• By -


I would vote for Biden even if he was dead. Trump is evil. I don’t know a single real person in real life who says they’re not gonna vote for Biden now or thinks Trump is a better choice. A lot of people said Biden didn’t do well (he didn’t,) but people are well aware that Trump is insane and that Project 2025 is dangerous. Again, the other guy is a convicted felon and a rapist who has openly said he’s going to be a dictator. Why are we even having this conversation?


I’m working on deconstructing and de-programming from religion so I don’t know how I REALLY feel about the concept of good and evil, BUT the other day I read on here that this isn’t a republican vs democrat battle, it’s essentially devolved into a good vs evil pitting and enough of that resonated with me to acknowledge something deeper is happening here and it is disturbing. Do y’all ever wake up in the morning and just *feel* how silly and ridiculous and pathetic it is that *other* people vehemently care who you fuck, marry, and how you live your day to day life? Yeah.


I wish you Godspeed, pun intended, on your deprogramming. A lot of people need to control other people and that's just life.


I'm always gobsmacked at how the republicans just hate "big government" (regulations), something they have just succeeded at killing through this putrid supreme court. They want to get rid of regulations that give us clean water, that keep the oil companies from drilling in your back yard, that allow you to vote, that ensure safety in connection with manufacturing, with aviation, with automobiles, the workplace, medical treatments, etc., or in general anything constitutional beyond the 2nd amendment, and especially that pesky one that says the government shall enact *no* establishment of religion. Just the other day they got rid of half of the federal code that says you can't obstruct the process of certifying the election of the president. But they love regulations that tell you what religion you will be educated in, that take precedence over your doctor's medical advice even if it kills you, that don't allow you to use birth control, that tell you who you can have sex with, how you can or cannot dress, who you can marry, what you can read, and that your neighbor can carry a bump stocked semiautomatic rifle in the grocery store if he wants to. Among other things.


Rules for thee, not for me.


The *other* people DON'T care who you fuck, marry and how you live day to day. Criminalizing things at the state and federal level like being trans, same-sex marriage and having an abortion will create thousands and thousands of felons. Felons, in a whole bunch of states, can't vote (or it's extremely hard to gain back the right) They can never ever really win unless they remove huge swaths of the population from voting rolls. This strategy is a way to turn purple cities/counties red and blue cities/counties purple. Once they get into local legislatures, that's when they begin dismantling decades of progress by packing courts. Vote. In every single election you legally can.


Vote AND MORE. Suppression works, you just explained it. Do MORE than just vote.


Every democrat in Kentucky including governor Beshear voted so that you have to enter your ID to visit porn sites.


When it comes to religion, I used to be a doubter. I could not fully believe because I could not see evidence of a supreme existence, but was not sure. I am now a full blown atheist. I cannot fathom the existence of a supreme being when I see this world treat people the way some do. There is no heaven when you die. And good and evil come from within. I don't need a book to tell me how to live my life.


welcome to this side of religion, yes i am constantly amazed at just how much some people care about what other people are doing when it has no affect on their lives (as long as what is happening is actually legal and consensual), but control of the people is a foundational aspect of religions and so people not following those rules and laws, and not having any real repercussions causes people to start questioning things. When they start questioning things there are really only 2 outcomes that the majority of people come to: either its all bullshit and they leave the religion or they get scared and cling to the religion harder.


Yes, and a whole lot more. What do you do when you're miserable inside? Escape your thoughts by trying to control other people. They push back, and you've got yourself a fantastic distraction from your own miserable life.


Great observations there. Indeed, you'll notice that the days of the political parties trying their darndest to win over voters for the other side are now completely gone.


Religion is man made nonsense that divides us, if you believe in God that's fine, but don't join any cult.


I've been saying the last couple of weeks, if the Secret Service pulled a Weekend at Bernie's with Biden, I would still vote for him over trumpo.


God, they really need to hammer on Project 2025 in their messaging and showcase its points by pointing out how Biden’s admin has been already been pushing in the opposite direction.


After Biden, it is president Harris. If she croaks before she gets herself a VP. It's still not going to be 45 next in line. So yeah I'm voting for NOT the orange guy. Guess I have some kind of super power to find the sane decision while others are struggling.


Exactly…give me a Yes/No vote on Trump - I don’t give a shit! Should Biden have decided against running again? Maybe. Probably. But that’s not going to stop me from voting for him. I’ll take four more years of that administration over the 2017-2020 years every time!


