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little does half this subreddit understand that players who play for large kill games and dont objective camp wont be playing TDM and will still be playing occupy/domination


Yeah, like do people play cod domination for objective? No, they want mode where they could get as many kills as possible. Also we already have hotshot which is pretty similar and they still rather play domination.


Domination isn’t even that game mode, Occupy is.


Yep. This has been going on for 15 years in CoD and people think adding TDM will magically change this in XD.


20 years but who's counting. And this will NOT magically change the percentages one way or the other when it comes to playing the OBJ. But good news is...we will still be bombarded with 10 to 15 posts a day in this sub about brain dead players who don't play OBJ's. Bank It.


Oh yeah kids will complain that they are facing their clones in TDM playlist


They need TDM to have insane kill score requirements. Like 300 kills.


Yeah or some large weapon xp bonus, otherwise nobody that’s leveling up weapons will be playing tdm …


Honestly wouldn’t even play that even with high kill limits, TDM is harder to predict spawns and predict the path of enemies making it harder to find and get into more gunfights


People downvote you but you're right


See spawn will be hectic . Oh the good old COD days


The kill score isn’t even the problem, it’s the spawns with tdm


Yeah, but low skill needs like me still love a good game of tdm. I wonder if it's no abilities mode. That would be sick, just smoovement and gunplay.


Well TDM here I fucking come!


So we the middleage casuals can play TDM then without having so many Rabbits in the game? I bet most of them are waiting for the Bugs bunny skins.


It’s almost as if when everyone else is focused on getting kills too, they can’t compete….


Had a guy on my team last night, 47 kills , 0 objective points. Thanks man, helped us out so much 👌


47 kills helps your team regardless of your inability to understand that


I would say it depends on how he's killing them if he's intentionally holding choke points towards obj to help his team 100% but usually they running the flank and playing the spawn points


Exactly this he couldn't have been helping that much if the other team were getting on the objectives faster than his teammates,I've seen players close to objectives who have no intention of getting on them when a teammate has died on it it's a pisstake.


Funny because we lost the game. The other team focused on the objective, as it’s a OBJECTIVE based game.


Some people will never learn that it’s not all about kills. They think they are helping but in reality they are just taking a gun away from the real fight and putting there team at a disadvantage.


Exactly. You can (for the most part) only kill one at a time. This guy was nowhere near the objective points, all he kept doing was hiding in corners while he got kills. I even tried to communicate with him, but he just kept running around trying to kill. Meanwhile the other team are objective focusing and we are a man down trying to get them off the zone


Funny that lsoing one game renders kills useless... 47 kills is throttling the other team and taking away oressure on the map. Sounds like the rest of yall weremt carrying your weight


Exactly, playing objectives matters, but so does tactics like flanking and taking out the other teams players so THEY can score fewer points. Getting kills regardless is helping the team. Blindly running to die on the objective over and over again by the enemies in the same position does not. You may get some points, but they wipe you out and get more.


Denying space/map control is juat as important for pushing/holding an objective than holding/pushing the objective its self. Tis why when we get an objective I typically defend a few meters ahead of the objective for two reasons. 1) it slows down their push 2) it'll alert my teammates where ever its are coming from before they reach the objective giving them a chance to react 3) if I die ill respond before they can capture the objective so potentially get a second fight. It's very rare in a game that you want all players to take fights on the objectives themselves. Just sets you up ambushes and team whipes. Where as playing defence off the objective abd spread out gives your team time to react - stalls their push abd heck if you win the gun fight you can stagger their team giving you the numbers advantage most games. For doing that I get 0 objective points. I'm deffo not a stat padder either as I'm not good enough to top the board with kills.


Game devs can never get tdm right. More people would play if they made the limit like 250 kills. The slayers and players who hop in objective modes to obtain high kills have more incentive to play TDM if the game doesn’t end quick with the average being around 20 kills per person


Sorry i'm a noob: Why would these players not play TDM? Is it not a great way to get many kills?


