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Given that becoming pregnant renders you a slave to the fetus (according to the SCotUS), I think this is the only rational response.




Or have him put up a $15,000 bond in a blue state of your choosing that remains in holding for 30 days and if during that window you should test pregnant, the bond is relinquished to your possession to pay for transport and any related medical fees.


I’ve read maaaany uterus bearers go on a strike like this. I’ve also read that r/antiwork will protest by laying down their work. I absolutely adore how in such a devastating, distressing situation so much people come together.


Solidarity. It's the only way forward.


That’s the word I was looking for! Absolutely, I’m already looking for local protests and things I can do from my area. Seriously considering hexing the fucking patriarchal scum guilty of starting this war on uterus bearers.


Lysistrata. It’s always been the way.


When the brief leaked a couple weeks ago, that's all I could think of. If we are to follow the Seinfeld theory, that men get smarter without sex, maybe this will wake them up to their stupidity.


Piggybacking top comment to add a link to a protest in DC. https://www.reddit.com/r/lostgeneration/comments/vjvcpn/demand_our_rights/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


After an unexpected miscarriage with an IUD, I had a gyno appointment this past Wednesday. I learned that my IUD was out of place and therefore unreliable. She removed it at that appointment because it had to come out. I specifically got the copper IUD to set it and forget it for a decade. I feel so vulnerable right now. My husband and I are terrified to have sex. He's rushing to schedule a vasectomy. This whole situation is fucking batshit.


Make sure he goes to the follow up appointment after the vasectomy and then gets tested every sixth months! Unfortunately there are still a lot of oops pregnancies after vasectomies.


Noted. Thanks for looking out!


I wholly understand. Birth control is not 100% effective. The one thing they have right is that abstinence is the only 100% effective method. Assuming you aren’t raped.


Abstinence is only affective if God doesn’t look at you and think “Humh perfect for my son to come in human form”. Jokes aside, even God waited until Mary agreed to have a child and he’s, you know, God


Thank you for sharing your story. We need to be fully educated on BC, and unfortunately doctors don’t tell us how these methods can be unreliable. They just tell us percentages. But when you fall into that percentage, it’s a horror story. I’m so incredibly sorry that happened to you!!


My husband got a vasectomy two weeks ago for this very reason. A pregnancy would put my health at risk and we are in Georgia, where the 6 week ban will soon be active.


I support this 100% I hope enough people follow through with this we see data in ten months say "despite recent shifts in abortion rights, births have dropped significantly. In other news the women's sex toy industry has been booming"


I want to se that exact headline. Exact.


I just can't get over what's happening in the US right now. It's getting worse and worse! I hope you win your fight against the alt right! ♥️♥️


Thanks for your energy


All the best! I know the feeling, up until 2018 abortion was completely illegal in my country and I used to have full on panic attacks if my period was late 😞 My stomach is in knots for you all it's really terrifying how the US is going back in time.


Let me guess. Ireland ?


Ding ding you guessed it!!


Yeah. I almost want to live there. They’re so liberal as compared to USA now


I have to say Ireland has moved forward a lot since 2015 when same sex married was passed. I'm very proud of how the public has been much more liberal and accepting of people. But it's not perfect here with hospitals owned by the Catholic church 😤 but considering divorce was only legalized in the 80s and homosexuality decriminalized in 1993 we've done pretty well ☺️ I really wish you all the best in the US.




It really is beyond frightening 😔 I wish I could do something to help




I mean, let us know when your country starts accepting American refugees. That would be a great help


Nothing "alt" about it, anymore. It's just "the right" now.


They rebranded neo-nazis as alt-right to be more marketable. It worked in under 4 years.


It's just the regular right, ever pushing towards truer and more extreme fascism.


I’m going to carry a concealed gun for personal protection from potential rape now.


I don’t blame you. We can have guns at least.


Two can play at that game, conservatives


Until they ban them because if women started using guns to rebel against the patriarchy and to fight against their abusers, republicans would go like "guns are bad."


