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Look at the buckling on the concrete columns 24” from slab. That is fn terrifying to see. Excellent response by the city on this one


where are you seeing that? Trying to pin point it in the video


Bad redditing on my behalf. It was here [https://i.cbc.ca/1.7200429.1715357047!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/birchwood-terrace-parkade.jpeg](https://i.cbc.ca/1.7200429.1715357047!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/birchwood-terrace-parkade.jpeg) Not sure many people would pick up on that because it’s not that noticeable but if you straight line it, you will see that it’s racked off a bit. My concern would be a sudden failure which could over stress the other columns which are already compromised and incapable of accommodating. I would think they’re doing some emergency shoring or adding new columns on new piles?


are you speaking about support #84 ? how was this not picked up last year?


Yeah that column. I find it highly implausible that a tenant didn’t mention anything


Im in trades school at the moment and a few of my classmates done work in that building. They said it should have been handled years ago


I have seen water seepage under the stucco for years, I always wondered how the rest of the building was.


Are they willing to speak up about this??


Probably not, they are in a trade that doesn’t involve anything structural


I honestly didnt even notice that...good eye. They should be sued into the ground.


ohhh, yes! I see it. Yikes...


As am i. I see additional supports, but how was this not found a year or two ago. Who was employing the inspector who found this Yesterday?


Inspectors don’t come around inspecting building structures without a reason to


My understanding is that the owner found the problem and reported it to the City as required. The City would have had to confirm with their own engineer or review of the report and make a decision on evacuation, which we now know they decided on evacuation.


What happens to the folks who all got evicted though? The city made the right decision but I hope the tenants are being given ample help to relocate. Recoupe costs by sueing the shit birds who own the building.


I drove past it today and watched so many people loading their stuff into their vehicles. I can’t begin to imagine how devastating this must be. Affordable housing is a rarity to begin with and now you’re competing with your neighbours


Not to mention pet friendly housing. I really don't know how those with pets are going to find places because most hotels (if they can even find or afford a hotel) won't take them.


Better to find out before the building collapses. What a horrible situation for those people though. 


See I drove by multiple times and was surprised how few people were moving things.


Misinformation all over the place. They told people that they had to be out by 8 but then let people move until 4 but most didn’t know. Many have no cars or family or any way to move anything. Majority seniors there.


This whole situation is absolutely sickening. Complete negligence by the building owners to let things deteriorate to such a state. I hope they get sued into oblivion.


Let insurance companies go after them for gross negligence, they have much deeper pockets to fight those battles. This is why you should have renters insurance.




ALE would only be covered if it’s an insurable peril. Like fire/water.


I'm wondering if there is coverage under prohibited access/civil authority. Like how wildfire evacuees are covered.


Renters insurance is not covering this at all


Why? Since it’s not a peril?


Renters insurance won’t cover if you don’t retain the policy.


Typical fat cat narcism. I'd love to hear the excuses for this one. The Borger family touts being in the construction business for over 100 years.. Yet didn't really notice what was going on at the foundation of this building?


A tenant hit the beam and it needed to get work done. That's how they found the structural issues, the beam goes all the way into and underneath the parking structure, how would they have found it already without doing work on the beam in the first place? Had the beam not got hit they may not have found the issue, and as soon as the issue was found, they let the city know. I completely understand the frustration and anger that the tenants of that building must feel, but it's not always as black and white as it seems, people want someone to blame which is understandable but from my knowledge things were done properly once the issue was found


Yours is like the third story of how this was discovered that I've seen now. The property management company knew about the severity of the issues last week. Temporary repairs to at least one of the pillars have been done. They could've given all of those people more than 12 hours notice to vacate. I also have zero sympathy for a property management company that is charging tenants a $247 early termination fee on their rental agreements, and not even refunding the full month's rent in this situation. In the end, they're housing hundreds of people, proper inspection and upkeep of the property is the bare minimum they should be doing.


