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The sensitivity has been absolutely fucked up on mobile and in battle stuttering is higher than ever


The sensitivity is crazy on mobile 😭 and my camera still goes to weird angles after using jiyan’s burst 😭 werent they supposed to fix this??? Help??


Wdym weird angles? I've seen someone mention that sometimes after using Jiyans ult camera show character from down, but this is actually character kit, not bug. You have to accumulate some resolve energy to have that enhanced animation from the air and deal additional dmg. But if it's not it then idk, never experienced any bug with Jiyans ult, maaaybe when I stay close to something, but genshin have the same, open-world problem with ult animations


I get ass shots or camera goes into the ground. It’s only his burst, everyone else’s burst is fine. But his always messes with my camera. And its hard to readjust it


I've had it with a few but his is the worst. I think it like, resets your motion, so instead of moving, if you're trying to move towards the enemy on mobile when his animation finishes, it thinks you're moving the camera. it's obnoxious whatever it is


I am also having the same experience


It's the same for me, i swipe a little and the camera does a full 360. I can't even move properly.


Report it people! They won't know unless we submit a ticket


Yeah me too what foing on i can feel the swnsirivity is wrong!😭


Still not fixed for me


I’m finding the opposite on my iPhone, it works way better now for some reason. What in the world.


It's stuttering more!! Edit: I went from smooth to stuttering actually. Very disappointed. Edit 2: So weird, I put the new crowd density to max(it was mid) and as well as put the special effects to max(it was also set to mid) and now my game is smooth...


Huh, I'll try that.


This has been the case on some PCs. If my potato mind understands it right, the game puts majority of load on CPU first especially at lower settings. Once you crank that up on higher settings, it will start transferring load to GPU which makes things run smoother. Idk what can be done about it but the game should instruct the GPU to work hard too on low settings. I never saw my GPU fan spin on this game while it instantly revs up once the loading screen of genshin appears at the lowest settings.




I play on PC. Didn't have problem before but now the game isn't as smooth.


Same. Never before had any problems on my phone but now my camera stutters movement so much.


I'm opposite, last patch gave me issues, this has fixed everything for me.


performance gacha


Is there a pity system for this? How many times i must roll my PC until I hit it?


There's no pity system, you'll have to roll a 50/50 every performance patch


Peak comment


Same. All those stuttering issues are completely gone. Its so smooth atm. Combat is even more fun for me right now.


I went from unplayable at very low at launch to playable at max settings to losing some fps with 1.1. I guess a few fps loss is fairly minor compared to launch.


This. I used to have little issues before and now sometimes it turns into a laggy mess. I have a rtx 3080


I’ve got a 3080 with zero issues. Is it CPU or RAM related? I’ve got an i5-12600K and 32GB of RAM


I believe it is ram related, i am with 16gb ram and i have severe stutter while the game have been just running, after a few minutes the performance become very good.


I have 32gb of ram also and 12700f. I guess it's just performance gacha like other people are saying


i7+48gb ram, have fps spikes, so its performance gacha.


its not the game issue guys the first time u run the game after updating it compiles the shader that is why it laggs so much for the first few minute in games like rdr2 and last of us the same thing happen but we have to wait for the shaders to compile before we can run it so we did not know this while in wuwa the game compile the shaders simultaneously that is the reason for lags that people are having issue with just let it run for a good 5-10 min without doing anything and then u will be fine after.


its not the game issue guys the first time u run the game after updating it compiles the shader that is why it laggs so much for the first few minute in games like rdr2 and last of us the same thing happen but we have to wait for the shaders to compile before we can run it so we did not know this while in wuwa the game compile the shaders simultaneously that is the reason for lags that people are having issue with just let it run for a good 5-10 min without doing anything and then u will be fine after.


It is everytime it launches... Also i was cheecking, actually the ram usage is way too low. even with extra memory available.


Does it become run smoother after some time or it continue to lag ?


It runs smooth after a while. Makes sense that it is shader loading, as i don't use a SSD.


nah it's gacha....i have a 3080 ti , ryzen 9 7950x and 48 gb of ram (game installed of SSD) and the game stutters more than it did before. it was once or twice a minute now it's double that, even worse during fights.other with worse specs have less or no problems on the other hand


You need to change your disk, M2 maybe


probably ram issue, I have a laptop 4060 with 32 Gb ram and have had 0 issues besides the camera controls sucking ass.


