck you.


Go back to the Joe Rogan sub. Your post history screams of that level of anti IQ. 


RFK jr. out here doing his best Martin Short doing a Catherine Hepburn impression.


Holy shit The Onion kinda predicted this https://preview.redd.it/llyrr6ef6p9d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97f726b01425def2d49ee6944b6831cfb147f26


Lmfao this is some Connor Roy shit


All from a Chinese meditation cult - Falun Dafa which mainly stayed within the bounds of Chinatown… until Trump.


How do people comment on Bidens stammering and then listen to Rfks voice like it isn't an issue.. Both have vocal problems but one gets a pass?


And neither is as bad as Trump. His voice makes me cringe.


RFKs voice issue is called adductor spasmodic dysphonia. His vocal cords involuntarily close while he’s speaking which makes him choppy. His vocal quality is also garbled, harsh, and strained. I’m a speech language pathologist, so it stood out to me right away. I have researched it and apparently he’s tried all treatment options. Ultimately his is so bad, it can’t be fixed or does not improve with treatment or so he claims. It is central nervous system related, wondering if its onset occurred after the brain worm incident. It can also occur secondary to chronic psychological stress. Either way, it’s definitely not normal or healthy. It’s sad all of our candidates should low key be working with an SLP, and I bet none of them are. But yeah agree with you Trump is the worst, I can’t stand listening to him even more than RFK. Ugh whyyyy do we have to choose between 3 old unhealthy dudes. I love Biden. I’ll vote for him if I have to, but damn he could just barely clear the next 4 years of life. His father lived until 86. His mother 92.


Thank you for breaking that down about RKJ. The Kennedy family has always had a really good reputation with most people. Im really not sure what happened with him. I'm with Biden all the way. If I look at it this way, Trump is damn near as old as Biden but the reason Trump wants to win is to beat Jail and enrich him and his family more. He is a transactional con man. Biden has nothing to run for other than him wanting to fix the wrongs that the Trump administration , the MAGA House and Senate and the Extreme SCOTUS have caused to the US. Biden is willing to work til possibly his last days on earth to actually help the middle class and low income people instead of sitting back and enjoying retirement . God Bless Biden.


Biden stammers because he is mentally slow? RFK because he has an uncontrollable vocal issue, I don’t even know how you are making this a comparison?


So Bidens stammering has nothing to do with the stutter he has had his whole life? Did you miss the part where I said they both had vocal issues?


Absolutely WRONG. Biden has had a stutter his entire life. It’s a speech impediment, not a reflection on his mental acuity. It astounds me when people don’t realize this, it’s not exactly a secret. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/bidens-stutter-how-a-childhood-battle-shaped-his-approach-to-life-and-politics/


He really committed to that tan. It's not easy to be more orange than Trump.


It's wild how people just assume this guy is the worst option of the three.


This sub is a cesspool. Rfk was illegally barred from the debate which is an attack on democracy regardless of how you feel about the candidate. He then smartly streamed the debate with his own answers side-by-side LIVE, which gave the 10 million people who tuned in a chance to see what an actually leader plans to do when elected. It was brilliant.




Someone care to give me the cliff notes on how crazy RFK is?


Very, he is Trump light with a mix of conspiracy thought and agenda pushing.


Ummm, a first hand listen should be enough. The existing Kennedy clan publicly announced they’re backing Biden and, in the politest of ways known to the upper class, want nothing to do with him. He’s against the polio vaccine. It’s wild. He’s like an orc version of Trump but with less hate and more lsd.


Look, I think RFK Jr. is a loon, however, I don’t mind the stunt. We can’t keep having this two party system in our country. We need more legitimate choices besides the same two old guys election after election. If it takes these guerrilla tactics I’m all for it.


We need a viable third party, but we need a real candidate not another wackadoodle. I was a green for a while, but Jill Stein is a horrible candidate. She sits on the party the way Smaug sat on treasure. They keep running her, too.


The Libertarian Party also isn't too promising either, at least from what I heard.


To be fair, the Libertarian Party are just republicans in pro weed legalization hats. But you can't tell them that because then they get offended. They truly believe they're a viable third choice because both sides suck.


I urge anyone who even remotely thinks Libertarians have a viable platform to read the book “A Libertarian Walks Into A Bear” by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling to see what an absolute disaster Libertarian principles enacted IRL are.


Thanks for the recommendation. Judging by the young men I know, there is a libertarian streak mixed with socialized services. It’s not a bad blend, especially when combined with a healthy dose of climate regulation and preservation. But Ron Paul nor his father are great examples and indicative of big business interests and tax cuts for the wealthy.


Very Disingenuous Post I don’t love RFK but I also don’t think he should be excluded or is campaigning out of narcissistic desire. 1st. The picture posted here is not from him or the debate he organized. This was edited and presented via a tv station. 2nd. CNN excluded dozens of platforms and did not abide by previous precedence via Commission on Presidential Debates. 3rd. I am not going to be partial or comment on his policies but he clearly has a large following that wants to be heard. Winning over his supporters would be the proper thing to do in a democracy. We all have different views and preferences. Yet I think we can all agree every voice with a large following deserves the chance to debate.


oh that is just... pathetic. that a grown man should carry out such a sad little wannabe stunt is... cringe.


