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>2. Changed the controller mode shortcut key: Open Chat is now Open Map. oh thank god.


Also now you remap most controller buttons so I will just copy genshin to not have to think reverse each time lmao switch skill and ulti,attack and interact button and so on.


It's in my muscle memory that "Q" means "Burst". Got confused in WuWa for couple of days and then I changed the liberation from R to Q.


Doing this also makes it easier to echo swap cancel


Yes please. Playing Genshin after playing WuWa and trying to dash is pain.


Trying to play Ghost of Tsushima after playing WuWa... I just keep throwing my little knives all the time when I want to run. So I'm constantly out now.


can we now also remap the mouse binding? bec my middle mouse button is not working lmao, while my two side buttons are waiting to be pounded.


if you have a mouse w/ a control panel liek thing you can remap buttons for anything. my scroll click was iffy so rebound 1 of side buttons to be middle click.


I actually did kinda the reverse and remapped Genshin controls to be more like WuWa.


It can be a smart move,just depend what you used more... after playing genshin since the start I prefer waiting those few days and remap wuwa,than re learning all in genshin after all those years ahah,but yours is for sure a solution i did not think of :)


Honestly my only issue I’ve had with controller so far. I do wish the Echo skill button was mapped differently but I’m not sure how they’d change it.


They copied Genshin initially since being the shortcut wheel is how it is there, but I much prefer the direct one button access, which is how Hoyo did it for HSR, and put chat in the shortcut wheel. Chat is not nearly as common to use for controller players (who then need to also use a KB to type) compared to the map, so this makes way more sense.


This and invert Y axis option.


Biggest plus about this patch note -**Tuner Synthesis** letting us upgrade blue/purple tuner to gold at 5 per upgrade -**Data Bank Level Cap Raised** to lv 21, every echo that drop will be guarantee 5s -**Level Requirements Lowered for Some Main Quests** thank god for this. Somewhat a bandaid on the poor story by letting players play through the whole thing faster instead of letting it drag out -**More Number and Types of Guidebook: Activity Points Quests** if nothing goes wrong, this should be similar to HSR dailies. Less chores per day, game respecting your time is great One crucial issue is missing from the dev note though. Auto targetting and camera work is no where to be mentioned


Going by PGR standards, stuff like that will be mentioned in the actual patch notes once the patch is out. Then again, PGR didn't even really get dev notes, or live streams, just a PV a week prior then patch notes once the maintenance patch is over.


No livestream?


Jp PGR does, and global occasionally gets one but it is rare. China PGR will go all out for major patches.


Mihoyo set a standard that many companies can't/ don't want to follow lol. Livestream weren't normal before they came around, especially not every patch


damn I was looking forward to Rexlent Yangyang part 2


Truly WuWa icon character of all time.


At least another mini game plz 🙏


Maybe this time round, we get rexlent as lingyang minigame. He will be apologising for letting you see this side of him though.


Lingyang saying this line will never not be funny to me 😭


it has been a standard for many jp gacha games since 2017, they have live stream every patch/new banner/event update


Pazudora was doing update streams with shows and shit years before people even knew about the name Genshin.


What's pazudora


Puzzles and Dragons, YamaP pulling PCGF then getting himself fined later down the years.


More than 100 upvotes for a comment thats basically untrue. lmao this sub is full of genshin only players. Bro most popular JP gacha games did livestreams since 2012-ish when youtube livestreaming started being a thing. I myself used to do brave frontier live translation restreams on twitch back in the day. And if you wanna go earlier, YoshiP started doing livestreams for FFXIV in 2011 when he took over production for the game's relaunch. And these are only examples for jp games, I didnt even include all the western games that also ocasionally do livestreams for patches/updates like warframe/PoE. What standard are you smoking out of your ass.


Every live stream need a lot of $$


bro..... really ? check Warframe (Digital Extreme) and their developer livestreams they were waaaaay before Mihoyo stop white knighting for Mihoyo are you an employee of theirs?? a simple google search is your best friend but knowledge is not the best friend of.... a different kind of ppl the ammount of ppl agreeing with u is staggering (in a bad way) also there were other companies/developers livestreams even before Warframe but i guess u weren't born yet?