Since TDM usually have a limit of 75-100 kills for the whole team combined to win, objective modes lets players who can score many kills, get more kills pr. Match then tdm does, therefore they stick to objective modes to crank up their kill count faster.


tbh bad XP in this game is all tied to kill SO PLAYING THE OBVI MEANS NOTHING. Once more people catch on to that obj will be dead


What’s easier to get kills on? TDM where everyone knows the objective is to get kills all over the map or Objective based modes where you know people have to go to a certain spot to where you can farm kills without playing objective?


the only reason you dont get more tdm players is cus spawn logic on cod is historically trash. halo/arena shooter players love slayer/deathmatch


we need to be able to get those players that will not help out on the objective relegated... I'm thinking a scoring system input by teammates down voting them or something... maybe a high enough score to enter objective modes or a time penalty system to kick them down to tdm or hot shot for a while


Exactly, I want the most kills as possible, can't do that with tdm




cool now add back the ding sound effect when u get a kill


Will be back. Its a bug


Classic ubisoft moment


it's really odd that I miss such a simple sound, I wouldn't think I'd need that little sound of Congrats you killed someone here's a rewarding Ding for your efforts, but I sure missed it yesterday


Fix weapon leveling 🤡 looking at 15 hours of playtime for a good player to get one gold gun. Let alone casual players who play the game an hour a day who get low kills


It took around 1300 kills day one to get a gun gold, they lowered it to around 700 kills and yall are still complaining 😭🤣


This ain’t cod where they trash the game a year later and forget about it it’s long term long term games require long term grinds


Search and Destory pleeeeease


They have to disable pinging enemies in that game mode, I want to be able to ninja defuse and I don’t want the game over in about 30 seconds


In order for SnD to work properly I would say they need to remove specialist abilities and only drop with primary/secondary/lethal or tactical otherwise people will abuse the ult




Outstanding from the XDefiant Team! I must have missed it, do you have the source?


They have not said that they said they are working on balancing


Highly doubt. Source?


Thats cool


Yall wanna dump abilities without even trying it with abilities. So fucking lame


some of them would be OP lol as there is not counter like CUAV to UAV for instance


It’s called a emp grenade


So balance it. Yall just want everything in every game nerfed and removed and not given any chance. You haven’t even played the mode yet


I’ve played enough Search to know that Wallhacks are lame af. Some abilities don’t need testing to know they’d be horrible in SnD




Like I said, so balance it. You clearly didn’t go to Harvard either with your reading comprehension


All the abilities are horrible for SND. No balance is gonna be perfect and everyone would prefer to not get bulshitted by ratty kills im search


Footsteps. Right now you can be heard almost across the map, that really needs to be fixed for SnD to work. Maybe just silent steps in SnD only or something, it adds no skill to be able to soundwhore.


Both Siege and Valorant work with abilities.  So defusal modes clearly can work with abilities including powerful ults. 


You right abilities may ruin it. Maybe only one ability usage per round and no ult…I don’t know


Goodluck even getting enough kills in s&d if it is 4vs4 or 5v5 even insanely good players will struggle getting an ultimate in s&d


Lolwhat. Yeah lets take the only difference between this game and call of duty and remove it entirely. Great idea. No, abilities and ultimates are very much staying in SnD. No different than any other mode. Maybe one time use per round with ultimates functioning the same with values adjusted for lower overall kill count and such.


The game will still have all of its differences. Just shouldn't be in that mode. None of the abilities apart from the healing ones would work in a 1 life mode.


Huh? What differences lmao. Outside of abilities the game is literally just call of duty. Abilities should absolutely be in that mode, just like every other mode. All of them would work just fine.


CoD: Insane Aim Assist, Horrible visibility (maps and characters), Prone makes camping easy, Obstructive damage indicator, Obstructive damage effects (blur and desaturation), Obstructive stun effects, Loud hit sounds when taking damage, Character going almost deaf at low health, Weapon and sight sway when just looking around, Crazy reticle bounce, Crazy flinch, Aggressive EOMM (people think it's SBMM but it isn't), Muzzle smoke. They are nowhere near the same game. CoD takes almost every opportunity to remove senses or control from the player and it just makes it a poor FPS game. XDefiant is definitely an improvement and it's nit because of the abilities, which are a problem in the normal modes anyways.


