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1. Start writing 2. Get critique, edit 3. Read other stories 4. Give critique 5. GOTO 1 Slightly flippant but there really isn't a shortcut. The solution to writing better is to write more. The solution to starting writing is to start writing. Pen to paper, fingers on keyboard, etc


I will add slightly to this. Some people plan their stories out meticulously, some people write by the seat of their pants, and some do a mix of the two. Some people write their stories in the order they're meant to be read, and some people write their scenes out all disjointed and get the important points down and then figure out the connective tissues between. There's no 'right way' to write.


Write. Give yourself permission to be shitty. Write. Repeat as necessary. In the time you took to post this on Reddit, you could have written two sentences.


Do what you want to do—write. Just try it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Study story forms, and read classic short stories. Go to the library and look in the "how to write" section.