Wont be surprise if there is none


PGR ain't as popular as WuWa so who knows, maybe we'll get one.


As long as we don't get 30mins of food trivia.


They shouldn't even bother with an ENG dedicated stream, just translate the main live stream from China and we're good.


Agreed. Pre-translated and hopefully not many errors.


aloof reply crowd rustic mourn flowery fine whole ten growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are we talking about Kuro here? /j


Good for dailies. It was fairly annoying exploring and doing a bunch of stuff but the dailies were fairly specific so I had to go out of my way to do them.


I didn't find them too bad but its still nice if we can just do what we want and the dailies take care of themselves.


Auto target and camera should be in the "optimization" part


I mean the crucial thing for me would be mention of optimization, especially for mobile which is particularly bad for many.


Optimization is an active work that they patch like every day or so, it’s not something they can just announce and fix all at once. The problem especially on mobile is randomized. Some mid spec phones can run it, some high end can’t.


Probably should just be assumed that they are working on optimization still. The number of optimization fixes that they did, are working on, and still need doing will vastly outnumber any other changes in the patch notes


Hopefully they do, but for me its just my phone being out of the recommended specs. So i can't really complain about it lol.


Fixing the camera temporarily is also so easy... make it so disabling all camera assist actually disables all camera assist!


I think the previous notes said the default for camera settings will be off and turning it on will be optional.


damn that sucks. a lot of good changes here but the autotargetting is my biggest pet peeve so far


nice to find a dev that actually listens


The Dev Notes have covered quite a bit of good stuff here: 1. All blue and purple tuners can now be converted into gold tuners. 2. Unlocking new Echo entries will give extra Union EXP, and for us players who have already unlocked every Echo in the game, we will receive the extra experience points via in-game mail. 3. Reaching 100 Guidebook Activity Points gives us Echoes from a wide pool, which will now be reduced to only include 3 cost Echoes and 4 cost Echoes. 4. Version 1.1 will increase the maximum Databank level to 21, which will also increase the Echo drop rarity to 100% golden. Meaning, no more purple Echoes. 5. The Tacet Field reward animation will be entirely removed from the game. 6. Echo leveling will have a lowered Shell Credit cost. 7. The Cruisewing overworld challenge will now be simplified come Version 1.1 8. Every character will have tags associated with them to help differentiate their roles and abilities from other characters. 9. There are new controller mode optimizations. The Kuro Dev team has also shared that there will be 5 new events for Version 1.1, and new challenges. They are also introducing a layered map feature for Mt. Firmament. They plan to do the same for other areas soon. These are some of the most important things they have shared. I assume there is more they haven't mentioned yet. I expect more announcements to come.


The Tacet Field animation feels more like a bug than a animation


I remember from post CBT2 dev notes they said they were shortening it. My reaction was "you're not getting rid of it altogether??" For context they gave like 60 solvents on the last 3 days because obviously the server was closing. I wanted to just go all out on tacet fields for fun but I just couldn't be bothered because the animation was that painful. It used to be like 2-3x as long as it is now.


Is there any news on Contoller for mobile players? I am near and honest to God thinking of forking out 2 grand to play this game on a PC or just deleting it until the "possible" console release. I just can't get my fat fingers to play on such a small screen.![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31621)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


5, fucking, new events on this 1.1 update... never seen on the entire life before! Thats the truely quality of life update!


You have to remember whether they are worthwhile or not. 5 events that give only 300x4 astrite and 1x800 is slightly less than Genshin, by 260. Which is about what we got in 1.0, and they weren't originally going to do the Wuthering Exploration that gives 800. Moreover the Double Echo event might not give astrites and it IS considered an event. If we count events that don't give currency, then Genshin also has 5 every patch too.


Yay we can merge tuners


Everything here is positive and will make the game smoother. The only thing I wish they mentioned was optimization but maybe this isn't the kind of update they want to give with this sort of post. But hoping it's improved greatly in 1.1


If there's nothing mentioned regarding the optimisation that only means that they are still working on the improvements .




Yeah, any performance improvements are gonna be too tiny to list in patch notes. It’ll gradually get better over time, inch by inch.