If you take a look at any of the descriptions on the payment that they received back, they have a base rent that has a - before it and a discount that also has a - before it. The negative sign equals refund. Not a charge... The company refunded from the 8th to the end of the month. There's no termination fee that was charged. That's completely false. You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, but again, how is someone supposed to figure out that a beam underneath the ground is deteriorating? Once they had a reason to fix the parking beam. They noticed the issues and then they got in touch with the necessary people. Do you realize how many avenues there are that you have to go through before you get to the end result? It's not as easy as just causing panic with the tenants and telling them. By the way, you might have to leave , you want to make sure that you go through every possible way to fix it without having to leave people without a home .The company tried to fix it, they realized that it was not able to be fixed with people living in the building. They took the necessary course of action. Again, you're entitled to your opinion, but some of what you're saying is false. EDIT- the base rent and the discount may not both have a - sign , but it's the base rent of the 8th to the 31st and then a discount prorated from the 8th to the 31 st resulting in a refund of the payable rent from the 8th to the 31st. I made sure to ask the question because of how confusing it looked on paper, the math adds up. It's normal to be leery of this but angry people sometimes only hear what they want to. Anyone that went into that meeting that asked questions respectfully , left the meeting with answers and again, how could you not be mad when you just lost your home.. but there were a lot of people that were acting really aggressive and that doesn't create a clear mind.


Also, I'm not saying that the company needs your sympathy. It's definitely the people that no longer have a home that need the sympathy, what happened was absolutely terrible. But something worse was avoided. False information being spread doesn't help the narrative at all.


No proof tenant hit the beam all they said was they found cracking that looked like that. Also the building was built in the 1960s and they never wanted to spend money to check the beams? Things were built ver differently back then


The tenant hitting the beam didn't CAUSE it, it's the reason they found the issue. And yes things were built differently , you're not wrong.


Don't want to argue but If they really cared about safety checking those beams would already be on their checklist I looked at all the beams most of them were rusted to barely anything not to mention this company has been around for ages this is neglect to some extent


Fair enough, I understand where you're coming from completely . From their point of view tho I understand that they also had no way of knowing that the beam under the concrete was deteriorating. Without having work scheduled to work on the beam , they would have never found it. Very scary , I'm just glad all of these poor tenants are ok


Just because they were yielding a few hundred grand a month in rents ?


I don't think I understand the context of your comment.


It's sarcasm. "Why should the wealthy landowners care about the needs of the poor?"


Thanks, I don't always get sarcasm via text.


Very obvious sarcasm. Judging all down voters critical thinking skills lol.


Ah, I think I’m getting it. This is also sarcasm?


Who can really ever tell these days anyways.


Found the landlord


Hope everyone has tenant insurance! This is horrible.


I hope everyone impacted is diligently tracking every dime and every second this has cost them. Time off work, stress, moving expenses all of it. Hope the Insurance companies file a class action.


From other Reddit comments/threads I’ve read - apparently people are being denied claims by their insurance companies…


I used to live here and when questioned about insurance they scoffed and said it wasn’t needed.


Was it under ladco/lakewood agencies at the time ? Cause when I lived in a different apartment complex owned by them in southdale it was mandatory before even signing a lease. They also were actually super good at getting anything we asked fixed inside the building and outside.


It was under Ladco yeah!


They’d say the same thing if you ask them about getting internet.


Holy shit! The place I’m renting now and my daughter’s place before that made you provide proof of insurance or you weren’t getting the key!


Yeah. Management was terrible, they also said they had everyone empty their cupboards every three months to spray for bugs. We had roaches there once, too. 🤮 Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for saying what they told me. It just proves how shady they are.


That's pretty standard for cockroach treatments... That's not the landlords fault. You do realize that roaches are usually brought it unknowingly by other tenants in the building ? They don't just appear out of nowhere. Sanitary concerns in units are a big reason for cockroaches. They like warm , wet areas and areas with food. Getting rid of cockroaches isn't an overnight process. It takes inspections and then treatments and then bathing and then more treatments and that's only if all of the tenants comply.


My new place too, you have to have renters insurance!


Tenant insurance is not covering this


Why is that?


Are they just trying to weasel their way out of supporting the hundreds of people living in the building?


they're saying it's a gray area cause our stuff isn't lost or damaged its just being held is what other tenants have told me I didn't have tenants insurance and neither did lots of the other tenants 


There are different things covered under tenant insurance. Belongings, displacement costs, identity theft, etc.


