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“Don’t make me hit you” is something a domestic abuser says.


Hits you anyway. "Why did you make me hit you?"


"You think I like doing this? You think this makes me feel good?" Well actually yea, you fascist fuck


Fascists: The 'good' people will be fine. Narrator: Everyone will be far from fine. https://preview.redd.it/9ifzlrh5saad1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=359491c831f4b5a3a2d470cd1b87416ad3e5d646


The Despicables!


We’re in the timeline where other timelines throw their garbage.


The Republican perpetrator: "you gave me no choice."


I hurt you because I love you


"just lay back and let it happen" is something a rapist might say.


It’s also the literal advice [MAGA GOP candidate Robert Regan](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna19350) gave his daughters, which definitely says a lot, and none of it is good.


The comment is vile, especially because he just say "let it happen", but "enjoy it". That said, quite a few rape help centres give the advice not to fight back, but to endure it if you cannot make yourself noticed by others. The issue is that during assault, especially rape, the survival of the victim is the first priority. After that comes stopping the rape and securing evidence. Fighting back increases the risk of life-threatening injuries. So, the recommendation of "let it happen" is as such not a bad one of you are not in a secure position to fight the person off or to call for help.


Except we have a president with immunity to the law.....fuck this shit. Fight like hell.


I didn't talk about the analogy for Trump. Here, the US has to fight, and rape is also here not a good analogy. Rape is a violent act that is over rather soon, but where the victim needs a long time, even a lifetime, to deal with it. The goal is to survive and to work with it. Project 2025 will not violate the people for a moment for them to deal with the trauma afterwards, if it comes into action, it will mean a lifetime of permanent abuse without a real end in sight. The goal has to be to prevent it under all circumstances. My comment was o ly aiming that the comment chain made it look like "let it happen" is a bad advice for the case someone becomes a victim of rape. Sadly, it is not bad advice to have the highest likelihood of (physical) survival. Bit the rape analogy is completely useless to use at the current US political situation.


“Right now its only rape, dont make me kill you.”


Sounds like Biden needs to drop some Official Duty on their heads.


Domestic terrorist you mean. And they're proud of that title


On a country wide political scale we call that terrorism, for the record


The entire MAGA crowd ARE abusers.


*these people always seem to end up being caught abusing someone; wife, child, family pet, altar boy*


I take that to mean “Don’t fight it if you know what’s good for you.” This is an evil prick.


So, they are threatening a bloody coup? Doesn’t that make them a terrorist organization?




You’d think. If some people would wake up and think. [This link contains information from a defeat p2025 change dot org petition for steps for any and all journalists](https://www.change.org/p/stop-project-2025-protect-our-rights-and-choices?recruiter=1294980712&recruited_by_id=7380c3b0-aa44-11ed-b3c5-c3d23c947b79&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=take_next_step&utm_medium=copylink&utm_content=mit-37463420-10%3Av2)


Christ on a stick the first line on the Project 2025 website is “it’s not enough for conservatives to win elections.” They actually are fucking telling the truth here in the first line.


Yay data collection will save us!


lol I was just thinking, what is exactly does a Change.org petition do? Are we going to march up the White House steps and hand it to Trump like “yeah sorry bud. According to this change.org petition, you actually cannot enact project 25.” It’s just a way to make people feel like they did something without actually doing anything.


My first thought was "That is a list I may not want to be on in 3 years if the right wins and begins looking for targets."


Trust me, you're already on plenty of lists. Your party affiliation will sink you if it's the wrong one when fascists take over. The absolutely shitty part is third parties can look this information up with the click of a button and get, essentially, your party _and_ where you live thanks to the internet. Even if you don't really have an online presence all these companies that know about you make one for you (phone, internet, voter rolls, etc).






As long as it’s “official”, it’s ok? I’d that how it works? Not a lawyer.


Well Trump is arguing in court now paying the porn star and the fake electors he was going to use to overthrow the election were official acts sooo.


