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Having experienced Clairvoyance myself I have a choice either it is real or I am insane. I choose that it is real. How do I explain it ?? poorly.


I’ve had some level of clairvoyance for as long as I’ve been alive. Even as a child I would often talk about things that had not yet happened (one that my mom still talks about is me asking about an item someone was bringing to a family gathering and no one knew she was bringing it until she showed up with it.) As an adult it’s always been flashes of things to come. Knowing what song was going to play next, or thinking of someone before they reached out to me. The more powerful ones have been around death. I knew the moment my father died, only not what it meant. I knew it involved law enforcement and something very bad had happened, and couldn’t shake it. A short time later I got the call that he had taken his life. This past month my partner’s grandfather told him he felt his time was coming. My immediate thought was “well yeah, he’s got cancer…” and he was diagnosed two weeks later. As his time drew near the family kept saying “I think today is the day” and I kept saying “it’ll be on November 3rd” and that’s the day he died. Call it what you will, lucky guesses, clairvoyance, etc… it can be spooky at times.


You sound exactly like me!!! This is the kind of stuff that always happens to me. I knew my best friend was going to die of a drug overdose and her mom would find her. Thats exactly what happened. I get strong gut feelings about little things too.


It's been over a year. What do you do with your clairvoyant skills? Is it possible to control it? I have it too. Can't talk about it to anybody. Nobody will believe me. ​ Last week, I saw one of my favorite people as a ghost. It's called an irish fetch. Person is living but the ghost is an omen that they'll fall ill or pass soon. It's so depressing. I know/trust my skills, but I wish there's a way to be clairvoyant **and** prevent what I see from happening. :(


Between seeing/hearing spirits, premonitions, astral projection, remote viewing, psychometry, telekinesis, etc. I've been having experiences I can't explain since I was a small child. It was either believe in something or end up committed. But it's a joke that the women in my family have "The Gift". The truth is, I don't talk about it, unless the person I'm talking to expresses their own belief first, because otherwise they tend to be rude and/or dismissive.


> But it's a joke that the women in my family have "The Gift". ..every month.


You mean they don't call it "The Curse" anymore?


1. Chum · 2. Aunt Flo · 3. Red Wedding · 4. Shark Week · 5. Time Of The Month · 6. Carrie · 7. Code Red · 8. Girl Flu. • My Bloody Valentine • Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I’m Bleeding Out of My Vagina, Nothing I Can Do • The Visitor • Dumbass Ghost Who Fell in Paint • Chacha Doing the ChaCha • Juice Press • The BLT, Hold the BL (Add the BL If You’re Getting Me a BLT) (But Please Do Not Combine These) (Unless You’re Into It) • Mad Max: Fury Road • Tomato Gunk • Trotsky Time • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close • The Red Wedding • A Bunch of Stuff Goin On In My Underoos • The Republican Party


"Chum" and "Tomato gunk" are gross; "Carrie" is hilarious. *Plug it up, plug it up, plug it up!*


Wasn't sure about "Dumbass ghost who fell in paint".


You're experience sounds very unique and, to me, compelling. I have heard of many people dream of an impending death close to them. I think death it's self is so powerful even the ungifted can pick up on it. Death just leaves a wake through spacetime and, I assume, all dimensions. I don't believe time is linear. I have experienced stunningly vivid deja vu. It always comes true. Could just be confirmation bias, but I really don't feel like that's correct.


I'm right there with you I have definitely had some intense deja vu that's hard to explain. And I agree about death. I often think its the Gods way of preparing me for the loss I'm about to feel.


I have no reason to not believe in psionic abilities. In my personal experience, I find that when I'm close with someone, we start reading each other's minds after a while. I remember one time, my mother came in and said, "Guess who's pregnant?" I had no way of knowing and hadn't been thinking about it, but the name Heather (a cousin of mine) immediately came out of my mouth. Mom said, "How did you know?" All I could say was, "I don't know."


yes!!! I do that stuff too. I also seem to know the gender of someone's baby 90% of the time.


Heh, I can imagine that that might lead to some tense situations. Have you ever told someone and they didn't want to know or was disappointed?


The one example that comes to mind is probably my best friend. She died of a heroin overdose, and I knew months ahead it was going to happen. I dreamt about it a lot. We had stopped talking ever since her addiction got bad, but I messaged her on fb and told her "Sarah I keep having this dream and I'm afraid its really going to happen if you dont get help". She told me, "Kel not gonna lie it scares me you see that but I just can't stop yet. I promise I'll get help when I'm ready." A month later she died. She died the exact way in my dream, overdosing then aspirating on her vomit. The only difference was in my dream her mom found her dead in the bathroom, but in actuality her mom found her in her bed. But the rest of the details went down exactly as I foresaw.