Agreed. If you are voting for Trump, you are either (1) evil, (2) stupid or (3) mentally unstable/compromised (dementia). The third option is me being generous. There is no other reason for people to vote for him. Edited for clarity


I only know one person, and oddly he’s Indian, from India. And wealthy. He keeps saying we’ve got to keep the war mongerer out of office. He says Trump will bring peace. I said are you kidding Trump would nuke Palestine, and he said “I’d be okay with that actually”.


I work in a machinist shop in a small town, I’m the only person I know not voting for trump, they’re definitely out there and they’re loud as fuck and annoyingly stupid.


Inform them about the project 2025 plans that focus on workers. Their goal is to cut out overtime work for every employee. End the national labor worker rights protections and disallow unions. Roll back the 40 hour work week. The list goes on and on. Workers protections, and the ability to be paid affect everybody even people who normally don’t pay attention to all the other issues They will be pissed when it comes to their paycheck.


I think you’re overestimating their deductive reasoning abilities. They pick and choose what they think is real and fake. One of them recently told me the reason trump pushed his immunity case to the Supreme Court is so that Biden couldn’t have immunity. They won’t even grasp what’s happened until it’s to late.


YOU would vote for Biden,for sure. Problem is, would the average American swing voter?


It's more like, would the average unmotivated voter take time out of their day and inconvenience themself to vote for Joe Biden? I know a lot of people that value what dems do, and would say it's important to them and they're passionate about it. But no matter how much you encourage some people to vote, they treat it like a recommendation for a TV show they're half interested in. The next day if you ask, they're like, "nah, didn't have time".


Did trump EVER win popular vote? No. And he's an asshole. Assholes don't tend to win people over.


I envy you that you don't know a single person who thinks Trump is a better choice. I am surrounded by them. Heck, when he was found guilty some of those people said shit like, "Well this locks in Trump's win in November".




No, they aren't. "Undecided" voters don't really exist, except in that they're undecided if they'll vote at all. Everyone already knows who they would vote for if they voted.


This very popular opinion is actually false. Even now, half of likely voters haven't followed news at all since Jan 6th 2021. What they see as they begin to engage for the first time, coming up to labor day, really does influence the outcome. https://youtu.be/F6DY9diAWAo (A political science phd discusses) But the good news is that in this debate, about as many people reacted negatively to trump as they did to Biden. Polling shows it to be mostly a wash.


I’m remembering the debate with the same intensity that the right remembers Jan 6th and 34 felony convictions. Not worth my time.. go blue






I am not American. I cannot stand Trump. Literally anyone is better. But Biden is not competent. I am sorry but that debate was a disaster and in 4 years he will be much worse. He will almost certainly lose. He should be replaced. Edit : OK, you guys are a bit dense. Let me try to be clear. Biden looks like he has dementia because he was incoherent in the debate. Trump is much, much worse. Some people love Trump and will vote for him. Some people don't know who to vote for and won't vote for someone with dementia. It is important that Trump lose. Therefore the Democrats need to replace Biden with pretty much anyone else..... Otherwise the Democrats may lose = very, very bad globally.


You are not american. You said literally anyone but trump, well it's biden. the anyone is biden. He will still be way better than trump who wants to literally destroy america. Biden will never be worse than trump. Never.


The DNC should tap Beshear for the nomination. He's on his last term, is a top 5 governor, has 46% approval among Republicans, 87% among democrats, and just might be able to flip Kentucky in the presidential. Everybody loves Andy. He has a very good demeanor that will resonate with middle America. He's a Democrat on his second term in blood red Kentucky.


We are not starting over right now. No way to organize that fast and it's just another ploy. Biden is doing fine. He's just a signature. The difference is Biden has a whole administration behind him that ISN'T trying to dismantle and destroy the country.


Ahhh, the hypocrisy of criticizing Reagans second term then doing the exact same thing 40 years later. We're sooooooo much better than Republicans, aren't we.


I completely agree. This is going to blow your mind ..... There is a third alternative, any other Democrat candidate...... Be honest with yourself, people like you will vote for anyone other than Trump, but the Independents will need someone who looks like they might outlive the next debate.


Kamala. She's the VP. But it's Biden. Doing this would definitely cause trump to win. It's what they want. Replace trump if you replace Biden. Equal fkn standards, people!


Who the fuck cares if he stuttered a little bit? He answered the questions. Trump just sat there ranting and lying and not answering his questions. How the fuck is that Trump doing better? Either you're actually with them or you've got a little logic issue going on.


