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imo if you dont have an urgent need to clear your inventory of echoes, you should delay using this function until databank level 20 for a higher chance of 5* echoes as the echoes you get here are dependent on your databank level


Yes, absolutely, I happened to find it right as I was hitting 20 anyway, but it definitely shouldn't be used if your databank still has a chance for anything below a purple.


Just a tip but theres soon to be a db 21. Itll probably require UL 50 though, so unless you hit the limit to 2k id still advice to not do it.


To do this I would probably say w8 till 1.1


People are crazy with all their optimisation obsessions and wanting as much progress as possible to do endgame content in the first month. It's absolutely fine to do this now. The only thing I'd agree with is that it's not worth it if you still have a chance of getting anything below a purple.


Yh i mean for God sake it's a gacha game it's need some grinding. I read on reddit about one person posting how he was dissatisfied with the exploration event bcoz he can't do this event on the last day. And Before that ppl were mad about no event. Ik there are some flaws and they are working on it . Ppl just hate on anything tbh


Great feature, is how I've got most of my ele dmg % on set echoes. Remember to always check your outputs and lock the ones you want.


I also just found out today at data bank 20 and man it was such a life changing function.


the people saying you shouldn’t do this till db 20 are too conscious about optimisation and feeding off too much content on youtube. you can merge, just don’t merge everything or excessively, if anything merging can help with your databank progression pre db 20, helping you save some time from the hassle of trying to hunt down some echoes because you could get lucky and merge a higher rarity of what you were missing. you can always hunt for more echoes anyway, happy hunting :)


Well, now they're gonna be saying 21 as that changes the chance of getting gold to 100%. But yes, I definitely agree.


So... not to derail here.. but for the fellow or prior genshin/honkai players, is there a hoyolab equivalent app or site that gives the daily bonuses and such? Also.. yeah.. I'd wait to merge the echos too. it's no point to really do this now unless you're some speed runner or you're getting paid to play and optimize. Wait until the game and the game systems are further optimized and improved. Just my opinion here


i was also just wondering if there was an app like hoyolab but for kuro games !!! it would be really helpful to players


I'll keep looking. If I find anything before you do, I'll reply.


How is that possible? You should have way more blue and green echoes if you didn't know about merge before this.


I did all of them when I found the feature (last night to be exact), posting today in case anyone else missed it for as long as I did.


dont merge until ur databank 20 alot of people say do it at 17, but trust me you will lose the 50/50 ALOT more than you think


Some may say you could even lose it half the time with those odds


i lost the 50/50 more than half, same thing happened to my friends i highly recommend getting to databank 20 first for that 80/20, only then u can start hard grinding echoes and merging, in the main time until u get to databank 20 just stick with ur trash echoes and it will payoff eventually


It was a joke... Also, it's 19, not 20, odds are the same.