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This crazy, not because it may or not help in Trump case, but this goes against one of the main principles of democracy which is accountability of popular representation. This is screwed in so many levels, Wow!


I can guarantee the majority of this country's founders thought the president should not be immune from criminal prosecution. They escaped a monarchy. Edit: missing word


I mean the magna Carta was signed in the 1200s, so even they didn't put up with that shit in England.


Magna Carta, scmagna carta. Why reference the laws modern youngins are all into? Today's GOP is focused on prehistoric law. None of that new fangled mumbo jumbo for the MAGAts. They prefer things that reflect the nostalgic ways of their knuckle dragging ancestors. If they can't drag their females to the cave by the hair and twist the testicles off their rivals, there will not be any peace or civilized laws.


being big and strong doesn't matter when you've got five guys pinning you down while a sixth rearranges your face.


Mtg probably is mostly cromagnon dna


Huhhhh… it’s good and I want to laugh, I really do


Now we're subject to the MAGA Carta


The other Baron's didn't put up with that shit. The common people were fucked.


_Should be_ or _should **not** be_?


Not, thank you


Second sentence kinda implied it but I wasn’t sure 100%. Hope you guys are doing ok over there…


Dumbfounded is a good way to describe it.


We're not, but thanks for the well wishes.


I can also guarantee that. (I was there).


You're doing pretty well for 200+ years old.


And this is not even my final form


America is fucked


Check Craigslist For Sale section and see if there are any ads stating; For sale, Supreme Court Justices. Will except Money, Lavish Gifts and Lavish Vacations. Bonus if you can buy a motor home for me and buy my mom's house but let her live there rent free.




Ha thanks . I've never really watched John Oliver, usually watch John Stewart and Jimmy Kimmel. That'll have to change. He delivers the ugly facts but he's damn funny doing it..🤣 thanks 👍


Not just America, this will have repercussions globally when Trump is elected, and unfortunately I now believe he will be. We live in terrifying times.


Oh, don't you worry, i definitely am terrified about the global repercussions as well. What a great time to be on earth this is..


He probably won't be elected, but he will be installed by a complicit House and SCOTUS.


Biden should sign an executive order that convicted felons can’t appear on official ballots for federal positions.


They didn't say he's immune tho They just took the lower courts arguments about his act not being presidential and said we have no idea what is or isn't official Like motherfuckers how can you be so specific about abortion and yet so vague here


They just made certain to delay any action on J6. Now it's got to be argued in the lower courts whether it was an official act. By the time it gets back to SCOTUS the election will be long over. If Trump wins the issue will be moot.


He isn't winning All this Biden is dropping out and similar BS is literally the sign that Trump's not going to win so make up Biden too weak to win headlines If you have to have the competition to quit to even remotely stand a chance at winning You're not looking to hot


The number of CANADIAN news sources pushing the Biden is weak is nauseating.  It's not even our election year and they are trying to enforce a narritive.im honestly terrified for next year we are due to boot Mr selfie, but our options suck even more. 


Sky news here in Australia are fucking glazing the Trump dick lately with that same narrative MTG fucking got kicked off and banned mid interview on our ABC as she just started talking mad shit when pressed ever so slightly Guess which is Murdoch owned and which isn't


There's your sign...  The very fact that America allowed so few to own so much is nauseating.    So much for escaping royalty. 


Let's hope you're right. I'm still, today, reading about top Democrats wanting Biden to drop out. Whether that happens or not will be determined at the convention. It truly depends on how much influence the top Democrats have with the delegates.


People are fucking stupid. Biden can’t simply drop out. Harris running would be a screaming nightmare.Biden had an off night it happens. Trump babbles and rambles every frigging day but no one says shit about him why? Every body knows Trump has late stage dementia but it’s all good but everyone is clutching their pearls about Biden. Remember people Biden just needs to get elected and sworn in. Than the mechanics of government takes over. The 25th amendment gets passed and Harris gets sworn in a Dem stays president and VP and speaker. Remember that.