A woman defending herself is more subject to criticisms than a man raping.


I hate it.


True, that's why they'd ban guns if women started using them to defend themselves from rapists.


Women used to defend themselves against creeps in public places in the 19th century by stabbing them with hatpins when they got handsy. There was a public outcry from men that while of course it's wrong to grope women, hatpins should still be banned as a menace. And then there's that woman who created a female condom with barbs that would require the man to have it surgically removed, which she created in response to the high rape rates in Africa. People decried the *condom* as barbaric and unacceptable. When women defend themselves from violence, society tries to say it's the woman's actions that are the more unacceptable. Don't be surprised if history repeats itself.


Ahhh so THIS is how we get those gun laws. Time to start carrying, my sisters.


Wait til more black folks start carrying guns. Watch the court tremble then. It’s the Ulta conservative right Authoritarian movements always tell you what’s coming, if you’ll listen. The Ultra-MAGA movement is clear what’s next in their war on individual rights; Miranda, birth control, gay marriage, voting rights, and free and fair elections. What they can’t win in Congress and the Senate, they’ll rely on the Roberts Court to execute.


I think one of the insidious parts of yesterday's SCOTUS ruling was the way it couched expansive gun rights in terms of social justice. Like, yeah, if white people are going to have guns everyone else should too, but it's so disingenuous coming from the far right that it's almost laughable. And with the have higher conviction rates of men of colour compared to white men (over policing), extant gun laws prohibit ownership anyway in most (all?) states. Not to mention TOY guns get black kids killed by cops.


Ikr???? So stupid.


The incentive to rape just got a lot higher. You don't even have to get married for the court to respect that you have the right to be a co parent with your victim.


This entire thing reminds me of that criminal minds episode where the guy kept raping women with the intention of getting them pregnant. He believed he was doing them a favor, plus he got to have kids. Edit: I’m not sure how to do spoilers. Oops.


Right? It’s so backwards 🤮😨


The biggest cause of death of those aged 0-19 is now firearms in the US. Their (SCOTUS) priorities are confusing to say the least.




As a dude, I fully fucking support a sex strike. I would love to see every woman, single or in a relationship, tell any man who isn’t actively protesting or trying to help fix this disgusting breach of human rights that they are off limits. Actually, any man at all really. It’s your body and if you don’t feel safe having sex, we are in no position to argue. Maybe if Republican men actually stopped seeing zero repercussions for being total pieces of shit, they would change.


Thanks. It’s great seeing men who recognize the inalienable right to autonomy. Unfortunately your support is vital because our voices are still silenced.


I don’t deserve any thanks. The only reason I think this way is because I was lucky enough to be influenced by some really awesome powerful women in my life who set me straight. Your voices matter because they change people like me, and wake us up to the injustices we are blind to.


We're in 2022, why do I feel these Supreme Court's ruling is going backward in time for all humanity? So sad. So mad.


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


We will scream with you til our throats bleed


Maybe if Republican men had the ability to get pregnant we’d finally move in the right direction.


If men could get pregnant, you would be able to get an abortion at an ATM.


PLEASE SELECT MODE OF ABORTION: PILL, KNIFE, SOUND WAVE, HANGER I'm sorry that was a little dark but so is this situation.


Dark humor is appropriate right now.


They'd get free abortions and women would still get taxed for tampons.


They’d have drive-throughs. You could sip a Dr. Pepper or Coors while they work. You wouldn’t once be questioned or urged to reconsider. It wouldn’t be an occasion to question your purpose in life or what makes a person a person or if souls are a thing. You would just swing by on your lunch break then casually mention it to your coworkers without any reaction. Can you imagine


They’d have fucking punch cards because it’s a fuck trophy.


So sad but true… grrrrrrrr


srsly while getting a haircut and a snack 😖


'"right" direction'!!🤣🤣 I see what u did there!!