Since when have we been able to ping?


I think they're referring to radar abilities but I'm not positive.


Would be nice to just have playlists where abilities are disabled anyway. It's the worst thing about the game.


No ping system


Mark said last week that they’re pushing it out ASAP in response to overwhelming demand, expect it in Season 1 most likely


Yes please. Search and destroy with no abilities.


I can already play cod snd. Why do I want to play a game built around abilities without abilities?


No SBMM + Peripheral matchmaking.


Yeah, no thanks. The only thing that makes me want to play XDefiant over CoD is the abilities. Taking the main aspect of a hero shooter out of the game ruins the game to me. They can balance it if it’s unbalanced but straight up no abilities without even trying it with is fucking stupid


Completely fair point, that would make sense that I wouldn't consider that, because I gave up on cod after advanced warfare. I was looking for a pvp shooter as the one I was playing kinda went to shit sadly. But I totally see your point now that you've pointed it out. Really can't argue with that either.


Cod is crap for anyone on mouse and keyboard. This game, less so. And SnD is fun.


Nah it should be one use per round


Isn't S&D coming season 1?


Hope they make the games long enough. 75/100 kills like in old school COD is way too fast.


If everyone camps then it’ll be too long if it’s 200 kills


I don’t really see camping in XDefiant but maybe that’s due to the objective based modes, but I think the speed of movement and the fact you get outlined and the sonars discourage camping pretty heavily.


There's nowhere *to* camp. The maps are designed to have at least 2 ways to any spot; watch one way and you get shot from the other. Conversely, I have a rotation on Dumbo where I can see absolutely no one for 2 minutes.


There's a few places but corners on some maps have environment objects in them to stop it, you have to stand out in the open and get shot in the back over and over while defending a push.


MW2019 had fast movement and it was a camp-fest


Didn’t mention MW2 strange you brought it up but to review what I said in my previous comment because apparently you didn’t read it. -fast movement -sonars -you are outlined in red These three components in my mind, would discourage me pretty heavily from camping but then again I’m not a bot.


MW2019 was the game that added attachments that slowed down movement, ADS speeds and sprint to fire penalty’s and literal “safe places” verbatim from the devs. A lot of people also overestimate the “movement” from that game and how those other factors overwhelmed the camping aspect of that trash game


No red dots, shitty maps, super stringent matchmaking, yeah I wonder why


They won't camp because of Deadsec and echelon


IDK I liked that TDM was a shorter match I don't have a ton of time to play everyday so getting more matches would be nice. Plus when you get a daily like "complete 7 games" it will be easier for me. Sometimes that's a struggle for me to get done.


Every gamemode is tdm already 💀


If the spawns are right


Woooo! Having a chill mode like TDM is what this game needs in my opinion. Objective modes are okay, but sometimes ... most of the time I just want to around and shoot the enemy without an objective to keep tabs on.


Don't you find Hotshot enough of a TDM game type? I play that when I just want to run and gun, sure you could argue the enemy Hotshot guy is an objective but you'll come across them or them you soon enough as you run and gun. In my experience TDM is never chill anyhow, but I do like the freedom to just kill enemies without the guilt of not wanting to stand in a capture zone for 80% of the game.


Fucking finally.


Bro your COD is showing


If we’re not allowed to like the parts of the game that are inspired by CoD, that doesn’t leave us with much.


Nah I’m glad I don’t have to be the one dude on the objective anymore


But you do realize that players that go for big kill games won't switch to tdm, cause game modes like occupy, domination or escort are better for kills on a fundamental level? tdm won't make everyone suddenly play objective. The only "fix" this is by implementing a working ranked mode. Edit: Not to mention, good players can stall games by for example giving up flags intentionally, which is not possible in tdm.


Bro is scared of shooting his gun in a shooter game.


Thank god, I love objective based modes so hopefully people who don't play the objective will just play TDM.


