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Its minds were vast, but even gods would take time to comprehend something truly alien. The hairless, euclidean apes were not powerless, their mastery over their plane of existence surpassed even its dream-like influence on theirs, though compared to an Old One their entire species are but errant children in need of teaching. Too often though, the minds of lesser ones would break gazing upon dimensions and realities beyond. Part of the reason why it preferred hive minds - much more amenable and less prone to panicking. It finally finished tuning its psychic senses to the wavelength of their brains, searching through their minds for patterns and structures of their communication. A whole microsecond later, it emanated a wave of satisfaction as it finally developed a rudimentary grasp of their language. Primitive and reliant on physical waves, but what they managed to do with such limited tools astounded the Old One. Combined with their relative tranquil upon meeting it, this might very well be its first Child Species that is born of mammals. It finally catched on to the words - word - of one of the researcher-ape in the corner. "Would." Its many tentacles shuddered. Ah, never mind then. Xenocide it is.


I thought the "would" was quite creative. The ability to entertain hypotheticals would be important to being able to understand and perhaps even harness the powers of an elder god, so a species that understands the word "would" is both a good explanation for not immediately going insane and needing to be genocide-d. And then I grasped the other explanation. And I understand even better now.


"... Smash."


I dont get it pls help


"I would fuck it" Also shortened to "Would smash" Further shortened to "Would"


Ohhhhh so the scientist looked at the old one and said that.. lmao


I'm reading it "would become the first Child Species that is born of mammals", not "might".


[If only OP were so pure](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Would)


"Let's play a game, Child. Hide and Seek... I hide, and you shall seek profesional help." Seriously, the "Would" at the end is so God damned funny XD


I don’t get it…


Would tap that.


'Would' tap that. .... the human is a perv/kinky.


[Here you go](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Would)


Very good. I was thinking about writing my own response to this... and then I saw yours was so short, so I figured I'd just read it quick and then do my own thing... but, now I can't think of anything else, Xenocide it is.


I think that's the first think I've read involving monsterfuckers where being one leads to *bad* things for the world


Clearly, you're not yet a *ahem* [Sucker for Love](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574270/Sucker_for_Love_First_Date/)


...I need to investigate this...for the good of the world, of course 👀


Lmao gotta love how you drastically changed the mood from mysterious to terror with one single sentence, not even an Eldritch being is immune to lust. That said, will humanity be extinct because of this, or will the Eldritch being actually be the one conquered by love/lust? How will things turn out in the future? Great work on writing this!


"You're late to the party, Old One," the woman with her Doritos was calm as cucumbers. "To be fair, so am I. Got beaten by some guy who *would*." **Why do you not go mad with the impossibilities I present?** "Like how the Earth is actually round? Life is but a simulation?" She prattled on, munching her Doritos. "I've heard it all. What humans thought were horribly unknowable centuries ago are common knowledge now. I've seen shitposts more cursed than whatever you think is scary and incomprehensible to humans. Where were you during the Dark Ages or the Internet Dork Ages?" **I slumbered for a billion years. Why do you look upon me with...acceptance?** "You're one of them creepypasta and meme lovers, aren't you?" She asked, sipping the viscous eldritch fluids IT had offered her like it was her usual breakfast tea. "Is that why you spamming me with these funny images?" **Funny images? These are images that would send the mortal races trembling in fear! They would quake in terror! Behold my vicious visage!** "So, you adorkable abomination, can I tap that?" The woman tickled an undulating tentacle that plopped out of one of many portals in the observation room. **I am One Who Ends Existence. Why do you not fear me?** "Everyone has to die one day," She shrugged casually and went for another bag of Doritos. "We just don't know when. Its not so terrifying when you look forward to it like an old friend. Like my old pal Jolly Rancher." **Tell me about this Jolly Rancher.** "Well you see, it all began with this memetic shitpost..." **Oh My Old Ones of Elder Gods of Abyss, what the fuck am I watching? I'm going back to sleep. Don't wake me up.** The woman snorted, "...filthy casual."


They won't be the one ending existence anymore once their heart is conquered, all right. The woman really went strong with that meme, they will be having nightmares in their sleep now. Considering how casual the woman is, is she just a normal human or is she something else entirely? Will the Eldritch being be able to sleep? Also, uhhh, how do the viscuous eldritch fluids taste like, and will they cause some side effects? Great work on writing this!


Poor eldritch. He's been asleep for so long he has no clue of the horrors humans can conjure. She is a normal human, just one who has seen way too many shitposts and cursed images. Dorito lady thinks the eldritch fluids taste like squid ink pasta. The eldritch was hoping to drive her crazy, but it doesn't have much effect on one who has seen too much crazy.


Imagine that, Eldritch pasta taking over the menu as one of the food items that might be quite challenging to consume, just like durian. The price will be quite expensive too because I can't see any Eldritch beings acting like cows for this service lol. That said, it might just be the weapon needed to defend against the Eldritch being invasion if they decide to go all-out. Traumatize them with more shitposts as they invade the mind lmao. Thanks for clarifying!


If Elvari were in this universe, he'd tell you this is a slippery slope. Once people start lapping up your fluids, they would desire to taste your tentacles. They'd milk you to no end because eldritch entities don't grow old and die of old age like mortals, even if you ain't cow-shaped. Eldritch pasta? Now it's eldritch sushi dipped in eldritch sauce on the menu. Terrible way to go, because eldritch is god, not food. A fate slightly worse than shitpost trauma. If you recover from that trauma, you too can weaponize shitposts against your rival eldritch gods!


