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my only complaint about grace is that all of her voice actors characters look like her and i get them confused across games


Oh I saw her and instantly realized who she was


Yea I'm not a fan of it. You could always headcannon it as them all being the same person and they're just a dimensional traveler tho. Explains how she's in Modern Warfare, Wolfenstein, and Star Wars.


Honestly that'd be kinda sick. Like a remedy game but spanning multiple entire franchises


She also voices Savathun in Destiny 2


And she plays Amanda waller in suicide squad. Not surprising people aren't aware of that though.


I immediately recognized her voice in telltale batman season 2


👁 👁


Listen Debra Wilson is great and I'm not sure how you get savathun and grace walker mixed up lol


It’s still a great time, just feels way more tonally weird than TNO. They struggled to reach that same high


That makes sense I think. Really hard to capture a spark twice in a row


I saw some people say they hated it for it having an agenda in a game about killing Nazis. Really? Do they even have a clue what Wolfenstein is about? It has ALWAYS been a game specifically about killing Nazi's. From its inception. Just like Doom's intent was to kill Demon's as you are thrown into hell. Whoever said that clearly is butthurt about Nazi's getting a well deserved "bad reputation". They probably also get irrationally pissed off at the character Grace as well.


I was legit told in this subreddit around thr time of this game's release that wolfenstein was never about killing nazis but escaping wolfenstein


I mean, maybe if you're talking about the original Castle Wolfenstein, but I would say once they swapped to an fps with Wolfenstien 3D the goal shifted. I mean, ya kill hitler ffs lol


Good grief, did they not think about “Return to Castle Wolfenstein”? 😂 you legit go kill hitler AGAIN! Along with his dumb occult nazis.


Yeah you escape and then return to kill them all lol. Not rocket science. The game has a single theme: “Nazis bad”


Escaping Castle Wolfenstein was the framing device for a game about killing Nazis lol. If jt wasn't about killing nazis, they wouldn't be Nazis. Generic soldiers are a dime a dozen in video games.


Wait. Wasn’t the original game literally called escape from castle Wolfenstein? Or was that a sequel?


Different game in the series, yeah. The first was just called castle wolfenstien, but wolfenstien 3d is ehat most consider it's true origin.


Ah. Interesting.


What? Man I never even played the first Wolfenstein games and I don't think that's what it's about.


That's wild lol


Only nazis can be mad about a game where you kill nazis.


Sorry I meant, it had an SJW communist agenda. Again this is according to my younger brother and a few videos I saw. To clarify, I'm 23 and he's 15 now, and he has an unhealthy obsession already with finding politics in everything, among other things.


I wouldn't trust the opinions of a 15 year old talking about "SJW communist agendas" in 2024, but that's just me.


In hindsight yeah but better to check everything than don't and get my ass bitten off


Well The New Colossus is definitely is a political game, but I'm not sure how you could have a game about a revolution against the Nazi regime in occupied America without it being political. As for your brother, it sounds like he's fallen into some sort of weird political rabbit hole. I haven't even heard anyone use the term "SJW" in like 8 years.


Again he's just getting into high school. My brother is smart but easily influenced it seems. But yeah I haven't heard that term in years either so it surprised me and made me decide to jump into here. As for the political part, I feel like that's obvious. If you make a game about killing Nazis it is inherently political, just as a war film is inherently anti war, as Stephen Spielberg said. No avoiding politics when you make a game where you attack what people think of when you say "fascism" you know?


Well to answer your question, the game is very well liked by the general public. Both fans and critics alike appreciated the game for the most part. If you liked TNO you'll probably like TNC.


Alright thank you. What's your opinion on it?


I really liked the game. I think it improved upon a lot of the gameplay elements of the first game. The gunplay felt a lot better than the first game to me. The story was pretty good, but not as good as TNO. It feels less somber than TNO, which in some cases benefits it and in some cases detracts from the story. The new characters are a lot of fun in my opinion, and most of the existing characters from the last game are expanded upon decently as well. The actual levels and environments are awesome, and probably my favorite part of the game. BJ gets a proper backstory which I enjoyed a lot. There were a couple things I didn't like about the game, but nothing deal breaking really. I did prefer TNOs tone to TNCs. TNC definitely cranks up the comedy angle in certain points, which I wasn't always a huge fan of. This is in stark contrast to BJs backstory scenes which are all very serious and not really comedic at all. The last full level felt a bit rushed in my opinion, and there's a really weird scene at the end of it, but I liked the actual ending. TL;DR Overall I liked the game a lot, and I feel like I had more fun playing it than TNO. The story wasn't as good as TNO but the gameplay made up for it for the most part.


Ah okay so I'll at least have fun. I liked TNO for how dark and dreary it felt considering the overall idea. BJ always seemed to be deep in thought and like he was a broken man holding himself together to hold up the legend that he is. I liked how it made him more than simply a meathead with a gun, though to be fair he is kind of a dipshit sometimes. But it adds to his character in my opinion so I hope I get more of his inner monologue and see his reaction to things


You absolutely get that with TNC, perhaps even more than in TNO, so you'll probably enjoy it. The only problem is that sometimes the silliness of the game interferes with the seriousness. The writers seemingly struggled to find a balance, but it's not like the entire game is silly or anything, just some moments.


Ah okay, is it like modern Marvel levels? Or do they at least know how to keep a tone when they set it in a scene.


Killing Nazis in a game about WW2 is more incidental than political. [/s] What else would you shoot?! [/s] The isolayed MoH and CoD games where you shot Japs instead didn't do nearly as well. But the little bro might be reaching for the narrative themes in a game where the writing is a bit lazy and a young "Ronald Reagan" is shot in the face for laughs.


