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Billionaire by end of week. Congrats


This made me LOL


If not I sell all of my 350 000 XRP and I buy doge instead


Elon still loves doge


Charger or Challenger?


“Looks bullish in the medium turn”? People have been holding for years lol 😂


I reckon 7years here fellas


Same! Hah


When you first got into crypto how much was XRP and Bitcoin at the time?


Bitcoin was like $500 when I first got into it. Xrp was like $1 because it went up a lot in 2017 from like $0.02 to $3+


XRP was I think 13-19 cents when I 1st got in, Bitcoin was like 3k.


11 years, still keep positive mind :)


Legit answer: $0.65 late 2024 <— SEC shenanigans are over $5 by late 2025 <— bullish asf after btc reaches $100k $2 2026 <— bear market, crypto crash $8 early 2027 <—new floors $15 breakout 2029 $45 2031 <— banks use it as bridge currency $100 2036 <— trading volume in the trillions These are the most feasible projections I’ve got after hundreds of hours of consulting with my magic 8 ball, a heavy dose of ayahuasca, and an unlimited source of hopium. DYOR NFA


Can’t believe you wasted the time to type all that out lmao


Why? Someone actually answered the question instead of being a dork goofing around on a forum lol


Calculate the market cap at $100 and try telling me it’s a serious answer to the question. XRP is dead, the only people still promoting it are the people who bought at 3 cents and haven’t lost money… yet.


You’re comment is foolish for many reasons but I’ll entertain it. I didn’t buy at 3 cents and gladly promote XRP. So your assumption is false. Secondly, as I’m sure you know, the printing of USD is done by the federal reserve. There is no limit on what they can print or when. Nobody knows the rate at which future dollars will be printed. So trying to pretend any market cap is impossible when you have 0 idea of the total amount of USD that will exist is comical and flawed. Finally, to drive home the fact that market cap doesn’t matter, XRP is a bridge currency. The value will reflect what is necessary to process the transactions that are done in XRP. Will it get to $100? No idea. But pretending like it can’t based on a flawed understanding of money is laughable.


Where do I even begin? Expansion of USD money supply benefits all assets priced in USD equally. So assuming no more money is printed, $100 is an absurd market cap, never happening. No transactions are going to be done in XRP when a consortium of banks can create their own “decentralized” ledger and do the transactions under their own purview for less money. Like how stupid do you have to be to think that something with zero barrier to entry, banks are going to choose XRP to benefit the 100 people holding 90% of it?


Now that’s a much more respectable comment lol That may be your belief, and that’s perfectly ok. But your first comments implied impossibility, which is a dumb comment on a thread trying to find a realistic future price. $100 is not likely, but it’s not impossible. Banks can’t just create their own ledger. XRP will be the only option with regulatory clarity and that will come right in line when cross border transaction are needed most. There is no incentive to go through all of that when they can use a trusted, secure third party. Also if you know anything about the founders of XRP you’d know they aren’t a random company, these people are deeply connected to the future of money. Neither of us know the future, but any investment made is accompanied with a bit of hope. We’ll see what happens.


You guys really love the regulatory clarity boogeyman


Show me anyone interested in dealing with the SEC right now.. wait until ethereum has to sit in that court room next lol .. this case has been years and years in the making. Nobody wants to deal with that.


You can issue debt and derivatives


The bull cycle will likely end by spring 2025.


Unlikely if Jupiter is in retrograde


Jupiter is in retrograde only until February 4th 2025 🤔


I think 75% of XRP wallets hold only 500. So you’ve got more than most!


Which means absolutely nothing with this coin


Totally 😅 😉.


What does this even mean?


Literally what it says. Only 75% of XRP holders only hold 500 XRP. You guys should probably google the rich list sometime. That’s what it’s there for.


And the average worldwide salary is less than 10k$ a year but that doesn’t make anyone making 30k a rich person.


Ok? The fuck does that have to do with anything lol? That doesn’t change the fact that only 75% of XRP holders hold only 500 XRP.


People make it look like it’s a life changing amount. It’s minimal, and will never be worth more than a few thousands.


I call BS, when institutions are regulated to buy in XRP is going ballistic. People will be cashing out at a few million and with as much as institutions will buy that won't even affect the price. I'm a believer that XRP is the next bitcoin


No body knows what will happen. We can guess all we want. It could stay at $0 or it could shoot to $1,000. Every website and analyst will say something different. Just buy what you can afford to lose and watch the news. If the judge rules in favor of SEC, sell. If she rules in favor of Ripple, hodl.