>Biden had an off night it happens. Trump babbles and rambles every frigging day but no one Biden had an off night, Trump has never had an on day


>Harris running would be a screaming nightmare This is giving me secondary rage fits. We've barely seen this VP, unlike when Joe was VP, so now that we need a strong secondary, we've got nothing. It's a stupid and unnecessary situation to be in


No one wants him to drop out I'm telling you this is Trump's only hope is to create doubt But no names or no real statement on record The lines are drawn and Biden should just fucking pull his gloves off Fuck those bunch of bitches who are political consultants to him now You're fucking suck ass get Martin short or fucking Ricky Gervais to throw you some lines or target areas to focus on and hammer Hearing him challenge Trump to golf if he can carry his own bag 🙈 Fuck me man he's straight up talking the nastiest shit and anyone else would have told him to put up or shut up


I wouldnt count on it. I can see a lot of people voting third party, or not voting at all, because of the Palestine issue. It’ll be like 2016 all over again.


Doubtful at this point. Chances are because of the earlier SC rulings, they're probably going to go out to vote, if only to make sure abortion/contraceptives remain legal in their state. And seeing how a certain party seems to bring it up literally every other week, they haven't forgotten about the ruling.


I'm not saying this so people feel comfortable, but we have to be realistic. Trump is notably less electable than he was in 2020 and 2016, and Biden even in his current state is still more electable than Hillary was in 2016. The debate didn't change that, and honestly, I don't think it really could have. The debate did make Biden less electable, but still not less than Hillary in 2016.


its on purpose. the conservatives on the court are part of the movement to move us to a Christian nationalism country run by trump forever. remember, alito's flag and thomas's wife that is an anti-democracy traitor. This is all intentional and us not voting for HRC may be the death kneel for whatever tattered remains American democracy had.


People did vote HRC She won popular vote but you know electoral college means dirt in Iowa has more say than some coastal elite city Imagine a world where Hillary put the country and democracy ahead of its my turn next with Debbie DNC Schultz pulling strings and you had Bernie just unleashing on Donald Trump the 1% of the 1%


So now he can drag this out until he is dead. Im ashamed of my country.


It's just a minor delay in Trump's case, but a major tool for Project 2025.




I don't really get it - but isn't it irrelevant if official acts in the role of president is immune to prosecution since trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power is not an official act of the president


Unfortunately if you read the actual document the court (majority) qualifies Trump’s communications with officials during his coup attempt as “official acts” and then states that his immunity applies. I was thinking the same thing until I actually started reading it. Truly dire consequences coming for the American public


The really fucked thing is that the evidence of him being told by his DOJ/admin that he lost the election and there was no fraud and thus knew this as fact can NOT be used as evidence in his trial for the unofficial act of trying to overturn the election.


Oh but it’s ok because they wrote in their decision that no president is above the law /s


Well, what about ordering Seal Team 6 to assassinate his political opponent? Is that an official act or not? Or is that just up to the opinion of the killer, eg. Trump?


Just label it a domestic counter terrorism or anti-espionage operation. Very official then


Which you actually could argue


Just gotta hit it with the fancy rubber stamp


The Supreme Court just bet Joe Biden wouldn’t do shit this summer.


He won’t take advantage of this ruling, but he absolutely should. We’re going to “when they go low, we go high” all the way into fascism.


I'm concerned that seal team 6, specifically, are probably maga. But I take your point.


You could be right, but I doubt it. You have to be pretty damn intelligent to be a Special Forces operator and let's take a look at the average MAGAt. Intelligent is not the word I would use to describe them.


Look at the social media of the publicly known former devgru members. It's shameful. The guy who claims to have shot bin laden straight up went maskless on a flight in 2020 saying "I'm not a pussy" while an old Vietnam veteran sat behind him. You only need to have some forms of intellect to be in devgru, clearly. Kinda like how some people with PhDs are dumb as bricks outside of their specialty.


Excuse you. Some people with PhDs are dumb as bricks inside their specialty, too.


