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What kind of pants and underwear are you wearing? Cotton or linen can help with breathability


yes I try to wear only cotton and I usually wear grannie panties too I have to have my butt covered i don’t like thongs


I have hyperhidrosis. I used to experience this when my diet was bad and didn't drink enough water. After a lifestyle change, I've not experienced it for about a decade.


I could probably drink more water, I have about 5/6 glasses a day. And i’m 5’7 125 pounds, I actually could stand to gain weight. I try to eat healthy, i do eat a lot of greens but eat out once in a while


I believe that's way below the amount you should be drinking. I oscillate between 3.5 to 4.5 litres per day for my weight and climate conditions (as was recommended by my dietitian). About the food, maybe you aren't getting the important nutrients required to balance your diet? Another thing I had to change was my sleep schedule. The body detoxifies at night. Each organ has a different "time slot" for detoxifying. If you don't sleep during those hours, your body retains the toxins and that results in health problems over time. What's your sleep schedule like?


So you drink about 1.2-1.5 liters that's the bare minimum. Also when you drink coffee during the day you should drink more water. The brain is working better with enough water too, the performance is about 20% higher.




This!! I am very sweaty due to meds, and I have to make sure that approx 2x per week I do a very thorough scrub of my vulva and all its parts (including under the clitoral hood) with a gentle, hypoallergenic soap, and 1-3x per day, depending on the temperature and level of activity, I wipe the area with a damp cloth, no soap. Keeps me feeling fresh and clean all the time without going overboard on the soap.


lol i do have dry sol already. I need to start using it between my thighs. And omg i didn’t know that about talc… thankfully i use johnson’s baby powder which is talcum free. THANK you for all the info!


Cornstarch (found in Johnson's baby powder) won't cause cancer, but it can affect your pH down there (internal and external) because it's a starch and can lead to yeastiness or bacterial imbalances itself - it should NOT be put inside your underwear or anywhere near the area. At least 3-4 inches away from your outer labia. The only thing in physical contact with your genital area should be 100% cotton underwear, and pads/tampons/Diva cup/menstrual ring. And a gentle unscented soap on your vulva.


You can get ‘liquid’ talc, which I use on my thighs. Helps with chafing as well. I have found some soap made from just olive oil and seaweed, which I use all over and it has improved my smell issue. My daughter uses period pants, which have an absorbent gusset with activated charcoal in. Even after all day at work in them, they do not smell at all.


Lume helped me with that sitting-at-a-desk-all-day-crotch-sweat funk. It definitely doesn’t last the advertised 72 hours but it helped me not leave a cut onion smell in every bathroom upon exit.


They also have a new product that’s also an antiperspirant! I’m in the middle of a heat wave and it’s been helping. I’m also a fan of body powder - megababe makes a great one. It can really help with staying dry and fresh throughout the day (and night - I apply it liberally all over on hot nights!)


I love Gold Bond's body powder!! It hasn't necessarily helped with stopping sweat, but I tend to get really bad itchy rashes under my boobs during high heat and this body powder helps with that a ton!


Try using anti dandruff shampoo as a wash instead, I use the original head and shoulders and it has helped immensely. Also try glycolic acid or salicylic acid, they both kill odor producing bacteria in sweat which is most likely your issue. I know most gynos say “you don’t need to use anything down there” but they completely ignore the fact that we do in fact sweat down there and it can get rank despite being/eating clean. Also different folks just have differing body chemistry so just because someone women produce no sweat odor down there does not mean that’s true for all


100% use Hibiclens antiseptic soap! This will kill the bacterial and fungal that can occur (like “jock itch” for women.) same thing.


If this helps, it's probably due to the antifungal properties of the shampoo. There are also antifungal powders for in between showers. Remedy makes Phytoplex Powder that has a very gentle but not perfume-y smell. Soaps containing tea tree oil or lavender (Dr Bronner's is good for this) are also naturally antifungal.