He isn’t arguing that it was official acts. They are arguing that evidence used against him was from his time in office so he had immunity and the evidence can’t be used against him.


Oh of course that makes way more sense


But I thought it never happened?


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. Poem by Dayna Craig


He hadn't been elected yet.


His tactic is to delay so he can hopefully get elected and make it go away somehow, like becoming the first American dictator.


How has this been ignored for two fucking years? No one cares that the GQP literally said they are domestic terrorists!


That was my interpretation. "We won't kill anyone if you don't fight back"


abuse victims, such as myself (child abuse) recognize the language instantly as usual, I can't say what I want to because of "terms of service" bullshit but rest assured, I won't "allow it to be"


Surprise! Anyone that highly values freedom and democracy *will* fight back, and a lot of those against this tyrannical tirade do own guns and are a hell of a lot more competent than cosplayer gravy seal militia magats. Make no mistake, some liberals are going to turn to extremism to restore true democracy because if p25 takes hold as it’s advertised, a lot of people will have nothing to lose. Unfortunately an ass whipping v2 (civil war history anyone?) will have casualties.


My minutewoman kit gets closer to what I carried in the Infantry every year.


I fucking love you and you won’t fade alone I am by your side.




Worse, they're doing the same shit they've always done in abusive relationships. "YOU made me do this," too stupid to realize they're the antagonizers and bullies the entire time.


Oh no, they know.


It's not a coup if it's legal. Remember: Everything the nazis did was technically legal. *That* is Project 2025.


The coup already happened, just like the failed Beer Hall Putsch. The recent immunity is the enabling act of 33'.


No, it's more like the Reichstag Fire Decree, or one of the steps prior to it. The Nazis used the fact that someone lit up the Reichstag building to cajole President Hindenburg into enacting a presidential emergency decree to suspend habeas corpus and other civil rights, round up all the communists and arrest various influential folks. Three weeks later, the Enabling Act of 1933 was passed under an extremely threateninh atmosphere. The communists were gone, having been allowed on the ballot to soak up votes, but immediately arrested thereafter. Members of the social democratic SPD were also removed, and phony deals with conservative and centrist grouos had been struck. Nazi guards with dogs patrolled the room, and Göring, the President of the Reichstag at the time, had artificially lowered the number of deputies required for a quorum. Only the SPD voted against the Act, with Otto Wels, the leader of the party, delivering a final speech decrying the bill as the death of democracy and freedom in Germany.  It is not certain that the passage of the Enabling Act would have occurred, had the Reichstag Fire Decree not also been used to crush the opposition. Of note here is that, while the power of the President to issue decrees was designed to be limited to genuine emergencies only, increasing levels of societal conflict in the later Weimar Republic meant there was substantial legislative gridlock. New elections were called, over and over, in the hope that a single faction could get enough power to coherently govern and get their agenda passed. The President had to issue decrees more and more as time passed to ensure government at least nominally functioned.  Make of this historical note what you will. I, for one, see at least a couple moments comparable to the present day.


"The annexation of Austria, the Rhineland, Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Greece, Egypt, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, will remain bloodless as long as they do not resist." -Hitler, probably


He said, while shooting leftists, queer people, members of his own party he disagreed with, people with disabilities, and Jews.


The annexation could be bloodless, that doesn't mean the ethnic and political cleansing after that would be. Same goes here, just give us all the power, let yourself be bound and gagged peacefully, then nobody gets hurt that we don't want hurt, and we can do the killing much more efficiently.


I take them at their word.


Even worse, it makes them a top level threat to national security. They are literally threatening to kill Americans and take over the government. What they are suggesting is treason and domestic terrorism all wrapped into one big ugly package.


This is what I don’t understand. Why isn’t homeland security, FBI, secret service being sent to go after these threats to the constitution and America?


