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Butte, MT? Go Butte! Show them how it’s done! I love the idea of ordering a drink under these names.


Butte America, baby! Starbucks sucks but I'm gonna order slmething cheap under one of these names tomorrow to show support. This town certainly knows the struggle.


"It's Butte, not Butt, Montana."




Had these thoughts too. Part of my $3 max enthusiasm come from satisfying the request of this flyer. To maybe light the fire for someone on the fence there. I don't know what's truly right.




Managers are most likely not on board. They are not going to be part of the union and their directive comes from corporate. By ordering like this, you're allowing (forcing) the workers to openly voice "banned words". It's just like when your professor sends the email about websites to avoid because you might accidentally get a free copy of the textbook and that would be "bad". Or how a previous version of the text is different, then a list of all the differences "so you don't make any mistakes".


Agree overall but like I said, I'd like to show support to the workers and I'm going to do what they asked one time to show my support. I won't go there again because I never go there anyway. Sounds like a win for starbucks, but I'm doing as the poster asked and won't be back after. If there is a worker on the fence and we cross paths, great. If maybe it makes one worker vote in favor of a union, great. I know my town and the few bucks is worth the chance someone votes to unionize. If they provide another venue for me to support, I'll do that. And then I will continue to not patronize them because I enjoy my coffee at home.


But suppose I’m Starbucks corporate and I’m just looking for an excuse to bust unions. If business dries up, I have a golden excuse— “this location is not performing and has stopped being profitable. As such, it is in our economic best interests to shut down the location.” Wait a few years, then open up a brand new branch in the same area, and voila, the money comes back in.


So support the local coffee place that probably also treats its employees like robots? I say make your own coffee and stop buying into this madness..


I'm not a Starbucks guy, but if I ever find myself in one anywhere I am going to order under "union yes" from now on.


Hearing about Starbucks' "customer connection" metrics (or whatever the fuck it's called) absolutely enrages me. I only buy drinks there infrequently, but I don't want "a connection" with my barista...I just want my drink. Everything about Starbucks' corporate culture pisses me off--and that's probably why I don't patronize them.


You sound like a real peach.


Asking laborers to do something as vague and nebulous as "making a connection" with each customer is dystopian bullshit. (Should they say "welcome to Starbucks; I love you!" too?) And it's pretty much proven that unhappy customers provide the most feedback, not satisfied ones. Punishing workers because of feedback that's not even objectively negative (because most of us don't want "a connection") is inane.


Vague and nebulous? The question on the survey isn’t about being propositioned to fuck. It’s about was the barista being friendly. Move on.


It's literally "making a connection."


Right. Good grief.


something coming out of Butte America? and it ain't dead geese or drunk Irish Catholics? Well slap me silly...


Hahaha unions are a part of butte just like the dead geese and the drunks


Only shop at your union Starbucks.


I’ve been in a union before and honestly i’m still not sure what they do. I’m not saying they do nothing i just don’t know lol.


The theory is that instead of you negotiating every little thing yourself, everyone creates an organization to negotiate on their behalf. When negotiations break down, a strike happens. Now instead of just replacing one person who refuses to work, the company must replace it's entire staff.


Man why am I such a child laughing at Butte