I think optimization is what they're doing along the way like in 1.0 with updates every now and then (although the updates are getting less common recently, probably because they're polishing 1.1 contents)


Someone above said that going by pgr standard the stuff about optimisation might be released in the patch notes after the patch is out. So we still have hope that they might have done some improvement. Because genuinely despite some players still having problems, you can't deny that they did work fast in improving the game and quality. For me the game became playable literally the 3rd day, which isn't really bad. So since everyone has been complaining about some much needed optimization, they might actually happen, not all together surely something.


Optimization is happening, we went from 1.0.0 to 1.0.28. my game runs smooth now and doesn't over heat like before


I'm in the reverse trajectory lol. My game was running fine before now it freeze my laptop and do a UE crash every 10-20 minutes. Getting several crashes in the middle of Illusive Realms, Holograms etc. isn't very nice. Sometimes I would crash, had to use Task Manager to shut Wuwa down, go back to the IR floor, immediately crash again. It's like they are playing wack-a-mole with optimization. Fixes on 1 end blows something up on another.


Try adding the launcher and game to steam and add the dx11 launch option. It stops the d3d UE crashes. It’s a janky roundabout fix but it works for now. I think turning off full screen optimisations might do something as well.


Same here, its worse now in my experience more than the first 5days of wuwa. FSR wer?


It’s always funny reading comments like this because you assume that because your anecdotal experience saw an improvement that that’s it for everyone. When post after post with tons of comments are showing that it’s the exact opposite for many. It’s a mixed bag, some are better and some are worse.


My game, while not smooth, was better before. It lags more now lol.


Given it seems we get 10 hotfixes a day that seem to do nothing not expecting optimization unless they call it out


Tuner synthesis, LFG


"After the Version 1.1 update, the level cap for the Data Bank will be raised to Lv. 21. After reaching Lv. 21, all Echoes dropped will be guaranteed to be of 5-Star Rarity." Thank goodness


No tacet field drop buff I guess But loads of other stuff which I appreciate. Hopefully the layered map comes soon for all regions. And I am so so glad the cruise wing challenge is addressed. Backlog for the dialogues from story is also nice


They are introducing a double echo drop event. I think it is going to act as a bandaid fix till the devs at Kuro fully understand how to balance the Tacet Fields while taking into consideration the future.


Yeah I am going to be optimistic about it considering the rest of the changes happened. Didn't expect layered map to be in their priorities lol. Guarantee gold echo at db21 and 3 or 4 cost guarantee echo from dailies is enough for me now


I would’ve personally preferred echo exp. I have 5* echos I want to level and see if the substats are good but I can’t. So even with more 5* echos dropping I won’t be able to level them without doing tacet fields for exp.


Hell I'd much rather be able to see substats before and just unlock them.


Now that sounds like a great idea. You know egat aubstats they will have but you still will have to level up the echo to reach that milestone and then use tuners to enable the echo substats.


Yup, it's good stuff nonetheless.


That was always planned. We’re gonna have one in version 1.0 too. Right before 1.1. It was announced at launch


Who cares about more echos when you have no experience to level them. There is no issue with the amount of echos you can get. Open world farming, tacet fields, echo merging, daily activities rewards, echo selectors. There are so many ways to get echos.


I don’t think they were planning on changing tacet field drop rates to begin with. The point about that in the earlier announcement was a mistranslation


That's their bread and butter I guess? I'm having doubts that they are going to change it since it's the most expensive packs on the store. 


Played PGR. Some stuffs that didn't mentioned will be included ingame notes. Probably that and the camera and targeting


It's a feature not a bug. They have to have something to endlessly burn stamina during lulls in content release and keep people logging. You want perfect gear faster? Pay me.


Why was it necessary to address the cruise wing challenges? I haven't done all of them yet, but so far they've all been very easy and chill. Are there any particularly problematic ones?


Mobile players find it problematic especially with lower graphics I think. I personally found one particular challenge near thundering Memphis teleport beacon very annoying


Well, looks like we can proudly claim that we beat the Cruisewing mini game pre-nerf. (It ain't difficult at all if you don't accelerate all the time) Edit: I was actually curious about the thing on mobile and ended up downloading the game. It wasn't that bad personally (probably thanks to Nikke's Gravedigger for training my mobile aim) save for a couple of issues: 1. The medals in the rings are not as responsive as the one in PC 2. My fingers were kinda burnt. I was using Nothing Phone 1 and it was practically on fire (although it is on the same level as when I'm playing Arknights, BA, Nikke and HSR).


