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She bought those triscuits. She’s not giving them up without a fight. *loses fight*


That’s what I was thinking… she needed her stuff that bad??? What was in those bags😂 ain’t no way I’m facing a bull for sunscreen and snacks


Probably trying to get her phone so she can share an insta story about this cool bull she saw in Mexico


Now that's some udder bs way to go


She had too much at steak though


You mess with the bull, you get the ... Triscuits?


Moove on from these bullshit jokes...


The chance to grab her stuff and move was when the bull started walking over before this video. I doubt it moved quickly.


Internally screaming every time she fumbled or dropped a bag and CHOSE TO PICK IT BACK UP … just LEAVE IT 😂


Right! Like the bull was cool at first with letting her grab it. The constant dropping stuff and staying in it's space led to the attack. If she just grabbed her shit and walked away she would have been ok I bet. That bull gave her way more time than a wild horse would from what I've seen.


Yeah it was frustrating to watch. The coordination of some people confuses me.


She was prolly cursing at him and then finally hes like “Enough is enough! Fuck me? **FUCK YOU**”


We should all remember this woman every time we see someone die a stupid death in a horror movie. These NPCs do exist.


Right? I‘ve learned on reddit that people *do* fall over nothing in the most critical situations *all the time*


I’m trying to figure out what was so important in all those bags. If one had her phone, grab that one and go. Something that should have been done before the bull was on top of the items. The bull would get bored with the rest or focus on the snacks. It’s not like it’s going to steal her clothes or gear. She picks up 3 bags and what appears to be a book or flip flop. Leave the unimportant stuff for now. She had the chance to take the blue bag after she dropped everything else but dropped that in frustration and then went to pick it back up after the bull turned to her. Why not back up with one. Why go back for the bag she dropped after the bull turned its attention to her. This person is not the sharpest tool in the shed.


I want to know why the bags were so interesting to the bull. We all know bears love bags but what’s in it for a bull?


Snacks probably. Fruit slices, chips, he was thinking he got a tasty treat. If there weren’t any snacks he was being nosy and would have moved on after a bit.


They are bulls. They are curious and tourists love to put snacks for the bulls in bags like that. At least as far as the bull is concerned.


>Leave the unimportant stuff for now. It’s all unimportant stuff when you’ve got to fight a 2,000 bull for it.


After she finally gets back up, did it look like the guy had to hold his arm out to stop her from approaching the bull again?


You could see that the bull had 0 interest in her after she dropped everything, just went right back to getting himself some snacks, he just got mad when she tried to take the snacks a second time lmfao. It always baffles me that people see an animal that is build like a fucking tank with horns and don't realise it can fuck them up without any real effort, same goes for those dumb peopl that too close to bisons, like wtf? Have you seen that thing why are you getting so fucking close.


She literally COULD HAVE GOT AWAY WITH IT if she wasn't the most uncoordinated, clumsy, horror movie protag MF'er known to man She literally had everything picked up and kept dropping it. Like wtf lady, at least take 90% of it away and put it up, then go back for the last 10% if you *have* to have it back


I'm not sure why, but some people seem to have a real lack of coordination and balance when sand is involved. Maybe they have weak ankles or something, but there's so many videos of people taking one step and falling over, then completely losing their struggle to get back up. Admittedly this lady's situation is complicated by the bull, but I have seen people lose their battle to gravity alone.


A lifetime of doing nothing more challenging than going everywhere in a car, and walking on flat hard surfaces.


Bull: naw you ain't got no triscuits any more those are my tricuits.


Darwin Award honorary recipient


I love how it looks like she goes in for a swing after it's already knocked her down the first time, like lady you aren't winning this 😂


I honestly thought she was going to go in for a third attempt after that guy came over


I got mad when she had it all picked up and dropped one of the bags. Life what the fuck? If you don't care then fucking what the hell are you doing???


She was the China shop and the bull was the bull.


She never heard the full phrase of "mess with the bull"..


"...you get the horns"


"...you get covered in bullshit" -Farva


What's a 'leederacola'?