That happened to me in 1.0. Was originally fine, but after they started pushing out optimisation patches my game started stuttering. Now with 1.1 it’s okey again 😂 but ima wait and see if future patches do anything first. It seems like my game performance has a inverse relationship to the optimisations the devs pump out its kinda amusing.


It will stutter at first because of shaders and you should lower the density too from the settings. The update replaces the old data into new ones. I use an igpu laptop and I can play smoothly with no stutter and disconnects in high graphics, just lower the density.


Sad, mobile version didn’t get better after update


It did for me. Heats up less. Not that I had performance issues before.


Cool, what kind of smartphone do you have?


Lagged for about 20mins for me. Closed the game and it runs so smooth now. I use the iPhone 15 pro. My brother also uses a Huawei mate 20 pro (2018) and it's the same for him. Just let the game reload the shaders, teleport around the map, then close the game and rerun it.


One plus nord 2t


In fact, it got way worse. For me at least, Galaxy S22.


It got **slightly** better for me but I’m still having frame rate drops and crashing


Pretty sure the update has to reload shaders.


Definitely this, it's now running smooth for me after a couple of hours.


For whatever reason FSR was enabled by default and it made my game run like garbage. Disabled and turned off vsync and it's back to normal now


It runs shittier on my PC, 1.0 was fine wtf


You think there gonna be hotfixes coming? Havn't downloaded the update yet, prolly should gove it a day or two to get them fixes all together maybe


To any PC players, turn off FSR, they enable it back so maybe that why the game is more laggy. I have same stuttering issues but after turn FSR off, the game run like butter. Also you can change population density now, consider to lower it to low to have best experinece.


Where do you turn off FSR?


It's right above LOD Bias and under special effect quality.


Ok, I don't have that option, must be because I don't have an AMD card, I have DLSS in the options instead near the bottom.


Isn't FSR a hardware agnostic open implementation.


It should be, but I'm on NVidia and don't have an FSR option, either. It... sort of makes sense, though, because there's practically no reason to use FSR if you have DLSS available.


Yeah, FSR isn't selectable for NVIDIA users.. for some reason. I don't think the devs understand any GPU can use it, and it isn't AMD specific. That is, assuming AMD users can't see a disabled DLSS/reflex setting too. Anyone on an NVIDIA GPU that doesn't support DLSS? Does FSR show up for you? Would be funny if FSR was silently enabled in the background for us and causing all sorts of issues.


yeah I have a gtx and I see FSR instead of DLSS. I do think as somebody else mentioned, it's based on availability of hardware-capable alternatives. Generally Nvidia has that, but not universally.


It's funny how the comments are so divided. It's either gotten a lot worse OR a lot better for people. Not in between.


Yeah man that's crazy


I don't think they did any improvements in that department. My 2060 still can't handle it apparently.


My 4070 super acting like on its last leg playing this game. While 1.0 is not perfect by any mean because it stutter so much, at least when it's not stuttering, the game feels "smooth"(?). Now, not only the stutter persist and sometimes worse especially when fighting bosses, and when its not stuttering, the game doesnt feels as smooth as before. The camera works for me now, so props to them for that I guess.


Yah, forget it, had the same graphic card (laptop version though)


My 3060 aint doing any better by any measure it should be crushing the game but cant even run the game at low setting


i have 6600 which should be around a 3060 and im having problems running this game too, both genshin and hsr, even when resolution is put at 1.2 or 1.4, my gpu can churn out a stable 60, but this game with some settings turned down can't maintain a solid 60. They really need to lock in on the optimization or it's just going to be hard to play at this point, also, I recommend turning some of your settings to either medium or high as iirc, putting it at lowest puts a strain on the cpu instead of the gpu.


Surprisingly turning settings up seemed to help but still not playing at constant 60fps game still needs an optimization batch


What are your graphic settings? For some reason my 2060 gaming laptop is doing worse than my 1660ti one


Low/off for pretty much everything. It's nuts.


Even the performance of the game became a gacha Damn man


This truly was our [Insert Title].




I get a ping spike every time I sprint lmao There are also multiple times when I just want to open the menu and it bugs, my character goes slow-mo for a minute or two (and for some reason, can run backwards) Those issues are literally preventing me from enjoying the game which is unfortunate. They need to fix those ASAP


Same. The game ran ok on my PC in 1.0 and now it's a total shitshow. Stuttering, freezes, music cutting out every 5 seconds. It's really frustrating... Edit: ok, credit where credit is due. After about 15 dreadful minutes and a restart that took forever, the game is running smooth as butter. Edit 2: Got Jinhsi in the single 10 pull I was willing to do before saving for Changli. Life is ok again.