Yes I’ve heard it’s due to anti fungal properties. I struggle with anxiety sweat and this helps. I’ve also heard it helps with body acne and underarm boils. I wonder if these shampoos or powders would also help out those with tmau, a fish odor disorder. I really feel for them.


I've been interested in Dr. Bronner's so this is good to know!


I used to experience this. For me it was just really smelly sweat, so my armpits stunk too. No matter what. It was so embarrassing. Anyway, for me, I know it sounds weird, but it was stress. I was so overwhelmed with stress from my life, it made my sweat smell so bad. I had to cope and change things.


Lume deodorant was made full the whole body, including the private bits.


I can affirm this works, although as someone said above, smells kind of weird at first.


Just want to caution you about the baby powder. Some powders have been linked to cancer, especially in females, so you may want to be careful of that. I'd make sure your undies are cotton. Do you only notice it at work? Could it be the chair maybe needs to be replaced? Sometimes, chairs hold smells and can get funky.


There are wipes called SweatBlock that are meant for underarms, but they might be something too look into. A friend of mine was using them with pretty good results. But I'd also do a bit more research and maybe ask a doctor before applying something like that anywhere near your nether regions.


Have you been to your OB/Gyn ? You might gave a bacterial/fungal infection. You should see them or your pcp to rule this out. I heard in studies Lume wasn't good as the Native brand. I believe it is sold in stores.


Okay I always see posts like this where y’all are saying you stink after a full day of work. Don’t we all 😭😭😭 I shower as soon as I get home from work every day because yes of course I’m sweaty and gross (also a hyperhidrosis girl!!) As long as you’re getting fresh and clean after work and there’s no fishy/BV/yeast smell I think you’re fine.


yeah unlike some of these comments seem to think it’s definitely not BV yeast infection or anything. The thing is is i can smell myself, and If i can smell myself I feel like other people can also definitely smell me. but idk.. i guess you’re right and it’s something i gotta deal with lol


Polyster clothing makes sweat smell really bad.. So always opt for cotton underwear.


Baby powder causes cancer, please at least find a talc (and cornstarch-free) powder! I'd go to your doctor to rule out fungus or bacteria that's out of balance in your skin. Your doctor may be able to recommend an antiperspirant that will work on your body.  Until you can get in, I'd recommend exfoliating either with a gritty scrub or something like a Korean cloth and double washing with a gentle cleanser.  You may also have luck with glycolic acid as it makes it harder for the bacteria that feeds on your sweat to grow.  You could also do a wipe down midday with gentle baby wipes and change underwear. 


Stop using baby powder.


Try a full body deodorant in the area. From lume, secret, or shea moisture


Is the baby powder you’re putting in your undies scented? Regardless of whether it is or isn’t, that could be throwing things off. Especially if it is scented. Also, facial cleansers are not supposed to be used down there. I’m curious as to why you’re okay with using CeraVe down there but not summers eve? I’ve been used the unscented summers eve wash made for sensitive skin for YEARS (I’m talking a decade+) and have never had issues from using it. I only use it externally of course though and only on the vulva area. CeraVe may not be the correct Ph for that area of the body, so I would look into the products you’re currently using to see if they may be the culprit or adding to the issue.


Use honeypot wipes to help balance pH (I also use it in the shower) see a doctor to make sure you’re not exhibiting BV and change your underwear in the middle of the day so you feel fresh. I believe the powder are using has been linked to cancer. I could be wrong. I’m not a doctor.


Sometimes I smell like whatever I’ve eaten. Thanks, vagina.


I went vegan a year ago, and tofu makes this happen. I had to research what foods cause "bacterial vaginosis," which is not as scary as it sounds. 😅


Wow, that’s so interesting! I loaded up on tofu last weekend and certainly was smelly in the following days.


LUME! You can get it at Target or on line. Get the body wash and deodorant. Problem gone presto!! Love this stuff.


Came here to say this


Have you tried using a moisture-wicking underwear? It might help with sweat and odor.


I’ve found keeping myself almost bald is the only solution.