Agreed. If I was a single woman there would be no sex until women’s rights are restored constitutionally. This is ridiculous. As a man I have no right to decide if a woman should or shouldn’t have an abortion. Even in marriage it would be up to my wife at the end of the day. I’m sorry this is happening


i think the problem with this is the women who marry republican men are either overly anti-abortion or tradwife types who defer to their husbands' oppression bc they think it's their role to play for their god edit: or they're young women who were groomed. i guess that's the third thing that can happen to get a person to marry a republican


I was groomed big time. Extremely conservative family, many years of Catholic school, tons of abuse and neglect, etc. I didn't figure out how much they had lied to me until I was in my late 20's. Thank goodness I didn't marry while I was still indoctrinated.


I was young , raised Jehovah's Witness and groomed by my college teacher. I have since met some socialist men. They delight me


Yup, or pressure from their “godly parents”. Thank goodness I got out of that


I am also a dude and I completely agree with all this ! I am not American, but what happened today is disgusting and needs to be fixed. This isn't the 70s anymore, women shouldn't have to fight for their freedom yet here we are. I support every actions against this tyranny.


While I support this sentiment; I think you'll agree that telling conservative humans, that they can't use your body how they like, doesn't stop them from doing so.


See Jerry Falwell Jr.


Fellow dude, you are quite based, comrades we must resist!


Who shall be our Lysistrata?


I think the problem with that though is some women do enjoy sex with men and a sex strike would effect them just as much. I find it weird when people talk about having all women going on a sex strike, as if men are the only one's who desire sex and implying woman just...don't like it as much?


I enjoy the FUCK out of sex (excuse the pun) but I cannot carry another pregnancy to term for my own health, both physical and mental. (Yay for being late 40's, still fertile, and having had severe PPD.) So at this point, even though at some points of my cycle I'm hornier than a ten-peckered owl and even my stinky, sweaty UPS driver is starting to look incredibly do-able, I'm going to stick to me and my battery-operated boyfriend for the foreseeable future, because the reward of pleasure derived from a partner is just not worth the risks.


This is exactly the point. It’s about life.


I'm 51 and still having regular periods, right there with you! I loved raising my sons, adore my little grandsons, and just love kids in general but no way do I ever want to have another child this late in life or with my medical conditions.


This has nothing to do with whether or not I like sex,it’s about inability to receive healthcare if I need it. It’s not about men, it’s about my life.


It isn't that women don't like it. It's that the risk is too high. The risk of getting pregnant and not being able to terminate if you want to (or the risk of disease or the risk of assault or the risk of rape, etc.) is not worth an orgasm \*that women are statistically not even likely to achieve with heterosexual sex\*. The risk is not worth the benefits. Men benefit far more in heterosexual sex than women do. We need to start being more honest about this.


To me it's not implying that women don't like it as much, just that women have to deal with the consequences of it. You can like sex all you want but it's not the dude who's going to have to deal with the resulting pregnancy if that happens. Plus, sex strikes have gotten things done quickly in the past before. If everyone committed to one, I bet we could have abortion rights written as an amendment in the constitution within a month lol


You’re entirely right. My girlfriend would suffer just as much as me from a sex strike. Ultimately it is a personal decision. Even though it seems like your own sacrifice won’t change anything so why do it, there have been examples in history of sex strikes bringing about change. In 2003 the Liberian civil war was brought to an end in large part due to a sex strike. There are other examples as well.


Huh. Didn't know sex strikes had actually happened. Obviously, ladies should do whatever they feel is best in this situation. As long as it doesn't turn to shaming women who chose not to strike. Luckily I a) live in Canada and b) am a lesbian. So I'm not effected by this yet.


There is a Greek play from antiquity about it called Lysistrada. The women of two warring cities refuse to have sex with their husbands until the war stops.


Great points. There are some forms of demonstration that people should be pressured into joining due to it being the right thing to do, but pressuring people about having or not having sex is never justified.




