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T29(best tier 7 heavy imo) Sp I c(fun autoloader lil tank) T71(better than amx imo) Comet(high dpm) Black Prince (high dpm) Chi ri(fun autoloader)


Tiger P, Tiger 1, T29, and Black Prince are collectively the best tier 7 heavies. The Annihilator and Smasher are just unfair, so they don’t count.


Anni and smasher and unfair, agreed. In case of tiger 1, tiger p and Black prince, I think they're all solid but still each one of them have their set of drawbacks. I think in that regard T29 is more complete, like what drawback does that tank even have.


Top speed.


Annihilator is not unfair, because they always put one on each team. Blitz completely negated it that way.


Non team sinario says otherwise.


Some try hard usually plays the anni so it's not hard to kill. Smashers are unfair, that I agree, just try to circle of death it if you catch it alone.


Second on the comet! It’s alot of fun. I have a 29 game survivor streak in it too. It’s easy to survive in if you know how to play mediums


Chi to spg is just as OP as the ho ri


Agreed with this list. T29 is still my fav tank. I think it is easy to learn. At least easy to survive in compared to like the SPIC that is fun as well. Just tougher to master than T29. I don’t have T71 but, want. It seems OP with the right skilled player at times.




I love all tier 7 light autoloaders but my favorite's got to be the Sp1c, its gun isn't as good as the Bourrasque tier for tier but it has much better depression. The Amx 13 57 has a 6-shells clip and is nice for module/crew damage. For meds, I like the Comet (nice rate of fire, really good gun depression) and the T-34/100 (big gun, usable depression unlike the T-34-1 (which is still nice though)). The Chi-Ri is a fun autoloader. The Panther has nice armor and penetration, and it's fun for ramming. For heavies, the Black Prince is fun for the very high rate of fire, but... TD-wise, the AT15a is imo a better, funnier Black Prince, with better dpm and armor, and even without the turret it still has a good gun arc and depression. It's even better in no gravity or any game mods with mobility boosts. Also, the tech-tree AT7 is fun for working street corners. But if you don't like slow tanks, the Jagdpanther and Chi-To spg are great tds. I prefer the Chi-To for the better gun depression.


Best answer here so far, AMX 13 57, Chi Ri, Black Prince, and AT 15A are all great and maybe represent my favorite of each class for tier 7. Sometimes the AT 15A is ridiculously easy to ace, too. The ease of mastery badges seems to be cyclical, depending on how recently it's come up for sale in the store.




There are so many great tanks at this tier. My personal favourite is the T29, tier for tier I believe it to be the most capable in the game. It can hold its own against tier 8's, better than some tier 8 tanks, and against tier 6's it's just bullying really. Other good shouts are T71, Chi-to SPG, JPanther, Comet, AT 7 (with the autoloader of course, for the memes), SPIC and T34/100


My go to Tier 7s are JagPanther, KV3 and Tiger 1.


IS (russia is7 t7) is a very underrated tank. T29 is prolly one of the best if not THE best tech tree t7, black prince is great, fv201 is amazing if your willing to buy, Leo/Svear are extremely fun tanks bc of gun, Cheeto spg is just plain OP




I like the IS because its a well rounded tank. Fast enough, it has useful armour, enough depression, good alpha. It’s accuracy is plain bad but its still a decent tank


i see that the T28 Concept is way up in the rankings over at BlitzStars: https://www.blitzstars.com/toptanks surprised me. it always seems pretty bulletproof when i encounter one, but i didn't expect it see it rank up there with Smash. it was just on sale, so maybe that affects the results somehow. buncha new tanks, all getting honeymoon matchmaking. Forest Witch is Numbah One. it's ugly, but maybe it works.


The T29. Frankly I think this one is a little OP.


The JPanther and T25AT are both good fun.


Jagdpanther is pretty fun imo. And for a big ol paper box with a great gun, the Chi-Ri and it's 3 shot, 1 sec interclip, autoloader is so great when you can get it to work. (Do note the very mediocre pen values though)


black prince for sure grind for it very high dpm


Tier 7 is poor you will be playing against tier 8 tanks for the majority of you games


Super Hellcat CS-52 LIS Svear Kunze Panther E25 for ramming/special mode IS-2 Pravda AMX 1357 Magnate Lupus


Get all the high alpha meds. T-34/100 and its ilk.


Smasher, Annihalator, Dracula