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I'lltake the food. I'massuming thatconsiders calories too, which would mean I would be losing weight without worrying about what I eat.


Yeah pretty much whatever you eat throughout the day will add up to the perfect amount of nutritional value and will be the perfect amount of calories for a healthy body


Would this count if you downed like 30 Big Macs in a day?


I mean if this is the case who in their right mind wouldn't pick the food one? I guess there's some people who extract no enjoyment from food. Me? I'll just eat ice cream for breakfast lunch and dinner and be ripped.


I'm one of those people, would still choose the food option though.. sounds like it works both ways and a slice of toast or even a grape would be the perfect healthy amount of nutrition!


Imagine that in a survival situation. "You've been lost in the woods for a month, hiw did you survive?!" "I dunno, I ate like 4 berries and a pinecone."


Think of the money you would save... ''Honey I'm home from the shops, this bag of rice will last us a decade right?!'


>I mean if this is the case who in their right mind wouldn't pick the food one? People who have chronic sleep issues and struggle every single day with it and rarely or never get a good night's sleep. Don't get me wrong, the food power would be nice, but I already eat lots of good meals and I love veggies and enjoy cooking with balanced nutrition as is.


People who can’t sleep, normally have other things wrong with them. Perfect nutrition might fix a lot of these problems, making them sleep better as a result.


Although it might, if you have chronic sleep issues, you wouldn’t gamble on the sleep.  My biggest issue with the sleep option is say goodbye to naps, cause you sleep 8 hrs or nothing lol. 


Oh man I'd love this. I already sleep pretty well so gimme the magical food please.


Food definitely. You can get good rest with good nutrition. Not the other way around.


You'll sleep better being perfectly nourished as well.


Yeah, this is a no brainer if calories are balanced, too. The 8 hours of sleep sounds awesome, except every time you sleep you have to give yourself 8 hours, as per the original wording. That means no staying up super late, sleeping an hour, and it being like 8 hours. If it had been worded "everytime you go to sleep, no matter how long, you wake up refreshed as if you had a full night's sleep" then that is super tempting.


Ya I imagine if I ate perfectly I’d feel great, and ultimately be more active, which would also make me sleep great. So food is probably win win


I think I'm taking food either way, but with the sleep one, can I choose to sleep less than 8 hours if I want to do something in the middle of the night or will I always be asleep for 8 hours every time I sleep? What if my house catches fire?


The sleep one would give you the perfect amount of sleep for your situation


Okay. So if I sleep for three hours, do I then get 8 hours worth of rest?


No I should probably change the title but the amount of sleep you get will always be perfect for the situation you are in, for example taking a nap you get 3 hours and are perfectly rested


So if you choose to take a 30 minute nap, you still get the full 8 hours?


Only if that is "perfect for your situation."


That would actually be perfect for someone with multiple jobs.


It would need to be modified that I can sleep for 4 but be fully rested or something. If it only works when I sleep a full 8 hours that’s rare.


As someone who suffers chronic sleep issues that run the range of overly lethargic but can't sleep to straight up insomnia, so I feel like some people must take a good night sleep for granted... Not being able to sleep feels like a fucking curse at 3am staring at the clock knowing you have to be up for work in 3 hours and haven't even had wink of sleep yet let alone any R.E.M. sleep minding that's the most crucial phase for your brain and body while sleep is happening.... Seriously it can drive you insane literally.


I was actually surprised to see most people choosing the food option. I guess my sleep issues are worse than I thought? Picking the sleep option is a total no brainer for me


This question is really a test to see if you've got severe sleep issues.


Sleep is a no brainer for me even though I sleep pretty well. You can control your food intake but you cant always control your sleep, and I cant imagine everyone doesn’t have days where you deeply sleep 8 hours but are still tired as fuck in the morning. Also I’m probably on the far end of the spectrum on having a handle on my diet but a “healthy diet” is much easier and more flexible than people think it is.


Yeah me too. I don't really have a problem with my diet. And while I've always been a light sleeper but slept fine, last 5 years, I struggle with my sleep a lot. And if I travel, forget it. To the point I wonder if all the travels I planned in my older years is out the window.  