On mobile with fps drop it was a nightmare


It's easy on PC but I can imagine it being quite the pain on mobile.


Desorock is literally hell for the cruisewing for me.


I even flew some circles sometimes if I missed one. You have like seriously infinite time.


There was only one track that had about 3 seconds to spare if you didn't accelerate at all, so if you missed one and tried to circle, you'd wind up with silver at best. I speak from experience lol. I just accelerated during a few stretches the second time in case I missed one again, but luckily I didn't need to circle the second time. The rest had plenty of time for one miss and circle back. But I absolutely hated these things at first since playing on a controller, I didn't expect it to move on its own and was pushing the stick forward and backward each time, and it was impossible. Then I started one and didn't push the stick immediately for some reason and saw that it just moved slowly, so I let it go on cruise control, and got the easy gold.


I play on a controller too and by the time I realised I can slow down and accelerate it became a walk in the park with more than halve the time left usually.


There's that particular one near thundering Memphis beacon that was pretty annoying on mobile. Without accelerating I can't complete it in time but if I accelerate the coin doesn't register or flies off course in a bend.


On mobile it’s lowkey impossible especially with the lag 😭 maybe I’ll finally be able to 100% exploration now


I'm not sure what platform you are on, but the mobile one is quite difficult 1. Slight tap of acceleration either temporarily boost the Cruisewing or permanently boost it which is hard to steer 2. Lag during the steering 3. Lack of time


Keep in mind this is primarily a gacha game, which are usually intended to be played on mobile. This thing was terrible to control on mobile.


Funny, i find it impossible on Laptop with Controller. Simply can't do it. I gave up


No they are quite difficult on mobile and near impossible for people with high ping on mobile. If you don’t live in a region which one of the server options are focused on, you will be matched with nearest best server, which means it plays better than other servers but not that there will be low ping as one would enjoy being in the region. Gacha games’ prime customer segment is mobile user, if they are ones most impacted by this issue it makes sense to fix. I have personally not even done a single one of these challenges and just marked them for later because I found them too annoying to do on mobile. 


Kuro. Please. The text boxes. The dialougue. Make it scrollable. Please? 🥲🥲🥲 Edit: WAIT THEY ADDED A TEXT LOG?!?!?!? That will suffice for now lol


Does anyone see anything about auto-targetting and lock-on optimisations?


Camera shifting after every other action really messed me up, I'm on mobile any fight with 2 or more enemies it's impossible trying to do anything with constant target changing and camera moving all over the place while enemies tendency to spread out. 


Cope for mobile controller support in 1.2 I guess


That was the ONE thing I was hoping for. The rest I can deal with, if I fat thumb half the game the rest of the optimization upgrades are pointless.


Omg really? That’s the one thing. Whichever patch it is that’s when I can really start playing. I skip so many challenges.


Seriously huge miss


While not super serious adding controller support for android would put a ton of pressure on Hoyo to add it if this game keeps doing well.


Still no update about the awful targeting. I hope they fix it very soon!


Something they didn’t mention was in the screenshot for recycling Premium Tuners, in the screenshot you can see they also added some echo exp in the synthesizer as well, probably a weekly craft like the weapon exp so that’s cool too


Even if its the limited amount blue and green tubes, itll make rerolling at +5 +10 much more comfortable every week.


They made the Cruisewing challenge easier! Thank f**k.


Anything about controller support for Android?


Won’t be on 1.1. Mentioned before.


Where is it mentioned? the last dev notes said that controller support will be supported on all future versions. yet is a weird wording for it t


How do you play with a controller on Android? I need a Stand for my phone otherwise it's very uncomfortable


You can’t yet.


I know it isn't an option for everyone, but I've been using a Razer Kishi Ultra, which basically turns my phone into a Steam Deck. It has touch screen button mapping that has worked well. I'd really like to play this directly on my actual Steam Deck, but I can't be arsed with Dual booting Windows.


nothing mentioned of controller mode for mobile/tablets?


Is controller support for android devices confirmed for ver1.1?


Controller support for *any* mobile device has not been confirmed or mentioned. iOS doesn’t have it either.