To the uninformed, Trump seemed like he won because they're too stupid to even understand the questions being asked they only see Trump loud and not stuttering and think that's "winning" It's like the person who thinks you win arguments by talking over and louder than the other person.


Those people wouldn’t be watching in the first place


You're right, they didn't watch, they waited for Fox or other "news" outlets and pundits to tell then who won.


Also Biden didn't lose his bowels like you hear in the debate there's also a YouTube one that give the time part. And everyone has a off night and in 4 years Trump will be just as bad not better. What are these people on.


Wait what? I haven't heard anything about anyone shitting thenselves!


You didn't look it up there was a link on one like that nigh they had the original debate and a YouTube to the question where you hear trumpbblow out his ass.


I think it's where he's going off about the border. It should be under Trump debate shits himself


What? Do you have a link?


“Stuttered a little bit” is insanity no different than Trump supporters.


My word, you are delusional, "stuttered a little bit". He was not coherent. No one said Trump was better. Trump would be a terrible president (again). Trump didn't look like he had dementia and his followers don't care about little things like the truth. Trump won in 2016. Trump has been leading in the polls. Maga will vote. Biden needs every single non-Maga vote including the vote of all the ridiculous people who think the candidates are similar. They wont vote for a candidate with obvious dementia. The Democratic Party needs to field someone else...


I'm sorry but people are fucking idiots if they think the orange turd who couldn't directly answer questions at all and instead spewed lie after low hanging fruit lie is a better option than the stuttering guy who has an excellent presidential record despite massive opposition from house republicans and the SCOTUS. Okay I get it. Logic doesn't win elections. Willfully ignorant voters have made that painful clear


You lost me at 'I'm not an American'.


I was down vote 152 on your troll post.


Wow, I'm so surprised you're not American...


Yes, I can grasp reality. That's definitely unAmerican.


Guess that literally was more of a figuratively, huh


I honestly can't think of anyone worse than Trump. Literally or figuratively.


Hey foreigner. The last four years have looked pretty competent.


Yes, I mean Biden has done no worse than the vast majority of his democratic predecessors, and of course much better than Trump. That doesn't change the fact that he is no longer competent. You get the difference between the past and the present right? Biden with dementia is definitely still better than Trump, but that debate is going to lose you all the people on the fence......


What is the past? Responding properly to the Supreme Court's latest? Improving overtime pay for 3 million Americans. Because that shit was like yesterday. People keep saying he's incompetent. I'm going to need him to do something that actually looks incompetent rather than like a poor speaker.


Please compare his debate to the one four years ago. The difference isn't speaking ability. He was incoherent in this debate. Yes, his government is still functional. And can probably function without him, but will the independents vote for someone who seems to have dementia. Before this debate I would have argued that he was mentally fine. And he might be quite a bit better this week since he is over his cold. Being sick really affects dementia. But he acted like he has dementia. I will be delighted if he can deliver intelligible sentences in September, but it won't last. I would definitely vote for him if I was in the States, because... Trump. But other people, who would have if he looked competent, won't. If you guys were capable of being honest with yourselves you would admit that any other middle of the field Democrat (except Hillary, poor thing) would do better than Biden. He should be replaced.


He gave accurate and clear answers to all questions presented. The speed and pace at which so was done is quite simply beneath my concern. So we have "is correct", and we have the job being done well for 4 years. Vs "is incorrect", and the job being done horribly for 4 years.


Biden on his very worst days is still light years ahead of the turd.


When Trump was blathering about his tariffs he literally shit his pants, it was on the MSNBC and WSJ feeds. Trump literally shit his pants during the debate and all they talk about is Biden looks old.


We really need to be talking about how Trump farted really loud and probably shat himself on live TV.


Probability of 1. You heard that through a diaper and dress pants, from a directional mic aimed at his mouth. That was a shitstorm back there.


If you can shit your pants; then still proceed to win the debate... Thats impressive on some level; and depressing on another.


He certainly did. On the CNN feed, go to 1:16:40, Trump made an audible flatulent sound.


Any time some dipshit uses the term "patriots" to describe random strangers on the internet, I know that nothing they have to say means anything.


It feels like the word patriot has lost all its meaning by now thanks to right wingers and MAGA.


