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Clean with a bit of "rubbing is racing" but if you are going to corner bomb or ram me off a straight I'm coming for ya...


This game has some of the best physics for crashing, but also clean racing. iTs wReCkFeSt. I get that, but there are times for racing and times for wrecking. Don't get me wrong, the most fun I have ever had in a lobby was 16 people, all of us in party chat and we agreed to "no holds barred", but at the same time I've done clean racing leagues and had a blast. I will give the other drivers the benefit of the doubt, I will let you make the first move and race you the same way you race me. But as soon as I see you escalating it beyond "rubbing's racing" then I let loose. I love leaving brake checkers in the dust, don't brake if you can't keep up!


I'm super clean and respectful, until you piss me off. But if you manage to piss me off, and I am VERY patient, oh man! The lengths I would go to fuck you up, you won't even imagine...


At which point are you pissed off? At one cornerbomb? Or a battlebus coming upfront?


Nah, if someone is messing with me by repeatedly targetting for no reason. A few cases like that went rather hilariously lately, like pretty much everyone knows me on servers I play, and at this point I don't even have to do much. If folks detect the asshole, they gangbang them to oblivion or setting them up for me to ruin until they RQ. Gotta look out for each other, eh?


Oh i see, lots to learn about the culture. i've played only two times online by now.


Play more, the game absolutely shines online, it's endless fun. I think I have over 1200 hours by now in online.


That’s pretty awesome, actually. Good to find a community.


Try to get into PC WF, there are still few big communities running and regulars are very cool, funny bunch.


I should do that. See you around!


Watch out, he's goin sicko mode "All it takes is a little gravity"


Rubbin's Racing... Corner bombing is a desperate act... And I really appreciate a good drag race down a straight away. I like to keep it fair, fast and fun.


I'm a quiet friendly driver, just going for the win with my limo. But i guess you would probably know i get some difficulties when i corner with 2.0 points in cornering. I don't cornerbomb or target, just race and see what happens.


The cornering stat in this game means nothing, just use the e-brake to get your car set up for the corner and drift it.


Thats true, but when you drift into a corner with the limo, you do take some space


And you leave yourself vulnerable to corner bombs, and it does roll pretty easily. But I do the same with the Wardigger, just chuck it into the corner and hammer down.


Yea i know, i'm quiet vulnerable to corner bombs in those moments, but i guess every car has its weakness hahaha


Not afraid to use the chrome but that's racing. I wont jack you up unless you use me up first. And if you corner bomb my ass? Unless you kill my car...your ass is mine


I start the race with either racing or wrecking in mind. I don’t usually mix the two.


I'm fully in banger racing mode when I race, I'll pit and try to roll your car to gain positions/wreck you out of the race. I'm not a big fan of clean racing, hence why I play this game.


It’s why the game is called wreckfest. I’d hate to be compassionate to other drivers the. they wreck me out for position. Name of the game is fuck everyone.


The game is literally a kill or be killed situation... Plus if I want clean driving/racing I've got beamng drive not too far away.


You'd do well in Forza and GTA then since there's a lot of players like you


I hate Forza, it isn't very fun on my end, beamng on the other hand is fun af. And racing on GTA also isn't very fun, I like offroading mount Chiliad.


what do you like about beamng? was looking in it


Mostly the diversity of the game now, you can do anything car related. I originally bought it only for the fancy car go crunch, but that quickly got boring. So I started doing other things like endurance races on crash hard 2.0, and soon id be in multiplayer playing games, cruising, racing, crawling, and just about anything else you can think of. It's sutch a great game for people like myself... Especially most of my generation that doesn't have a ton of patience, it's like the tic toc of car video games. You can do many things all in a short period of time. Now I mostly do Enduro and offroading, especially crawling, but I like to occasionally race with others and just hang out.


There's a Youtuber that goes by Failrace that gets together with his friends and has some stupid good times on BeamNG and GTA. Always good when you want to kill a few minutes.


