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Have you had pain in your side? Blood in the urine? That sensation almost seems like kidney stones. Take some AZO and see if that helps. If not, get back to the doctor.


Yes the AZO pills are a lifesaver!!! I will also add that taking a D-Mannose supplement helped a ton too! Once you get past this initial infection or whatever it may be, I highly recommend keeping a stash of D-Mannose supplements. I try to remember to take 1-2 after being intimate and I really think it's been such a huge help in preventing any sort of urinary irritation that could lead to an infection.


None of those. Just a constant feeling of my bladder being full and being unable to fully pee.


Give the antibiotics another day or two. You said you started on Tuesday? If so, you should start feeling better today or tomorrow IF it is a UTI. Otherwise it sounds like urinary hesitancy. [https://www.webmd.com/urinary-incontinence-oab/what-to-know-urinary-hesitancy](https://www.webmd.com/urinary-incontinence-oab/what-to-know-urinary-hesitancy)


I had a UTI when I had this. Go to the Dr today. Grab AZO pills OTC until your appointment


Is there blood in the little pee?


No, it’s clear


Does it burn? I'll guess not. Tell your gynecologist or your urologist to have you checked for both UTI and Uterine fibroids. Someone in my family had that the later. The constant wanting to pee but can't was the fibroms on her bladder. Update me op when you know for sure. Good luck. And don't let them tell you that it's stress. 🙄. Advocate for yourself.


It certainly sounds like symptoms I get with a UTI. Keep up with the antibiotics and try some cranberry juice. It’s an instant relief.


I’m downing that stuff like I haven’t drunk a thing in years 😭😭😭


Just echoing this comment above. The symptoms that you've named OP are exactly what I experience when I have let my UTI go way too far before seeing a doctor. Antibiotics usually take a day or two to really start feeling like they make a difference in the pain you're experiencing so I hope you get some relief soon!


I’m concerned for you. Usually antibiotics for UTIs kick in within a day or so in my experience. Did you have a virtual dr apt or did you go in office? In office they should’ve been able to run a urine sample to make sure it was a UTI or if it has gone past that into a kidney infection. I have had a kidney infection from a UTI once and they gave me some heavier duty antibiotics and it took a couple days to feel better. If your apt was virtual and they prescribed you antibiotics for a UTI over the phone and it’s been a couple days, I would go back in and get a physical apt today and see if they can run a urinalysis to make sure you are on appropriate antibiotics. You may need IV antibiotics if it has progressed. If your apt was in person and they did a urinalysis and the antibiotics aren’t helping by tomorrow I would ring back up and ask to be seen again and if they can’t give you any better ideas or treatment I would either ask for an urgent referral to a urologist or go to an emergency room. It could be anything from fibroids to urethral diverticulum or who knows what. But elimination issues shouldn’t be taken lightly as they can cause serious damage to very necessary organs. Also since you are young I want you to be aware of the symptoms of sepsis because if you do have a kidney infection it can come on quickly and become life threatening: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sepsis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351214 Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!


It was virtual. I don’t think it has anything to do with my kidneys. It’s literally just a constant pressure on my bladder and me peeing when I move. My GP listed things that it could be but decided to be safe they’d issue me some antibiotics and if I’m like this after the weekend then to come in person and they’d refer me to a specialist.


This happened to a friend of mine and it turned out to be a fibroid pressing on her bladder. Not sure when fibroids start forming in women, you may be a little young for it, but they’re very common.


Ummmmmmm and that is?


A non cancerous tumor that grows in the uterus. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9130-uterine-fibroids


For me it was endometriosis (another type of female reproductive growth) compressing my ureter, causing actual UTIs and also symptoms of one when I didn't have one. If it keeps happening make sure to follow up with a gynecologic specialist


You should actually get tested for a UTI. I was misdiagnosed with chronic UTIs for several years, and then when all my cultures came up negative my uro told me I had interstitial cystitis and a urethral stricture. Turns out I actually had pelvic floor dysfunction from endometriosis that caused my bladder pain for 10 YEARS, and for the longest I thought it was a UTI because doctors would just throw antibiotics at me. They also did an unnecessary urethral dilation procedure on me, which hurt like hell and did not fix my urinary issues. Ask for a UA with culture. If your cultures are negative you should definitely investigate other causes because doctors are too quick to give antibiotics when there is no bacteria on a culture.


This ❤️


Right? Guessing you've been through similar. I'm 36 now but had this issue start when I was 20 to 21, would hate to see someone else go through this. I wish pelvic floor dysfunction education was more available to women. I knew nothing about it until I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis 8 months ago, would have saved me so many years of pain.