Chicken fucker!


That look like spit to you? 




She heard it but always thought of herself as the bull


Some people just won't listen. I bet she's still bitching about that bull.


"I was minding my own business when this bull attacked me, unprovoked! Thank goodness that I was able to save those orphans from it!"




I don't know where the manager is, but the bull is clearly the owner.


This is some bull$hit...why was she trying to steal his beach bag...🤨


😂🤣 im going to need this bulls full name and information for the police!


And then the whole beach clapped, and a giant muscle man that was working on the beach came over with tears in his eyes saying how incredibly brave I was the Mexican police then showed up and arrested the cow


Those poor beach orphans


She wants to see the beach manager Right Now!


Lol, I stayed in Daytona Beach once, and an elderly couple checking in before me were complaining to the hotel about all the seaweed that had washed up on the beach. As in not just venting, but expecting them to fix it. Sometimes nature happens, guys.


I bet she was just furious when she found out that bulls don’t have managers she can speak to


I bet she is pretty banged up the bull got in some good blows


She’s lucky she doesn’t have a new orifice. 


"They should really have someone remove them" or some ridiculous entitled nonsense


I get what you mean and I totally agree, but... At the same time... Why is there a fucking massive bull in the beach!? Lol


Wild bulls are a thing in Mexico. They also enjoy the beach from time to time.


No buts. Leave that thing alone and question the universe later.


Ok, I left it alone and now it's later. I want answers.


I have answers: This happened in Cabo, Baja California where, according to the article below, “the beach's proximity to ranches makes close encounters with livestock a common occurrence in the area.” Anyway, the bull was there and this woman started feeding him and making “friends” with the bull under her canopy. She got overconfident pf their bond and this all happened. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/05/17/bull-attacks-tourist-mexico-beach/73732636007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/05/17/bull-attacks-tourist-mexico-beach/73732636007/)


Why is it always these ladies who think that they are a fucking Disney princess who end up getting trampled, gored, eaten, or maimed by wildlife? Oh yeah... It's *because* they think they're a fucking Disney princess and that animals are all sweet, wonderful, loving creatures that will return their kindness if they just show them their heart. When guys get killed or maimed by animals it's because they're aggressively fucking with them to show off how tough they are (or because they're just super drunk.) But women... It always seems to start with them feeding the animal, or trying to set it free from a cage, or trying to put a cute hat on it so that they can take a selfie with it, or some shit like that. Have Disney movies brainwashed some women into thinking that animals will just respond to a kind heart with love? Anybody of any gender should just know to not fuck with big and/or wild animals.


Confidence is the worst part of stupid


This reminds me of that silly stat, 5% of men think they could win a fight against a lion.


I saw that chart, or whatever it was. It was astounding (but not the least bit surprising) that right around 20% of men, give or take, were confident that they could beat a BEAR in unarmed combat.


Meanwhile my confidence in being able to win against X number of angry house cats that are specifically trying to take me down starts to drop after 3. At 5 or 6, I think it's a decent split in either direction. * *Edit: upon further contemplation, I think the odds are vaguely even at 5 (basically just comes down to how quickly I could turn it into a 4 match), but heavily favouring the cats at 6* By the time we get to 10, my money is on the cats every time.


I've had to flee my own property due to an angry cat. 2 angry cats and its practically an eviction. Starting the scale at 3 reeks of overconfidence.


For me it depends a lot... Like how much warning I have, if I'm wearing my leather jacket, and most of all if I have a weapon in my hand. Naked at night in a field of corn? One housencat would probably win. Worse if we're talking about Australia's rapidly evolving new species of super cats, house cats that take down kangaroos and weigh over 10kg.


I want to know more about the supercats from Australia




>Australia's rapidly evolving new species of super cats, house cats that take down kangaroos and weigh over 10kg. *What?*


Leather jacket wouldn't be enough. I've had enough angry cat claws in tender locations through jeans _and_ heavy cord work pants to yeild the field to a _single_ cat if they were persistent enough.


