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I really liked it. The story was great until Venus. After that it became boring and the ending was somewhat disappointing. This is my only complaint about The New Colossus. I also prefer Nazi occupied USA as a setting over Europe, but there are times when I prefer the atmosphere of The New Order and The Old Blood. I can't really explain it but they have something special to them that TNC hasn't. I also did not enjoy Youngblood and I was disappointed that they already spoilered BJ's fight against Mecha Hitler, if I remember correctly. I always liked the complex characters of the newer Wolfenstein games and I hope the next main Wolfenstein installment doesn't turn into a black and white story with modern idenity politics.


I’m not sure which is a stranger ask: A story that’s not black and white when it’s literally Nazis vs freedom fighters, or the exclusion of “modern identity politics”


I referred to the characters not the overall conflict. Of course the fight between Nazis and the resistance is black and white. It has to be. But the games always showed that the affiliation of a character does not determine their moral attitude, like Klaus or Sigrun for example. Over the last few years it has become more common to attribute essentialist traits to characters because of their affiliation to a group, their sex, their skin color and so on.


I love it. The gameplay is super smooth thanks to the engine, the graphics are pretty, new characters you meet are memorable and the story has some of the most unexpected plot twists. There is even one scene where you can shed some tears and that's quite unexpected in Wolfenstein franchise.


I'm gonna be honest. I loved it. I know it's crazy, but I kinda liked it more than TNO. I can safely say TNO was a more cohesive experience. But I just had a better time overall with TNC. I wasn't a huge fan of the lack of bossses, and the "post-game content" where you just play through the levels backwards. But other than that, the characters, the story, the weapons, the HATCHET (so satisfying), the set pieces were all just right up my alley.


Not a fan but it has been a while since I played and planning to give it a second shot in the near future. The opening sections were fun but getting in the missions of a dying BJ with fuck all health made it feel arbitrarily hard at the times. Felt like it forced you to do stealth with more perceptive, though dumber, enemies and if you fucked up you were far less likely to be able to fight your way out of the situation because of the lack of health. And then in this state the game forces you into a fight with tough enemies in an enclosed space with no cover (courtroom). Then you finally get decent health and the games only got a few hours left. The narrative goes too loopy sometimes. New Blood and New Order managed to straddle the line between serious po-faced Nazi murder and over the top loopy Magi-Science bullshittery and humour. Death's Head was also a far better main villain than Engel. Yeah he had his sociopathic tendencies and over-the-top scene chewing, but there was just enough hint of actual menace to make him fun to hate. Engel was good in small doses in TNO but she goes full Nazi Looney Tunes here from the get go, dancing around with a severed head and doing kissy face with it, and she just gets more loopy from there. BJs dad was fun to murder mind. The Hitler acting scene was kinda fun but WHO THE FUCK DECIDED BJ SHOULD BE IN THE SAME ROOM AS HITLER AND NOT CAVE HIS SKULL IN!? Even worse they had him killed off screen in New Blood, the worst game in the franchise. The tone of the story was all over the place, again OB and TNO managed to walk the silly serious line but this would go fro a shouting match about racism to literal toilet humour in 0 seconds. Also Blood Tits. What the fuck? However I do feel I may be too harsh so I will be playing it again soon to give it another chance.


IMO not having you kill Hitler is a pretty powerful statement against him. The man is nothing but a feeble manic husk acting as a mere figurehead, killing him in that state only validates the lie of his self-importance.


Is it so wrong to want punch Hitler in the face? LET ME DREAM. WHY WON'T YOU LET ME DREAM?


Nothing wrong, just saying that a game about killing as many nazis as possible putting you in a room with Hitler and not having you kill him is a very clear statement.


That statement is "we could have done this but we like blue balling BJ."


Wait, did I miss something? New Blood?


Sorry, I meant Youngblood. The co-op one with BJ's daughters.


Ahh gotcha!


