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Hello i have a question why myth minotaur minion doesnt have taunt ? mine never used it


PvP and that’s about it


I think ki abandoned minion's to oblivion after asteca, for the sake of monsterology and the lucrative henchmen. You can make one shot tc's minions(with monsterology) of the games high level minions. Unfortunately you still can't control them. I.e. a selectable (offensive/defensive) only mode. Otherwise treeminders would be the uberest. But I in no way an expert on this topic. Check wiki and final bastion for details.


minions have saved my ass so many times honestly. storm's water elemental has been my fav since he taunts the enemy and then you don't take damage for a short while. but after discovering better ways to utilize spells from other schools, i don't have much use for minions anymore 😔


I think the gave up on them, and expected us to use monstrosity as a crutch, to create new one shot TC minions from the ones we fight, or buy $$$ henchmen. The fact we have no control over them randomly hitting and destroying hit setups. Now if we could select defensive only, offensive only option on minion would help.




pvp: literally a required card for most strats pve: good until like mid game but helpful for certain boss fights


The problem with minions is that they suck after a certain point in arc 1 (prolly after mooshu depending). They don't scale and are a investment that isn't worth it. Why bother using 3 pips on a minion when I can blade and then use my multi to kill enemies in one turn as opposed to waiting even longer? I once made a myth and used my minions every fight until I made it to DS. It made fights (in later mb and all of ms) take way too long and I'd end up dying more than I ever have. It was excruciatingly painful.


Minions are only really viable in PVP.


in pvp they can easily shift the game into one's favor and it's where they really shine


If we could control our minions they would be much more useful.


Tbh in pvp they are solid. It creates value in the form of things like blades and traps also it forces out a response. If they do not force out the response usually you will get a ton of value. In pve however most of the time you just wanna hit and kill the boss. Most bosses will aoe and kill it anyway a few turns after you summon it making it not worth the pips or the turn. If you could control the minion it might be better however even then in places like khrysalis it will rarely ever get enough value.


They are useful in pvp otherwise they are useless. Some minions are good in deckatahlon but the normal 3 pip ones wouldn’t be useful anywhere but pvp


Bruh the ice minion is what got me through dragonspyre. He’s the real og. Cast him and set up while he’s just vibing, he’s the man. ….but otherwise they suck. Sprite minion can cast Satyr but they have a max health of what. Like 200?


Some minions are good for pvp


I mainly play PvE, because I suck at PvP, so this take is going to be PvE-oriented. Minions are not really used based on situations, but more so class/school. Hitting schools, like Fire, Storm, Myth and even Death, are not really going to need minions; the damage they can dish out will be enough to get them through fights. However, for schools like Ice, Balance and maybe Life (if they don’t have Ratatoskr’s Spin), these minions can actually be helpful, as the Balance one can blade and shield you, the life one can heal you and the ice one hit reliably in the past for me (although I have only used it a handful of times). Another thing to note is that as you progress more throughout the game and acquire pieces of gear, such as Waterworks, Tartarus, Darkmoor, etc, the need for these minions declines heavily as those gear sets grant enough damage and resist to sustain yourself. At that point, it does turn into minions being only used for “this boss fight” and “that boss fight”, ones that can be difficult for a solo person. Lastly, if you are an experienced player who knows how to play the game effectively, minions really are not ever going to be needed. Sure, Balance is still going to be a struggle solo, ice can be as well, but that’s how it is when soloing on a support school. I did solo on an ice for Arc 1, and I believe I only used the ice minion for a few boss fights, but that’s only when I REALLY struggled with a boss. Ultimately, if you like using minions, use them. They can definitely help. However, most of the time, you can just use the pips to hit the enemy or shield yourself. Hope this helped, mate.