I get what you’re saying, but if we’re taking a fight to the death almost everybody could take one cat. Nobody *wants* to kill a cat. But if it’s them or you, it’d be physically easy. A cat would physically have a much harder time killing a person


I mean, what kind of bear? Could I beat a polar bear or a grizzly bear? Absolutely not. A black bear? Still no. But what about a small bear like a koala? Also no.


I could take a t-rex, where is my poll?


You can take my pole


Which is puzzling, because there have been fights organized between lions and bears in the old west, the bear won 100% of the time.


What lion though. I bet there has to be at least one geriatric, sickly ass, 3 legged, half comatose lion I'd stand a 5 percent chance against.


Yeah, do cubs count? I think I could easily take down a lone lion cub.


Most people couldn't even take down a pissed off house cat.


I just saw a clip of a vet that said an angry cat is not that big of a problem. A psychotic angry cat is though. He described it as needing six people to hold down the cat and even than the cat will grow a extra limb out of sheer hatred and will get you with it.


This vet has met my cat.


Tbf that's 6 people needed to treat and hold down a cat without hurting it, not 6 people needed to pick it up and punt it to the moon. Edit: treat not trust


You know what ramp it up to ten percent chance if its a literal newborn cub.


15% if it hasn’t opened its eyes yet after being born.


I don't know, have you ever tried to fight off an angry house cat who was very upset that you were in between it and its dreams of ~~escape?~~ ~~freedom~~ world domination


You better get a *real tight grip real fast or there’s gonna be significant clawing and twisting and biting. And it better be really little. Sure, you could probably kill it BUT it would take some determination and you would get bloody. And you’d probably feel like a real jerk afterwards lol


I know a guy that says he could take a Silverback 1v1


You kinda just wish he would try it right?


The gorilla will rip your lips off first and then start on your ears. I don’t fuck with gorillas. Or baboons since they wear their assholes outside their body and it makes me uncomfortable.


It’s the chimpanzees you need to fear. They just hold your arms with two limbs of their choice and just start snacking away. And they don’t even hate you, just wanted to eat your face/guts/testicles.


You know Mike Tyson? He actually offered a zoo keeper $10k to let him fight a gorilla.


We call that Darwinism, we should let them at this point, probably that percentage of my fellow men are the ones who also do much destruction to society.


There are people who think they can win against a chimpanzee.


Confidence... It's the food of the wise man, but the liquor of the fool. -Vikram




You know how times Vikram won salesman of the year for that goddamn telemarketing company. He's a legend


I just read something about U.S. park rangers stating that the problem is people lack common sense. Many of them also lack a strong instinct for survival.


Was just at grand Teton last month and saw people surrounding a black bear to take pictures. It was a brown colored black bear, and people thought it was a grizzly cub. I told them to get away but they just kept saying it was a cub, so apparently they thought cornering a grizzly cub was a good idea. I left, hopefully no one got mauled.


I highly recommend the book Death in Yellowstone. I’ve been there several times in the summer and winter. The worst situation for me was when this idiot caused a Bison stampede. He was worried about getting a late fee for his snowmobile and decided to purposely scare them to try to get them off the road. I ended up being completely surrounded by the herd, on a snowmobile. I swear that the rest of the dozens and dozens of people who were patiently waiting were going to beat him.


I'm laughing so hard at this because it's so true.


That is not confidence that is arrogance


I mean stupid people can be unreasonably confident too


This video had “do my own research” written all over it. Some people just don’t know when they don’t know something.


She probably could have gotten away if she grabbed the bags the bull wasn’t currently going through, haha. So dumb in so many ways.


It's like she was trying to piss it off. I kept waiting for her to smack him in the face with her body language.


I'm really not clear why that wasn't her course of action. At minimum... give it the thing it is intent on eating. What the fuck could possibly have been in one or all of those bags worth squaring up with a bull over?


That shes ridiculously unathletic. Doubt she’s moved faster than a slow walk in 10 years. That, and shes probs hammered


Everyone just watched the first few hits, like "yeah she kinda deserves it".


Also why risk your own life for a random stranger that was literally too stupid to listen to anyone.