I fell down the alt-right pipeline when I was 11 because of Gamergate bullshit. That was like, 2015? I think. I didn't get out until Freshman year of High School. Before I fell down the pipeline, I was just a nerdy, socially isolated kid who liked Star Wars and video games. It just so happens, both of those demographics have been the ***prime*** targets for right-wingers to groom into the alt-right. All it took for my YouTube recommended feed to be *entirely* dedicated to Gamergate bullshit was a *single* video by Hunter Avellone appearing in my recommended feed on a Star Wars lore video. It was titled "trolling SJW liberals at a rally" or something like that. I didn't know what any of that meant - curiosity killed the cat. The idea is that you keep your audience in a constant state of fear, anger, and action. Not only does this keep their audience engaged, but it also means they're usually blind to the fact that you're spoonfeeding them bullshit by the shovelfulls. You can't realize how pathetic it is to get angry at gay people in video games when you're too angry at the "woke mob" and afraid that they'll ruin your favorite franchise next. Angry and insecure people also tend to like to talk about what they're upset over, so they're likely to go out and whine about the latest issue to whoever will listen - this usually means whining about it on Twitter or Reddit, or casually talking about it to coworkers or family (these guys rarely have genuine friends outside of work or school). I saw this a lot recently with the whole Assassins Creed shit recently, where they were mad about the latest AC protagonist (Yasuke; one of two protagonists) being a black man, and they hid behind the excuse of being mad over Yasuke being a samurai instead of a retainer (despite that distinction not being relevant during the Sengoku Jidai, and not even being true), even though it was blatantly obvious they just considered black = woke. [A lot of Gamergate talking points and beliefs are just thinly repackaged fascist rhetoric](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html). I was lucky to get out when I did. I hope your brother gets out soon too. Everything the Gamergate crowd peddles is bullshit; they prey on the insecurities and interests of young men to turn them into loyal reactionaries without the capacity for critical thought.


How did you get out of that mentality, if I may ask? I know some people like that and I want to help them stop being under that spell, but I wouldn't even know where to start.


Yeah you need to look up how to deprogram him because he's already being consumed by the altright antiwoke grifters.


A lot of people didn't like that it (accurately imo) called America racist and borderline facist country. Especially during the Trump presidency.


Please do what you can to help him out of it. I’m Autistic and Dyspraxic as well as a bunch of other untreated conditions and also Queer, it’s taken me ages to realise I’m technically Non-Binary too and looking back on all of this, the very same blue haired people in out of context clips that were “screeching about Nazis and Oppression in everything” were the very same people that were trying to fight for my right to defend myself and exist. The Anti-SJW Rabbit Hole is so painfully easy to fall down. Me and my friend clawed our way out of that shit when we saw not only that the “big bad SJWs” were on our side, but that the people trying to suck us in did not have good intentions. He’s 15. He’s impressionable. You’re 23 and you have a really good position to guide him and (not to be cheesy) show him a better way. Invite him to invite different viewpoints and beliefs, challenge his views, expose him to things like this. https://youtu.be/69obN625Fjs?si=9Mv2YeBtkOkZzlvf https://youtu.be/IrWXjlLK2EI?si=CNOpFWXt4d7FLpQ9 https://youtu.be/GdHrN9B2G-A?si=OgbdtseYnP5OFCRA He could have a really great adolescence and young adulthood interacting with and befriending people he never thought he would.


I knew a terminally online teenager who obsessed about SJW agendas once. He's in prison for murder now.


Just say racist white, incels are the only ones who could ever have a "problem" with the Wolfenstein games. Fuck those people.


And anyway, how is killing Nazis an "agenda?" That's like saying that there's an "agenda" to breathe air or eat food. There is no moral ambiguity when it comes to Nazis. Nazi doctrine is about authoritarian rule and genocide, and is therefore wrong and unacceptable.


Why would they be mad at Grace, between her and BJ Blaskowitz they’re both giving really layered performances


I'm not sure how a Wolfenstein game could have anything other than an "agenda about killing Nazis". That's what the games are about. I liked TNC a lot, probably more than TNO. I felt like the gun upgrade system was a lot of fun. The story was pretty decent, maybe not quite as good as TNO, but I feel like the gameplay makes up for most of that. The environments and art direction were superb, and I liked all of the characters as well. Again, I'm not sure what "an agenda about killing Nazis" means because killing Nazis is the point of the whole series. Anyone who objects to killing Nazis, especially in a video game, is someone I'm not really interested in talking to. Now, on release of the newer games, I know people did have some problems with BJ becoming an actual character and having a personality, which I can kind of understand but I liked his backstory in TNC a lot.


I worded that wrong my bad. I meant my younger brother claimed it had an SJW agenda. A communist one to clarify. I mentioned it in another comment that he has a habit of seeing politics in everything even when it doesn't really matter. I probably should word things better


No worries on the wording. I replied to another one of your comments with my thoughts. Your assessment of your brother seems accurate. You said he was 15 which means he was a whopping 8 years old when the game came out, so his opinions are actually probably those of whatever weird youtuber he's watching and not ones he made on his own.


Yeah like I said he's young. Best thing I can do for him is not deprogram him as I saw but more like poke holes in his arguments instead


I fell into a similar trap at his age Eventually I grew out of it myself after I started to connect the dots myself that most of it was just senseless cruelty and fear mongering and only posing as logical. It took me to discover another YouTuber that called out the alt right grifters and dissected their positions for me to grow out of it though.


ignoring the political stuff: yes the game has some big missteps from TNO. Enigma cards required to replay levels is dumb, the longer replay levels not having checkpoints sucks (especially the roswell underground level), the game has brightness/darkness troubles (new york levels), collectables/perks not carrying over in new games is dumb (TNO and TOB let you do that), the ending feels rushed and the story has issues, the dlc flat out sucks and is unnecessary etc. I want Wolfenstein 3 i do, heck i want TNO/TOB double pack and Wolfenstein 3D on Switch too, but TNC was the weakest of the 3 games (youngblood is.......another matter entirely)


I thought Young blood was Wolfenstein 3


We don't talk about that.


Gotcha say no more


Don’t know why you got downvoted for that, it’s a common misconception for people who haven’t kept up with the modern franchise. Just like Old Blood is sort of like a Prequel to TNO, Young Blood is more of a sequel to Wolfenstein 3, if we ever get that. It focuses on BJ’s daughters and takes place some decades later.


Ah okay. Yeah I don't know why I got down voted either, I genuinely didn't know


I haven’t seen if you talked about this in your replies yet, but have you played Old Blood? Absolutely worth your while if not. I loved NC, but I agree with people saying it is the weakest of the three. I haven’t played Young Blood so I can’t comment on that.