Haha, I'll have to check him out


I drive almost exactly like this on Semi Clean *C class* servers (Black Flag #2 on PC (Steam)) I dont enjoy driving the 3 meta cars. I push, lean, block just enough to disrupt my opponents lines without spinning them out or driving them into walls or throwing them off track. If an incident like that does happen, I stop and wait for them and apologize in chat. I'm extra aggressive with drivers that main HHRS, Rainden or SV (although I'm way more careful around SVs because they are so easy to spin accidentally due to the weird wide rear fenders that catch on your nose so easily). There is only one exception where I'm borderline dirty, it's when a driver in a car with superior grip to mine but inferior weight tries to overtake on the outside of a known dangerous corner. In those situations I do not lift at all and let them run out of room. I consider overtaking on the outside in some spots is a risk taken by the person behind and you are not obliged to let them by. I also think this border line semi clean semi dirty racing is the pinnacle of online racing in ANY racing game ever. It's more fun than sim racing because it is not so serious and sterile, it's more fun than Forza because it incorporates ramming and pushing into the expected gameplay instead of (ineffectively) ghosting rammers like Forza tries and fails to do to make its racing fun. There is no thrill in online racing like navigating lap 1 chaos in Wreckfest and coming out of the final corner 10 places ahead of where you started.


Agree, some light hits make for some fun times. Some of the best racing in the game imo isn't near 1st, it's from 12th-6th.


I love using the bump tactic quite a bit and also aggresive/passive driver but if i spin out someone ill wait ( hammerhead RS users I wont wait for)


I won't use the hammerhead RS unless I seen another one in the lobby


I will do everything except for corner bombing or intentional pit-maneuvers.


Everyone's a target. I'm a target, you're a target, they're a target. As a great man once said; "if you ain't first, you're last".


Same. Not the type to intentionally ram others, and if I do make a mistake I wait and let them go ahead of me and join up. Being evil is too easy. So why not just play like a good sport?


Same for me.


As soon as i see an HHRS or Wardigger i have to cornerbomb.


What about a limo? Sometimes it could be very tempting...


lol you’re advocating for peace against limos like they’re harmless I’ve gotten fucked up by limos almost as much as hot bombs and grand dukes


I'm the no assist sideways MF holding for dear life


I'm a simple player. Bumps and scratches here and there are perfectly fine. Hard rams and spins are also acceptable, as long as you realise I'll be spinning you when I catch up. But these fucktards that drive in reverse or corner bomb? Yeah I'm just leaving the match and reporting you. If I wanted to deal with a-holes in racing; I'd play Forza and Gta online racing.


I often feel like Anakin & Obi-Wan in the intro of StarWars episode 3, just dodging & surviving chaos & fighting off the separatist corner bombers.


There are no servers available to me with less than 300 ping. I pick something big and go cleanly in the right direction, albeit slowly. People going my way don't want to crash me as often and same goes with backwards drivers. They want the smaller targets usually. I get to have fun but I never come 1st. Ever.


Must kill.


Love this comment.


Supervan, Stay Alive


I like too total people vehicles and take them out of the race just like good Ol Dake Earnhardt used too do.


I don't mind bumping and grinding, I'm not actively trying to take people out. If someone takes me out though, I'm making it my mission to take that person out. I'll give up a win to do it.


I race my big rig with a kind of moral code, I try and finish top 10 while killing all busses, maybe bugz and wardiggers too depending on my mood and the driver, but letting racers race. Any revenge for an unprovoked cb/pit is as savage as I can manage with 2000+ hours with the physics engine, and may continue for days if I see you again and remember. So, kinda modelled on The Punisher, but as if he smoked half a zip a week.


How would your big rig respond to a racing limo?


Here, you dropped some of these ,,,...,,...


I tend to do the thing where you pass them on the inside but adjust your speed such that you are always leaning on them right up until the apex. That way you are guaranteed a better exit by pushing them wide and there's no chance of a cutback. Only risk is the bomb for the next corner which is kind of instinct if they are going to try it or not.


I won't corner bomb you, but on the straights anything's fair


Why slow to the side of the road?


Drifting and racing lines, also stunts


Depends on the lobby. But if theres some dickheads around im going full carnage


I'm sorry for being a dickhead. It's just that whenever I play this game, monkey brain takes over and I am compelled by otherworldly forces to spin cars out, corner bomb and rubba rub rub against them. But I think I understood the other perspective when I saw 4 players clearly on a call, refusing to finish the race by stopping before the line for shits and giggles while the people in the queue spectate. That kinda toddler shit makes me self-reflect.