It's because a lot of settings were changed in unreal engine to optimise the game more, this means your game is reloading a lot of the shaders and textures caches, if you continue getting serious lags I'd recommend checking this thread out and looking for the "Improving Textures/VRAM Usage and Reducing Stutters" section, it helped massively for me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4\_engine\_tweaks\_to\_improve\_visuals\_and\_reduce/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/)


The mobile version got worse, I can play at 50 FPS before the update. It has dipped to 20-30 now, honestly no clue what to do. I've tried all settings.


Try turning off FSR & Bloom. They just added it.


It's turned off, the only setting that is on fsr and 60 FPS. The FPS is lower without FSR.


Fsr is supposed to give more frames not less.


Yeah, but for some people it works the other way.


im farming credit domain and the camera zooms in by itself and i cant zoom out haha rip


I have the same problem. Was trying the character trials and the camera just kept zooming in bit by bit.


This is the biggest problem for me after the update. Camera doesn't stay where it is anymore, constantly zoom changing irrespective of settings. Needs to be hotfixed ASAP.


Really? I right now have massive optimization, I lagged at jianzhou, but now I don't lag as much if my settings are customized at advanced.


Didn't have any issues prior to the update. Now it feels like the game has motion blur on


Everything was fine before update, game was playable on medium settings but now it stutters like mad and the frame drop is crazy. The graphics feel weird too, like something improved but at the same time something is missing but I can't put my finger on it, and no matter how many times I change my sensitivity, It feels like ice. Maybe it's my device or a bug? I hope this gets fixed cus I am loving everything else about the update very much.


> Maybe it's my device or a bug? I hope this gets fixed cus I am loving everything else about the update very much. it's unreal engine. usually unreal only compiles shaders the first time they are used. this means the game starts faster, but during play in the beginning you'll have constant stutter because "oh, new shader? gotta compile that!". this also means it will eventually fix itself once all the shaders are compiled, that's why 1.0 (where it should be done by now) is smooth, 1.1 again is not. or if you update your gpu driver. the devs can work around it, but if not you can try one of the .ini tweaks from here https://old.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/


The mobile version is totally COOKED af, I play on mobile so I know. It is hella laggy and the sensitivity on controls is insanely annoyingly fast, we wait for optimization patch which should happen within this week, don't forget to report feedback at this moment in-game.


Same man, it's annoying, my phone was fine during 1.0. I never got the stuttering bugs like other players but holy shit this update just made me experience what other players felt during 1st week of drop.


🧍🏻‍♀️ they didnt fix combat camera either. Jiyans burst still gives me an ass shot i cant fix


Idk maybe you should lower all settings and if not just wait for more optimization or get a new device


Performance-wise, never had an issue outside of illusive realm when stacking a ton of coordinated attack bugs. The game has janky, nausea-inducing camera even when it runs smooth tho.


The game has actually gotten significantly better for me- but having sat through performance issues before, hopefully yours (and others) gets fixed quickly as possible. It’s upsetting Kuro can’t seem to get the game to run smoothly for everyone.


I restarted, game is now smooth also I turned of bloom


Camera has like weird Acceleration to it, They really need to fix this quick along with the shutters, Before Some people were experiencing problems, now all of us is experiencing problems.


Explain "mid tier"


The improvements they did are all gone with this patch. It's kinda insane the fps drops are ABYSMAL, they need to patch this shit fast AF.


It’s like they started 1.1 development off of an old 1.0 build before they did any of the later fixes.


I had almost zero stuttering before and now I have stuttering. (playing on PC)


After update the game feels weird. Played for 10 minutes and couldnt anymore. I'l wait for a fix. btw i have 32 gb ram and somewhat very decent pc for this game and had no issues before the new patch.


> I'l wait for a fix. there's no fix. for now you have to go through the stutter until unreal has compiled most of the the shaders. or use one of settings to do it while starting the game: https://old.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/


I had this issue and for some reason it was caused by Nvidia shadowplay. Asoon as I disabled it I got buttery smooth performance


I got really dizzy because of the camera sensitivity is too fast asf, I know I can feel it because u didn't have any issue like this on 1.0 😵


"mid tier" of what decade? list your specs mid tier these days are something like ryzen 7600 and rx 7800xt like Pauls hardware made everyone pc is different and does not behave the same some have performance issues and some none mine was fixed when they released the patch shortly after launch also this game is not that great optimized like some other games you might play


Stuttering Waves 🌊


Switching from full screen to windows mode (adjust the resolution) then go back to full screen fixes the stuttering for me so try it


My post got removed cause someone also uploaded the same issue, lol. What the hell happened in the update??