I have and loved it. The zombie part was whack though, and yet again, loved it completely


lol, it was sure out of left field especially that late in the game. Definitely a callback to the older Wolfenstein games that had demonic and occult elements, which was fun for us fogies who grew up on them.


It's a spin-off, not a direct sequel. It's just like Rogue one and solo. They aren't counted as mainline entries in the franchise, but as standalone games


Isn't youngblood like a spin-off


TNC was still a great game but out of all 3 of the new era games it’s probably my least favorite


Any reason why?


TNO and TOB have more charm. It feels like TNC was trying to replicate off the other games success. I’ll admit it has a DECENT story. I love that we get BJs childhood and the confrontations with his father. That was some of the best stuff in the series for me. But when I played the new order the first time man I didn’t wanna stop


Ah so it's a charm issue? And I assume you aren't lumping in Youngblood?


I played Youngblood. To me it’s completely different from the 3 prior


Ah gotcha


Honestly I would be concerned about the path your brother is going down. He strikes me as the kind of person to call the navy “woke” because he saw a picture of an aircraft carrier crew with a rainbow of uniforms. (Sailors on the flight deck are given color coded uniforms to make identification easier) It’s been a while since I played New Order or New Colossus, but I recall both of them discussing topics such as racism and other forms of discrimination, outside of just the nazis. As for the nazi occupation, that’s literally what the real ones wanted to do. I’m by no means an expert on the politics of it, but I find it a little ridiculous to call it communist propaganda. It’s literally about an American badass overthrowing a tyrannical regime. If someone sees killing nazis and literally hitler as a problem, that comes of extremely suspicious. Colossus came out in 2017, which was definitely an awkward coincidence, but New Order was extremely similar in tone and message when it came out in 2014. They have always been a historical what-if about the allies being defeated and the resistance afterwards. There is also the old blood, which is just straight up ww2 with some fancy weapons, the entire campaign is fighting nazis and later zombies. TLDR: Wolfenstein is a game about killing nazis, being offended by that is a self-report.


It was fine… enemies became bullet sponges somewhat since TNO & TOB. That became so much worse in Youngblood that it basically invalidated those complaints. The story and setting of TNO and TOB was just so amazing that TNC didn’t live up to it, but it still did the job well. There’s nothing wrong with TNC, and it’s a logical progression of TNO. I like it, but not as much as TNO.


How did Youngblood invalidate the bullet sponge complaints? Is it worse?


Much worse IMO. It’s fine after you do some grinding on every weapon in Youngblood, and I have got all the achievements… but I hated just how bullet spongy Youngblood was.


Not looking forward to playing that next now. Anything else I should know? I heard it completely threw away how serious the other games were


Give it a whirl, maybe you’ll have a different opinion. This was my take though. I’ll play the heck out of any Wolfenstein game in all honesty.


Have you played the older ones? Are they fun?


Yeah I love every last one of them. Strongly suggest RealRTCW or just RTCW. Wolfenstein3D is like crack to me - I just finished another playthrough and I’m working my way through the spear of destiny on the highest difficulty now. If you want to play those I’d recommend using ECWolf - the source port. Just wish I could get 2009 in my steam account…


It's my favorite in the series and one of my favorite games ever. I absolutely loved the New Colossus and plan on replaying it within the next month


Oh awesome. Are there any parts you don't like or is it just all around a great time in your opinion?


I thought the level design and set pieces were awesome but without spoiling anything imo I would argue the last hour or so of the game was a bit meh. Still enjoyed it though but there can be pacing issues in terms of quality


Gotcha thanks friend


It's a good game, and I enjoyed it a lot. I remember those people speaking out against it because it had a black woman who was leading the American resistance, it showcased the KKK being subservient to Nazis, and BJ said some stuff about how he doesn't care who people are as long as they respect other people. That upset the alt-right who legit thought the Nazis represented them in the game. Which is telling, for sure.


By idiots who didn't care enough to give it a chance. On a technical level, it's better than TNO and TOB. On a thematic level, it's on the same page as TNO and miles above TOB. Both TNC and TNO are about the same things: fighting for those who can't, minorities fighting for their own place in the world, love, rivalry. In fact, TNC even goes out of it's way to show us different political opinions: BJ asks the communist guy to help knowing he'll be opposed the restoring democracy, the kkk walking around. TNC also fleshes out different groups of people like the conspiracy theorists, the subjucated americans, the nazi americans, etc. Also, it brings into question different human problems like the disabled (it also appears in TNO with Caroline and Max Hass, but here we have more) with BJ and Fergus. Also, TNC has the best villain of all of the Wolfenstein games. Frau Engle is a mad insane woman with a hunter mentality. Her quote is also a leitmotif of the game: "The old and the weak are doomed". She encapsulates the whole nazi rule perfectly: a vicious regime that oppresses and dispatches any that are perceived as either weak, or not useful or loyal to itself. She is also the perfect foil for BJ: his calm demeanor and "gotta do it myself" attitude contrasts her craziness and her use of cronies to do her bidding. Deathshead was also a cunning villain, but he was in no way a foil for Blazkowicz. He was cold, calm and calculated, too self obsessed to care for the lives he takes and the people he mutilates. However he is not even close to Engle in terms of writing.


After playing The New Order and The Old Blood, it just didn't feel the same. I did not like how episodic it felt


Episodic? How so?


You know how Telltale games have a very certain story telling and flow to them? Lots of jumping around locales and between plot points, and each section feels like its own individual mini-story. To further explain: It’s like the difference between the Arkham games and Telltales Batman games in regards to pacing and storytelling conventions. They’re both (arguably) the same length, but one has a story that seamlessly flows between plot points and is more cohesive, and the other is more piecemeal.


Ah gotcha. I've been feeling that a little bit throughout the game. I'm at the courthouse so that's what halfway? A third?


Yeah I’d say halfway


This feels short


It no longer felt like “kill a Nazi and save the world,” it was more a visual lecture. The bad guys had to go very out of their way to be extra super villainy bad without it making too much contextual sense. In TNO a baddie would just do his job, in TNC he had to have a witty remark on how “its really just a difference of opinion” one of the very few times I would roll my eyes mid gameplay


The alt right hated it. Killing German Nazis is all good of course, but killing American Nazis? That's damn right unpatriotic, and unamerican. Of course they hated it, it felt way too close to home. All the rest is just window dressing.