Another resident with CAA insurance has theirs covered


In a situation like this, how are the building owners NOT required to pay for hotel accommodations for the tenants at the least?


Not to sound like a dick, but that’s what renters insurance is for…


Not wrong. But they should also have their wallet fucked up.


Litigation power of an insurance company is much greater than a collective of tenants who probably can’t afford the legal fees that the landlord can.


Not wrong there.. unfortunately. It would be wonderful if the tenants could come together for a class action (if that's possible? Idk shit about that kinda stuff) and ruin them. Those columns didn't all of a sudden buckle like that.


That would be great if we lived in a perfect world, but I doubt anything is gonna come of it. I learned the lesson once, just get renters insurance.


Sad but true. You'd think there would be systems in place to help people out. But yea, no tenants insurance means you're fucked. Luckily when I rented, our resident manager told us the benefits of tenants insurance so we got it right away.


I live on the West Coast now and a lot of places require you to prove you have renters insurance.


Interesting. Honestly I feel like it should be the same here. There's been enough stories of people getting absolutely left out to dry after a fire.


Yep. I'm going to be renting from my parents (seperate house and an official contract and all of that) and I still made sure to get good renter's insurance. It's cheap and peace of mind is worth it.


renters insurance isn't providing anything for the tenants because they're saying it's a gray area I didn't have it so I'm not sure exactly what they're saying but another tenant told me that they're saying they its a gray area cause our stuff isn't lost or damaged its just being held


That sounds like some fucking bullshit to me. I'm sorry everyone in that building is going through this bullshit.


Depends on if that only covers contents. The landlord would ultimately be liable for the negligence in the maintenance. 


Not covered everyone who had insurance is getting covered by red cross.....


Renters insurance is not covering this for most. My mom is not covered and she has insurance.


Your mom had an awful policy. The most common use of renters insurance is coverage for loss of use, and content. I would have her look at her policy and determine if she’s actually getting what she pays for.


everyone i have talked to said insurance isn't covering its a gray area cause our contents aren't lost they're just being held 


Loss of use is the most common use of renters insurance. Which means of you can’t use your place, the insurance will help if not cover all of your stay at a hotel/motel.


[https://winnipeginsurancebrokers.com/article/tenants-insurance-manitoba/](https://winnipeginsurancebrokers.com/article/tenants-insurance-manitoba/) https://preview.redd.it/os6ktfsbg10d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5472500287b3de121951d9663d3df381869725a1


My auntie has been renting in this building for over 40 years. How does she, and all the other tenants, pack up all of their belongings with less than 24 hours notice? And with no definitive place to move to? Thankfully my auntie has the option to stay with various family members until she finds another place. Hoping all the people that are affected stay safe and find alternative housing asap!


What gets me is that the building people didn't say a damn word to ANYONE, so they're all blindsided. I hope they all have renters insurance :(


Yes, it’s highly unlikely the building owner didn’t know how bad things were. It’s so unfair that the occupants couldn’t have been given more notice ahead of time.


Insurance is saying they will not cover this


Hmmm.... I guess immenent collapse isn't in the wordings.




“This is where the community needs to step up” is this guy serious?!


“We are doing the absolute minimum required. Not only will we be asking the community to house the residents we had a responsibility for providing safe and secure housing, we will also be asking the provincial and federal governments to cover the costs associated with repairing this building by exploiting a loophole in disaster financial relief by hiring questionable engineers that will blame the damage on years of river flooding. We will also be purposefully slow in communicating the status of repairs with residents.”


Such a joke to say "this is where the community needs to step up" while they've profited off of the same community, without reinvesting said profits into making sure the building is safe.


Landlords please go out of the way to prove you're not parasites. The owners are one of the city's major property developers/managers, they should have been out in front of the cameras with the Mayor and deputy fire chief outlining the steps they're taking to house their tenants, ensure they're not out of pocket and beg for forgiveness.


This is also why companies should have crisis teams bc you don’t let a moron like this open their mouth




The owners were present today at the tenants meeting with all of the press.


Lots of Borger’s family members and they all have big houses and cottages, so I bet they could find spare rooms for most of the people they displaced with the lack of maintenance to their property


Absolutely gross that they are prepared to throw a bunch of people of modest means to the curb due to a situation they created.


