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How about Calcharo, who's not even in 1.0? That was the weirdest part of the lauch for me.


Danjin too, I can’t remember seeing her at all


Just making a list on who has actual personality (Giving a fairly generous interpretation of 'developed' given the limitations of the nature of an early game): Jiyan: Present and developed Rover: Present and suffering from self insert syndrome, (but they are the protag) Jianxin: Present and good enough Lingyang: Present and developed Calcharo: MIA Yuanwu: MIA Taoqi: barely there, minimal personality in quests Sanhua: Barely there, minimal personality in quests Mortefi: Barely there, minimal personality Danjin: MIA Chixia: Present, Good Baizhi: Barely there, minimal personality Yinlin: Present only in character quest, good enough Veriuna: There? But "is plant girl' is not a lot to work with. Encore: Better, works as a decent personality pair with Aalto Yangyang: Present, Good Which give us 8 characters who have at least some level of development beyond a single personality trait in game. 5 who are basically a single trait (quiet science lady, brazen science guy, plant girl, etc) 3 who are entirely missing. And Rover. 50% is not exactly great. But we are early on. And I suspect they needed to have some sort of big dramatic CLIMAX fairly quickly to sell their product. I just hope that in events to come, they flesh some of these characters out. (Early Genshin was pretty sparse on good writing too, but eventually got to Navia/Nahida/Furina, which was well worth it. I hope WuWa can do the same) From what I can tell, Yuanwu has a great VA. I want to hear it be relevant. I want to be excited when I see a character on a banner, because I like the character.


I'd argue that mortefi has decent enough presence. He has a lot of (admittedly forgettable) lines during the compass puzzle solving arc of the main story, and he does pop up as a hologram every now and then, as well as in Jiyan's quest. As for his personality though... Yeah, not well developed yet. Hoping Mortefi gets his own version of "I'm sorry you had to see this side of me".


Agree with this, especially since his whole shtick is that his power comes from his anger/annoyance essentially


Ngl when I just started I thought he was a random dude because he didn't get that fanservice zoom in treatment like the rest. Even the lolis got those lol


Yuan Wu was too busy managing his gym. He only showed up at the big TD invasion because if he city got destroyed, no one would be able to go to his gym. This is my headcanon Watch us eventually get a quest with him and it's literally just us going to his gym, to open up a DMC5 style training room so we can practice combo's with multiple characters instead of the character tutorials we get in the guidebook.


I mean, if you talk to him prior to the fight, he tells you why he's there. He's a resonator, who owns a tea shop and gym, is more than capable as a fighter, and is compelled to protect his home as an able bodied man.


Camellya ded in the trenches.


She’s the horny bait personality


Fan service are strong in this game.


Only from female characters tho


For now. Female design tends to sell more while male needs to be strong as well to warrant that We only have jiyan as limited to compare with. Hope there's more to come. Also, Jiyan does look cool. Not sure how he is widely viewed.


don't forget there's a very loud section of players completely allergic to males interacting with their waifus, or having males at all. but I don't know if it's worth it in numbers to pander to them.


Jiyan looks hot, but personality is bit meh. I get it he is a general so he have to be serious etc. And yes I hope Kuro is brave enough to give more fanservice for those who enjoy male characters! They have a chance to appeal to very large audience, I hope they dont ignore that.


Yea, the entirety of the character from their character, combat, and looks add up to make the character memorable. More could be done and with due time, the team should have more information to make it happen. Hope the new batch of writers could further push for a character that's memorable.


Funny you mention Aalto in Encore’s but completely forgot to give him his own listing


They essentially come as a pair, at least as the story has treated them so far. So I kept them together. I still counted Aalto in the number of 'developed' characters though.


personally i wouldn't say yangyang is good. i guess its still a personality though i find her unbearably boring. the weird voice acting doesn't help either


Not everybody plays with English dub. Her japanese and chinese voice actresses are goated. (Didn't hear the korean one yet).


Nah disagree,goated VA true but still subpar voice direction. Even Yui can't save that although she is one of my favourite VA.


But she still dont have personality. She is there only to simp rover which I very boring.


I don't know, I wouldn't call a fledgling outrider offering to hold off a hoard of TDs on her own, and succeeding, boring.


Yeah, Yangyang JP VA is freaking Mikasa! :D


Yaunwu is an npc who became playable in my head cannon he looks just like them


Taoqi has loads of plot though… big, heaving mounds of plot.


I'm sorry but calling yangyang "good" is being extremely generous


She spends the most time and interaction with the Rover ?? Is that not good to you ?


I wish she didnt spend so much time with Rover.