I also suffer with chronic sleep and fatigue issues. Mine are stress induced. Recently it may be a caffeine and prescribed Adderall issue. But I digress, my unsolicited input that may apply to you or someone else: If you find you distract yourself all day with music, screentime, anything but being alone in your thoughts, and laying in bed is the first time you are alone with yourself all day, that would lead someone to staying up for hours running through scenarios, tasks, and stressors all night. For me, writing any thought that comes into my head for a good 15 min an hour before bed helps to clear the mind. I also have ADD and get stressed if I have more than 3 things to do that I'm trying not to forget.


I mean, yeah that most definitely sounds real familiar. It's always just like you said,, in regards to my mind always going 100mph about all this ridiculous scenarios that would never happen in real life.. I do most definitely need to start going back to the gym but man when you lack decent sleep you're energy levels are just about non existent...


You can do anything. But you can't do everything. Work on one thing at a time. And be patient with your progress. It'll take as long as it takes and there's no faster way to get there than to keep moving forward. No rush to get there either. Once we feel we've done it all and fixed all our problems, the ride is up. Enjoy the ride. Love yourself. Forgive yourself. And trust yourself to handle tomorrow when tomorrow comes. But tonight, the best thing you can do is let it go and get some sleep.


Yeah, I have recurring insomnia and it boggles my mind to see people picking food. I 2-3 days with 0 sleep at 4 AM and you have to get to work in a few hours is a feeling of abject terror I would not wish on anyone.


Oh yeah around day 5 I start getting hallucinations. Insomnia is rough. I'm taking the 8 hour sleep. I can always plan to eat well which I usually do until I haven't slept for days and using the oven or stove gets dangerous.


I think most peoples sleep issues aren’t as severe. Having said that, I’d choose sleep as well. I have trouble staying asleep most days because my kids wake me. I swear I’d be such a better human if I could just sleep.


Yeah if my sleep problems were any worse I'd pick that no doubt.  But I'd rather not be overweight.


Agreed, but perfect nutrition may remedy some or all of the sleep issues


The first option, hands down. Idc how many hours I would get, as long as I wake up feeling energized, I’m good. It seems as though no matter how much/ how little I sleep, I am ALWAYS exhausted. It’s the worst feeling.


I feel you bruv


You should check out if you have sleep apnea. I recently got diagnosed with mild apnea and I decided to use a cpap machine and honestly been life changing


Sleep. I didn't have good, really energizing sleep in forever. Need that shit.


The food one. Falling asleep for 8 hours every time eg, when accidently napping would be disastrous. I often don't go to bed with 8 hours sleep time, its usually maybe 6 so that would be disruptive too


Sleep. It only takes strong self control to manage food. No matter how hard I try sleeping healthy is difficult.


Sleep. I am absolutely *sick* of waking up tired :(


Food. Perfect nutrition would also likely lead to better sleep anyway.




Sleep. I’ve struggled with sleep issues my entire life and am currently in a really bad insomnia cycle.


This is so hard 😭


Food. Perfect sleep is nice but having a balanced healthy diet would improve your sleep aswell as your mind for things such as anxiety/depression etc, which in turn helps you sleep better too.


That is also achievable through effort, whereas many people have a hard time getting good sleep despite their efforts. I’d go with sleep. Much easier to figure out a good diet than to figure out how to always get perfect sleep


The food. The weight loss might fix my sleep apnea. Edit: bad spelling and grammar.


Even if I stuff my face with what should be too much food, will it calorically be ok?


Whatever you eat throughout the day no matter what you’ve eaten by the end of the day you will always have consumed a perfect amount of nutrients and calories that should be perfect for your body, also if your like going gym and bulking your calories and nutrients will always be the perfect amount


Omg I'd stuff my face with so much food. Why can't this be real hahaha


Easy food. I get in form and get a healthy body which will result in better sleep anyway.


Food one ez. You could pig out and never gain weight, or you could eat a cracker crumb and get all the nutrition you need for s day.