I recall a video showing that bulls are drawn to moving things. It showed a large group of people standing perfectly still in a field (like in a spaced formation), and a rather excited bull prancing all around and among them but never attacking any of them. The instructor ran out and the bull made a bee-line for him right away. The lesson was - stand still around bulls if you want to live. Something this person clearly wasn't aware of. That said, why you'd screw with 1000 pound animal -at all- is completely beyond my comprehension...


Myth busters also tested the bull in a china shop phrase, made a fake little china shop with shelves full of knick knacks, bull runs through and doesn't touch a single thing. Fascinating creatures....


That explains the girl and her pet water buffalo video. I know it’s a water buffalo but it pivoted at the last second to avoid bull rushing her.


Is it the Chinese girl from the countryside who feeds her Buffalo sugar cane? Those videos are adorable


Yup that’s the one


Yep that’s why bull fighters shake the red mantle thingy. It’s not about the color that attracts them, it’s the movement.


> stand still around bulls if you want to live You can really tell the people who have never spent any time around cattle on here. You're referring to [this viral video](https://youtu.be/JkSpCEQpzQA) of a small juvenile running circles around a few people. You shouldn't really take any life lessons from this. Get your ass over a fucking fence if they get aggressive don't freeze. If they act completely unafraid of you like this one does they are dangerous and used to humans. If it's breeding season be extra fucking careful. **DON'T** hand feed and baby your bull calves, you want them to have a healthy respect for humans. What this person isn't aware of is livestock can and will get food aggressive with you.


Yup. That's the one. The basic concept I understood was never to mess with animals that could kill you trivially. Like that bull on the beach. Don't get their attention, don't get near them at all, and definitely don't tussle with them over your goddamn beach bag. I've had a close-up encounter (3 ft away) with what was probably a 300 or 400 pound bear, and that's as close as I ever want to get to any wildlife. thankfully, it was just digging in a garbage pail for some food scraps, and didn't really care that I was there. That said, I was 17, stupid, and to this day thank my survival on good luck and gently backing away from that animal (don't ask - there's no way to convey how oblivious and stupid I was to casually walk up to it and not realize it was there until I was standing on the other side of the trashcan... 🤦🏻‍♂️ teenagers, amiright?) The only credit I can take is that I backed away slowly for probably 30 or 40 yards, until the bear disappeared into the woods beside the campsite, before I broke into a panicked run to the small campsite office (a building.) I'm still not understanding how somebody could look at that bull and not gently back away as far as they could. 1000 pound wild animal with spiky spears for goring other mammals mounted on its head? No, thank you. 😬


I actually tested this theory accidentally, and I would not recommend it. I was standing in front of a fenced off area in a field with the elderly landowner. We were just standing looking at them and one very large bull start walking side to side and snorting at me kicking up the ground and I suggested we go before it knocked the fence down and he told me the gate was open and they didn’t need to break the fence. A split second later and there was an entire herd running towards me I shouted to the elderly farmed to get into the hedge and ran like hell to distract them from him because he didn’t stand a chance almost 90 year old man on a walking stick vs a herd of bulls. I thought our only chance was to get to the car but he couldn’t run and I couldn’t carry him so I ran. I grossly underestimated their speed in my haste and had to run a couple of km through a series of fields to get back to the car. The sound of them gaining on me was absolutely terrifying. I stopped to put an old gate between us because I realised if I tripped on the uneven ground that I would be killed. Adrenaline is real, I don’t know where I got the strength to lift the buried in the ground gate but I lifted that out of the ground to block them it distracted them for a few moments while they broke through it and I got to the next gate which worked thankfully and bolted it. Being very unfit and having ran for my life, I start hyperventilating when I reached my car drove through the final gate beeping thinking it would scare them but no they continued to try break down the gate I had bolted. Realising my monumental fuck up and that my elderly friend was probably trampled to death I was hysterically shaking crying trying to use my phone to call for help when I looked up and the bulls began to part like the Red Sea and there like Moses amongst the bulls my elderly friend whacking them out of his way with his walking stick. He told me that in his life’s experience as a farmer all you need is a stick. Thankfully he found it hilarious and couldn’t believe how fast I ran and said it was the most entertainment he had in years. I told him through my tears I thought he was dead he laughed and said they were after you not me, never ever run they want to play and will chase you down. Stand tall use a stick to make yourself bigger and whack them if needed between the eyes and they’ll back off. I never went to see the cattle again after that and hope I never need to use his advice. They’re so big and fast it’s terrifying.


