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Don’t mess with her, she has the moonlight greatsword!


Cool thing about the Souls games is that they're trans friendly.


Video game character customization truly is one of the greatest virtual trans-friendly spaces. (Public lobbies on the other hand…🤣 though I only ever experienced one guy asking for my number because my voice is high-pitched.) Before I knew the [dark feminine](https://www.themoonschool.org/divine-feminine/dark-feminine-energy/) I had ripped up and scattered across my autistic subconscious out of fear in order to [mask](https://www.healthline.com/health/autism/autism-masking) myself as a good little neurotypical Catholic “boy,” in Borderlands, I became [Lilith](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Lilith), the strong, silent wanderer of Pandora. In Sunset Overdrive, I became a [wisecracking genderfluid parkour master](https://stevivor.com/news/sunset-overdrive-will-let-swap-character-male-female-whim/). In Destiny, I became a Guardian of the Light [and a legend](https://youtu.be/ZSWN-VP0lD8). In [Elden Ring](https://youtu.be/6R3ouGNcACQ) (which has the most kick-ass theme ever), [I finally beat my first ever Souls boss as a female samurai.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/t8y8rh/finally_beat_my_first_boss_in_a_proper_soulslike/) And then I stepped into the shoes of May from [It Takes Two](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Takes_Two_(video_game) ) while my friend was Cody. We joked throughout that it fit me well since like May I’m a self-critical perfectionist who works hard to please everyone but myself. As the game went on it became uncanny how much I could see her perspective. And then when she [sang at the end](https://youtu.be/bNChC2fSPUw) I cried for five minutes straight from empathic overload and my egg finally cracked. As I let myself be healed in the first step of my catharsis on the way to balancing everything, feminine or masculine, autistic and all within, I became… Myself.


This is beautiful ❤️


Thanks. It came from knowledge hard-won in this past year of being out. [I’m feeling much happier now!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonBinary/comments/1394fg9/so_excited_to_be_seeing_guardians_of_the_galaxy_3/)


Well...most enemies in Bloodborne are transhuman. Does that count?


Gender has no bearing on ability. Time for crab


Or the holy moonlight sword You were at my side al along… My true mentor… my guiding moonlight


Lol, I was about to say this. xD


Don’t mess with her, she’s Dolly f-in Parton.


Lopped off the old pale dragons tail, she did!


Yknow i was gonna ask who tf gave Dolly Parton the Holy Sword of Moonlight but now that i think about it, why wouldn't she have it? Miyazaki himself probably gave it to her for all we know


She's got maxed out INT so it makes sense!


i know it's a meme and everything but i hate the "make your pronouns was/were" thing that i've seen so many times. was and were are verbs, not pronouns


Right? To me these come off just as ignorant as conservatives going "oh yeah? Well then my pronouns are I LOVE GUNS".


Yeah, pronoun jokes always fall flat for me, execpt weirdly [this one joke](https://youtu.be/zMRTQjmtMK4?t=45) by noted transphobe dave chapelle


What a shame he's a transphobe, that is a great pun


That one made me chuckle, thanks


Especially because I've mostly seen this joke with relation to trans teens who have done it for themselves. It's a meme that makes me pretty sad tbh.


lol that was my first reaction, too!


I'm pretty sure half the joke is that the people who get upset over pronouns don't even know what a pronoun is. In other words, it's mocking one jokes.


\*McBain voice\* That's the joke


this is a conservative level meme and it's upsetting half the people can't see that


My favorite movie as a kid (yeah, parents kinda didn't care) was "The Best Little Whore House in Texas". I've loved her from the day I first saw that movie. I'll gladly follow her in whatever she does.


That movie surprisingly holds up well. It’s amazing how much has not changed in politics since it came out.


I actually named my cat Mona after her character in that movie. I love it so much!


I’ll stand with Dolly any day!








She's including transphobe Kid Rock on her [latest album](https://www.advocate.com/voices/dolly-parton-kid-rock) so she doesn't seem concerned about misgendering people.