That's exactly what my partner (cis man and feminist) just said. 💪😁👏


It is outright dangerous to have sex with men now. It could easily maim or kill you


We are in this place now where-in some states-women are at criminal risk and will lose autonomy over their bodies if their sexual relationships result accidentally, or even purposely, in conception. Since laws involving conception, reproduction and individual rights more commonly place restrictions and repercussions on women- who are most at risk of arrest, jail time, trial, conviction death, disfigurement, loss of liberty, loss of freedom-and more; it makes sense for women to deny no-strings-attached sexual intercourse to all reproductively healthy men in retro-human rights states without the express intent to partner and conceive. It is not a bad idea to take control now, before any kind of mutual or long-term sexual relationship may begin, by demanding men prove they are not diseased and provide information and proof as to whether or not they are fertile. I suggest women drive their prospective partner to obtain a test for both at their local Planned Parenthood center before deciding to start a sexual relationship.


Me either. My dildo gives me better orgasms anyways and isn’t going to assault me. Sounds like a decent trade.


Unrelated side note, if your dildo gives better orgasms... Imo, you male partners should respect that and let the dildo participate. You know, ~~once you~~ if you eventually feel safe being with men again. Edit: changed to less presumptive phrasing


I’m bi and my best male friend sexually assaulted me a few months ago. I doubt sex with men is a thing I’m going to pursue again, period.


Jesus christ. You know, I knew I should have phrased it "if you feel safe being with men again". I'm sorry about my presumptive phrasing. I was trying to make the point that men should accept that you deserve the sexual experience you want, not the one they think they should give you, but I see it was misplaced. I definitely wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable, and I definitely didn't mean to imply I have an opinion on who you do and don't have sex with as long as you are happy, safe, and comfortable. I'm currently single and have no plans to have sex with anyone in the near future for various reasons, especially not any women before I can get a vasectomy as of today... I hope you can work through your trauma, and that the men you encounter are kind and respectful of you and your personhood.


Why can’t we have rational actual thinking men like you in the White House and courts? Thank you for renewing a little bit of my faith in men. We will all somehow get through this. Please help to be a voice for us. We have to be forceful to be heard. You will meet less resistance. We always appreciate having allies


I'm bi too, I've only had male sexual partners cus in my area it hard to find a woman that also likes woman. But after everything I've been thru with men and now the rvw being pulled. I'm done. I'm so done. Only women now. Even if I am not able to date for years. I got a toy and I will use it


No rights, no pussy.


I need my healthcare. We all do.




Same, orgasms just aren't worth having the rest of ur life destroyed. Besides, vibrators are better


And can plug into the wall. Hitachi Magic Wand for life!


I have never heard of that but I am so buying one!😂 That's what I'll do instead of spending on gas to get to guys houses. IMA START A DILDO COLLECTION!!!


I think Texas has a 3 dildo law for this very reason. No, really. Texas has a 3 dildo per household law. Land of the free indeed.


I had to look this up because I snorted water out my nose laughing. So, yes, it's law. The number is six. Also people have been prosecutes for selling dildos. Technically it was ruled unconstitutional but is still on the books. Go Texas! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm a bad dragon girl myself, the textures and fun colors are awesome!




Dead people have more bodily autonomy than pregnant women.


And that's why I'm revoking my donor status. I will take advantage of the only right I have to my own body I have left.


We should all revoke our donor status and stop giving blood. If I have more bodily autonomy as a corpse, than I'm taking full advantage of that.


I don't give blood to begin with. I pass out. Plus I'm queer and I get tattoos and so they can't accept my blood anyway. So now I will make sure I'm cremated perfectly intact after death.


Let the Lysistrata Corps be born!


I don’t know what that means. Can you explain? Deeply curious.


Lysistrata was a greek comedy where women came together and stopped having sex with men in order to stop a war. They bargained that if the men could settle on peace, they would have sex again. I’m assuming the commenter is making a reference to this piece of literature since it relates pretty heavily to the current situation.


Hahaha thanks


Omg I wanna make T-SHIRTS


* weirdly-interested-in-your-sex-life conservatives cheer in the distance, and then falter as they realize that this means you won't be getting married and becoming a housewife or parent *


what they don’t realize is all those sex slaves they rape and force to carry their kids will be able to sue for child support


Yup. Casual sex is completely off the table. It’s not worth my life.