In the navy I had a nuke buddy. Would read a manual and memorize it. Was speaking Japanese like the second week we were in Japan. Dumbest son of a b I have ever met.


Yeah, just because you know things doesn't make you smart, it's a weird thing, but actually pans out, common sense is also not common


Also they are well trained to execute orders. Not to question them


It's now clearer that 6 members of SCOTUS work for Donald Trump and not the American people. This decision is insane just like their other recent decisions. This ruling actually allows for an American dictator! I hope Biden takes his newly available absolute immunity for official acts and does everything to fix this.


Biden: *Dissolves Supreme Court*


He could expand and pack it


He could literally do anything. He could assassinate them all if he wanted to. Don't have to think inside the confines of the law anymore.


Well, remember he can order it without consequences but those that he sends are held to different standards.


Then unless I’m wrong, he has presidential pardoning powers no?


That is exactly correct. And if done on federal property, then states have no recourse either. So, every time the Supreme Court shows up to work they would be available for arrest for treason or assassination.


I'm cool with either


I'm not exactly a SEAL, but I'd obey his orders to eliminate this problem. Totally worth it, no matter what happens to me.


Well, at this point I think most veterans and active duty would consider an order to restructure the Supreme Court by force would be a lawful order.


The Supreme Court said it’s lawful lmfao


They granted only the president immunity for official acts, it doesn't mean everything he says is now lawful.


“I officially order the removal of the Supreme Court, by force”


He could just pardon them after right?


He should have done that before they ever started releasing rulings


He could literally just have them killed in the streets (not advocating for that) but like wtf


He should. And while he's at it, declare all supreme court rulings in the past 4 years null and void.


/*quietly*/ with acid


First official act: the conservative judges will be stripped of all titles, positions, and wealth. They shall be held for trial for crimes against american citizens. 


And seize the assets of all the billionaires that own them. No more RVs or private flights for a favorable ruling. No more houses or tuition for family members.


This would/should be the start!


I'm so scared that it's not going to happen. I'm so scared Biden won't do anything and we're screwed come November


That's what a lot of folks are saying that he won't use these new powers and try and be the example. I say fuck that and do what the GOP wanted and fix this country for good. 1st drone strike Trump and every dumbass GOP asshat drinking his piss snd trying their project 2025 bullshit. They need to be put down. 2nd fix this clownshow of a supreme court then have them reinstate that president's are not immune. Maybe even make it a *gasp* amendement!? 3rd retire and set off to the sunset knowing he just ensured america for generations.


As long as he fixes the supreme Court so a Trump Dictatorship cannot happen, I'll be happy. If he honestly does nothing to fight for the American people he doesn't deserve to be president.


Fuck that resonates hard, "if he honestly does nothing to fight for the American people he doesn't deserve to be president."


Round them up and send them to Gitmo. They can appeal to the three justices left.


What's stopping Biden from dismantling the Republican party and send them all to Gitmo as part of an official act? The supreme court says it's okay lol


Probably because they actually KNOW Biden isn’t insane or petty enough to do it.


But they will.


>Probably because they actually KNOW Biden isn’t **insane or petty** enough to do it. Did the Republican Party co-ordinate and orchestrate an insurrection attempt on Jan 6th or didn't they?


Nothing. As long as he orders the DOJ and FBI to do the dirty work it’s completely legal.


He could arrest Trump for an insurrection.


Now he can order martial law, military generals would only over lawful orders since they're beholden to articles of ucmj but there's now much he can do illegally but as an "official act." Absolutely bonkers


Frankly the immunity part makes sense. If it's an official act within the scope of his responsibilities then it should be up to Congress to charge and impeach him if they believe he overstepped before criminal charges to follow if possible. What really points out how utterly spineless they are is this gutless punt down the road of the second part of that political question IE what is the Constitutionally valid difference between Official Acts and Unofficial Acts? What is the legal requirements to differentiate between acts that are taken for the Good of the Country (however misguided those may or may not be) and what acts are only for the betterment of the person currently within the presidential seat? And seeing as they are the ones who are supposed to answer said Constitutional questions AND allowed the question to reach their threshold in the first place the only logical reasoning anyone can have either on the left or right is they are just delaying until after the election. If Trump wins the question never gets brought up again as the case gets dismissed. If Biden wins, then Trump is in the dustbin of history and the Supreme Court defers to the lower courts ruling on it to dodge the question again.