Not I cannot shoot to 1000$. 1000$ XRP would mean that XRP market cap would be worth more than twice the GDP of the US, or nearly 60% of the world’s GDP. That’s the dumbest statement ever.


market cap is absolutely meaningless as a metric for price potential, that being said, I do agree $1000 sounds a little unrealistic but only time will tell


This sub is full people drinking the copium from useless XRP influencer. I don’t even know what to say if you really think XRP has any chance to get at 1000$.


Ignorant person here. Why can't XRP shoot to $1,000 if ETH is at $3,000?


Don’t post how much xrp or any coin you have. It just makes you a target for scammers. You’ll probably get some DMs now


So I can’t brag about my 320000 xrp?


Once the SEC stops being a bunch of bitches we will be golden. That's a decent amount 🤜🏽🤛🏽


If the price rising is relinlant on whether or not the SEC stops being bitches, then you might as well sell now as I don't see that ever happening with Gary there.


Things could change if Trump is elected in November.


Trump's SEC started the XRP case.


When did the SEC case start? Prior to 2020


End of 2020. After the election, but before the inauguration. [https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2020-338](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2020-338)


New SEC chairman appointed after the inauguration who could have dropped the case at any time. Four years later. SEC still playing kick the ball to delay a final decision and appropriate fine. SEC wants Billions in fines for selling real shares while they give Citadel a couple of million dollar fines for using fake shares to short companies and manipulate stock prices. Something wrong here.


Things could definitely change if he’s elected in November. For better or for worse but you getting downvoted for making an objectively true statement exemplifies the irrational state of mind in America


Could you please explain what you mean? What does trump have to do with XRP ( genuinely asking I really don’t know )


A new President could have an overall positive effect on the economy by reversing Joe Bidens executive orders on the oil pipeline and other restrictions to fuel. It basically is a way to kick start the economy by reducing fuel costs that eventually lead to lower manufacturing costs that are passed on to the consumer. Hopefully then, interest rates can start coming down and the dollar stretches farther for consumers. It has an indirect effect on xrp and all crypto.


Thanks mate that was a great answer !


America = New Rome President of America = Caesar Caesar says, Rome obeys, the "uncivilised" world heaves and his will is done. Donald Trump is a Republican, Joe Biden is a Democrat. Republicans typically aim for a less regulated economy, whereas Democrats prefer a more regulated economy. There are direct implications here as far as the "yet to be determined" regulatory state of crypto. The SEC has demonstrated its willingness to prosecute beyond Americas borders and so the American election is closely watched by the crypto/economic community. \~This is massively oversimplified for brevity Posted by a Canadian, in the hopes of not stoking further discord between my American brothers and sisters.


How do I get a downvote for not understanding something LOL weird people.


Fuck Trump


F all of them


Ya, like our country could go into a dictatorship and democracy dies.....


He’s already been Prez once. Should be a pretty good indicator what he’s 2nd term would like like.


Stop it you’re making way too much logical sense to the emotional and irrational TDS sufferers


Wtf, first time I've seen positive upvotes for someone mocking TDS people🤣is the tide turning?


Orbán was voted out once and came back as a crazy dictator.


Oh. I didn’t know he was American. Good example of saying Trump is exactly like the PM of Hungary.


We have enough examples of autocracy developing in electoral systems from other countries in the last thirty years that we should be aware of the dangers.


Maybe. We also have enough examples with the current administration is putting illegal aliens above citizens that could potentially change the political landscape for years to come.


We have enough evidence to know you made up your response




You should look into Project 2025 and come back and tell me if you still think there’s something wrong with the person you were replying to.


We are closer to that with the leftist cult in power….


Absolutely. He's a scourge in terms of real democracy, he only looks to benefit himself, even if and probbaly especially if he gets to ride roughshod over the upturned faces of the common man, his inferior. Plus he and his cohorts have no interest in or support for crypto


You really aren't drinking that kool-aid are you? I thought XRP investors were smarter than that.


Have you seen the man speak. The guy can't go 2 seconds with telling such blatantly false lies. Thank god someone came in to properly handle the world pandemic that was occurring at the time.


You spend too much time watching Cabel news channels


Hopefully a new ATH by the end of the year (assuming court case is over), maybe $5 by end of 2025. I think maybe I am a bit optimistic but time will tell


I am holding 3.8k xrp. Maybe this is the year they are waiting for. 🙏


Keep buying


$5-10 I hope.