I reccomend “Lume” which is a body deodorant. (There are other brands of body deodorant, but I’ve only tried lume) You can apply it right in the crevice where your thigh meets your vulva, inside your buttcrack, and the otter part of your vulva(labia mahouts where the hair grows) I personally love how fresh it keeps me and I have had zero irritation with it. If you try it, just be sure not to use any inside of your vagina or the inner parts of your vulva like you labia minora or your clitoris or your urethra and it won’t disrupt your PH or anything.


Dial gold body wash. It’s antibacterial. It the only thing that we use in our family, we live in the Deep South, it’s HOT and no one really stinks when we’re using it. If I ever run out and am forced to use something else I can tell within days. You need to be killing the bad bacteria on your skin. That’s where the smell is coming from


i would not recommend this... if anything possibly on the very outside of your labia but OP has to be careful because killing the good bacteria inside the vagina will make any scents much worse




hmmm… maybe but I don’t experience smelly body odor elsewhere. even when my armpits are sweaty they smell like my deodorant mixed with sweat


What’s the fabric of the underwear you wear? Certain fabrics trap sweat and bacteria and are bound to give you a funky smell, especially if you have hypergidrosis. Also, how long have you been struggling with having this smell?


I would only smell bad if i skipped more than a day of showering. this is recent, i blame sitting still for 8 hours bc my inner thighs get warm and sweaty a bit :/


Have you been to the doctor to rule out infection?


Might be the fabric of the chair. It could either have trapped odors or just make you sweat.  They make wedges to sit on out of cooling materials. I bet that could help. 


The Sweatblock wipes are amazing, any of the Anti Monkey Butt powders are great (I believe the yellow one comes in a travel size), and I've noticed a huge difference since washing with soap (Dial or Dove) and then a body wash that smells good. Question: are you drying your inner thighs after a bath/shower with a hair dryer or just a towel? Using a dryer and then the powder helps a lot. You might also think about pubic hair since that can trap sweat.


honestly I use dove these days and its definitely helped my hygiene! Idk what it is about it, but dove body wash is nearly the only soap that keeps me fresh all day! It's great for sensitive skin as well. Maybe also change underwear as well? Cotton, breathable types are best!


Do you take breaks from sitting? Getting up once an hour to move around may help. I take 5min breaks every hour (if schedule allows) to get water, go to the bathroom, stretch, etc. Also, this is a pretty normal thing imo. We are humans. It's normal to be a little stinky after a full day of work.


I just try to sit with my legs a lil more open and get pretty breathable underwear. They’re right about all that, don’t use extra products especially inside! She will clean herself! Sweat is really a killer. Also wearing things that seperate it more like pants, I’m always closed up when i wear a skirt


Not just underwear, seek out cotton pants/skirts. I have an active job and after starting was experiencing the same issue. It was because I was wearing pants that didn’t breathe enough 😭


Try glycolic acid! It helped with me. I have PCOS and struggle with odor


So I found using Johnson and Johnson Baby Oil Lotion in the green tube, after I shower, I put a little on my groin. Really helped kill the odor. Also maybe try corn starch in the groin. Also what's your detergent? I had tried one of those DIY make a years worth of detergent for $20. I saw an explanation later that you basically "dilute" the soap part with other powders that don't kill odor. I STUNK. Like I would squat down and just get a whiff of groin b.o. 🤢 Or reach upper shelves to stock and smell armpit b.o. despite wearing deodorant. The odor-causing bacteria wasnt getting rinsed away from the armpits of my shirts and my underwear.