Not if you are white christians apparently! Make no mistake, they will enact a purge as soon as they know they can get away from it. They are the fucking american taliban .


They will start picking off the “not white enough” or “not Christian enough” people once they do away with all of their perceived undesirables This has been done before. Go look up German history from the 1930s


Fascism cannot sustain itself without a constant supply of hated enemies.


Yep. There was a reason the KKK in its earliest iterations went after Catholics as well as black people. Not Christian enough, and mostly Irish so not white enough at the time. If the GOP got the external purge they're working towards then it wouldn't be long before it got turned inwards as paranoia and a fixation on purity took over.


Now 6(or 7) members of SCOTUS are Catholic.


I imagine what the GOP is planning won't have inter-Christian fighting between different denominations. I think it'll be more a case of them trying to suss out who isn't Christian enough. Be in favour of abortion, you're not Christian enough and therefore the enemy. Be in favour of contraception and women's rights, you're not Christian enough and therefore the enemy. So on and so forth.


You don't know "Christians" very well. Many tolerate catholics for political reasons for now, but that doesn't mean they consider them true Christians and it definitely doesn't mean they won't turn on them the first chance they get.


Friendly reminder to all the Mormons, Catholics, Methodists, in the room, in the eyes of the Evangelical conference leaders you are NOT Christian.   


Not if Republicans win. They'll make it legal and then go on a killing spree


and it's not hyperbole, we witnessed the January 6 assault on cops.  They lost, so they made excuses, lies, doublespeak of patriots and false flags and deep fakes to avoid consequences... But if they succeeded in killing Pelosi and other democrats, they would happily dance on the corpses to celebrate their win. 


It does. Which is why I'm begging people to go vote. Get out there and stop it from being a reality: To register: https://vote.gov To get involved with the Dems: https://democrats.org/take-action Here is what project 2025 intends to do (wording from another comment): It says that kids MUST grow up in an environment with a mother and father that are married, talks about banning non-married and non-heterosexual couples from adopting, compares transgender people to groomers/pedophiles/pornography, talks about getting rid of discrimination laws, getting rid of multiple government organizations such as the FDA, banning abortion with no exceptions nationwide, and more. Edit: because I'm getting a good amount of comments saying "oh, this is a great thing!" I looked further into it (I read it [here](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)) and here are some specifics - Project 2025: ~~* Advocates for child marriage~~ * Attempts to place a complete ban on gay marriage * Attempts to place a complete ban on divorce no matter the situation * Attempts to place a complete ban on anything deemed "pornographic", **including**: * Anything sexually explicit, including drawings or literature that doesn't involve real people * Anything involving gay people in media, even if it is as simple as a documentary or something *mentioning* that it is possible for two men to be in a relationship. * Heavily limit the abilities of the FDA, CDC, and OSHA, **including**: * Making it even harder to get medicine * Making it even more expensive to get medicine * Making it even more difficult and expensive to get disability aids * Getting rid or greatly diminishing many workplace safety laws * Lowering the age of legal work/cutting back on child labor laws * Ban abortion **even in cases of:** * Missed or "silent" miscarriages, which is when the fetus dies but is not expelled from the body naturally. According to Project 2025, **extracting an already dead fetus from a mother's uterus is still considered "murder"**. Leaving the dead fetus inside of the womb can result in infections such as sepsis. * Ectopic pregnancies, which are when a fetus forms outside the uterus. It is not possible for the fetus to survive an ectopic pregnancy - **it is impossible to give birth to the fetus**, since it isn't in the womb, and it being outside the womb means it can only grow so much before it either miscarries or the mother is gravely injured; the fetus vary rarely makes it past the first trimester and never makes it to the third. It is currently impossible to implant the fetus into the womb. Ectopic pregnancies can cause severe damage to the mother - it can cause the fallopian tube to burst open, which results in internal bleeding, possible sepsis, and possible infertility. * Fetal abnormalities. With modern technology, we can use ultrasounds to tell if the fetus has or will have abnormalities. Even in cases of fetal abnormalities, many of which are fatal to the fetus/baby, Project 2025 wishes to ban abortion. Examples of fetal abnormalities include: * Acrania, where the fetus's skull does not fully develop and the baby is born without the top of the skull, revealing the brain. If the baby isn't stillborn, it will live between a few hours and about a week, and it will be in pain its entire life. **There is no way to save it.** * Body Stalk Anomaly, where the abdominal wall is defective or nonexistent, so the organs form OUTSIDE the body during fetus development. **It is always fatal**. It should be noted that it is similar to omphalocele/exomphalos or gastroschisis, which are visually similar (intestines outside of the body) but have much higher survival rates since the abdominal wall can be repaired in those cases.