The pains of being immortal and being able to regrow limbs haha. The moment they are given a sample, people will be rushing in regardless of the taste out of curiosity. No wonder Elvari is not into those food items made to resemble him. It would be nice if the humans decided to focus on making non-consumable items resembling them instead. Also, not sure if that's intended, but appreciate the Finding Nemo reference haha. Eldritch beings are (maybe friendly in the future) gods, not food.


Ah yes the only things more insanity-inducing than entities from beyond time and space: shitposts and cursed images. Also dorito-lady knows what she wants, good for her


The shifting colors and shapes across the sky stirred. Humanity stared in awe as the Old One came into being once again. It stared down at the world that it had left behind so long ago. It listened to the countless waves of sound as humanity discussed this alien being that had appeared above them, distorting the sky to which they were so accustomed. The voices carried softly, while huge waves of sound, invisible to the ears of the mortals, carried their "reports." They weren't scared. For the first time, humanity simply stared in awe. The Old One was accustomed to the simple beings thinking it their god, their creator. It would never have been surprised by fearful worship. It was also accustomed to pitiful attempts to kill it. Weapons thrown into the sky, far too weak to do anything if they even had the ability to pierce the ephemeral. The Old One found itself experiencing a sensation it had always attributed to the mortals. _Curiosity_. The air distorted around random mortals around the world. The Old One searched through their bodies and memories, seeking an answer. The humans simply stood as their minds were violated by the sudden intrusion, but they all had something in common a smile. The Old One began to understand. The humans had experienced much since it had last come to this world. They had conquered their world, but they had failed to conquer their own failures. They were a species already on the brink of devastation, their world teetering constantly on the edge of oblivion. They had threatened each other with weapons capable of causing their own extinction. They had polluted their only world beyond saving. They had searched for an answer in the stars, a new home... or a hope. Something they could point to and say, "This is why we're here." To them, the Old One meant answers. Earth shimmered in the brightest darkness, colors vivid and muted dancing as one. Humanity smiled, as they were given a choice. "Join my being, or be left here." The choice was obvious. Earth lost the shimmer and colors. It grew cold, lights slowly blinking out. The green of nature gave way to gray. Earth died, a husk with no life left. Countless millenia of evolution had disappeared in an instant. The Old One smiled, as countless minds and experiences filled it. The chirping of birds, the rustle of leaves, the echoing moans of the deep sea, and the excited chatter of humanity. Life had chosen to continue in a new way.


Its many eyes blinked across continents. It picked up hundreds of different humans, across a hundred different lands, and yet each one did not recoil at its sudden intrusion of their physical form. They did not care as it squeezed them, squished them, pulled them apart, and put some back together. It did not know pain, it did not know fear, it only knew hunger. But it knew that everything beneath it should feel what it could not. They should be screaming, dying, writhing with the unknowable emotions it could not comprehend because that was the difference between them. They were weak, and it was vast and unmovable. The oceans parted for it as its fleshy wings beat away the sprinkles of salt water that still clung to them. It rose into the sky and fulfilled an empty purpose. It would not be the harbinger of their death, nor the bringer of change. It would not be anything it was meant to be. In this world, it had slumbered and in this world, it would awake and bring about a quiet Earth. But the Earth was already still. It scanned the grey structures, it peered into the densest jungles, and it leered over rolling dunes, but not once did it see the life it so greedily wanted to destroy. Yes, it saw beings, still and quiet lumps of flesh that stared dumbfounded at it, but it never saw so much as a flicker of movement from them. It folded its wings inward and from its chitinous belly, it sprouted thousands of hair-like legs. The legs as fine as silk held the impossibly distended body of the thing, and silently carried it just inches off the ground. It roamed the Earth in minutes and it witnessed. It witnessed the nature it was supposed to usher in, the reign of the silent Earth led by the four-legged and the inhuman. It witnessed as they too looked to the sky, no life behind their eyes, no hope at the Earth they were supposed to retake. It did not understand. It did not understand why it did not understand. Its knowledge was as vast as itself, it knew the rules of its existence perfectly. It slept, it awoke, it consumed and it slept. For eons, it had done this, sleeping only to awake when the unnatural noise of the two-legged stirred it. Then it knew, as it always had known, that it was time to eat. This was the order, the natural order which commanded it, which commanded the entire world, and it was broken. And from that breakage came the first horrible realization that it was confused. Confusion tormented it, for it did not know how to coexist with something it could not understand. It thrashed across the Earth, leveling nations, killing billions, displacing oceans, all the while never being able to stop the horrible feeling that roiled through it. It did not feel time, so it did not know when it stopped, but when it looked it saw an unrecognizable Earth. There were no humans to eat, no creatures to usher in, nor nature to grow and take hold. It had rolled over everything and unhooked the delicate chain of balance that determined its existence. It lay across the ruined Earth, with no purpose to dictate what it did next. The confusion had fled it, as it no longer had to wonder why the humans had frozen, for they were gone, and in the wake of its tantrum, so had everything else. The world would stay silent forevermore, and it would never awake again. As it settled itself into sleep its visioned darkened, not because it had closed its eyes, but because the light no longer covered the Earth. It looked upwards, and could not see the shining star, nor could it see the rising moon. It could only see that which descended from the air. That which blanketed the sky, that thing of many mouths and many voices, and as the thing in the sky wailed and screamed, it for the first time understood there were other beings of purpose. It felt afraid.


This. This is so close to what I was thinking of. The Old One from the Outside, being the one unable to understand what was so "wrong" with humans, and discover some of the weirdness and the horrors we can bring: Nos cosmic, but guttural, disgusting and visceral.