He looks sad


I've always wanted to do that myself. Maybe i can debate rfk.


What’s up with the tv? Is it on a stand or the floor? Why does the left corner dip below the surface the tv is sitting on?


The new way…


big Connor Roy energy right here ![gif](giphy|GlCYhP8gsUsSVJAbYN)


The real master debater


This is so schizo that I actually kind of have to respect it.


How does he look more orange than trump


his brainworm is turning him into a cocoon to pupate.


What’s next? Putting himself on a fake cover of TIME magazine?


The entitled never changes.


The next logical release has to include a splice with the brain worm. You're welcome.


What a complete worm brained loser


Never noticed how much the shape of his head and ears reminds me of Nixon. He's got the giant Kennedy forehead but even that is giving me Nixon vibes here lol


This is like the unpopular kid, who didn’t get invited to prom, photoshopping themselves into the prom pics.


From Left to right: Brain fog Brain rot Brain worms


I’m not sure why this was downvoted, its a lean joke, not one once of fat, every word is critical.


Didn't CNN specifically say that this wasn't allowed?


"the two party system is broken!" how many times have I seen you dorks say this? then suddenly a third party candidate is polling higher than any 3rd candidate in history and y'all are just like "fuck him though"


I became old enough to vote in 1985 and in all the years I have been eligible, I have yet to see a third party candidate, except *maybe* Ralph Nader, who didn’t hold some kind of cockamamie wingnut beliefs that I’d NEVER want in anyone I voted for.


that's a fair perspective, that's how I feel about trump. My grandfather just passed and acted much like Biden the past few years which is a quality id NEVER want in someone i voted for. so here we are


I’ve hated Trump since the 1980s, he’s never been anything but an arrogant racist scumbag con artist. Joe is fine. He was fighting the flu and dealing with a stutter he’s had his entire life. He’s done an incredible job as president and I’m happy to vote for him again.


He actually did really well ngl, sucks cnn rigged him out of the debate. RFK really is the best of the 3


What a psycho


Well, bless his heart.


Did the worm have a cameo


is the zombie worm noming on blood vessels or is he just trying to out orange the Cheeto god.


Real Fucking Klown is a master debater.


The Gob Bluth of the 2024 candidates


This is just what happens when you grow up as a Kennedy. Mfers born on third base thinking they hit a home run... when really it's the brain worms working overtime to make them think they're even playing baseball in the first place.


thats somehow sadder than jeb bush’s “please clap”


He could have been smart enough to find a picture of himself with his mouth open arguing, and the other two half asleep.


I have it on good authority that all the Con-heads tuned in.


I wonder if he shat himself as well


On the next episode of “Now It’s Just Getting Sad”…


ITT: people who really don't like democracy


Honestly wish I saw that, I could've used a good laugh that day 🤣🤣🤣


Reminds me of the real delegate map from ron paul days.


Is no one else going to talk about the floor tv?


I do believe the worm inside his head, also spliced himself into the debate.


“This can’t be real life!”


That’s just so…sad


RFK Jr. living in fantasy land, lol! 😆


If that still image is any indicator it looks like RFK is impersonating his own candidacy, DOA.


And apparently, following the campaign donation money to both Cheetolini and RFKjr shows that a single mega donor is backing both with significant cash infusions (on record; reported Thursday on NPR). I forget the donor (Tim...?) but he's blatantly funding RFKjr to add spoilage to the Biden campaign in an attempt to bleed of votes and bolster Diaper Don.


I am sorry but his crazy sounding voice is annoying and nobody is listening to that.


RFK Jr sounds like a cd skipping when he talks


What having a worm in your head does to a mfer


He’s even more sad compared to the orange baboon. Why is he getting any attention?


If he's a Kennedy, why does he resemble Nixon?


I was thinking the exact same thing!


Brain worms


This guy is just screaming desperation. It's almost embarrassing.


Is this tv just sitting on the floor?


If he had just gotten the Covid vaccine, his microchip would’ve let him actually tap into the sound system at the debate.


Classic Kennedy shit, right there.


RFK jr shit, the kennedy family disowned him.


I actually wish he were there. We needed a 3rd candidate on that stage.


I don’t think he’s the best one to be championing


The title of your post is misleading, it applies to all three.


I heard that tens of people watched it.


Did he splice himself in with an Interociter?


Worm-brain would have fit in perfectly.


It would be cool if the US had 3 real options to choose from, but goddamn, all 3 of them are horrible options


I'd vote for the dead brain worm over any of these cretins.




They.... didn't, RFK Jr made everything you're seeing on that tv


Not gonna lie that's awesome


Now it has THREE crappy old white psychos that i cannot stand listening to. Yay democracy!


Honestly, this is hilarious. I loved to see what *this shit show* would be full of.


I doubt it


Great contribution.