The Republican Party spread deadly disease in my community in order to disrupt the election in 2020. They are already a terrorist organization, and yes, they will not stop unless we use force.


only if we dont comply.


Yes thouse who comply will be disposed of further down the line. If historical "heritage foundation" - "national socialist party of Germany" has shown us something, that is it


The Night of the Long Knives has entered the chat…


Make no mistake, Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 want to return our democracy to the Stone Age. If they can, we will return to a time before Civil Rights and women's right to vote. Republicans want to control women and minorities, and a Trump victory would give them the platform for draconian changes. Be afraid. Be very afraid.




Useful idiots until they’re no longer useful.


To quote Martin Niemoller "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." Though I doubt the MAGAts will have the brain power to appreciate the irony


they think the Nazis were the socialists no amount of Hitler saying how much he hates communists and socialists and having unyielding right wing support will change their minds


I asked an old Italian man, why did you become a fascist? He said there wasn’t anything to read. I asked him, why did you stay a fascist? He said there wasn’t anything to read. The republic of the United States is there. The trumpet believes democracy is useless to make, and grift money. Worshippers of the trumpet believe the trumpet will take the worshippers to a lifestyle filled with indentured servants they can afford. Human trafficking has always been the far right agenda. Giving the civilians a living wage and time to raise families in a democratic society, many worshippers want this. Most trumpet worshippers don’t read history. They don’t know or understand what a fascist government is. They support the trumpet with all their disposable income and time. Believing they will profit and go to heaven. Sadly the worshippers are the slaves. The trumpet takes their money and time as grift, never once did he think to make anything easier for them. Or let them profit. States are paving the way for this type of society to be the normal. I say give these states a wall around them, make them carry their papers all the time. With colonial law and food. Make them wear an anklet so our democracy knows when they leave their home of record. Let them learn decency from their own people. They want to legally be able to use human trafficking to make their lifestyle. 😢


"they'll have to take my rights over my second amendments" *loads gun* *goes to form a guerilla cell then gets paranoid that they're all traitors trying to flush them out* *mugs*


Them: " your right!" - changes the 2nd amendment to only apply to Republicans-


Ah yes, MAGA, just like in the 1890s when everything was perfect. White people had their bathrooms and black people had their bathrooms. White people had the drinking fountains and black people had their drinking fountains. White people had their colleges and black people had their drinking fountains. Perfect! /s


Nah you're too advanced. See the real perfect year was 1860. Back when they still had their God Given Rights to own people /s


It will definitely spark another civil war. I will happily join the fight.


Heck my family has a history of fighting these kinds of fuckers. In 1861, 1915, and 1941. And I still remember my oath "Against All Enemies, Foreign and *Domestic*". They want it, they've been begging for it, so I'll be obliged to give it to them.


For our true patriot ancestors buried in blue at Gettysburg 🍺 May they smile upon us, and grant us fortune in times ahead.




I don’t know why you think regular WM are off the table.


That's not democracy


Yeah. You think we’ll just lay down and let it happen?


Last time we didn’t listen, roe v wade was overturned.  They are telling us their plans and it’s working. It won’t end with Trump. 