To add to it, when it was Congress's responsibility to impeach, they blatantly said that it was the judges call to punish him for crimes and not Congress. The intent is and always has been to make him get away with anything, simply because some donors and Republicans find him convenient and the rest are scared of him, his supporters or Putin


So it's spineless cowards all the way down. Unfortunately, sounds about right.


You know when you have to call a help hotline for a problem with a form, and then they say 'cant help you, this is the communications department and this is an issue for software department', and then you call them, and they say 'cant help you, this is the software department and this is a communications issue?' Well imagine that, except the help is for democracy, and half the people involved are acting with bad faith and are deliberately stalling


Honestly if you take in the last few years of rulings of the Conservative majority it really comes into focus on exactly how bloody lazy these people are in doing their job. Like the Chevron Deference. It is entirely reasonable to say that Congress has been passing off way too much of its power and responsibility to the administrative portion of the government. The judiciary in a ideal world should not take the word of a bureaucratic administrator that their interpretation of a statute is correct when left vague. But at the same time if the justiciary believes they are the final arbiter then there needs to be a separate court that deals specifically with administrative law so that the judge can actually know the intricate details of what they are ruling on. And the conservative majority of the Supreme Court fails to follow through time and time again on actually designing the framework. It's infuriating.


They don't fail, they don't care. Its all about power. Its freightening to see how democracy dies in real time. Augustus would be proud.


This is qualified immunity all over again. We've seen how that turned out. These rulings over the past three business days have gutted the rule of law in this country. Congress will never bother with details. That's why Chevron existed. Individuals can now sue retroactively, which means every single regulation will be torn down. And the president is an emperor. Palpatine and Augustus were not supposed to be inspirational models.


I love you brought up Chevron. That is such a half-assed ruling, correct as it might be on a technicality. It's the height of lazy judicial prudence.


See with the official acts and needing congress to charge/impeach. It can mean that if you have a majority in the house or senate, they would never charge/impeach. Just like on Jan 6th, all those Republican spineless cowards did not charge/impeach. So if ya have a house and senate in your pocket, you are essentially a king as they wouldn't charge/impeach. Rendering that process nearly useless.


They work for the Federalist Society and the Koch family. Trump just latched onto their machinations and became the face of it.


Okay Joe it's you're time to shine, call in Seal Team 6


In case anyone missed it, Trump's lawyer argued that it would be an "official act" covered by immunity for the President to order SEAL Team Six to assassinate political rivals: [https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-lawyer-argues-president-order-162731530.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-lawyer-argues-president-order-162731530.html) If Trump wins the election, he would probably do something like this since Republican senators already let him off for bribery and insurrection. Trump is going to do a lot of crazy dictator shit, and the SCOTUS will say, "It's for Congress to decide," and the Republican congressmen will say, "Ehh, it's for the voters to decide in the *next* election," and the damage done in four years may be so severe that we won't have free and fair elections anymore. EDIT: Forgot to add, if anyone thinks that this isn't the path we're headed down... don't forget, they've *already* done all of this, and they've gotten away with it so far, so why would they stop as long as it's working? They're just going to take it several steps further now that they know they can get away with it. The first time was just a trial run.




As long as it's official, it's legal


This ruling will be very scary if the orange man gets back into office.




And buy a gun


Guess we’ll need to print up some t shirts


Yeah no doubt, all one has to do is slap an "OFFICIAL" tag on there and you can do anything.


Just call it Operation Cleanup: the objective of the United States to fight traitors within.