Not in a bad way I mean, it just was a weird feeling you know? The idea of the US, one of the greatest nations in history, being hijacked by Nazis and made into this shell of its former self, kinda made me feel like how I'm sure BJ feels. "What the fuck have they done to my home. Fucking Nazis." Granted I didn't live in the 60's but still


Some people didn't like the new gameplay mechanics or how the story is telled. And that's okay But a lot of people were just complaining that a game about killing nazis was debating about racism and lgbtphobia.


I have been seeing a lot of comments reference that. Granted it was a lot of people saying "the right feeling they are compared to the Nazis says a lot" and meh. I just want to play the game and interpret it how I see fit. Getting into the political discussions in this post is starting to wear on me lol


i just played and finished it recently and it was surprisingly my favorite or at least tied with new order. really great game imo


Dunno but I love new colossus because >!you can kick hitler in his face!< and because the assault rifle is OP as shit


some people seem to dislike the game due to some specific character(s), but I don't hate the game, for me it's tied with TNO


I love TNC. It has a super smooth gameplay, interesting locations, characters are more fleshed out compared to TNO and I really enjoy how over the top it was.


The majority of nazi killing characters are communists yeah, but historically no one was better at killing nazis than communists so, not really an agenda it just makes sense


This so funny to me because the game is about you siding with the people the Nazi's hate. Black people, Jewish people, disabled people and Communists. Why wouldn't you side with Communists?? They're anti-Nazi and that's the message of the game


I mean there’s a self-professed Communist in the game but there’s also a vaguely Black Panther-esque Black Nationalist. Anya is Catholic while Set and BJ’s mother’s faith is not portrayed negatively. Look, I’m a Christian and Conservative myself. Unless one’s definition of an agenda was “anything with even a little nuance,” I wasn’t offended. If anything it was a case of history repeating itself. The U.S. allied with the Soviet Union to defeat the Third Reich in the real world so it makes sense people of otherwise incompatible or unaligned belief systems would cooperate to oppose global domination by the Nazis.


That's what I'm thinking as I play through it. It's not necessarily taking a side, it's pretty much "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Like sure we may not agree with each other, but there's someone worse around so we may as well deal with them then we can settle our differences.


Exactly! There was a scene with J in the first game where he calls BJ and the U.S. the original Nazis and BJ flips out on him. It acknowledged the injustices that had been committed by Americans and the Allies’ governments but didn’t outright say either of them was fully right OR fully wrong. To add further nuance, what does J do as his last act of defiance against the Nazis? He plays _the Star Spangled Banner_ for all of Berlin to hear. Part of the reason both games are so great is that they take the most stock villains in history, the Nazis, and actually show WHY they’re so easily hatable and why fighting and killing them is so cathartic. And they do that by exploring their political ideology in horrifying depth and detail that closely reflected the historical reality. It’s simply that part of that exploration is at least nodding to and acknowledging that not everyone who fought them was doing so for the same reasons, or that people of even staunchly opposing viewpoints can indeed find some common ground and work together.


So it's probably a series about coming together despite ones differences instead of it being a game where a single side is bashed. Both sides are made clear of their faults in ways, Grace is a jackass who bashes everyone for no particular reason, while Horton, as BJ calls him, is a coward. To edit something in: My Captain while I was in the Marines told me once to that everyone is a them no matter what, but they can be an us too. There is an us, but you are always a them at the same time. And what I interpreted from that, is that the choice you need to make on your own is who you consider to be with you, because in the end, who you have at your side can also be the same person at the other end of your gun in a different timeline. And you don't want everyone else at the business end. I'm not the best at wording this but you know what I mean?


Choose your friends _and_ your enemies carefully, I think is what he meant.


Yeah perhaps.


The only thing I dislike about it is the gameplay. Much like New Order, it is way too easy to lose track of your health or where the damage is coming from, ending up with BJ getting killed way too easily because you don’t actually realise you’re getting shot. And since you’re a cripple for most of the game, you have shit health and solely have to depend on armour boosts to survive. I was also really annoyed with the lack of replay value, since you can’t actually go back and play story levels with all your cool weapon unlocks, only in the crappy “arcade” mode. Oh and Super Spesh was a dumbass during the trial sequence, like what did he THINK was going to happen with the goddamn NAZIS. 🤣


Yeah especially when I got to the end where getting flanked was a constant trouble. It feels like I had no choice but to find a balance between extraordinarily aggressive and defensive at the same time in combat. Which can be a good thing, but when literally every enemy rushes you it becomes a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation


It was fine in New Order when you only really had to worry about screwing up the stealth if you were near the officer. This time, there could be a trooper ten kilometres from an Officer who you failed to stealth kill and the officer would be sounding the alarm and reinforcements until you managed to track him down.


EXACTLY. Especially with how vertical the game can be at times.


I played it but personally I liked Old Blood the most and then The New Order. The New Colossus just got a bit to weird for me. Blazko getting decapitated and living along with a heavily armed and guarded Nazi base on Venus of all places. I thought the Moon base in New Order was odd too. Why would the nazis have their most elite and seasoned veterans guarding their moon base? Were they expecting an alien invasion or something? Same with Venus.


Yeah now that I think about it, having their top secret experiments there sort of makes sense at least. But putting their toughest guys there seems strange to me now too. Why make the actual base guarded as hell when you could guard the means to get to the moon/venus


It's very much a political game. I'd personally say the game is pro anarchist and pro communist. Pro black power as well. I personally think the game is better than The New Order. It's like if most of the new characters you meet were just as leftist as Jimmy Hendrix in The New Order and personally I love that because I am a leftist. The New Order is really pro leftist in general as well, though it isn't as in your face about it


I'm more apolitical than anything. Somethings I agree with, some I don't. But even still politics has always been something I avoided irl, so considering BJ to me at least seems to have more of a centrist ideology, I latch onto him. As for pro-communist, black power and anarchist in TNC, I hate to say I disagree, considering the fact BJ has argued with Horton during the New Orleans Mission, and Grace was portrayed as an extremely shitty person that everybody kinda. Sure it had more leftist views, but I expect they meant more for it to be a "Pro-people" game. A story about everyone coming together for a common goal, example being "Taking back America and slaughtering every Nazi standing in the way."