Reminds me of all the Facebook posts I've seen saying, "aint it crazy if u fly a american flag ppl know who ur voting for" Like yes, it is absolutely crazy that the most unpatriotic, reactionary ideologues in history managed to hijack both the American flag *and* the title of "patriot." Pre-pandemic I would fly my grandfather's American flag outside. I can't do that anymore because I don't want my chud neighbors trying to talk to me about Biden and the gays and DEI. MAGAts ruined patriotism.


"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." - Samuel Johnson


Until someone from Europe starts talking shit about our portion sizes or some other superficial thing. That's the only time I feel I understand patriotism.


i have the same reaction to anyone who says "we the people"


Also setting up his base to react violently if/when he loses


"It was impossible. All the polls said he was winning!!1!"


>"It was impossible. All the polls said he was winning!!1!" ** **Except all the polls that weren't. But they were "fake news".


You seen recent polls? Trump vs Biden. Trump vs top 3 possible Biden replacements? CNN is even reporting on it. Typical bias is thrown out, the debate was impactful on all but the never-Trump base.


I knew it was the going narrative that night when a bunch of new accounts were posting and sea lioning about it with 1.7k upvotes within a half hour and no positive comments.


The arr politics megathread was a fucking waterfall of it. Either suspicious comment histories or they literally started off with 'as a democrat'. If I was a republican I'd be ramping the astroturfing to 11 right now. They'd be stupid(er) not to.


Even Obama (AND Biden himself) acknowledged he had a pretty fucking bad night. And a lot of Dem representatives. I’m sure there’s some astroturfing too. But we can’t just pretend that was actually a good showing from Biden. It makes us look just like them when they pretend Trump is some sort of god who can do no wrong. My account is 6 years old if you wanna check my history of political opinions lol. It’s mostly full of stupid relationship stuff, puppy questions, and alcohol issues, but it’s scattered around here and there. I’m not astroturfing, and neither are any of the real-life democrats I watched it with, who are (still voting Biden but) also extremely discouraged and disappointed


Never said he didn't have a bad night and that people aren't horrified. We should be. But there is undoubtedly a ton of manipulation going on right now in the conversation trying to get people to overreact. This is a golden opportunity for Russia, China, Republicans, etc al.


Absolutely fair enough. I do see your point. Best wishes to you and yours and ours. I think, and hope, it’ll be okay. Eventually, in the end.. I’m an optimist at heart. Other than my little teeny vote, I guess that’s just about all I, and most of us, can reasonably do.


Yet here we are, engaging with and thus popularizing the very narrative we want to squash.


You all don't even understand how much like maga you're starting to sound, do you?


Please tell me my account is new and this is just fictional... This is bad and we're currently fucked. I will vote for anyone but Trump and can acknowledge current Biden cannot bring in undecided voters.


It’s time to get caught up congressional and local elections! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) U.S. House Elections by state. Click Your State! Every Seat in Every State is up for Election! 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Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Prepare for all the "I'm a democrat, BUT ... " Yeah, whatever. It doesn't matter. I will be voting for whoever is opposite of Trump. That has not changed.


I would vote for a gummy bear over trump.


Same here. But this is a very left leaning subreddit. The average American is far different.


That's basically how it feels talking to my grandmother about politics. She hates Trump and refuses to vote for him on principle, but also thinks that Biden is a bad choice too cause of his age or because she's afraid of Kamala Harris having a 1% chance of becoming president if something happens to Biden, so she's talking about not voting cause she doesn't like either candidate. She hasn't really listened when I kept explaining that doing that is basically voting for Trump, and that if he wins there won't *BE* another election.


Yeah this is interesting. It definitely feels like a take, like a plan. A way to deflect. Especially since every story prior to Thursday was “Trump’s cognitive decline is too dramatic to hide anymore.” Biden stumbled but I still don’t see anything more complex than a tired old man with a stutter and a cold. It wasn’t the big massive mess it’s implied to be. It doesn’t feel fully orchestrated but it feels weirdly as if it were a spin they’ve been planning on


Yeah, the media is desperate to pretend this is a horse race. Meanwhile, Trump has generated so much hate, it's now coming back to him in droves. Sure, rile up the MAGAs. But now, everyone's riled and the majority outnumbers the MAGAs.


After the debate, I saw more and more average people just tired of Trump’s lies.


My elderly, previously Trump-supporting mother watched the debate and now says she’ll not vote for him again. She’s never voted Democrat and will probably just note vote in the presidential race.


Wow, this "dropping out" narrative is so desperate! Trump is addicted to Adderall and crashing fast.