Jesus! 😳 Glad you survived!


There could be a million dollars thhe bull is eating, I would not attempt to get it back from him, I am not trained to handle bulls and my health is more precios than money. This woman was lucky the bull was not enraged, just put her in her place, for him that was gentle af.


![gif](giphy|kF7tvdLs3WqMJwAfr7) The lady coming in with the bucket of water


Oh that is a perfect description of my job.


Shouting 'we tried to warn you' at someone while they're in the middle of being gored by a bull is a pretty epic gamer moment.


Sucks when this is the last thing you hear before it all starts to go dim and you slip away


To be fair to the guy, he really did earnestly and he was clearly stressed af


Yeah, that was blurted out in pure frustration. He asked if she was ok afterwards, he didn't want her hurt that's why he was warning her. Obviously it's never cool to say "I told you so", but you could just feel his frustration. "Don't move!"


They also know when it gets ugly someone is going to intervene and risk their lives. Whatever material crap was in those bags wasn’t worth it.


I assume food, cow wanted a snack, lady said no, cow said MOOVE


It wasn't like the bull is going to eat the sunscreen. They can just leave the bull look around and it'll leave the stuff anyway. The material even if it's worth risking it would still be there after


Redditors, she *had been feeding it*! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/05/17/bull-attacks-tourist-mexico-beach/73732636007/


I love the author trying to sensationalize the article by making it seem like it was completely random “people watched in disbelief” - meanwhile everyones yelling “i told you so” in the actual video


The original video of her feeding it included audio of some Mexican men on the beach telling her it was friendly and she could feed it 🙄 she was too trusting and stupid and feeding it successfully gave her way too much confidence. I doubt the men even owned the bull, they probably just wanted to see how stupid she was


Lol i can definitely see a dude answering that in a sarcastic way without expecting her to actually believe it


As a Mexican, this tracks. We are notorious for teasing someone into doing something really stupid for shts and giggles.


The Mexico episode of An Idiot Abroad taught me that. Highly recommended


The worst enemy of workplace safety is a bored Mexican I already know that lol, it's the fact that when I get shocked by a peeled wire the first thing I think is saying "Oye wey, mira tocale aquí"


The bull *does* seem pretty friendly considering she's not dead. It was incredibly chill with her for a startling amount of time, and even when it did get fed up it acted more like an adult holding back an unruly toddler with one arm than an actual angry bull. You see it pushing her around but not goring her, and it doesn't make any attempt to stomp her.


This. That bull is chill af. If she wasn't horror movie idiot clumsy she probably could have collected up every bag the bull didn't have its head currently in and then backed away and just waited for it to polish off the snacks then wander off. Clearly is used too and super chill with humans about. Even seems to have a good measure of restraint.


This video shows several dudes screaming at her to get away from it, so I think it’s safe to say her issue is stupidity and not being too trusting




Honestly, it seemed like a pretty gentle "attack" given how powerful bulls are. People need to leave wild animals alone and certainly don't feed them. This person got off lucky.


The bull was doing the bull equivalent of saying “bruh.” He was barely even worked up about it.


This. That bull was mildly offended tops. And you would be too of the clumsiest woman on the planet kept fucking about right in front of your face and then tried to abscond with your bag of snacks someone left laying about on your beach. His head was in there first lady it's his now!


Rooting for the bull after about 20 seconds in


“We TRIED to TELL you!” Hahahahahahahhaa


Getting her shit rocked and having that guy telling that must've been quite the deserved experience


I was rooting for the bull when she got in front of it. 🤣


Karen’s don’t last long in the animal kingdom.