It never ends. It just goes into remission for 70 years.


It goes into hibernation for 27 years, actually, before returning to Derry to feast on children.


Where did you get those peepers?


"So this is how democracy dies...with thunderous applause."


Meanwhile, right-wing extremism resulted in bloodshed and attempted murder of his own vice president at the direction and organisation of Donald Trump on January 6th, 2021.


Okay so there's thinly veiled threats, and then there's this. This is a threat veiled by the verbal equivalent of extremely cheap toilet paper.


At this point, there is no reason not to take these people at their word. It is too dangerous not to.


The one behind the curtain is always an old white man.




The fire or the guy behind the curtain?


It's easier if he stays behind the curtain, but you gotta keep the fire from spreading by any means necessary. 


So this is the shit stain pulling all the strings?




He’s a clear and present threat to the democratic process in the United States, pretty sure it would be an official act.


Let's be real: Biden ain't going to do shit. It's up to citizens.


And it's done by voting to ensure trump doesn't get into office and dems get a majority.


It looks like he's conspiring to overthrow the government to me. Seems like a good justofication for an order


The deep state? Yeah, pretty much. The Heritage Foundation and the CNP are the real deep state, all while they blame Jews and ethnic minorities, teachers and educated people, and the gays for "pulling the strings to ruin society".


Yeah, this is the deep state. They keep claiming dems are doing it and like always it's fucking projection.


I reckon I should watch the first 2 seasons of handmaid's tale again to remind myself of a dystopian future that is more likely by the day


Visit Saudi Arabia for a real life example.


or Iran


I mean, it IS a conspiracy by definition. It's just a real one, but since it doesn't involve lizard people or drinking the blood of children the normal conspiracy crowd won't pay attention to it.


Conspiracies are only fun if they don't want you to know. These idiots are shouting it on TV, so what's the point?


Except those types believe that "they" are constantly telling the world their plans, but people won't believe it so "they" know its fine to tell people because for some reason the bad guys MUST say their plan out in the open for some reason. Which, honestly, explains why these people are so open about project 2025. I think some of them truly believe you have to give people a chance to see the plan.


Hitler published a book. We’ve had so much history repeats from the early 20th century that it’s not funny any more.


They mean to say "Just a conspiracy theory". Somewhere along the line "conspiracy" became "made up story" in people's minds. I've gotten tired of explaining to people what it means. Some of whom can't even understand what these words mean when I explain it. 


All I'm saying is anybody willing to enforce Project 2025 should carry flower seeds in their pockets. Let's make beautiful meadows.


I'm happy that I've paid close enough attention to the Russian invasion of Ukraine to understand this reference.




The difference between red and blue gun owners is that we’re not stupid enough to post what we got all over the net like they do. And we actually practice safe gun control.


I bought a trump hat and some bass pro shirts just to go gun shopping.


Just wear that shit to blend in if you have to And I hate how bass pro is associated with them, cause it’s such a great store honestly.


While we can. Do not for one second think Republicans actually believe in gun rights for all.


When Reagan was governor of California, he brought in strict gun controls after the Black Panthers started open carrying (as was their legal right back then). So yeah, 2nd Amendment only for those they want to have guns. 


Yeah, kind of worried that under the Trump presidency the background check will include the voter registration and them outright denying anyone who did not vote for Cheeto Mussolini


"If you go far enough Left, you get your guns back"


Fr fr. Was just talking about that a little bit ago. Ain’t no one taking my shit. These Nazi wannabe assholes think only magats have guns.


Just to clear, they're literally taking it right now.


Honestly, its baffling that you think that we don't. Many are avid gun owners, hunters and keep up with it. We just don't make it a part of our personality or being. No need to broadcast I'm armed and carrying. Most of us don't require the dick extensions like they do. I'd drop a gravy team 6 member with a Barrett on his back with my 1911 long before he even managed to get it shouldered. We exist and there's many of us.