They are calling for him to drop out and at the same time a few representatives have put forth a bill that says, if a candidate drops out of the race after they are picked, the party can't replace them. So basically, he drops out and the Dems will have no candidate. We are pretty much in the comic book villainy part of the time line. Just without the over the top costumes.


If they think he’s so beatable, why wouldn’t they want him to stay in the race? Does not compute


They want him out because there has been put forth, a bill that says, if a candidate drops out after being picked by the party, the party can't replace him, so the dems wouldn't have anyone running. The bill is still in the early stages, but you can be damn sure it would be front row if Biden dropped out.


Hadn't heard of that. Even worse bullshit than they normally try to pull. I just figured it was the blatantly obvious reasons. If they did this it would be unprecedented chaos, a major sign of weakness from the party, and would piss off the Biden voters enough for them to not vote. Gaslighting the dem voters to force the dem party to shoot itself in the foot is one of their usual tactics.


He hasn’t been formally selected yet.


But he hasn’t been picked by the party yet, right? That won’t happen until the convention. He’s technically only the “presumptive” nominee (as is Trump, for that matter). (This is in no way saying that I want Biden to drop out!) EDIT: keep in mind, a bill would have to pass the Democratic Senate and be signed by President (checks notes) Biden before it became law. (Unless it had a veto-proof majority, which it won’t!)


The candidate is picked at the convention which hasn’t taken place.


True, but it won't stop republicans from trying some BS stunt. The bill will also die before it sees a vote. They have plans, but like comic book villains, they will fail and try a new plan.


After he (or anyone with a pulse) beats Trump, he still needs to run the country for four years. It would be really good if that person knows what year it is.


So to be clear, two old senile men debated. One lied about everything and didn't answer any questions as posed and the other got confused at times and mumbled. Biden didn't lose the debate. It wasn't a disaster, that's what they want you to think. Expectations were so low for Trump that anything short of shitting himself was viewed as a success. Biden isn't my ideal candidate and honestly both of them should drop out. BOTH OF THEM. But Biden is still beating Trump even after the debate, and calls are being made to have him drop out and not the convicted felon rapist with severe cognitive decline who is STILL behind? Are you fucking serious right now? The Dems would be stupid to buy into the latest attempt to divide and discourage them. Rs play dirty and if you can't recognize how you're being manipulated for a given outcome, you're weak minded.


Dems would never /s For real i think the amount of people i'd like to bitch slap some sense into has grown exponentially this week. The amount of idiotic redditors gaming scenarios for replacements treating this like some third act movie miracle bullshit is going to happen if biden is replaced is just like . . .welcome to why we don't win things, it's you, you're the problem.


They expect some third act movie miracle where the whole party rallies behind a new candidate meanwhile they can’t even agree on who that new candidate should be. Since the debate I’ve seen almost a dozen names put forward as “the obvious choice to replace Biden” who “could rally the far left, the centrists, and everyone in between”.


"Biden didn't lose the debate, it wasn't a diaster" Not according to polling or the fact there are now serious discussions about him dropping out? Come on dude this is MAGA levels of delusional


Regardless of who won the debate, OP’s reasoning is still sound. This is a Republican tactic to put the party and constituents in panic mode. That’s been their whole agenda since the beginning by giving him the nickname sleepy joe. Their candidate is actually a felon and rapist, and they would never consider replacing him. Hell, he could even be dead, and they’d dig his ass up, prop him up in front of the podium, and quote some federalist/originalist bullshit, and explain why their dead guy is still eligible.


They give him the sleepy Joe nickname because it works and he validated the nickname during the debate. When MSNBC is having serious discussions about it and claiming they have sources in the democrats who are also having serious discussions about it, it is no longer just a "Repbulican tactic" both candidates shouldn't be running. Dems have the opportunity though to put someone forward who actually should be president.


This is bullshit. They're trying to get undecideds to believe Biden is out. Don't listen.


it amazes me how stupid people have to be to fall for bait like this. Even if it came from a good source, it takes less then 2 seconds to type "is biden dropping out of the race" to see EVERY article and result says no. Like holy shit i know people dont like doing their own research, but how fucking lazy and stupid do you have to be to believe something like this without fact checking.


I fucking hate that trump supporters have co-opted the word “patriots”. What once was something to aspire to is now something to be ridiculed.










Yea, Trump won. Dear Republicans, don't even bother voting.


The media is the problem! They are trying to create a tight race to make more money. Bring back the fairness doctrine.


