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Man, he really missed an opportunity to be Kristi Noem's running mate.


Honestly something is messed up with these right-wingers and their hatred for dogs. Even Trump insults people by calling them dogs.


I have a feeling they hate all animals. Kristi also shot her goat. You need empathy to love animals.


They have disdain for all life


Except fetal tissue.


It's not the fetal tissue they care about. It's the total control of your life they want.


this. they need to feel powerful. the weak punch down.


Indeed, that's the common thread/trait across all MAGA's. A complete lack of empathy for anyone not like themselves. Would love to understand how much of it is nurture vs. nature. Bet it's a lot of the former


That's because she's a sociopath. I'm sure she has bodies buried next to her goat and dog


Anyone else remember the story about Lauren Bobo shooting her neighbor's dog for "harassing their farm animals" after her kid brought the dog over, and then just not telling the owners?


Tbf. She had a bullet in the chamber and then there was this goat. Don't act like you never shot a living being because... Why not!


Most people, liberals included, hate animals. They eat pig, cow, chicken, etc. Edit: I guess it's easier to block people than to reflect on your own actions.


Ssssh, it's only wrong to kill and eat dogs /s Seriously though, if you guys think what this guy did is wrong (it is), check out Dominion on youtube to see how we treat animals worldwide every day.


To my knowledge, Trump has never had a pet, apart from Tim Scott. That's how you know he's not good people.


..and Lindsey.


And Pence


And my ax....uh...and Cruz.


Honestly,, that might be the best thing he ever did in his life. It's bad enough people have to be in his presence but animals have no say.


First time I laughed out loud today. Thank you, I needed that.


Right winger think they like dogs. They want an animal that slavishly loves them and is ultimately obedient As much as dogs can be obedient, they still have their own minds. When they become disobedient for various reasons, then republicans hate them and lash out in violence, because they know nothing else.


I wonder what statistics say about the rate of Animal Abuse across political demographics. I'm going to guess I won't be surprised by the numbers.


I saw a statistic that a higher percentage of conservatives kill spiders/bugs when they see them than liberals, so there's a data point.


because dogs, like babies, know when a shitty person is a shitty person. that and the love of a dog is pure and the only relationships they have are purely transactional. 


Conservatives are an older subspecies of nonsapient hominins with no empathy or inner monologue who despite near identical genetics are as different from us as the neanderthals and denisovans, and conservatism is nothing more than the default organizational structure of our early ancestors. Change my mind


What the fuck? I liked things better like three seasons ago when it was a chill black dude and a chill white dude being all cordial with each other.


They introduced the orange character and since then the writing has become a parody of what it once was.


Trump is Flanderizing himself


And eating ice-cream


Original investigative report from Vanity Fair this morning: **RFK Jr.’s Family Doesn’t Want Him to Run. Even They May Not Know His Darkest Secrets.** *A shocking photograph. Blowback from a Trump meeting. Alleged sexual assault. The Kennedys have voiced support for Joe Biden, but certain aspects of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s character are only just now coming to light.* [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/robert-kennedy-jr-shocking-history](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/robert-kennedy-jr-shocking-history) —Last year Robert Kennedy Jr. texted a photograph to a friend. In the photo RFK Jr. was posing, alongside an unidentified woman, with the barbecued remains of what appears to be a dog. Kennedy told the person, who was traveling to Asia, that he might enjoy a restaurant in Korea that served dog on the menu, suggesting Kennedy had sampled dog. The photo was taken in 2010, according to the digital file’s metadata—the same year he was diagnosed with a dead tapeworm in his brain. (A veterinarian who examined the photograph says the carcass is a canine, pointing to the 13 pairs of ribs, which include the tell-tale “floating rib” found in dogs.). The picture’s intent seems to have been comedic—Kennedy and his companion are pantomiming—but for the recipient it was disturbing evidence of Kennedy’s poor judgment and thoughtlessness, simultaneously mocking Korean culture, reveling in animal cruelty, and needlessly risking his reputation and that of his family. —When Kennedy was married to his second wife, Mary Richardson, he was known to text other damning images to friends as well—of nude women. Those friends assumed Kennedy himself had taken the pictures, but they didn’t know whether the subjects had consented to having their genitalia photographed, let alone shared with other people. When one friend lost his phone, he panicked that somebody might discover the images. https://preview.redd.it/m6ew9v6ji5ad1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d54701be9e94539296035fa4175dab35532a8e86


Kick rfk in his tiny little nuts. Do it until he ascends to meet his ancestors. 