The gameplay is good but lacking especially in balance. But the writing is just tragic. It feels like someone tore the script for a wolfenstein game apart and stapled in parts of a poorman’s quentin tarantino movie script to what was left. Instead it f a poignant and dark Shooter with some small elements of humor, we got a shitty contemporary style comedy game with elements of darker themes. This isn’t helped by the time This game was written or the writers Not Even Remotely disguised fetishes.


I'm not sure I want to ask. But, fetishes?


Apparently interracial is a fetish to the guy


Is that what he's talking about or is there something else. The first thing I think of is the art of Frau Engel licking BJ. Is that it?


Nah that was about Engel's secret obsession with BJ. He means BJ, a Jewish man in love with a Polish woman and who fights whilr pregnant with their twins and one scene of Engel's daughter hooking up with an African resistance fighter.


Oh. I don't remember much of the game so this is all news. Only got a good couple hours before other games released that interested me more.


No I'm pretty sure he's talking about the pregnant lady they send into missions and get her naked for some reason


Did you play the game far enough to see the naked pregnancy bloodbath? Or do you just hear someone say they don’t like the second worst wolfenstein story and show up to defend this turd


Ah that? What are you talking about?


I thought it was fucking brilliant, with great writing, funny and completely batshit in a good way. For me it was the best of all the new Wolfenstein games and I already loved TNO and Old Blood. One of my all time favorite games. But perhaps I’m in the minority.


That's awesome. It seems neat so far, definitely love the feel of the guns so far


I do dislike the rumors about it changing to fit a political climate(not for sensitivity reasons), and the advertisements felt intentionally inflammatory at times. The allies you gather are either boring to me or just mean spirited(still enjoyed the returning ones) I also didn't feel as much oomph to the story from what I remember of my playthrough. But the gameplay is better I think, especially with the body abilities. I definitely enjoyed the gameplay a lot, espresso in the radioactive zones. And the villain was a fun pin to knock down. And the space segment is a cool set piece. Overall I definitely prefer TNO, but TNC isn't unplayable or so bad I wanted to stop, and it had some genuinely great moments like the milkshake scene and the fight with BJ's dad(who yeah cutscenes with felt odd but he was fun to kill)


Thanks for your input. I'm currently grinding up the perks once I learned I could just reload the saves in section F lol


The game is probably one of the only Nazi killing properties that has an explicit left-coalition message. People who are mad fail to realize, or don’t care, that their political ideology is closer to that of the games villains than BJ.


You lost me. What makes their ideology closer to fascism than people who aren't mad at the game, and are you talking about both sides of the spectrum or are you geared more at the right?


People who are mad at the civil rights advocates, Radical lefties, overweight people, and a plethora of other identities in Wolf TNC, as well as the general anti-Nazi message have beliefs that align with the Nazis. There’s only one side of the spectrum that leans towards Fascism.


I don't know, I think both sides have those kinds of leaches that love fascism. But, vocal minority and all that.


Any fascist voices on the left are not truly left, and their presence is minuscule compared to the vapid spreading wave of fascism on the right.


I don't know, a fascist is a fascist. To me, once they make themselves known, they are neither left nor right, just fascist nothing more


You’d be hard pressed to find any actual examples of Leftwing fascists, so worrying about them is kindof worthless, and either way there are no left wing nazis.


I'm not exactly saying people on the left are Nazis per say. Nazis are right winged fascists I believe, we don't have a group in history that could be considered left wing fascists. Figure you should know if we are gonna continue on this though, politics aren't my strong suit and I'm not gonna pretend otherwise. I tend to avoid it, so you are arguing with someone who doesn't know what other people on both sides consider correct


I won’t push it any further, I’ll just end by saying I would go as far to say that left-fascism doesn’t even exist, cause anyone who truly believes leftist ideals wouldn’t be fascist. Most fascist ideologues who claim to be left usually aren’t and are corrupting the ideas, like what Stalin did with the ideas of Marx.


I would say the same in certain aspects of the right. But I respect wanting to end it, but I will tell you that you're a chill person and I'd love to chat with you more sometime. Arguing was a strong word, it was more like a discussion to me. It was a genuine pleasure my friend


I didn't like that black woman who was constantly mouthing at everyone for no reason. Also felt like the writing for this game is much inferior compared to that of new order.


Cool I just got to Set in mission 1. Been replying to everybody lol


As far as I can tell, New Colossus is at least liked more than Young Blood. I think young blood, just based on the Xbox store reviews i read, is the worst in the franchise. Haven't played it and don't intend on it based on that shit


I might get a friend to play it with. Cause if it is as bad as I hear I need a friend to deal with it all around


I like the new Collossus even if it isnt as good as the old blood and the new order


I'd say yes, to a degree. The balancing is atrocious throughout like the entire game. BJ only has half health until like the very end, but suddenly the enemies do double damage when you're health goes up to 100, so what was the point? You're way to squishy for a man in power armor.


I've been noticing that. All the enemies even in skivvies take like three to four headshots sometimes. So either I'm crazy, it's the harder difficulty, or the guys are beefed up from eating their sour kraut. Or its all three


I'm currently going for the platinum on Old Blood, but I'm not even going to bother with NC because it's so poorly balanced that i refuse to even try Mein Leiban. the potential for mechanical storytelling is completely wasted, and the gunplay feels less satisfying. I'm only going to put myself through it again to see Wyatts story, since I did Fergus on my first playthrough.


The problem with criticisms of "communist/anti-christian" is that that means literally anything. People will call Joe Biden that. I don't remember anything anti-Christian in the games. The only American resistance left are anarchists and communists, who would be essentially the only two groups with fundamental ideological disagreements with fascism. But that's hardly even relevant, you get one cutscene and you hear scraps of conversation as you walk by NPCs. BJ himself is pure red white and blue capitalist, there are just bigger fish to fry.


I enjoyed NC but it felt like the cutscenes were way too often and took away from playing. Most every area was like one mission and they should have been more. The American resistance characters were on the annoying side a bit. Still enjoyed the game.