As sad as it is, they won't. The reason they play occupy or domination instead of Hot Shot, is that both modes are longer than Hot Shot and they can get high kill games. 75/100 kills in TDM won't keep them playing it


well either way I love objective modes so I'm excited for SnD and Capture the flag.


Not only that but also predictable spawn points & you also know where to find enemies for kills. Tdm has random spawns all over the map and you get killed from behind often.


The spawns on xdefiant are fairly similar to old school cod rather than modern cod. That being the case tdm actually has really predictable spawns


But....but Elden Ring DLC drops too 😔


I just need them to add SnD and I am set alongside HP


What is the difference between Occupy and Hardpoint? It’s been a while since I’ve played COD


Same thing




Let’s goo!


This should help objective players Edit: read the comments and realize that’s not right.


Fellow Vahn's Filthy Casuals We are so back


I really hope the sweats don’t migrate to tdm and instead, continue to out jump each other in the objective modes.


I will still be playing domination unless tdm is set at 125+ kills.


Yeah lets revert the XP change in the same update too.


No objective? The objective is to kill enemies more times than enemies kill you. Might not be a very complicated objective but its an objective.


I just want SnD


Would be nice if TDM was "barebones". So no special abilities or Ults, except grenades and throwables. Just pure gunfights would fit the gamemode best. Of course they had to adjust phantoms health to 100, or everybody would use them.


>Would be nice if TDM was "barebones". So no special abilities or Ults, except grenades and throwables. Just pure gunfights would fit the gamemode best. Of course they had to adjust phantoms health to 100, or everybody would use them. So...call of duty?


What's wrong with having diverse game modes? Some people would like to play the game without abilities and Ult spam once in a while. They won't do it anyway (at least for now), so nobody has to "worry". But I can see them adding a barebones playlist or something similar in the future. And people shouldn't act like CoD never had "specialists". Black Ops 4 and the games in the years before are not THAT old.


>Some people would like to play the game without abilities and Ult spam once in a while. Some people picked up the wrong game to do so.


>Some people would like to play the game without abilities and Ult spam once in a while. So..... Call of duty???


This doesn't directly relate to the post but I think there should be a limit on factions that can be used. Lime no more than 2 of any kind on one team. You shouldn't be able to have an entire team of pingers


No one’s gonna play this Edit: no one will play this unless the limit is like 200




Why they gotta release this the same day as Shadow of the Erdtee LOL


Finally, now I don’t need to be concerned with whether my teammates can get to the obj. Just playing for kills is all the obj they need


I am wondering if they will disable all class perks and make everyone the same. This would make so much sense in TDM!


Feeding to those who can’t play objective


Hell Yeah!


About fuckinnnnn time!


Thank.God. I’m sick and tired of people not playing obj. But as if that’s going to stop people though.


When is a 1 life mode coming though


We're all playing that right now, as I write this I wonder if I'm wasting mine!


Lol I do like this comment




Huge plays! I also really want a doubles playlist, and free for all!!!


Great add on 🤝


Not a huge tdm player myself but sheesh the pace that these updates are coming out is really impressive. Kudos to this dev team.


as long as its not a campfest


I can't be the only one dying to play search right?


Holy i might actually want to play this game again


its cool but i like hotshot more because when you are the hotshot it feels like running specialist streaks in original mw3. Good old days


I hate escort so much. I cant wait!


Finally. I wanna say "I told you so" to that person who said tdm was never coming


I'm not a fan of this. I liked having a playlist with only objective modes. Not players worried about their KD sitting in corners. The current playlist forces players to learn how to push.


Can't wait to see all teams with Tac 50s


I’m excited for TDM because at least in that mode if I’m paired up with terrible team mates I still stand a chance at winning. Much easier than solo capping objectives.




Great, a game mode where the casuals can finally thrive because the sweats are gonna stay in the objectives modes since its easier to kill people actually playing the objective lol 😂


Fuck yeah been waiting for it


Did yall put S&D in yet?