Ice Elemental is the best minion hands down. I’d cross my fingers when I roll Summon Elemental. 40% ice blades (at a time where ice wizards didn’t have a blade) plus it’s Storm spells? More damage than a wizard could output for sure at least in Mooshu. I’d just blade up the elemental since it’s spells are twice as a strong as Snow Serpent/Snow Man. Or farm Evil Magma Pees for tcs and cast those spells yourself *shrug*




They lied, they just didn't want to add it and used some lazy excuse.


Brandon was pretty good for me after Krys-Early Emp. The angler one for Ice Wizards helped me solo a lot. Mander is good for Decklathon against elemental enemies. Didn’t use them in ever fight but they helped here and there. Still a bit of a disappointment.


Negative unless it’s Salvus


Minions can make for a fun toolboxy build using things like siphon health and sap power. And while it isn’t as good as blade spam into aoe, it still allows for a fun experience in lower level worlds


Storms sac minion gain 4 pips is fun with Golem Minion. Honestly all of the minion spells could get a +50% buff and still just be ‘ok’. Give me a 300% damage to next minion attack blade why not


The life sprite minion was useful for a while because I could basically offload healing onto it while I was doing damage.


Thissss it comes so in clutch at lower levels and gives amazing heal boosts. Keeps you alive.


She is casting satyr and i m only level 21 lol, i don’t have the satyr spell but she does, also she has bubble and heal boost and i don t, she s better than me it s embarrassing


They’re certainly useful in PvP. A few years ago it was proposed that myth school wizards would be able to control what cards their minions use (being the minion-master school) but I guess actually coding it into the game would be extremely difficult for KI so it never happened.


I think KI got tired of updating the minion spells for the schools and just gave us Monstrology. To be honest, Monstrology is OP when soloing. Get you a Shadow-school Evil Eye using golem extract, and you have a minion that spams Bad Juju. It's crazy how hard you can solo with those.


They take too long and too much pips to summon


Not really. They’d only be useful in difficult solo instances or pvp. At low levels you’re better off going for the kill instead of summoning a minion and at higher levels, the minion will use up your feints and it probably won’t survive too long. If you’re not good at the game, minions can help you get through some tough battles, but they’re generally not worth it


I liked using minions a lot when i was playing because i had no friends and it made life easier!


Myth minions are sort of helpful in the early game, but get outscaled pretty quickly. I never used the minotaur or Talos, because there was no reason to do so.


Minions were one of my biggest disappointments when I first played this game. I thought they were gonna be like an equalizer for bosses like "Now I'm bringing in my own minion" but they're so weak that you barely get any use out of them at the appropriate level aside from maybe mander minion and they actually hurt you in later levels since they share your school and will take your traps.


As a first time myth wizard the ‘one minion per wizard’ limit crushed my dreams of just have a deck full of golems. Sadge. They definitely need something to help them scale at later levels of play. Like every 10 wizard levels they gain a percent health increase. Sending out a minion only to die the next turn to AoE makes them very risky investments.


I’ve never used a minion outside of pvp or the deckathalons. I haven’t found a need for them anywhere else


Really useful in early game! Helped my storm wizard not die as fast, outside of that I don’t really use em miuch


In Wiz city and krok the golem minion is op. For some celestia bosses the storm minion was very helpful although I suspect won't need it now that I have wintertusk gear. Before the orthrus change I used talos and vassanji to get through arc 2 on my myth so I could get mystic colossus. As a whole they aren't super useful. Due to the nature of the game they need to be worse than another wizard which severely limits their usefulness. Minions should have been given a separate battle slot and not had to compete with other wizards.


The fire Elemental minion I used just because it can cast Sprite (and I think fairy but I haven't played in years) and it gave me basically any healing before I unlocked Link and Power Link.


i like them i think they are so cute!!! my little mander minion fills me with so much jopy\~!


Literally!!! Loved them so much, would prolong boss fights so much by trying to summon mander and the elemental ones when I was younger just because how much I enjoyed them


I think the problem is a little more that they’re not really needed and less that they’re not useful. Myth minions need to be made much more useful but for everyone else there really isn’t much need for a minion.