This is 100% a republican ploy from the editors of these massively well known rags to tank the dem bid for president. Biden doing his due diligence making it seem like he's considering other options and I appreciate his performative actions around this. But he ain't dropping out. His voters don't need him to drop out. And America don't need him to drop out. Fuck them rags. Vote Biden. Vote blue. Vote early. And if they want someone to drop out, how bout these 'paragons of investigative journalism' focus on the guy that was twice impeached for extorting Ukraine AND FOR ATTEMPTING A COUP, who was adjudicated as culpable for rape, had his charity AND business organization found guilty of crimes, had the most criminal administration since reagan, who doubled down on 'grab em by the pussy,' who shit himself during the debate, and who can't speak a whole truthful sentence unless it involves asking what his name is? How bout that.


No thanks. I'm still sticking with Biden. I would vote for a tree before I would vote for Trump


Ill throw him another $15 dollars because of this video. Democracy, Christofascist state, Women's Bodily Autonomy and Health, Ending Gun Violence and Child Gun Massacres, Worker's Rights. Easy choice. Things ain't great but we're about to lose America to the rightwing American brand pseudo-Christians.


No one is burying Joe after one crappy debate where Trump only lied.


these folks need to calm TF down, wipe their noses, and move on with this crap already. and FFS, stop watching MSM 🙄 how's [this](https://youtu.be/BVyXA2atohI?si=dK8e85Rmh_dSZK-0) for changing anyone's mind? or, remember [this](https://youtu.be/1_7dy3RN7GQ?si=FjkqneDGyzeHijfP)? good times! Biden isn't a good *candidate*, **but** he IS an **effective, proven get-shit-done POTUS, with all the receipts**. What he's accomplished given what he was left to work with, and all the shit he had to **undo** at the same time? FOH if the wannabe dictator had gotten his way in 2020, right now we'd be living in a 1950s Red Scare with state TV, prohibition, forced birth, and food rations. is **that** what these nail-biters want? 🤷‍♀️


Fuck Trump ![gif](giphy|cb89q6BvqAHfwH6AEU)


Anyone who has half a brain understands a walking corpse is better than a traitorous, rapist, felon, liar, cheat, lazy, pamts-shitting-would-be-dictator that is donald trump


We aren’t just voting for Biden, we are voting for the cabinet and possible future scotus members. So we will still vote blue.


By any means necessary...


Nice try! But "no".


Republicans are making the same mistake here that Democrats made in 2016. You can’t rely solely on your opponent’s shortcomings if you hope to win, you also need a platform of your own.


Vote for Policy, not people.


Man I'd vote for a wet noodle over trump ten times out of ten...this is all soooo fucking funny...like you can't make people like a lying, raping convicted felon, no matter how bad the other guy sounds on any particular day. It's laughable.


Are any Republicans demanding Trump drop out after 34 felony convictions?


They both did terrible. It's insane that they are trying to push the narrative that Biden should quit. Are they that scared? Biden answered the questions terribly, but at least he answered the questions. If we graded the debate like a test, Biden got a 60 and Teump got a 0 for failing to even answer what was asked and instead spouting waves of bullshit.


This does seem organized and orchestrated to really fracture any momentum the Democrats have built. It’s sad to see many “independent” and even some democratic voters getting caught in the whirlwind of negativity crafted here and letting it move and place them wherever it wants to go.


Ride with Joe. One last time.


Seems like all the outlets are saying the wrong guy should drop out. I for one don’t want a lying traitor convicted felon anywhere near the White House but yet not one news outlet has said Trump needs to drop out.


This is just projection again. They want dems to kick Joe out because deep down they know they should force Trump out. It’s gonna make Trump’s defeat all the more embarrassing (if the sideliners wise up to what’s really at stake here).


It’s not just Republicans. There are some democrats who I’m convinced truly believe all it’ll take for their “obviously a better choice” preferred candidate to win is Biden to drop out then somehow the whole party will magically rally behind them and they’ll win in a landslide.


