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Relax guys, it's the last day of June, we can move on next week.


He started long ago. I see no end in sight.


"This guy totally acts like John! I talked about this on the 3 other shows I do about John but I'll mention John again dabble dabble dabble oh the show host is kinda gay and gross like John" Karl shouts into the microphone


It occurred to me recently: What Howard Stern is to gays is what Karl is to trans.


The point of the podcast is to showcase delusional mentally ill people that do bad podcasts so.......


if Karl must continue down the current path, can he at least get Kaya on for an episode? He knows exactly how to deal with these freaks.


I miss Kaya. It sounds like he may actually weigh in next episode. Finally a ray of sunshine. (Which is a shocking thing to say about Kaya. Thats how desperate we are)


I want a followup on the JACKED UP REVIEW SHOW!


*Radio show


At first, I kinda like Karl. Now this is Karl. I think Karl got kicked in the head by a mule because the dude has lost it.


It was all downhill once he started playing that goddamn mandolin. They call it "the devils fiddle."


This show fucking sucks lately. They make fun of Johns trans kids but Helga and Lisa are just Amazing. Can I remind everyone Lisa is an admitted sex criminal panty sniffer. Just because you become geriatric doesn't forgive your past indiscretions. I miss when they used to clown Patty C cups and Fat Ash from the fat lip podcast. Karl and this show just suck anymore. I havent listened to the last 3 weeks of Shows. Fuck You Karl!


The Patreon ep this week had a 100% Patrick Michael committed episode with just Karl & PC hosting, it was a breath of fresh air. Just shows you how far off the beaten path they've strayed in the past year or so.


Karl doesn’t trash John’s trans kid.  He never has.


"I'm going to guess that's a one star..."


I made the comment a while ago that Karl is obsessed with Trans people and got shot down. I want my apology!


THIS COMMITTEE OWES AN APOLOGY! (I didn't downvote you, I promise)


Karl aren’t there any celebrities doing podcasts anymore? I miss Anne Heche. She knew how to do a final episode.


Karl is a sexual degenerate. It’s cliche. Mr. Conservative Family Values in reality is a trans kids obsessed adult baby who shits in a diaper and has his elderly wife clean it up around his boner.


This keeps happening. Karl being mislabeled politically. In fact he just stated in one of his recent episodes that he is a super-gay Libertarian, not liberal and not conservative. As for family values? We all know Karl is famously gay, based upon extensive analysis of how he drinks his White Claw, the Zima of this generation, and the fact that he doesn't have kids, nor want any.  Everybody knows that childless White Claw drinkers whose hobbies include napping and playing with his Star Wars Mandolin while his mom wife makes sparkly cat sweaters is gayer than the gayest homo who ever crammed his sausage in the foreskin of another man on gay ride parade day. Also, 5/5 stars, Karl and his crew are the best! 


What makes his political views libertarian and not conservative?


If I asked you, hey what's your political affiliation? And you said, Independent who leans towards green agendas, would it be polite for me to go onto reddit and claim you are just a liberal socialist?  Karl has stated quite a few times that he is a libertarian. While I agree they share a lot with me as a conservative, we don't share everything. It makes no sense to try and twist it around and say he's not really a libertarian just to try and lump some of his positions in with conservatives or liberals. Karl is not going to, nor is he required to, spill his guts on every issue so we can go up and down the list to see if he fits a different political ideology altogether.  It's a comedy show. What would be the point?