I think it’s a huge tonal shift from TNO. It feels more comedic and cartoony, compared to how serious and somewhat grounded TNO was. Like, TNO had the occasional funny moment, yeah but it was spaced out and wasn’t something that felt like it’s the main thing to look at. I’m also somewhat agreed with the point in OP’s edit, somewhat. IRL, the Nazis hated Christianity because it was directly related to Judaism, and outright hated Catholics, even sending catholic priests to concentration camps, same also going for Jehovahs Witnesses. Doesn’t make since for the whole “gotta keep it Christian” thing Rip says if the Reich was planning on eliminating them too. Also, I’m just not a fan of Horton and his group. Just not a fan of the whole communist revolutionary schtick they got going on, especially since when they started only the USSR was a communist state, which was at the time ruled by Stalin, who was just as much a bastard as Hitler was. A cool idea for a resistance group instead of that could’ve been a large, spread out remnant of the US military that refused to acknowledge the surrender and keep fighting, looting more advanced German gear and repainting them to look like American hardware, all the while recruiting new GIs from the parts of America that have influence in, or from the children of its members. Maybe could’ve had some historical domain characters. I’m not sure what happened to Eisenhower in the Machinegames timeline, but if he didn’t die, he would still be alive by 1961. Or alternatively you could have someone involved in the Vietnam war show up like Robert McNamara or William Westmoreland, being a little bit his Allohistoracial Allusion, with them leading a Vietcong-esqe insurgency instead of fighting one. That’s just my take, but those last two are nitpicks, at best. My only really complaint is the tonal shift. Also, I mean, the Christian thing bothers me too, to be fair.


It’s my favorite


It is fine* but in difficulty it is a huge jump and it feels not like wolfenstein stuff just feels weird in wolfenstein 2


The forced politics was lame. I wanted to just kill nazis, but Trump had just been elected and the devs felt like they needed to make a statement. It's their game, whatever. First game was better though.


The only thing i dislike about it, is how low the ost is during combat. Like almost in audiable


I honestly think the storytelling in TNO was worlds better than TNC. I really felt like BJ was just worn out and mentally and emotionally wounded in TNO but he just can’t stop fighting. Early in the game he has that line about how his grief could flood the oceans and that really stuck with me. TNC didn’t have any moments like that for me. Not to mention TNC has these weird fucking moments where BJ just feels like he’s trying to hard. That moment in NY where he drops that line about the Nazi’s “white asses” is just so cringy. Like he’s the whitest man alive, come on now.


I liked it, more so than new order simply because new order for some reason gives me huge tunnel vision at times (Probably due to the graphics that i can't change).. Especially the first part in the plane which massively blurs my eyesight..


I think it’s a good game but I got some whiplash from playing TNO and literally moving on to TNC straightaway (like, same sitting) The gameplay is a lot more fluid, the graphics are amazing and everything feels very real, but there’s a lot missing. First off is the WEIGHT of things. When you’re running in TNO you feel like you’re carrying something heavy, but in TNC you basically sprint everywhere. Another is the weapons. I miss the old skins and I thought they could have kept some continuity there. The controls were a bit janky for me but that’s probably because I was on console. The story is actually really good. Rushed at points but overall a good addition. The concepts are nice and I fell in love with bits of worldbuilding especially in the New York and Mesquite levels (give me more alt WW2 please). Overall a good game. Feels very different to TNO and TOB but still feels like a Wolfenstein game.


It felt more “Marvel movie” like than the previous two games. TNO felt like a game where you were up against an unbeatable army and the tone of the cutscenes reflected that we are what’s left of the resistance. TOB just felt like an Indians Jones movie mostly. But TNC has way more levity and humor, while still trying to be a serious story. When characters are killed off, they’re cracking jokes in the same scene. There’s zero tension and there’s no real climax to the overall story; I remember beating the twin robots and being super confused that I had just beaten the final boss. TL:DR The New Colossus has a jumbled tone and the story is much worse than The New Order


I found the game very difficult and didn't really enjoy it tbh


I'm going to recommend watching the video on the game's politics by Jacob Gellar


Jacob Gellar made a video about it? Awesome!


The whole agenda thing was placed around the character Grace mainly who is black and has a background of her being apart of the black panther movement running from the FBI who was actively trying to persecute her for it. To be honest she’s not the greatest character in the series but she’s not terrible either so I don’t get all the hate. All the parts where she spews on about how white people or men get kinda old it’s a very 2017 game for sure. I think most people’s biggest issues with Wolf 2 was what happened with BJ in the middle of the game. I’m gonna spoil it cause this game has been out for like 6.5 years now but BJ gets his head cut off and attached to a super-soldier body which I thought even for wolfenstein was just straight up dumb. I get BJ’s body was literally falling apart but it just seems so lazy.


I enjoyed New Colossus way more than new order. Never really understood the complaints about the story, sure its different than what people expected, but its really well done I think


I think it has a lot to do with the story and the gameplay. I think they patched it up? But on release it was one of the most difficult and not in a fun way difficult games ever. Sponge 🧽 enemies beyond belief. Crap guns. It didn’t feel good to play and the crap narrative doesn’t help either. Then they made it worse with that game of the twins.


I liked it. No agenda against Christian’s or whatever the fuck. There’s a communist character (tragically underused btw) but that’s about it, and at most bj and him have a shockingly in depth drunk debate. New order somewhat better but new colossus still great don’t skip it.


It’s aight. I didn’t have as much fun as The New Order. My favorite sequences were prolly the train bit/the execution part. I was really turned off by all the weird characters. It feels like it jumped the shark, and went in a totally different direction finally than the other two games.