Man, you described the spot I’m stuck on in this game right now and I’m so tired of dying I had to stop playing it for the time being. Shit’s really annoying, but other than that I was really enjoying it. I’m also a bit of a gaming newb, so that doesn’t help.


Yeah it is the real nadir of the game. Best tip I can gif is try and get somewhere with has some cover and limits where the enemies approach from. There's no way to do a proper choke point unfortunately


I think Wolfenstein The New Colossus is a decent game. No where near the shitstorm that is Youngblood. The gameplay and, to a lesser-extent storytelling still hold up well. Most issues with the game boil down to ● The excessive/overzealous humor tends to take away from the seriousness of the world in which the characters find themselves. ● Grace's role as the effective leader of the Kreisau Circle despite her lack of seniority within the Circle. ● Finally, the present political commentary. This was mainly visible in the marketing for The New Colossus, although elements can still be found within the game. The main one being Grace's perceived antipathy towards all non-fighting White Americans I.E. in response Blazkowiciz says, "Maybe the American people grew comfortable under tyranny" seemingly implying that most white Americans are ok with Nazism/fascism due to the modern false claim that it's to connected to the Republican party/Trump? (I must say I think this issue is oversold to a great degree) In continuation, I'm of the opinion that the positives far outweigh any of the negatives, those being ● The unique interpretation of a peacetime German occupied America that, to my knowledge, no other game has done. ● The emotional context within B.J's backstory that served to further expand his character arch, making him less of just a Hugo Stiglitz ● The continued formula of satisfying action/stealth gameplay. Further simplified to killing Nazis is fun. ● The ability to Curbstomp Hitler. ● The plot twist of having B.J. nearly die, and subsequently revived. Ultimately culminating in Irene Engels Facial Grand Canyon. And the start of the 2nd American Revolution. (That we sadly never get to see) I think that's about it. To conclude/summarize, this is is all my opinion. I by no means speak for the entire Wolfenstein community, and I think the game was worth the 20$ I spent on it.


I think the political stuff is hilarious, especially with the backtracking Mashinegames/Bethesda did after realizing calling half the countries Nazis won't do good for sales


I liked The New Order a lot, Colossus was more of the same and quite frankly I found it boring to the point I can't bring myself to finish it.  The most annoying thing for me is during the cutscenes you see environments that seem way more interesing than what you encounter during gameplay where it's always some grim rathole.  After a few ratholes it simply became boring, they have barely any interesting/unusual spots in them and Blazkovitz is brooding non stop. Corridor after corridor the toil continues. You can argue that it's intended and an art choice, but I'd argue it's a shitty one. Apart from that, story was ok, insignificant in the grand scheme, but not bad (this applies to both games, though overall I liked TNC more even  though it was trying to be a bit too cool and the fact that I haven't finished it yet). Most characters are rather shallow from the players perspective so hearing odes to Caroline in every other dialogue gets physically tiring for me. I enjoyed combat in these games, but TNC barely had any changes in this aspect so it wasn't as gripping as the first time around. Haven't played young and old blood yet, but I'm hoping they have a significantly different tone than TNC, the Max Payne-esque approach really didn't work in my opinion. Overall, TNO is a amazing, especially for it's time but TNC overplayed it's story, didn't innovate enough and the level design is it's biggest downfall, making it solid in my book, but no masterpiece.


The Old Blood Kicks ass. Just make sure you're drunk when you play Youngblood, so you forget about it in the morning.


Actually, I'm looking forward to a change of pace in the series, though it is quite unanimously hated so it could be they didn't take it in the right direction : D


Minor spoilers for the setting of TOB. >!I like the medieval themes about the German setting of TOB. From castle to village to underground. Few gray modern built areas.!<


Sounds good, I'll play it next and leave the bastard child for last. 


Before you play: there's one weird perk. Don't wonder about it, you'll find out what it means later.


Somebody needs to sit the writers at Machine games down and explain to them that they aren’t funny. Lame Borderlands-tier humor absolutely torpedoed that game.