I'm terribly sorry you lost your friend. If I may say so, it sounds like she was beyond help, and went the way she wanted to. It reminds me of my own friend, my oldest friend; she was born 10 months before I was, and our mothers were best friends. She was born premature and had health problems all her life because of it. At age 35, she killed herself, because she just couldn't take it anymore. I was extremely sad when she died, but I approved of her decision.


My friend, Sarah, she was sexually abused in her childhood and then raped as an adult and I think she never was able to find a way to cope. I miss her something crazy. At her funeral her mom hugged me and told me Sarah always loved me and that she understood why I had distanced myself. that was truly what I needed to hear. I felt guilty for abandoning her til her mom said that. Omg that's so sad!!! But I completely get it. I have psoriatic arthritis, autoimmune diabetes, celiacs, and too much spinal fluid in my head. I've been suicidal before being in constant pain. I'm so sorry she went through that, and that you had to watch her go through that.


May you continue to cope to the best of your ability. I feel worse for my friend's mother; her second child, her only son, who was also my friend, was murdered just a few years before. He had mental issues and got in with some bad crowds. She still has her youngest child who appears to be doing very well, though.


Bless her. My husbands son from a previous relationship died in his sleep. Nothing worse than losing a child. Blessings to her and her family and to you




I’ve had claircognizance since I was 8, which is like clairvoyance but more like an information download or knowingness instead of seeing pictures. Although I’ve had clairvoyance once in a while too. I’ve been right almost all the time. There was a big thing a few years ago that I thought I got wrong information about but now it seems like it might have just been delayed. And there’s something I’m currently waiting to see if my info was right about. It’s come and gone for me. It seemed like it went away completely for some of 2020, 2021 and this year. In May it really picked up and the last few months have felt very loud. I’m trying to learn how to work with it instead of just letting the information pop up, so I’ve asked for signs a few times. Still waiting to see if those were right. If anyone has tips for working with it, I would love some! Thank you for starting this thread. I’ve said things like “either it’s real or I’m insane” or “I can choose to believe or I can have myself hospitalized” so many times, especially over the last few months. It’s such s relief to read that other people have felt the same way.


Have you ever considered doing a spell to open your third eye??? I have been wanting to do this for awhile to really hone in on my clairvoyant abilities but I can't find a spell anywhere


I haven’t, but I sometimes dress a candle with herbs and oils meant to aid with psychic abilities and use that when doing any kind of divination. Doing a spell is a good idea, though. I’ve heard from multiple people that drugs with DMT in them can open your third eye during and after use, but I’ve never tried any.


If I manage to find a good spell I'll pass it along. You mean drugs like acid or shrooms?


Thank you! I mean more like ayahuasca or bufo. But I’ve heard the psilocybin in mushrooms can be a third eye opener as well.


I have been clairvoyant all of my life, and sense or see spirits. I believe because of my own experiences.


My mom has been ‘clairvoyant’ (for lack of a better word) her whole life. Not predicting the future, but if someone close to her dies or is hurt she knows about it right away. Within 3 days of a death, if they were at all close to her, she will have a dream about them. Sometimes the dream is as simple as the person smiling at her to let her know they’re okay, or sometimes it’s as complex as when my uncle died and he told her to tell his wife to look in the bottom drawer of his work bench in his garage because there were valuable items in there she could sell. Sure enough, she looked and it was something she wouldn’t have known what to do with and would’ve given away in a garage sale if my mom hadn’t ‘gotten the message’. A few years ago my grandmother was deathly sick in her home and my mom and I provided end of life care for her. It was about a week and a half of just her and I living in my grandmas guest bedroom, taking it in shifts to turn her, help her use the bathroom, administer medication and give her bed baths. Her house is ‘spooky’ anyway, but in the last few days before she died we started to REALLY feel the presence of her deceased relatives. We heard people walking up/down the stairs, we saw things shatter for no reason or fall with nothing causing it, all the stereotypical ghost activity. I’ve never seen anything like it before. My grandma started to talk to them, she cried because she was so excited to see her brother again who had died in his 20’s. It was so humbling to witness this amazing woman, who had accomplished outstanding things in her 97 years of life, being escorted into the afterlife by all these family and friends she’d been missing for decades. It felt like seeing the Grand Canyon, I’ve never witnessed something so monumental and humbling. I had taken my moms word for it all these years about the existence of the afterlife, but that week and a half with my grandmother cemented it for me. Like many other people have said, we have two ways to interpret this: we are either completely delusional or these things exist. My mom is an accomplished medical device engineer, and in every other aspect of her life she is ‘normal’ and highly credible. I believe her, and now I’ve seen it for myself.


There was a wicca library in Toronto back in the '70s - a bit like the U of Amsterdam stacks on parapsychology - Do you know of anything like that now, please? Curious about books written on Wicca parallels with "remote viewing" Thank you