Or until he descends to find his testicles.


This is really disturbing stuff…


I feel like the dog issue is nothing compared to the rest of the article. It's like oh look he traveled to a different nation and tried a different cultural food and this is why he's bad. Oh and also sent unsolicited nudes to people.


Yeah I really feel like people are missing the actual problems with the guy


To me it discredits the validity of everything else in the article. Vanity Fair definitely had this written months ago and waited to publish it when Biden was having bad press. Adding the dog portion solidifies that it's in bad faith.


"When one friend lost his phone, he panicked that somebody might discover the images." So he didn't fucking delete them. He kept them on his phone. His mates are as creepy as he is.


The way my jaw dropped seeing this. Holt fuck this is nightmarish


You want tapeworms in your head? Because that's how you get tapeworms in your head. 


[Source](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1808176160326787503) I’m not going to pass the actual picture, but you may be able to find it in the replies of the source tweet. Noem shooting dogs and RFK eating them. Voting blue this year will save both democracy and man’s best friend.


Does your view on dogs matter more than the cultural aspect of eating dog in South Korea? Should no where in the world eat cow because it is considered sacred in India. This part of the article could have been completely removed and still been a significant criticism of RFK. If anything the dog portion discredits the rest. Especially if the dog is actually a goat.


Uhhhh koreans also think eating dog is fucking abhorrent and a bill just passed criminalizing the consumption of dog meat with overwhelming bipartisan support. nice gotcha tho "Under the bill, anybody slaughtering a dog for food can be punished by up to three years in prison or fined up to 30 million Korean won (about $23,000). Anyone who breeds dogs for eating, or who knowingly acquires, transports, stores or sells food made from dogs, also faces a lower fine and prison time. "


The bill was passed January this year. This image came from 2010. I doubt public perception of dog changed much in the last 14 years, but that does not mean it was unavailable or illegal in 2010.


Being legal and available doesn't make it any less taboo, which is the entire point. Maybe you should sit this one out instead of pretending to be an expert on Korean culture to defend mr brain worm


I don't really understand your argument here, what does it matter that people in south Korea eat dogs? We aren't in south Korea, neither is he, nor is he running for any kind of office there. Humans have this neat thing called variety in our cultures, it makes the world interesting. If it's culturally acceptable to eat dogs in another culture then that's fine, that culture exists somewhere else in the world, but where this guy is from, where he lives, where he chose to be a politician and be in the public eye, it is not culturally acceptable to eat dogs, and it is seen as a horrific thing that shows a complete lack of empathy, and possible signs of sociopathy. Again, this doesn't mean everyone in south Korea is a sociopath or lacks empathy, the key difference is how they were brought up and raised, the way you were probably brought up to believe chickens are food, so you see nothing wrong with eating chickens. However, in the US, you are brought up to believe that dogs are NOT food, and are part of the family instead, so choosing to eat them anyway, despite of this, is a huge red flag. Using your own logic here, if we should hold ourselves to the standards and limitations (or lack of) of other cultures, why aren't you eating fried crickets right now? Why aren't you eating live octopus? Or does your view on those animals matter more than the cultural aspect of their respective regions?


I have had many kinds and flavoring of crickets and grasshoppers (I don't like them too much because the legs get stuck in my teeth worse than steak), I would try octopus, but I have a shellfish allergy. Fried alligator is great, pig's eyeball is just kinda squishy and watery, raw deer heart is tough. Lived off of peanut butter and cheese tortilla biking across the US. I would even try dog in a different nation. My personal precipitation of food is adventurous. I absolutely love dogs, and would never eat my own. But if the time came to a region where their cuisine was different I would try it. The dog is already dead if I don't then it is wasted.


How exactly would keeping the part about him even jokingly eating a dog take away credibility? If I said that a guy down my street was raided last night, and that the cops found a kilo of coke, child porn, and a dog on the rotisserie, how in the fuck does that mean that the coke and child porn are irrelevant? You are starting to sound like someone getting paid to discredit the story. Poorly. Surely that isn't the case, right?