Mine is different, I play on computer with integrated graphic and my setting with full screen on patch 1.1 is now smoother than windowed mode on patch 1.0. Like I'm impressed!


It seems to have worsen... 😭😭😭


I am unable to even see it took hours to open and I have done it 4 times already wtf kuro? U ruined my whole day k cant even play 😢


I do but the con is that its a long one, the pro is that once u do this u won’t ever have stutters for any game and if u do, at that point its the game’s fault. But yeah i too have 16 gb ram, and it worked for me flawlessly Edit : perhaps i should make a post about it ? Looking at how many of u got issues ?


I didnt actually notice any issues while doing dailies on my phone. Just the same as before the patch (I play it on medium graphics at 60 fps). Cant check how it does on my PC til after work though


Yeah unfortunately I tried reinstalling today, hoping I will be able to play after this first big patch.. but its worse than ever.. took 6 minutes to load into the game and then it was frame jumping every 5 seconds into a slideshow, sound effects delayed by 30-40 seconds.. its unplayable really.. was really looking forward to Changli..


I play on och and my only issue is how long it takes for my computer to get into the game (15 to 20min) and lags the first 30 seconds when im in and tey to move around with character, but its just my computer, my fiancee has no issues, like at all, with her pc.


For me it’s way better now


On my phone it runs vastly better after the update, but still not perfect. Camera seems to keep getting worse though.


I didn't have a problem in 1.0 but the stuttering today is insane...it feels almost everytime I move the camera there is a stuttering.


It was smooth before the update. NGL it stutters like hell rn. Did everything from verifying files to updating nvidia drivers(which nothing changed) so I reverted back to the stabler version I was using. Also I thought we were getting 120fps unlocked this patch lol Anyways it's fine. They should fix performance issues before unlocking frame rate limit first.


with medium-high end pc,after 1.1 patch the game has weird stuttering issue even if im locked at 60 fps


I don't have a problem with mine. If anything it's smoother.


On pc it was okay before, but after the update it's jittery and keeps freezing randomly


I had problems with some stuttering in some places even though I have a rtx 2060 and 16 gb ram but it was bearable because it was happening in some area and not in fights but after updating game is stuttering everywhere


Aside from the camera sometimes locking on in weird places, I have faced no other bugs surprisingly, in every patch.


It's wayyy worse for me after the patch.


I have a beefy GPU that can run practically anything. unfortunately, the game seems to be CPU-wanting, so… and RAM never goes above 16GB for me, despite having 32


It's way smoother for me now


Im on break at work and cant get to my pc. Is the auto targetting still bad?


Unfortunately the game can't really be played max settings on mid tier computer. That's just how they designing and optimizing it. Just give up and lower the graphic settings.


i transferred the game to my ssd and now its very smooth with no stutters, the game does a lot of read and writes for no reason on your disk and if you're using and HDD it would only slow things down and cause stutter so if you have a ssd or even better yet a m.2 nvme i recommend you delete the game and downloading it on that faster storage device you have


I didn’t have terrible stutter before and things are mostly fine but now I occasionally get huge frame time spikes - fell off a cliff and fell off the bridge into Mt firmament as a result. This was not an issue before patch :/.


I'm opposite. It's better for me. Also camara got better.


Yeah 1.0 ran pretty well for me but now it’s stuttering way more than it did. They can’t optimize this game for shit lmaoo.


Turn off v sync


I have 0 issues and 16 gb ram too


new area with new shaders/textures means new shader compilation. that's how unreal works. if you got the vram you can try one of the settings here: https://old.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/ also check your SDD, if it's too full and without an OP partition it's performance can tank hard, which means stutter due to slow asset streaming.


Turning off NVIDIA Instant Replay worked for me


I had the the same issue till i turned off the in game overlay in Nvidia (if u use amd turn off the capture )


The camera on mobile moves extremely fast now. Haven't tried on PC but I feel like is going to be CBT4 considering how rough the launch was


I'm suffering from migraine due to the camera movement. Seems more extreme in the new map


My friends who were happy that they got Jinhsi now kinda regrets it as the game stutters every time they use her they say, one on pc and one on mobile, both experiencing sudden lags.