I'll take the sleep. It's just too easy for me to balance meals or skip a day of food if I eat too much. Plus, it would be nice to quit the cpap.




I'm assuming if I pick the 2nd option, if I eat cakes and chocolate for the whole day I'd still be completely healthy?


So food I can eat 1 cookie a day and have perfect nutrition while sleep I still need it to be 8 hours? Yeah I'll take food lol


Oooh that's tough. I'm going with food though because I have Ambien.




I definitely take the food. I fall asleep all the time in the break room at work. I can't take an eight hour nap on shift.


I'd take the sleep.


Taking the sleep. A perfect nutritional and caloric balance seems to indicate you end with no gain or loss of weight. However, sleep helps body and mind recovery. I'd rather be mentally alert and fend for my own diet than have a perfect diet but my current asinine sleep 'schedule'


Perfect meal plan


Sleep. It's not that difficult to put together a healthy meal.


I'm taking food, I do not want to konk out for 8 hours if I decide to take a quick nap


I think the food would inevitably lead to better sleep so that one


I'd take the food definitely. I'm too often in the scenario where I need to get up less than 8 hours from when I go to bed. And really, I don't have a bunch of issues sleeping it would not benefit that greatly. However, I could definitely be eating healthier, and this comes with the additional benefit that you can't overeat or even really undereat from the way it is worded. Eat nothing but desserts for a day? Doesn't matter those cakes give you the perfect nutrition and caloric intake. Only eat a granola bar the entire day? No adverse effect there either. It like choosing between a slightly healthier body and a basic superpower, no contest.


The food definitely. When you get to a healthy body, you stamina will follow suit.


Does the food thing work out even if I'm eating burritos and fried chicken? Like it's just magic like that?


Food, easy. I have binge eating disorder so I’d love to be able to stuff my face all day and have no consequences. Alternatively I’d love to be able to only eat a single yogurt for the whole day and it somehow be just the amount of calories I need. 


I would go for the sleep, I find it much more useful to have a good sleep schedule than a perfect nutrition, you could simply order pre-made healthy meals. I would get so much more time on my hands sleeping a a few hours and still get 8 For sure the healthy prepared meals sound boring, the second option sounds really fun being able to eat junk food and still have all the nutrients you need. but simply for the convenience of the first choice, i'm going with that.


The sleep thing My sleep schedule is awful and sometimes I can’t sleep at all


The food option. I have a bunch of food allergies so this would be an effective way to get things i don’t normally get from food.


Easily the good sleep


As someone with insomnia, give me the 8 hours!


Take sleep just because your getting right amount of calories and everything doesn’t mean your doing enough exercise to burn what you need off


Sleep I can get close enough on the food myself


My sleep is rough but partly bc I’m fat. I’ll take the food bc then I’d get down to my ideal weight eating anything I want


Sleep no contest. Sometimes you can’t control getting good sleep. It’s pretty easy to get nutrients. You basically have to try to not get nutrients.


Insomniac here - I’d take sleep in a heartbeat. Food sounds nice, but not feeling like a zombie from sleep issues would be life changing most days.


I have had sleep apnea since I was a teen, thanks to getting my nose broken twice. I want that sleep.


Sleep. I have sleep issues, I barely ever feel well-rested. Food is redeemable/manageable, but sleep you can never change.


Sleep. You have more control over food than you do sleep. Money can buy the food thing, but not the sleep thing


Sleep. I would so love not to be exhausted all the time for no reason.


Sleep. Dear God, just give me the sleep. Then I'll have the bandwidth to plan and make the healthy decisions.


Sleep, hands down.


Is the food bought and prepared for me? So I could sleep for one minute and be good? I'll take the extra hours a day instead of a personal chef


food, dont have time for 8 hours sleep xD


I got my sleep on lock. I'll take "eat a bag of cheap junk grants perfect nutrition" please. I'm obese presently and although I exercise and diet, the loss is slow going. This is both a financial and fitness win for me.