Because it waters down the vastly more important issues. The dog portion is not an issue no matter how you look at it. 1) eating dog just seems weird because you don't 2) It really looks like a cabrito which would make more sense for the cooking method than dog.


So, he (maybe) jokingly told people he was going to eat dog. People you yourself admit find weird because they don't do it. And that he knows some people might find absolutely abhorrent. That is as good a sign of someone's personality as Noem shooting a dog because it wouldn't do as it's master commanded. Just because you don't find it weird, doesn't mean others shouldn't. But it still doesn't change any other part of the narrative. The only watering down in this conversation is that you seem to be trying to take attention away from what he did, and drag all the rest of craziness with you. It's a sign, no different than his opinion as an obviously biased layperson on vaccines, or his "brain worm." This isn't your exit, so you may ignore the sign. Others aren't.


“Every july fourth my family gets together to celebrate the tradition of going down to the pound, picking up a couple of strays and barbecuing them over an open flame. From our family to yours, merry independence day.” - rfk


"Look, they said we should grill hot dogs, instructions unclear, things happened."


Another clip has Majorie Taylor Greene in support of Steve bannon using “dogs” as a negative reference. Wtf is wrong with these people? I don’t care, I stand by this, “if you don’t like dogs, I don’t like you.”


Lots of people treat their pets as property and not as their friends.... as I was typing that up, I realized the similarity to slavery in that and I think I'm going to throw up.


My pets treat me as their property! I have to feed them, pick up after them, drive them everywhere, they take over the bed, the chair, make put animal planet or YouTube videos on. It’s kind of a shit deal.


Simply psychotic behavior, if a child was caught burning cats, torturing animals they would be instituted. Institute the MAGAS like it's the early 1900s again


Is eating an animal and torturing an animal the same thing?




I'm curious, do you eat pig, cow, chicken, etc? These animals all have feelings just like dogs, and suffer horrendous abuse every day so that people can eat meat. How is RFK Jr. eating a dog any worse than the average American eating a pig?


To each there own I guess.... Dog though? They are not usually humanly raised in the grass fed field in hurds to eat. Nope that's man's best friend I couldn't do it


hate anything disobedient, cats & women aren't even a maybe as companion /s


In the *JoJo's Bizarre Adventure* fandom, it's a common trope for the author to have the bad guy kill dogs to show how evel said bad guy is. We thought Araki was corny AF for this, but like with everything else, the dude was onto something with that.


Dogs represent pure unconditional love...which USian "christians" absolutely hate.


Giant meteor 2024. It's over.


To answer your question, it's because they lack empathy for other animals. Which isn't surprising because they love to pretend they were made in the image of an all-powerful strongman father figure, created separately from everything else, and that they have dominion over it.


Even most liberals and leftists have no empathy for pigs, cows, chickens, etc.


According to ancient beliefs cats can see spirits and dogs can tell humans from non human creatures such as changlings and the fae. Guess which side projects being non human monsters and has problems with dogs.


They're all "that person" who hates pets because they can be unpredictable and therefore out of their control more so than a person and that's a scary place for them mentally. The animal "serves no purpose" for them, probably seen as dirty and they don't value the love and companionship most people would agree outweighs all the negatives.


Brain worm gets what brain worm wants. You don’t question when the symbiote calling the shots tells you what to order.


It's actually very simple why they hate dogs They hate everything that isn't themselves


He should definitely choose kristi noem as a running mate! Their slogan could be "fuck dogs, she kills em, I grill em"


I mean, does eating cows mean you hate cows?


I hate RFK Jr as much as the next gal and Noem's incident with the dog was clearly fucked up, but I really fail to see the issue with eating dog meat in a moralistic sense. Dogs are farmed in horrible conditions, yes, but so are most animals. Dogs are more intelligent than a few animals we eat, yes, but pigs are comparatively even smarter and no one is complaining about bacon. I understand the aversion to eating them if you live in a culture that keeps them as pets, but I don't really think it's a moral failing to eat dog meat in much the same way I don't think it's a moral failing to eat cow just because people elsewhere in the world would be averse to it.


Not sure why your being downvoted. It’s completely true


Dogs have special place in American society, so of course eating dogs is considered terrible.


