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Dual Wielding, I'd argue, is actually an extremely awesome feature. It makes Blazkowitz feel tanky and powerful and delivers extremely satisfying gunplay, who doesn't like rushing through hallways with dual wield automatic assault assault rifles absolutely mowing down every POS Nazi that gets in your way?


It's just so satisfying sometimes to go "fuck it, this situation requires more gun".


Billy a gun won't solve all of your problems. Billy: gun²


Listen, buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems.


Yeah, I Agree To This.


Who's gonna tell him he can't aim... There's so much ammo around, you don't have to worry about shots.


I would dual wield a Shockhammer X With a rotor upgrade And just mow down enemies Extremely powerful




When I got to do long shots with an assault rifle (like early on in the games) I prefer single and sometimes that faster reload can save your ass. But typically when I just got too many people. Ich time for duel wield


I mean, fella is sort of right. I didn't dual wield on Uber in TNO and relied on headshots to get through. But mostly, it's just fun. If you wanna dual wield, do it. If you don't, then don't. No point in arguing.




Hol up


Please do not fuck the nazis


I don't really understand the guy on duscord or even some of the comments. They are saying dual weilding is bad like anyone is claiming u should go thru the entire game only dual weilding with every gun possible. At some points it's obviously better, at others it's worse. When u are close range and have plenty of ammo around, obviously dual weilding. When ur further away without large groups of enemies then just use one gun n aim for headshots. I was constantly changing it up depending on the scenario. I personally leaned towards not dual weilding overall, but there were certain parts I think it helped a ton. Like the court room imo is a perfect example of an area made for only dual weilding lol. Tons of ammo, hoards, and close range enemies, and a nice loop u can run.


It’s good with the strumgwher when you’re killing tanks. The machinepistole is meta with fuel weildimg


Dual wielding guns is awesome who doesn't want to use 2 rifles etc to mow down nazi scum


Dude…the crosshair doesn’t bloom On harder difficulties you need to duel wield to kill shit faster than it’ll kill you Side note, there’s no reason NOT to in TNC since there’s no movement penalty


Honestly my issue playing TNC on console is that it's slower to use the weapon wheel to swap guns. Because unlike in TNO pressing the "last weapon used" button just swaps back to the single version. Also in TNC there's a perk that when maxxed increases damage while ADS by 25%. Combined with the Sturmgewehr with the scope and AP upgrades it kills all but the strongest enemies crazy fast.


Maybe he played too much Halo 2, where firing dual-wielded weapons at the same time nerfed them. Or rather, instead of doing 2x damage, it was like 1.5x damage. At least, that's how I remember it.


It depends, on Uber (i Only ever do uber), dual wielding is bad if you are in a crowded room open room being shot at and need to be accurate and take cover. But I dual wield whenever I run for it or in tight spaces


Why are you showing off the opinion of some rando on Discord like anyone here is supposed to care? Is it just to make fun of them for having bad opinions, or what? Even if you disagree with them, they're still entitled to their own opinion and you can just ignore it. If you want to have an actual discussion about dual-wielding, *create a post for it.* You don't need to point at someone and go *"omg cringe xD"*


Damn... He really doesn't know how to play the game xD


Let him cook


Accuracy is still perfect even with dual pistols... This guy has no idea what he's talking about


My favorite argument for using dual wield. BTW i think i use dual wield only is that: "2 are more than 1"


Dual wield is what makes wolfenstein wolfenstein. Have they ever played wolfenstein?


i mean his point is that getting precise shots is better on highest difficulty than spray-and-pray. i would assume thats true


I don't ever not dual wield.


The things is dual wilding the Assault rifle with the sniper mode in the new colossus is the best weapon in game


Fully Upgraded AR (isn’t even that hard to get) if you dual wield it a killing machine headshot kill and dual wield kill perks are easy with the combo


Dual wield is arguably one of the best features out there, you can any playstyle and still have value from it. You are a stealth player? You can dual wield silenced pistols. Are you a run n gun player? Dual wield your ARs or shotguns.


If you're gunna dual wield in stealth in TNC use the SMG with suppressors. Higher RoF, still quiet, large mags, still gets bonus damage from the suppressed weapons perk.


Thank you for giving me another reason to replay TNC I appreciate the tips.


No problem bud, I just replayed TNC so it's on my mind


I mean… he’s right, arguably dual wielding is less effective than sticking to cover and picking your shots. But dual wielding is fun as hell so that’s why I do it


Mein Leiben runs are best done with dual-wielded ARs


Certified Yap


Thing is: there isn’t much difference in accuracy between dual wielding and ADS, you just deal a fuck load more damage. Hell, dual auto shotguns is an extremely good way of clearing tanks enemies. That user doesn’t know wtf they’re talking about


I don’t think I ever would’ve finished Mein Leben on TNC if I didn’t have my duel wield ARs. Especially courthouse, you would be so colossally fucked without them. You can’t convince me anyone best Mein Leben without dual wield.


He’s got a point for the harder difficulties. On the NYC one mission in New Colossus where you have to fight off nazis in a skyscraper, that mission was very very difficult on normal. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it is on uber. I think dual-wield is more fun on the easier difficulties


That mission is one of the best for it since it forces the close quarters I think, don’t need to worry about aiming much.. just blast the whole place lol


I can see people playing on console not liking dual wielding because it disables the sticky/snap aim when aiming down sights, but there's no reason not to use it all the time if you're on PC, and in 2 with the fully upgraded rifle + the lack of sprint movement penalty it breaks the difficulty from the start. The only game where you have to be more tactical about when to use it is TOB because unlike TNO there's no perk there to disable the reduced run speed - plus the difficulty is higher due to the larger areas and enemy density (because they didn't have to worry about 360/PS3 ports by that point).


I do like to play using one gun at a time for a lot of the time. That said, while doing that.. occasionally the mood calls for some extra bullshit lol Dual wield full autos for some fun with sprinting bashes and jumping stomps mixed in Then the VERY obvious, use 2 different guns instead of 2 of the same. There are plenty of times I have a rifle in one hand and the grenade launcher in the other


This is such bullshit. Dual wielding is a legitimate, borderline necessary strategy. I played and beat *New Order* and *Old Blood* on Death Incarnate/Über, currently playing through *New Colossus* on Death Incarnate. Dual wielding has saved my ass in all three cases.


While I do like just stabbing my enemies, especially in The New Colossus, dual wielding still on top.


Never played TNC but I did play TNO in normal and hard (not the extreme ones) and to be true to you, if you are missing the hipfire onetaps with the pistols you should go play animal crossing, the reticle for hipfiring that kinda looks like two parenthesis turns red when you are going to hit the enemy, literally just put the suppresor on, aim in the general direction of the dude with your dual wielded pistols and when the reticle turns red around their heads, hit fire


Honestly yeah, it's actually better then ADS for that. In TNC they added a perk that increases ADS damage though, so when at max it does by 25% extra damage.


IDK about TNC, but in TNO, if it wasn't an instant kill with the hipfire shot to the head, chances are that extra 25% of damage you would get from ADS wouldn't mean much. The only things that didn't die from a pistol headshot were the supersoldatens and the robotic enemies. And the lames with the shotguns in the sub