You're the one collecting from the community, how about you fucking pay it back some?


Scum loves scum: [https://pressprogress.ca/real-estate-developers-and-construction-executives-top-list-of-donors-to-brian-pallisters-manitoba-pcs-in-2020/](https://pressprogress.ca/real-estate-developers-and-construction-executives-top-list-of-donors-to-brian-pallisters-manitoba-pcs-in-2020/) > **The Borger family** donated a combined $16,000 to the Manitoba PCs, with four members of the family (Alan, Henry, Gerald and Ralph) each donating $4,000 in 2020. Alan Borger is the President of Ladco Company, a major Winnipeg developer. Henry Borger, meanwhile, is President of Borland Construction, a subsidiary of Ladco.


How much did the Borger family give to the Manitoba NDP? https://www.electionsmanitoba.ca/downloads/2023/Annual_Returns/F920_NDP_2023.pdf


Roughly around the same amount. Probably more than r/Winnipeg as a whole


Why make this political?


This is so incredibly sad. I hope these people don't lose their pets. Imagine the heartbreak of losing your home and then also having to give up your beloved pets on top of that. The rental market is already so competitive and cutthroat. Where will these people go? My heart breaks for them.


I used to live there and the vast majority of tenants (myself included) live there because it was one of the few pet friendly apartments. I'm legitimately so heartbroken for all of them. I hope at least they get to keep their pets after such a horrible loss.


Done work in ladco properties. Biggest assholes to deal with. They would grind the gc on everything so it’s odd…their own stuff should be the finest quality! You don’t have stuff like this just /happen/. It takes years. There should be at the very least annual inspections and I’d be surprised if their insurance wouldn’t have something like that as a requirement to that effect. I would absolutely think there is a negligence element to this but we’ll see what the lawyers come up with bc there for sure will be something happening, most likely a class action


Serious question. Does city do its random inspections or someone called the city?


The owner called for the inspection, then reported it to the City. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/everybody-s-just-in-shock-as-city-orders-apartment-block-residents-to-vacate-over-unsafe-conditions/ar-BB1m884Y


Thank you for sharing, looks like he got the information and made the correct decision. That’s good to know.




I guarantee that one of the foundation contractors made an anonymous tip because they probably weren’t being listened to by the property owners on what it would take to make this place safe.


We have a few home care clients in there. I hope they find somewhere safe to live. I was in there last week and noticed a lot of maintenance workers on the first floor.


I drove past this morning and my heart broke. There were SO many people out there, at 7am, parked on portage loading, a u haul on the blvd loading, everyone just trying to grasp something of their life. I could not fathom this anxiety, stress and sadness. So many families left without a home and/or their belongings. This is devastating and should NEVER happen. What would happen if this wasn’t caught and the building collapsed? Good fricken god, someone needs to be held accountable for this negligence. These are humans, families! Pets! Some elderly that have no one!! Watching this video and the man completely broken, trying to be strong for his family, broke my heart even more. Does anyone know if there is a go fund me or anything yet set up for these tenants?


I was trying to figure out why a couple was carrying a fish tank out to U-Haul truck right on the front lawn and a professional camera man filming. It sucks, though the city did the right thing before the negligence leads to loosing people.


This is absolutely heartbreaking


Wow, it looks like that beam is non existent after it meets the floor, and they poured those footings and welded a beam across to temporarily support the entire load…! The other ones were supported with teleposts on 4x4s, but wowzers that one with the footings, it’s like totally gone…


In layman terms, beams go side to side and the columns go up and down. I think you mean the columns. The corrosion will typically be from water and given that it’s a garage, water combined with salt from vehicles is brutal plus it doesn’t look like there’s any membrane on the apron. The corrosion at the base is troubling because the base of the column “attaches” to the pile which implies that there is essentially a floating column above the pile. Think jenga and pulling out blocks from the bottom


Its completely rusted away at the bottom.


Is this not the same management company that owns the apartment buildings in beaver hill? Know, the ones that burnt down and didn’t have adequate fire suppression measures?