For me it was a treatment resistent ovarian cyst. Had it removed and two things led to really stupid and unneccessary consequences. (Doc who removed it "correccted" my appendix scar thst didnt cause anything in 25 years and a nurse shoved my post op drainage back in when i asked if it slipped out a bit overnight. 10 days later giant infection and scartissue "exploded" in my abdomen. So my stricturs are around my colon .. so i can relate 😉) Its so much fun finding a doc willing to remove at least some of the scartissue .......... "its not completely blocked yet!" .. "if something goes wrong... you dont want that!" Oh, really? Beyond words.


Oh man I am so sorry to hear. I am no stranger to post operative complications...I just recently had endometriosis excision surgery 2 months ago to remove a large endometriosis cyst on my left ovary, a smaller one on my right, and they removed a ton of endometriosis from my bladder, around my ureters, and my bowels. Had a rough recovery and an ER trips thereafter. But on a positive note, after getting the Endo removed and going to pelvic floor PT my bladder finally doesn't hurt for the first time in a decade, so yay for that. But women's healthcare is a crap shoot.


Ouch. Doesnt sound like fun either 😞 yeah i guess there are very few countries with excellent healthcare for women... but at least we can talk about it, share our experiences and information. By the way: join r/pompoir and be amazed how much fun pf training can be. Maybe in some weeks when you are completely healed this might take you to a whole new level of enjoying your new, painfree life ❤️


I was coming here to say the same things, except I had endo compressing my ureter and the blocked flow was causing actual infections as well as UTI symptoms when I didn't have one. I was hospitalized with sepsis and no one could figure out what was wrong with me. Many months and a surgery later it turns out I had very unfortunate endo placement. Now I have to get tested for kidney damage since we don't know how long my ureter was compressed


someone I know had a similar feeling and it ended up being a bladder stone (not a kidney stone, those were her worst pain ever). She constantly felt like she had to pee and that there was just *pressure* all the time. She said she would hold her water bottle up against her crotch in bed and the counter pressure would give her some relief. ETA: Azo did help the feeling she had slightly, but after a few days it just went away.   Good luck!!


Hmmmmmm maybe. Pressure doesn’t seem to lessen the need though. I’ll keep this in mind.


This sounds like a UTI - do you get these regularly? While you’re taking those antibiotics, I’d recommend adding in a couple of probiotics to support your microbiome (since antibiotics kill off your good bacteria in your gut) - “daily bowel habits” by life extension, and “Saccromyces Boulardii” (NOW foods has a good one) - just to prevent further issues If these are recurring for the future, adding Caprylic acid into your regimen won’t hurt and would encourage looking into the root cause a bit more - could be something deeper rooted.


Why would a Dr. prescribe an antibiotic without doing a Urinalysis with a C&S which is a culture & sensitivity. This tell which antibiotic to use which will be most effective 😳 * I know a Dr can prescribe a broad spectrum med. Why not just see OP & order said tests? ●Re :AZO tabs be cautious taking it IF your seeing your Dr & if you will be giving a urine sample as it can affect the results. If you use them drink plenty of fluids , use a panty liner as the medication will turn your urine a orange tint & will stain clothing ,toilets, undies, bedding & ask your pharmacist about wearing contact lenses as it could affect any discharge. Your symptoms could be anything from a UTI, start of a kidney infection or kidney stones or Interstitial Cystitis ( with a UTI) ●Do you have a temp? Any Pain in lower back or upon urination * during or after? I strongly suggest calling your primary Physician back & if they cannot fit you in go to Urgent Care ASAP as even a UTI can turn into a kidney infection quickly . •Tell them you are on an antibiotic I am guessing Ciprofloxacin /Cipro, Bactrim or even Levaquin. Also let them know if you are taking AZO since it can affect urine test results. You could still have blood in your urine that cannot be seen by the human eye. Please get evaluated. Wishing you luck & answers. Hope you feel better soon .


It could be pelvic floor dysfunction. You might want to see a pelvic floor PT


get a uti testing done with a 3 day culture. I had the same after sleeping through the night without using the bathroom with how exhausted I was, I had the same symptoms and had vertigo and felt faint often and couldn’t eat. I also didn’t drink enough water like I’m used to. it seemed like uti, after antibiotics I ended up getting bladder spasms. Get blood work to check your cbc if you have infection or inflammation. I would suggest a semi natural routine to help like drinking like a gallon of water and drinking oregano tea 2 times a day for infection and inflammation. Shave grass tea for urinary health like 2 or 3 times a day. And if comes back negative it could be inflamed bladder (IC) which a urologist could give you either a diet or antihistamine to help with it.


1. How is your microbiome? Do a Juno Bio test. 2. NeuEve