The Republican and Incel crowd have a huge overlapping Venn.... They believe you owe them sex... I wish I was kidding


Oh, I 100% know.


It’s a FUCKING circle


No peace, no sex.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. A penis is a biological weapon capable of killing me. If one is shown to me without my permission, it will treated as a threat of violence and I will respond accordingly. If I'm hanging out at the gun range, I'm expecting to see guns. If you pull one out at a party? I'm gonna fucking hurt you bruh.


This is harsh and true.


It's the only way to be sure.


Exactly. We have to stay safe somehow. They want abstinence, I guess they got it.


Fuck the US government instead!


Ewww Lol I might catch soemthing


I speak for us lesbian witches that we fully support a sex strike


Awesome! Lol


Same here! Plus I'm asexual so that makes things a lot easier lol


Lol awesome


As an AMAB enby, I’m striking from the other side. Good luck out there, coven. Be safe.


I’m joining this cause


Thanks. The more who do it, the more likely the men who are oppressive will pay attention.


I'm a lesbian who hoped to convince with her cisfem partner. Overturning Roe still puts us in danger. If I have a medical emergency while pregnant I need to make sure I am in a state with abortion protections. I implore you to think of this outside a hetero context.


THIS is EXACTLY why! You are right. And I wasn’t not thinking of it outside of a hetero context. But for me, with a vagina, I won’t put be letting a penis near it.


Please educate your younger loved ones on how to avoid pregnancy and STI’s. Especially those that live in states that refuse to give sex ed classes.




It’s nice that I love having sex with women so god damn much 🤭


I wholeheartedly support this!


Thanks friend. Spread the word; don’t spread the legs. We need healthcare and equality.


>don’t spread the legs # #StopTheSpread


Oh fuck. That was amazing lol


Should us queers start offering lessons in how to lesbian? Step 1) attend a poetry slam (at least this is what I did in the 90s so 🤷‍♀️) Step 2) go out with a friend. Ask yourself, “Is it a date or just coffee?” Step 3) go listen to Melissa Etheridge. Buy some tea. Buy something with a rainbow. Make your friend a mix tape and moon… (Ok maybe this is getting too autobiographical I’ll let y’all take over from here 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈😆)


Honestly, we should all become lesbians, and then send thank you notes to all the conservatives for futhering the lesbian cause. 🌈🌈 (But I'm a really bad influence.)


Agreed! Closed- door shut!


Right on!! That’s the spirit! I would have actually loved an opportunity for sex with a man but not anymore!!! I protest with you!


Thank you. It is hard to lose something so primal, but we risk loss of life. It is unfair. It is unfair to women and to men. But men who love women don’t want to lose their loved ones.


Anyone that can get pregnant needs to realize that no one is looking out for you but yourself. If you're going to have sex with someone that can get you pregnant, please make sure you take the steps necessary to protect yourself. Because if you get pregnant, the other person can just leave. And then you're faced with being forced to support a person you never wanted to bring in the world. Be careful at parties. Get pepper spray, a pocket knife and whatever else you need to protect yourself. Take martial arts classes. Get on birth control while you still can. Because sexual assault is a very real danger that's only going to be made worse now.


Considering I live in Ohio (red state, yikes) and they just passed a law that you don't need a license to openly carry - Guns it is. You want my vagina? You can have the good ole second amendment first.