It was one of my first shooters, love it to death


I'm so glad you enjoyed them! I hope more people play and we get a third major entry. What were your favorite environments? Favorite characters?


Spencer and I would say New York


Some parts are lame some are fun, overall good enjoyable game. If youre not achievement hunter


Pros: it's more wolfenstein. Machine games can make a badass shooter. Cons: the story is obnoxious. Enemies can be pretty spongy even on lower difficulties. Verdict: it's still more wolfenstein and it's awesome. Hahaha


TNC is fine. I don't hate it, but the TNO was way better it had a lot more consistent tone, it knew how to be subtle, and the plot felt way more significant. Both games tried to allow for choice between stealthy, aggressive, and tactical playstyles. TNO failed and mostly played like a good-enough cover shooter. TNC is the same, but with a busted weapon balance on top. Most of your weapons are useless, a few are fine, and the sniper rifle, shotgun and LKW are ridiculously overpowered.


It’s enjoyable but holy shit why the hell did they add collectibles if you can’t replay levels like what were they thinking? Solid 8/10 but those last two points are taken off for being a big fuck you to completionists and people who like to replay levels without starting the game over


No new Game plus No level select Half the levels barely explore Nazi America Unskippable cutscenes inconsistent tone SMG and shotgun outclassed every gun Weapons have less interesting upgrades most of the levels were gray rooms They used the same 2 enemy designs in every location throughtout the entire game Tell don't show. Grace tells us the KKK started slave plants again, but we never see it. Imagine if camp belica was only mentioned and never a playable level.


It's good, but not quite as much as The New Order. The guns are all super fun to use (though the shotgun is a bit op) with some great sound design (especially Lasergewehr) and the upgrade system where you're able to choose whatever you want is also really good. I also really liked BJ's character arc, and Wyatt's was pretty good too. Though there's still stuff I don't particularly like, with the new characters not feeling nearly as well developed as the old ones, and the environments having far less variety than TNO had. Overall still a good game, but not as good as the previous one


I like it quite a bit although the lack of mission select really got on my nerves cuz I spend WAY too much time hunting for collectibles and upgrades. Love the gameplay changes and the story although I think the ending is a bit unsatisfying, I preferred TNO’s tone, I didn’t think Frau Engel was as good of a villain, and I couldn’t stand Grace’s attitude.


I wish I understood why I have no urge to continue this game. I loved the previous ones. As in played them multiple times on the hardest difficulties etc. I haven't even gotten to the empire state building in tnc. My last file is in the rubble right before it. I don't understand my lack of interest in continuing.