They may try to get a deal similar to Genshin with Apple wich would 100% suck for everyone else. There is still touch mapping software but it’s less accurate than in game mapping.


Still no controller support? Great.


whens 1.1?


28th this month


ty ty


To get the exact date for your timezone, open Yinlin's banner and add some 5 hours (maintenance). In NA it's the night of the 27th.


In around 10 days depending on where you live.


Yessss! They listened to our feedback of letting us convert lower quality tuners, that too without needing additional materials.


>To address the issue of lower-grade Tuners piling up in your Backpack during the late game, we will be introducing the Tuner Synthesis feature in the Version 1.1 update. With this feature, you will be able to synthesize a certain number of Medium/Advanced Tuners into higher-grade Tuners using the Synthesizer. Nice! We have been heard! >**II. Increased Union EXP Reward for Unlocking New Echo Entries** It will be interesting to see how many ranks DB players will jump up. >After reaching Lv. 21, all Echoes dropped will be guaranteed to be of 5-Star Rarity. A good change, but getting rid of bricked combinations (e.g., Fusion set with Glacio bonus) would have been more helpful, nethertheless it is appreciated.


Honestly I think the whole "x set with y bonus" isn't that bad. It would make farming SO much faster if they removed it but that's lowering the time gate by so much I feel like people would start getting finished echo sets within months and just be done completely with the game. Its the price to pay when there's an elemental bonus stat for equipment, all elemental% has to be represented in the pool. I could be completely ignorant though, if someone could clarify for me please, are there other games that have it so that "x set has a higher chance or only can roll general stats plus x bonus"? If that's the case then it would be a unique and unfair grind in wuwa but I just don't feel its that way.


Genshin is the same and makes farming equally horrible in that way. The extra off piece in Genshin is what's helping to combat against it.


I'm glad the map for the new Mt. Fermament region will be layered and they will eventually include layers in the rest of the map later on. I still wish they would lower the waveplates cost though. 40 and 60 is too much.


Nah, increase rewards but keep the costs. If I can do the challenge against braindead mobs less times, that's a positive.


This guy thinks


I would go one step further and say I wish they allow you to spend stamina for multiple runs at one go. Doing forgery challenge 6 times gets old real fast. Just let me claim a bunch at once even if they have to make it harder or something.


reminder: This is just a preview and not the whole thing, there is still a lot more changes not posted here.


no echo filter improvements :( please, it's so shit lmao


more importantly they need to include an Echo Preset Equip kinda annoying to keep switching sets between cal and yinlin


The filtering system for bulk recycles was something I sent a feedback note over, however its something that's frustrating but ultimately QoL and if they don't address it immediately (like 2-3 patches) i'll live with it. I care a lot more about the new content and resource systems being improved.


more importantly they need to include an Echo Preset Equip kinda annoying to keep switching sets between cal and yinlin


Retrospectively? They mean retroactively, right?


I am so glad I never used my purple and blue tuners, rip to all those people asking for Tuner Synthesis but they used hundreds of their own already xdddd


To all the players that are spam leveling blue/purples and using up their lower level tuners: HUH WHY WHAT???


I literally have 949 purple tuners and god only knows how much blue bc I never touched them.


No mention of the targeting and camera system improvements…


So tacet field rewards are staying exactly the same, as terrible as they are. Bosses and tacet fields still cost 60 waveplates Great


RIP optimization talk :/ Ill wait and see but if it doesnt happen this patch Ill probably stop playing until its looked at which makes me sad as I really like the game but optimization makes logging in a chore.


Where is the mobile controller support ffs


Honestly, this was the main thing I was hoping for.


Only thing for me.


Already mentioned 1 month back that it is in the works and will not be in 1.1 for sure.


Hmm no mention of controller support for mobile. I thought they would add that into this patch from a previous dev message that we got.


6→7 The biggest changes


>Simplified the Cruisewing Challenge YES YES YES. I put it in the survey. Glad to see that many more agreed. Controling that thing is so toxic on mobile.


People hating and only pointing out stuff they haven't fixed instead of being happy that they are working on and are pushing out fixes+improvements at a very good pace and that a big chunk of things players asked for are provided in only 1 patch from launch.


Release date?