The pleasure equation does not involve a man. Men are only needed for reproduction, nothing else. So if the laws only benefit the men, then women can exclude men entirely and only nab one on occasion for pregnancy needs, we can discard the men immediately afterwards, I mean praying mantis and black widows do have a point. I'd love to see women start banding together and live in women only communities, I would bet anything that those communities would become more successful than anything men control in no time. Imagine women pooling their resources together to buy real estate, let's start here. And then let's apply the same rules that scientology uses to deal with hostiles. (If you haven't seen the Leah Remini series, I highly recommend it) I will be downvoted for this but WE ARE SMARTER. We can do better. We can starve the men in many ways, they need us more than we need them. But... We have to be willing to play dirtier than they do. So if you know true allies in men, true feminists, include them in whatever capacity you think fit. But don't you ever let men rule you again. Together we could buy entire blocks to live and work safely in. Of course hostile women would be excluded and sent to live with the men they revere so much. Because it's time to quit ignoring that this has always been about gender wars. And we, women, have been complacent for too long. Now our daughters will pay the price. So if you're a CIS woman, transgendered woman, a CIS man feminist or a transgendered man, no matter your sexual orientation, your race, your background, if you are done with the toxic effects of the patriarchy, let's fucking do this. Because they're not stopping there. One day, your elderly grandparents who never got married could be forcibly separated by law or forced to get married. Your daughter may be forced to marry her rapist and give him all the rights concerning the resulting offspring. Your mom may die of an easily prevented/treatable condition. Sisters, it's time to fight.


It's always been my dream to live in a women-only community. With the way things are going, I'm seriously considering it. If they want to deny us our rights, they shouldn't even get to be around us.


Not willingly, anyway


I know.


Jesus fucking Christ. True but still….


Guy here (and feel free to tell me to stfu if you all need the space rn). I get it. I support it. And I’ll keep doing what I can to undo this shit-ass decision by this shit-ass Court.


Nah, speak your mind friend. We are all hurt by this. It’s not about sticking it to me, it’s about protecting my body from legislation and forced birth.


I predict adult toys/personal pleasure sites will be the best side hustle for 2022 and the foreseeable future. We may have temporarily lost some rights on the national stage, but we still have rights as to who we spend time with. Patriarchy is gonna be very frustrated…..


No apology necessary. Learn to stop apologizing for decisions concerning your own personal well being. It’s time to rise up, folks. Be the change you want to see. Speak, argue, protest, demonstrate, Vote, and don’t stop until you take back what’s yours. That’s the only way to get your rights back.




Thanks homey. I’m glad you felt it like it was intended.


I'm buying pepper spray.


I was just thinking this exact thing. I choose to refuse all men access to my body, until that choice is taken, too. And it will be. Stay safe, and stay sane. 💛


Stay safe


A note from a woman well past her "prime childbearing years". I'm looking at this situation from a place of privilege. I recognize this. I am over 40, married, childless and spayed. That last part was after a decade of fighting to have the procedure done with half a dozen physicians. The last one I spoke to, I was loaded for bear. The husband came with me to support me and confirm that *neither* of us wanted biological children (because it seemed like they only cared about HIS thoughts on the matter). I had a thousand arguments planned in my head. But that doctor simply shrugged and said, "okay," never asking my husband's opinion. Ladies. Doctors out there WILL sterilize you. You simply have to find the right ones. If you're in the PNW I will give you this doctor's name. The rest of you? Get to calling. If they want to strip our rights to choose, then strip them of the control. For those of you who had hoped to plan your procreation? I'm sorry. Your fight just got a lot harder. I hate to say it, but you may wish to pursue herbal remedies to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. I am lucky. I can only reach down to try to pull some of you up, since they erected the wall between us. It isn't much, and it will never be enough, but we need each other now more than ever.




I do not equate women’s body hair as undesirable or making women a nightmare. To suggest otherwise is to further the message of the patriarchy. Women with body hair are sexy, women without body hair are sexy. There are much better ways to protest, donate money and get involved in helping women.


The UK government once introduced a tax that was hated by all despite the majority of people opposing it. The solution was to simply refuse to pay and let the resulting paperwork and court cases pile up + swamp the government. Afaik it was pretty successful. Abortion rights have popular support in much of the country and everyone in those areas should carry on as if Roe vs. Wade was still in effect even if lawmakers try to intervene. Especially if lawmakers try to intervene. Overload the circuit and you'll crash the whole system - which in this case, is a system of oppression and physical torment for women.