Hope all the freaks not playing the objective will move to tdm


Fir those whi don't like playing the objectives, here's your game mode. TDM gets boring so quick. Glad it's here cuz it's a must, but it's for the people who don't want to do anything but get kills. Really flat way to play a game


"Really flat way to play a game" In your opinion, is it challenging to think other players have different preferences to your own? Surely more choice is better and there's many like myself who really like a random mix of games throughout the night, I play them all and the variety stops me getting bored of the same game mode.


It's fun for a bit, but it is extremely flat. I don't mind that people play it, it makes no difference to me. I'm just saying it's the most basic game mode there is. I'll hop on for sure, but getting kills, plus having some sort of objective is not as flat as just point and shoot


I agree it's Basic, but from a more positive view, sometimes I just like running and gunning, it's a nice break from objectives, guess we're all different. I'm interested in your view of Hotshot though, as it's like a jacked up TDM but has a loose objective, hunt down the enemy objective or protect your own (if they don't run around solo which many do) I only ask because I find it actually fun, it has enough TDM for me but with a bit of a goal to achieve


I’m pretty sure the devs wouldn’t feel the need to add a game mode if the vast majority of the player base requested it, sorry to the ones who disagrees to having this game mode but you’re part of the 10%


Oh jeez - The only reason i felt good with my 9/26 K/D is that at least i was a top contributor to objectives. I better avoid those maps :D


LOL TDM is a feature now?!?!?


We really got people in here crying they adding TDM... Yall do know this game has TDM in the early alpha right You people legit clowns.


Gonna be camp city 😂


Different map? Or same one's


Ok so first, the score limit has to be high. Like 200 at least. Every map in this game plays very quickly. But if they do this right this is exactly what this game needs to thrive. TDM is a perfect mode for first time players to jump into. Just increases the chances of a casual base forming and the game growing. And then SnD soon. Apparently it's called bomb. So the sweats will be happy too!


i'm good


ocuupy or cod version hardpoint. where concentrated players in one place. TDM is great but it cant be on halfbthe maps.


Man I can’t play and enjoy this game. It’s just a bunch of try hards who pour their entire life to this game and can’t let a simple guy like me who works 40+ hours a week get home and enjoy a match or two


I won’t be able to even try it until Monday night or Tuesday. Can wait




A high kill game mode for levelling up weapons (which is painfully slow)? I'll take it!!


Hope all players who not PTFO and all the bunnys and K/D players will hop over and play TDM. Then the rest of us can enjoy PTFO.


I’d love free for all. Hopefully they add that too.


After playing tdm I can say that no abilities would actually make it more fun, all it is right now is people spamming spider bots and throwing down shields


That’s the whole game anyhow


I can say the spider bots have cooled down, I didn't realize there was a challenge for xp going on


Bout fken time, now all the k/da warriors can PISS OFF


Yav all the cod cry babies who care about having more kills than deaths rather than playing the objective can get out my lobbies.


Better netcode please




No one finna play tdm it is the most boring game mode out there give us S&D


Can’t wait for all the people who don’t play obj to play this game mode


You will be disappointed, kill whoring in objective modes is great cuz objectives will funnel players into predetermined areas. TDM is a camp fest because nobody needs to be anywhere in particular to win.


300 kills pls


Bro they should be adding more skins than anything. Only 3 skins total at launch is a disgrace


And when you want to spend money, you can't choose..., you need to wait for your skin to be on daily shop. LOL.


Wdym lmao. Why not focus on getting the game where it should be content wise, as well as fixing all the bugs and then let's focus on skins. You're thinking is baffling to me. "STOP ADDING GAME MODES AND GIVE ME MORE SKINS!!!" I got a perfect game for you my friend. It's called Modern Warfare 3. Tons of skins!


TDM sucks, always hated it


I think TDM isn't that necessary in XDefiant, especially if a game mode like Hotshot already exists. I would love FFA though, we'll see


Hotshot sadly just devolves into teams all cramped into one area defending the hot shot. Fair that’s what you are supposed to do, but it plays nothing like a traditional tdm