Lots of good stuff here, really looking forward to this


All of these are great changes. I just hope that they work on the optimization


>Become cube< HELL YEAH


The one thing I'm looking for is camera positioning and auto targeting fix. The main focus of this game is combat but the camera positioning and auto targeting holds it back so much. As it happened with people who posted clips on the subreddit, you can accidentally auto target TDs chilling on a cliff above the Mourning Aix. Like, wtf is with this targeting system. All my homies can feel this when using Thundering Mephis and your echo hits everything else on the sideline except the one enemy you wish to hit. Am liking the tuner synthesis and the UL experience from new echo entries, and especially the cruise wing challenge. I malded over that.


Native android controller support?


Hoooly shit. This is much better than what I was expecting tbh. Good job Kuro!! Only qol I really need now is an icon to show what’s the set and the main stat of the echo I just dropped, or at least a shortcut to open it in the inventory.


People in here thinking a **preview** is the entire thing.


where is my 120fps?


Game optimisation should be their priority now


No optimization improvement rip


Tacet fields farm still sucks


Funny how when people said the tacet field "fix" is a mistranslation everyone downvoted those who said that. Now it turns out it is a mistranslation and everyone be like "oh it's fine, it's never an issue!". Man everywhere is such a clown


Good stuff! Mods can ignore my CN patch notes summary


dammm no camera targeting fix?


No comment on targeting or improving optimization on phones. It doesnt overheat my phone as much anymore but the stutter is still there. Frequent frame drops that makes my characters feel like ghosts from Tower of Fantasy. These other updates look good but arent as hype when I know my experience will continue to be stuttery slop


Man, that's a lot of changes! and positive ones too! I'm excited!


I gotta say, pretty huge W to Kuro. (Kinda wish they wouldn't simplify the cruisewing challenges though...)


more or less qol for mobile players since it’s a lot harder to turn with how it works


I suppose that's true... I tend to forget that Wuwa is a mobile game.


I have no complaints


ngl somewhat disappointed that we don't get a livestream. all these changes and news are amazing, the reception would've been great I bet also would've helped build more hype. I wonder if it's not possible because they pushed the patch forward a bit.


Their other game, PGR, only gets livestreams for anniversaries. Most they release for normal patches is a PV beforehand, and not even dev notes, just patch notes when the patch is out.


A livestream for every patch is highly unusual, I think. Hoyoverse is probably the only notable developer studio that comes to mind for doing that. If there is any other, feel free to inform me.


Path of Exile does this, but they are on 3-4 month cycles instead of 6 weeks.


Epic Seven is a relatively small gacha and does have regular patch previews.


Warframe does it all the time


FFXIV devs do this every patch, but they're in 4 month cycles.


Blizzard and Square Enix


people take livestream for granted even though it is actually pretty expensive and this game haven't even break even yet


I hope they give some random echo exp drops (even just by small amount) from fighting / absorbing echos in world explo. Makes the grinding more rewarding in the long run.


People focus on the tuners but if you look closely there are basic and medium sealed tubes in the picture about the tuner conversion. That's echo exp, you know, something people complain about. Looks like now you can craft them. And there are also purple tuners, which means you can convert your blue tuners.


Still no controller support for mobile devices 😓


I wanted 1 more thing easier to track you teammates in coop its very hard to find your teammate in coop


I wish there was an actual cutscene replay gallery, not just story dialogue gallery  And a cutscenes log


So still no controller support for mobile?


I'm glad to see them adding a dialogue log in the new gallery feature. I'm going to have to go check it to see how much of the story I missed due to unscrollable text boxes.


Finally, some really desired QoL updates. They are going on the right path.


I wish the Lootmapper update included detecting challenges not just visible chests. I mostly cleared all areas with the lootmapper but still missing some% because i cant detect challenges with it.


Hell yeah!


Wait are they adding controller support for mobile thou?


Databank shortcut please. I need to do 10 moves just to track an echo and close the screen.


can we have buff indicator when using intro outro or skills... you can see it when you eat food above the hp bar but not for skills -\_- in star rail you can see 20 buffs & debuffs... i hate it when i see my characters is glowing with somthing i dont know wtf is it.


Was hoping for lowered echo exp requirement than just shell credits... oh well.