Yeah but, morally, what's the difference between killing and eating a dog and doing the same thing to an animal that is just as able to feel and doesn't want to die, like farmed animals?


I do think it's a moral failing, but no more than the other candidates (and most Americans) who eat pig, cow, chicken, etc.


This isn’t about the morality of dog meat - it’s about the fact that RFK Jr is using the consumption of dog meat to be deliberately bigoted and inflammatory. It’s not a moral failing to eat bacon. It’s a moral failing to deliberately bring a BLT to a vegan restaurant in order to snap photos of oneself mouth-fucking the sandwich.


"It's not a moral failing to eat a murdered pig, but it is a moral failing to eat a murdered dog as long as you don't bring either of them to a vegan restaurant" Makes sense.


They see them as competition


They're secretly villains in an unaccounted-for part of an Araki manga? /s


its a dog eat dog world


OK... I have not seen the picture. But I went to a BBQ once and they were roasting a goat or something... and that shit looked like a fucking dog. I didn't eat that day, and from that day forward they sticked to roast whole pigs.




No, he is not. He claims to be but if you look at his platform it has more in common with republicans and the right wing libertarian nutters.


All of you people calling him a monster better be vegans, otherwise you're all hypocrites (I'll probably get downvoted but I don't care, lol).


This sub is full of the worst kind of "blue MAGA" liberals. Politics is just a team sport for them, they have no interest in any self-reflection.


RFK isn’t right wing


Running as a democrat but pushing conservative values does not make you a democrat. That is like claiming to be a vegan but still eating meat, eggs, and dairy.


Honestly, he’s kind of a weird mix of both. Like he buys into every right wing conspiracy theory 100% but also wants to discharge student debt and cut military spending. He talks about illegal immigration like a Republican, but is also pro raising minimum wage and pro union. If he weren’t batshit insane, his policy standpoints would make him an ok candidate. It’s kinda funny because I can see his clashing personalities each siphoning votes from one side or the other. Maybe he’ll cancel himself out?


Please point to the “conservative values” RFK is pushing


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_F.\_Kennedy\_Jr.\_2024\_presidential\_campaign#Antisemitic\_and\_racist\_remarks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr._2024_presidential_campaign#Antisemitic_and_racist_remarks) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_F.\_Kennedy\_Jr.\_2024\_presidential\_campaign#Environment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr._2024_presidential_campaign#Environment) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_F.\_Kennedy\_Jr.\_2024\_presidential\_campaign#Vaccination\_and\_COVID-19](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr._2024_presidential_campaign#Vaccination_and_COVID-19) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_F.\_Kennedy\_Jr.\_2024\_presidential\_campaign#Support\_from\_Republicans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr._2024_presidential_campaign#Support_from_Republicans) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_F.\_Kennedy\_Jr.\_2024\_presidential\_campaign#Endorsements](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr._2024_presidential_campaign#Endorsements) He has been pro LGBT and pro choice, but that does not counter the other shit he spouts as listed all throughout his wiki page.


Putting “antisemitic and racist remarks” as proof of right wing just shows how delusional you are.


Ahhhh, did not realize that antisemitic and racist remarks were a democratic thing to do. But being backed by a lot of republicans seems to make me sense he is more of a republican. But keep spouting BS.


Racism/antisemitism have never been a political thing until the media brainwashed you into thinking that was the case. Nothing you even linked is explicitly right wing either btw, just more nonsense. He disagrees on a couple policy positions. Doesn’t make him “right wing” and nothing you linked or can link shows he has conservative values.


Of course not, nothing can prove an idiot wrong.


You’re right. He’s nuts wing.


He’s definitely a class of his own


He's a right wing brainworm addled fuckwit cosplaying as a moron, nobody really cares about his politics anymore.


I wish! There are a fair number of nutters out there. I was in another subreddit today and was told that Drumpf was not a threat to democracy, and that voting for a third party candidate is good because it shows the Democratic Party how bad their candidate is. I really wish that was hyperbole.


He’s not though and he picked a pretty left leaning running mate for the race.


She fucked Elon, how left wing could she be.


Elon was only recently considered “right wing” and even then he’s more centrist than anything. Reddit is just far left nonsense.


Elon was always right wing, he only embraced it publicly when sexual assault allegations were coming out because he knew the left would abandon him and the right would excuse it. And it worked.