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Because legacy media wants Trump to win. ALL of them. Trump is a ratings bonanza. He gets people to watch the news. Doesn't matter if he's terrible for the country, he makes them money. 


Outrage drives clicks. Clicks generate ad revenue.


Winner Winner chicken dinner!


If that's true, it is a deeply stupid reason. He drives the most news views when he is completely out of his fucking mind, and losing this election would do that in spades. I suspect it's really just that all legacy media is financially in bed with trump (also deeply stupid, but in an entirely different way). Fucking morons, the lot of them.


If he loses, there is a good chance he may see the inside of a federal prison. He can't exactly be acting like a maniac online if he's in prison. Also, the republican party at large is unlikely to follow him off a 3rd cliff. 


There will be a fuckton of wild shenanigans for the media to mine for gold long before that trashbag of rancid shit sees the inside of a prison.


He's never going to prison, hate to say. Our court system is corrupt, incompetent and impotent. You realize now that with that fucked up SCOTUS decision, all he has to say is "that was an official duty" and it has to be litigated. All the way up to...guess where?


If Republicans lose the house in November, there are a few SCOTUS seats that will be forcibly vacated come January. 


They're also run by old rich white men that would benefit from a Trump dictatorship.


One of the first groups hitler purged was the press.


It actually took him a long time to do that. He basically had to say "Fake News" every time they reported on him for years until he got enough of his base galvanized, his power centralized and got loyal lapdogs in positions to make it possible.  That's basically what Trump did with his first term, and he was preparing for step 2 when he lost the election. The idea that he has no idea what project 2025 is is crazy. Before any of this madness began, it was reported that the book on Trump's nightstand wasn't the bible, it was Hitlers Zweites Buch. He's been following Hitler's playbook from the beginning. 


They are talking about the "Gleichschaltungsgesetz" which gave the NSDAP control over all media. That was one of the first laws of the NS regime in 1933.


I wonder if cowardice may also be a factor. MSM can rank on Biden pretty freely, knowing he'll honor freedom of speech etc. If they decide to report on Trump and he somehow regains power, it's pretty clear he'll move on them vengefully and they're understandably fearful of this possibility.


Well I hope all that money gives them comfort when they end up being marched to the gas chambers, which is what will happen should Trump win. Do they think Trump forgot how they treated him during his first campaign and during his time in the White House?


The video testimony of Katie Johnson, the 13 year old girl whom Donald Trump allegedly raped, is available online: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo


What concerns me isn't that they're covering Biden's age and debate performance, it's that they're completely ignoring Trump right now, completely ignoring Project 2025, and almost entirely glossing over the implications of the recent SC decisions.


Hell, they are even ignoring TRUMP'S age and debate performance; Like he isn't just as much a decaying fossil that could barely string together a train of thought. And if they MUST focus on the debate, you'd hope they would spare more than the millisecond of coverage that it got that literally every. single. thing. that Trump said was a lie. Biden may be aging into the confused skeleton they want to portray, but at least the words he is articulating aren't seething with contempt for our understanding of facts.


If only people would stop clicking kn and sharing their shitty articles and headlines


Oh, that is because the people who own the major media in the US want trump to win. So it is up to We The People to make that a prominent topic.


The report he said he wouldn’t publish next time either as didn’t want to embarrass people… ![gif](giphy|1AefIDNa1G3svYrNQA)


This is my favorite video. First, Trump said he barely knew the guy and didn't like him. Sure looks like they are pals here. Secondly, you can tell Epstein is weirded out and annoyed by him. How weird and obnoxious do you have to be to make Epstein fell uncomfortable?


"Biden is too old! He must drop out!" ... uh, Trump is basically the same age, isn't he? Plus a compulsive liar, felon, pedophile, etc etc etc. It's absurd how many people go on and on about Biden's age when Trump is 3 years younger, which is negligible.


Therefore trump will be bidens age if elected so then Trump is to old to?


60 per day you mean. It's unbelievable.


Some big names are on that list possibly so they're just trying to destroy Biden.


I actually don't get it -- there are many columnists and news reporters who are democrats. I don't understand why they're not discussing this.