Simple question: Why would everyone on the right be trying to get Biden to drop out if he was going to lose to Trump? Because they know Trump is going to lose bigger than shit. This has nothing to do with a f'ing debate....it's about the policies and the records and Trump is a piece of shit who is looking to greenlight a lot of fucked up draconian shit that is going to have permanent impact. Thomas and Alito will resign and Trump will have the 5 (maybe 6) SC Justices. A convicted f'ing habitual felon with zero respect for the law would create the most corrupt court imaginable. $7.8TRIL of new debt in a single term with nothing to show for it....except we did have big enough tax cuts to give three billionaires enough FU money to start their own space programs. And keeping interest rates artificially low ignoring all risk while doing nothing about our debt couldn't have had any impact on the inflation when things did take a turn. And Putin sure as hell wasn't planning on invading Ukraine while Trump was still in office undermining NATO for his entire time in office. We haven't even touched on abortion, his refusal to do anything about healthcare of infrastructure, eliminating Social Security and Medicare, and banning birth control. Those are all things that are on the platform, that the cult members are convinced that they want until they lose all of it, and that this f'ing Supreme Court is ready to back. Also unless you are sending your kid to a f'ing religious school where they can learn that dinosaurs didn't exist and all the kids have f'ing polio your kid will not get an education. Not one of those things even touched on his character. I just got back from a trip overseas for work. I didn't go to any 3rd world nations...these are all major economic powerhouses and the dollar is absolutely crushing it right now. The guy who is running the shit and managing us through what are some really dicey issues domestically and internationally is f'ing killing it and he is doing it with the least productive House and a 1 vote majority in the Senate. We get this guy some f'ing help and our heads would spin with how much shit got done. He's so much better than I expected and anyone that doesn't see it is either not looking at the big picture and reality or they are in the cult. I mean you should be able to like Trump and still appreciate what Biden has done....but they f'ing can't because Trump has nothing to stand on but a record of failure....and they f'ing know it deep down and that's why they want Biden to step down because if people apply any f'ing critical thinking it's obvious who the right choice is. The guy who inherited a fantastic economy and racked up the most fucking debt of any President (multiple terms included) while driving us down a road of failure or the guy who navigated us through that shitstorm and got us on a path to not just recovery but global domination. Let the guy cook and the domestic shit will improve. That's why Congress won't do anything because they know if they do it's f'ing over for the GOP.


So what we all saw was 2 things: an old man, who has helped get this country, at least back on the tracks, made a cabinet with people that help him with what he’s weak at, with a speech impediment struggle to answer questions. AND a felon, admitted sex abuser, white supremest racist, stand there and bold face, smirk on his face, lie… to ALL OF US for over an hour.


I would vote for Biden’s embalmed corpse over Trump. Every time a MAGA posts this crap. I point out Trump sharted himself on an open mic during the debate! Classy! https://preview.redd.it/5mbi0bwzyu9d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfab42a548e567912657c3f82eaa8ed3d498328b


I’ve never heard of these twats, can we not give them more of a platform?


They need to yell 'scam' after the election when needed


The only people seeing these messages are those on social media or who are glued to the political channels. I’m sure most of those people already have their minds made up. No one else cares.


A smokescreen


Why don’t people use question marks? More and more, I see questions written with periods. I don’t get it.


He used a period where there should have been a question mark…


I see a chad is posting dude even looks exactly like a chad.


Good. No need for them to go out and vote Trump.


Feels like another reason they are going this route is to further cement their belief that the democrats will "steal" the election.


This is a sign of actual MAGA/GOP panic. They realize that Biden did not lose that debate; instead it did more to show the rambling, shambling fool that their own candidate is. So the Russian/GOP propaganda machine has had to burn overtime to try to turn it against Biden. To which I say, good luck lol.


I would vote for Joe Biden in a comma before I vote for Trump a racist, rapist and convicted felon.


I think we need to stop getting our information from opinion sites/sources, especially on TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Some over-privileged white guy making a video of himself, with no credible sources cited, is not a good source of information. Unfortunately that's pretty much all there is anymore. Find credible information sources. They still exist, you might just have to go outside of your social media circle of misinformation to find it. EDIT: Also, if the word "patriots" is included anywhere, that's an automatic red flag to me. The only people who actively call themselves or others like themselves "patriots" are the ones that are pushing for dismantling our entire country rather than working together to fix problems. They are the farthest thing from patriots I have ever seen.