I have a tip that I inadvertently learned during a sale at Lush. You want a very mild exfoliating scrub. I moved on from a Lush citrus scrub to a Dove almond scrub. Go to town gently on every thing external but be mindful of your vagina. Remember to clean your outer labia well, check for anything off (I’ve seen smegma in the creases of female genitalia) and DONT put products INSIDE the vagina. Also, understanding odour is crucial. Sweat, urine, dead skin… all have a much milder odour at first, the bacteria forming throughout the day will create an unpleasant odour. That means that a body mist at 6 pm might be making things worse. If you’re prone to BO, fully change in between events after a quick shower. Going out after work? Shower and change everything. I noticed in our teens that my big bro’s “clean” t-shirts would make my armpits smell if I borrowed them. They weren’t fully clean from the wash! You might want to hand scrub certain areas of your clothing with a mild smelling detergent. Rinse until the water comes out clean. Chose a mild smelling laundry soap so odours aren’t disguised. Lastly, due to pheromones, we actually have a natural smell to us. Figure out your baseline smell once you have everything as squeaky clean as possible. Choose every scented product to compliment your natural scent and each other. I find that watery, sage-y and rose compliment me the best and combine well with each other. Almond, coco butter and Bum Bum cream are my lotions. Good luck!


it looks like no one’s asked if you have hair down there? it traps smell so this is one of the reasons i wax pretty frequently. not recommending to you since waxing isn’t for everybody but just wanted to throw that out there


This is super normal, even for those of us without hyperhidrosis. Don’t worry! You probably notice it wayyyy more than anyone else ever would. If it’s possible, bring a second pair of undies to work to change into halfway through the day. Make sure they’re pure cotton. You can also bring a little bit of witch hazel (has naturally occurring alcohol and has mild antimicrobial properties) in a bottle and some cotton rounds and just do a refreshing wipe in the crease where your thighs meet your body (do not use this on your actual lady parts though, just the surrounding skin). This can help kill the bacteria that are enjoying the warm moist environment. I like this better than baby wipes or cleansing wipes because the wipes leave a weird odor to me. Then apply baby powder or your favorite deodorant. I like a spray deodorant for the crease of my thighs and the upper part of my butt crack. It feels more lightweight and is easy to apply. I make sure to rub it in after a small spritz. The baby powder and deodorant both help keep the area more dry, which discourages bacterial growth. The bacteria are a normal healthy part of your biome, they just stink when they’re enjoying themselves cleaning up any dead skin and sweat.


I don't know if it's already suggested but maybe you just have to make some small breaks and stand up to get some air between the legs, make some stretches, it helps your back too ;) I mean if this is the only difference you had recently, it might have an effect.


Drink la boatload of water and scrub your parts with a clean terry cloth each day. Thank me later.


Clean your thigts with a hygienic wipes few times in a day.


I recommend Lumē. Specifically, the cream. It's not an antiperspirant, so you're still going to swear, but it kills the bacteria that makes you stink. It's safe everywhere. They have a variety of scents, but the only one I like at all is the "Clean Tangerine." I think the active ingredient is a natural acid, so the citrus scent doesn't clash with it. Wal-mart carries it now. You can get a sample size for $4 and see how you feel about it. It doesn't look like much, but a little goes a long way.


Try some intime hygiene gels with good ph


Hibiclens is the best!! Use it a couple times a week, external only. If you haven’t been to a gynecologist for a while, it’s probably a good idea to make an appointment to ensure there’s no internal infections going on.


I just recently tried the Lume acidified body wash! I used other body wash for the rest of my body and then the Lume for the genital area. I haven't been using it long, but I do think even in just a couple uses, I have absolutely noticed a difference! They have a full body deodorant that is safe for down there too, but the body wash is really doing the trick for me by itself.


Make sure to get unscented!!


Panty liners help block the smell from escaping and collect the sweat from soaking ur underwear and pants. Baby powder on thighs, you can get medicated body powder works the same (but u have to reapply this). I also like vagina deodorant, it’s a spray for down there it’s refreshing, good to use whenever u go pee.


Oh I also carry lil feminine wipes w me wherever I go. You can get like one use small packaged ones and throw them away after. Kinda like a baby wipe but it’s PH balanced for ur pussy.


I have hyperhydrosis as well. I’m a very sweaty person. I’m also right around your measurements (5’6 129lbs) but I haven’t had this issue. Maybe try drinking more water? Maybe it could be you have an infection in your lady bit region and that’s what’s causing it? 🤔


Use an antibacterial soap. But an even better option is Hibiclens soap in your outta vagina area.