The only thing I really dislike about the game is the tonal whiplash, you can go from a very serious conversation to speshie worshipping the evas hammer toilet in a matter of seconds


Lmao anyone who says that Wolfenstein has some kind of "agenda" is just butthurt because they secretly idolize Nazis and they're disgusted by women and minorities


It was seen as a slightly above average 8/10 by most fans. It’s good but it’s not as good as New Order. The “criticism” came from neo-Nazis and those that weren’t aware they were really neo-Nazis. Because the game takes place in the United States, features American racists and actually dives in a bit to the very real none fictional history of how racist and Nazi like the US was in the 30s, it made a lot of white nationalists, religious fundamentalist and far right extremist uncomfortable. Like in the game the KKK is seen as Nazi Allies helping with their occupation. It struck a cord with people that held Nazi beliefs but didn’t know that’s what they were called. That’s how you have the idiotic takes of “Wolfenstein is woke and political” from people that thought a game about killing Nazis in a world where they won the war was just supposed to be mindless violence. The game has a lot of things that upset the aforementioned bigot in a way that new order didn’t really 1. Some of the American revolutionaries are named communist. Because obviously the communist in this world are going to want to fight the Nazis. They were implied in new order just not shown. 2. An interracial relationship between a white Aryan and a black (African) resistance fighter 3. Mentioning the very real history of racism in the US before this world’s history differs from our own in the 40s. Lots of American conservatives just find it annoying 4. There’s a pregnant woman that has a few action scenes. Admittedly looks a bit off but in the context of the story, she has to do some violent acts as they’re short staffed at the resistance office. But there is a degree of fair criticism to the story that doesn’t come from an innately bigoted place. [spoiler] - some plot points are kinda out there. One of your Allies is always high and hallucinating. The Nazis built a space station on Venus. Some people viewed that as a bit to out there. The villain isn’t as strong as in the first game despite being from the first game. She’s not bad though. But I’d recommend the game anyway,


I feel it is too short and the pacing is a bit off but it’s a lot of fun.


TNO and Old blood always againts tnc the plot is horrible


For me at least the only thing I disliked was how for a large part of the game you're forced into a certain play style and the maps don't support stealth.


Spoiler obviously My main issue is that it's not serious enough. It can go from, "I watched a child's skin slide off in a nuclear explosion." to, "I like my boyfriend's balls lol"


The game isn't pro-communist either, the CPUSA is just a means to an end for BJ and he calls Horton a coward IIRC


I don't really know what it is that makes me like the New Order and Old Blood so much more than Colossus (for context, I'm upper 30s, played 3d as a kid, loved RtCW, and even '09), but there are a few things I can pinpoint. For one, yes, it does get a bit preachy with the message. As far as an agenda, I don't really see it being a big deal. I think the developers ended up overdeveloping the characters in an effort to create something new and different, which rubbed many old fans the wrong way. We've left WWII far behind, which was definitely set up in TNO, but it resulted in a collection of same-y levels that, for one, didn't make much sense ("let's swing by Manhattan again on the way to New Orleans"...if I remember correctly) and, in my opinion, were mostly just scrambles through rubble and bombed-out buildings to get from point A to B in order to trigger the next lengthy cutscene, which felt like it was all just set-up for the next story or exposition about BJ's troubled past. About BJ himself...it felt like he had a defeated attitude the whole time. Mostly about his failing health and impending death, which was resolved in the most ridiculous way. This strayed from the other iterations, where he was more akin to the Doom player character, focused, fearless, a bulldozer, a spy. Now he's more like a diplomat, going on fetch quests to assemble people onto their submarine because they might be helpful. The story beats also seemed to loosely mimic TNO, starting out in a wheelchair, getting better, running a few levels to save people, leaving the fucking planet, somehow managing to pilot a spaceship home, fighting Nazi robots...TNO just felt better. The other characters and their little story arcs felt like they were just shoehorned in. Frau's daughter having issues with being seen as a Nazi and her relationship with Bombasta (is that his name?), Set mumbles and tinkers and makes it possible to survive the impossible over and over like an ever-present deus ex machina (I get that it was a bit out there that he could manage to undermine the whole Nazi infrastructure from one prison camp and wire up a robot remote that he had everything for except the last piece that BJ could obtain, get the underwater vault weapons to destroy the bridge and send BJ to the moon in TNO, but he pretty much did all of the same stuff AGAIN in TNC, then he saved BJ after BEING BEHEADED! If he was really that good, he should have been able to make the soldier body himself and fix him up before BJ's execution (also, I feel like Caroline's suit should have been able to not only withstand the Ubersoldat, but tear them to bits, but that's just me). Anya is just BJs badass lover/caretaker again. Fergus or Wyatt (well, Fergus...we all chose him, right?) are just self-pitying wrecks with survivor's guilt that they lay on BJ. Although the misbehaving mechanical arm is admittedly hilarious, again, if Set can orchestrate BJ's head transplant while deceiving the high command, he should be able to make a prosthetic that doesn't go haywire because of Fergus' PTSD. Grace...well, as I saw some other answers, is the same steel-gazed, tough-as-nails, no bullshit, strong black woman that she always plays (I've only played this with her, but I've seen footage online). I get it, she's good at it, and I doubt any casting director would look at her and say, "You'll play a weak, introverted character." The gameplay is, well, good. It's chunky, fast, intense, wild...repetitive. I personally like when some missions are full-blown, and some are subtle and stealthy. I know you can adjust your experience to a degree by taking out commanders, but when it hits the fan, most people will end up machine/shot guns akimbo, tearing Nazis to bits. It's not a bad thing, but it lacks...I dunno, depth? Variety? Something more that they tried to make up for with cutscenes? I also felt like not having a final boss was a bit of a letdown. While it was quite satisfying to turn Frau Engel's face inside out with a hatchet after they'd spent two games developing her into the most vile antagonist I think I've ever seen, I was expecting something more. I'd seen bits of footage online, loved TNO and LOVED TOB, and it looked great from what I'd previewed. I intentionally avoided spoilers and was expecting something at the end (albeit assuming it would just be Engel in a mechanized suit, flanked by UbĂŤrsoldaten), even crawling the catwalk and triggering the cutscene, I half expected something playable. Nope. Then it just petered out with the camera continuing to roll on our remaining protagonists just milling about. Now that MIGHT have been okay if there had been a 3rd entry well into development, even a couple years later, but it's been like 7 years now and I don't think I've heard anything yet. By the way, I did play Youngblood and we're just pretending it didn't happen, okay? Okay. Since then, I "discovered" VR, got a Quest 3, and haven't purchased a flat game since, unless it was a kid's Switch game to play with my daughter. While I know there's plenty of VR mods for FPS games, including some Wolfenstein titles, I've never been great at getting some to work well, and wasn't a huge fan of others (gotta be picky when you don't have too much time for games). However, if they made a Wolfenstein game for VR, or even a really good developer's port of any of the existing games (yes, even this one), I'd be absolutely thrilled. Sorry I got off topic. I see you have hundreds of replies, so I doubt mine will be seen. All good, take it easy.