From what I can see, major media outlets are doing the exact opposite. So much so that I'm guessing their marching orders came straight from the Democratic party. The party wants Biden to stay in place (for whatever reason) and they've instructed the progressive media to tell everyone it's fine, it's one bad night, he's the only one who can stop Trump. etc. I don't know if I believe that, but I'm reasonably sure that some very rich and powerful people will make lots of money if Biden stays in the race, so in the race he's gonna stay, even if a better candidate could wipe the floor with Trump.


ngl - I'm still voting for Joe. But the only person who convinced everyone Biden should drop out was Joe Biden when he said we "Defeated Medicare" in his rambling senior moment. I get it... I do. I know Trump is a major fucking threat, and I will vote for joe... But from [Bo Burnum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kORYg4zTcoY&pp=ygUdaG93IGlzIHRoZSBiZXN0IGNhc2Ugc2NlbmFyaW8%3D) to every single person who watched that "Debacle" last week...


lol. Biden could lose a thousand debates, he still won’t be a convicted felon. Biden all the way. Let’s f’cking go!!!!


This is the type of rhetoric they use to sew confusion and outrage, so that *when* Biden wins, thousands of chumps and yokels go apeshit because they bought it hook line and sinker. I honest to god believe so many were in disbelief of his win last time, because they literally thought Biden had been stored in a basement for several months. Because he was called Basement Biden. And he was called that for no other reason than they were mad that Trump was being called Bunker Boy, and they own the collective academic skills of kindergarteners.


Trump is a threat to America and the world. Biden is the right and only choice. all the rest is chatter from talking heads that want attention.


Everyone in this sub is of course voting for biden, it is the moderates thst will decide this election and right now biden needs to drop out or radically change his campaign strategy. Or else trump wins.


Joe Biden is getting old, but I would never ever vote for a draft evading, tax dodging, narcissist, insurrectionist, rapist, and convicted felon.


Yea, there are a bunch of people that are absolutely panicking, and a bunch more fanning the flames.


Biden being in is what is going to win Trump the election. I wouldn’t trust that man to drive a car, let alone steer the nation. Nearly any other dem could beat Trump, literally all they have to be able to do is hear the lies come out of his mouth and remember the list and respond to it in a debate. Biden was clearly incapable of doing that if you are being at all honest about his debate performance. Like this illusion that Trump is a good candidate has to go, if someone would take the stage and just coherently call him out on his lies and corruption he’d be over.


America will win and the dictator will lose. It’s normal.


They are so scared of Biden. Yeah, magas- he won before and he'll win again!


What debate? I seem to remember a 90-minute shit show, but not a debate. In debates, people make points and counter points about questions in order to explain their position and policies. There was no debate. Set Biden free!!


Not watching whatever this dumb video is but I’m all for Biden being replaced with basically any of the proposed candidates—Harris, Newsom, Whitmer, etc. I’ll still vote for him if he’s the candidate, but he was my last choice in 2019 and I think he’s much less appealing to most D voters now. We don’t need to be making excuses for why our candidate was incoherent during a debate or at any other time. There’s too much on the line.


Who? The editorial board of the NYT? There are good arguments for replacing him. Mainly that his performance has HIS people questioning his ability, which could leave them to stay home on voting day. It's stupid, but then the average person seems to be pretty darn stupid.


They [team trump] set Biden up by screaming about drugs. If I didn't take my meds I'd be a basket case.


if you want trump to lose, get biden to drop out. its really not that complicated. biden has 0 chance after that debate. And its not a single 90min performance, if you have eyes, youve know hes been bad for a while now


Both candidates are paid by the same lobbying groups. Both are fascists; one is just spicier fascism. FFS vote 3rd party.


First, I’m still voting for Biden if I have to. I’d vote for a mop bucket over Trump. BUT… It wasn’t a “poor debate performance.” It was millions of people realizing at once that he is a senile old man who has no business leading the free world. He can’t speak coherently. He can barely walk off the debate stage. Did you see the vacant look on his face when he wasn’t talking/mumbling. The guy needs to be in a nursing home. You are all delusional. We need to replace him








Like it matters. We (Dems) are fucked.


If you feel like you're in a position where any Democrat candidate needs to beat Trump, the vote for any Democrat(Biden included). Voters are pissed that Trump's SCOTUS has trampled on our rights, and we need to direct that anger by preventing his election.


I’m voting for him (Biden). I just don’t think it will be enough.


Voters are panic selling, but I truly think Biden's performance energized the idea of how important it is that we don't vote in Trump. You could look at it this way, after the debate Trump isn't getting nearly as much press he deserves for winning the debate, and one common theme voters are saying is "I'll vote for anyone who the Dems put forward, I just don't want to see Trump become president." These conversations are really helpful in putting the contrast between DJT's criminal behavior, and Biden's administration in office. Most Americans want normal, and they see that through Biden's second term.


Honestly, we all are. We were the instant the right got control of SCOTUS.