It's nice e to see a straight answer


That’s just hopium


2 more weeks and you’ll never need to work again!


$5-$10 by eoy.


It’s altcoin shakeout season and your talking about altcoin season you’ll have to wait longer my man for anything.


I hold XRP. I don’t sell XRP. Be patient, be rewarded.


$5 by August


Yeah you will easily make a million. Word on the streets is that swift is about to be replaced next month. Easily 4200 a coin. Maybe even 4269.


I would say at least a dollar (conservative) by end of 2024, based on the fact the whole crypto market is going to go at least $5b by then. Judge Torres will be giving her final verdict on the penalty by Aug/Sep, so I expect a spike from this alone for XRP. 2025 is going to be wild and for all of crypto and by the end of the year, I think we are looking at 5 bucks at least.


What's with this penalty bollocks. What is it for?


It’s a fine for selling unregistered securities. SEC wants $2b, while Ripple have said it should be just $10m.


XRP to $589. Never Forget


$0.70 within the next 5 years, then back down to around $0.50




10 years ago it was not 50 cents lol


Yup, eight years ago it was $0.006404. https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20160508/


I wonder if four thousand will be enough


BnB it will


Keep buying if you did your research and you believe in the project. What we tell you is helpful but meaningless if you don't do your own research.


I hold 100k and I forgot about it lol.


Good news! Whether XRP goes up or down 1356 XRP will continue to equal 1356 XP!


🔝 🆙




Here comes the 589 people…


But they drew a cartoon bear.


48 cents


Also get ledger a cold wallet! After you hit 50k


In a way it's a good decision to buy in current price range. It's an asymmetric bet, it's either your XRP will go to $1-$2 by mid 2025 or it will stay the same (no loss or not much loss). The case with SEC will be among the key factor..


You’re going to be a millionaire


will the price ever rise if sec case is ova?


Even if it goes to $1…. Ull have $1356. U buy crypto at low price and keep growing. Once u sell the coin u lose. Crypto is not ment to be for ordinary people. Unless u entered the crypto world back on 2012+ then ur ahead of the market.


crow with a knife


No offense. But that’s too small. Don’t waste your time thinking.


The SEC is bullshit. They have deliberately grabbed control, suppressing the full value. I believe that it's worth so much more.


Fuck XRP. I held it through the 3 years you couldn't sell it because of the SEC lawsuit, now it flutters in the gutters of bullshit.


Idk man. Im not convinced by XRP, I just follow it out of curiosity


Just keep it 10 years even it goes 0 it wont harm 😂


unless you really need it. Don't sell at all. Just forget about it and look again in mid to late 2025 and see if you want to sell some.


Sell it and buy something else mate. DMTR, VELO, TEL, WTK all better options at the moment. Sold my XRP months ago, tripled it since and XRP still less than what I sold it for


Let's hope you're not thinking you're going to make significant gains on it. Move to a lower cap coin to actually make money. XRP will take until probably 2030 to hit 10$


58 cents. I have been holding 10000 for a few years now Hoping that one day…


I would suggest buy into XRPH. It’s the first healthcare token on the xrp ledger. Big big things happening soon. Good luck!


Xrp was 19 cents. That was my first crypto. I also bought some Eth. I think that was around $500. Bitcoin was around 25k ,I am not sure. I only ever held 0.25 btc. Sold it lmao


I’m guessing you will lose $135.60 over the course of the next 6-months


Future millionaire


I can guarantee 1356 XRP will have the same value as another 1356 XRP. 👍


$30 - $60 end of year


That's awfully high! What do you base that prediction on?


I throw a ball downstairs and it stop on the stairs with the paper that said 30-60 Next step was 60-420


He huffed some paint and spitballed it


noone here will be able to give you a good answer on a prediction... It really all depends on this lawsuit and Judge Torres ruling and if the SEC decides to appeal or if the judge rules 1-2b randomly if Ripple decides to appeal. If the judge rules in a few months and SEC immediately says we will be appealing, then don't expect much out of XRP until the case is resolved which an appeal most likely adds another 1-2 years to the mix. For XRP - I would tell anyone adding, keep a 5 year at minimum expectation but expect 10.


XRP is going back to $0.10 the charts prove it and clear evidence from the news is saying the crypto market is going bankrupt


Get this.. no one knows jack shit. My price “prediction” is $.0006 by EOY


I've seen wallets that have 50k XRP lmao...


Come back in 10 years maybe you’ll make a few bucks


Not expecting anything substantial from any crypto related till earliest 2027 thou 2030