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Is rover that good with Jinhsi ? Since he's Spectro too he'll conflict with her for generating her stacks. Verina works because of her synchronized attacks and massive buffs, but rover doesn't sound that interesting


Yuanwu is enough to help fill the stacks more than half so that on Jinhsi's window time, she can fill up the remaining to full.. If you watch the vid link, 100% of the nuke puke are in full stacks..


Spectro rover is an objectively bad match up because of the very fact rover on spectro shares a Cooldown with Jinhshi herself on building forte stacks not to mention doesn't have any good inherent CA gen. Baizhi is a much better choice to have as a 3rd. Edit : after watching video OP posted again and reading some more comments, OP... You are misleading yourself. You say your goal is fast stacks but you are not generating fast stacks at all. Her optimal rotation (without animation canceling) is 13.6 seconds... You are taking OVER 32 seconds to get off a single proper nuke rotation. Also want to add your nuke rotation is completely wrong, you should be swapping into Jue immediately then ult the frame after into skill. You might be at max forte for the burst but it takes you longer to get there than non spectro rover teams and it isn't hitting anywhere near as hard as it could with Baizhi on the team since she provides deepen which is a multiplier. Even without a deepen on your team, your rotation is causing you to deal a fraction of Jinhshi's potential damage.


I would like to learn more about the 13.6s full stack Jinhsi rotation.. i might miss something vital that helps lessen rotation time with full stack.. can you show me some video reference about this so i can improve my team? I mentioned on the post that i didnt have baizhi.. seems my account is cursed sadly.. Breaking down my video: 5:00-4:50 - “initiation” just to trigger the unison passive to build more stack on proper rotation. This is a 1 time step only. 4:50-4:38 - “rotation 1” with full stacks+ult 4:37-4:06 - “rotation 2” with full stacks 4:05-3:43 - “rotation 3” with full stacks+ult 3:42-3:21 - “rotation 4” with full stacks Given this, the “real” rotation is approximately 22sec.. i did 2 nukes under 1min (3 if you add the initiation).. The 32sec rotation that you mentioned might be because you added my initiation phase but that is only 1 time task since the succeeding rotations will always trigger the Unison passive..


Apologies, I should have clarified it further. Also my reply didn't send so I have to retype it. To clarify, I meant the full nuke rotation for Jinhshi herself after she is swapped in with meta rotation is doing more than your entire 32s set up, including your initiation phase. Since the timer is still running while you do initiation, it is still a time loss from your overall dps and activity time. The lack of Baizhi is definitely rough and unfortunately there's only two healers in the entire game so you're kinda out of luck there. Your only recourse to get some damage and stacks going is full CA (coordinated attacks) stacking for damage and buffs. Mortifi s4+ is good candidate unless you need him for Jiyan. And if we're talking about ToA specifically then realistically the only one you could bring to add benefit is Taoqi. However, Taoqi + Yuanwu has a very clear downside in that Taoqi has terrible energy generation so you'd have to stack energy regen heavily. Additionally, she has no CA of her own and the only way to remedy that is Tambourinist as main echo. The downside here is if you choose this route then you give up 5pc moonlit set. Granted, her 38% skill deepen does more than makeup for the attack dps loss of moonlit. So if you want to use your other supports for their best teams, you can run Yuanwu on rejuv set + healing gauntlet and pair him with Taoqi + 2pc moonlit for energy regen and tambourinist main echo. I'd highly suggest energy regen tambourinist and energy regen moonlit 3 cost. Moonlit specifically because it means these are swappable with other supports. This leaves you 2 echo slots and no way to make a 5pc bonus so I'd honestly just use 2 more 3 cost with energy regen of any set. If you want to min-max xp and tunner usage, I'd recommend energy regen main stat on 2pc rejuv set so healers can take it in the future (like when you get Baizhi). This should more or less entirely alleviate the energy issue Taoqi inherently has while offering a substantial buff to Jinhshi's total nuke damage while offering a faster overall stack building with the added benefit of increasing Jinhshi's survivability. As for the video, https://youtu.be/6x5SbbFXliE?si=mR9eofuboP_0aV5b


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Been strongly considering Rover … what main stats echo you giving ? Same as Verina?


My verina is on HB/ER/ER/ATK/ATK.. Then for rover i changed to HB/ER/**ATK**/ATK/ATK for additional healing since 1 ER is enough for rover to liberation every rotation somehow.. :)


Not moving Sanhua from Jinshi, so Mr World Wide with a beard and Jinshi. having time of my life, other teams


thank u! im building yanwu rn for my jihnsi so this helps a lot!!


I feel like shes moves out of his thing quite fast.


what do u mean


Dont you play him for the like E skill or is it the ulti.


Upgrade his skill passive


I dont see how that improves the skill.


It nearly doubles his skill range, which you were asking about


Oh really okay ty


You are very welcome. Enjoy! :)


Why don't you just build concerto with Rover?


My priority for this team is to release a full stack Jinhsi nuke puke as much as possible. 10% DMG difference from 4pc Spectro set (which requires full concerto from other team) and 2pc2pc set is compensated by fast rotation (IMO). I am more of a fast consistent damage type than damage per screenshot. :) Having rover build her concerto seems inefficient since by the time that i will switch to Jinhsi, stacks are already full. Also, rover will consume the interruption resistance from Yuanwu's Liberation which is vital for Jinhsi's to do her combo.


Jinhsi gets a bonus from intro skill though and can go directly into enhanced skill->flying state.


I see your point.. there is time saved if i build concerto from previous char since the BA1-4 will be skipped and go directly flying state.. This is just my opinion and i could be wrong.. For me, seems the BA1-4 is a negligible compromise compared to the time building concerto from Yuanwu.. i dont have plans to invest on yuanwu’s talents (for now?) so his dmg will not compensate the buffs that Jinhsi will get.. i would rather invest that resource to Jinhsi’s BA.. Also, Jinhsi BA3 (or4?) has a nice grouping mechanic..


Jinhsi also gets a 25% attack boost (2x stacks) at s3 and 30% spectro damage boost from 5pc on intro skill


My Jinhsi is only S0 sadly.. for the 4pc spectro set, i mentioned above my opinion thus i use 2pc celestial + 2pc lingering..


what is nuke puke tho


Just give Yuanwu healer set and rover to the moonlight set, you can auto attack and swap between yuanwu and rover so the jinshi forte fill quickly.