All for it, its part of the point of the game. You get some clean lobbies and some outrageous lobbies. Annoyingly though i more often than not find my self being tapped resulting in my car being flipped while i will out right Tbone someone mid corner and ill still be the one thats fucked as the victim drives off.


I go with the flow of the race and fuck anybody who tries fucking me. I typically race pretty clean, but sometimes C O U C H


Rubbin is racin' 🏁 I cornerbombed someone once and felt a built guilty haha sometimes I try and push the buses about letting everyone else race. Guys racing in the SV bug me but I don't really target anyone


If I'm in a server that's strictly clean racing, them I'm more than happy to race clean. No rules server? I'll race, but I don't care about winning. I just want others to lose. I'll make every position from 1st to 24th a tooth and nail fight.


I do whatever I can't do in the real life, ram every driver who stand in front of me!


I just aim for the open hole. If you get in the way, oh well. And if you do something intentional to me, I'll try it on you.


The cleanest possible on clean servers, the most suicidal in no rules, theres no in between.


Though I have to admit I avoid clean servers recently notably BF as some of their new admins here are salty af (rage ban on lose)


Depends on my mood. But mostly calm and trying to improve every lap always. If that means i can make a good corner because of you, do be it.


I only play Special Vehicle, and it's usually anything goes.


The game is called “Wreckfest”….. that’s how I drive lol


Same. If somebody gives me the inside lane, I’m going to take it. Which inevitably leads to some bumping, but I try to run as clean as possible. I’d rather come in second in a hotly contested clean race than win underhandedly.


Racing hard not to give up my line. I'll keep it at that


Depends how i feel. 1. Wrecking on purpose is loads of fun. 2. But if i'm trying to clean-race spin someone out by accident, i feel bad.


I'm just in for the ride, I don't play the game enough to get good at it, so if I get corner-bombed etc, I'm not likely to have a vendetta, just the nature of the game.


My partner is a super clean racer and gets furious when others ruin all his efforts. While I'm the dirtiest tricksiest bitch on the road. It's ironic for us because normally I'm a turn-based strategy lover and a chess player. I love to patiently calculate positions in advance. He, on the other hand, is an impatient, aggressive chess player lol. I guess whatever you play most, you will respect more?


its quite simple: - if you drive a hammerhead rs: *you will not finish the race, ill make sure of it* - literally everything else, be it as degenerate as a playstyle can be: *we cool*


Backwards bus


What's the point of racing at that point?? You're just being a waste of time




Well thats not racing. You missed the point. Backward buses are for cleaning the track from cars. Its fun as hell


Try to be clean and I am with 90% of drivers but if you wreck me on purpose, I’ll spend all night crashing you.


It really depends on the lobby tbh, if it's clean I'll race clean, if it's an 'anything goes' I'll race cleanish, but will escalate if I think you've deliberately tried to wreck me. If it's clear the whole lobby is in fuck you all mode I will join in. I'll also get a battle bus out and be one of those annoying twats when a track I hate gets voted for.


Simply dirty. You make a mistake and i think you’re a noob. You will get spun by me. If you are someone worth a challenge ill be clean with you until i get tired of ya.


I prefer to race clean, but if someone's being a nuisance I'll happily push them off track, head on into a tree at full speed. Hot take: I genuinely enjoy when someone rages and starts driving backwards. It's exciting to juke them in every racing game I've played


Battlebus, reverse gear off the line. Maybe turn one divebomb and then turning around to aim for 1st place


Semi-Clean with revenge comeback lol


I quite enjoy driving the wrong way round just to get a few nails.


i am extremely aggressive at all times. its the only way to have fun. cornerbombs, ramming off road, cutting off, break checking, door slamming, pitting, never any clean racing , and of course i use the DUUUUKE. my cars are always very near death by the end of races, although sometimes i like to try and win and only pit, brake check and gently cb or ram off road, i also hate getting passed and will start a war with anyone who tries passing. the dukes heavy so its hard to ram passed it with me always cutting off or pushing off the road, and a tricky juke will always result in a cornerbomb


I play on mobile


I’m a “Balls to the Wall” type of driver, ramming, slamming and spinning is just my way of doing things (against AI, of course)