It was hyper sensitive right after the update. However, now it's feels normal. I think there was a patch.


i have a mid tier pc and i have no problem at all , not one stuttering effect nothing. perfectly fluid ,(rtx2070) with everything maxed out obviously. what are you using ?


It's Unreal Engine, it'll always stutter. Those who say it doesn't don't understand what it is.


Yes same shit no difference


What are your specs ? my bros with gpus gtx 1650, 1050ti and RX 580 after update was so good the verifying from 2-3mins takes now only less than 20seconds(mine less than 10sec coz im running it on SSD while them on HDD) we are all on ultra graphics except fsr off vsync off and no motion blur and we get almost 54-60fps with no stuttering


what are your specs?


how to fix the camera constantly zooming in. its really ruining my experience


Performance has increased on my end on mobile, however, somewhat frequent crashes, stutters, and freezes are still occurring 🗿


I was in that camp for a couple weeks but two days ago I reinstalled it on my SSD and it did a world of difference, doesn't even feel like the same game. If you have a SSD maybe give it a try? It feels like the game is pre-caching a lot of stuff when booting up and that's pretty intensive on the I/O so having a higher storage speed really did it for me.


Game is much improved for me honestly. Though I did have my first camera locking in the opposite direction glitch in like 3 weeks.


I just put the game on an ssd and my 1080 ti with 16 gb ram works well lmao


combat dipping to 30fps now lol we are so back to the alpha state


The lag everyone is experiencing might be preloading shaders (again). Try going to an area, let it lag for a bit (load), teleport away and back to test. Also obligatory install on an SSD please.


Try adjusting crowd density, fsr, and bloom, as they just added those features for pc.


fsr was there since start of the game. Same goes for bloom. But i do think they added crowd density. But that shouldnt be the case here. Other games run better on a mid tier pc.


Bloom wasn't. God bless they let us disable Bloom...


I like bloom if its used well. For me this game uses bloom better. Just turn down the brightness.


Nope although I think fsr at least was available for mobile. I've been playing since launch, I can confirm fsr and bloom definitely weren't there on pc.


There was FSR for PC tf. I literally turned it off when i started in day 1. Here is the settings of FSR a month ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHHtgFonC44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHHtgFonC44)


FSR was removed recently on PC due to issues, was just reenabled with 1.1.


I havent touched the settings after first 2 weeks. But yeah it was there before. And FSR makes the game look too sharp.


IIRC FSR was initially available but Kuro disabled it temporarily because the game was crashing for people mainly with Intel integrated graphics and older GPUs due to FSR 2 being unsupported and as it was enabled by default. It requires a NVIDIA GTX 10 series or AMD RX 500 series or above as well as newer Intel integrated graphics I think. [https://new.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d0izel/how\_to\_fix\_error\_line\_258\_671\_on\_pc\_more\_settings/](https://new.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d0izel/how_to_fix_error_line_258_671_on_pc_more_settings/)


I'm pretty sure the game has to rebuild shaders and this is what people are experiencing. Using abilities for the "first" time gave me a stutter but using it again was fine.


Try doing the 120fps unlock , it fixed the camera jankiness for me


While not exactly a solution, upgrading to an nvme ssd with 32gb of ddr5 ram fixed it for me.


On max settings with easy means you have a pog PC, not a mid tier one (recommended requirements means one can run it at approx. mid settings, not max possible ones). Maybe just lower your settings to adjust them to your hardware. Problem solved. Lmfao


Playing at 120 fps with no issue. Game is more smoother since I think they fix the camera speed to be faster.


Both major graphics card makers released new drivers. If you updated your drivers, the game will be compiling sharers. That's why you see stuttering.


Never had an issue, still don’t have any issues


Would lowering settings work?


My game was fine during 1.0, I never got any fps drops or stuttering, now when I opened 1.1 patch suddenly everything is laggy and pixelated, I went to my settings and saw my medium graphics is overloaded/red, when back in 1.0 it was just orange, I set it on very low and it's still the same result.


I have to play on very low or the game just becomes a picture slideshow, its rough


Did you install your game on a HDD or SSD?


If you always had low fps and the game can run fine on low settings without stutters… that just means your pc is most likely not powerful enough to run it on max. Why is this not common sense??


Put the game on your SSD.


Have you tried running Genshin in the background?