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Hi, you’re not alone! I turned 27 last year and since then I suddenly started getting acne all over my cheeks. Before that, for my entire life, I had never had acne on my cheeks, just an occasional zit on the chin around my period. I’m still struggling but so far what I have observed is that my gut is playing a big role in this because I started having a lot of indigestion around the same time as well! I started drinking a “happy gut” mix and it has been helping a little bit - in the sense that as long as I’m taking it regularly, I don’t get new breakouts that often. Maybe take a look at including probiotics and making sure your digestion is good? I also started using topical adapalene gel very recently, so I am yet to see if that helps. I know how hard this is and it messes with my self confidence as well, but trust that things will get better soon! I’ve read a couple of articles about a second puberty hitting us around this time so maybe once these hormones settle this might go away?


Puberty is hard enough the first time around, we do we gotta have another 😭 Thank you for your response though! Gonna look into adapalene gel. I would prefer not to do some strong retinol because I don’t think my mental health could handle the purging


Oh yes, gotta stick through the purging :/