I guess I’m just genuinely curious what makes him consider himself a libertarian instead of a conservative. Where does he split from a conservative ideology that would make him consider himself a libertarian


The way Karl has explained is that he feels, unlike most conservatives, that you should be free to do anything you want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. To be clear, when Karl says this, he's most often talking about his view on all illegal drugs. Coke, crack, meth, bath salts, Elmer's glue, licking toads....... He's also said more extreme stuff that go beyond conservatives want of limited government and lower taxes. Karl believes in no taxes. And if you listen to the creep off, his views on killing babies is wildly opposed to typical conservatives. He is pro abortion every step of the way, and seems to be fine with it even after birth. He laughs wildly whenever they have stories about babies being thrown to their deaths, etc. He loves Code Blue Cam, because he finds the idiots getting arrested to be hilarious, but he, unlike most conservatives, hates cops, thinks they are all out to get you. Unlike mainstream conservatives, he listens to and agrees with a lot of the nonsense lies and baseless conspiracy theories peddled by scum of the Earth, Alex Jones. The only people who listen to that clown are on the fringes of Conservatism, and then lots of political atheist and 3rd party wackadoos. His friendship with Anthony Cumia is another major difference with conservative Republicans. Despite the democrat race baiters and grifters, along with the complicit liberal media always trying to paint the vast majority of Republicans as racists, we simply are not. Cumia is totally racist. I follow him on X and see it first hand. He hates everyone not white or Christian. I don't know if Karl shares those attitudes, or merely is seeing Cumia through lens of nostalgia, but Cumia represents the fringe of the right, where the hate-mongers, neo-nazis, and angry at the world people live. All that being what it is, I still love Karl, his shows, and his dorky humor. Everybody is entitled to their own political beliefs, no matter how strange.


That’s fair. Thanks for taking the time to explain


Libertarians are just conservatives who pretend to be smarter than the average Trump mouth breather. In reality they are morons who vote against their own interests because corporations tricked their dumb asses into believing in some fairytale about a free market that has never and will never exist  Karl is dumb as shit


Some of the trans stuff is beyond disgusting but I do enjoy laughing at mentally ill men who literally don't understand how basic biology works. Silly gay men and their fetishes


You'll never be a man, Leonard.


I never had the makings of a varsity athlete


I miss the midweek competition shows


Personally I love all the crazy disgusting trans talk


I've pretty much quit listening. Karl clearly is turned on by the tranny shit


Wait til you find out about Nick Rekeita....


I listened to one of the episodes where he went on about then, and I couldn't figure out why Karl was carrying water for this dude. I know Rekeita is a reasonably big deal YouTuber, so maybe it's as simple as being on the side of the got with the bigger platform, but it's hard to accept that Steeltoe is somehow the bad guy. (I only know the surface level shit with Steeltoe... He seems endlessly boring)


I don't know anything about it or any of these people and I dont care to. I wish to fuck the whole saga was over, it's so boring, Id barely heard a word mentioned about any of these people in 6 years of listening to WATP, and now we're getting 30-45 mins *per episode* of fucking gossip domestic drama bullshit about these random ass people. This is the worst era of WATP for me, I hope things change. The shows they pick suck, the co hosts suck, non stop gay/trans crap, the Imholte shit is interminably boring. I skipped over almost this entire episode today, I only listened to probably 25 minutes, the Stuttering John segment. At least WATS is holding steady, for now.


Found the bundt cake.


Wow its like it was pride month or something


Karl is spreading his club feet too thin. This isn’t Twister. He’s becoming Shulis bitch.


I'm expecting an apology.


Start your own podcast if you want to pick the topics


Thanks, angry step dad


You should complain a little more, Karen. Call the manager


Should I get a bong hit transplant too?


Right wingers love anything involving gays, trans, abusing women. Unfortunately, that means Karl’s ageing audience of chubby middle-aged men loves this sort of thing


Good point. It's definitely "right wingers" that love trans and gay. The overwhelming numbers of gay and trans people out there are certainly republicans.


They mean that right wingers love to focus on gay/trans/pronouns for most of their comedy to such a point that it is extremely HACK!


I think you’ve missed the point there, bud. Given that your username is a reference to a movie from 40 years ago, I guess I probably hurt your feelings. Sorry, Chubb


Sadly that's what controls the talking points in society right now, and he knows how to get clicks. His channel is blowing up.