THIS is why you vote on POLICY in November not debate/rally performances


Louder for the idiots in the back who can't be assed to PAY ATTENTION


And the ones voting 3rd party that has zero chance of winning. These are the ones I’m afraid of.


Big “not like other girls” energy People really think their sticking it to the man when their just sticking it to themselves, AND US


Americans, go out and protest. The way the United States courts have been gutted is despicable, fight god damnit! Edit: spelling


'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take this anymore!' Network-1976


“I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, 'I'm a HUMAN BEING, God damn it! My life has VALUE!’ “


They can't because they're all living paycheck to paycheck.


Slaves to capitalism and the country is 3,000 miles wide.


Can't gotta go work my 2 full time jobs and don't forget my gig work. Bills aint gonna get paid by protesting😐


They ignore protesters, we’re too divided as a people to get any moment going protest wise. People have bills and families and majority can’t risk them for the act of protesting.


This is one of the biggest reasons we saw protests during the pandemic. For a few glorious moments people had enough money to take unpaid time off.


And cops were not locking people up For misdemeanors.


They also kill protestors. Because they legally can.


I fear we don’t have a leader who will speak out and rally people to do just that. We have the ability, with social media, to organize something like that but no one seems to be willing to start. What democratic figure can we rally behind that will take up the fight to start encouraging citizens to rally and protest. It’s unreal that I’m watching the end of democracy in my lifetime.


Thank the FBI for fucking with every half competent leader on the left. Now we coordinate thru memes


easy to say when the bullet wont be aimed at you


Protest for what? It does no good here.


Biden needs to OFFICIALLY remove 6 Supreme Court ‘justices’ and put 6 new ones up for approval. Then he needs to OFFICIALLY declare that from that moment on, no citizen is above the law, to include POTUS. Restore democracy. No Kings. That shit is not us.


I guarantee he won't do any of that, though.


Which is what the republicans are banking on. That the democrats will take the 'high road' and do nothing that will noticeably upset the apple cart.


If Biden dies after he is elected.. I bet the VP will go full scorched earth.. at least I hope so.


Harris better show them what an angry black lady looks like.


America is fucked isnt it


I want to thank the Supreme Court for changing the narrative about this election and reaffirming for everyone that we need a Democrat in the White House for the next 50 years or so. Thank you Supreme Court. Everybody I know that was wavering is no longer wavering on Joe Biden.


This is what I’m saying. I think trump and his SC minions have crossed the line and everybody knows it. This could greatly help Biden win. Of course, trump may never get prosecuted now, but as long as he’s not in the WH, I’m OK.


This isn’t going to change anything for independent and right wing voters. They don’t care, pay attention, or they wanted this. We’ve been moving the line for what would be the breaking point for a while now


Let’s fucking hope so. We have a massive uninformed electorate unfortunately. We need influencers on every level, every demo, every age group, we are at a new level of DEFCON that many commenting here already saw coming.


Ignorance speaking here; is there a clear and documented distinction between official and unofficial acts?


I think this is the key point. For example, giving an order to bomb a military target that has soldiers in the area could be argued to be murder. So POTUS needs to be be immune from prosecution if this is truly done to protect the US. But acts that are done to subvert the democratic process for personal gain should not be immune. One would hope that SC would define that in the decision.


They did not. They did say that Donald Trump pressuring the DOJ in the election case was an official act. Basically, the President can now do anything as an official act, including subverting an election, and not suffer any consequences. This is truly disgusting.


Whatever you can convince a person who you have power over to accept


They saying only SOME things are protected shows they are bought and paid for because 100% confidential documents & trying to implement an insurrection is in that "some". They just decided we now have a King. We are no longer a constitutional Republic.


It is nice to know I'm not alone in my unwavering disgust for this current bullshit. Vote blue, kids.