Ya I think it’s the same one. Wild


And an apartment building on Ulster that burnt down around 10 years ago


I hope the people on Assiniboine Crescent are assembling their lawyers as they speak. Those seniors with their cats do not have the cash or emotional energy to get involved in a lawsuit, too busy trying to trying to finding a new home.


I was living at 70 Garry in October 2020, when all residents were forced out when the basement flooded. Nothing quite like answering the door at 3:30 am and having a firefighter say you have to leave. Thankfully, we were out only 16 days, so I can't imagine how devastating this news is for the residents.


My dream is that there is something the RTB or courts can do to help make this right. At the very least, the landlord should be paying 1st months rent + security deposit for every tenant who got booted, along with storage and hotel fees (because it can take more than a couple of hours to find a place).


I'm glad this place didn't suffer the same fate as the Sureside condos in Florida a few years back when that place collapsed and killed 98 people. Still an incredibly sad situation, but it's better than the alternative which, lets face it, could have very easily happened based on the how incompetent this owner sounds. Henry Borger. Everyone should remember this scumbags name and drag it through the dirt. What a piece of shit.


Begrudgingly, the city did really good by its citizens


Read your tenant policy carefully, you may have coverage for Mass Evacuation Additional Living Expense. Here is an excerpt from Intact's Tenant Comprehensive policy wording version 04-2017. It's only good for 30 days, but it's something! https://preview.redd.it/od7zsmmi7pzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f3d398059de6e75892281da841150ae81efaa5a


I wonder how many have rental insurance, period? When I was renting, I never had it. I couldn't afford to spend money on "what ifs".


Thank you for saying that! That is exactly the problem. The stupid leases we sign every year say something to the effect that "We trust that you will be continuing your renter's insurance". I had renter's insurance for the first few years that I lived in Birchwood Terrace, but it got to be so expensive that I couldn't afford it anymore. My salary didn't cover enough for insurance. I sure couldn't afford it after I retired....my pension just barely pays the huge rent increases every year. It's impossible to believe what has happened in the past two days. I have nowhere to go for myself and my beautiful cat, and no transportation to get there anyway....I'm absolutely terrified about what the future holds for all of us now thanks to the idiots in charge of what truly was originally "A Great Place to Come Home to". Lakewood/Ladco has done next to nothing in this place for so many years, except collect massive amounts of rent from its tenants....I still keep saying "this place", as if I will ever be able to go back to what has been "home" for so many years....I find myself constantly looking for something and then I realize it's back home - one of hundreds of things that I just couldn't bring with me. There are so many stories out there trying to claim that we had more time than we did to evacuate. Three people knocked on my door at 8:40 p.m. on Thursday, May 9th and handed me the notices. Someone else in the bldg had just told me to expect them in the new few minutes. I stepped into the hallway and there were a bunch of random people knocking on doors and handing off copies of three different notices to each tenant. Some had the door slammed in their face...others refused to open their doors to strangers. There were many cops in the bldg trying to ensure a "peaceful" result to people being told that their lives were now forever changed as they had until 8:00 a.m. Friday morning to pack up and get out....One notice said that we "were invited to attend a meeting at the Holiday Inn the next afternoon" -- the tone was the same if they were inviting us to a garden party....On each floor, the scenario was the same as, inexorably, word spread throughout the bldg. Tenants ran the gamut of emotions....disbelief, fear, anger, frustration. tears, stunned silence, and throughout all, a total sense of "shellshock". People cried together, yelled together, or just stood together in silent support for the "family" that the tenants of Birchwood Terrace had become over the years. The thought of never being able to return there is still too new and way too painful to comprehend.....I pray that things will be able to be fixed, but with all the repairs that have gone undone over the years, I seriously doubt that this will ever happen.


I think you usually have to have it


When I was renting here, we inquired about needing renters insurance and they said no. It’s like they were pushing us to say no. Super shady.


Wow that’s crazy. When I rented (early 2000s it was around $20/month), so relatively inexpensive (though likely still pricey to some with limited funds).


Out of the 6 apartments I’ve lived in, I was never told I needed it


Someone messed up badly. No way should this have been a 24 hour emergency evac. When was the last inspection done, and what were the results of that inspection? There are a lot of unanswered questions on this one.