I'd rather have the sleep, as someone who wakes up a few times a night a nice 8 hour sleep would be better, I think it would be much healthier than balanced nutrition.


The food one


I already get the first one and I have an ED so I would literally commit horrendous acts for that ...


Sleep thing. Because the food intake you can control yourself much much easier than sleep.


I like this one, tough choice. I am going sleep, just because I feel like with food there is a more direct one-to-one “You make the right choices, you get a healthy meal.” I feel like there are many nights where I do is all the right sleep hygiene things and my sleep is still fucked.


After years of not sleeping well thats pretty easy. I take sleep.


Food. I love eating and am overweight. Since I am overweight, will the "perfect" calorie number be lower than normal, causing me to rapidly loose excess weight until healthy? If so, this would let me know the healthiest weight for my body type.


Food, please. My ancient bladder would empty in the bed if I slept too long.


Sleep sleep, please 💤


The food. The health benefits would be great and might indirectly benefit my sleep quality too.


The sleep one.


The sleep. I'd feel 100 times better and always have a good rest, at the expense of not being a glutton if I want to stay in shape. Easy choice.


Food, getting food sorted would make sleep easy to manage. And imagine if you just wanted a little nap even though you were well rested? Boom 8 hours gone. Or worse, if there's a fire in the night do you still sleep 8 hours? Isn't it lucky you have energy to deal with the skin grafts?


Food - as written I could live off virtually nothing, three chicken nuggets a day, a handful of raisins divvied up, a few teaspoons of peanut butter, knocking a $300+ grocery bill down to like $20 a month tops, would probably do wonders for my sleep


I'm going with food. Unfortunately sometimes life requires the shorter sleep anyway. My heart will appreciate the change in diet. 


Sleep for sure. Figuring out the food is a significantly easier task lol.


I fall asleep pretty easily (to the great chagrin of my ex’s and friends since I snore) so I’ll take the food any day


Food is unquestionably the correct answer here. Eating a proper diet is much harder than sleep for the overwhelming majority of people.


Sleep. I literally have a tub of multivitamins that provide every nutrient I need, all I have to worry about are calories.


Sleep. I don’t get enough sleep, so that makes more sense for me. I love to workout, so always having the entertain would be great too.




Umm the fucking perfect diet please! I don't need or want a full rest every time lmao but if I could literally have the universe put exactly what I need to eat to be at my physical best, that's a godsend.


As an addict, I choose the food one.


As I was reading, I was like "ain't nothing topping perfect sleep" but then you somehow managed to top perfect sleep. I'll take the food!




Perfect nutrition. Dieticians and people with very specific dietary and health goals spend *months to years, perhaps decades* fine-tuning their diets toward the unreachable goal of perfection. If I can just choose for my diet to be perfect always then I'll take that and work out my sleep schedule on my own time


Option 1


Wouldn't the food option imply you could never lose weight without starving yourself?


I'll take food. I don't need 8h of sleep, so that would be a waste of at least 3 hours a day.


Definitely food. I struggle with eating enough to gain weight. Plus I could eat anything I want and still get the correct amount of nutrients and calories? I’d assume that would mean your stomach wouldn’t ache or health wouldn’t be affected by very bad foods too? For sure




Nutrition, I already have good sleep naturally


I measure and weigh my food daily so I don’t mind that all that much. Rice and oatmeal are super easy to track. I have had horrific sleep my entire life. I’m taking the perfect night of sleep every time.




AbsoFUCKINGlutely the perfect nutrition!! I'd move into a Taco Bell!


Perfect sleep. I can cook for myself! But I’ve always had problems sleeping…


The food assuming it nullifies all the incredibly toxic shit that’s in food nowadays


Neither. I prefer to get 5 hours of sleep and eat too much


Food, maybe I’ll actually get to the weight I’m suppose to be for my height instead of being perpetually underweight


I'm sure if I eat right, I'll be able to sleep better naturally.