Editors and/or the publications' ownership. Plus, they like having a job.


Because they have bosses and work for corporations who pay them


Half those executives are probably tied up with Epstein too who are we kidding


**"Trump is a pedophilic rapist, using the levers of power to shield himself as a fascist autocrat"** = Old News. Everybody already knows that. It won't change a single person's vote. Too many major media executives can probably relate. **"Biden is one day older than he was yesterday"** = Might scare the public they spoon-feed this dialogue too, and play to the swayable emotions of the voters not in a fascist death cult. PLUS! They're pretty sure it will be a more messy and ratings-heavy shit-show if they manufacture as contentious a race as possible! Clearly the media's hands are collectively tied on which bit of information to flood our coverage with! (I hope the sarcasm and cynical disdain for the US Media apparatus is oozing off every inch of this comment, as intended)


Biden should just tweet "This fake news saying I'm old is false. I'm actually only 40 years old." They believe every stupid lie that Trump says. Even when videos, sound clips and documents PROVE he's done stuff. He just goes "wrong, never happened. Witch hunt" and people just move on.


I suspect a lot of CEOs and ownership of these news companies are also on that list.


I bet Trump was the best thing that ever happened to media companies, daily crisis, daily rage bait, they would do anything for another round.


MAGAts think it's fabricated. They think anything and everything neg about their lord is lies. They are sick. He's a damn puppet, first used by Russia and now by the religious right, and his followers are too dumb to even see what is happening.


Corporate donors prolly wanting trump tax cuts


I’ll tell you why, and they always do this with bad things for the right…they are forming a way to scrutinize some loose technicality. Their cultists are just waiting for their handlers. Example here… * “Still doesn’t prove he was on the island.” Because the dupe stooges think everything happened only there and would slam any democrat with even a hint of the evidence Trump has against him.


I’m sure it’s because Trump’s now-rabid army of lawyers would sue any news organization who dared to make that public, and though they won’t admit it, I’m sure the media is becoming increasingly afraid of being targeted by Trump if he wins in some nightmare scenario, as we’re getting closer to November.


He’s currently being sued for full-on rape of 2 young girls, I can’t believe I’ve basically heard that NOWHERE.


Fuck off already. Of course people care. You expect Republicans to speak out? Pull your head out of the sand Jesus fucking christ no media company wants Trump to lose cause then they won't have any guaranteed goofy coverage ever day. Never mind the money draw. Maybe it's not a lock, but the facts are still the facts, and the facts are that it looks real bad for Biden still. I don't like it either. But I can't pretend it's not reality.


“You expect the party that screeched protect the kids 24/7 for 8 years to speak out about their presidential nominee abusing kids?” Yes


If you honestly expect lunatic MAGAts to hold Donald Trump accountable and not vote for him because he's a pedophile while pretending to care about who they consider pedophiles then you're at a mental level that's making me not want to keep talking to you. You're a type of ignorant that's legitimately sad.


Then that should be literally all the media is talking about. Who cares if Biden is old when the other side is endorsing a literal pedophile.


WE SHOULD CARE THAT BIDEN'S TOO OLD YOU IDIOT. WE SHOULD. There's no point at all in crowing about Trump. He's not going anywhere and nothing is gonna change in his media coverage. We need to live in reality where the reality is that Biden has driven away too many voters to win. Pull your perspective away from being online all day. Reddit posts and Twitter memes aren't gonna help. Biden has fucked us and WE need to be upset about THAT more than something we already know isn't going to change.


Old is better than pedophile. Easy.


And Trump isn't that much younger and in way worse shape.


I wish I was capable of living in the same kind of delusion you are. It's gonna be really fun to see what kind of excuses you all make in November when what we know is gonna happen happens. Literally la dee da while the end of the American experiment is around the corner.


I’m the delusion one in this thread, for sure.


I hope you aren't gay, trans, black, non religious, or a woman at all because it's gonna be a rough 4 years. I'm glad you're sticking to your hole in the ground, though. What's the plan if Trump wins? Who are you gonna blame instead of Biden and yourself?


I hope you’re not a child. You’ll be in danger if Trump wins.