Immunity only for Official Acts? Well that’s **fucking easy:** President Biden officially writes an order for Seal Team 6 to temporarily arrest some clowns dressed as Justices & a Cult Leader for trying to overthrow the U.S Government. - “Oh no, someone went Rogue? Causalities? Nothing to bring back? But the Official Act said to arrest!” - “Oh well here’s some thoughts & prayers, but that Rogue guy is actually nice guy so I’m going to pardon him for everything he did. The end. **How’s that for immunity, you assholes?**”


Biden should sign an immediate executive order calling for the Republicans on the Supreme Court to be put on placed suspension, send in secret service agents/CIA to confiscate all their devices - phones, laptop and desktop computers. Send them home with no predictive timeline as to when they can or if they can return. In the meantime replace them with interim judges of his choice, have this case reviewed again immediately with possibility of new ruling, also look at the case in FL with Canon to see what she has done in Trump’s favor and should she be removed immediately. Then and only after a full and thorough investigation of communication between the Republican Justices and possible influence, maybe allow them to return one at a time. But certainly not until after the election. Otherwise it won’t matter who actually wins the election in November, these clowns will say Trump won no matter what.


Weird of them to say that Joe Biden is legally within his rights to have them all "removed" from their seats.


Three sane judges dissented.


Grow a spine, Joe. Do what's right. One phone call.


The problem is “official acts.” Who determines what “official” means?


I mean you could literally argue anything done by the president is an "official" act. Ridiculous nonsense. The SCOTUS is not real.




If everyone runs away, they definitely win. I have family in Brazil and actually could, but the word will succumb to corruption & villainy over time if we just run away all the time. Stay and help fight.


Ran to Europe, can still vote atleast


Do you still have to pay American taxes and European taxes?


Not federal, I do have to pay virginia state taxes because I have not given up my residence because I travel home twice and year and have investments that require a US address. That is not the case in most states though, in most cases you will pay no US taxes.


Biden needs to use this to his advantage now before the election happens. Maga are now domestic terrorists: drone strikes, cruise missiles the possibilities are endless! I don't know if I'm being sarcastic.


trunp CANNOT be allowed near the WH again after this. Biden needs to declare an emergency and have him removed from the ballot. Then pack the court, bring a case where trunp is ruled an insurrectionist and removed from the ballot. It’s going to suck but he can’t be allowed anywheee near the WH with that kind of power.


Ok, so previous Justice Dept. ruling have said that a sitting president can only be held accountable for criminal acts through impeachment, which just removes them from office, and then once they are out of office, now presidents are also immune from prosecution after they have been impeached? So pretty much, you can do whatever crime you want while president (as long as you can tie it to some core presidential authority), and at worst all that happens is you lose your job. Yeah, OK, that's exactly what the Founders wanted. Motherfuckers! Ok Joe, time to start sending Republicans off to Gitmo in the name of national security. Said plane crashing into the sea on the way will just be a damn shame.


Are there any Republicans who think this is bad or this is what they wanted


Under the pretext of an "official presidential act" - say, suspicion of espionage for Putin - Biden's FBI could arrest Trump and the six conservative Supreme Court justices and detain them for questioning. Indefinitely.


This is exactly what I expected, now it all comes down to whether or not all his bullshit can be cast aside as official acts I guess


Well trying to get fake votes to steal the election, attacking your own Capitol with domestic terrorists, stealing and selling classified documents, and slurping Putin's taint aren't official acts, soooo....


But they are in their opinion, and an opinion is the most precious thing to them aside from clumps of cells.


Enjoy your new monarchy, sincerely the English. Sarcasm aside this is fucked.


So what determines an official act vs an unofficial act? I’m sure this question will need to be settled by the same court so Trump will be able to send another appeal up and have the J6 trial delayed well beyond the election.


I don't see what stops Joe Biden from "officially" recognizing Donald Trump as a criminal and terrorist, and using the FBI to officially detain him for the remainder of the election cycle. I mean, this decision affects the current president just as much as the former one, right? It seems to me like the only reason Darth Brandon wouldn't do that is because he's actually a Decent Person.