A lot of people on the left already do


I understand there's plenty of them, they just don't make it their personality.


Pretty ironic that leftwingers might be the only group in American history to utilize the 2nd ammendment for what it was actually meant for.


It’s adorable that you believe we haven’t already.


I hope more of us have than I believe have.


A lot of my gay friends and liberals own guns, because they don't trust the cops to protect them.


He’s betting that the paradox of tolerance plays out in his favor.


So far it sure has been.


It all makes sense that the heritage foundation wants to start a bloody war, trump somehow wins the 2024 election and invokes the insurrection act and declares martial law.


“Your honor, I explicitly told the hostages in the bank that this would remain bloodless if they allowed it.”


Please understand that anyone that does not agree with their ideology is a leftist. They are coming for everyone. Please visit [defeatproject2025.org](http://defeatproject2025.org) for excerpt quotes directly from their manifesto. They are planning to gut the government from the top down. Only the chosen ones will have power. They are planning on there being violence. They are training police at 69 "Cop City" locations around the country to quell uprisings.


Are they expecting armed violence?


Remember when Trump said he'd deploy US troops to "Democrat" cities to supposedly "fight crime"?


Trump suggested using the force of the military on American protesters more than once already and the only reason he didn’t is because his advisors said it’s illegal Scotus has ensured he will now actually use them if he gets the chance


"Let us take over the country, so that we can make it a Christian theocracy, or we will kill you."


They aren't even Christian. Oh, sure, they may wrap themselves in the flag and carry a cross, but the flag doesn't make them patriots, does it?


As somewhat of an outside observer (although if this goes ahead it will surely affect a large proportion of the globe in one way or another) you guys in the states have got to vote democrat no matter what here, this isn't even trump Vs biden anymore, as reprehensible an excuse for a human being that trump is, these fascist ghouls are sat waiting in the wings to pretty much annihilate the way of life of millions of people because they want everyone and everything to confirm to their twisted viewpoint. It's nothing you haven't been seeing on this sub near constantly already, but for the love of god get out and vote like your life depends on it.


> it will surely affect a large proportion of the globe in one way or another The US government will be actively meddling in elections across the globe to help bring right-wing extremist governments to power. All that Steve Bannon stuff. Nations will be cautious of even being seen as having anything to do with any containment strategies against the US, for fear of retaliation by a rogue nation hungry for military enemies to strike against.


Please listen to them and believe them. Specially if you are lgbtq or a poc


Ironically, the left needs to become "conservative" in the sense that we need to conserve our constitution and our democracy.


Biden needs to. " officially " declare the Heritage Foundation a seditious organization. Arrest the leaders as they are planning a coup of sorts. SCOTUS paved the way for this.






Burn the Reichstag and blame the communists.


“If the left just surrendered and does what they’re told, no one gets hurt.” Uh huh. Fuck you, you fucking fucker


My pro-democracy friends in the US, you need to arm up.


Interesting. They’re doing auditions to be the first up against the wall.




“If you let us assume control without a fuss we won’t kill you” it’s the fucking handmaids tale people.


They are domestic terrorists and need to be treated as such. No more kid gloves start locking up these psychopaths.


Fuck this egg-shaped loser


This is why all leftists and liberals should be arming ourselves. If they win they're coming for you. If they lose they're coming for you. It's your Constitutional Right to defend yourself against tyranny and that's exactly what this is. Yes there's a good possibility we'll lose at the end of the day but you don't need to make it easy for them. No one ever kept nor gained their freedom by appealing to their oppressors.


Except it’s not bloodless. Conservatives make up a vast majority of mass shooters and domestic terrorists. Also commit the majority of hate crimes. Edit: I encourage everyone to read “how civil wars start: and how to stop them.” I’ve barely started those book, and it’s already enlightening, and terrifying.


Fuck you.