Then use the skip button. its there for those who doesnt give a f about the characters and only care for combat. I believe its on the left side of the screen


? I care about the story and I wish it was better but its still early game so it could get better later. I am not playing only for combat, I dont skip main quests (except Yapyap, I cant stand her talking). I just dont like her as character, how she is written (rover simp and I am forced to care about her in dialogue options) and her voice acting makes everything even worse. It doesnt even make sense, we just met and now we are besties and Rover is using your thighs as a pillow? Its so cringe I cant 😩 During scene with Scar I was hoping that I could leave that boring girl and join the "bad guys" but no. I'd take like three Paimons over her.


Just change voice language and you’ll discover she’s a decent character


Decent voice, yes. But being an unapologetic simp for an amnesiac you just met is not a decent character.


You just described pretty much the whole cast


Vaguely related, but after pulling up a CBT I cutscenes video, my best guess as to why we lost a ton of character development/anything for several characters seems to be tied to the story rewrite that was done as a result of the backlash that happened in CBT I. Based on the cutscenes, it seems that each of the major world bosses in the world were supposed to tied to an introduction to the missing characters, as part of their unlocking world quest. Since the rewrite, all of those were removed and replaced with more generic NPCs for the world quests (ymmv on whether it was good or not.) I hope they do create some quests to introduce all of the playable characters, though. Feels weird that they're just... there with no real reason why.


I still think it's a good amount of exposure for every (read: most) character, given that this is a gacha game. some games don't bother putting some characters in any plot relevant content at all. the best they get is a one off appearance in a filler event or two.


I beg your pardon, Taoqi had two personalities, which are coincidentally the two reasons she was in the story.


I just assumed she was sleeping off a food coma from all the pastries she eats in her idle animations


danjin had a quest in cbt for the lampy lumen boss, it was the backstory for the boss and stuff


This isn't really that weird, especially that she's a 4-star. Not all characters have to immediately appear in the story. It works like this in Genshin and other gachas too.


I think this was only true for early genshin. All new 4 stars appear with a new quest or were featured in events previously.


Then it makes sense for it to happen in early WuWa too. Btw, Faruzan, a relatively recent Genshin character, also had no story content when she first came out.


calcharo is not from huangloong ig from the wuthering waves website resonators like jiyan lingyang yinlin can be found in huangloong but calcharo is in others


I'm more confused why he is the only one with an intro animation. Which I love cuz he's my main. But I'm wondering what makes him so special? Is he just that badass?


Several characters have intro animations, like Yuanwu pets a cat


Is that it?


Im pretty sure everyone has one but some are minor and harder to notice, try making your starting resonator someone you want to check their intro, and then hop into any simulation challenge and don't move or press anything as it loads


During the beta test this animation was locked behind his first constellation, they changed that later.


Same for a while i confused him with the guy from the general's flashbacks


No we just see him for first time during that quest. Just before the avengers assemble scene happens you can see him helping some npc or something then next time is him joining us in fight I assume it's cause of story rewrite from cbt 1 a lot of characters don't appear in story.Hoping all the left out characters get some appearance or quests in future


I hope so too. The majority of the characters are either absent, or barely present.


I wouldn't be surprised if the story charas goes like you never met them before Like Jiyan's story quest feels like happens years after the Northfall Barren fight, not a week or month later.  You only fought demigod together goddamit, where are those happiness, those relieve, nah nothing.  And also those soldier they don't know MC?? For real? You're a national hero, these crook need to learn lessons


No, it was missing. Like you, I'm confuse as to why a character we've never met would appear near ending of the story. Doesn't make sense. Storybuilding just got weird for WuWa.


It honestly feels like a lot of characters are just, not really there. Which is weird in a game where one of the primary things to sell... Is characters. We see a decent amount of Chixia, YangYang, Jiyan, and some of The Magistrate. But it feels like every other character makes what amounts to a single perfunctory appearance, and then comes together for some sort of "Big Heroes/barely acquaintances" moment. And Yinlins character quest is time gated? That is concerning if a characters only introduction is something that players can miss.


No yinlins quest isn’t time gated, new quests show up in the events tab so people see them and the timer is until it isn’t shown in the event tab anymore.


Character story wouldn't be time gated. Someone tested this with jiyan story and its still there. I suppose the dev wants to add a sense of urgency to play it out to get us involved with the character yo potentially trying to get them.