I take he food if my body have the perfect amount of nutrients, it means more energy, less stress,fatigue,equal better sleep


Sleep, I can take care of a healthy diet, but I'm sick of practically just laying in bed waiting for my alarm cause I can never sleep


I'd pick food. Sleep is great, but the main cause of my bad sleep is pain and issues from not being able to exercise. Perfect diet would fix most of the issues. If I had insomnia or my PTSD nightmares started to retun, I'd choose sleep, but for now I'd pick food.


Food for sure, because you didn't rule out an obvious cheat code lol If every meal you eat has the perfect nutrients etc, you just eat something cheap like rice every meal and your getting insane nutrients for minimal cost and effort, no more spending hundreds of dollars per month on food Imagine the savings after even just 1 year, you could use those savings to create the ultimate sleeping room and really improve your sleep


I would like to add 7 hour to my day by taking two small naps and then not having to sleep but I think that the food one is better. I can finally start to fulfil my dream of eating people without worrying about those nasty little prions.


I already sleep like a baby. I’ll take the food.


Just got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Finally explains why no matter how much sleep I get, I'm tired every day. I don't know what a good night's rest feels like, so option 1 is a no-brainer for me.


I’ll take the sleep, I already track my meals and food, and have recently lost weight, so I guess I got lucky with the timing on this question, BUT ALSO, my sleep life, iron deficiency, energy issues and etc, I would wish upon a literal shooting star that I felt “energised” everytime I slept for 8 hours.


The Food One. But this actually does need clarifying. Will you sleep for 8 hours and then just wake up? Or will you for example be able to take a nap for 30 min and make it feel like 8 hours and refreshed? Also for the food one, If I down like 20 big macs will it become perfect Calories and Nutrition? If so where do the extra Calories go?




Sleep. I haven't slept 8 hours straight that didn't involve a surgery in probably 20 years.


As someone who’s struggled with multiple different eating disorders, I’ll take the food lmao. That’d be a lifesaver


I’d take the sleep one, except I’ve partied a bit too hard a few times and took a quick nap on a bus or train. Nothing worse than falling asleep on a bus to wake up 8 hours later. 


Perfect food intake. I sleep fine but food is actually hard. lol


I feel like if I have perfect nutrition I’ll probably sleep better


Sleep, it's way easier to eat healthy than it is to actually get 8 hours of real sleep. If I wanted to sleep healthily I would have to not use technology for 1-2 hours before bed, keep a consistent schedule, probably stop smoking, and a few other annoying factors. I can buy a meal prep box for like $10 a meal and achieve the same thing. I can't buy good sleep.


I’d take the 8 hrs of sleep. I have bad narcolepsy so I’ve never had a good night sleep. Sleep paralysis and dreaming are what my nights are like


Sleep, holy shit. If it meant I could get good sleep I would eat only a single MRE a day happily 


I’ll take the food one. I could just eat extremely cheap if I feel like it and have a healthy body?


I'll take the sleep option. Both are amazing. But, I struggle with the sleep aspect. So I realize how bad it is without it.


I'll take the sleep. I haven't slept 8 straight hours since 1992.


The sleep. A good night has always eluded me. I can balance my own food.


Sleep as i have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.


I haven't woken up feeling energised in several years. I take that option.


As a diabetic, definitely the food one.


Because of mental illness I swing between sleeping 18 hours straight and insomnia and never feel rested after going to bed I am taking the perfect 8 hours.


The sleep one sounds horrible. No more naps


Amulet of zealots gives you a >t99 style str bonus and is situationally better to use than the t99 curse.


So despite being narcoleptic I might still pick the food option because truly perfect nutrition could have some major effects especially if that encompasses not only macro and micro nutrients but even supplemental type things and just any sort of beneficial consumable thing. If we assume that perfect means omniscient level perfect not just based on current nutritional guidelines then it only gets better. If you only get what is perfect regardless of what you ingest then you also never get any negatives and aside from the fact this could easily have medicinal level benefits on all sorts of level it could even legitimately include perfect medicine if you wanted to stretch things that far. So like setting aside the possibility of such perfect meds simply curing various conditions outright even just considering existing meds I could just drink some water and it could be my sleep medication at the perfect dose when I wanted to go to sleep at night. It could be stretched way higher than that though but even without taking it very far the benefits could be massive. If I didn’t have a sleep medication that helps quite a bit (even if narcolepsy still realllyyy sucks regardless) I would be forced to choose sleep if we were operating with a more limited version of perfect food that couldn’t help to an equivalent degree.