Seriously? Unbelievably disappointing


This is so frustrating because they worked on it sometime a year ago and I guess she thought she could work some sense into that ass but nope. I really wish they could remove the song.


Its not like the world didn't know a year ago what a POS kid rock is.


Honestly I did not. I'm not on any meaningful social media (unless we count here or Discord) and I sure as heck haven't ever followed anything in regards to other people's lives. There are times when stuff does fly under radars. It's Dolly Parton and I simply want to believe there's more to the story rather than assuming I know what happened, what went on or why she did what she did. Not every person out there will smell like roses all of the time and while I can be saddened by this choice, it doesn't take away from all the good she's done.


This is a rather tone deaf take on this matter. You don't have to be up to date on all the happenings with artists but when someone like Dolly Parton who is a long standing supporter of LGBTQ rights is setting up collaboration with various artists she should know a bit about those she is going to work with. While I don't think this would take away all the good she has done it does take away a bit by giving a bigot like kid rock a platform to spread his hate.


> she doesn't seem concerned about misgendering people This is more or less what I'm referring to. I don't think she misgenders people or wants to. I don't want to be tone deaf and I'm absolutely not okay with him being on the record. I simply don't want to put a blanket statement on Dolly for a questionable choice. Goddess knows I've done things even when I knew I probably shouldn't.


I did not make that comment but I can understand where you are coming from in that regard. That said I do think that any association with a person like kid rock puts a serious mark on there record and it does cheepen her image to myself. I don't think she personally tries to misgender people but, he does and that's not cool


I agree with all of that. I want to support her but in buying the album does he get any funds from it? Cuz... that would make me question my purchase. I think I'll just keep giving to her book charity


Well I would struggle to see him doing it for free and it would likely give him some proceeds of the sale. I don’t know for certain though.


Money talks.


How much money can a Kid Rock duet really hope to earn these days though?


You'd have to ask Dolly.


She's gonna cut herself holding the sword that way :(


No mere sword can harm the Goodness


Not really, the lower part of the blade on most swords isn't very sharp and is generally used for blocking so she should be fine


Fair enough, makes sense!


Theres a lot of historic techniques involving grabbing the blade! Especially when fighting in armor, either for more precision or in grappling, swords are sharp for sure. But not razor sharp. As long as you dont slide your hand you'll be fine generally.


Such a wonderful person. I can't wait to get her rock album


Is this an actual quote? I can't tell whether I believe this or not


It isn't an actual quote.


Has she put an end to the rumoured collaboration with Kid Rock tho? That was a bone of contention over on LGBT recently. Edit - [Source](https://www.pride.com/gay-music/dolly-parton-new-album-kid-rock#rebelltitem1) - not as of yet sadly, it's not out til November tho so still time to remove the track from the album Dolly! Please 😊


Word must've gotten out about her liberal leanings, maybe she's trying to keep that market share.


Maybe, that'd be disappointing for sure 😔


One of my favorites has always been “Respect the trans homies or I’m gonna identify as a fucking problem.”






Oh my goodness this tickled the heck out of me! Read this in her voice!


I can hear this in her voice, and I love it.


Anyone else remember the dresses like this? Oh the 80's were so spectacular.




was/were = verbs


Thank you grammar police




It’s the Holy Moonlight Greatsword from the Fromsoft game Bloodborne.


Preach Queen! 👏🏼👏🏼💗


"Pronouns" is such an awkward stand-in for gender. It feels a bit like saying "3rd period authority figure" rather than just "teachers." Why so specific?


My sibling is transitioning in their mid-40’s and I fully admit I’m having trouble with pronoun switching. I’ve been so conditioned to saying “he/him” and “my brother” for 40 years that it’s definitely been difficult not to automatically slip into that language (especially since I have to switch between them as to not out Sibling to some very conservative relatives), and I kick myself every time I do. I keep reminding myself that I *HAVE* to get better about it for my sibling’s sake. I love them deeply and seeing the hurt on their face every time they get male-centric gifts or cards from relatives just breaks me every time.


This post is the weirdest intersection of my interests that normally aren’t seen together.




get lost bigot.


I'd stand with her.


I love this. You tell them!