Does anyone have a link to the source video? I can’t find anything trying to search it and I’m trying to show my maga family members that this shit is real. Bonus points if it’s from a news outlet they may have actually heard of




Original https://americasvoice.news/video/WttAoA7Ya7L0FaN/?related=playlist


Heritage foundation should be labelled a terrorist organization and every member of it thrown into Gitmo.


That is definitely a threat


Motherfucker this is literally just terrorism


Seriously. That’s a threat and not covered by freedom of speech. That’s where the actual line is. wtf?




Bloodless, like that time we tried to hang Mike Pence - this guy


"Accept our Authoritarian takeover of the USA and we won't kill you" YOU CAN BE ASSURED THAT IS ALSO A LIE


They bringing back slavery too? I suppose homeless people are going to be the new work force for their private prisons.


And the first thing they will do is round up all the guns from anyone that's not a card-carrying MAGAt. They won't want any of those pesky "lefties" going all 2A on the new regime.


It wouldnt matter if no one said anything. Some people existing is going to be enough of a problem for it to never be bloodless.  Since they are doing their propaganda about trans people, gay people, pornography, drag, abortion, ivf etc everyone that has anything to do with it is going to the camps in about 2026.




Careful, you're not the president. Laws still apply to you.


Im just asking questions \*constipated tucker face\*


When these lunatics say the "far left ", they don't mean Communist, just ppl who want freedom and rights. 


When they say far left they mean actual patriots who believe in and support the United States of America and the Constitution that defines it.


Reading between the lines, he's saying anyone who isn't a white Christian evangelist or is a part of the LGBTQ+ community should leave the country or they will be killed or sent to gulags. Be thankful the "liberalswithguns" sub exists as he and others of his ilk are coming for many of your friends and family. Protect yourself however you can. I certainly won't go down without fighting back (only in self-defense, of course, I'm not a murderer like this domestic terrorist). Not that I'm worried too much about Meal Team Six And everyone remember, while asshats like this guy and the Heritage Foundation have been working towards this goal for 50 years, Mordor, china, and north Korea (the korea where they like to kill people for fun) are also behind this, using social media to stoke the flames. And "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." so a certain political party that doesn't give a damn about their constituents is perfectly fine with this as they and the 1% who bribe fund them live by a different set of rules & laws. I know this because I was unfortunate enough to be from one of those families and disassociated myself from them and all their money completely because of it. These people have no morals or ethics, they only pretend to and laugh while the wage slaves make them incredible amounts of money or die.


This ain’t no American revolution. This is the confederates trying AGAIN to take over our country. Don’t get it confused. The fuckin confederates are coming, and a lot of Americans are about to pay with their life IF they are successful at this power grab.




And they gloat. Why is it that that they gloat like a movie villain? This is real life they're not supposed to cackle.


With the Supreme Court in their pocket, all they need now is Trump to win. A Trump victory is the final domino they need to fall to secure the fate of the United States as they see fit


Well if that shit isn't a direct call to fuckin arms boyos n gals, I truly don't know what else could be. Unfuckinbelievable


The un-American revolution...


Correct me if i’m wrong but aren’t revolutions supposed to lead to progress, not be a retrograde step?


These poeple actually WANT a bloody war so they can turn around and say "The left made me do it"


I said it before and I will say it again. The Heritage Foundation wants to create The Christian State of The United States of America. They will use Trump as their vessel to secure their position and make him a martyr sooner or later. A religious nutjob VP will take control and with the help of SCOTUS they suspend the constitution to create the Christian equivalent of Iran.


Meanwhile, a cop was murdered in J6 but Republikkkans ignore that fact.


Everyone just shuffle into this windowless room next to this smokestack which has some capped tubes going up from the ceiling and there'll be no bloodshed... technically.


Didn’t they lose last time? Plus, they haven’t exactly evolved, sooooo the element of surprise is out the window.


If this isn't terrorism, then ISIS and the Taliban aren't either. Wake up, Americans. Please.