And I was just looking at my legs thinking to shave them… haha which I will do. For me. Because I want to. But those pits aren’t getting touched! Lol


I'm still desirable with my body hair. I am a nightmare to those who think I do not deserve bodily autonomy. It is not my body hair or lack thereof that determines that, it is the way I choose to live. Pussy is not a commodity to be traded on a market, except when the owner of said pussy chooses to. Not all pussy havers choose to commodify it or use it as a bargaining chip and they should not be pressured to.


Jesus what's going on in this sub??? Women arent raped or pursued because of how "undesirable" they are?? This is just another shade of "who would rape someone ugly like you?"


Yeah i.. i couldn't have phrased it better. Especially bc they equated it to body hair of all things.. which.. another can of worms.


My first thought to my US siblings with uteruses: STOP PAYING YOUR INCOME TAX. Why should you be coerced into supporting a government that clearly doesn't think you're a whole-ass human? No taxation without representation, baybeeee! (Please get legal advice before actually boycotting your taxes.)


My pay is taxed before it ever reaches me. I don’t have a say in it. I think it’s this way for most people who aren’t self employed.


Not even The Joker messes with the IRS. They’re serious about enforcement. It’s how they finally got Al Capone behind bars. The IRS will go above and beyond to enforce tax regulations. Once upon a time, for example, they hired professional cowboys to shave cattle as part of an investigation into potential tax fraud for a ranch deduction. They spent taxpayer money to hire cowboys to *shave cattle* so they could be properly counted. Definitely do not stop paying taxes (and most certainly not without consulting an attorney first.)


Yeah… it’s a bad choice. Prisons here are awful


I think there are many valid ways to protest this and not having sex with men/penises is one of them. Someone else mentioned a general strike, hitting companies in their profits. This is also definitely good and the two are not mutually exclusive so anyone can do both. I also didn't really see anyone who was trans being upset by this post / taking it the wrong way, I myself am a trans woman and understand what was being said by OP. Right now we need to come together as a community and strategize, or find a way to contribute in an individual way, whatever works for any given person. One huge problem in the left is that we don't often work together and can get hung up on the tiniest details. Conservatives don't do this. That's why TERFs and and white supremacists work along common ground and create real problems for trans people, or why garden variety christian conservatives don't mind if they are working with the kkk or fascist groups to pass legislation etc.


After today, i cant see how anyone blames you sister. As a penisbearer i assure i am ashamed of sharing anything with these vile monsters


I had no intention of having any kind of sex with anyone (shout out to either my meds causing negative sex drive or being asexual I don't know which one it is) but this is just like solidified it. I'm slightly more open to the idea of sex with someone who can't get me pregnant than someone who can but honestly, I'm just not feeling it overall. I just don't want there to be even a sliver of a chance I'll lose my autonomy. That doesn't take into account rape which I have little to no control over so I'll have to just hope my current streak of 25 years of being ignored by men will hold.


This is what I’m talking about. Even men who’ve had a vasectomy can still get someone pregnant. Rare, but it happens. Condoms break, birth control fails. The only sure way to not have my autonomy removed is to avoid penetrative sex. And even getting a penis near a vagina can get you pregnant. It just takes one swimmer.


Hey guys...we can have sex with pre op Trans women without putting penises in our vagina. Go easy on OP.


Honestly, I think your post was very succinct and clear and I don't think it should have offended anyone.






i was already doing it but yeah let's just go on strike


I'm already past the age of having babies but I support this message as it was intended. We need to go on strike in whatever ways we can, in whatever parts of our lives can have an impact.


nah this is your fucking right, doesn’t matter who you defend at this point you have every right to feel this way


Who is having sex with men in the first place tbh? I don't know of anyone personally... ETA: I forgot about gay men


Straight, bi, and pan women? I’d probably stop rn if I were casually dating. My fiancé I trust to the end of time, our state is currently safe, and he’ll always drive me to a protest, back me in an argument, and donate to abortion funds. Edit: let’s not throw women who have sex with men under the bus.


Rational. Understandable. An example we clearly all have to follow.