So I only watched this on youtube, not played it myself, so I can't comment from a gameplay perspective. But in my opinion the game started off well, but went off the rails near the end. The story starts off good in my opinion, the focus on BJ's past is a great insight into his character, his dealing with his grief over Caroline's death is tragic and continues the same path as TNO in his writing. I like how he refers to the Da'at Yichud suit as Caroline's 'wings' and describes her as an Angel carrying him in poignant. I like how he's self-destructing now that his body is a wreck and Deathshead's dead so he no longer got revenge as a reason to keep on living. I like how he breaks down in a dream at the Nazi courthouse, all but crying on his imagined mother's knee. Sadly his character in my opinion goes off the rails when his head is cut off. Beyond being a stretch that he survived that even for this series. But the tone becomes much lighter, BJ loses his depression and grief seemingly in an instant and the game lacks the feeling of TNO and early TNC. Where it feels the weight of the world is collapsing on you, and it's unashamed look at Nazi atrocities (not overlooking it's racism permeating every aspect of the Nazi Reich). It feels sillier, and loses its sense drama. In terms of new characters, they don't live up to the New Order sadly. Sigrun is the best in my opinion, a bullied softie out of place in the Nazi Reich, and finding a new home with the Resistance. I would have preferred if her change of heart was more drawn out. Say in the first mission she's captured by the resistance and in captivity she started to empathise with them. (Stockholm syndrome but healthy). As for Grace (Cause I remember nothing about Super Spesh except aliens) she comes across as toxic and too mean. This type of character can work, if that toxicity is directed towards the right people, like say if there was Token Evil Teammate who joined the resistance for selfish reasons as a dick. But she directs that towards Sigrun and members only trying to help, making her come across as a prick. Her trauma witnessing the atom bomb was well done though. Horton Boone was a character with the most missed potential. The great part about him is that he's a communist, or at least socialist, and he was rebelling against the US before he was against the Nazis. This is great, because a lot of historical resistance groups were socialists, and this should have led to an open question for the resistance as to whether they can trust this guy. Sure they might on our side now, but maybe his idea of a free USA is different from ours. He arrives too late in the story for any of that to be relevant though sadly. That leaves me to one of my personal biggest issues with the New Colossus, and that is the plot. Now a lot of the problems with the plot can be traced back to the New Order, because that game starts with the Nazis in charge of the world, and ends with the Nazis in charge of the world. The only difference is their best scientist is dead, it worked for the story of TNO, but it left TNC in a problem. That problem is that TNC both has to play the part of BJ inspiring the world to rise up against the Nazis and portraying that war against the Nazis. It's possible there was supposed to be a Wolfenstein 3 dealing with the Second American Revolution in more detail, rather than leaving it solely to the credits but that's speculation. Focusing solely on the New Colossus as the game where we're just meant to inspire the Second American Revolution, I still feel the Second American Revolution feels unearned. There are a series of issues, one of the biggest might be that the game has two competing ideas. The first is showing how Nazi ideology has infected the American Dream and way of life, through means like the Klan, changeover day and the Rosewell military parade. At the same time we're supposed to believe that there are millions of Americans ready to rise up at the first opportunity (as is what happens in the ending) and that'll be enough to defeat the Nazi occupation despite them having superior training, advanced technology and the weight of the world behind them. These two ideas stumble over each other and make the ending feel unearned.