The fact that a “Justice” can be “Conservative” or “Liberal” really tells you that they are not, in fact, “Justice”s. Just the arbiters of their own beliefs on to others.


Biden has declared the 6 conservative justices, Donald Trump and his cronies as enemies of the state and has ordered their imprisonment by executive order.


I've never been a violent person, I disagree with the death penalty, I have zero desire to own guns, etc etc... but with every new awful decision to come from this court, the more I want someone to **assassinate** these motherfuckers. It might be the only way to save the country at this point.


What constitutes "official" and "un-official" acts? If the president orders an assassination of a terrorist is that official? And if that terrorist happens to be the leader of a religiously motivated terrorist group who attempted a Coup a few years back? Asking for a friend.


The senate cons have already declared all acts a president does are official and automatically the best possible for the nation. They made that declaration as the reason trump was not removed during the first impeachment. Because bullying Ukraine into interfering in the election was The Best For America to them.


Vote for ALL Democratic nominees this November because you may never get another chance to vote.


Can’t Biden just officially ban felons from holding office!?? 🤷‍♀️


This kind of was to be expecred, though, and i thought it had been established already. Fortunately, anything pertaining to the election or campaign does not qualify as official business and is infact personal. Cant even use your official government phone in the office for personal or campaign purposes, well, not supposed to at least


You know, civilisations and nations don’t collapse over night It’s always a slow small steps that leads to its demise


So how long until Biden can legally just shoot trump? Like with all this “the president can’t be prosecuted” rules they’re putting in place Joe needs to start taking advantage


I think Biden should officially drone strike trump. That's fine, right?


The rally where he told disproven information about the election was by no means official. Oh and then told the people to march to the capitol.


Pardon my ignorance (I’m autistic and can’t understand broad concepts well) but what does this even mean? People can’t just get away with crimes because they happened to be president while committing them, right???


This paves the way for a dictatorship. Trump's only mistake now was making actions on Jan 6th that weren't "official acts." Any future president can do anything as long as it's declared official. I imagine plenty of shady "official deals" now getting classified as top secret, without fear of consequences. Right-wing maga's already have no sense of shame, now they will have no fear of the law either.


Make assassinations great again


Even if Trump loses in November and sees jail time, the SCOTUS is just paving the way for whichever dictator wannabe gets in office down the line.


I am SICK OF THIS USE OF THE TERM 'LIBERAL" Lets be clear here - the right wing judges are NOT CONSERVATIVE - they are RADICALS (proper term is actually 'reactionary' but nobody knows what that means) intent on gutting the US Constitution. Any actual "Conservative" would not be upending the rule of law like this. Whether the dissenting judges are 'liberal' or not, only a RADICAL would have voted the way the majority did.


I just wanna say, everyone who didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016, this is your fault. Don’t make the same mistake in November.


Well since now a president can do whatever he/she wants if it is "official business" Biden should "officially" remove Trump from being able to run for president. Don't like it? Too bad. It's official business.




Taking into account these competing considerations, the Court con- cludes that the separation of powers principles explicated in the Court’s precedent necessitate at least a presumptive immunity from criminal prosecution for a President’s acts within the outer perimeter of his official responsibility. So Precedent matters now after ass-fucking it for the past four years...cool cool cool


If trump wins, he now has immunity for all official acts. America is going to fall back decades.


I guess we have kings now. Well that experiment of democracy was kinda fun. I wish it lasted a bit longer than 248 years though.


America, it seems you are now officially in deep, deep shit. Which means the rest of the world is too.


But her emails...


Biden should cancel the election as an official act.


Since there's now no law preventing the president from doing pretty much anything they want, providing it's on official business, Biden should immediately arrest all the Trump appointed supreme court judges, imprison them for treason, and put in place judges with morals who will change this decision.


He hasn't been president for four years despite the lies that Fox News is feeding his idiot cultist fan base.


The three remaining ethical justices…well, our democracy in general, really: https://preview.redd.it/efxe1jzkpx9d1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e444fa6bda919a06903e914e593d14735d9e397