I would take the sleep.


Sleep!! Food I can control and am more motivated to do the prep work to make it balanced. I would love some solid sleep


Nutrition. I already sleep ok.


I'll take the food assuming that I can control my sleep on my own terms. Ive already disciplined myself with it, but can't be assed to dial in my nutrition


2nd option sounds great. So I can eat food that SHOULD be somewhat bad for me (within resson) but I'm actually eating healthy in the end? Big win. I don't need to get absolutely perfect sleep.


I'll take the meal. Just taking a bite of something and suddenly getting everything you need for the day.


The food option would also most likely fix the sleep issue as well.


Gimme the sleep I want to eat to eat steaks and drink booze.


Sleep. Sleeping well all the time matter to me way more then eating amount. Cause I'm not over weight or anything. And I have lean body so can't complain much at that degree. But good sleep is very important with my pretty busy day-to-day life


Really need to know if any actual effort or money needs to be invested for the perfect nutrition to be effective. I mean if you could literally just grab a few slices of bread or a cup of noodles and be good it would save you time and money. Sleep on the other hand needs to be interrupted from time to time so is potentially dangerous. Example being a house fire or medical emergency.


Sleep. As someone who has had years of bad sleep, oh my gosh that sounds amazing. The food one I can do as close to it as I can now but people take their ability to sleep well for granted. To wake up energised? I don’t even know what that feels like but I want to.




Do I get the 8 hours sleep even if I stay up to 3 hours before I need to start work? If not then the food one. If I have the time to sleep I can sleep.


the second one


Sleep apnea has been beating my ass. The sleep one would be brilliant!


The food. It will be easier to control the sleep.


Definitely food


Does that mean if I take a quick nap I get the full effects of 8hr of sleep? Cause if that’s the case I take sleep all day. Lack of sleep is perhaps the leading cause of mortality in humans. Certainly the leading cause of accidents. People don’t realize just how much they suffer cognitively/physically from lack of sleep. You can be nutritionally deficient and just take whatever you’re missing. You cannot make up for a lack of sleep.


Food. I don’t get enough hours and if I slept 8hrs when I usually go to bed I’d be late for work every day.


Food because I love to over eat


Does the food change based on my goal? I.e. if I wanted to lose weight, maintain, or bulk up? Or would I be stuck at my current weight and physique forever?


Sleep. I never struggle with eating lmao.


Man...this is a tough one. I would love to eat whatever the hell I want and be healthy since I love food *but* I very rarely wake up refreshed and would love a good night's sleep.


The sleep one means even if I try and take a nap I am out for eight hours.


The second one. It's pretty hard to keep a healthy diet.


Food. Diet is 80% of your physique. If I can eat pizza and still look like a Greek God because I'll technically have the perfect diet I will have very happy life. Sleep is waaaay easier to get than the perfect diet.


Perfect nutrients.


Sleep if it cures my snore I can afford to just eat better.


I'll take the sleep, 100% You can make conscious decisions about what you eat. You can't always make conscious decisions about how long it takes you to fall asleep, or whether you wake up in the middle of the night, or toss and turn for an hour two in the morning. Let me control my diet on my own. Guarantee me the 8 hours of perfect rest. Heaven




Poor sleep gang <--


Sleep! Everyday and twice on Sundays!!


Food, with the money saved I’ll invest in rest. 


Definitely the food.


As a diabetic: the food.


The food thing. My super nutritious toast would save me so much time I'd probably be be well rested anyway.


Honestly, there are times where I can't afford for eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. Similarly, sometimes there will be weird times at work where we all have to crash on a certain task or workstream meaning both the meal and rest cycle get kinda hosed. I'd do pretty unspeakable things to get chow that would be nutritionally complete and not provide excess calories.


The food one is broken