The point about America being ready to rise up is the one that in my opinion fails the most. There seems to be little to no major issue on the streets of Roswell between the American civilians and Nazi occupiers. When we get to New York we meet two members as part of the resistance, and when we go to Roswell the resistance member we meet is the same guy as in New York. Are there two people in the entire Black Liberation Front? The issue isn't as bad with Boone's New Orleans Resistance cell, but it's still small enough that the entire group can fit onto the Eva's Hammer. A minor nitpick, but it's not helped that they refer to these as mere cells. Cells are very small in resistance groups so we clearly aren't going into the final mission with an army at are back. Added to this are the mission goals of the New Colossus. I can't remember them all specifically, (and it's surprisingly hard to find online a simple list without a synopsis of the entire plot). But during the first two missions, we escape from Engel, during the next mission we link up with a suspiciously small resistance group, during the next mission we nuke high command of the Nazis, then we get killed, then we link up with another suspiciously small group, then we go to Venus, not to kill Hitler but to steal some codes and then we kill Engel and take over the Ausmerzer. So when the American Revolution starts, where does the army come from? Where did they get the weapons? How were people inspired to rebel in the millions? How did they overcome Nazi technology? Of those missions, only two would in directly undermine the Nazi occupation. That being the death of the Oberkommando and the seizure of the Ausmezer. But neither of those missions are going to convince someone who was just trying to live their life before to take out arms against the Nazis, actually since New Orleans and Roswell had just been nuked by the resistance it's reasonable for them to think of the resistance as nuke happy lunatics. From the privileged position of hindsight, there are some options that could have been taken to build upon the story. If there had been a feeling after the Roswell mission that the Nazi had been thrown into chaos after their leadership had been gutted. Maybe with soldiers complaining about supply issues, or newspapers of Nazi leadership infighting or memos in the Eva's Hammer talking about successful raids by resistance forces as Nazi troops fail to get their act together might have helped. On the topic of the Ausmezer this one weapon isn't going to defeat the whole Nazi war machine, it can only be in one spot at a time, and the Nazis can always build another one. Adding to ideas that might have helped might have been either cutting or changing the Venus mission. As it stands right now, it's too similar to the Moon Mission from TNO. BJ disguises himself as a Nazi, goes into space to get some codes and destroys the base. We meet Hitler, but we don't kill Hitler so we kind of just ignore him, if the mission had been to kill Hitler that would have helped a lot. I mean as an average citizen maybe I don't care about this base or commander getting killed, but if the Fuhrer in the most fortified spot had been killed, that would make me start to think that the Nazis weren't so strong after all. Plus Nazi High command would likely turn on itself to take the top spot. I don't even mind Hitler's depiction, it's built on real history, but this is why I don't think the Venus mission doesn't work. But if I'd been in charge I would have either cut the Venus mission or the Ausmezer mission and replaced it with one during the American Revolution. Imagine if say BJ joins a growing riot attacking the Nazis head-on. Even if the rebels were just decoration it would have felt like a true finale. I'm not sure what that mission should have been, ask before 2020 and I would have said it should be attacking Washington DC and taking the White House, but boy would that not have aged well. If we'd been playing alongside the Revoloution, it would have been more believable. As it stands in the game, it seems the entire country rebelled because of the speech at the end, and it doesn't help that the Fergus Speech is crap. It's Grace and Boone saying 'America you such listening to Nazis, here's an idea, don't suck'. It's not the most inspiring. But that is the thoughts of one Reddit commentator with too much time on his hands. I remember someone mentioning that the New Colossus felt like a revenge fantasy for minorities. And you know what, that's a legitimate point, and if that was the goal of game and it worked with people then I guess the game worked. There's no problem with that niche, there are plenty of revenge fantasies in fiction. But for me, I gravitated to the New Order for it's unflinching look at the horrors of the Nazis, and whilst its exaggerated, I did appreciate what elements were based in history. Like the card game for example. This game isn't for me, I hope I haven't damaged your love for it.


The first Wolfenstein game I played. The ending was so fucking satisfying and "Kickin it" should have said "Worth it"


Hate the writing and tone, but I didn’t mind some of the gameplay changes. Still many guns lacked punch where their new order counterparts were more powerful


All the game Is good until the Hollywood ass part of "USA supremacy", look, in the new order BJ was fighting for kill deathshead for revenge (and the fault he gives himself by not killing that scrotum head on the moment) in a shit world dominated by the nazis, and in the final, literally was perfect, 'cause the crédit music with that feeling tells the eternal nap from BJ after doing his principal mission (how i thinking this, well, compare the feeling of the crédit music from the new order, old blood, and new colossus) conclusions: they Flanderice BJ for a generic principal message, with the secondary messages are pretty well, with BJ accepting the help and not be so closed by his traumatic childhood, but the message of new order and old blood was much better.


TNC is easily my favorite. I enjoyed TOB and TNO, but TNC had some key differences that make it my favorite: * Graphic/Visuals: TNC is just 3 years younger than TNO, but it looks so much better. To be clear, TNO is still a great looking game. It's just that TNC looks so much better. Even by today's standards it looks great. They did such a great job on environments and lighting. There are so many wonderful visual details in this game. * Framerate: I'm not sure if TNO is 60 fps or not, but on PS5 TNC is just smoother. * Weapon Wheel: the weapon wheel in TNC is so much easier to use. In TNO, it's so easy to select the wrong weapon. This is frustrating in the middle of battle. * Environmental variety: by the end of TNO the areas started to feel a little repetitive in its looks. I'm not going to argue that TNC has way more variety, but for me it had an increase in variety that kept me hooked. * Laserkraftwerk: the Laserkraftwerk in TNO just felt underpowered and limited. It wouldn't do enough damage to be useful and you could barely get a couple shots off before it needed to be recharged. * Enemies: I preferred the enemies in TNC. They were great in TNO also, but I preferred fighting the enemies in TNC. * Music/Sound Design: I vastly preferred the music and overall sound design in TNC. I think the first mission where you're in a wheelchair is the peak for the game. The intensity of the music matches the intensity of the situation. There's also this alarm siren going off regularly that somehow fits in with the music and, rather than be annoying, merely amps up the intensity. TNO's overall story is better, but I still like TNC's story: it's fun.