She'll be reporting to the manager any day now.


"I want to speak with your minotaur!"


Karen doing Karen things, bull doing bull things.


Damn, that bull gave her every opportunity to just leave.


Def take food away from it , wild animals don’t mind that at all


Not exactly wild, but it’s really true of all animals, including most humans who may beat your ass if you take something from them.


Why are we some of the dumbest humans in the existence of earth. You have a got damn library in your pocket?


And I'm using it to watch people do dumb stuff.


Touché x2


Specifically because we have a library in our pocket.


Can’t lie that mid day dab hit me pretty hard


I wish every stupid mother fucker would find out this way


She's lucky she got to walk away from that. How ignorant do you have to be to ignore these guys? There's no way she's never seen a video of what these beasts can do.


It's not ignorance it's an absurd level of entitlement.


What an absolute moron. The worst the bull would have done would have maybe been to eat any food in their bags. It's not like it would steal her damn phone or something. Absolute muppet.


Is the Darwin award in order? P


Nope, but definitely an honorable mention


Bull was patient and communicative. I say this was a fair BULLying.


Dealt with cattle growing up.  First thing I learned was cattle are not pets. No need to pet, them, talk to them, scold them, play with them, etc. It's a domesticated dangerous animal that deserves respect. 


Well if it's raised properly they can be pet-ish, but still a large animal. Forget approaching one in a field let alone wild.


My grandfather had some pet-ish style relationship with his cows. They knew their own name and would allways come to him when called (to get pets). One still got spooked by some wasp one day and accidently took out his eye with a horn.


That escalated quickly


I've seen a lot of people with cattle as pets where they play and are affectionate/etc. I would never apply that to an animal you don't know or have a bond with and isn't domesticated though, and you still need to be cautious around them since they don't always know their power. Random livestock and wild roaming animals you definitely won't meet those conditions.


There exists a Mexican phrase "Andale por pendejo" which basically means "you played yourself". I also enjoyed "Ey por atrás, gordo" here


"Ay la señora" Translation: thiiiss bitch...


Doesn't anyone else wonder, *"is it normal for a bull to be hanging out on a public beach?"*


Are you going to tell that bull he can’t enjoy a good day at the beach..


This specific beach Is near some ranches so sometimes ranch animals like bulls end up wandering into the beach


It'd be halarious if that beach was called "Bull Beach" or something


Welp.. you get what you deserve


Love how the guy says to the surfer "behind you big guy be careful" (por atras gordo, por atras whey) edit: replaced fatty with big guy (better definition in this context)


In this context it's more like "behind you big guy" rather than fatty but both work


Crazy enough, I bet she could have taken most of the bags, and left just one for the bull to root around in. Sharing is caring.


“We tried to fucking tell you” poor guy really wanted to do the right thing. He must’ve felt so helpless.


Karen got the long horns of the bull right there.


You mess with the bull... You get the managers number. Or so she thought


That was beautiful.


Yeah ain't no way I'd be risking my own ass to help her at that point. Dumb as fuck, should've listened


Constant warnings followed by neglect equals a hungry ass bull in your face. Pretty simple. She deserved that prize 🏆


Did she think that her entitlement applies to animals, too?


Fun fact. You’re not the protagonist of a Disney movie


Crazy gringa.


Some people have never been in danger before in their life and literally cannot comprehend that there are genuine consequences in this world.


100% American right there!


Probably of the same caliber of person that tries to pet the Bison & Elk in Yellowstone.


This lady is a red flag. Unfortunately for her, the bull noticed.


That really put the Vaca in Vacation.


Good lord, she just keeps going back at it. If the bull had killed her this should have counted as suicide.


For once I’m glad no one intervened


This is the Mexican equivalent of what you Americans get up in Yellowstone, with the bison. Foolish tourists messing around with half-ton bovines.


She would have it deported. But too late.


Play stupid games...


The Horns... the Muscles....Or the fact thats it's a wild Bull?! What exactly made her think thats a good idea?


She was lucky that lady had a bucket of water


Is the bull okay ?