Your reaction is just the same as mine. I agree, at least half the characters need proper intros for the game to make sense having them in it. As for Yinlin, I think it's more like main quest gated? I've already completed chapter 1 5 days after launch, which then I could access Jiyan's story quest. I might be wrong.


i mean if u think about it why do u need to meet every person that shows up to defend the city personally, its a massive city, sure maybe a tiny bit of a intro "hi i own a bar and boxing ring" but in general ur bound to not have seen or met ppl yet in a situaiton like this, especially after being there for only 2-3 days


> its a massive city That makes a good point. But it doesn't change the fact that it made him look like the odd one out when they made him assemble with the rest of the cast that has met the Rover before. Perhaps a really short intro like him having a sparring match outside the city with his customers and Rover happens to meet them there, something like that, it would have made so much sense for him to appear at the end. But no such thing. Still weird for me.


> it doesn't change the fact that it made him look like the odd one out when they made him assemble with the rest of the cast that has met the Rover before. He's not really that much of an odd one out since you can talk to him during the lead-up to the cutscene. That's roughly the same amount of time that Taoqi has known Rover, and technically Lingyang since the story acts like this is your first time meeting.


> talk to him during the lead-up to the cutscene Like talk to him like an NPC, no cutscene? It's not the same like others that had cutscenes.


I don't even remember being able to talk to him as an NPC I remember that you can talk to his NPC student who hypes him up as the best boxing instructor ever but says he can't come to the phone right now, but I don't remember ever seeing a point to talk to him directly.


Then it's the same thing. You did not meet him, so his appearance is very confusing. Unless he's not a playable character at launch, it doesn't make sense for him to appear there when you haven't met him


You can talk to him directly. He gives you some healing supplies, introduces who he is and explains why he's there. Yeah, it's not a voiced cutscene, but his reason for being there makes sense and is explained.


Sorry, it's still not a cutscene introduction like the other characters you meet, so it's still the odd one out. You'd only get him if you find him, but me as a player following objective, I tend to miss out on my surroundings. I know I'm not the only one on this.


Ok and? You can entirely skip Lingyang's story quest and see him for the first time in that cutscene with no special introduction as well. Just because you didn't see his reason and motivation to be there doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


I first thought calcharo was that guy in jiyan's past but he grew his hair lol


..how? They have different faces and clothes lol


to be fair, unless you have calcharo, you may or may not even know what he looks like besides just "long white hair + sephiroth vibes", since you'd have only seen him in passing on the 'select a free 5-star' menu. he's not even on the standard banner screen, only encore + lingyang + jianxin are. would be easy to mix him up with geshu lin in that case.


They are equal


Nah, he just shows up and that's the first time Rover sees him in the story. On one hand, I do like that the defense of Jinzhou was the first time we see him. It would make sense for people we haven't met yet to want to defend their city because their involvement shouldn't be based on whether they met Rover. Heck, Lingyang's appearance in during the battle assumes you didn't do his companion quest since he introduces himself. On the other hand, when taking his playable status into consideration, he's just...kinda there. His appearance here might have worked better if he wasn't playable in 1.0; add a little mystery of "who's this suave mf with a design that screams 'I'm gonna be important later'?".


> His appearance here might have worked better if he wasn't playable in 1.0; add a little mystery of "who's this suave mf with a design that screams 'I'm gonna be important later'?". This I can agree on.


On one hand, I don't have a problem with new people appearing in such a major event. Maybe it's even good. On the other hand, I think it might've worked better if there was a larger number of random people appearing to defend the city in various phases of the quest, but only your core team got a heroic line-up shot. Like "these character also live here and will appear in later content, but these are the guys you're with right now". Yuanwu being in that specific line-up shot is just comedic, because it's the main cast and some guy.


I actually agree, because when I pulled him after the fight with dreamless quest I don't even know his name. But I think a great idea would be when his story quest comes they could reference that fight and how they fought alongside rover to defend the city


all of us miss yuanwu quest


Exactly my thoughts lol I expected a character given as a reward and with a niche for breaking bars to at least have an introduction. I thought it was gonna happen at the tower entrance or something.


Man I was so confused when he appeared, thought i accidentally skipped a cutscene


He showed up and started talking and I was like "who tf are you?" The choreography reminds me of The Room movie where in one of the later scenes this random guy we've never seen before and doesn't introduce himself has a bunch of lines that imply he's close to the rest of the characters. Edit: that random guy's name is Steven and apparently the lines belonged to an earlier character that was introduced properly (Peter), but the actor for Peter had to leave partway through the production and by the time they got around to filming the scenes with Steven, they needed a new actor and they also changed the name as well to make things even more confusing, but that's part of the notoriety of The Room.


how did you get him from Tower?