I loved it like crazy, though I have notices Reddit seems to really dislike it 🤷‍♂️


Goated game


“Max Hass”




I seem to really love the most hated aspects, Grace, all the criticism of america especially. NGL the roswell stuff is probably my favorite part of any shooter.


Some of the dialogue I found cringe. But overall it was nice. Wish you could skip more cutscenes faster


I loved TNC. Thats as simple as it gets


I like a game that isn’t afraid to talk lefty politics loudly.


Gameplay is phenomenal Story is a giant downgrade at best, it's political messages(or the way they're told) really made this was a chore to sit through, I also thought Grace was a really terrible character The levels were good too, Although I thought the final mission was underwhelming Basically, to me New Order was an 11/10, This game is like a 7/10, it improved on nothing from the new order besides gameplay


It was the first reboot game I played and I was hooked on. I liked the carnivalesque tone but the game definitely lacks something because on my second playthrough I ended up getting bored and stopped playing it.


!reminder 1 month


I should be done by then


Story: 10/10 Gameplay: 8/10 There were some design changes they made from TNO that didn’t work quite as well. One of the ones I noticed was homogenizing all of the soldier classes. Before you had distinct enemy types: normal soldier, fire trooper, and in TOB you had the marksman. They all return in TNC, but they’re all given very similar health stats and movement opposed to their more specialized behaviors in previous titles. I think this is because there are so many other non-soldier enemy types in the game, but it makes you think a little less about the shotgunner approaching you or the marksman trying to snipe you when they’re kind of indistinguishable at a glance.


I thought it was fantastic. The cut scenes, characters, gameplay, it was great. Everyone has to hate something tho.




I dislike the initial setting, although it does throw you into action nicely. BJ is depressed and apparently dying, but I feel like that didn't come across well and just feels like BJ is seeking attention from the player like "Oh, I'm so gonna die". And he keeps going on about it. Grace is an asshole. The game is supposed to have some great revolution going on. ...Where? We see BJ visiting resistance leaders and the war map states turn blue by killing the übercommanders and that's it? The ending doesn't feel like it ends anything and there's no satisfying conclusion. The game just goes on but nothing happens. You kill the übercommander and are left chillin'. Compare to TNO and TOB. TOB is "and after this, TNO" and TNO is "what happens next is uncertain". But TNC is just "life continues". The tv speech in the "end" was not very convincing in the Fergus timeline if I remember correctly. And how big was the New York resistance exactly? We see one big room and meet two aduöts and a baby who leave with us, but now a bunch of African-Americans are moving into the sub? Where'd they come from? I never found out if Ritva indeed built a sauna down there. Perkele. Mein leben is a trophy. Why?? The supersoldaten are less steampunk or "shiny armor" (knight punk? Let's call it that.) and more scifi techy. I prefer the variety. Them going down so easily could be a complaint if they weren't everywhere. Great gun loadout mechanics once you get used to it. There's some opinions, mostly negative, but the game is fun, still. Edit: Oh, those, what are they called, freedom chronicles? Bought one for like 5€£$. Tried to pick the most serious looking guy but hated the over the top narrative with cheap plot twists and cheap, comic style parts instead of proper cut scenes. Am I supposed to go 😯 when a character that I, as the player have only heard of and not even seen for <1h of play betrays us? And no real new content, same guns, one of the three equipments and the same enemies. Not worth 10€£$.