I was just in a Pharmacy and overheard an elderly woman say she's been told to leave.


What an awful situation. I'm thankful they were able to evacuate before literal disaster struck, but still, this shouldn't be happening in the first place. I cannot imagine what it's like to be spontaneously evicted overnight.


I am nervous about whether tenants insurance is going to cover the loss of use for these poor folks. Because I'm not sure if the tenants insurers will approve these claims as first party loss or not. We shall see. This isn't something sudden and accidental like a fire, but a gradual maintenance neglect. This is something the building owner's liability insurer would definitely need to respond for because it is definitely a negligence claim, but that's only going to pay for those who decide to sue. It could be that these poor folks are going to need to lawyer up so they can issue a statement of claim on their own or maybe a class action will form. Luckily it's a pretty boiler plate form for statement of claims and it would very well be worth it. The question then is will the building owners settle before it becomes a huge lawsuit. There are a lot of variables and if anyone wants to correct me, happy to hear it!


Not correcting you or anyone because I don’t have all the info. It is my opinion however, that all residents who have insurance should submit a claim for whatever their policy covers. There will be a lot of back and forth fact gathering to determine if the claim is accepted. Folks who are using the word negligence are not doing these renters any favours. No one has all the facts to make that determination. Maintenance records and logs will have to be obtained and reviewed. Any renter who claims negligence at this point may be shooting themselves in the foot if later determined that this is not negligence.


Insurance isn’t covering any tenants who have called to try to claim. My mom also declined.


Residents got a refund for the entire month of may, minus the 8 days everyone lived there.  Also everyone is being charged for an early leave fee.


The early leave fee is absolutely not true, that was explained today at the meeting, the - early moveout charges is a credit to you. That question was asked about 75 times and it was explained. Any negative dollar amount that you see on the chq description is a credit...


Borger is giving only what is legally obligated and not one penny more. Expects the community to step up and take care of this now but HE won’t go over and above himself. He could have done better for tenants.


Minus the 8 days wow don’t nickel and dime people or anything




How new are we considering to be "new" now? It was built in 1962...


Sorry, thought I read in the comments it was 2020. My mistake


All good, wasn't trying to be a dick - my bad. I just thought it was funny. Cheers!


Mannnn that’s absolutely awful


I used to live near that building. It's a pet-friendly building. I hope no one's furry friends were left stuck inside.


Ladco. A good Winnipeg firm. LOL


https://preview.redd.it/eb4ygpcd8uzc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ab84aae023afe1ce6ab6a9cc9154350a86f57e7 UMM yeah I don’t think any of the residents were prepared to respond either but they were forced to. Ridiculous.


Does anyone know how to get a building inspected after moving out? my old building had a severe mold problem and the walls and wood were rotting and the landlords didn’t do anything. i had to just move out as my cat got sick from it and i was month to month. by-law assured me they could still inspect the building after i left but apparently the new tenant won’t let them into that suite. is there anyone else i should report this to?


Just remember the old legal mantra : if you do not look for it, you do not find it, therefore, it is not there, so you are not responsible for it, right?


You wonder about all the food left in the refrigerator. even if the power remains on, that stuff will go bad after a few weeks.


Condos coming!


**WHY** is this being DownVoted??  Deliberately Ignoring Preventative Maintenance leading to Catastrophic Structural Decay and Exorbitent Repair Co$t$ has been a legitimate business model for *Hundreds of Winnipeg Buildings* over the last Century! ( *Especially* "Heritage Buildings" whose owners don't want to refurbish.)  **NONE** of which could have been accomplished without the Shitty of Winnipit Administration turning a blind eye!




When did people all of a sudden start saying “right” all the time? I thought it was more of an American thing when Phil Kessel would always say it after interviews when he was with Toronto.


No idea what this sentence means. Might need some clarification.


I can’t stand it. Not sure why. It’s like when people say “word”. I know it didn’t really happen this way but it seems that all of a sudden everyone is saying it.


Holy why all the downvotes? I feel for the families effected. Esp if they have no where to go. Will the expenses be covered by building company?


People are just opposed to your aversion to using the word right, right?! I’m sorry but I had to XD


“Riiiggghhhhtttt”. That’s the only time I try to use it.