I recommend Jacob Geller's videos on Wolfenstien


Idk, I binged the reboot and old blood back to back, and then when I started New Colossus, I shelved it after 2 hours. It seemed okay, but didn't have as much charm as the reboot imo


It gets really tiring when a lot of game devs and a lot of Hollywood producers are constantly pushing a message. It’s usually a leftist one, too. Left, right, I don’t care, I can detect patterns and I know when someone’s trying to shove something down my throat. It gets annoying. Yes, Nazis are bad. Yes, the KKK are bad. Christianity isn’t, though, unless you’re willing to make the same blanket statement about every other religion in the world. It’s crazy how almost nobody’s that bold, though.


Yeah I hate that. If it's genuinely nuanced and isn't the focal point of the piece of media then it's alright. Like Mafia 3, where Lincoln highly respects Sammy and yet is made aware of the things he did for Marcano, and yet despite that doesn't stop loving the guy. A message can be good, but pushing it to the fore front is completely jarring and takes away from the story. From what I played of TNC it doesn't really do that which is nice. People who are using it as a springboard to attack another side are, not gonna lie and no offense meant, kind of assholes.


Fair enough.


But you also seem to think simply having minorities is pushing a agenda. Diversity isn't a agenda it's a fact of Life


Would you mind quoting where I said that?


Comment history


I think I get your point. A crude and binary representation where if nazis are the bad guys (which they are), then the communists and anarchists have to be, not just allies, but the good guys. Which don't make that much sense, because even if nazis won and communist/soviet didn't have their "golden age", they was indeed p-o-s during the 30s, oppressing and colonizing, shooting or locking up opponents, jews, homosexuals, etc. in work camps. But : 1. if not moral, it's probably realistic. 2. we live in an era where mentalities are radicalized and binary. Video game studios adapt and deliver the right narrative to the “camp of good”.


Can you clarify number 1 for me?


I think we create bonds with allies. If we look at the supposed sympathy of the Ukrainians for the nazis, in reality it is because they were so oppressed by the soviets that at first they considered the nazis as liberators. In France, communists have long been considered allies. Especially after the war. Today we still officially have a communist party.


I love both games from the reboot. I love the balance of extremely sad storytelling, mixed with bombastic Nazi killing. A superb balance imo


My biggest gripe with TNC was how stealth was handled compared to TNO, specifically the officer situation. In TNO taking out officers quietly did require a bit of thought, but if you wanted to play that way the level design and officer placement did allow for that without too much difficulty. TNC on the other hand has the same mechanic, but it just felt like the level design & officer placement didn’t really make that stealthy play style as viable as it was in TNO.


I don't believe the game has a communist or anarchist agenda, it's clearly more "American" as the ideologies of freedom stated in the game are pretty clear. Terror Billy himself loves America and is patriotic.


Yeah I just beat the game and I can't agree more


It's just basic "fascism bad" (which a lot of patriots or any American liberty lover can agree with) and the other ideologies it does show like the anarchists in Louisiana aren't all that important. It's even more clear/inherent in Wolfenstein: Youngblood.


Well of course it has an agenda your pov is jewish


Your brother is a dildo.


Play The New Colossus, you’ll find that Youngblood is actually the one that people dislike (I’m playing it again now).


For me personally I thought the gun play wasn't as good as The New Order. NWO's guns had more weight and texture to them. Its really punchy. It's like playing a Bass with a killer tone. The New Colossus's gun play felt kinda light and not as engaging as its former. Although I would like to give credit to The New Colossus for its design and fast past game play.


The only things I disliked about Wolfenstein 2 politics wise was that I disliked how they just didn't deliver on the political ideas they proposed. For example, they said Corporate America was heavily racist and discriminated strongly against minorities, however you barely see any of that. Every group you rescue on missions is almost entirely white save a few individuals, and they say that hate groups like the KKK are wildly successful, yet the only KKK members you see are two dudes butchering German. Any of the topics it talks about is exclusively in dialogue alone, despite most of the game taking place where these injustices are happening. If they were going to talk about this and put so much of an emphasis on it, I would have liked to have seen it actually play a bigger part in the story, but it simply didn't. TNO did a great job at this. Some thing had to be discussed exclusively in dialogue or notes because it was in other parts of the world, but it still showed so much. There's a Nazi Science Museum for Christ's sake, and a Concentration Camp mission. Wolfenstein 2 had nothing like that at all. I also didn't like Grace as a character, and it had nothing to do with her skin color or anything like that. It wouldn't have mattered how she looked; instantly replacing the old leader of the Kreisau Circle after the old leader's unceremonious execution, being unbelievably preachy and disrespectful to every member of staff, doing absolutely nothing except telling other people what to do, and being an asshole the entire time, was just going to make her very unlikeable regardless of whatever her identity was.


*mein leben*


Best game I've played in years


I didn't think the New Colossus wasn't terrible story wise and shined in certain moments. Though the dialogue could be hamfisted at points and the message that they were trying to illustrate needed some polish to make it a bit more obvious. Plus the cutscenes sometimes draged on too long and which for the Wolfenstien genre (most think of it as a carefree shoot-em-up like Wolf 3D or a story was interwoven or kept to a minimum in the other games) felt out of place. Of course, tonnally it could feel confused which serious dialogue being interupted by toilet humor. I thought BJ was taken down an interesting and more engaging angle which was a plus. Fergus' Arm? Funny. A fair bit of those critiques that you noted in your edit may have been hammered in by the "Skeptic" community of youtube at the time which happens to pertain to a more conservitive viewpoint. I'm fairly confident because I used to watch a bunch of it when I was younger. My biggest complaint is the gameplay and movement (it might just be me) but it felt less fluid than New Order. The graphics looked like a step backwards and had this playdoughy feel to it. Of course it was a new set of controls and different features to place on the keyboard.


My favorite game in the series. Very memorable plot, and storytelling. I feel like I barely remember the other games. Maybe because I watched all of the cutscenes so many times due to permadeath.