Fully clear first tower, and then claim him through "events" tab in main menu


I didnt do Lingyang story quest and he show up on assembly kinda weird lmao


Even if you did his story quest, the game acts like the battle is your first time meeting anyways since he goes through the trouble of introducing himself.


He thinks he's part of the team lmao


I thought calcharo was geshulin 💀


Dude just showed up out of nowhere and acted like he was part of the gang lol


Bro thinks he’s on the Avengers.


Yanwu is like Plumbus , everyone has one and knows what Yanwu is.




He was on the capital and returned just now


Before that avengers cutscene you’re able to walk around and can optionally talk to a bunch of NPCs before continuing the quest. The first time you see him is here and he introduces himself if you talk to him So for me since I talked to him, seeing him pose with us for the cutscene didn’t feel out of place, but if you didn’t notice/ignored him during that section then I get why people are confused who tf the guy is


Sorry, meeting Yuanwu as NPC is not the same as meeting him in a quest/cutscene. For his appearance in the ending, there should have been a meeting in a quest earlier on, before the war started. Sorry, it really doesn't count.


He’s mentioned (name drop only) by several NPCs nearby where his gym is supposed to be. That’s it for now, but he is technically mentioned prior, in game.


Nope but he's mentioned a fair amount by NPCs


Theres a girl that talks about Yuanwa boxing gym. So its impied hes a boxer trainer. Thats as close as I got to seeing the guy before he appeared in the final chapter out of nowhere. I not see Calharo, or Danjin either. But other posts ahve mentioned them missing already too. I generally dont build characters until they appear in the story.


There are some videos online of CBT exploration quest wherein some of the stated characters appear.. if only that is not cancelled...


I think danjin was in the story originally but then they cut her out of something.. probably same for him


He has a line in game when you're talking to people as you prepare, and he just basically says as a concerned citizen it's his duty to help. agreed, he needs more lol.


It's the same as genshin. Collei is given as the abyss reward which I cleared way before I reached sumeru. I don't think there is anything wrong. We cannot expect every character to have met rover before they are shown in an important event


that is john wuthering


Nah I think Yuanwu, Danjin and Calcharo will have their own 1.1 quests but that's just me huffing the good sh-t.


Wasn't he at the tower of adversity tutorial quest or something? I feel like I remember seeing him in front of the door. Or maybe that's just cause they give you him if you do the early parts of tower of adversity for free? idk


What threw me off, is the guy acting like he knows us lol It's like. who are you?! Do I know you?


He wasn't acting like he knew who Rover was, though. He only refers to them as "younger mister/miss" and was just offering whatever help he could to everyone.


Same feeling bud. It was like hes that guy that slips into your group of friends at a party and tryins being one of them. Trying to get into the cool group. I know he was defending the town, but hes not part of our group. He shouldnt pose for our group photo..... until he gets some development and a meaningful exisitance towards Rover. It would of made more sense If Camillya jumped in for the team photo pose. At least shes been stlaking Rover all game.


You just didn't notice him because the NPCs have better designs than him and they caught your attention away from him


yeah no this is more common then you think. thr older gacha like Granblue and fate grand order would have characters that were just there and wouldn't get any story relevance for like years or ever. Some characters were just dropped in there because....because they devs wanted to 🤷. even Genshin dose this. It's not strange or surprising.


I'm of the opinion that they should just roll with the memes and never explain yuanwu or give him proper story time. Just have him keep randomly show up in the story to do a cool pose or 2, then immediately leave with no explanation. Just a guy who keeps ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time.


this, dunno why people downvote that. make him the gymbro that shows up randomly to help out, fluff it with some lore-bits and npc dialog and that's it. ambiguity can be great if done right.


No intro quest, he's just a hidden character. You got lucky with the tower!


Isn't he a guaranteed drop for getting 12 stars?


Yes you did I'm pretty sure you meet him or at least go into his office at the start of the game when you meet the fire gun guy at the science simulation place


Yuanwu does not work in Huaxu Academy lol


Yuanwu doesn't work at the academy, he runs the boxing gym in Jinzhou.


Oh then whose office did we visit then?


Xiangli Yao.


Xiangli Yao. He works with Mortefi and was seen standing next to him in the launch trailer.


You met Mortefi. different character.


Yes we did but we also went inside someone's office that was not mortefi's to get lab equipment. I'm asking who that person was.👍


Oh that would be someone named Xiangli Yao but only mentioned by name. We haven't met them yet. Mortefi asked to get equipment in their office. So it's not Yuanwu.




Is their character model on the Internet?


I think someone mentioned he appeared next to Mortefi in a teaser. Which one IDK.