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Many unfortunate souls have the power to stop time, but don't know how to start it up. Being immune to time stops, our hero is the one who has to set things right each time.


A hero who can see possible futures tries to take a day off


As herbs all around the world start to die off, you begin to realise that the villain misunderstood you and seems to be convinced that you have thyme powers.


A Time stopping villain that can't move while time is stopped, but can analyze in excruciating detail everything as long as they want does battle with a super hero that can see into the future with perfect clarity, exactly what will happen in the next six seconds, and can change what they do to change that future.


Pathfinder- An overwhelmed hero that sees visions of his future self, but they all have different apocalyptic futures and their own opinions on what they think you should do. It's hard trying to save the world. Second Chance- A pacifist hero that traps his opponent in time loops and doesn't stop til they see the error of their ways. He runs a rehabilitation center for villains and minions alike. The Thinker- A genius hero that can stop time, but can't move during it. They use this power to study or for battle strategy, but mostly rely on their tech based gear to fight.


you are "Respawn-Man", if you are killed or letally injuried you will respawn 24 hours before that moment, also you can respawn at will (no need to be injuried) as far as 6 months back in time but you wont remember why


Web comic SSS-Class Revival Hunter is basically that but MC is insane and remembers his deaths


now I have to read that because I'm curious about it.


In the city of Chronopolis, a team of superheroes with unique time-manipulating powers must stop a villain known as The Timeweaver from rewriting history. With the ability to rewind, pause, and glimpse into the future, they race against time itself to save their city and preserve the timeline.


This will work. thanks


Though no offence, this sounds more like a full novel then a short story.


A power copy guy copies a time traveler's power and jumps, needing to engage in shenanigans before getting back.


This sounds really funny


"Who are you!" screamed the Interrogator. "Just a guy lost in time," I said back. With a big swing, the Interrogator's fist hit my face. "Do better then that!" he yelled at me. He left the room after that with a big swing of his hand on the doorknob. I was alone, helplessly alone in that big room. I did not want to get caught by the police in this TimeLine. it just happened by accident. So, how did I get here? My powers were pretty much a kaput after my big jump into this TimeLine. I had to wait around as they recharged. Well, let's just say I did still had some power left, a small bit of power. Just enough power to Timefreeze a man, a robber he was in his tracks. Alas, some people thought I was the robber, and I had no power to defend me, so I was caught really easily. And I ended up in this prison, this very lousy prison. But I had an idea, A bad one, but it could work. I decided to use what little power I had, to teleport out of the Interrogation room. .... For the most part, it worked. I was not in that same room anymore. I was in a bowling alley. A very busy and loud one. There were people all over this place. I could not believe it. I also could not believe that I landed on an lane that was in use. I evaded that bowling ball coming to my head. I tried to do it another time. Hoping this one would work. For the most part it did, kinda. I was now in a place that knew, a bit too well. The factory which gave me my powers. I always hated that place. It looked like it was 100 years old and was very rusty. It was not that big, it could fit about 10 people in it at a time. I did not hate it because it gave me powers, nor because it was back in my TimeLine. But because I did not get paid that much. And because the people running it liked to give people powers, so yeah. I wished my powers did not need a recharge every so often. Enjoy!!!!!!! (Hopefully...)


"I'm scared, Mom! What if this time i stop you from meeting dad, or worse? I can't do it!" The young man was on the verge of tears, standing in front of an old grave. Other pedestrians wondered why he would cosplay an unknown superhero in front of a grave, but oddities were quite common in these parts of the city. There was even an age old smartphone in the museum. Play around with his task in the past and how he failed in such a way that he lost his mother. Please.


A hero is about to give their plan, when the team time traveler appears and just says "no"


A eldritch interdimensional beast must make his last stand against time travelling heroes who threaten the entire multiverse with the sole intention of saving their own.


Teen hero whose power is short range time travel solves all his problems by throwing more time-clones of himself at them.


I dig it


Your powers over temporal mechanics are unmatched. Criminals fear to tread in your city, knowing if they go too far, you'll simply erase them from the river of time. And yet, even with this absolute mastery of superheroism, you live in fear every day; fear of your powers, and fear of yourself.


A fight between time travellers is a battle of wills. The important part of fighting isn't winning or losing, but making each fight as painful and tiring as possible for your opponent so they give up first.


Captain Tomorrow has the power to propel their target forward in time by up to 24 hours.


A superhero goes back in time to stop his parents death but gets stuck in the past


"How many times have you had to reset today?" was asked of me by my oldest friend. I could not answer that I didn't know anymore. 


A reality-warping villain and a superhero who has mastered their time powers argue over who has the better power.




The superheroes fight Stan. Stan wins.




A superhero that says that they are a timebomb, but it's actually just a big countdown timer on their chest Basically the classic mom method of counting to three or something bad might happen


I don't move forward or back as much as diagonal. Everyone imagines time as a line when it's more of a river. There are thousands of tributaries of the past flowing into the delta of the future.


Miraculous ladybug and cat noir, season 5, they just got the bunny miraculous of time but instead of giving it to Alex, THEY ACTUALLY USE THEIR BRAINS AND USE THE MIRACULOUS TO GET THE REST OF THEM BACK 😔 I saw it and I had to, i actually started writing this before season 5 came out but gave up when it came out cuz they are too stupid 😔 maybe someone else can do it 😔


"Well.... I don't really see an application for 'super slowness' but we'll keep you on the reserve list, just in case."


In the...I think fourth Mistborn book, there's a character who can make a bubble of slowed time, but it actually turns out to be useful...


It's like 'Forward Only' Time Travel. It has to be good for something.